3039 Repositories
Android R2D2-Endor-AccesoDatos-Kotlin Libraries
Convenient kotlin script runner
KScript Convenient kotlin script running engine for JVM. Examples Base class: open class Test(val test: String) KScript("println(test)").apply {
组件化+Jetpack+Kotlin+MVVM 一、项目简介 该项目主要以组件化+Jetpack+MVVM为架构,使用Kotlin语言,集合了最新的Jetpack组件,如Navigation、Paging3、Room等,另外还加上了依赖注入框架Koin和图片加载框架Coil。 网络请求部分使用OkH
Library to use Kotlin Coroutines from Swift code in KMP apps
KMP-NativeCoroutines A library to use Kotlin Coroutines from Swift code in KMP apps. Flows Kotlin Create an extension property to expose the Flow as a
Sample source code for Android Pride Rainbow Bounding Box written in Kotlin and OpenGL 🏳️🌈
Sample Code for Animated Rainbow Bounding Box in OpenGL A sample app showing how to draw a rainbow bounding box on Android with OpenGL and Kotlin. Blo
神奇宝贝 (PokemonGo) 基于 Jetpack + MVVM + Repository + Paging3 + Kotlin Flow 的实战项目
这是一个小型的 App 项目,涉及到技术:Paging3(network + db),Dagger-Hilt,App Startup,DataBinding,Room,Motionlayout,Kotlin Flow,Coil,JProgressView 等等。
Nice and simple DSL for Espresso in Kotlin
Kakao Nice and simple DSL for Espresso in Kotlin Introduction At Agoda, we have more than 1000 automated tests to ensure our application's quality and
Tired of manually setup test data of Kotlin data classes or POJOs? Instantiator creates Instances of any class for you so that you can focus on writing tests instead of spending time and effort to setup test data
Instantiator Tired of manually setup test data of Kotlin data classes or POJOs? Instantiator creates Instances of any class for you so that you can fo
Transform java callback to kotlin suspend method.
Callback2Coroutines Transform Java callback to coroutines suspend method. 将传统Java callback 方法转换为kotlin中的suspend方法。 接入指南 根目录下加入jatpack的repository: allp
Alien invasion 👾 gane is back! this time specially on Jetpack Compose Desktop 🚀, using Canvas API 🎨
Compose Space-Invaders 👾 Alien invasion 👾 is back! this time specially on Jetpack Compose Desktop 🚀 , using Canvas API 🎨 Featured on Compose Diges
This assignment gives you basically a post list and its detail with comments.🚀
Android Assignment 📜 Description This assignment gives you basically a post list and its detail with comments. 📱 Features Users can see random post
Archimedes's implementation for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Archimedes Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the earth. Archimedes's implementation for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Building From Source T
Dependency Injection library for Kotlin Multiplatform, support iOS and Android
Multiplatform-DI library for Kotlin Multiplatform Lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin Multiplatform application Dependency injection
Kotlin backend based on the Clean Architecture principles. Ktor, JWT, Exposed, Flyway, KGraphQL/GraphQL generated endpoints, Gradle.
Kotlin Clean Architecture Backend Kotlin backend based on the Clean Architecture principles. The application is separated into three modules: Domain,
A clean architecture example. Using Kotlin Flow, Retrofit and Dagger Hilt, etc.
android-clean-architecture A clean architecture example. Using Kotlin Flow, Retrofit and Dagger Hilt, etc. Intro Architecture means the overall design
Kotlin Multiplatform (pending KSP support) snapshot (klip) manager for tests
KLIP Kotlin Multiplatform (pending KSP support) snapshot (klip) manager for tests Modules core - runtime library processor - ksp-based annotation proc
MVVM RECIPE ANDROID APP Is an app where I show how to use MVVM, retrofit, dagger hilt, coroutine, liveData, Kotlin, navigation component, and so on...
MVVM RECIPE ANDROID APP Is an app where I show how to use MVVM, retrofit, dagger hilt, coroutine, liveData, kotlin, navigation component, and so on...
Template (pure) for KMM application with DI support
KMM di template Template (pure) for KMM application with DI support. Uses Multiplatform-DI for Dependency Injection Features Common architecture (VIP)
Neumorphism UI on Android with Jetpack Compose.
Neumorphism UI with Jetpack Compose This library is an experimentation with Neumorphism UI (New + Skeuomorphism) on Android with Jetpack Compose. How
Welcome Fruit Ninja 🥝 on Jetpack Compose Desktop 🚀, using Canvas API 🎨
Compose-Fruit-Ninja 🥝 Welcome Fruit Ninja on Jetpack Compose Desktop 🚀 , using Canvas API 🎨 Featured on jetc-dev How to Run From gradle tab from ri
Codee (Code editor) - Mobile IDE for developing Kotlin, Java and other projects.
Codee App Codee (Code editor) - Mobile IDE for developing Kotlin, Java and other projects. Fully written on Kotlin! 🚀 Motivation There are currently
Gradle Plugin to enable auto-completion and symbol resolution for all Kotlin/Native platforms.
CompleteKotlin Gradle Plugin to enable auto-completion and symbol resolution for all Kotlin/Native platforms. What this plugin provides This zero-conf
纯kotlin实现, 节点爬取,筛选, 支持Clash,base64订阅解析,定期生成可用的ss, ssr, v2ray, trojan节点
订阅链接 https://github.com/JACKUSR2089/v2ray-subscribed https://github.com/clashconfig/online https://github.com/coolapijust/cxkv2- https://github.com/fl
Lyricist - The missing I18N and I10N library for Jetpack Compose!
Jetpack Compose greatly improved the way we build UIs on Android, but not how we interact with strings. stringResource() works well, but doesn't benefit from the idiomatic Kotlin like Compose.
A Minecraft Kit API written in Kotlin
hglabor-kits Dependency The library is available on Maven Central, add the following dependencies: implementation("net.axay:hglabor-kits:$version") hg
Find your ideal fitness partners according to your preferences and interact with them whenever you want! All this with no hassle, because there's FitMate! Take timed challenges updated daily, read blogs related to health, and be a part of numerous communities too! During covid times, partner with your FitMate to achieve your fitness goals at home.
FitMate Do you feel lazy and uninterested when there’s no one for you to work out with? Do you fail to keep a track of your workouts and need guidance
A Zero-Dependency Kotlin Faker implementation built to leave you fully satisfied
Satisfaketion A Zero-Dependency Kotlin Faker implementation built to leave you fully satisfied 😏 ... With your fake data How to Install 🚀 Satisfaket
ATH Sample is a sample Authentication and Authorization Application with Kotlin Language and MVVM architecture.
ATH Sample ATH Sample is a sample Authentication and Authorization Application with Kotlin Language and MVVM architecture. Overview ATH Sample is a sa
Android app to search for covid vaccine slots, turn on background search & get notifications when slots are available
CowinNotifier Android app to search for covid vaccine slots, turn on background search & get notifications when slots are available Glipmse of the App
QRGame - storage a game inside a qr code
QRGame Can we storage a game inside a qr code? Yes! At least in theory. That was the question that started that entire project. QRGame is an Android p
This is a simple Rest Api for todo application
This is a simple Rest Api for todo application , where users do signup, login and add their respective todos. So this api is fully based on Ktor framework.
A Wikipedia Android app built for learning purposes
A Wikipedia Android app built for learning purposes. This app uses Wikipedia API to fetch the relevant data about the searched query. It shows search suggestions as the user types the query to be searched, saves the visited searched pages in the history section using the Room database, shows a list of fetched data about the searched item, and lets the user visit its Wikipedia page if a user clicks on it.
xls2json - Read in Excel file (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm) and output JSON
xls2json Read in Excel file (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm) and output JSON. Evaluates formulas where possible. Preserve type information from Excel via JSON typ
This is a template to help you get started building amazing Kotlin applications and libraries.
Welcome to the Starter This is a template to help you get started building amazing Kotlin applications and libraries. Over time, examples will be comp
Google Assistant App Actions on Android
App Actions let users launch specific features in your app using Google Assistant. By enabling App Actions to extend your app, users can easily deep link into your apps via Assistant by simply speaking a request to the Assistant.
To Do App with Kotlin
To-Do-App Türkçe Açıklama Kotlin dilini kullanarak basit bir To-Do uygulaması yaptım. Bu uygulama ile istediğiniz gibi notlarınızı ekleyip unuttuğunuz
Kotlin app that shows a list of characters using the api SWAPI
StarWarsCharacters Kotlin app that shows a list of characters using the api SWAPI (https://swapi.dev) This is a clean architecture app example built w
Small kotlin library for persisting _single instances_ of kotlin data classes
PerSista Small library for persisting single instances of kotlin data classes. NB: PerSista uses typeOf() internally which is marked as @ExperimentalS
Age + Gender Estimation on Android - with TensorFlow Lite
Age + Gender Estimation in Android with TensorFlow Contents Python project Google Colab Notebooks Dataset Model ( Vanilla vs. Lite ) Android project O
Awesome Kid's Drawing App. It has a click and draws feature.
CanvaKids Overview It's a kid's drawing app which is build for android users. It is built in Kotlin with some very good practices involved.
An Intentionally designed Vulnerable Android Application built in Kotlin.
📱 InsecureShop InsecureShop is an Android application that is designed to be intentionally vulnerable. The aim of creating this app is to teach devel
A libre smart powered comic book reader for Android.
Seeneva A libre smart powered comic book reader for Android. Translation: Русский • • Features • Speech balloons zooming • OCR and TTS • Performance •
The REST API backend server for the Jalgaon CoHelp application.
API Service - Jalgaon CoHelp The REST API backend server for the Jalgaon CoHelp application. 🛠 Technology / Tools used Kotlin: Programming language f
This repository shows how to declare Hibernate entities using Kotlin
JPA Entities in Kotlin This repository was originally used in the "Getting the Most from JPA with Kotlin" webinar. To follow the webinar flow step by
Android multi-module navigation built on top of Jetpack Navigation Compose
MultiNavCompose Android library for multi-module navigation built on top of Jetpack Navigation Compose. The goal of this library is to simplify the se
A collection of small utility functions to make it easier to deal with some otherwise nullable APIs on Android.
requireKTX requireKTX is a collection of small utility functions to make it easier to deal with some otherwise nullable APIs on Android, using the sam
A tooltip/showcase library for Android re-written in Kotlin.
UglyTooltip Based on another Showcase library. Being kotlinized, customized and refactored.
Kotlin Multiplatform Application to show Crypto Coins
This is the codebase of Crypto currency Tracking Kotlin Multiplatform App. Components Shared Components Ktor (Network Client) SQL Delight (Local DB) A
Android kotlin extentions library.
KEXtentions This is ALPHA version. Dont use in production code! Kotlin and Android extentions library. How to add it: Step 1. Add the JitPack reposito
Android free levitating window.
FloatingX FloatingX 一个灵活的 免权限 悬浮窗解决方案。 👏 特性 链式调用,无感知插入 支持滑动,自动吸附,兼容多指触摸 Kotlin-dsl 自动修复显示位置 支持对悬浮窗生命周期的监听 支持自定义悬浮窗各项配置 支持自定义拖动边框,吸附边框 支持App 内全局悬浮窗,单
This is a practice app. An app that you can find random recipes and choose the ones you like.
A food suggestion app like Tinder This is a practice app. In this app, you can find random recipes and choose the ones you like. This is main menu. Yo
🏀 An Android app for dribbble.com
Mango Mango is an Android application for Dribbble. Inspired by Resplash, Plaid and Protein. Features ✨ Kotlin and RxKotlin: Yes, fully written in Kot
TheMovies 🎬 A demo project for The Movie DB based on Kotlin MVVM architecture and material design & animations.
A simple project for The Movie DB based on Kotlin MVVM clean architecture and material design & animations. How to build on your environment
A simple demo project based on MVVM clean architecture and material design & animations.
GithubFollows A simple demo project based on MVVM clean architecture and material design & animations. Architecture Specs & Open-source libraries Mini
Mobile client for official Nextcloud News App written as Kotlin Multiplatform Project
Newsout Android and iOS mobile client for Nextcloud news App. The Android client is already available to download in the Play Store. F-Droid and Apple
Andorid app which provides a bunch of useful Linux commands.
Linux Command Library for Android The app currently has 3203 manual pages, 1351 one-line scripts and a bunch of general terminal tips. It works 100% o
Open source Crypto Currency Tracker Android App made fully in Kotlin
CoinBit CoinBit is a beautiful CryptoCurrency app, completely open sourced and 100% in kotlin. It supports following features Track prices of over 300
Android News Reader app. Kotlin Coroutines, Retrofit and Realm
News Reader Android News Reader app Code that follows Packt Publishing Kotlin in Practice Video Course Example of Kotlin Coroutine usage, with Realm a
Design Patterns implemented in Kotlin
Design Patterns In Kotlin ⚠️ New article about testing: Unit Testing with Mockito 2 Project maintained by @dbacinski (Dariusz Baciński) Inspired by De
From Java to Kotlin Cheat Sheet
From Java to Kotlin Cheat Sheet Page: http://fabiomsr.github.io/from-java-to-kotlin/ Programmatically inspired from swift-is-like-go and visually insp
Hands-On-Design-Patterns-with-Kotlin, published by Packt
Hands-on-Design-Patterns-with-Kotlin This is the code repository for Hands-on-Design-Patterns-with-Kotlin, published by Packt. Build scalable applicat
Tachiyomi is a free and open source manga reader for Android 6.0 and above.
Free and open source manga reader for Android.
The Kotlin fake data generator library!
Fakeit This library is a port of the Ruby gem Faker. It generates realistic fake data — like names, emails, dates, countries — for a variety of scenar
Botão que ao clique longo, carrega uma animação que o preenche lateralmente
Botão que ao clique longo, carrega uma animação que o preenche lateralmente
🔖 A Quotes Application built to Demonstrate the Jetpack Compose UI
🔖 A Quotes Application built to Demonstrate the Jetpack Compose UI
KodeEditor - A simple code editor with syntax highlighting and pinch to zoom
KodeEditor - A simple code editor with syntax highlighting and pinch to zoom
This libre software app keeps track of things you do NOT want to do.
The reverse to-do list
A lightweight Kotlin DSL to render DSL style Json to String.
A lightweight Kotlin DSL to render DSL style Json to String.
Note saver app which can save images as well with customization.
Note-With-Images-App Note saver app which can save images as well with customization. Demo final.demo.mp4 What i used? Kotlin Paging 3 library flow li
A repository full of Forge 1.8.9 Kotlin utilities
kotlin-forge-api kotlin-forge-api is a repository full of different APIs to be used by mods for Forge 1.8.9 to make modding easier! Warning! To use an
🛒A Minimal Expense E-Commerce App built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture components [Navigation, Room, MotionLayout, etc..] with MVVM Architecture. ✔
E-Store A Simple E-Commerce App 📱 built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component with MVVM Architecture 🏗 . Made with love ❤️
Minecraft NBT support for kotlinx.serialization
knbt An implementation of Minecraft's NBT format for kotlinx.serialization. Technical information about NBT can be found here. Using the same version
Game made with Korge (Kotlin Multiplatform game engine)
MolesAttack Kotlin Multiplatform Game Play Html/js: https://feliperce.github.io/MolesAttack-Distribution/ Jar: https://feliperce.github.io/MolesAttack
A diary app made by Jetpack Compose
Chinese 🈶 ComposeDiary A simple diary app build by Jetpack Compose, use navigation library for single activity implementation Tech Stack & Features P
Amazing and easy to use Accordion Library for Android built with kotlin
AccoLib An easy-to-use, amazing Accordion Library for Android built with kotlin. It reduces the amount of code needed to make Accordions in android, w
Fetch random dog images
RandomDogImages Show Random Dog Images Demo application built in 100% Kotlin and implementing some Jetpack Components. This app was developed for as a
learn MVVM & Android Jetpack in Kotlin
MVVM & Android Jetpack MVVM in Android Kotlin Android Jetpack in Kotlin List of tutorials DataBinding : Step 1 mvvm DataBinding : Step 2 mvvm Lifecycl
A Kotlin compiler plugin implementation of AutoService
auto-service-kt A Kotlin compiler plugin implementation of AutoService. Usage Simply add the auto-service-kt Gradle Plugin. plugins { id("dev.zacswe
Kotlin Multiplatform String markup library
Thistle Kotlin multiplatform String markup library, inspired by SRML. Thistle is a common parser which produces an AST that can be rendered to a varie
Movie discovery app showcasing MVP, RxJava, Dagger 2 and Clean Architecture
MovieGuide 🚧 Refactoring in progress 👷♀️ ⛏ 👷 🔧️ 👷 🔧 🚧 Comments and new issues are welcome. 👍 Currently not accepting external PRs that touch
An android library to display FontAwesome Icons in any View or a MenuItem
DroidAwesome A library to display FontAwesome Icons in any View or a MenuItem Views Supported: TextView AutoComplete TextView EditText Switch CheckBox
Fully customizable implementation of "Snowfall View" on Android.
Android-Snowfall Fully customizable implementation of "Snowfall View" on Android. That's how we use it in our app Hotellook Compatibility This library
Display code with syntax highlighting :sparkles: in native way.
CodeView (Android) CodeView helps to show code content with syntax highlighting in native way. Description CodeView contains 3 core parts to implement
Dynamic Speedometer and Gauge for Android. amazing, powerful, and multi shape :zap:
SpeedView Dynamic Speedometer, Gauge for Android. amazing, powerful, and multi shape ⚡ , you can change (colors, bar width, shape, text, font ...every
Lightweight audiowave progressbar for Android
Audiogram Super lightweight audiowave progressbar written in Kotlin Getting started Add to your root build.gradle: allprojects { repositories {
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android powered by vector tiles and OpenGL.
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android powered by vector tiles and OpenGL.
Simple Android movies app using MVVM clean architecture.
Simple Android movies app using MVVM clean architecture.
🧬 Android DataBinding kit for notifying data changes from Model layers to UI layers on MVVM architecture.
🧬 Android DataBinding kit for notifying data changes from Model layers to UI layers on MVVM architecture.
An Awesome Kotlin Location library to retrieve location merely in 3 lines of code
An Awesome Kotlin Location library to retrieve location merely in 3 lines of code
[Android] Screenshot detection while user using your app
[Android] Screenshot detection while user using your app
Kotlin extensions for Moshi, Make every thing you want with Moshi in just one line.
Kotlin extensions for Moshi, Make every thing with square / Moshi in one line.
RxDisposableWatcher — find leaked subscriptions in RxJava code 🐞
Monitoring leaked Disposable subscriptions in RxJava code 🐞
Kotlin workshop
This project is obsolete. For the last version of Koans, check the course in the EduTools plugin or online version. The task content can be found at h
🎓 Learning Kotlin Coroutines for Android by example. 🚀 Sample implementations for real-world Android use cases. 🛠 Unit tests included!
Kotlin Coroutines - Use Cases on Android 🎓 Learning Kotlin Coroutines for Android by example. 🚀 Sample implementations for real-world Android use ca
:cyclone: A Pokedex app using ViewModel, LiveData, Room and Navigation
Pokedex app built with Kotlin Download Go to the releases page to download the latest available apk. Screenshots Development Roadmap Kotlin LiveData N
Algorithms and data structures in Kotlin.
Here you can find the most common algorithms and data structures written in Kotlin. The goal of this project is to create the most eloquent implementa
Ninety-Nine Problems in Kotlin
Ninety-Nine Kotlin Problems Table of Contents Introduction Lists Arithmetic Logic and Codes Binary Trees Multiway Trees Graphs Miscellaneous Introduct
Showcase project of Functional Reactive Programming on Android, using RxJava.
FunctionalAndroidReference FunctionalAndroidReference is a showcase project of Functional Reactive Programming on Android, using RxJava. It's a compan
Kotlin snippets that you can understand quickly, using only stdlib functionality.
Support this and other projects from Ivan Mwiruki here. 30 seconds of Kotlin Curated collection of useful Kotlin 1.3 snippets that you can understand