327 Repositories
Android web-framework Libraries
MaxonBank is a Kotlin + Spring Boot + Axon Framework application that supports opening, depositing to, and withdrawing from accounts.
MaxonBank MaxonBank is a Kotlin + Spring Boot + Axon Framework application that supports opening, depositing to, and withdrawing from accounts. The ap
A specification framework for Kotlin
A Test Framework for Kotlin Visit the web site for more documentation and information. Current State of the Project Spek 2.x is main development branc
The modular web framework for Java and Kotlin
∞ do more, more easily Jooby is a modern, performant and easy to use web framework for Java and Kotlin built on top of your favorite web server. Java:
Lightweight logging framework for Kotlin. A convenient and performant logging library wrapping slf4j with Kotlin extensions
kotlin-logging Lightweight logging framework for Kotlin, written in . A convenient and performant logging library wrapping slf4j with Kotlin extension
A lightweight ORM framework for Kotlin with strong-typed SQL DSL and sequence APIs.
What's Ktorm? Ktorm is a lightweight and efficient ORM Framework for Kotlin directly based on pure JDBC. It provides strong-typed and flexible SQL DSL
Kotlin extensions for the libGDX game framework
Kotlin extensions for libGDX. Introduction KTX is a Kotlin game framework built on libGDX. It aims to make libGDX as Kotlin-friendly as possible witho
Kotlin Serverless Framework
Kotless Kotless stands for Kotlin serverless framework. Its focus lies in reducing the routine of serverless deployment creation by generating it stra
An HTTP Framework
Wasabi - An HTTP Framework IMPORTANT tl;dr We are merging with Ktor. Ktor and Wasabi both have the same goals - define a simple, extensible HTTP frame
A lightweight Kotlin web framework for backend developers 🦆
Kweb 🦆 Quick Start Read Getting Started from the User Manual. Overview Kweb is a new way to create beautiful, efficient, and scalable websites in Kot
Kotlin Web Framework for the JVM
Kara Web Framework Kara is a web framework for the JVM written in Kotlin. It enables developers to build succinct, type-safe HTML and CSS all in one l
Firefly is an asynchronous web framework for rapid development of high-performance web application.
What is Firefly? Firefly framework is an asynchronous Java web framework. It helps you create a web application Easy and Quickly. It provides asynchro
Hexagon is a microservices toolkit written in Kotlin. Its purpose is to ease the building of services (Web applications, APIs or queue consumers) that run inside a cloud platform.
Hexagon The atoms of your platform Home Site | Quick Start | Developer Guide What is Hexagon Hexagon is a microservices' toolkit (not a framework) wri
tinylog is a lightweight logging framework for Java, Kotlin, Scala, and Android
tinylog 2 Example import org.tinylog.Logger; public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) { Logger.info("Hello
Easily build reactive web-apps in Kotlin based on flows and coroutines.
fritz2 is an extremely lightweight, well-performing, independent library to build reactive web apps in Kotlin heavily depending on coroutines and flow
A minimalist web framework for building REST APIs in Kotlin/Java.
Kanary A minimalist Kotlin web framework for building expressive REST APIs fun main(args: ArrayString) { val app = KanaryApp() val server =
Komputation is a neural network framework for the Java Virtual Machine written in Kotlin and CUDA C.
Komputation Komputation is a neural network framework for the Java Virtual Machine written in Kotlin and CUDA C. Maven Komputation is available throug
A simple and modern Java and Kotlin vert.x web framework
Cloudopt Next is a very lightweight and modern, JVM-based, full stack kotlin framework designed for building modular, easily testable JVM applications
A pure Kotlin UI framework for the Web.
A pure Kotlin, UI framework Single Language Doodle is written entirely in Kotlin and so are its apps. Doodle Web Applications do not use HTML, CSS sty
🚀 The Rapid and Delightful Kotlin Web Framework. Easy, elegant, and productive!
Alpas - The Rapid and Delightful Kotlin Web Framework. Easy, elegant, and productive! 🚀 Alpas is a Kotlin-based web framework that gets you creating
Humanizer.jvm is an adaptation of the humanizer framework for .Net which is made for the jvm and is written in Kotlin.
Humanizer.jvm is an adaptation of the humanizer framework for .Net which is made for the jvm and is written in Kotlin. Humanizer.jvm meets all your jv
The invisible REST and web framework
Kovert The invisible REST (and WEB) framework. It is "invisible" since it does not invade your code, and only uses annotations for exception cases (or
Writing full-stack statically-typed web apps on JVM at its simplest
Welcome to Vaadin-On-Kotlin Vaadin-on-Kotlin is a web-application framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications
Snapshot Testing framework for Kotlin.
KotlinSnapshot Snapshot Testing framework for Kotlin. What is this? Snapshot testing is an assertion strategy based on the comparision of the instance
An observables framework for Kotlin
Snail-Kotlin 🐌 A lightweight observables framework, also available in Swift Download You can download a jar from GitHub's releases page. Jitpack allp
Spotify Web API wrapper for Kotlin, Java, JS, and Native
Spotify Web API wrapper for Kotlin, Java, JS, and Native - Targets JVM, Android, JS (browser), Native (Desktop), and Apple tvOS/iOS. Includes a Spotify Web Playback SDK wrapper for Kotlin/JS, and a spotify-auth wrapper for Kotlin/Android.
A web crawling framework written in Kotlin
About Krawler is a web crawling framework written in Kotlin. It is heavily inspired by crawler4j by Yasser Ganjisaffar. The project is still very new,
A Kotlin framework for building web applications in Javascript.
Yested Yested is a Kotlin framework for building single-page web applications in Javascript. Important This project is no longer maintained. Please ch
Kottpd - REST framework written in pure Kotlin.
kottpd Kottpd - REST framework written in pure Kotlin. It is available from maven central repository. It supports plain HTTP and secured HTTPs. d
Web-based media manager with duplication detection, tagging, and more
reelchest 📦 🎞️ 📽️ A basic web-based media manager. Download or upload clips,
Slack app example for Heroku deployment, written in Kotlin, using Bolt framework.
slack-kotlin-heroku-example Slack app example for Heroku deployment, written in Kotlin, using Bolt framework. You need to configure your Slack app to
🌶 A simple Kotlin web framework inspired by Clojure's Ring.
kog A simple, experimental Kotlin web framework inspired by Clojure's Ring. A kog application is a function that takes a Request and returns a Respons
Aleksa is a small framework for writing Alexa Skills in Kotlin
Aleksa Aleksa is a small framework for writing Alexa Skills in Kotlin. Warning This framework uses an old version of the Alexa SDK - skills built with
The implementation of SpleefX's web backend, used for statistics, debug reports, and wiki
SpleefX Backend The implementation of SpleefX's web backend, used for statistics, debug reports, and wiki Building The project uses Gradle's build sys
A framework designed around Kotlin providing Restful HTTP Client, JDBC DSL, Loading Cache, Configurations, Validations, and more
tekniq A framework designed around Kotlin. Modules include tekniq-core (click for more info) A suite of tools that have no dependencies on other libra
A Unified, Modern and Efficient Bukkit plugin framework
LSPlugin ! WARNING ! This project is still under development DO NOT PUT INTO PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT 一个专门为了 .DP7 群服务器 Charmless 的定制插件框架。未来Charmless的一切开
Kotlin Specification Framework
(NO LONGER MAINTANED) KSpec - Spek. KSpec Specifications for Kotlin. Basic Structure class TheMostAmazingAnimalSpec: KSpec() { override fun spec(
Jenesis Data Store: a dynamic, cross platform, high performance, ORM data-mapper. Designed to assist in rapid development and data mining
Jenesis Data Store Jenesis Data Store (JDS) was created to help developers persist data to a strongly-typed portable JSON format. JDS has four goals:
Simplest Most Powerful Testing Framework For Kotlin
DynaTest Dynamic Testing The simplest and most powerful testing framework for Kotlin. We promote builders over annotations. Instead of having annotati
Intellij Idea Plugin that can convert HTML to Compose for Web code.
HtmlToComposeWebConverter Intellij Idea Plugin that can convert HTML to Compose for Web code. Turn this: Into this: Show some ❤️ and star the repo to
Asynchronous web framework for Kotlin. Create REST APIs in Kotlin easily with automatic Swagger/OpenAPI doc generation
Zeko Rest API Framework Zeko Rest API Framework is an asynchronous web framework written for Kotlin language. Create restful APIs in Kotlin easily wit
validator for kotlin json serialization
kvalidator Why use kvalidator? Readable and declarative validation rules. Error messages with multilingual support. Support platform: JVM Android Inst
Naive one-pass recursive descent, scannerless parser framework for Kotlin
ParserKt ・ ・ ・ Introduction ParserKt is a naive one-pass recursive descent, scannerless parser framework for Kotlin (mainly JVM, compatible for JS) A
Integrated code framework based on Kotlin, provides many useful extensions for standard library and some frameworks.
Integrated code framework based on Kotlin, provides many useful extensions for standard library and some frameworks.
KoMock - Simple HTTP/Consul/SpringConfig http server framework written in Kotlin. Wiremock use cases
Komock Here is HTTP/Consul/SpringConfig mocker framework written in Kotlin. This tiny framework is very useful if you need to create REST based client
A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Ionic Ionic is an open source app development toolkit for building modern, fast, top-quality cross-platform native and Progressive Web Apps from a sin
A framework for building native applications using React
React Native Learn once, write anywhere: Build mobile apps with React. Getting Started · Learn the Basics · Showcase · Contribute · Community · Suppor
Visualizing some advent of code puzzles using Jetpack compose for web
AdventOfCodeComposeWeb Visualizing some advent of code puzzles using Jetpack com
This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework
api Project This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework.
Maintenance mode library for spring boot web and security projects.
spring-boot-starter-maintenance spring-boot-starter-maintenance is a maintenance mode library for spring boot web and security projects. Download Grad
Zoomable and Draggable Graphs based-on Jetpack Compose. Supports Android & iOS, Web and Desktop.
compose-graphs Zoomable and Draggable Graphs based-on Jetpack Compose. Supports Android & iOS, Web and Desktop. Features Full customization of the var
To build it, it is needed to clone the Tint Browser Addon Framework Library project.
Tint Browser This project is licensed under the GPL v3 license. To build it, it is needed to clone the Tint Browser Addon Framework Library project. W
Android WiFi Walkie Talkie (js-collider framework demo)
WalkieTalkie This program transmits sound recorded from microphone to some other devices running the same program on the same network segment, so work
Progressive Web App that allows you to create workout tables
WORKOUT Progressive Web App that allows you to create workout tables. ...work in
Open source Android, iOS and Web app for learning about and managing digital and physical security.
Open source Android, iOS and Web app for learning about and managing digital and physical security. From how to send a secure message to dealing with a kidnap. Umbrella has best practice guides in over 40 topics in multiple languages. Used daily by people working in high risk countries - journalists, activists, diplomats, business travelers etc.
Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Wear Compose, Compose for Desktop, Compose for Web and Kotlin/JS + React clients along with Ktor backend.
PeopleInSpace Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Compose for Wear OS, Compose for Desktop, Compose for Web, and Kotli
conceptual Android audio plugin framework
AAP: Android Audio Plugin Framework disclaimer: the README is either up to date, partially obsoleted, or sometimes (but not very often) ahead of imple
A modern Android architecture framework built on Jetpack & Kotlin.
RainbowCake RainbowCake is an Android architecture framework, providing tools and guidance for building modern Android applications. It builds on top
Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
Ktor is an asynchronous framework for creating microservices, web applications and more. Written in Kotlin from the ground up. import io.ktor.server.n
Backend service for mobile/web application for a small cinema playing only movies
FFC - Fast & Furious Cinema Backend service for mobile/web application for a small cinema playing only movies from Fast & Furious franchise. Some assu
Yet another web browser for Android.
Ninja Yet another web browser for Android. Ninja in 酷安 Ninja in 少数派 Ninja in 小众软件 Download latest Ninja.apk SUPPORT: Android 4.1+ LONG TERM MAINTENANC
💪 A framework for assisting in the renovation of Android componentization
💪 A framework for assisting in the renovation of Android componentization
Entity Framework Core UI plugin for JetBrains Rider
Entity Framework Core UI plugin for JetBrains Rider This plugin introduces Entity Framework Core commands' UI inside JetBrains Rider. Features There a
Secure your REST APIs with Spring Security, Resource and Authorization Server from zero to JWT
Secure REST APIs with Spring ./mvnw RTFM YouTube: Spring Security Patterns YouTube: Spring Security 5.5 From Taxi to Takeoff Official Apache Maven doc
Source code of the official StudyBuddy web client.
StudyBuddy-web This repository contains the source code of the web client, available here. Native apps For a native version of the application, see th
Server & Web App of Tolgee localization toolkit
Server & Web App of Tolgee localization toolkit
Kompose wrappers for material-components-web
Kompose Material Design Components (KMDC) A set of kotlin wrappers over material-components-web@13.0.0 library providing Jetbrains Compose DSL for bui
A springboot secure web app with jsp support.
kotlin-web-maven-spring-jsp-register-rsa-encrypt-argon2-encoded Description A springboot secure web app with jsp support. Three roles are defined; USE
A springboot secure web app with thymeleaf support.
kotlin-web-maven-spring-thyme-challenge-question-aes-encoded-scrypt-encode Description A springboot secure web app with thymeleaf support. Three roles
Firebase Authentication plugin for Ktor framework.
Firebase Authentication is a Ktor plugin which verifies requests authorized by a Firebase Auth Id Token.
A modern framework for full stack web apps in Kotlin
Kobweb is an opinionated Kotlin framework for creating websites and web apps, built on top of Web Compose and inspired by Next.js and Chakra UI.
⚡️ A supercharged native Web View for iOS and Android ⚡️
⚡️ A supercharged native Web View for iOS and Android ⚡️ Ionic Portals is a supercharged native Web View component for iOS and Android that lets you a
Highly experimental predefined Bootstrap functions to use in Compose Web
bootstrap-compose Highly experimental predefined Bootstrap functions to use in Compose Web Install This package is uploaded to MavenCentral. repositor
A framework for building responsive Android apps using Jetpack Compose
Jetmagic - A framework for building responsive Android apps using Jetpack Compose Jetmagic is an Android framework that can be used to develop respons
Upsert DSL extension for Exposed, Kotlin SQL framework
Exposed Upsert Upsert DSL extension for Exposed, Kotlin SQL framework. Project bases on various solutions provided by community in the official "Expos
A modular framework for building Discord bots in Kotlin using Kordex and Kord
Mik Bot A modular framework for building Discord bots in Kotlin using Kordex and Kord **If you are here for mikmusic, click here and there Deployment
Unsplash application for Android, Desktop and Web. Built using Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose
Unsplash Unsplash application for Android, Desktop and Web. Built using Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose with ❤️ 👉 Presentation Set up the environmen
A tiny framework to execute shell scripts on Android
Skippy A tiny framework to execute shell scripts on Android Why I first sought out to create a basic script manager for Android.
Consumer android from nutrition-framework API
About This Project (work-in-progress 👷 🔧️ 👷♀️ ⛏ ) Consumer Dari Nutrition Framework General Framework for Application Development Around Nutrition
Simple Android web-view-based application. The primary purpose is to show the website in Kiosk mode.
Kiosk mode app Simple Android web-view-based application. The primary purpose is to show the website in Kiosk mode. By default, the app works in Scree
Template for a modern spring web service.
Spring Service Scaffold A scaffold for a web service operating with a Spring Framework backend, reactjs as frontend and a continuous testing and build
A Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose template that allows you to easily set up your project targeting: Android, Desktop, and Web
A Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose template that allows you to easily set up your project targeting: Android, Desktop, and Web
Building Web Applications with React and Kotlin JS Hands-On Lab
Building Web Applications with React and Kotlin JS Hands-On Lab This repository is the code corresponding to the hands-on lab Building Web Application
Source Code Tutorial Aplikasi Al-Quran Android
Al-Quran-Android SOURCE CODE APLIKASI AL-QURAN DENGAN ANDROID STUDIO Source Code ini sudah di update. Untuk source code versi lama, silahkan lihat di
A simple and scalable Android bot emulation framework, as presented at Black Hat Europe's Arsenal
m3 A simple and scalable Android bot emulation framework. A detailed explanation can be found here. This project was first published at Black Hat Euro
A micro mocking framework for KMP
Micro-Mock A micro Kotlin/Multiplatform Kotlin Symbol Processor that generates Mocks & Fakes. Limitations: Mocking only applies to interfaces Faking o
AudLibPlayer is a library that allows a client to play from a collection of public domain audiobooks hosted on a web service
AudLibPlayer is a library that allows a client to play from a collection of public domain audiobooks hosted on a web service
General purpose parsing framework. Simplify parsing of text
General purpose parsing framework. Simplify parsing of text. Allows capture complex nested formats with simple and human-readable syntax.
Android app for monitoring web services. Notifies you of any HTTP or Onion destination not being available.
Webmon Monitor web services and get notified, if a service becomes unavailable. EARLY BIRD DOWNLOAD App Features Simple UI. No login required. Get not
This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework.
foodhouse Project This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework. If you want to learn more about Quarkus, please visit its websit
Bar Service Kotlin Client
A simple starter service client written in Kotlin against generated models (protos)A simple starter service client written in Kotlin against generated models (protos)
A Kotlin Multiplatform Project using TMDB Api. Currently supports Android,iOS,Desktop and web platforms
A Kotlin Multiplatform Project using TMDB Api(https://www.themoviedb.org/). Currently this project is implemented in following platforms Andr
The News App has been carried out within the framework of the MVVM architecture, information about news is obtained by consulting an API, it is built usisng Jetpack Copose, Coroutines, Dependency Injection with Hilt and Retrofit
Journalist The News App consists of an application that displays the latest news from EEUU from an API that provides official and updated information.
[ACTIVE] Simple Stack, a backstack library / navigation framework for simpler navigation and state management (for fragments, views, or whatevers).
Simple Stack Why do I want this? To make navigation to another screen as simple as backstack.goTo(SomeScreen()), and going back as simple as backstack
Kotlin Multiplatform Sample - Android, iOS, Web, Desktop
KMP-Sample Kotlin Multiplatform Sample Android iOS Web (Compose for web) Desktop (Compose for desktop) 💎 Structure Diagram 🛠 Build At least android
This directory contains the model files (protos) for the Bar ServiceThis directory contains the model files (protos) for the Bar Service
This directory contains the model files (protos) for the Bar ServiceThis directory contains the model files (protos) for the Bar Service
Basic application that uses Retrofit, Moshi and Coil libraries to parse data from web API
DogAlbum_Api_CodeThrough Basic application that uses Retrofit, Moshi and Coil libraries to parse data from web API This folder contains the completed
Used to generate the template code of GetX framework
Language: English | 中文简体 statement some fast code snippet prompt come from getx-snippets-intelliJ Description install Plugin effect Take a look at the
gRPC-Kotlin/JVM - An RPC library and framework
gRPC-Kotlin/JVM - An RPC library and framework A Kotlin/JVM implementation of gRPC: A high performance, open source, general RPC framework that puts m
A super file picker framework.
一款超强的文件选择框架。A super file picker framework. 功能: 文件选择 支持多种类型文件选择 支持多个文件同时选择 如何添加 Gradle添加: 1.在Project的build.gradle中添加仓库地址
Ktor is an asynchronous framework for creating microservices, web applications and more.
ktor-sample Ktor is an asynchronous framework for creating microservices, web applications and more. Written in Kotlin from the ground up. Application