3350 Repositories
Android code-challenge-server-kotlin Libraries
Movie listing app using Jetpack Compose and Tmdb api
Jetflix A Movie listing app using TheMovieDb api and Jetpack Compose. Based on MVVM architecture with Dagger Hilt. Screenshots Download Go to Releases
Bu repositorie Google'ın tamamıyla ücretsiz olarak sunduğu Android Kotlin Fundamentals içeriğindeki projelerin tamamıdır.
Bu repositorie Google'ın tamamıyla ücretsiz olarak sunduğu Android Kotlin Fundamentals içeriğindeki projelerin tamamıdır. Kotlin ile Android geliştiriciliğine başlayacaklara önerilir.
Proyecto de Kotlin y JPA sobre Hibernate, con algunos test usando JUnit 5 y Mockito.
Contactos Kotlin JPA Ejemplos de una aplicación de manejo de contactos con Kotlin y JPA. Usando para testear la aplicación JUnit 5 y Mockito. Almacena
Api Rest Card Game made in Kotlin with Ktor
ApiRest-CardGame "Card Game API" is a project made in Kotlin with Ktor. The API allows you to manage a simple card game deck (shuffle, take a card, pu
Practising kotlin language
Kotlin Learning About this project : 1.Starting with kotlin. 2.Creating a birthday wishing program. 📌 Tech Stack: [] [] 📌 Main Page: HELLO WORLD BIR
MVVM Kotlin Android Architecture
Model-View-ViewModel (ie MVVM) Model-View-ViewModel (ie MVVM) is a template of a client application architecture, proposed by John Gossman as an alter
This is a Movie API app in which data is fetched online from the TMDB site using API authentication.
Movie-API This is a Movie API app in which data is fetched online from the TMDB site using API authentication. MVVM model is used for Database Managme
Kotlin to Dart compiler
Dotlin is a Kotlin to Dart compiler. The aim is to integrate Kotlin as a language into the Dart ecosystem, combing best of both worlds: The Kotlin lan
Secure your REST APIs with Spring Security, Resource and Authorization Server from zero to JWT
Secure REST APIs with Spring ./mvnw RTFM YouTube: Spring Security Patterns YouTube: Spring Security 5.5 From Taxi to Takeoff Official Apache Maven doc
Android Library for cropping an image at ease.
Cropper - Android Image Cropper Android Image Cropper Powerful (Zoom, Rotation, Multi-Source); Customizable (Shape, Limits, Style); Optimized (Async,
An image manipulation library for Kotlin
Sketch An image manipulation library for Kotlin. Sketch doesn't require any external installation like OpenCV or OCR and can be used right away. It's
A Tip Calculator app written in Kotlin that takes Total cost as an input and calculate tip according to the feedbacks.
Create a Tip Calculator App Code for the Android Basics in Kotlin: Create a Tip Calculator app codelab. In this codelab, you will be writing code for
Jetpack Compose, Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Retrofit2
Jetpack-Compose-Blueprint Jetpack Compose, Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Retrofit2 Apps Packages data : It contains all the data accessing
NamelessnessR is a vpn hub that combines a number of vpn protocols to provide a hub to a single vpn powerful to protect your privacy only.
NamelessnessR Design concept The Design concept is designed using adobe xd basing of different ideas but mainly Anxray, V2rayNG and NamelessnetX with
A Simple Task Template With Kotlin
Tarefas - Kotlin Download do aplicativo Tecnologia MVVM Retrofit SQLite Navigation Fingerprint - Autenticação biométrica Tela de Login Tela de cadastr
Exposed spring integration and code generator for dsl interface
Infra-ORM 欢迎使用 Infra-ORM, 这是一个基于 Exposed 的 ORM 框架,可以和 Spring Boot 集成良好,如果你是 Kotlin 开发者,推荐你试试 Exposed, 配合 Infra-ORM 可以给你带来最佳的开发体验。 为什么造这个轮子? Exposed 提供
Micorservice with event sourcing sample kotlin
micorservice-with-event-sourcing-sample-kotlin Event Sourcing Exercises. Maybe it should work. Project eventsourcing Event Sourcing by Jpa or Cosmos D
A simple weather application focused on material UI and API data calls.
YAWA-WeatherApp YAWA is a simple single screen, single activity weather app with material UI. This repository is mainly focused on people who want to
Clean Architecture Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) with Android Instrument Test and Unit Test
The-Movies: Clean Architecture Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile What're inside? - Jetpack Compose - Hilt - Ktor - Android Instrument Test - Unit Test - SQL
MVVM + Kotlin + Jetpack Compose +Navigation Compose + Hilt + Retrofit + Unit Testing + Compose Testing + Coroutines + Kotlin Flow + Io mockK
MvvmKotlinJetpackCompose Why do we need an architecture even when you can make an app without it? let's say you created a project without any architec
A TOML 1.0 parser library for Kotlin
4koma A small, stand-alone, easy to use TOML parser library for Kotlin. 4koma supports an array of convenient features, such as full TOML 1.0 complian
My solutions for the Advent of Code 2021. See the link for a playlist with recordings of me solving each puzzle.
Advent of Code 2021 My solutions for the Advent of Code 2021 solved with Kotlin. What is the Advent of Code? Advent of Code is an online event created
A server which delivers the game cache files to an end-user.
RuneTopic Js5 Server A server which delivers the game cache files to an end-user. Setup Guide You can host a js5 server with Docker or with your local
My 2021 Advent of Code Repo - Kotlin this year!
🎄 Advent of Code 2021 This year I'll be solving the advent problems using Kotlin! 🥂 If you're interested in trying out Kotlin for AoC this year or e
🎅 Marry XMas 🎄 Kotlin solutions for my Advent of Code 2021 🤶
Advent of Code 2021 🎄 val aMessageFromMe = """ _____________,--, | | | | | | |/ .-.\ HANG IN THERE |_|_|_|_|_|_/ / `. SAN
Advent of Code 2021 in Kotlin Multiplatform!
Advent of Code 2021 in Kotlin Multiplatform Structure Each day comes with two parts for you to solve. You'll find a ready-to go and test templates to
Matt Kuhn 2021, Implemented in Kotlin
Advent of Code Matt Kuhn 2021, Implemented in Kotlin
A call blocker.
KBlock 📞 🚫 Introduction KBlock - A call blocking android app (currently works for API 28+) About It imports all the user contacts from the Contacts
Modular Android architecture which showcase Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack compose, Retrofit, Unit test and Kotlin Gradle DSL.
SampleCompose Modular Android architecture which showcase Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack compose, Retrofit, Unit test and Kotlin
Projeto Final do módulo de Kotlin, para testar as habilidades adquiridas durante as aulas
Kotlin Programming Fundamentals - Assessment É hora de vermos o quanto você aprendeu sobre Kotlin e Programação Orientada a Objetos Parte 1: Entendend
Advent of Code project 2021!
aoc-2021 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by goddabuzz using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains. In this r
A server which delivers client configuration settings to an end-user over http.
RuneTopic HTTP Server A server which delivers client configuration settings to an end-user over http. Setup Guide You can host a http server with Dock
Repository for solving Advent of Code in Kotlin.
Advent of Code 2021 Repository for solving Advent of Code in Kotlin. Getting started Running Project is already setup with gradle. To run the app: Nav
Advent of Code 2020 - Kotlin
* , _/^\_ * /.-.\ * * `/&\` *
The RuneTopic lobby server implementation that hosts and processes a lobby.
RuneTopic Lobby Server The RuneTopic lobby server implementation that hosts and processes a lobby. Setup Guide You can host a lobby server with Docker
Advent of Code 2021, using Kotlin
Advent of Code 2021, using Kotlin See https://adventofcode.com/2021, https://kotlinlang.org/. See also "the official GitHub template" by JetBrains. Ge
An easy way of recording any discussion or sounds without ads or internet access
Simple Voice Recorder Ever wished you remember what the other person said? Or the task they gave you at a meeting? Wish no more. With this simple reco
A material tea-timer for android
What is this This project emerged as a tea-timer is something I nearly use every day and the app I was using so far was not ideal to me. I used the on
Implementation of MVVM , Live Data and Room DAO for a robust materialistic design
Someday App to manage Weekly tasks Because who needs to remind you every week to do Samething Preview Main Layout Light Dark Main Layout (Expanded) Li
Delish, a Food Recipes App in Jetpack Compose and Hilt based on modern Android tech-stacks and MVVM clean architecture.
Delish Screens Tech stack & Open-source libraries 100% Kotlin based + Coroutines + Flow for asynchronous. Dagger Hilt 2.37 Accompanist JetPack Jetpack
Bible Study App, by And Bible Open Source Project
Bible Study App by And Bible Open Source Project Powerful offline Bible Study tool for Android Promovideo See promovideo in Youtube Users Please see t
An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter
Kotlin linter in spirit of feross/standard (JavaScript) and gofmt (Go). Features No configuration.* Which means no decisions to make, nothing to argue
A digital wellbeing Android app that helps minimise distractions when you don't want them
Bundel is a digital wellbeing Android app, helping you to focus by grouping up notifications and only releasing them in batches, at set times. This minimises context switching and improves productivity, while decreasing the impulse to continuously check your phone.
Android application for tracking accumulative time of projects.
TimeTracker Track the time you've put into hobby projects, studying or work. Features: Data stored in local SQL database Built with Google MVVM archit
A calculator app based on Material You
Kotlin Calculator 🧮 A calculator app based on Material You. 🧮 This is a basic calculator app made from Kotlin, which uses Monet Engine on Android 12
Kotlin compiler plugin that allows class delegation to be dynamic like property delegations
kotlin-dynamic-delegation Kotlin compiler plugin that allows class delegation to be dynamic like property delegations. The plugin is working in progre
🗺 Android Developer Roadmap 2022 suggests learning paths to understanding Android development.
🗺 Android Developer Roadmap 2022 suggests learning paths to understanding Android development.
A template for Advent of Code challenge with input downloading and prepared test classes
Advent of Code Kotlin Template A template which will help you concentrate on the puzzle solutions. It brings Downloading and caching of the puzzle inp
Advent of Code 2021: Solutions in Kotlin
Advent of Code 2021 Solutions in Kotlin This repo is my personal attempt at solving the Advent of Code 2021 set of problems with the Kotlin programmin
Kotlin Symbol Processor library to create Mutable and Immutable variants of objects.
implier Kotlin Symbol Processor plugin to create Mutable and Immutable variants of objects. Examples @ImmutableImpl @MutableImpl public interface Samp
App kotlin with flow, paging 3, MVVM, Room, Dagger hilt
TMDBTest App kotlin with flow, paging 3, MVVM, Room, Dagger hilt Para compilar la app se tiene que descargar el proyecto. Luego poner la APIKEY de TMD
Sae Hoon Scheduling System With Kotlin
SaeHoonSchedulingSystem 약속을 편하게 관리할 수 있는 안드로이드 어플리케이션 입니다. Getting Started / 어떻게 시작하나요? SaeHoon's Scheduling System Api Server를 먼저 실행 후 Android Studio
Android multimodule project based on Kotlin, MVVM, SOLID, flow, coroutines and paging3.
TVMaze David Ferrándiz Features Retrieve TVMaze shows in a grid. See more information about the show in a new screen Tech Kotlin Retrofit Modularizati
App uses NewsAPI to get news for kotlin
News App Tech Stack 🛠️ Kotlin MVVM & Repository pattern LiveData Navigation Coroutines Retrofit Room Glide About App 💡 This app uses NewsAPI to get
🗺 Android Developer Roadmap 2022 suggests learning paths to understanding Android development.
Android Developer Roadmap 2022 English | 한국어 Android Developer Roadmap 2022 suggests learning paths to understanding Android development. You can read
⚡️First Semester's Final Project ⚡️
HalalSpotify HalalSpotify is an app to listen quran recites, islamic study, etc . . . . Description Featuring all of the famous qari around the world
A small library that provides helper functions to work with Mockito in Kotlin.
Mockito-Kotlin A small library that provides helper functions to work with Mockito in Kotlin. Install Mockito-Kotlin is available on Maven Central. Fo
Cyrus IMAP is an email, contacts and calendar server
master: stable(3.4): Welcome This is the Cyrus IMAP Server, developer version 3.5. This version is under active development, and is not considered "st
Source code of the official StudyBuddy web client.
StudyBuddy-web This repository contains the source code of the web client, available here. Native apps For a native version of the application, see th
A secure and decentralized Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency wallet for Android phones. Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Binance Chain, Bitcoin Cash, DASH, ...
Unstoppable Wallet We dream of a world… A world where private property is untouchable and market access is unconditional. That obsession led us to eng
An app for catching up on things.
CatchUp An app for catching up on things. https://www.zacsweers.dev/catching-up-on-catchup-introduction/ Motivations There's a lot of services I like
Keep your code spotless
Spotless: Keep your code spotless Spotless can format antlr | c | c# | c++ | css | flow | graphql | groovy | html | java | javascript | json | jsx |
Source extensions for the Tachiyomi app.
Build Support Server Tachiyomi Extensions Tachiyomi is a free and open source manga reader for Android 6.0 and above. This repository contains the ava
Shopping is an app an e-commerce application under creating
Shopping Shopping is an app an e-commerce application under creating This repository was made under a non-profit initiative with the aim of developing
Plugin to integrate EventStoreDB into Ktor-Server!
Ktor Plugin EventStoreDB EventStoreDB is an open-source database technology that stores your critical data in streams of immutable events. It was buil
Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 4.1 Lifecycles and logging.
DessertClicker - Starter Code Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 4.1 Lifecycles and logging. Introduction DessertClicker is a game a
Advent of Code 2021 implementations in Kotlin
advent-of-code-in-kotlin-2021 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by acrane13 using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by
A template that utilizes both Scala and Kotlin because why not (And also because I endorse programming hell)
Fabric-Scala-Kotlin-template A template that utilizes both Scala and Kotlin because why not (And also because I endorse programming hell) I don't care
A Kotlin/Java library to connect directly to an Android device without an adb binary or an ADB server
dadb Blog Post: Our First Open-Source Project A Kotlin/Java library to connect directly to an Android device without an adb binary or an ADB server de
The RuneTopic game server implementation that hosts and processes a game world.
RuneTopic Game Server The RuneTopic game server implementation that hosts and processes a game world. Setup Guide You can host a game server with Dock
Kotlin fun with Advent of Code 2021
aoc-kotlin Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by dayanruben using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains. In thi
Android Contacts API Library written in Kotlin with Java interoperability.
Android Contacts API Library written in Kotlin with Java interoperability. No more ContentProviders and cursors. Say goodbye to ContactsContract. Build your own contacts app!
simple android grocery app using kotlin and android studio
Project Idea The idea of this project is to make a grocery android app that users can use to order the groceries they want. It doesn't contain any bac
The app i wrote in DEVFEST Çanakkale 2021 - Bugdroid Academy while teaching about kotlin and android.
DiceRollerApp An app that rolls dice when the button is clicked. Made this app in DEVFEST Çanakkale 2021 Bugdroid Academy while teaching about kotlin
A korge map generator for Pocket Palm Heroes remastered
Korge mapgen This is a korge map generator for Pocket Palm Heroes remastered. Algorithm Is based mostly on this presentation by Gus Smedstad, who is t
My solutions for Advent of Code 2021, written in Kotlin!
Advent-of-Code-2021 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by thijsboehme using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrai
Kotlin Android app for cataloging books off home/office library.
MyLibrary App Kotlin Android app for cataloging books off home/office library. Features: Searching COBISS, Google Books and OpenLibrary by scanning IS
Event State Processor Generator plugin is compatible with IntelliJ and Android Studio.
Event State Processor Generator plugin is compatible with IntelliJ and Android Studio. It provides source code generation for the EventStateProcessor Library to increase code productivity in Flutter apps development.
An awesome collaborative collection of Kotlin Multiplatform libraries
Awesome Kotlin Multiplatform Awesome Projects Updated 33 November 21, 2021 Contents Guides Dependency Injection Database NoSQL SQL Extension Reactive
Base Obsidian plugin in
obsidian-kotlin-plugin Base Obsidian plugin in Kotlin Usage Right now the plugin only outputs "KotlinPlugin onload()" and "KotlinPlugin onunload()" to
The source code for SuCraft.
SuCraft What is this? This repository contains the source code for SuCraft. You can help in three ways: If there is a bug on the server, please report
Android application showcasing the MVVM architecture, Clean code using Kotlin, Coroutine, Flow and databinding.
Code4Lyst Android application showcasing the MVVM architecture, Clean code using Kotlin, Coroutine, Flow and databinding. App Architecture MVVM CleanC
🤹 Common Kotlin utilities made for my personal usage, comes with SLF4J utilities, common extensions, common Gradle utilities, and more.
🤹 common-utils Common Kotlin utilities made for my personal usage, comes with SLF4J utilities, common extensions, ansi-colours, common Gradle utiliti
RPG written in Kotlin using Korge engine
TheAlchemist RPG written in Kotlin using the Korge engine Based on the template https://github.com/korlibs/korge-starter-kit-rpg, this is a simple pix
Créer un microservice avec Spring Boot et Kotlin
🚀 Créer un microservice avec Spring Boot et Kotlin Ce dépôt contient les slides et la démo du talk "créer un microservice avec Spring Boot et Kotlin"
Console Weather App With Kotlin
ConsoleWeatherApp Описание Данный сервис позволяет получить текущее состояние погоды в выбранном городе. Использование Сервис может быть запущен со сл
Jugando con Corrutinas en Kotlin
Kotlin Init Coroutines Jugando con Corrutinas en Kotlin Acerca De Distintos ejemplos de uso de Corrutinas y Concurrencia en Kotlin Suspender vs Bloque
Kotlin async server template with coroutines and zero deps
kotlin-server At attempt to very light-weight non-blocking http app template with support for Kotlin coroutines. Zero dependencies - Java built-in jdk
A Simple Portfolio App With Kotlin
Portofolio APP SKL ke-3 IDN Minggu ke-1 2021 saya telah belajar: Saya telah belajar Android Studio Activity Main. Saya telah belajar Menambahkan Fragm
🌨️ Simple, intuitive, and opinionated command handling library for Kord
🌨️ Snow Simple, intuitive, and opinionated command handling library for Kord Why? Since I maintain two Discord bots, both in Kotlin, Nino and Noel (p
Clean Architecture TDD Kotlin Mutliplatform showcase
Kotlin multiplatform code reuse shared-domain : common domain logic & orchestration can generate reusable for jvm & js targets unit tests are run agai
Make E-Commerce using Kotlin MVVM
Kotlin E-Commerce MVVM Make E-Commerce using Kotlin, and for backend i use Golang, and PHP Feature MVVM Retrofit2 15+ Screen Payment Gateway (Razorpay
Kotlin Spring Boot on GCP App Engine Standard
Kotlin Spring Boot on GCP App Engine Standard Deploy locally git clone https://github.com/mvladoi/sinch-task.git cd springboot mvn spring-boot:run 7
Minecraft Forge Kotlin Template
Minecraft Forge Kotlin Template Minecraft 1.12.2 で Forge と Kotlin を用いた Mod のテンプレートです。 Minecraft 1.12.2 Mod template using Forge and Kotlin. Getting St
Kotlin Native's Clang Compiler Plugin
Kotlin Native's Clang Compiler Plugin This plugin makes possible to use konon clang compiler. Support targets: Target Name Host compatibility linux_x6
A sample photo browsing app in Kotlin, Android using Picsum image API.
Picsum Photo App Functionality The app's functionality includes: Fetch a list of images from picsum photos api (https://picsum.photos/) and show them
An Android template you can use to build your project with gradle kotlin dsl
Android Gradle KTS An Android template you can use to build your project with gradle kotlin dsl Build.gradle.kts You can use your project's build.grad
A "fluent" OkHTTP library for Kotlin based on string extensions.
okfluent A "fluent" OkHTTP library for Kotlin based on string extensions. Do not take this project seriously, I just wanted to show that this kind of
A seed and demo about how to do end-to-end testing of a Dataflow pipeline
dataflow-e2e-demo This is a demo and a seed project to show how you can end-to-end test a Dataflow pipeline. You can find more about by follwing this
Launch Spring projects by github url
Ktor application made for quickly demonstrating Spring projects on our Java lessons. Spring launcher: Starts a fresh Postgres container Builds the pro