3039 Repositories
Android R2D2-Endor-AccesoDatos-Kotlin Libraries
Newesy is news app which uses NewsAPI to fetch news.
Newesy is news app which uses NewsAPI to fetch news.The main aim of this app was to learn Modern Android Architecture (MVVM).It uses MVVM,Kotlin-coroutines,Room,ViewModal,Retrofit,GSON and Navigation graph
Android SharedPreference management library made with kotlin
Kref Android SharedPreference management library made for kotlin Download Use Gradle: allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url
Jetpack Compose for Desktop and Web, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable.
Jetpack Compose for Desktop and Web, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable.
Pluto is a on-device debugger for Android applications, which helps in inspection of HTTP requests/responses, capture Crashes and ANRs and manipulating application data on-the-go.
Pluto Pluto is a on-device debugger for Android applications, which helps in inspection of HTTP requests/responses, capture Crashes and ANRs and manip
Klimatic is an android app built using Kotlin. It try to showcase all the latest technologies used in android.
Klimatic Klimatic is an android app built using Kotlin. It try to showcase all the latest technologies used in android. Built using Android Architectu
KMMT : Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Template
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile App Template
🛸Voyager is a pragmatic navigation library built for, and seamlessly integrated with, Jetpack Compose.
Voyager is a pragmatic navigation library built for, and seamlessly integrated with, Jetpack Compose.
Simulate the running route of each player on the playground, and can be timed with a stopwatch
PathView (Simulate the running route of each player on the playground, and can be timed with a stopwatch) Generally speaking, high frequency and dense
Kotlin Leaning Notes from Udacity Course | Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers by Google
Kotlin Beginners Notes These are all personal notes taken from the Udacity Course (ud9011) of Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers by Google as well as oth
A particle view library written in kotlin, easy to use
particle 中文介绍 This is a handy android library for particle effect. To start with, you need to add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositor
🧡 Mascota-Android 🧡 마스코타 - 반려동물의 일상도, 이별도 아름답게 !
🧡 Mascota-Android 🧡 😸 마스코타 - 반려동물의 일상도, 이별도 아름답게 ! 사랑하는 반려동물과의 이별, 어떻게 준비하고 계신가요? 이별 이후 많은 반려인들이 펫로스를 앓지만, 어떻게 해야하는지 정확한 방법을 가지고 있진 않습니다. 마스코타에서는 반
IntelliJ plugin that provides a modern and powerful byte code analyzer tool window.
IntelliJ Byte Code Analyzer Plugin This IntelliJ plugin provides a modern and powerful byte code analyzer tool window. Its supports Java, Kotlin, Groo
작은 움직임이 만드는 우리다운 여행, DOORIBON 👀
작은 움직임이 만드는 우리다운 여행, DOORIBON 👀 📌 프로젝트 설명 두리번 👀 은 여행을 계획하고 일정을 정리할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 여행 성향 테스트를 통해 자신의 여행 성향이 어떠한지 파악할 수 있고 함께 여행가는 사람들과 이를 공유할 수 있는 여행 서
Perfect replacement for startActivityForResult(), based on the Activity Result API.
ActivityResultLauncher English | 中文 Activity Result API is an official tool used to replace the method of startActivityForResult() and onActivityResul
Gear VPN - Free, Secure & Open sourced VPN app made with Jetpack Compose.
Gear VPN - Free, Secure & Open sourced VPN app made with Jetpack Compose.
The most essential libraries for Kotlin Multiplatform development
Essenty The most essential libraries for Kotlin Multiplatform development. Supported targets: android jvm js (IR and LEGACY) iosArm64, iosX64 watchosA
android webview loader using ksp
KSPWebViewLoader 🚧 @WebViewBuilder Annotation can be automating your webview settings. (WIP) How to use @WebViewBuilder( url = "https://www.googl
Aliucord Manager - Aliucord Installer rewrite in Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
Aliucord Manager Aliucord Manager - Aliucord Installer rewrite in Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. INFO: This app is not functional yet, if you want to ins
This library makes it easy for you to develop an simple drawing app in android
DrawingCanvas Library for drawing app canvas Features Size , transperancy and color manupulation of brush -- Using setSizeForBrush(), setBrushAlpha()
Ethereum Web3 implementation for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
Mobile Kotlin web3 This is a Kotlin MultiPlatform library that ... Table of Contents Features Requirements Installation Usage Samples Set Up Locally C
Kotlin suspendable dialogs for android
Android Suspendable Dialogs A helper library for Android to display Dialogs by suspending the coroutine till finish of the dialog. Installation allpro
Noice is an android app that allows you to create your own set of background sounds by mixing clips from environmental sources.
A native Android app to relax, improve focus and boost productivity with minimal background noise.
The universal proxy toolchain for Android, written in Kotlin.
SagerNet for Android The universal proxy toolchain for Android, written in Kotlin.
Kotlin Multiplatform project that gets network data from Food2Fork.ca
Food2Fork Recipe App This is the codebase for a Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile course. [Watch the course](https://codingwithmitch.com/courses/kotlin-mult
💉🤖 Bot for the German "ImpfterminService - 116117"
💉 🤖 Impf-Bot Searches the official "ImpfterminService - Der Patientenservice 116117" for free Corona vaccination slots. It can search multiple locat
Life is too short for Bash programming
A starter project to build command-line tools in Kotlin Multiplatform Contains a re-implementation of a real world CLI tool: git-standup Installation
A kitchen timer implemented with Jetpack Compose
Kitchen Timer Motivation and Context To commemorate Jetpack Compose first beta release, Google launched the #AndroidDevChallenge. In the 2nd round, co
汇聚了业界知名架构文章。从建筑学的知识中得到一些对架构的思考,并以架构设计原则和目的对Jetpack MVVM 重新构造!
介绍 汇聚了业界知名架构文章。从建筑学的知识中得到一些对架构的思考,并以架构设计原则和目的对Jetpack MVVM 重新构造!
Convert your YouTube channel into a native Android app using YouTube Data API v3.
Convert your YouTube channel into an app. Screenshots • Description • Features • Configuration • Documentation Screenshots Description Channelify is a
Playground for learning Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
This is a playground for learning KMP (KMM Plugin for android studio). Requirements Android Studio Canary 8 Architecture Thanks https://twitter.com/jo
组件化+Jetpack+Kotlin+MVVM 一、项目简介 该项目主要以组件化+Jetpack+MVVM为架构,使用Kotlin语言,集合了最新的Jetpack组件,如Navigation、Paging3、Room等,另外还加上了依赖注入框架Koin和图片加载框架Coil。 网络请求部分使用OkH
GraphQL based Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI Kotlin Multiplatform sample
GraphQL based Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI Kotlin Multiplatform sample
Kotlin utility mod for Minecraft
Lambda is a free, open-source, Minecraft 1.12.2 utility mod providing a visionary system for plugins that allow customizing the clients features thank
PCard Add payment card screen made using JetPack Compose
PCard Add payment card screen made using JetPack Compose Find this repository useful? ❤️ Support it by joining stargazers for this repository. ⭐ And f
Expandable Recyclerview makes it easy to integrate nested recycler view...🔨 📝
SSExpandableRecyclerView Expandable Recyclerview make it easy to integrate nested recyclerview Features Simple and easy to use ( no complex adapter re
Multi-module, Kotlin, MVI, Compose, Hilt, Navigation Component, Use-cases, Room, Retrofit
Work in progress Multi-module demo app that gets data from dota2 api. API https://docs.opendota.com/ Players by rank (GET) https://api.opendota.com/ap
a one-page homescreen with a feed
Cinta launcher A scrollable feed that acts as your homescreen. Feel free to fork, contribute or use parts of the code in your own projects. Contribute
OCR app with entity extraction with mlkit and camerax
Made this #OCR app with entity extraction from the recognised text, Libraries used: #firebase #MLKit for #textrecognition #camerax for taking picture #EntityExtraction for extracting entities from text
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile App Template
KMMT : Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Template Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Development Simplified KMMT is a KMM based project template designed to simpli
KaMP Kit by Touchlab is a collection of code and tools designed to get your mobile team started quickly with Kotlin Multiplatform.
KaMP Kit Welcome to the KaMP Kit! About Goal The goal of the KaMP Kit is to facilitate your evaluation of Kotlin Multiplatform (aka KMP). It is a coll
Generic AST parsing library for kotlin multiplatform
kotlinx.ast kotlinx.ast is a generic AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) parsing library, Kotlin is currently the only supported language. The library is desig
Gradle plugin for simplify Kotlin Multiplatform mobile configurations
Mobile Multiplatform gradle plugin This is a Gradle plugin for simple setup of Kotlin Multiplatform mobile Gradle modules. Setup buildSrc/build.gradle
Kotlin multiplatform benchmarking toolkit
NOTE: Starting from version 0.3.0 of the library: The library runtime is published to Maven Central and no longer published to Bintray. The Gradle plu
Sync Kotlin files with an Xcode project
Kotlin Xcode Sync Note Soon to be deprecated. You can add folder references instead. See here. Import kotlin files into an Xcode project. This is used
AppCode helper for Kotlin/Native and Xcode
Kotlin Xcode compatibility Gradle plugin The plugin is used by AppCode to set up Kotlin/Native project along with Xcode Sources A multi-build sample w
Kotlin Native Xcode Plugin
Kotlin Native Xcode Support Plugin to facilitate debugging iOS applications using Kotlin Native in Xcode. Defines Kotlin files as source code, with ba
BuildConfig for Kotlin Multiplatform Project
BuildKonfig BuildConfig for Kotlin Multiplatform Project. It currently supports embedding values from gradle file. Table Of Contents Motivation Usage
Unidirectional Data Flow in Kotlin - Port of https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift to Kotlin
ReKotlin Port of ReSwift to Kotlin, which corresponds to ReSwift/4.0.0 Introduction ReKotlin is a Redux-like implementation of the unidirectional data
Redux implementation for Kotlin (supports multiplatform JVM, native, JS, WASM)
Redux-Kotlin ![badge][badge-ios] A redux standard for Kotlin that supports multiplatform projects. Full documentation at http://reduxkotlin.org. Misso
Extendable MVI framework for Kotlin Multiplatform with powerful debugging tools (logging and time travel), inspired by Badoo MVICore library
Should you have any questions or ideas please welcome to the Slack channel: #mvikotlin Inspiration This project is inspired by Badoo MVICore library.
Model-View-ViewModel architecture components for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
Mobile Kotlin Model-View-ViewModel architecture components This is a Kotlin Multiplatform library that provides architecture components of Model-View-
MVU for Kotlin Multiplatform
Oolong Oolong is an Elm inspired Model-View-Update (MVU) implementation for Kotlin multiplatform. As the name implies, three core concepts comprise th
Kotlin Multiplatform Router for Android and iOS
A powerful Kotlin Multiplatform Router for Android and iOS Support I am happy to help you with any problem on gitter Feel free to open any new issue!
Muirwik - a Material UI React wrapper written in Kotlin
Muirwik Welcome to Muirwik. Muirwik gets it name from being a Material UI React wrapper written in Kotlin. For more information, see the above links (
Kotlin Wrapper Library of Material-UI
kotlin-material-ui Kotlin Wrapper Library of Material-UI Core: Lab: Installation repositories { jcenter() // or maven { url 'https://dl.bintra
Kotlin/Native interop to libui: a portable GUI library
kotlin-libui Kotlin/Native bindings to the libui C library. libui is a C lightweight multi-platform UI library using native widgets on Linux (Gtk3), m
Thin multiplatform wrappers for graphics.
Kotlin Graphics Libraries Kotlin Multiplatform libraries for graphics. GLFW Vulkan OpenGL STB KGL uses LWJGL for the JVM target and the respective nat
Multiplatform UI DSL with screen management in common code for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
Mobile Kotlin widgets This is a Kotlin MultiPlatform library that provides declarative UI and application screens management in common code. You can i
mocking library for Kotlin
Kotlin Academy articles Check the series of articles "Mocking is not rocket science" at Kt. Academy describing MockK from the very basics of mocking u
Powerful, elegant and flexible test framework for Kotlin with additional assertions, property testing and data driven testing
Kotest is a flexible and comprehensive testing tool for Kotlin with multiplatform support. To learn more about Kotest, visit kotest.io or see our quic
Portable validations for Kotlin
Portable validations for Kotlin ✅ Type-safe DSL 🔗 Multi-platform support (JVM, JS) 🐥 Zero dependencies Installation For multiplatform projects: kotl
A multiplatform assertion library for Kotlin
Atrium is an open-source multiplatform assertion library for Kotlin with support for JVM, JS and Android. It is designed to support multiple APIs, dif
Multiplaform kotlin library for calculating text differences. Based on java-diff-utils, supports JVM, JS and native targets.
kotlin-multiplatform-diff This is a port of java-diff-utils to kotlin with multiplatform support. All credit for the implementation goes to original a
🐫🐍🍢🅿 Multiplatform Kotlin library to convert strings between various case formats including Camel Case, Snake Case, Pascal Case and Kebab Case
KaseChange Multiplatform Kotlin library to convert strings between various case formats Supported Case Formats SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE snake_case PascalC
Fuzzy string matching for Kotlin (JVM, native, JS, Web Assembly) - port of Fuzzy Wuzzy Python lib
FuzzyWuzzy-Kotlin Fuzzy string matching for Kotlin (JVM, iOS) - fork of the Java fork of of Fuzzy Wuzzy Python lib. For use in on JVM, Android, or Kot
Additions for Kotlin's date & time library kotlinx-datetime
fluid-time Additions for Kotlin's date & time library kotlinx-datetime. kotlinx-datetime is very early stage and not as actively developed as other of
A Kotlin Multiplatform library for working with dates and times
Island Time A Kotlin Multiplatform library for working with dates and times, heavily inspired by the java.time library. Features: A full set of date-t
Multiplatform Date and time library for Kotlin
Klock is a Date & Time library for Multiplatform Kotlin. It is designed to be as allocation-free as possible using Kotlin inline classes, to be consis
Kotlin Asynchronous Bluetooth Low-Energy
Kable Kotlin Asynchronous Bluetooth Low Energy provides a simple Coroutines-powered API for interacting with Bluetooth Low Energy devices. Usage is de
A Bluetooth kotlin multiplatform "Cross-Platform" library for iOS and Android
Blue-Falcon A Bluetooth "Cross Platform" Kotlin Multiplatform library for iOS, Android, MacOS, Raspberry Pi and Javascript. Bluetooth in general has t
DI can be simple. Forget about modules and components. Just use it!
PopKorn - Kotlin Multiplatform DI PopKorn is a simple, powerful and lightweight Kotlin Multiplatform Dependency Injector. It doesn't need any modules
Koin - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin
What is KOIN? - https://insert-koin.io A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin developers. Koin is a DSL, a light container
Painless Kotlin Dependency Injection
KOtlin DEpendency INjection Kodein-DI is a very simple and yet very useful dependency retrieval container. it is very easy to use and configure. Kodei
WebRTC Kotlin Multiplatform SDK
WebRTC Kotlin Multiplatform SDK
This is an Kotlin Library that enables Annotation-triggered method call logging for Kotlin Multiplatform.
This is an Kotlin Library that enables Annotation-triggered method call logging for Kotlin Multiplatform.
Kermit is a Kotlin Multiplatform logging utility with composable log outputs
Kermit is a Kotlin Multiplatform logging utility with composable log outputs. The library provides prebuilt loggers for outputting to platform logging tools such as Logcat and NSLog.
Kotlin Multi Platform Logger, for android an ios : Logcat & print
Multiplatform Preferences Use a single object : Logger in your kotlin shared projects to display logs Note you can also use it in your real code on An
Napier is a logger library for Kotlin Multiplatform.
Napier is a logger library for Kotlin Multiplatform. It supports for the android, ios, jvm, js. Logs written in common module are displayed on logger
typedmap is an implementation of heterogeneous type-safe map pattern in Kotlin
Typedmap typedmap is an implementation of heterogeneous type-safe map pattern in Kotlin. It is a data structure similar to a regular map, but with two
A feed for GitHub, written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose.
Gimmick A while back, I noticed that the official GitHub app doesn't have a feed similar to the one can find on the GitHub homepage. Naturally I had t
Alkatraz is an app that helps you to Reach your goals by managing your Habits .
Alkatraz - Build healthy habits for healthy life Alkatraz is an app that helps you to Reach your goals by managing your Habits . It's makes your life
This repo contains examples of all the functionalities of sceneform, Face filter , Object Placement etc
ARCore-Projects This repo uses sceneform 1.17.1 to demonstrate the usage of different features of arcore such as, Augmented Faces Augmented images AR
🚟 Lightweight, and simple scheduling library made for Kotlin (JVM)
Haru 🚟 Lightweight, and simple scheduling library made for Kotlin (JVM) Why did you build this? I built this library as a personal usage library to h
To help to promote your android app by prompting users to rate your app in a bottom Sheet.
RateBottomSheet This an Android library to help to promote your Android App by prompting users to rate your app in the Google Play Store with a materi
This is an Augmented Reality Android app that is made by using ARcore and Sceneform SDK. 📸 🎉
ARCore Furniture Sample Furniture Sample with Scenform SDK This is a Augmented Reality Android app which is made by using ARcore and Sceneform SDK. Au
Modern JSON processor with readable Kotlin syntax.
Kq Modern cross-platform JSON processor with readable Kotlin syntax. cat ~/Desktop/bdb.ndjson | kq '.filter{it.bool("muted")}.sortedBy{it.long("size")
This is a library for make auto slide image in android
Auto Image Slider Screenshot Image Slider Default Image Slider With Custom Adapter Usage Add ImageSlider to your layout
Pacman Created in JetpackCompose
Pacman Compose This Pacman style game is entirely created using Jetpack Compose, still currently a work-in progress. Demo Technology used All UI creat
This app using Mlkit along with the TensorFlow Lite model for object detection,
I built this app using Mlkit along with the TensorFlow Lite model for object detection, Arcore is used to place anchors to the detected objects. It's a good blend of Machine learning and Augmented reality to visualise ML information in a much better way than regular bounding boxes
Kotlin matrix class which supports determinant, inverse matrix, matmul, etc.
Kotrix is a set of classes that helps people dealing with linear algebra in Kotlin.
an easy to use android library to let devs know how much internet-data their app is consuming
EasyAnalytics! an easy to use android library to let developers know how much internet-data their app is consuming. We can identify this as we want ba
Space recommendation system and augmenting informations with ARCore SDK
Space recommendation system and augmenting informations with ARCore SDK
um sistema composto por vários microsserviços que comunicam entre si de forma transparente, escalável e com balanceamento de carga.
kotlin-spring-boot-microsservicos-spring-cloud 🔨 🔧 ... sistema composto por vários microsserviços que comunicam entre si de forma transparente, esca
Yet another barcode scanner for Android
Binary Eye Yet another barcode scanner for Android. As if there weren't enough. This one is free, without any ads and open source. Works in portrait a
Simple space game, built with Compose for Desktop!
Asteroids, built with Compose for Desktop Want to learn how I built it? Read the two-part article in which I describe the most interesting parts of th
A simple plugin to patch the memory leak in Kotlin Gradle Plugin 1.5.0
kgp-150-leak-patcher A simple plugin to automatically patch the memory leak in Kotlin Gradle Plugin 1.5.0 in https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-4
QuatroGrade is a beautiful multi color (4 corners) gradient.
| | Setup Guide | Report new issue QuatroGrade QuatroGrade is a beautiful multi color gradient. Basically, it is a 4 vertex gradient. Features: Multi
👨💻👩💻 workshop 2021, Kotlin version
👨💻 👩💻 workshop-2021-kotlin it's very welcome for everyone's join, even you're newbies or junior or senior let's mob programming ! 📜 Records 202
Android sample app following best practices: Kotlin, Compose, Coroutines and Flow, Hilt, JetPack Navigation, ViewModel, MVVM and MVI, Retrofit, Coil
Foodies - Modern Android Architecture Foodies is a sample project that presents a modern 2021 approach to Android app development. The project tries t
This project is basically PowerNukkit but just in Kotlin (check out the original PowerNukkit source here: https://github.com/PowerNukkit/PowerNukkit)
Introduction Nukkit is nuclear-powered server software for Minecraft: Pocket Edition. It has a few key advantages over other server software: Written