5607 Repositories
Android android-architecture-components Libraries
UIPresenter library for android view-based UI presentation
UIPresenter This android library is like a tour guide for your app's Views. It h
Created an interview scheduling portal for android
Interview Creation Portal Description Created an interiew scheduling portal, whe
Global Proxy for Android
INTRO Global Proxy App for Android System ProxyDroid is distributed under GPLv3 with many other open source software, here is a list of them: cntlm -
Surespot official android client
android surespot surespot is a mobile messaging application that secures all messages using end-to-end encryption. Contribute surespot is free to down
Android WiFi Walkie Talkie (js-collider framework demo)
WalkieTalkie This program transmits sound recorded from microphone to some other devices running the same program on the same network segment, so work
Yaaic (Yet Another Android IRC Client) is as the name already says an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for Android devices.
Yaaic - Yet Another Android IRC Client Yaaic is as the full name already says an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for Android devices. This is the sou
Legacy Zulip Android app
Zulip for Android (legacy) Note: This project is deprecated in favor of our React Native app, which supports both iOS and Android. This is the legac
A flashcard app for Android.
ForgetMeNot ForgetMeNot is an Android app for memorizing information via flashcards. Simplicity, usability, speed were taken into account in the proce
An unofficial Gives Me Hope Android client for educational purposes.
GivesMeHopeAndroidClient (Version 2.0.+) (Deprecated) An unofficial Gives Me Hope Android client for educational purposes. This Android application al
This is the official Repository for Android Application for Hillffair, NIT Hamirpur
Hillffair This is the official Android Application of the Cultural Fest of NIT Hamirpur Hillffair made by YOU 😄 . Screencast link: https://youtu.be/J
Android application to teach Braille writing system. Inspired by stepik.org, Anki and Braille Tutor
Learn Braille Learn Braille is an Android application for teaching the tactile writing system created by Louis Braille. It is one of the few apps prim
The official NSITonline app - 'NSIT Connect' that aims to act as a companion app for NSIT students
NSIT Connect Download from Google Play NSIT Connect is the official NSITOnline app that aims to act as a companion app for the students of NSIT. The a
App for lesson 8 of the Android App Development in Kotlin course on Udacity
Connect to the Internet - Mars Real Estate This is the toy app for Lesson 8 of t
A Gallery app developed using kotlin and MVVM architecture with Coroutine
A Gallery app developed using kotlin and MVVM architecture Loading image from un
Highly customized vertical Seekbar with segments
SegmentedVerticalSeekBar It is an Android Vertical Seekbar with segments develop
This is the official repository for the android app of Nimbus, the tech-fest of NIT Hamirpur
Nimbus This is the official Android Application of Technical Festival of NIT Hamirpur NIMBUS made by YOU 😄 . Screencast can be found at youtube. Goog
:iphone: Sahayak: An android app aimed to make a fun-filled educational tool for naives.
Winner at Microsoft Pragyan Hackathon 2015 Bangalore powered by Datawind and Exotel. Sahayak सीखो सिखाअो, पढ़ो पढ़ाअो, ङिजिटल इिॱङिया बनाअो ! An andro
Android Application for Taking Open Courses on the Stepik Platform
Stepik for Android Build Status: Code Coverage: Mobile application of Stepik. Store New version of Stepic App is now available on Google Play. Screens
This Android app pronounces a word in different languages using TTS and shows translations using Yandex API.
Say-Hi An Android app built using Java and TextToSpeech (TTS) built to better understand different English accents around the world. Table of contents
Simple Android compose charts.
Compose Charts This is an exploratory playground library to figure out how to Draw and animate using Android Jetpack Compose library. Currently this i
Next generation of Twidere for Android
Twidere X Next generation of Twidere for Android 5.0+. Still in early stage. Features Modern Material Design Dark mode Tweet with photos Multiple acco
Notzz App is a simple note-taking 📝 Android application built to describe the use of Modern Android development tools.
Notzz App Notzz App is a simple note-taking 📝 Android application built to describe the use of Modern Android development tools. Made with love ❤️ by
A Prework Assignment COdepath for Android
PreWork_SimpleTodo_Android This is a Prework Assignment Codepath Project 1 - Sim
Simple implementation of a login made with jetpack compose and verifying its authentication through a REST API using retrofit
Simple Login/Auth + Jetpack Compose + Retrofit Demo 📱 Json Object Request 📑 Re
Netguru Android: Recruitment CR task
Netguru Android: Recruitment CR task Prerequisites Things that you need to have
Timer app clone built with Jetpack Compose and Hilt #AndroidDevChallenge
Jettimer What's Jettimer? ⏳ Timer app clone built with Jetpack Compose and Hilt. The purpose of this project is to try new Android technologies and le
SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, and Compose for Desktop based Kotlin Multiplatform project
BikeShare Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI based Kotlin Multiplatform sample project (based on CityBikes API). Running on iOS (SwiftUI) macOS (SwiftUI) And
A minimalistic movie listing app to browse IMDB's top 250 movies, built to demonstrate MVVM with Jetpack Compose.
TopCorn 2 🍿 A minimalistic movie listing app to browse IMDB's top 250 movies, built to demonstrate MVVM with Jetpack Compose. Try latest TopCorn2 app
Gallery: an Android app developed for displaying images from unsplash website
Gallery App Gallery is an Android app developed for displaying images from unspl
Experiment with SharedElement transition in Jetpack Compose, inspired by Flutter Hero widget.
compose-shared-element Note: This is not meant to be a maintained library. Proof of concept exploration of how to implement SharedElement transition i
A small demo application based on modern Android application technology stacks and MVVM architecture
Pokedex Pokedex es una pequeña aplicación de demostración basada en modernas pil
Connect to internet to get photos of mars
MarsPhotos - Starter Code Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introductio
An app that displays the list of top headlines and when the user clicks on a news story
News Feed Android App (Summary) This app works as an app that shows the recent n
Solution code for the Android Basics in Kotlin: Tip Calculator app
Tip Calculator - Solution Code Solution code for the Android Basics in Kotlin: T
Simple custom view that draws an n-point star for Android
StarView 🌟 Simple custom view that draws an n-point star for Android. Features
Impact vaccine eu certificate android verifier app
DGCVerifier Android Application This is an application that scans the EU certifi
Open source Android, iOS and Web app for learning about and managing digital and physical security.
Open source Android, iOS and Web app for learning about and managing digital and physical security. From how to send a secure message to dealing with a kidnap. Umbrella has best practice guides in over 40 topics in multiple languages. Used daily by people working in high risk countries - journalists, activists, diplomats, business travelers etc.
Bither - a simple and secure Bitcoin wallet!
bither-android Bither is a simple and secure Bitcoin wallet! You can find Bither on Google Play. There is also an iOS version. Build Bither-android is
Coins for Android
Coins for Android A simple app to see how much your wallet is worth. It's like Shares but for Bitcoin. This is my first Android app. Don’t laugh. Rela
Gnucash for Android mobile companion application.
Introduction GnuCash Android is a companion expense-tracker application for GnuCash (desktop) designed for Android. It allows you to record transactio
Crowdfunding app concept for Android. Created to showcase new trends in Android development with strong focus on Material Design.
KickMaterial master: develop: Crowdfunding app concept for Android. Created to showcase new trends in Android development with strong focus on Materia
Android version of Money Manager Ex
MoneyManagerEx for Android See our homepage at android.moneymanagerex.org for more user-oriented information. Dev Stable Basic information Money Manag
Minimal Wallpapers for Android using Kotlin+Compose+MVVM+Hilt+Coroutines+Jetpack(Room, Paging, Navigation)
WallPortal Minimal Wallpapers for Android Download from Play Store Native Android wallpaper application written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose Tech-s
🧪 ☠︎ Jetpack Compose - Breaking Bad ☢︎
Breaking Bad - Jetpack Compose Tech Stack Jetpack Compose - Define your UI programmatically with composable functions that describe its shape and data
Kotlin Multiplatform Music Downloader, Supports Spotify / Gaana / Youtube Music / Jio Saavn / SoundCloud. NOTE: BEING REWRITTEN, SO STAY TUNED.
SpotiFlyer Kotlin Multiplatform Music Downloader ,supports Spotify, Youtube, Gaana, Jio-Saavn and SoundCloud. Supports- Playlist, Albums, Tracks. (If
A reddit client built for android
Development To build this app you need to have a Reddit account. Once you have that, head over to this page to get a client id for the app. Make a new
The Official App for DroidKaigi 2021
DroidKaigi 2021 official app Guides Development Features Design Try it out Contributing Requirements Tech Stacks Kotlin Multiplatform Jetpack Compose
Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Wear Compose, Compose for Desktop, Compose for Web and Kotlin/JS + React clients along with Ktor backend.
PeopleInSpace Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Compose for Wear OS, Compose for Desktop, Compose for Web, and Kotli
An Android Application written using latest Android Jetpack components and best practices
An Android Application written using latest Android Jetpack components and best practices, which displays trending movies/TV shows and cast, user can search movies and TV shows and also add them to watchlist.
GitReposCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android. This demo app uses Github public API for fetching public repositories.
GitReposCompose Demo GitReposCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android. This demo app
This is a project built using Jetpack Compose on UI, Clean architecture, Dagger Hilt, Kotlin Flow, Navigation Components etc.
Compose Pictures - Learn Clean Arch and Jetpack Compose together This project is built using, Multi-Module Architecture(This is the structure where we
Tivi is a work-in-progress TV show tracking Android app
Tivi is a work-in-progress TV show tracking Android app, which connects to Trakt.tv. It is still in its early stages of development and currently only contains two pieces of UI. It is under heavy development.
Sample App with Jetpack components(LiveData, Navigation, ViewModel) + MVVM + coroutine + single activity
Android Sample App using Github API and Jetpack Component. What's JetHub? 🚀 JetHub is a sample app using Github API and Jetpack components. The purpo
Jetpack Compose UI components examples
JetExample This is a repository that shows how to create different portions of UI by example. Learn how to create different Composable functions just
All must have libraries in android app are available in here. you can get started with directly writing features with this.
AndroidAppTemplate All must have libraries in android app are available in here. you can get started with directly writing features with this. Include
Hacker News reader for Android, written in Compose
[WIP] Cheddar for Hacker News Cheddar is a social news reader for Hacker News. Currently it's being entirely rewritten with: UI layer entirely in Comp
Coffee Drinks Android app on Jetpack Compose
Coffee drinks app with Jetpack Compose The Coffee Drinks is an Android application created for playing with Jetpack Compose framework. Light Color Pal
Sample app for Jetpack Compose Developer Preview 2
Materials Shop Sample app for Jetpack Compose (1.0.0-alpha03). This repository contains the source code of the demo application shown in the following
An Android app for browsing Stack Overflow and other Stack Exchange sites.
Stack Stack is an Android application that lets you browse stackoverflow.com and other Stack Exchange sites. It is powered by the Stack Exchange API.
An app which displays conferences from http://androidstudygroup.github.io/conferences/
android-conferences An app which displays list of conferences happening all over the world sourced from this website. Install Get latest apk from Acti
:guardsman: Open source English-language-learning application for Android :guardsman:
💂♂️ English Is Fun 💂♂️ Project description English Is Fun is an Open source English-language-learning application for Android. The aim of this pro
A gardening app illustrating Android development best practices with Android Jetpack.
Android Sunflower A gardening app illustrating Android development best practices with Android Jetpack. Android Sunflower is currently under heavy dev
Official Jetpack Compose samples.
Jetpack Compose Samples This repository contains a set of individual Android Studio projects to help you learn about Compose in Android. Each sample d
Modern Social Profile Layout For Android
Social Profile Layout Modern Simple Social Profile Layout for your Android App Project Installation Just run this project on your Android Studio Proje
A simple kanban board app
KanbanBoard A simple kanban board app natively written in Kotlin. The app consists of three columns where you can add/remove/move tasks and switch the
Easy to use, lightweight custom image view with rounded corners.
RoundedImageView Easy to use, lightweight custom image view with rounded corners. Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature About Th
Timer app for android
Android Countdown Timer This is a simple, no-frills but efficient timer app for android created based on my personal need. You can create multiple seq
A library for Android provides blurred drop shadows to ImageView similar to iOS image backdrop shadows
A library for Android provides blurred drop shadows to ImageView similar to iOS image backdrop shadows.Provides fast canvas draw as no renderscript needed .The similar shadow blurred effects can also be seen in iOS Music App.
Android Reverse-Engineering Workbench for VS Code
APKLab The ultimate Android RE experience right inside your VS Code. APKLab seamlessly integrates the best open-source tools: Quark-Engine, Apktool, J
Android Country Picker is a Kotlin-first, flexible and powerful Android library that allows to integrate Country Picker with just a few lines.
1. Add dependency dependencies { implementation 'com.hbb20:android-country-picker:X.Y.Z' } For latest version, 2. Decide your use-case
Program, created to make popular adb and fastboot commands easier to use
Android Tool What is it? Android Tool is a powerful and beautiful program, created to make popular adb and fastboot commands easier to use. A dark the
Simple to use swipe gestures for an Android RecyclerView
Android-RecyclerView-Swipe-Gestures Contribution Contributions / PRs are welcome. 1. Introduction An easy to use and highly customizable implementatio
A full-featured package manager and viewer for Android
App Manager Docs · Releases · Telegram Channel Features General features Fully reproducible, copylefted libre software (GPLv3+) Material design (but n
conceptual Android audio plugin framework
AAP: Android Audio Plugin Framework disclaimer: the README is either up to date, partially obsoleted, or sometimes (but not very often) ahead of imple
Organize your images in beautiful collage with this library!
CollageImageView This app is an example. how to create collages with RecyclerView. See an example, how it's working: device-2021-04-24-015545.mp4 Inst
Easy creation and management of toggle buttons on Android from the Material Design spec.
ToggleButtonLayout Easy creation and management of toggle buttons from the Material Design spec. Read more about ToggleButtonLayout in our blog post.
[Android] In-app language changing library
Localization Library Android library for in-app language changes support in your application Feature In-app language changing Default language when fi
Braintree Drop-In SDK for Android
Braintree Android Drop-In Braintree Android Drop-In is a readymade UI that allows you to accept card and alternative payments in your Android app. 📣
Black Obfuscator is an obfuscator for Android APK DexFile
Black Obfuscator is an obfuscator for Android APK DexFile, it can help developer to protect source code by control flow flattening, and make it difficult to analyze the actual program control flow.
This project is an Android Studio plugin version of BlackObfuscator
This project is an Android Studio plugin version of BlackObfuscator, it supports obfuscating code automatically. More information about this project are in BlackObfuscator.
🖼 Supports loading profile images with segmented style, shapes, borders, indicators, and initials for Android.
AvatarView AvatarView supports loading profile images with segmented style, borders, indicators, and initials for Android. Download Gradle Add the bel
Mobile app to show images from Pixabay. Interview solution for Adanian Labs android developer role.
PixaBay An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Pixabay API to display images.It has been built following Clean Architecture Principle, Reposi
News App built with Jetpack Compose
Newzz-Compose News App built with JetPack Compose(v1.0.5) Gif Other variants [Newzz] (https://github.com/Akashkamble/Newzz) [Newzz-Flutter] (https://g
Jetpack compose shopping list app
Compose-ShoppingList Compose-ShoppingList is a sample project that presents a way of implementing UI components with Jetpack Compose. Screenshots Used
Facebook Messenger clone built with Jetpack Compose
JetMessenger Facebook Messenger clone built with Jetpack Compose Screenshots Status: 🚧 In progress 🚧 JetMessenger is still under development and som
Trying out JetPack Compose by building a basic Notes app. And a lot more
📝 Compose Notes Compose Notes is a sample app built with ✨ Jetpack Compose. To try out these sample apps, you need to use the latest Canary version o
A form creating, filling and management application built with latest dependencies and best code practices
🦉 Teamscope-sample-app A form creating, filling and management application built with latest dependencies and best code practices 🏗 STRUCTURE The pr
A Jetpack compose android app based on Rick and Morty Graphql
RickNMortyCompose Update: implemented clean architecture in the clean_arch branch An android app to demo. Graphql + Jetpack compose + Hilt / Koin(koin
JetDelivery is a sample food delivery app, built with Jetpack Compose
JetDelivery is a sample food delivery app, built with Jetpack Compose. Medium: https://proandroiddev.com/server-driven-ui-using-jetpack-compose-8fae98
A clone of Snapp using Jetpack Compose. Showcasing various usages of Google Maps Animations etc combined with Compose
SnappCompose A clone of Snapp, A ride-handling app using Jetpack Compose, Showcasing various usages of Google Maps, Animations, etc combined with Comp
Pokedex on Jetpack Compose
compose-pokedex Pokedex on Jetpack Compose. Single-Activity, no Fragments. Install You can build the project with Android Studio 4.0 or download the a
TwitterCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android.
TwitterCompose Demo TwitterCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android. About . This is
SSJetPackComposeProgressButton is an elegant button with a different loading animations. 🚀
SSJetPackComposeProgressButton SSJetPackComposeProgressButton is an elegant button with a different loading animations which makes your app attractive
A modern Android architecture framework built on Jetpack & Kotlin.
RainbowCake RainbowCake is an Android architecture framework, providing tools and guidance for building modern Android applications. It builds on top
Aarogya Setu Android app native code
Aarogya Setu Android app Aarogya Setu is a mobile application developed by the Government of India to connect essential health services with the peopl
Android heart rate monitor
android-heart-rate-monitor Android heart rate monitor Introduction Android based heart rate monitor which uses the camera and its flash to determine t
Android app to collect data to be analyzed for medical purposes.
Android app to collect medical data Android app to collect data to be analyzed for medical purposes. Its development was started as part of a final de
🌱 A fitness app where you are able to grow plants and track your exercise
fitPlant A fitness app for iOS, Android and the Web where you are able to grow artificial plants and track your exercise progress in a simple and fun
Lightweight pedometer app for Android using the hardware step sensor
Pedometer Lightweight pedometer app using the hardware step-sensor for minimal battery consumption. This app is designed to be kept running all the ti
A Clean Architecture App to show use of multi module architecture in a Jetpack Compose
Nextflix-Composable A Clean Architecture App to show use of multi-module-archite