17 Repositories
Android seekbar Libraries
Highly customized vertical Seekbar with segments
SegmentedVerticalSeekBar It is an Android Vertical Seekbar with segments develop
Ranger is custom view which able to act like android seekbar.
Ranger is custom view which able to act like android seekbar.
Custom Progress bar with stages developed in kotlin.
Custom-Progress-SeekBar A fully Customizable Semi Circle Arc Progress Bar. You can customize the the width and color of both progress and progress pla
A lovely snail,You can use it as a seekbar or progressbar.
SnailBar A lovely ,you can use it as a seekbar or progressbar. Helixbar design by Davlikanoff.This is his words: Hi Guys! This 18 seconds long animati
A beautiful Android custom View that works similar to a range or seekbar. With animations.
ValueBar A beautiful Android custom View that works similar to a range or seekbar. Selection by gesture. With animations. Supporting API level 11+. De
A color picker seekbar for android.
ColorSeekBar A color picker seekbar for android. Download Use Gradle compile 'com.divyanshu.colorseekbar:colorseekbar:1.0.2' or Maven dependency
StartPointSeekBar is a custom view for the Android platform that makes it possible to have a SeekBar to have custom start point.
Forked/Inspired from https://code.google.com/p/range-seek-bar/ by tittel@kom.e-technik.tu-darmstadt.de This solves the problem as described in http://
A colorful SeekBar for picking color
ScreenShot: Attrs attr format default colorSeeds references colorBarPosition integer 0 alphaBarPosition integer 0 maxPosition integer 100 bgColor colo
Android circle seekbar widget inspired from: https://github.com/LarsWerkman/HoloColorPicker
Android HoloCircleSeekBar A Circle SeekBar inspired by Android Holo ColorPicker designed by Marie Schweiz and developed by Lars Werkman. How to integr
A seekbar contains two cursor(left and right). Multiple touch supported.
RangeSeekbar A seekbar contains two cursor and support multi-touch. RangeSeekbar have left and right cursors, user can move cursor to make fliter. How
Custom circular SeekBar (Circle, Semi-circle, and Ellipse) View/Widget for Android
CircularSeekBar Android CircularSeekBar Custom View/Widget This is a custom circular SeekBar. It can be used to create SeekBars that are: -Full Circle
Circular SeekBar view for Android
SeekArc What is a SeekArc? So what the heck is a SeekArc? Essentially it’s a SeekBar that has been wrapped around a circle. It acts like a SeekBar and
A smart seek bar with multiple junction points at random seek position.
TerminalSeekBar A smart seek bar for android with multiple junction points at random seek position. Installation and Usage To use TerminalSeekBar in y
Color picker library for Android
andColorPicker — Color Picker library for Android 🥑 Handy, 🐍 flexible, and ⚡ lightning-fast Android color picker views and utilities. 💊 Features Cl
Android Rubber Picker Library
RubberPicker RubberPicker library contains the RubberSeekBar and RubberRangePicker, inspired by Cuberto's rubber-range-picker. Getting started Setting
A beautiful and powerful SeekBar what supports single、 range、steps、vetical、custom( 一款美观强大的支持单向、双向范围选择、分步、垂直、高度自定义的SeekBar)
文档还是中文好 Demo APK download fir.im Usage Dependencies Release Version allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
A SeekBar suited for showing a preview of something. As seen in Google Play Movies.
PreviewSeekBar A SeekBar suited for showing a video preview. As seen in Google Play Movies Google Play Movies PreviewSeekBar's sample Build Add the fo