5479 Repositories
Android android-fbdownload Libraries
Math Your Brain is a math game built using Jetpack Compose and Modern MVVM Architecture
Math Your Brain is a math game built using Jetpack Compose and Modern MVVM Architecture. I built this so that programmers learning Jetpack Compose Can use this repository as a learning material for Jetpack Compose.
🚀🌆🏙 Display differences or animate progress between 2 images or Composables with overlay and customization options, zoom, pan gestures, and progress to observe properties for animating before-after progress
Compose Before-After Composables to display Images, or Composables as before and after composables to display differences or animate progress between
简明易用框架,解决 MVI 实战痛点
🌏 English README 研发故事:《解决 MVI 架构实战痛点》 上期《Jetpack 架构组件设计拆解及改善建议》侧重拆解 “领域层” 设计误区,并给出改善建议 —— 通过 MVI-Dispatcher 承担 Event-Handler, 然有小伙伴表示,不仅要 MVI-Dispatc
E-Commerce application with MVVM & Clean Arch - Hilt - Coroutines - Retrofit - Firebase - Room DB.
E-Commerce-App E-Commerce application with MVVM & Clean Arch - Hilt - Coroutines - Retrofit - Firebase - Room DB. API Link Project Features MVVM with
Android permission explorer 🧑✈️
Permission Pilot A new kind of app to help the user view apps and which permissions they use. Born out of a feature discussion for SD Maid. Origin Sto
ShimmerTextView is a simple library to integrate shimmer effect in your TextView.
ShimmerTextView ShimmerTextView is a simple library to integrate shimmer effect in your TextView. Key features Set a base color in ShimmerTextView. Se
🍭 GithubSearchKMM - Github Repos Search - Android - iOS - Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile using Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, FlowRedux, Coroutines Flow, Dagger Hilt, Koin Dependency Injection, shared KMP ViewModel, Clean Architecture
GithubSearchKMM Github Repos Search - Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile using Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, FlowRedux, Coroutines Flow, Dagger Hilt, Koin Depend
시간 여행을 통해 지금의 행복에 대해 생각할 수 있도록 도와주는 스토리텔링 게임 서비스
Dear today 시간 여행을 통해 지금의 행복에 대해 생각할 수 있도록 도와주는 스토리텔링 게임 서비스 Dear today Tech Stack Minumum SDK 26 Kotlin Coroutines Dagger-Hilt AndroidX Jetpack LiveDa
OTPView is a view made in Jetpack compose. It is highly customisable and can be used to show OTP view with different length and shapes.
OTPView OTPView is a highly costumizable OTP view made in the Jetpack compose UI. Usage: CircleOtpView is a sample composable that calls the OtpView w
A minimalist framework for rapidly building Jetpack compose apps.
VelocityX Show some ❤️ and star the repo. Subscribe to Codepur VelocityX is a 100% free Jetpack open-source minimalist UI Framework built with Kotlin
🇧🇷 Utils library for Brazilian specific businesses
🇧🇷 Brazilian Toolkit 🇧🇷 Utils library for Brazilian specific businesses. Including in your project Gradle Add below codes to your root build.gradl
Yet another awesome Intro screen library 🔥
Compose-Intro ✅ Yes, I'm too bad in naming my libraries : ) Yet another Intro Screen library made with the love of Kotlin and Jetpack compose : ) ❤️ ✨
This Repo is the template for the Jetpack-Compose Challenge
This repository for the Jetpack Compose #AndroidDevChallenge. July 2022. I Started this challenge on my tech community group in Gaza strip- Palestine
Is an All in One app for Muslims with lots of features such as Prayer Times & Adhan, Collections of Dhikr and Prayer sourced from Authentic Hadith, The Holy Qur'an, Qibla, Notes and many more!
DzikirQu Is an All in One app for Muslims with lots of features such as Prayer Times & Adhan, Collections of Dhikr and Prayer sourced from Authentic H
Online Shopping Application which uses Augmented Reality(AR) for product trials, thus completely changing shopping experiences.
ShopOn This is an Android Native application which is developed as a solution for HackOn with Amazon 2022 for the problem statement related to shoppin
⭐️ Quick and easy QR Code scanning app created using Jetpack Compose. ☘️
QR-Code-Scanner Scan your QR codes easily and quickly. ⭐️ Google Play Store : Screenshots of the app : 🔨 Libraries Used in The Project : // Jetpa
android + Kotlin + Semantic releases + SpotBugs + Jacoco + maven + Gradle + groovy + GitHub actions + SonarQube + commitlint
Contents Installation Package Root project build.gradle App project build.gradle Contributing Citation Copyright Installation Package The latest versi
A simple textview with custom background to provide additional information.
🧱 Tebel A simple textview with custom background to provide additional information. Install Gradle Add JitPack repository below to your module's buil
Pinocchio is a group of libraries for various common UI components. It could contain Composable, View, and everything related to UI.
Pinocchio Pinocchio is a group of libraries for various common UI components. It could contain Composable, View, and everything related to UI. All UI
The first project for Udacity's Android Nanodegree through Egypt FWD program
The Shoe Store This project will consist of five screens. You don't have to create a shoe store, you can use any other item as long as you create the
ToggleIconView is a collection library of animated two-stage toggle icons for Android.
ToggleIconView ToggleIconView is a collection library of animated two-stage toggle icons for Android. Installation JitPack repository // Project level
This is a food donation android application designed to reduce food wastage by donating excess food to poor or needy people. Based on Kotlin and currently under development
FOODONOR This is a food donation android application designed to reduce food wastage by donating excess food to poor or needy people. Based on Kotlin
You can learn how to create multi module Android project with this repository.
MultiModuleProjectSample You can learn how to create multi module Android project with this repository. You can read this article in Turkish. Go to th
🌠supernova of android🍸
사용한 기술스텍 databinding viewModel 폴더링 구조 📂 data 📁 remote 📁 local 📂 presentation 📁 auth 📁 recipe 📁 main 📁 home 📁 search 📁 record 📁 mypage 서비스 노
Waple helps you share your Wi-Fi password quickly.💭🧇
waple Waple helps you share your Wi-Fi password quickly. 💭 🧇 Production intention 📚 Wi-Fi passwords are usually complicated for security purposes.
Android sample app for mobile-sdk integration
Dyte Android Sample App An example app in kotlin using the Dyte Mobile Core SDK Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of C
A movie & TV show exploration app that implements MVVM design pattern by following the clean architecture principles, using TMDB API.
🎬 Movie App 📺 A movie & TV show exploration app that implements MVVM design pattern by following the clean architecture principles, using TMDB API.
PayByBank SDK is an alternative and easier form of Open Banking solutions.
PayByBank SDK (Android) The Ecospend Gateway presents PayByBank SDK as an alternative and easier form of Open Banking Instant Payment solutions. PayBy
🚀🧨📝 Series of Tutorials to learn about Jetpack Compose with subjects Material Widgets, Layout, SubcomposeLayout, custom layouts, State, custom rememberable, recomposition, LaunchedEffect, side-effects, Gesture, Animation, Navigation, Canvas, UIs like whatsapp and others.
Jetpack Compose Tutorials and Playground 🤓 Overview Series of Tutorials to learn about Jetpack Compose, Material Widgets, State, Animation, and Navig
Affogato is a multipurpose library for Android, Jetpack Compose and Kotlin.
Affogato Affogato is a multipurpose library for Jetpack Compose, Android and Kotlin. Core-ktx Core-ktx is a Kotlin library that provides a set of Kotl
A movie and TV Show streaming mobile app built with Jetpack Compose.
PhotoPlay A movie and TV Show streaming mobile app in Android built using Jetpack compose. This project is developed by Javokhir Savriev for more proj
A messaging social platform based on Discord for Desktop and Android.
AP-FinalProject A secure messaging social platform based on Discord for Desktop and Android. This is my final project for Advanced-Programming (AP) in
🚀 Stock Market App / See listed companies and details with Jetpack Compose.
🚀 Stock Market App 🚀 Preview 👀 ✨ See listed companies and details with Jetpack Compose ✨ 📚 Libraries Retrofit2 Open CSV Compose Destinations Dagge
IMovie IMovie is a is a sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development. The goal of the project is to combine popul
Android app for streaming and downloading Movies, TV-Series and Anime.
AquaStream ⚠️ Warning: By default this app doesn't provide any video sources, you have to install extensions in order to add functionality to the app.
Turtle Graphics 🐢 implementation for Android Platform with Code Editor, Preview Screen and packages
Turtle Graphics Download Turtle is an Android Application inspired from the original Turtle Graphics and Logo, Logo is an educational programming lang
sample codebase for E2E testing with Jest, Appium and WebDriverIO for Android and iOS
E2E testing for React Native with Jest, Appium and WebDriverIO (iOS and Android) In this repo you will find a sample project to showcase how to do E2E
A Jetpack Compose Modifier that enables Tinder-like card gestures.
Compose Tinder Card A Jetpack Compose Modifier that enables Tinder-like card gestures. Demo Click the play button to see the Modifier.swipeableCard()
Read and write Android/data files on Android 13 without root
Android 13 (Tiramisu API 33) Read and write /Android/data or /Android/obb not need root Android 13 read and write /Android/data or /Android/obb withou
Samples showing best practices for MIDI on Android.
MIDI Samples This repository contains a set of individual Android Studio projects to help you write apps using MIDI APIs. Android MIDI 2.0 API samples
Kotlin multi platform project template and sample app with everything shared except the UI. Built with clean architecture + MVI
KMMNewsAPP There are two branches Main News App Main The main branch is a complete template that you can clone and use to build the awesome app that y
Unnamed-SDVX-Clone Android Port
Note usc-app only support android version = 11 Also currently not support touch control!! Installation guide Install app from release Game files are
KMP Ready is a Gradle Plugin that provides actionable advice to make your code Kotlin Multiplatform compatible.
KMP Ready IS 🚧 UNDER DEVELOPMENT 🚧 Decisioning Logic Positive Signals ✅ Only Kotlin .kt Source Files Using Kotlin JVM Plugin Uses the Kotlin Multipl
push note is a free Android app that you can keep your notes in the notification bar in seconds.
push note - notification notes push note is a free Android app that you can keep your notes in the notification bar in seconds. Features 🌟 Super quic
Generate MVVM-UseCase-Api-DI feature packages with 1 click
Android MVVM Generator Pre-requisites Project assumes that you use Hilt, Retrofit, Kotlin, Flows, Jetpack ViewModel and MVVM with UseCase layer. Impor
(another?) UNOFFICIAL Steam mobile client project
Jetisteam an unofficial Steam client for Android While being based on the protobuf-based WebUI-oriented RPC/API, this app will miss a lot of features
Let Me Downgrade - Add support for downgrading apps on Android 12 and 13.
Let Me Downgrade Android's app installation system does not allow users to downgrade to an older version of an app when they already have a newer vers
Simple view which allow you to customise your pizza's toppings and size as per your choice.
TwistedPizzaToppingsView Overview Simple view which allows options to customize your pizza toppings and size as per your choice. Features Android 12 s
🚀 Sample Android HB Case
HB Case Android and Compose Version Android Clean Architecture in HB Case Sample is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android applica
A Gradle plugin to easily publish library components to Maven.
Component Publisher A Gradle plugin to easily publish components based on maven-publish. You can find the latest released plugin on Gradle Plugin Port
➕ An efficient and beaufitul Multi Float action button library based on Twitter implemented in Jetpack Compose 🚀
Multi Float Action Button ➕ An efficient and beaufitul Multi Float action button library based on Twitter implemented in Jetpack Compose 🚀 Including
Clean Architecture Modular Project: MVI + Jetpack Compose + Coroutines + Flows + Hilt + UnitTests
NyTimes for Clean Architecture The purpose of this project is to consolidate some of the learned insights throughout the years about the Clean Archite
An Android application consuming the GitHub API to search for users on Github, display their followers, following and repositories. The project is built with Compose, MVVM pattern as well as other architectural components and libraries.
Git App An Android application consuming the GitHub API to search for users on Github, display their followers, following and repositories. The projec
Автор проекта - @leffsu
Разрабы - Android-приложение Стек Язык: Kotlin DI: Koin Annotations Database: Room Networking: GraphQL UI: Compose, Accompanist Presentation-level pat
App for creating alarm reminders which delete themselves automatically after firing.
About The use case for this app is creating reminders which are only relevant once in a time and they don't repeat such as reminders to go to the trai
Scans all the SMS of an Android device for any known domain that is related with the spyware Predator by Cytrox / Intellexa.
Συχνές ερωτήσεις και απαντήσεις Τι είναι το Predator; Ποιο είναι το ρίσκο μου να έχω δεχθεί επίθεση με το Predator; Πώς δουλεύει η εφαρμογή SMS Predat
Spinwheel for Android using Jetpack Compose.
SpinwheelCompose SpinWheel in Android using Jetpack Compose. How it looks Usage val textList by remember { mutableStateOf( listOf("Pie 1"
The third project for Udacity's Android Nanodegree through Egypt FWD program
LoadApp In this project students will create an app to download a file from Internet by clicking on a custom-built button where: width of the button g
An Android app to stream and download your media stored in Google Drive in an Awesome way !!
⚡ Thunder : An Android app to stream and download your media stored in Google Drive in an Awesome way !! (Just Movies for now) 🔘 Getting Started : Le
Appshark is a static taint analysis platform to scan vulnerabilities in an Android app.
Document Index 1.overview 2.startup 3.how to write rules 4.how to find compliance problems use appshark 5.a path traversal game 6.argument 7.engine co
An app to demonstrate Apple's new feature dynamic island in Android with Jetpack Compose
Jet Island Dynamic Island in Android with Jetpack Compose An app to demonstrate Apple's new feature dynamic island in Android with Jetpack Compose. Th
A beautiful Fashion Store like Android App Mock built on Jetpack Compose with compose navigation, hilt, dark theme support and google's app architecture found on uplabs Here
A beautiful Fashion Store like Android App Mock built on Jetpack Compose with compose navigation, hilt, dark theme support and google's app architecture found on uplabs Here
A light weight Compose Animation library to choreograph low level Animation API through Kotlin DSL.
Koreography Choreograph your Compose Animation 💃 🕺 A lightweight Compose Animation utility library to choreograph low-level Animation API (https://d
🚀📱💖Animated LazyColumn/Row changes scale/color with animation and have a current selected item like a Pager. An elegant alternative for selecting from a list
Compose AnimatedList Animated infinite and finite LazyRow and LazyColumn with scale and color animations on scroll change based on how far they are to
A high performance dex deobfuscator library.
DexKit-Android README|中文文档 This repository update has been terminated, Please use DexKit in the future, it's easier to use. A high performance dex deo
An Android base project building on MVVM Architecture Pattern. This can help you build new apps faster
MVVM Explanation If you can't imagine what is MVVM, please read my medium article here first. It can fully explain the revolution of Software architec
MIPagerTransformer is an android library that provides a seamless image transformation experience.
MIPagerTransformerView -- MIPagerTransformer is an android library that provides a seamless image transformation experience. Overview 👆 Shutter 👆 Pa
Add Wheel Date - Time Picker in Android Jetpack Compose.
WheelPickerCompose Add Wheel Date - Time Picker in Android Jetpack Compose. Usage Picker Usage WheelDateTimePicker { snappedDateTime - } WheelDatePic
BlurHash support for iOS, Android and JVM via Kotlin Multiplatform
blurhash A Kotlin Multiplatform library to use blurhash in your Android App, iOS / Mac App & JVM Backend. Android iOS JVM Why? If you've tried using b
This library provides common speech features for ASR including MFCCs and filterbank energies for Android and iOS.
Kotlin Speech Features Quick Links 📒 Introduction This library is a complete port of python_speech_features in pure Kotlin available for Android and
EduApp is a mini e-learning platform based on udemy's public api. It has 4 main navigation destinations (Home, Search, Wishlist, Cart). Users can search courses from different categories and get real-time results from the api using Chips for a smooth filtering experience. It has different theme for dark mode.
EduApp EduApp is a mini e-learning platform based on udemy's public api. It has 4 main navigation destinations (Home, Search, Wishlist, Cart). Users c
An app to search nearby businesses on Google Maps & Add Grocery Items to List!
GoStore: Internship Program Project A mobile app is built where the user can search for his nearby locations based on his requirement. Whenever the us
A custom Stepper for jetpack compose 🚀
Compose-Stepper Compose-Stepper library provides a custom stepper in the modern android toolkit Jetpack compose which can be easily added in to your c
Alwan 🎨 is an Android Jetpack Compose color picker library.
Alwan Alwan is an Android Jetpack Compose color picker library. Preview Recording.mp4 Download Gradle: dependencies { implementation 'com.raedapps:a
A Material You Two-factor Authentication app
Mauth Mauth (pronounced Moth) is a Two-Factor Authentication app with support for TOTP and HOTP (coming soon) and compatibility with Google Authentica
Just another one easy-to-use adapter for RecyclerView :rocket:
Elementary RecyclerView Adapter Another one easy-to-use adapter for RecyclerView 🚀 Features: DSL-like methods for building adapters similar to Jetpac
A straightforward, no-BS compass app with support for Material You themes 🧭
Compass A simple & straightforward, no-BS compass app that works with your Material You colors! Motivation I do security work as a fourth job and havi
A coding examples project about Kotlin Programming language. 🇰
Kotlin Tutorial 👨🏻💻 What is Kotlin ❓ Kotlin is a new programming language, developed by JetBrains. Jetbrains is a popular software development com
This is a sample app to use [Molecule library] and solve some scoping problems in Android development.
Android sample app Problem It's started when P.Y. in Twitter shared this tweet and his post, which is a correct complain about introducing a new set o
Movie application created with TMDB API, Architecture Components, Android Jetpack libraries
MovieApp Movie application created with TMDB API, Architecture Components, Android Jetpack libraries Built With 🛠️ • Kotlin - The language used in th
Pour apprendre en Kotlin, voici une proposition de corrigé pour le Projet 5 "Todoc" du Parcours OC Android
Démo Sujets abordés / démontrés Kotlin Architecture MVVM (Model View ViewModel) LiveData (en particulier le 'pont' liveData {} vers les coroutines) Co
Restler is a beautiful and powerful Android app for quickly testing REST API anywhere and anytime.
Restler Restler has been built with simplicity and ease of use in mind. It allows you send custom HTTP/HTTPS requests and test your REST API anywhere
A simple, highly customizable compose navigation component for Android & Desktop platform.
介绍 一个简单并提供高度扩展功能的 Compose 导航组件,同时支持 Android 和 Desktop 平台。 常用功能 使用 下载 // Android implementation("io.github.succlz123:compose-screen-android:0.0.1") //
CRUD Note taking app built for Android with Kotlin and XML.
Android Note Keeping App An offline android app that can be used to write notes on the fly to be retrieved later. Libraries Room Database. Lifecycle C
This is an android app using which users can chat to people nearby them with help of Bluetooth.
This is an android app using which users can chat to people nearby them with help of Bluetooth. This app is developed in Kotlin programming language. It is still in its early stages of development and currently let user to one-person-one-time chat at a time. It is under heavy development 😅😅
🃏 Multimodular Android MVVM Template I use whenever I start a new Android Project.
Android architecture starter template This template is compatible with the latest stable version of Android Studio. Features Room Database Hilt ViewMo
Xposed module to set the Signature Scheme for Android 30 = to 1. This allows system apps to be modified
SetSignatureSchemeV1 Xposed module to set the Signature Scheme for Android 30+ to 1. This allows system apps to be modified. This module makes the met
An Android app that scans images or human faces in real time and detects whether the mask is worn or not, with the ability to set an audible alert
Swift Mask Real time face mask detection Brief overview Swift Mask scans images or human faces in real time and detects whether the mask is worn or no
Android app for streaming and downloading Movies, TV-Series and Anime.
CloudStream ⚠️ Warning: By default this app doesn't provide any video sources, you have to install extensions in order to add functionality to the app
Aplicación Android desarrollada para cubrir las necesidades de Protección Civil del Gobierno Municipal de Atizapan de Zaragoza Edo. Mex. México
Proteccion-Civil-Atizapan-Desarrollo-Movil Aplicación Android desarrollada para cubrir las necesidades de Protección Civil del Gobierno Municipal de A
Discover the most popular and top rated movies playing. Movies data fetched using tomdbapi.com API.
Movie-App A simple news app build using MVVM architecture. Discover the most popular and top rated movies playing. Movies data fetched using tomdbapi.
Unsplash Gallery for a coding challange.
Important note: Secret key of Unsplash is not present in the public github repository, Utils Constants.SERVER_SECRET. Replace it with your key. Unsp
Collection of code samples for learning Android Fundamentals.
Android Tutorials Collection of code samples for learning Android Fundamentals and lessons in KOTLIN from YOUTUBE. The layout of Android Applications
Fully customizable, built from scratch NumberPicker for android. Created as an alternative to non-customizable native android NumberPicker
GoodNumberPicker GoodPicker is an Android library that provides a picker with customizable UI. It was developed as alternative to the default NumberPi
Android Navigation Fragment Share Element Example: Use Share Element Transition with recyclerView Item and ViewPager2 Item.
Android-Navigation-Fragment-Share-Element-Example 说明 Android 使用Navigation导航切换Fragment中使用共享元素过渡动画的例子:将在listFragment的RecyclerView的Item共享元素过渡到pagerFragme
Android MVVM Architecture using Kotlin, RxJava, Koin.
Android-MVVM-RxJava-Digikala_kotlin Digikala sample app developed MVVM architecture design pattern that follow the best practices of Object Oriented D
an android app to send private secret SMS while terrorist Islamic republic of Iran banned internet access in Iran.
Mahsa An android application which is designed to deliver safe and encrypted messages using SMS while Islamic republic of Iran banned Iranian people a
CuteDialog- Android Custom Material Dialog Library
A Custom Material Design Dialog Library for Android Purpose CuteDialog is a Highly Customizable Material Design Android Library. CuteDialog allows dev
This is an IDEA plugin that allows you to connect Android devices via WiFi for debugging your codes.
AdbWifiUtils Github | Issues | README | 中文文档 ● [Description]: This is an IDEA plugin that allows you to connect Android devices via WiFi for debugging
Android app using Kotlin to manage to-do notes with firebase as backend service
TO-DO Manager TO-DO Manager is a simple note management app. Unlike other apps, TO-DO Manager is free and open source. You can access your nots from a