5487 Repositories
Android android-lite-orm Libraries
An Android app where you can view and examine the details of fast food divided into categories.
🍔 FastFood An Android application where you can view and examine the details of fast food divided into categories. 🛠 Tech Stack & Open-Source Librar
A dummy application used for POC for Future of Furniture application using AR serivces provided by Google.
Furture A dummy application used for POC for Future of Furniture application using AR serivces provided by Google. Demo video.mp4 Splash Home Sofa Cha
Android Stories library - Instagram-like android stories library that supports images from disk or from internet (url)
Android Stories Library Instagram like stories library for Android. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: allprojects { reposi
An small android app based on banking logic, usilng SQLITE as database, material design, navigation drawer implemented
Android Banking App Project - Using Sqlite The Banking app using java in android studio and sqlite for crud. Packages Used Material Design Contributin
Execute asynchronous batch tasks with predefined or custom UI in Android.
AndroidBatchWorker Execute asynchronous batch tasks with predefined or custom UI in Android. Import Add JitPack repository to your project level build
Android barcode scanner with ML-Kit vision api
MLBarcodeScanner A demo project to show how to implement barcode scanner using Google ML-Kit Vision api Supported barcode types 2D formats: QR Code, A
XCore is a Open-Source , simple and lightweight API & Template for Android Apps.
XCore XCore is a Open-Source , simple and lightweight API & Template for Android Apps. Support XCore is compatible with Android Studio & Sketchware Pr
Type-safe arguments for JetPack Navigation Compose using Kotlinx.Serialization
Navigation Compose Typed Compile-time type-safe arguments for JetPack Navigation Compose library. Based on KotlinX.Serialization. Major features: Comp
Formula 1 app to show current Standings from a REST API.Built using jetpack compose and kotlin.
Formula1 Formula 1 app to show Standings fetching data from REST API 📸 Screenshots Tech Stack. Kotlin - Kotlin is a programming language that can run
A Hanime1.me Application for Android.
Han1meViewer 这是一个 Hanime1.me Android 平台的浏览器。 A Hanime1.me Application for Android. 功能 支持高级查询、观看(可切换分辨率与语言)、下载、历史记录以及收藏等功能。 暂不支持评论等功能,且目前可能会存在一系列bug。 S
Custom Sneaker view for Android.
SneakerView How to install ? You can add the library to your project using jitpack.io. Add the code below to your project's settings.gradle file. all
Movo (Movie Information) is an android application to find out all the Movie Information and Details.
Movo About The Project Screen.Recording.2022-08-12.at.08.53.46_1.mp4 Movo (Movie Information) is an android application to find out all the Movie Info
Build with Jetpack Compose & all modern techniques and architecture of android app development
IMDB Movie App Build with Jetpack Compose & all modern techniques and architecture of android app development ScreenShots 🛠 Built With 🛠 Kotlin - Fi
✨ A very Minimal, Sleek and Powerful Graph library for Android using Jetpack Compose
Composable-Graphs ( Jetpack Compose ) ✨ A very Minimal, Sleek and Lightweight Graph library for Android using Jetpack Compose Gradle Setup allprojects
Cinemax is a Movies & TV Shows application for Android.
Cinemax Cinemax is a Movies & TV Shows application for Android. Build Generate an API key from The Movie Database. Put the key in the local.properties
Android Applications Permission Scanner
An Android Application Scanner built using Java on Android Studio. It basically scans all the applications and lets you know if any application is using your camera or microphone. If it does then it tells you to use that application for some time so that it could track it and let you know if there is any privacy concern
🔡Simple game from Android Basics course
Unscramble 🔡 Android Open Source Project Simple game where user unscrambles words and get points! Updates v1.1.0: Добавлена руссфикация! 🇷🇺 EditTex
This repository has been created to teach SOLID principles.
SOLID Principles Single Responsibility Each class should have only one purpose and not be filled with excessive functionality. Let's look at this Area
A thought experiment on architecture, object-oriented programming, and composability.
Journal3 There's barely anything special about the features that Journal3 is offering, it's literally yet another journaling application. What is spec
Android eCommerce storefront app based on Shopemaa eCommerce Platform.
Shopemaa Android Storefront Android eCommerce storefront app based on Shopemaa eCommerce Platform. Platform Shopemaa Shopemaa provides On-demand onlin
This is a Game score tracker app built with Jetpack Compose.
This is a Game score tracker app built with Jetpack Compose. The purpose of this repository is to demonstrate below: Implementing entire UI elements w
An Android UI clone of ABA Mobile app for education purpose only.
ABAUIClone An Android UI clone of ABA Mobile app for education purpose only. Project Specs Language: Kotlin UI Design system: XML-based Design pattern
Asteroid radar app -Second Project from Udacity Advanced Android Development Kotlin Nanodegree
Asteroid radar app Using open-source Nasa Api Asteroid Radar is an app to view the asteroids detected by NASA that pass near Earth, you can view all t
An efficient TabLayout implemented in Jetpack Compose 🚀
MagicTabLayout An efficient TabLayout library implemented in Jetpack Compose 🚀 Anatomy MagicTabLayout tabIndicatorColor (Optional, default value: blu
Navigation in Android: Activity, Fragment, Intents, Navigation Component.
Words App This folder contains the source code for the Words app codelab. Introduction Words app allows you to select a letter and use Intents to navi
Simple Miniflux Android client. Currently, in early development.
Newsjet Miniflux Simple Miniflux Android client. Currently, in early development and not ready for the production. This app is playground to experimen
Base projects for Devpass' Dev Sprints
CI Challenge - Android ✅ Learn to create and configure Continuous Integration (CI) environments. Develop CI pipelines and integrations with tools like
Flexible switch is a responsive switch with some nice features which developers can use for making awesome switches on android platform.
flexible-switch It is a responsive switch in android, it can resize itself according to its size. It's recommended to use it with ConstraintLayout to
An Animated Scrolling View for React Native applications, supported on both iOS and Android
react-native-focused-scroll An Animated Scrolling View for React Native applications, supported on both iOS and Android Preview react-native-focus-scr
Modern and sophisticated MusicPlayer produced for Android devices.
TGPMusic TGPMusic é um player de música moderno e sofisticado para a Reprodução de músicas em dispositivos Android. Funcionalidades Tocar músicas MP3/
An android app written in Kotlin Programming language which a user can use to store his/her monthly expenditure.
#Expenditure-Tracker An android app that allows the user to input , edit , view his/her expenditures for each month. Languages Used - Kotlin UI develo
SeatBookView is an Android Studio Library that helps to make it easier to create Bus, Train, Cinema Theater Seat UI and all functionalities are given.
SeatBookView SeatBookView is an Android Studio Library that helps to make it easier to create Bus 🚍 , Train 🚉 , Cinema Theater Seat UI and all funct
AdpPad is a GUI application to use adb. adb is a command line tool to control android device.
AdbPad AdpPad is a GUI application to use adb. adb is a command line tool to control android device. Demo.mp4 ✨ Feature Observe a connected android de
An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration.
Overview An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration. The purpose of this app is to get an experience from creatinig architectu
How to play DASH type content with ExoPlayer? 📺 📱 🎞
How to use ExoPlayer ▶️ with Kotlin in Android ❓ ExoPlayer is an application level media player for Android. It provides an alternative to Android’s M
Demo app demonstrating how to create and manage notifications locally using a combination of Jetpacks Worker Manager and Broadcast Receiver.
Worker Notification Demo app demonstrating how to create and manage notifications locally using a combination of Jetpacks Worker Manager and Broadcast
A powerful & customizable menu implementation for android.
A powerful & customizable menu implementation for android. It supports any level of nested menu structures along with custom header and footer views, and much more. Follow the steps below to import the library to your project. You will also find some sample codes.
Android Jetpack Compose implementation of SpinKit with additionals
ComposeLoading Android Jetpack Compose implementation of SpinKit with additionals. How it looks Preview Setup Open the file settings.gradle (it looks
Binding your extras more easier, more simpler for your Android project
Ktan Ktan make your intent / arguments more easier and readable. And most important, will help you bind all extras for your activity / fragment. And a
Use Android Jetpack libraries, Android Architecture Components, ViewModel and LiveData to build this app.
Unscramble App Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel Unscramble is a single player game app that displays scrambled
A ksp library to automatically generate navigation functions for jetpack compose.
Compose/Navigation/Generator ⚠️ This library is still under development and not considered stable! Content Introduction Usage Example: Single destinat
AndroidHybridCrypto is simple customizable Android implementation of hybrid cryptography (AES+RSA+Hash) recommended by OWASP.
AndroidHybridCrypto HybridCrypto is simple customizable Android implementation of hybrid cryptography (AES+RSA+Hash) recommended by OWASP. Usage Step
A simple android chess app that follows FIDE standards.
Chess A simple android chess app that follows FIDE standards. I had no idea about this game and I didn't even know the rules. To learn this game, I st
Blood and Buddies an android application project for searching the donor or recipients for blood
"Blood and Buddies" an android application project for searching the donor or recipients for blood. use for school/college projects or personal. FREE Blood Donation app available for Android smartphones.
Auto App Consent for Android Developers (GDPR/CCPA)
Auto App Consent for App Developers (Alpha release) Developed by Konrad Kollnig, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford This repository
🇧🇷 Utils library for Brazilian specific businesses
🇧🇷 Brazilian Toolkit 🇧🇷 Utils library for Brazilian specific businesses. Including in your project Gradle Add below codes to your root build.gradl
Is a new version of code for my (Social media app) with Clean Architecture
Is a new version of code for my Social media app with Clean Architecture. I used most of Clean code tips with android, SOLID principles and design-patterns..
Android Easy Http - Simplest android http request library.
Android Easy Http Library 繁體中文文檔 About Android Easy Http Library Made on OkHttp. Easy to do http request, just make request and listen for the respons
An app that allows you to search for Github profiles of users and their repositories [d.light Android Engineer Test], for the Android Engineer Role
An app that allows you to search for Github profiles of users and their repositories [d.light Android Engineer Test], for the Android Engineer Role
Add Bubble Navigation Bar in Android Jetpack Compose.
BubbleNavigationBarCompose How it looks Setup Open the file settings.gradle (it looks like that) dependencyResolutionManagement { repositoriesMode
Zoom Modifiers, zoomable image and layouts with limit pan bounds, fling and moving back to valid bounds and callbacks that return current transformation or visible image section
Zoom Modifiers, zoomable image and layouts with limit pan bounds, fling and moving back to valid bounds and callbacks that return current transformation or visible image section
Tiny app to monitor permission changes.
Catcher Permission monitor. Tiny app to monitor permission changes. If any app will get INTERNET permission after an update you will get a notificatio
Android Word/Letter Tracing SDK is a complet solution to build apps for kids learning in pure kotlin
Android Word/Letter Tracing SDK is a complet solution to build apps for kids learning in pure kotlin. It supports all kind of shapes and all language letters e.g. english, arabic, Urdu, hindi etc.
💳 Bank Card View is a simple and elegant card view with Flip animation.
Visualização de cartão bancário 💳 Bank Card View é uma visualização de cartão simples e elegante com animação Flip. Versões Selecione a língua : Engl
Convert video to GIF. Simple and fast.
Convert video to GIF. Simple and fast.
v9 is an Android library that provides the ability to dynamically resize Path objects as you would 9-patch bitmaps
v9 is an Android library that provides the ability to dynamically resize Path objects as you would 9-patch bitmaps. In the example below, the chat bubble is dynamically resized while preserving the corners:
Proxidize Android - Create 5G/4G Mobile Proxies on Android Phones
Proxidize Android is an Android application that allows anyone to create a 5G or 4G mobile proxy using their phone. Learn more about Proxidize on https://proxidize.com/
A powerful 🚀 Android range bar chart library as well as scaling, panning and animations.
RangeBarChart ⚡ Range bar chart library for Android using MPAndroidChart ⚡ There were no charts in MPAndroidChart to show ranges. We were forced to sh
ZExoRecyclerPlayer is an Android library that allows developers to easily create RecyclerView with Exoplayer .
ZExoRecyclerPlayer Description ZExoRecyclerPlayer is an Android library that allows developers to easily create RecyclerView with Exoplayer . Please f
An Android mobile app for viewing device screen in your web browser
Screen Stream over HTTP An Android mobile app for viewing device screen in your web browser. Developed by Dmitriy Krivoruchko · If there are any issue
Pref-DB - Android SharedPreferences alternative library
Pref-DB Android SharedPreferences alternative library.
A fake shopping app built using the MVVM archirecture consuming FAKE STORE API
FakeStore A fake shopping app built using the MVVM archirecture consuming FAKE STORE API N/B This API does not provide an endpoint for registering use
Astronomy Picture of the Day Nasa(APOD) media listing and show picture details.
Astronomy Picture of the Day Nasa(APOD) media listing and show picture details. Built to learn and use of Latest Android development libs using Coroutines, Flow, Dagger-Hilt, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Material Guideline)
Desafio Android-Kotlin / Criar Pokedex
Jetpack Compose Pokedex Olá a todo mundo!, esse aqui é o projeto de uma Pokedex que realizei para um desafio seguindo os passos do youtuber Philipp La
🚀📒📍 Indicators for Horizontal or Vertical Pager with different orientation, color, size options and optional touch feature.
Compose Pager Indicator Indicators for Horizontal or Vertical pager with different orientation, color, size options and optional touch feature. indica
A white noise app developed with Kotlin. It helps to mediate, sleep better, focus, relax and be calm.
A white noise app developed with Kotlin. It helps to mediate, sleep better, focus, relax and be calm.
Application that allows to search some products and display them in a list, also allows to add some product to the shopping cart and remove it
Application that allows to search some products and display them in a list, also allows to add some product to the shopping cart and remove it
TCP-capable MQTT client for react native
Quito A TCP-capable MQTT client for React Native. The module provides a Typescript API for native MQTT clients on iOS and Android. on Android, quito r
Geek-sasaeng android repository
기숙사 생을 위한 토탈 플랫폼 어플, 긱사생 🏘️ 👩🏻💻👨🏻💻 Geek_sasaeng-Android 팀원 소개 Android Developer-루나/고지민 Android Developer-제로/이준영 Android Developer-네오/김형준 핵심 기
A convenient BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator that is compatible with Android devices.
🔖 BMI Calculator A convenient BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator that is compatible with Android devices. 🖥 Please feel free to compute your BMI using
A Revolutionary, Unbreakable CSS framework. Android App For Stone CSS
Stone CSS Android App Made with ❤ By DVS Tech Labs v1.0.0 Android App For Stone CSS. Docs will be soon available followed with release. You can find t
A powerful Gradle Plugin to help you demonstrate your android app
English | 简体中文 sample-gradle-plugin 🚀 A powerful Gradle Plugin to help you demonstrate your android app. We often write demo applications that contai
Titanium Android module: Add a view to a BottomNavigation
ti.bottomNavView Titanium Android module that allows you to add a custom view to a BottomNavigation: Install moduleti.bottomNavView/module Method
Android app for streaming and downloading Movies, TV-Series and Anime.
CloudStream-3 DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/KillerDogeEmpire/Cloudstream/releases Features: AdFree, No ads whatsoever No tracking/analytics Bookmarks D
Android TicWatch E-3 API 28 in Kotlin Animated Watch
AndroidTicWatchE3 -WEAR OS API 28 in Kotlin Android Studio- [CODE SNIPPETS] TicWatch E-3 Virtual Star Pet Features: Daily Background Change Holiday Mo
Android & iPhone payments apps built w/ SwiftUI & Jetpack Compose
Android & iPhone payments apps built w/ SwiftUI & Jetpack Compose, the apps persist data locally w/ SQLDelight and Remote w/ Firebase., Payments w/ Stripe and are architected to emphasize code sharing
Nepali Date Picker library in Jetpack compose for android with Date conversion from BS to AD and vice-versa
Nepali Date picker Converter - Re in Compose This is a re-work of Nepali Date Picker Converter in jetpack compose and kotlin. English Locale Nepali Lo
Koguma a third-party tool for Tachiyomi
Koguma Koguma a tool that helps you create metadata for Tachiyomi's Local Source entries. The application uses AniList for getting metadata from onlin
D4rK QR & Bar Code Scanner Plus is a FOSS scanner app for every Android. 📷
📷 QR & Bar Code Scanner Plus 📷 ╔╦╦╦═╦╗╔═╦═╦══╦═╗ ║║║║╩╣╚╣═╣║║║║║╩╣ ╚══╩═╩═╩═╩═╩╩╩╩═╝ D4rK QR & Bar Code Scanner Plus is a FOSS scanner app for every
Aplicação Mobile desenvolvida em Android utilizando Jetpack Compose
DevHub - Compose 📱 Aplicação Mobile desenvolvida em Android utilizando Jetpack Compose Sobre o projeto 💡 Esse projeto foi desenvolvido durante o eve
Playground server-client Android app using gRPC and protocol buffers
gRPC Playground The goal of this app is to connect to a server, exchange information using the gRPC protocol and lastly retrieve some mocked credentia
Deobfuscator for Android Application
This Tool is selected as BlackHat Arsenal USA 2020 What is Deoptfuscator Deoptfuscator is a tool for deobfuscating Android applications that have been
Android Reverse-Engineering Workbench for VS Code
APKLab The ultimate Android RE experience right inside your VS Code. APKLab seamlessly integrates the best open-source tools: Quark-Engine, Apktool, J
Android Malware (Analysis | Scoring) System
An Obfuscation-Neglect Android Malware Scoring System Quark-Engine is also bundled with Kali Linux, BlackArch. A trust-worthy, practical tool that's r
Yet another static code analyzer for malicious Android applications
Androwarn Yet another static code analyzer for malicious Android applications Description Androwarn is a tool whose main aim is to detect and warn the
Smali/baksmali is an assembler/disassembler for the dex format used by dalvik, Android's Java VM implementation
About smali/baksmali is an assembler/disassembler for the dex format used by dalvik, Android's Java VM implementation. The syntax is loosely based on
Easy setup of static analysis tools for Android and Java projects.
[DEPRECATED] Gradle static analysis plugin ⚠️ A fork of this project is maintained at https://github.com/GradleUp/static-analysis-plugin/ Please migra
Setup CheckStyle, FindBugs, PMD and Lint for your Android project easily
android-quality-starter setup CheckStyle, FindBugs, PMD and Lint for your Android project easily This project adds gradle setup for quality tools ment
Tool to look for several security related Android application vulnerabilities
Quick Android Review Kit This tool is designed to look for several security related Android application vulnerabilities, either in source code or pack
Static code analysis plugin for Android project. (Checkstyle, PMD)
Android Check Static code analysis plugin for Android project. Usage Modifications in project_dir/build.gradle: buildscript { repositories { jce
Scanning APK file for URIs, endpoints & secrets.
APKLeaks Scanning APK file for URIs, endpoints & secrets. Installation from Pypi from Source from Docker Usage Options Output Pattern Pattern Argument
Non-decompiling Android vulnerability scanner (DC25 demo lab, CB17)
README trueseeing is a fast, accurate and resillient vulnerabilities scanner for Android apps. It operates on Android Packaging File (APK) and outputs
Django application that performs SAST and Malware Analysis for Android APKs
Mobile Audit MobileAudit - SAST and Malware Analysis for Android Mobile APKs Components Docker Base images Main features Patterns Integrations Install
Mobile Security Framework (MobSF)
Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and dynamic analysis.
Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) 📱🔥 - is a powerful web interface that helps you to manipulate Android and iOS Apps at Runtime
Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) 📱 🔥 by @mobilesecurity_ Runtime Mobile Security (RMS), powered by FRIDA, is a powerful web interface that helps you to
A runtime mobile application analysis toolkit with a Web GUI, powered by Frida, written in Python.
___ ___ / | \ ____ __ __ ______ ____ / ~ \/ _ \| | \/ ___// __ \ \ Y ( _ )
Shot is an Android project you can use to write screenshot for your apps in a simple and friendly way
Shot is an Android project you can use to write screenshot for your apps in a simple and friendly way. What is this? Shot is a Gradle plugin and
📱 objection - runtime mobile exploration
objection is a runtime mobile exploration toolkit, powered by Frida, built to help you assess the security posture of your mobile applications, without needing a jailbreak.
Android File Fuzzing Framework
Droid-FF : install python dependencies (setup.sh ) and you are good to go. GDB Server for android : get it from @ wget https://people.mozilla.org/~nch
The Leading Security Assessment Framework for Android.
drozer ---------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE We would like to formally announce that F-Secure has stopped further deve