455 Repositories
Android safe-args-in-navigation-components Libraries
Healthify - An app to track your daily water intake and sleep and boost your work efficiency. Healthify is built using Kotlin and follows all modern android Development practices and hence is a good learning resource for beginners
Healthify Healthify is an app to track your daily water intake and sleep and boost your work efficiency. Video Introduction 📹 This is a small introdu
A simple & curved & material bottom navigation for Android written in Kotlin with ♥ .
A simple & curved & material bottom navigation for Android written in Kotlin with ♥ .
💰 Expense Manager is simple, intuitive, stable and modern app that is just designed for you.
Expense Manager is simple, intuitive, stable and modern app that is just designed for you. Everything you need at your fingertips to manage the expenditures and budgets.
Recipes app with using Jetpack Compose.
RecipesComposeApp In this repository i made recipes app with using Jetpack Compose. Datas is coming from my other json repository. You can look in her
Android 11 Jetpack Masterclass Udemy Course by Denis Panjuta 🧑🏻💻
🍔 Jetpack Masterclass 🍟 Android 11 Jetpack Masterclass Udemy Course by Denis Panjuta 🧑🏻💻 🥇 MAD Score 📚 Tech stack & Open-Source Libraries Glid
A learning project which focuses on designing an OTP flow and use of various components of Android efficiently
Otp Demo A learning project which focuses on designing an OTP flow using Firebase. Article: https://saurabhpant.medium.com/otp-login-using-firebase-hi
Frogo Android UI Kit - Frogo UI Design Kit Guideline
About This Project Follow-up project from frogo-ui-kit UI Kit for helping you in apps development Migrate from frogo-ui-kit Just renaming package com.
New style for app design Online Sunglasses Shop App UI made in Jetpack Compose.😉😎
JetSunglassUI-Android New style for app design Online Sunglasses Shop App UI made in Jetpack Compose. 😉 😎 (Navigation Components, Dagger-Hilt, Mater
Implementing bottom navigation in jetpack compose
Compose-Bottom-Navigation Implementing bottom navigation in jetpack compose Add the Navigation dependency Open the app's build file, found at app/buil
The JeTrivia is built on a modern Android Development tech stack with MVVM architecture. Kotlin, Coroutine, Flow, StateFlow, Jetpack Compose, Navigation, Room, Hilt, Retrofit2, OkHttp3, kotlinx.serialization, MockK, Truth
JeTrivia 🚧 In Progress 🚧 The JeTrivia application is sample based on MVVM architecture. Fetching data from the network via repository pattern and sa
Alkaa is a to-do application project to study the latest components, architecture and tools for Android development
Alkaa (begin, start in Finnish) is a to-do application project to study the latest components, architecture and tools for Android development. The project evolved a lot since the beginning is available on Google Play! ❤️
Daily Doc is a Productivity Note App utilizing Jetpack Compose
Daily Doc is a productivity app to help you keep track of your daily progress inspired by 100-day-challenges.
🍃 Organic Maps is an Android & iOS offline maps app for travelers, tourists, hikers, and cyclists based on top of crowd-sourced OpenStreetMap data and curated with love by MapsWithMe founders.
🍃 Organic Maps is an Android & iOS offline maps app for travelers, tourists, hikers, and cyclists based on top of crowd-sourced OpenStreetMap data and curated with love by MapsWithMe founders. No ads, no tracking, no data collection, no crapware.
A small navigation library for Android to ease the use of fragment transactions & handling backstack (also available for Jetpack Compose).
A small navigation library for Android to ease the use of fragment transactions & handling backstack (also available for Jetpack Compose).
A simple app demonstrates using Jetpack compose with other Jetpack libraries.
Android Pokemon Compose This repository is a simple app that make request to https://pokeapi.co and display them in the paginated lists. It demonstrat
🔦 Showkase is an annotation-processor based Android library that helps you organize, discover, search and visualize Jetpack Compose UI elements
Showkase is an annotation-processor based Android library that helps you organize, discover, search and visualize Jetpack Compose UI elements. With minimal configuration it generates a UI browser that helps you easily find your components, colors & typography. It also renders your components in common situations like dark mode, right-to-left layouts, and scaled fonts which help in finding issues early.
Check out the new style for App Design aims for the Vegetable Order Service using jetpack compose...😉😀😁😎
VegetableOrderUI-Android Check out the new style for App Design aims for the Vegetable Order Service using jetpack compose... 😉 😀 😁 😎 Screenshots
Newesy is news app which uses NewsAPI to fetch news.
Newesy is news app which uses NewsAPI to fetch news.The main aim of this app was to learn Modern Android Architecture (MVVM).It uses MVVM,Kotlin-coroutines,Room,ViewModal,Retrofit,GSON and Navigation graph
FTUE sample using Jetpack Navigation's Navigation-Compose, ViewModel, SavedStateHandle, Hilt
Jetpack Navigation's Navigation-Compose + Jetpack Compose + NavGraphs + SavedStateHandle + Dagger-Hilt + EventEmitter (toasts / navigation commands) T
📝 Note List app based on MVVM architecture (ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutines, Room and Jetpack Compose)
Note list app built with Jetpack Compose Download Go to the releases page to download the latest available apk. Screenshots Architecture Features Home
🛸Voyager is a pragmatic navigation library built for, and seamlessly integrated with, Jetpack Compose.
Voyager is a pragmatic navigation library built for, and seamlessly integrated with, Jetpack Compose.
⏺ A simple android app to browse your phone call recordings
⏺ Reky A simple android app to browse your phone call recordings [Under Construction] ✅ TODO Support more file name formats 🏗 Built-with MVVM with Si
汇聚了业界知名架构文章。从建筑学的知识中得到一些对架构的思考,并以架构设计原则和目的对Jetpack MVVM 重新构造!
介绍 汇聚了业界知名架构文章。从建筑学的知识中得到一些对架构的思考,并以架构设计原则和目的对Jetpack MVVM 重新构造!
组件化+Jetpack+Kotlin+MVVM 一、项目简介 该项目主要以组件化+Jetpack+MVVM为架构,使用Kotlin语言,集合了最新的Jetpack组件,如Navigation、Paging3、Room等,另外还加上了依赖注入框架Koin和图片加载框架Coil。 网络请求部分使用OkH
Wallpaper app made using Hilt, Retrofit, Room, Navigation Components, MVI, Coroutines, Flows, ViewModel, LiveData, Datastore Preference.
Android Picture Engine Wallpaper app made using Hilt, Retrofit, Room, Navigation Components, MVI, Coroutines, Flows, ViewModel, LiveData, Datastore Pr
Multi-module, Kotlin, MVI, Compose, Hilt, Navigation Component, Use-cases, Room, Retrofit
Work in progress Multi-module demo app that gets data from dota2 api. API https://docs.opendota.com/ Players by rank (GET) https://api.opendota.com/ap
Model-View-ViewModel architecture components for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
Mobile Kotlin Model-View-ViewModel architecture components This is a Kotlin Multiplatform library that provides architecture components of Model-View-
DI can be simple. Forget about modules and components. Just use it!
PopKorn - Kotlin Multiplatform DI PopKorn is a simple, powerful and lightweight Kotlin Multiplatform Dependency Injector. It doesn't need any modules
typedmap is an implementation of heterogeneous type-safe map pattern in Kotlin
Typedmap typedmap is an implementation of heterogeneous type-safe map pattern in Kotlin. It is a data structure similar to a regular map, but with two
Purpose for this base architectural project is to load it with all latest components and libraries So it become reference for all kind of Android projects
The purpose of this base architectural project is to load it with all the latest components and libraries, So it becomes a reference for all kinds of Android projects
Spotify like android material bottom navigation bar library.
SuperBottomBar About Spotify like android material bottom navigation bar library. GIF Design Credits All design and inspiration credits belongs to Spo
QuatroGrade is a beautiful multi color (4 corners) gradient.
| | Setup Guide | Report new issue QuatroGrade QuatroGrade is a beautiful multi color gradient. Basically, it is a 4 vertex gradient. Features: Multi
Android sample app following best practices: Kotlin, Compose, Coroutines and Flow, Hilt, JetPack Navigation, ViewModel, MVVM and MVI, Retrofit, Coil
Foodies - Modern Android Architecture Foodies is a sample project that presents a modern 2021 approach to Android app development. The project tries t
🚀 Android project template with Compose, MVVM, Hilt and Navigation
compose-android-template An Android project template with MVVM, Hilt, Navigation and Compose ✍️ Author 👤 theapache64 Twitter: @theapache64 Email: the
This assignment gives you basically a post list and its detail with comments.🚀
Android Assignment 📜 Description This assignment gives you basically a post list and its detail with comments. 📱 Features Users can see random post
Productivity Note App utilizing Jetpack Compose
DailyDoc Productivity Note App utilizing Jetpack Compose Currently working on improving UI features and will be applying these directly to the main br
An android app built using Kotlin following Multi-Module Clean Architecture MVVM
Notflix 🛠️ Work In Progress 🛠 An android app built using Kotlin that consumes TMDB API to display current trending, upcoming and popular movies 🍿 a
The Rick And Morty - MVVM with a clean architecture approach using some of the best practices in Android Development.
Rick-and-Morty The Rick And Morty - App consuming a Rick and Morty API to display Characters it has been built with clean architecture principles, Rep
A cryptocurrency data aggregator that tracks price, volume, social stats.
CryptoMania A cryptocurrency data aggregator that tracks price, volume, social stats. Challenge description Design & implement an Android application
📲 Android Application to track any user activity on Github built using the Github Developers API. Used Retrofit to fetch data and MVVM Architecture.
Github Visualizer 📲 Android Application to track any user activity on Github built using the Github Developers Api. A sample application to demonstra
An Android app with many challenge modules and SOLID at all
android-super-app An Android app with many challenge modules and SOLID at all. Features Kotlin Coroutines with Flow (State Flow) Kotlin Serialization
A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Jetpack Compose
SlideTodo A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Jetpack Compose you can find source code here Getting Started allprojects
A Rick and Morty app built with Jetpack Compose.
RickAndMortyCompose A Rick and Morty app built with Jetpack Compose. 📱 Demo ✨ Features Compose UI Kotlin Coroutines Compose Navigation MVVM Architect
Our maze game is an 2d-animation game developed using android studio.
Our maze game is an 2d-animation game developed using android studio. The game consists of a ball and a board with a hole in the center of it. We are using accelerometer as controller to guide ball towards the hole. T
Encrypted Photo Safe for Android
Encrypt your photos on your device and keep them safe from others. About Photok is a free Photo-Safe. It stores your photos encrypted on your device a
Create Bottom Navigation Bar with Jetpack Compose
BottomNavigationBarComposeExample Create Bottom Navigation Bar with Jetpack Compose https://johncodeos.com/how-to-create-bottom-navigation-bar-with-je
Open-source telematics app for Android. The application is suitable for UBI (Usage-based insurance), shared mobility, transportation, safe driving, tracking, family trackers, drive-coach, and other driving mobile applications
TelematicsApp-Android with Firebase© integration Description This Telematics App is created by DATA MOTION PTE. LTD. and is distributed free of charge
Simple amazing Donut Progress library🚀
DonutProgress 🚀 Now this readme is very poooor 😄 To implement As usual 😒 in project build.gradle: allprojects { repositories { ... maven {
组件化+Jetpack+Kotlin+MVVM 一、项目简介 该项目主要以组件化+Jetpack+MVVM为架构,使用Kotlin语言,集合了最新的Jetpack组件,如Navigation、Paging3、Room等,另外还加上了依赖注入框架Koin和图片加载框架Coil。 网络请求部分使用OkH
This assignment gives you basically a post list and its detail with comments.🚀
Android Assignment 📜 Description This assignment gives you basically a post list and its detail with comments. 📱 Features Users can see random post
MVVM RECIPE ANDROID APP Is an app where I show how to use MVVM, retrofit, dagger hilt, coroutine, liveData, Kotlin, navigation component, and so on...
MVVM RECIPE ANDROID APP Is an app where I show how to use MVVM, retrofit, dagger hilt, coroutine, liveData, kotlin, navigation component, and so on...
Lightweight library to tweak the fling behaviour in Android. This library is only compatible with Jetpack-Compose.
Flinger (Only compatible with compose) What is Flinger? Flinger is a plugin that is made on top of jetpack compose that will help the developer to twe
Gradle plugin to add clock trackings to your dagger components and subcomponents
⏰ Dagger Track A gradle plugin that automatically adds clock tracking for your components and subcomponents. Features DaggerTrack will tell you follow
QRGame - storage a game inside a qr code
QRGame Can we storage a game inside a qr code? Yes! At least in theory. That was the question that started that entire project. QRGame is an Android p
Android multi-module navigation built on top of Jetpack Navigation Compose
MultiNavCompose Android library for multi-module navigation built on top of Jetpack Navigation Compose. The goal of this library is to simplify the se
Anime quotes rest api app with mvvm, LiveData, Coroutines, Navigation Component etc
AnimeQuote Anime quotes image rest api app with mvvm, LiveData, Coroutines, Navigation Component, clean achitecture etc An app created during mentorin
A tool to install components of the Android SDK into a Maven repository or repository manager to use with the Android Maven Plugin, Gradle and other tools.
Maven Android SDK Deployer Original author including numerous fixes and changes: Manfred Moser manfred@simpligility.com at simpligility technologies i
🔖 A Quotes Application built to Demonstrate the Jetpack Compose UI
🔖 A Quotes Application built to Demonstrate the Jetpack Compose UI
🛒A Minimal Expense E-Commerce App built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture components [Navigation, Room, MotionLayout, etc..] with MVVM Architecture. ✔
E-Store A Simple E-Commerce App 📱 built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component with MVVM Architecture 🏗 . Made with love ❤️
Patter Lock using Hilt, Coroutines, Flow and Custom View Components based on MVVM architecture.
Pattern Lock App Sample project for created Pattern Lock View using custom view. Preview Usage Step 1 Add the PatterLockView in your XML layout file.
Built with Jetpack compose, multi modules MVVM clean architecture, coroutines + flow, dependency injection, jetpack navigation and other jetpack components
RickAndMortyCompose - Work in progress A simple app using Jetpack compose, clean architecture, multi modules, coroutines + flows, dependency injection
This repos one of the ways hows how to use Jetpack Compose Navigation along with Dagger 2
Dagger 2 and Jetpack Compose Integration This repository is about a way how to use Dagger 2 for projects which using Jetpack Compose. Here is an artic
:star2:A cool dynamic view library
ENViews ENViews, A cool dynamic view library.All designed by Nick Buturishvili ENViews, 一个华丽丽的动效控件库,所有控件原型取自Nick Buturishvili的设计作品 Preview Original de
Create an header for com.google.android.material.navigation.NavigationView
Header View This is a view for NavigationView in android.support.design library Import At the moment the library is in my personal maven repo reposito
An Android library that brings the Material Design 5.1 sidebar to pre-5.1 devices.
MaterialScrollBar An Android library that brings the Material Design 5.1 scrollbar to pre-5.1 devices. Designed for Android's recyclerView. Video Imag
:cyclone: A Pokedex app using ViewModel, LiveData, Room and Navigation
Pokedex app built with Kotlin Download Go to the releases page to download the latest available apk. Screenshots Development Roadmap Kotlin LiveData N
An Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments
FragNav Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments (e.g., Bottom Navigation , Navigation Drawer). This library does NOT include the UI
A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View
Floating Navigation View A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View and was inspired by Menu Material Fixed created by Tom
Space Navigation is a library allowing easily integrate fully customizable Google Spaces like navigation to your app.
Space-Navigation-View Introduction Space Navigation is a library allowing easily integrate fully customizable Google [Spaces][1] like navigation to yo
Apply custom effects on view backgrounds
View Filters At the beginning the only purpose was to blur all layers below. Now you can do more : Blur background views easily Create custom filters
Default colors and dimens per Material Design guidelines and Android Design guidelines inside one library.
Material Design Dimens Default colors and dimens per Material Design guidelines and Android Design guidelines inside one library. Dimens Pattern: R.di
A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin 📱🎨🦄
Slide To Act A simple Slide to Unlock Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin 🇰. Getting Started Example Features Attributes area_margin inner
:speedboat: Floating navigation view for displaying a list of items dynamically on Android.
Submarine Fully customizable floating navigation view for listing items dynamically on Android. Including in your project Gradle Add below codes to yo
🍞 The ultimate breadcrumbs view for Android!
KrumbsView The ultimate breadcrumbs view for Android! Inspired by JotterPad's breadcrumbs. Features: Custom typeface (from /assets and /res/font folde
A fork of our clean architecture boilerplate, this time using the Android Architecture Components
Android Clean Architecture Components Boilerplate Note: This is a fork of our original Clean Architecture Boilerplate, except in this repo we have swi
A library for fast and safe delivery of parameters for Activities and Fragments.
MorbidMask - 吸血面具 Read this in other languages: 中文, English, Change Log A library for fast and safe delivery of parameters for Activities and Fragment
A set of helper classes for using dagger 1 with Android components such as Applications, Activities, Fragments, BroadcastReceivers, and Services.
##fb-android-dagger A set of helper classes for using dagger with Android components such as Applications, Activities, Fragments, BroadcastReceivers,
Type safe intent building for services and activities
#IntentBuilder Type safe intent building for services and activities. IntentBuilder is a type safe way of creating intents and populating them with ex
A library that provides an implementation of the banner widget from the Material design.
MaterialBanner A banner displays a prominent message and related optional actions. MaterialBanner is a library that provides an implementation of the
🍲Foodium is a sample food blog Android application 📱 built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Flow, Dagger 2/Hilt, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Moshi, Material Components).
Foodium 🍲 Foodium is a sample food blog 🍲 Android application 📱 built to demonstrate use of Modern Android development tools. Dedicated to all Andr
📚 Sample Android Components Architecture on a modular word focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
Android Components Architecture in a Modular Word Android Components Architecture in a Modular Word is a sample project that presents modern, 2020 app
❤️ A sample Marvel heroes application based on MVVM (ViewModel, Coroutines, LiveData, Room, Repository, Koin) architecture.
MarvelHeroes MarvelHeroes is a demo application based on modern Android application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture. Fetching data from the network
📒 NotyKT is a complete 💎Kotlin-stack (Backend + Android) 📱 application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation🦸.
NotyKT 🖊️ NotyKT is the complete Kotlin-stack note taking 🖊️ application 📱 built to demonstrate a use of Kotlin programming language in server-side
A tool to install components of the Android SDK into a Maven repository or repository manager to use with the Android Maven Plugin, Gradle and other tools.
Maven Android SDK Deployer Original author including numerous fixes and changes: Manfred Moser manfred@simpligility.com at simpligility technologies i
Android Toast For RTL Applications
RTL-Toast Android library to show Toasts in a pretty RTL way Install Add it in your root build.gradle allprojects { repositories { ... ma
TestObserver to easily test LiveData and make assertions on them.
JCenter Update LiveData Testing is currently published on JCenter - it will serve packages until February 1st, 2022. LiveData Testing packages will be
Snacky is a small library to help you adding a Snackbar to your android project.
Snacky Snacky is a small library to help you adding a Snackbar to your layout with ease. It was created because of my own needs and is inspired by Toa
A simple and flexible Fillable Progress Layout written in Kotlin
FillProgressLayout 🔥 A simple and flexible Fill Progress Layout written in Kotlin 🔥 Netflix button animation using FillProgressLayout Support Librar
An Android library that brings the Material Design 5.1 sidebar to pre-5.1 devices.
MaterialScrollBar An Android library that brings the Material Design 5.1 scrollbar to pre-5.1 devices. Designed for Android's recyclerView. Video Imag
An implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery.
TapTargetView An implementation of tap targets from Google's Material Design guidelines on feature discovery. Min SDK: 14 JavaDoc Installation TapTar
(Deprecated) A custom view component that mimics the new Material Design Bottom Navigation pattern.
BottomBar (Deprecated) I don't have time to maintain this anymore. I basically wrote the whole library in a rush, without tests, while being a serious
An instance-state saving fragment switcher, intended for use with navigation drawers or tabs.
FragmentSwitcher FragmentSwitcher is an adapter-based, state-saving fragment container similar to a ViewPager. It was designed with the NavigationDraw
A sleek, out of the box, easy to understand and use, swipe gesture based Navigational Library for android.
Facilis Swipe gesture based navigational library for Android. Watch Demo Video: Getting Started To get this project into your build: Gradle Add it in
This library will help to show the polyline in dual color similar as Uber.
Dual-color-Polyline-Animation This library will help to show the polyline in dual color similar as Uber with animation in the demo. Demo Steps: Pass t
Okuki is a simple, hierarchical navigation bus and back stack for Android, with optional Rx bindings, and Toothpick DI integration.
Okuki A simple, hierarchical navigation bus and back stack for Android, with optional Rx bindings, and Toothpick integration for automatic dependency-
BubbleTabBar is bottom navigation bar with customizable bubble like tabs
BubbleTabBar BubbleTabBar is bottom navigation bar with customizable bubble like tabs Usage com.fxn.BubbleTabBar android:id="@+id/
Alligator is a modern Android navigation library that will help to organize your navigation code in clean and testable way.
Alligator Alligator is a modern Android navigation library that will help to organize your navigation code in clean and testable way. Features Any app
An android navigation bar widget
Chip Navigation Bar A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation mixed with Chips component. Usage !-- bottom_menu.xml -- menu xmln
A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
AnimatedBottomBar A customizable and easy to use bottom bar view with sleek animations. Examples Playground app Download the playground app from Googl
A flexible, easy to use, unique drawer library for your Android project.
Duo Navigation Drawer This Android library provides an easy way to create an alternative navigation drawer for android. Instead of a drawer that slide