204 Repositories
Android repository-pattern Libraries
PoC 결과 사내 발표 자료 - Choreography Saga Pattern (with SQS, SNS)
PoC-Choreography-Saga-Pattern-Kotlin PoC 및 사내 발표 자료 - Choreography Saga Pattern (with SQS, SNS) 아쉽게도 Multi-Module은 아니고.. 그냥 나눠져 있던 프로젝트들을 한 폴더로 합치기만 했
Bego Chat is chat application in Kotlin and Firebase with the following features: last seen , user status like typing ,online and last seen with MVVM pattern and clean architecture
Compose ChatApp(Bego Chat) Bego Chat is Compose chat application in Kotlin and Firebase with the following features: sending all file types and abilit
This project explores the saga architecture for two patterns. The Choreograhy and the Orchestration
Newscast Explorer Technologies used Introduction In this project are going to explore a known EIP known as Saga. A saga is in its essence, a way to de
A single repository to learn the basics of Android in Kotlin without all the fluff.
Android-Concepts-Reference-Kotlin A single repository to learn the basics of Android in Kotlin without all the fluff. How to use this repository Each
This repo contains sample mobile apps that implement contributor design pattern
This repo contains sample mobile apps that implement contributor design pattern. This design pattern was evolved to establish clean contracts for the developers and partners in Teams Mobile code base
🍔 Meals is a small demo app based on modern Android technologies and MVVM architecture
Meals 🍔 Meals is a small demo app based on modern Android technologies and MVVM architecture. built-in Kotlin, Coroutine, Flow, Retrofit, and Jetpack
[Android-Kotlin] MVVM, ViewModel, LiveData, Observer, DataBinding, Repository, Retrofit, Dagger example
SimpleMvvmDaggerKotlin [Android-Kotlin] MVVM, ViewModel, LiveData, Observer, DataBinding, Repository, Retrofit, Dagger example [Image1 : User informat
A Gradle plugin for Kotlin Multiplatform projects that generate a XCFramework for Apple targets or a FatFramework for iOS targets, and manages the publishing process in a CocoaPod Repository.
KMP Framework Bundler KMP Framework Bundler is a Gradle plugin for Kotlin Multiplatform projects that generate a XCFramework for Apple targets or a Fa
You can learn how to create multi module Android project with this repository.
MultiModuleProjectSample You can learn how to create multi module Android project with this repository. You can read this article in Turkish. Go to th
A movie & TV show exploration app that implements MVVM design pattern by following the clean architecture principles, using TMDB API.
🎬 Movie App 📺 A movie & TV show exploration app that implements MVVM design pattern by following the clean architecture principles, using TMDB API.
Repository of a multi-platform application running the same Compose source code on all platforms
Compose multiplatform demo demo.mov Using the same compose user interface (UI) from android on all principal platforms 🎊 🎉 App Features This is a si
An Android application consuming the GitHub API to search for users on Github, display their followers, following and repositories. The project is built with Compose, MVVM pattern as well as other architectural components and libraries.
Git App An Android application consuming the GitHub API to search for users on Github, display their followers, following and repositories. The projec
An Android base project building on MVVM Architecture Pattern. This can help you build new apps faster
MVVM Explanation If you can't imagine what is MVVM, please read my medium article here first. It can fully explain the revolution of Software architec
A repository that contains various examples of how to use the telegram-bot library.
Telegram-bot templates This repository contains simple different examples of how to use the telegram-bot library. How to use All the examples are conv
An Android app where you can view and examine the details of fast food divided into categories.
🍔 FastFood An Android application where you can view and examine the details of fast food divided into categories. 🛠 Tech Stack & Open-Source Librar
This repository has been created to teach SOLID principles.
SOLID Principles Single Responsibility Each class should have only one purpose and not be filled with excessive functionality. Let's look at this Area
Geek-sasaeng android repository
기숙사 생을 위한 토탈 플랫폼 어플, 긱사생 🏘️ 👩🏻💻👨🏻💻 Geek_sasaeng-Android 팀원 소개 Android Developer-루나/고지민 Android Developer-제로/이준영 Android Developer-네오/김형준 핵심 기
Task Manager feat. real-time competitive system and user engagement
Dira Что из себя представляет Dira? Android-приложение Directa (сокр. Dira) - это планер, который способен улучшить жизнь пользователей. Он позволяет
Android Clean Architecture with MVVM using Jetpack component
Android Clean Architecture with MVVM using Jetpack component 💡 What is Clean Architecture? Clean architecture is a category of software design patter
🚀 🥳 MVVM based sample currency converter application using Room, Koin, ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutine
Currency Converter A demo currency converter app using Modern Android App Development techniques Tech stack & Open-source libraries Minimum SDK level
Event pattern & event properties framework
Renetik Android - Event & Property https://github.com/renetik/renetik-android-event Documentation Framework to enjoy, improve and speed up your applic
A sample project in Kotlin to demonstrate Jetpack Compose, MVVM, Coroutines, Hilt, Room, Coil, Retrofit, Moshi, Leak Canary and Repository pattern
Jetpack-Compose-Boilerplate This repository contains a sample project in Kotlin to demonstrate Jetpack Compose, MVVM, Coroutines, Hilt, Room, Coil, Re
Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cached data by Room
Mobile Banking Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cach
A sample Album list app that shows how to use ViewModels and Room together with RxJava & Dagger2, in Kotlin by Clean Architecture.
Kotlin-MVVM-Hilt A sample Album list app that shows how to use ViewModels and Room together with RxJava & Dagger2, in Kotlin by Clean Architecture. Im
This repository contains the article describing my attempt to implement a simple state reducer based on Kotlin Flow and an example app that uses it.
This repository contains the article describing my attempt to implement a simple state reducer based on Kotlin Flow and an example app that uses it.
Online real-time android quiz game
KQuiz Описание проекта Проект представляет собой мобильное приложение, выполнящее роль платформы для создания, поиска, организации и выполнения онлайн
Demonstration of Object Pool Design Pattern using Kotlin language and Coroutine
Object Pool Design Pattern with Kotlin Demonstration of Thread Safe Object Pool Design Pattern using Kotlin language and Coroutine. Abstract The objec
Android Annotation Processor library to generate adapter class easily from your model with a lot of customization
Android Annotation Processing Library to generate your adapters only with Annotations on your model, support working with Kapt and KSP Processors
Juara Android - Repository Google Code Lab, JuaraAndroid Event
Juara Android - Repository Google Code Lab, JuaraAndroid Event
Hangman Game for Android build with Compose
Hangman Game for Android build with Compose. Built with jetpack components, Room for saving game history, preferences for loading game settings, ViewModels for persisting game state, LiveData/States for observing states, Koin for DI, minimal compose animations for good UX, Light/Dark theme :rainbow: MD3.
PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack
PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack. Repository also has loca
A program written entirely in Kotlin using the principles of Clean Architecture according to the MVVM pattern
A program written entirely in Kotlin using the principles of Clean Architecture according to the MVVM pattern. An application that shows a list of ani
Kotlin extension function provides a facility to "add" methods to class without inheriting a class or using any type of design pattern
What is Kotlin Extension Function ? Kotlin extension function provides a facility to "add" methods to class without inheriting a class or using any ty
Note taking app using MVVM architecture with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack
Note taking app using MVVM architecture with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel,Paging3).
Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cached data by Room
Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cached data by Room
Minimum-mvvm-room-database - MVVM With Simple Room Database
Minimum MVVM Koin (Kotlin Dependency Injection) Coroutines View Model Lifecycle
MVVM with simple HTTP Request Example
Minimum MVVM Koin (Kotlin Dependency Injection) Coroutines View Model Lifecycle News API Retrofit Rx Java Rx Android OkHttp Client Result ScreenShot 1
This is a GitHub template repository intended to kickstart development on an Android application.
Android App Template This is a GitHub template repository intended to kickstart development on an Android application. This project comes set with a h
Framework for Mobile test automation (Native app and Browser) on Android and IOS devices
Appium Mobile Automation Framework Framework for Mobile test automation (Native app and Browser) on Android and IOS devices 📱 🚀 Quick Start - Appium
Alfheim - Greetings to all players and those who just passed by in the Alfheim repository
Greetings to all players and those who just passed by in the Alfheim repository!
Graphql-sml - This repository is to store and share some sample implementations of the GraphQL technology in differents environments
GraphQL - [S]imple [M]ultilanguage [S]amples In this repo I'd like to store and
MovieApp - Movie App using Clean Architecture with MVVM architectural pattern
MovieApp In this project, MovieDB API has been used to retrive movie data. Upcom
NoteApp - Simple Note app using Room database and MVVM design pattern
General Used Room Database and Followed MVVM Architecture Pattern to build the a
This repository is part of the source code of Wire for Android
Wire™ This repository is part of the source code of Wire. You can find more information at wire.com or by contacting opensource@wire.com. You can find
Viper - Sample Viper (MVVMR) architecture pattern
Viper V I P E R = View + Interactor + Presenter + Entity + Router My versions Wi
ShopKeeper - A simple android app for sellers. The seller can add, edit and delete products that are bought by customers
ShopKeeper - A simple android app for sellers. The seller can add, edit and delete products that are bought by customers
Pick any of your favorite github repository and create a mini android app showing its details on an android app.
Github Browser Pick any of your favorite github repository and create a mini android app showing its details on an android app. Screens navigation gra
Usages of Factory Method for Data Source Layer (Local/Remote - Repository) with DI & MVVM [Android].
Usages of Factory Method for Data Source Layer (Local/Remote - Repository) with DI & MVVM [Android] Stacks: MVVVM DI (Hilt) Factory Method (Design Pat
Full Management is an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries, and MVVM design pattern.
Full Management is an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries, and MVVM design pattern.
Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup official repository
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is a game of dungeon exploration, combat and magic, involving characters of diverse skills, worshipp
CMPLR-Native - A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Take some advantage of Jetpack , View & Data Binding
A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Tak
Accrescent - A novel Android app repository with a focus on security, privacy, and usability
Accrescent A novel Android app repository with a focus on security, privacy and
A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Take some advantage of Jetpack , View & Data Binding It's a mimic for Tumblr application , But a little prettier than him 😉
A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Take some advantage of Jetpack , View & Data Binding It's a mimic for Tum
Github Repository Search 어플리케이션 입니다.
github-search 🔎 Introduction Github Search API 를 사용해서 검색된 레포지토리 리스트를 보여줍니다. EditText에서 텍스트를 입력하면 검색 API를 호출하고, debounce를 사용해서 호출 간격을 조절했습니다. 각 레포지토리는
android custom listview,with interaction pattern load more and pull to refresh to load data dinamically
The first thing that i have to say is render thanks to johannilsson because all the part of pull to refresh listview is based in the code of his repos
A View which is lookalike Lollipop Pattern View
Material Pattern LockView Material Pattern Lockview is a View which inspired from Lollipop+ Pattern lock. This Project is still in work, More Options
MVIExample - A sample app showing how to build an app using the MVI architecture pattern
MVIExample A sample app showing how to build an app using the MVI architecture p
AndroidappTemplate - A GitHub template repository intended to kickstart development on an Android application
Android App Template This is a GitHub template repository intended to kickstart
Android Express Events Library
Eventex, Android Express Events Android library to send/post data to Fragments, Layouts, Activity. No need to create interfaces and pass listeners to
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture using Dagger2, GreenDao, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView
Android MVP Architecture: Sample App This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture using Dagger2, GreenDao, RxJava,
Sample application to demonstrate Multi-module Clean MVVM Architecture and usage of Android Hilt, Kotlin Flow, Navigation Graph, Unit tests etc.
MoneyHeist-Chars Sample application to demonstrate Multi-module Clean MVVM Architecture and usage of Android Hilt, Kotlin Flow, Navigation Graph, Room
A simple e-market application that allows users to view the store details and products, add products to the basket, and place an order.
E-Market Application Features : Store details & products screen Fetch the store detail from an endpoint and display this upper part of the screen. Fet
Kurly-assignment - Search GitHub Repository App For Android
Search GitHub Repository App Outline Github 내의 수많은 리포지토리를 키워드를 통해 검색할 수 있습니다. Ho
Yeomen Generator for Barebones Android Project with Android Architecture Component in MVVM pattern using Data binding support
Android Starterkit for Architecture Components in MVVM Bootstrap your next Android Project with Android Architecture component in MVVM in seconds ! Sh
Kuantify - Mirror of Gitlab Repository
Kuantify Kuantify is usable in its current state but it's in a very early pre-alpha stage of development. Some things will not work and you should exp
WPatternLock: Android jetpack compose pattern lock library
WPatternLock android jetpack compose pattern lock library easy to use customizab
WPatternLock: Android jetpack compose pattern lock library
WPatternLock android jetpack compose pattern lock library easy to use customizab
AbstractFactoryDesignPatternWithKotlin - Abstract Factory Design Pattern With Kotlin
AbstractFactoryDesignPatternWithKotlin Abstract Factory Design Pattern With Kotl
FullMangement - an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries, and MVVM design pattern.
Full Management is an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries and MVVM design pattern.
NguyenThienAn06105 - This repository consist of the code to read camera data on ESP8266 and a simple Android application to visualize the …
MLX90640-HeatCamera This repository consist of the code to read camera data on ESP8266 and a simple Android application to visualize the result. There
AbstractFactoryDesignPatternWithKotlin - Abstract Factory Design Pattern With Kotlin
AbstractFactoryDesignPatternWithKotlin Abstract Factory Design Pattern With Kotl
Crunch-Mobile - A Food Delivery Mobile App which uses Modern App Architecture Pattern, Firebase And a Simple Restful Api
Crunch-Mobile This is a Food Delivery Mobile App which uses Modern App Architect
PlaceAutoComplete - Practice Repository for placesearch using google places Api
PlaceAutoComplete Practice Repository for placesearch using google places Api Ap
Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Android yang memiliki ListView yang menggunakan Custom Adapter dan Mengambil data dari Database secara CRUD.
AndroidListView Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Android yang memiliki ListView yang mengguna
Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Android yang bisa melakukan Create, Read, Update, dan Delete sederhana ke dalam Database.
AndroidCRUD Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Android yang bisa melakukan Create, Read, Update
Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Kalkulator di Android.
AndroidCalculator Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Kalkulator di Android. Repository ini memi
This repository contains all the development I did to the Jitsi Video calling application.
This repository contains all the development I did to the Jitsi Video calling application. The jitsi-Media-Transform-mod directory contains the develo
A mix of random small libraries for Kotlin, the smallest reside here until big enough for their own repository.
klutter Random small libraries, usually extensions making other libraries happier. Versions later than 2.x are for JDK 8 and newer only. Maven Depende
Simple android application that consumes Rick and Morty API to display characters,episodes,Location
Rick and Morty Compose An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Rick and
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVVM architecture using Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and Compose
Saber News App sample project to explain how to build solid, clean architected App using MVVM and repository architecture Techniques Kotlin Clean arch
This is the Kotlin port of the original OpenGL Image (GLI), written by g-truc (repository)
This is the Kotlin port of the original OpenGL Image (GLI), written by g-truc (repository), a header only C++ image library for graphics software. GLI
A basic list application designed using MVVM pattern with Retrofit, OkHttp, and Hilt for dependency injection
FRExercise A basic list application designed using MVVM pattern with Retrofit, O
Repository for learning Kotlin Flow API
Flow Riddles Repository for learning Kotlin Flow API, inspired by RxRiddles Each riddle is a class with an unit test that will verify your solution. T
This is the official Repository for Android Application for Hillffair, NIT Hamirpur
Hillffair This is the official Android Application of the Cultural Fest of NIT Hamirpur Hillffair made by YOU 😄 . Screencast link: https://youtu.be/J
This is the official repository for the android app of Nimbus, the tech-fest of NIT Hamirpur
Nimbus This is the official Android Application of Technical Festival of NIT Hamirpur NIMBUS made by YOU 😄 . Screencast can be found at youtube. Goog
This is just my personal fork. For the official repository, please follow the link:
Welcome to Bitcoin Wallet, a standalone Bitcoin payment app for your Android device! This project contains several sub-projects: wallet: The Android a
An Android app consuming Pixabay API to search and display list of images, built with MVVM pattern
Images An Android app consuming Pixabay API to search and display list of images, built with MVVM pattern as well as Architecture Components. Min Api
Architecting Android with RxJava
#RxWeather ##@Deprecated 简介 这是一个简单的天气预报项目,目的是用来演示如何使用RxJava构造一个清晰的Android应用框架,并且加入了Rxbus,为了节约时间成本,界面并没有经过特别的设计,配色和控件的摆放也没有遵循Material Design设计规范,所以,它并不
Repository contains structures and methods to execute linear algebra operations (matrix multiplication etc)
LinearAlgebra Repository contains structures and methods to execute linear algebra operations (matrix multiplication etc) Matrix class Matrix implemen
This repository is sample for "ProcessingForKotlin"
ProcessingForKotlinTemplate A template for doing "Processing" for Kotlin En | Ja Use Library shadow (Apache License) Usage Clone template mkdir Your_C
기존 post-sample Repository 공부한 기술들로 다시 만들어보기 (MVVM, Hilt, Coroutine/Flow, DataBinding, Retrofit, Moshi, Jetpack)
post-sample-hilt-jetpack 기존 post-sample Repository에서 새로 학습한 부분 도입 기존 코드 변경 (Observe) LiveData - Flow / StateFlow (DI) Dagger2 - Hilt (Asynchronous)
Jet-CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture.
Jet-CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture. The project is quite simple which shows the list of crypto currencies and their general info details gets from API.
MVVM + Kotlin + Jetpack Compose +Navigation Compose + Hilt + Retrofit + Unit Testing + Compose Testing + Coroutines + Kotlin Flow + Io mockK
MvvmKotlinJetpackCompose Why do we need an architecture even when you can make an app without it? let's say you created a project without any architec
(Coroutine, Flow(+StateFlow), Hilt, JetPack, MVVM, Repository Pattern, Retrofit2 & OkHttp3, Moshi, Glide, Timber, Material-Components)
(Coroutine, Flow(+StateFlow), Hilt, JetPack, MVVM, Repository Pattern, Retrofit2 & OkHttp3, Moshi, Glide, Timber, Material-Components)
Repository for solving Advent of Code in Kotlin.
Advent of Code 2021 Repository for solving Advent of Code in Kotlin. Getting started Running Project is already setup with gradle. To run the app: Nav
This is a repository for implementing Brontodroid and test it easily before we finalize things into a library/module to be consumed separately.
Bronto Playground This is a repository for implementing Brontodroid and test it easily before we finalize things into a library/module to be consumed
This repository demonstrates Spring GraphQL + RSocket + WebFlux + R2DBC + H2
Reactive GraphQL with Spring This repository demonstrates Spring GraphQL + RSocket + WebFlux + R2DBC + H2 O__ +-----------+
The official repository of the opensource project MyHome
🏠 MyHome For the developers The Android "front-end" application The Springboot-Java "back-end" application Description MyHome is a management app for
This repository contains program source code and data to reproduce the experiments in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 of the paper entitled "An interactive sketch-based CAD interface realizing geometrical and topological editing across multiple objects based on fuzzy logic."
Program source code and data This repository contains program source code and data to reproduce the experiments in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 of the paper e
This repository contains event driven redis app uses redis streams
Spring Boot Redis Streams This repository contains event driven redis app uses redis streams Run redis in docker docker run --rm --name redis -itp6379