Microsoft Services SDKs for Android produced by MS Open Tech.


Important: This preview SDK has been deprecated and is no longer being maintained. We recommend that you use Microsoft Graph and the associated Microsoft Graph SDKs instead.

Office 365 SDKs for Android

Easily integrate services and data from Office 365 into native Android apps using these Android/Java libraries.

Build Status Download

NOTE: You are free to use this code and library according to the terms of its included LICENSE and to open issues in this repo for unofficial support.

Information about official Microsoft support is available here.

These libraries are generated from API metadata using [Vipr] and [Vipr-T4TemplateWriter] and use a shared client stack provided by [orc-for-android].

For information on release cadence and how to access built binaries before release, see Releases.

Current services, service versions, and SDK versions:

API Service Version SDK Version Artifact Id
Files 1.0 1.0.0 files-services
Discovery 1.0 1.0.0 discovery-services
AAD Graph 1.5 0.15.0 directory-services
OneNote 1.0 0.15.0 onenote-services
SharePoint Lists 1.0 1.0.0 sharepoint-services

##Microsoft Graph SDK and Microsoft Outlook SDK

Looking for the new Microsoft Graph (preview) or Microsoft Oulook SDK for Android? Please, refer to the following new repos:




You will need to sign a Contributor License Agreement before submitting your pull request. To complete the Contributor License Agreement (CLA), you will need to submit a request via the form and then electronically sign the Contributor License Agreement when you receive the email containing the link to the document.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information, see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.


Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apached License 2.0.

  • How to list files under a folder?

    How to list files under a folder?

    Hello Office 365 SDK pals,

    I'm using Office-365-SDK for Android ( ), I've been looking on all SDK examples ( and also I've been looking into SDK source code directly but I'm not able to figure how to list files under a folder; all examples does only file list under root folder.

    On Office365 REST API I can see clearly that there's a call for this pourpose ( ) but on this SDK I didn't found a way to create the same call.

    My actual code is the very same than the one on SDK code snippets ( ) on call "getFilesAndFolders". It list properly files and folder under root, but I haven't a way to list files and folder under a concrete folder, so I cannot create a file explorer :(.

    Thanks in advance! Regards.

    Also posted on StackOverflow ->

    opened by forlayo 12
  • Can you delete folder by using the path name in one service call?

    Can you delete folder by using the path name in one service call?

    In the REST API you can delete a OneDrive folder in one call using the following approach: DELETE {base-url}/getByPath('{folder-path}')

    Is there a way to do this using the SDK? Currently I am obtaining the ID of the folder to delete first (one call) and then calling the delete method (second call).

    //Find ID of the path Item folder = mSharePointClient.getfiles().getOperations().getByPath(fullPath).get(); //Use ID to delete the folder mSharePointClient.getfiles().getById(folder.getid()).addHeader(Constants.IF_MATCH_HEADER, "*").delete().get();

    Thanks! David

    opened by davidchesnut 8
  • Sample build depends on SDK build; SDK build depends on global props

    Sample build depends on SDK build; SDK build depends on global props

    ffrank@ffrank-ltm:~/git/Office-365-SDK-for-Android/samples/outlook (1) $ ~/gradle-2.2.1/bin/gradle assembleDebug
    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    * Where:
    Script '/Users/ffrank/git/Office-365-SDK-for-Android/sdk/library.gradle' line: 47
    * What went wrong:
    A problem occurred evaluating script.
    > Could not find property 'bintrayUsername' on project ':outlook-services'.
    * Try:
    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
    Total time: 0.94 secs
    opened by FabianFrank 7
  • How to properly create the DirectoryClient

    How to properly create the DirectoryClient

    I'm trying to create a DirectoryClient object to work with users and groups. But I can't figure out how to properly instantiate the object. All other services work (mail, files) when obtaining them through discovery services. But using the following code I get 403 errors when I attempt to use the DirectoryClient object.

        ADALDependencyResolver dependencyResolver = (ADALDependencyResolver) AuthenticationController
        DirectoryClient directoryClient=new DirectoryClient("",dependencyResolver);

    Thanks! David

    opened by davidchesnut 7
  • Guava and GSON dependencies in JAR's and AAR's

    Guava and GSON dependencies in JAR's and AAR's

    I've got a simple Android app with the following lines in my build.gradle file:

    dependencies {
        compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
        compile group: '', name: 'adal', version: '1.0.3'
        compile group: '', name: 'list-services', version: '(,1.0)'

    Attempting to deploy this to the emulator results in the following error:

    UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/common/annotations/Beta;

    Some further investigation reveals that the Guava library appears to be embedded directly into the list-services-0.9.2.jar, in addition to being included as a library. E.g

    Changing my build.gradle to exclude the Guava dependency appears to fix the issue:

    dependencies {
        compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
        compile group: '', name: 'adal', version: '1.0.3'
        compile (group: '', name: 'list-services', version: '(,1.0)') {
            //Guava appears to be included explicitly in the list-services.jar
            //Skip the redundant dependency
            exclude group: ''

    This seems to be a bug in list-services?

    opened by deadalusai 7
  • getOperations() on OutlookClient returns null

    getOperations() on OutlookClient returns null

    I have OutlookClient outlookClient = newOutlookClient (OUTLOOK_BASE_URL,myADALDependencyResolver); and outlookClient.getMe().getOperations returns null when called. The samples look like getMe().getOperations().sendMail() is the correct chain of calls, however. There isn't anything in the logs that would indicate what's wrong.

    Receiving lists of folders and lists of messages works fine, though. I have all email permissions enabled for my app.

    opened by FabianFrank 6
  • Can not sign in when running the example 'outlook'

    Can not sign in when running the example 'outlook'

    I run the sample 'outlook' and sign in with my company account, but it's always remind me 'Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in.We received a bad request.', why please?

    (1) Here is my '' code :

     * this class holds the service constants to connect to Office 365 Outlook services
     * please note that the sample assume that all of this constants will work for all services, which
     * may not be the case
     * fill in the values according to your subscription
    public class ServiceConstants {
        public static final String AUTHORITY_URL = "";
        public static final String RESOURCE_ID = "";
        public static final String REDIRECT_URL = "";  // Update by LY@2015-04-23
        public static final String CLIENT_ID = "GT-N8000";   // Update by LY@2015-04-23
        // public static final String ENCRYPTION_KEY = "EncryptionKey";
        // it is generally the case for O365 services that the endpoint ID is the concatenation
        // RESOURCE_ID and the api version. Please check against your actual deployment
        public static final String ENDPOINT_ID = RESOURCE_ID + "api/v1.0";

    (2) Here is my log: 04-23 14:55:47.824 19996-19996/ V/AuthenticationActivity﹕ Page finished: ver:1.0.5 04-23 14:55:47.824 19996-19996/ D/AuthenticationActivity﹕ displaySpinner:false showing:true ver:1.0.5 04-23 14:55:47.964 19996-19996/ D/WebView﹕ onSizeChanged - w:1280 h:696 04-23 14:57:29.049 19996-19996/ V/WebViewInputDispatcher﹕ blockWebkitDraw 04-23 14:57:29.049 19996-19996/ V/WebViewInputDispatcher﹕ blockWebkitDraw lockedfalse 04-23 14:57:29.049 19996-19996/ V/webview﹕ singleCursorHandlerTouchEvent -getEditableSupport FASLE 04-23 14:57:29.354 19996-20047/ D/webview﹕ blockWebkitViewMessage= false 04-23 15:27:29.019 19996-19996/ D/AuthenticationActivity﹕ AuthenticationActivity onPause unregister receiver ver:1.0.5 04-23 15:27:29.019 19996-19996/ D/AuthenticationActivity﹕ Spinner at onPause will dismiss ver:1.0.5 04-23 15:32:40.634 19996-19996/ D/AuthenticationActivity﹕ AuthenticationActivity onRestart ver:1.0.5 04-23 15:32:40.659 19996-19996/ D/AuthenticationActivity﹕ onResume ver:1.0.5 04-23 15:32:40.659 19996-19996/ V/AuthenticationActivity﹕ Webview onResume will register receiver: Y2UzNjUuY29tLw &x-client-SKU=Android&x-client-Ver=1.0.5&x-client-OS=16&x-client-DM=GT-N8000&client-request-id=31b8acf5-2299-4d3f-ade5-ae3abdf5ba9d ver:1.0.5 04-23 15:32:40.659 19996-19996/ V/AuthenticationActivity﹕ Webview onResume register broadcast receiver for requestId1107885216 ver:1.0.5 04-23 15:35:26.194 19996-19996/ D/dalvikvm﹕ GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 156K, 12% free 7777K/8775K, paused 19ms, total 19ms 04-23 15:35:26.279 19996-19996/ V/WebViewInputDispatcher﹕ blockWebkitDraw 04-23 15:35:26.279 19996-19996/ V/WebViewInputDispatcher﹕ blockWebkitDraw lockedfalse 04-23 15:35:26.279 19996-19996/ V/webview﹕ singleCursorHandlerTouchEvent -getEditableSupport FASLE

    opened by LiYaHX 6
  • Is Eclipse supported?

    Is Eclipse supported?

    Trying out the latest build of the SDK I see in the readme a very short section on how to run in Eclipse. However it references a hello-Android sample that I cannot find. It appears all the builds are geared for Android Studio. Is it possible to compile and run on the Eclipse IDE?

    We were able to build all of the JAR files for the SDK projects, except for the Odata-engine-android-impl, which builds as a .aar file. So we are stuck trying to get the SDK projects into Eclipse for our Android project we are building.

    opened by davidchesnut 6
  • Use Gradle wrapper

    Use Gradle wrapper

    This is strongly recommended to make sure the correct version of gradle is used and there are no conflicts with other gradle installations on the host.

    opened by FabianFrank 5
  • Implement serializable in exceptions

    Implement serializable in exceptions


    I've been working with Visual Studio Application Insights and I find difficult to pass exceptions data to Application Insights. The reason is because the Office 365 SDK exceptions don't implement Serializable, which is required to use the exception with the Application Insights SDK for Android. Would you consider implementing Serializable in your exceptions?

    opened by ricalo 5
  • Refresh token is failed and prompt is not allowed when using an AVD with API level lower than 18

    Refresh token is failed and prompt is not allowed when using an AVD with API level lower than 18

    I'm assuming I can use API level 14 or higher since that's what ADAL requires. Note that I'm using Office 365 SDK for Android v 0.11.1 If that is not true{ just let me know what API level is supported. Thank you! } else { Keep reading :bowtie: }

    In my app I get the authentication page, I type credentials, everything goes fine. Then I try to get the services using discoveryClient.getServices().read() The app fails with error Refresh token is failed and prompt is not allowed. However, if I upgrade my AVD to API level 18 or higher the error goes away.

    Here is the code that I'm using:

    ListenableFuture<List<ServiceInfo>> services = discoveryClient
            new FutureCallback<List<ServiceInfo>>() {
                public void onSuccess(final List<ServiceInfo> result) {
                    //Irrelevant, execution goes to the onFailure handler
                public void onFailure(final Throwable t) {
                    Log.e("Asset", t.getMessage());

    I also get this in logcat when using an AVD with API level lower than 18

    DefaultTokenCacheStore﹕ ENCRYPTION_FAILED:Encryption failure ver:1.0.5
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: rawBytes
                at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
                at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
                at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
    DefaultTokenCacheStore﹕ ENCRYPTION_FAILED:Encrypted output is null ver:1.0.5

    Any ideas? Thank you!

    opened by ricalo 5
  • This repo is missing important files

    This repo is missing important files

    There are important files that Microsoft projects should all have that are not present in this repository. A pull request has been opened to add the missing file(s). When the pr is merged this issue will be closed automatically.

    Microsoft teams can learn more about this effort and share feedback within the open source guidance available internally.

    Merge this pull request

    opened by microsoft-github-policy-service[bot] 0
  • Adding Microsoft SECURITY.MD

    Adding Microsoft SECURITY.MD

    Please accept this contribution adding the standard Microsoft SECURITY.MD :lock: file to help the community understand the security policy and how to safely report security issues. GitHub uses the presence of this file to light-up security reminders and a link to the file. This pull request commits the latest official SECURITY.MD file from

    Microsoft teams can learn more about this effort and share feedback within the open source guidance available internally.

    opened by microsoft-github-policy-service[bot] 0
  • Edit file and save in another app

    Edit file and save in another app

    Hi, I have a question:

    The scenario is:

    1 - I have a file in my app with docx extension(which is online) 2 - I want to open this file in my android in an office app 3 - I edit the file in an office app 4 - when I close the app(office) after editing the changes will be reflected in the file in my app.

    Its same like dropbox does.

    Please show me the way to achieve this. Thankyou

    opened by mharis99 0
  • Missing

    Missing "MyFiles" capability

    Hello, we are since recently experiencing problems with our Android app accessing OneDrive via the following dependencies:

    compile group: '', name: 'odata-engine-core', version: '0.13.0'
    compile group: '', name: 'odata-engine-android-impl', version: '0.13.0', ext: 'aar'
    compile group: '', name: 'discovery-services', version: '0.13.0'
    compile group: '', name: 'adal', version: '1.1.11'
    compile group: '', name: 'file-services', version: '0.11.1'

    When we read the ServiceInfos returned by discoveryClient.getservices().read(); we now read a single service info which just has the Directory capability. Until some time ago what we used to obtain was at least one ServiceInfo which had a capability named MyFiles. We then checked for this specific capability and went on to our OneDrive using code without problems.

    So now that we do not get this MyFiles cap, our application fails. If we try to test to skip this capability check in our own code and directly go to the OneDrive specific code, we then get 403 errors reported via Exception from your API.

    The "Delegated Permissions" we are using in our application, set in the Azure Portal are:

    Windows Azure Active Directory: (2 perms)

    • Access the directory as the signed-in user
    • Sign in and read user profile

    Microsoft Graph: (5 perms)

    • Have full access to user files
    • Read user files
    • Read items in all site collections
    • Read files that the user selects
    • Sign in and read user profile

    Has anything changed? Do we need to delegate any additional permissions?

    Or, maybe, should we now implement a different approach for any reason?

    For the record, our iOS team using these deps for months now are experiencing no issues:

    pod 'LiveSDK'
    pod 'ADALiOS', '~> 1.2.2' # 1.2.2 < ver < 1.2.2
    pod 'OrcEngine/Implementation', :git => '', :branch => 'dev'
    pod 'Office365/Files', :git => '', :branch => 'orc-poc'`

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by MiguelGL 9
  • v1.0.1(Aug 28, 2015)

  • 1.0.0(Jul 10, 2015)

  • 0.14.2(Jun 11, 2015)

  • 0.14.1(Jun 5, 2015)

    • Updated to new ORC structure (Office REST Client)
    • Fixed camel case in all methods to match with Java standards
    • Fixed issue #86
    • Fixed issue with payloads in PATCH requests
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.13.0(Apr 27, 2015)

    Added OneNote SDK Added Graph Services (Preview) Added Live Auth SDK Added LiveDependencyResolver Updated the Exchange SDK to use TimeZone, CalendarColor, GeoCoordinates

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.12.1(Mar 12, 2015)

  • 0.12.0(Mar 5, 2015)

  • v0.11.1(Jan 2, 2015)

    • Moving test project outside e2e test project
    • Fix defect #60
    • Fix defect #61
    • Updated tests for SampleService
    • Upgrade to Wiremock 1.52
    • Refactor Outlook sample app
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.11.0(Dec 11, 2014)

    • Cleaned imports
    • Improved tests for sample service comparing request's payloads too
    • Updated tests for Sample Service
    • adding travis script into integration branch
    • adding travis scrip into dev
    • Added new tests for sample service
    • adding verbose log level to sample app
    • Added tests for sample service
    • adding DocLibClient
    • Added integration tests for mocked service
    • updating test app to gradle gradle 2.1
    • upgrading test project
    • adding source compatibility 1.6 issue #55
    • updating gradle files to android 1.0 release
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.10.1(Dec 4, 2014)

    • Support for consuming the server response (payload) as JSON. Look for the methods ending with Raw().
    • Adding back a DependecyResolver for the JVM implementation : JvmDependenvyResolver
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.10.0(Nov 27, 2014)

    Support for deserialization of entity subclasses    a650fb1
    Initial test structure for outlook services d51911b
    Added tests for deserializing lists and single items in the correct d… …    f445dea
    Updated CalendarView tests, added getCalendarView for particular cale… …    6de06e3
    Adding new ADAL based dependency resolver   1530d5e
    Updating sample with new ADAL based dependency resolver 54ad1f0
    OrderBy support bb34fc7
    Added tests for skip and order by   08ed48e
    Version bump    d9637b6
    Excluding android support from resulting .jar from .aar
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.4(Nov 20, 2014)

    This drop includes the following changes :

    • Library consolidation into a new package : odata-engine-core
    • projection and expansion support for single entities ($expand and $select)
    • Fixed issue with custom headers that were not being added properly
    • Updated ADAL version to use (,2.0)
    • Removed CredentialsFactory interface
    • Added tests for CalendarView functions
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.3(Nov 7, 2014)

    This drop includes the following changes :

    excluding third party dependencies when creating .jar artifact. issue #45 Updates in End2End authentication. Using refreshtoken moving fetcher logic to ctor as stated per issue # 18. Changes applied to templates fixing several Code Inspection warnings for issue #13 adding better sintaxis to retrieve items from collection without using getByIdXXX Added select and filter tests for Lists Removed unsupported filter tests for files Added filter, select and top tests in Discovery, Exchange and Files adding suppress warnings to odatacollectionfetcher adding constraints to generic parameters. issue #21 adding constraint to generic parameters Updated End2End App updating outloook services with latest changes in code generator adding bintray plugin into e2e test app Updated End2End. Added general_settings.xml Started adding Tests for Directory & Discovery rolling back to gradle wrapper version 1.12 for sample app add version headers for issue #36 add task to create .jar from .aar minor changes and clean ups to gradle scripts

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.2(Oct 28, 2014)

Office Developer
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