385 Repositories
Android beginner-code Libraries
PyCharm plugin for ruff. This plugin provides reformat code using ruff.
Ruff PyCharm Plugin A JetBrains PyCharm plugin for ruff. Help See documentation for more details. Sponsors ScreenShots Features Run ruff --fix as an a
My attempt at the Advent of Code 2022, in Kotlin!
aoc-2022 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by zodiia using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains. In this repo
advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by jlengrand using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by Je
Boilerplate code for implementing MVVM in Android using Jetpack libraries, coroutines, dependency injection and local persistance
MVVM Foundation This projects aims to speed up development of Android apps by providing a solid base to extend Libraries Jetpack Fragment Material3 :
Solutions to Codeforces' Kotlin Heroes Contests
kotlin-heroes Solutions to Codeforces' Kotlin Heroes Contests Practice Rounds Contest Problems Solutions Practice-1 Link NA Practice-2 Link Link Pract
A VS Code killer that actually works.
VS Code Killer A VS Code killer that actually works. Background Recently, JetBrains released a public preview of their new IDE called Fleet. Many peop
A Android Web IDE supports code auto-completion and highlight, plugin (Supports Html, Css, JS, Json, Php etc)
WebDevOps A Android Web IDE supports code auto-completion and highlight, plugin (Supports Html, Css, JS, Json, Php etc) Join us QQ group number: 10314
A demonstration of source code transformation to implement automatic differentiation, compatible with an operation overload style AD library DiffKt.
AdOptimize Kotlin Plugin AdOptimize is a Kotlin compiler plugin that can transform functions written using an operation overload automatic differentia
Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, computer science etc implemented in Kotlin for educational purposes.
The Kotlin Algorithms Implementation of different algorithms and data structures using Kotlin lang Overview The repository is a collection of open-sou
Create an application with Kotlin/JVM and Kotlin/JS, and explore features around code sharing, serialization, server- and client
Building a Full Stack Web App with Kotlin Multiplatform 본 저장소는 INFCON 2022에서 코틀린 멀티플랫폼 기반 웹 프로그래밍 핸즈온랩을 위해 작성된 템플릿 프로젝트가 있는 곳입니다. 핸즈온 과정에서 코틀린 멀티플랫폼을
⭐️ Quick and easy QR Code scanning app created using Jetpack Compose. ☘️
QR-Code-Scanner Scan your QR codes easily and quickly. ⭐️ Google Play Store : Screenshots of the app : 🔨 Libraries Used in The Project : // Jetpa
Turtle Graphics 🐢 implementation for Android Platform with Code Editor, Preview Screen and packages
Turtle Graphics Download Turtle is an Android Application inspired from the original Turtle Graphics and Logo, Logo is an educational programming lang
KMP Ready is a Gradle Plugin that provides actionable advice to make your code Kotlin Multiplatform compatible.
KMP Ready IS 🚧 UNDER DEVELOPMENT 🚧 Decisioning Logic Positive Signals ✅ Only Kotlin .kt Source Files Using Kotlin JVM Plugin Uses the Kotlin Multipl
Code samples for the second edition of "Kotlin in Action".
Code samples for Kotlin in Action, Second Edition This project contains the code samples from book "Kotlin in Action, Second Edition" by Roman Elizaro
Repository of a multi-platform application running the same Compose source code on all platforms
Compose multiplatform demo demo.mov Using the same compose user interface (UI) from android on all principal platforms 🎊 🎉 App Features This is a si
Collection of code samples for learning Android Fundamentals.
Android Tutorials Collection of code samples for learning Android Fundamentals and lessons in KOTLIN from YOUTUBE. The layout of Android Applications
⚒ A multiplatform-friendly common utility module targeting code flexibility
⚒ mechanism A multiplatform-friendly common utility module targeting code flexibility. 🎏 Getting Started You can find information about how to use th
Tools for Kotlin/Kscript to easy write shell command line in kotlin code
Kscript Tools Easy way to run shell command line in kotlin and other tools Usage Used in kscript: @file:DependsOn("com.sealwu:kscript-tools:1.0.2") Us
How to play DASH type content with ExoPlayer? 📺 📱 🎞
How to use ExoPlayer ▶️ with Kotlin in Android ❓ ExoPlayer is an application level media player for Android. It provides an alternative to Android’s M
⚙️ Extended gameplay mechanics and brand-new code foundations for Minecraft: Java Edition platforms
⚙️ foundation Extended gameplay mechanics and brand-new code foundations for Minecraft: Java Edition platforms. 🎏 Getting Started You can find inform
Is a new version of code for my (Social media app) with Clean Architecture
Is a new version of code for my Social media app with Clean Architecture. I used most of Clean code tips with android, SOLID principles and design-patterns..
Create an application with Kotlin/JVM and Kotlin/JS, and explore features around code sharing, serialization, server- and client
Practical Kotlin Multiplatform on the Web 본 저장소는 코틀린 멀티플랫폼 기반 웹 프로그래밍 워크숍(강좌)을 위해 작성된 템플릿 프로젝트가 있는 곳입니다. 워크숍 과정에서 코틀린 멀티플랫폼을 기반으로 프론트엔드(front-end)는 Ko
Lightweight compiler plugin intended for Kotlin/JVM library development and symbol visibility control.
Restrikt A Kotlin/JVM compiler plugin to restrict symbols access, from external project sources. This plugin offers two ways to hide symbols: An autom
Statistics View IntelliJ Plugin
StatisticsView IntelliJ plugin enables logging IDE code browsing activities and shows aggregated statistical information (e.g. accumulated file opened times) in the IDE Project view.
⚒ A multiplatform-friendly common utility module targeting code flexibility
⚒ mechanism A multiplatform-friendly common utility module targeting code flexibility. 🎏 Getting Started You can find information about how to use th
D4rK QR & Bar Code Scanner Plus is a FOSS scanner app for every Android. 📷
📷 QR & Bar Code Scanner Plus 📷 ╔╦╦╦═╦╗╔═╦═╦══╦═╗ ║║║║╩╣╚╣═╣║║║║║╩╣ ╚══╩═╩═╩═╩═╩╩╩╩═╝ D4rK QR & Bar Code Scanner Plus is a FOSS scanner app for every
Android Reverse-Engineering Workbench for VS Code
APKLab The ultimate Android RE experience right inside your VS Code. APKLab seamlessly integrates the best open-source tools: Quark-Engine, Apktool, J
Yet another static code analyzer for malicious Android applications
Androwarn Yet another static code analyzer for malicious Android applications Description Androwarn is a tool whose main aim is to detect and warn the
Find Security Bugs is the SpotBugs plugin for security audits of Java web applications
The SpotBugs plugin for security audits of Java web applications and Android applications. (Also work with Kotlin, Groovy and Scala projects)
Easy setup of static analysis tools for Android and Java projects.
[DEPRECATED] Gradle static analysis plugin ⚠️ A fork of this project is maintained at https://github.com/GradleUp/static-analysis-plugin/ Please migra
An extensible multilanguage static code analyzer.
PMD - source code analyzer PMD is a source code analyzer. It finds common programming flaws like unused variables, empty catch blocks, unnecessary obj
Setup CheckStyle, FindBugs, PMD and Lint for your Android project easily
android-quality-starter setup CheckStyle, FindBugs, PMD and Lint for your Android project easily This project adds gradle setup for quality tools ment
A static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C
Infer Infer is a static analysis tool for Java, C++, Objective-C, and C. Infer is written in OCaml. Installation Read our Getting Started page for det
Static code analysis plugin for Android project. (Checkstyle, PMD)
Android Check Static code analysis plugin for Android project. Usage Modifications in project_dir/build.gradle: buildscript { repositories { jce
StaCoAn is a crossplatform tool which aids developers, bugbounty hunters and ethical hackers performing static code analysis on mobile applications.
StaCoAn Not maintained anymore! Will be archived soon. StaCoAn is a crossplatform tool which aids developers, bugbounty hunters and ethical hackers pe
Django application that performs SAST and Malware Analysis for Android APKs
Mobile Audit MobileAudit - SAST and Malware Analysis for Android Mobile APKs Components Docker Base images Main features Patterns Integrations Install
A custom OTP view to enter a code usually used in authentication
A custom view to enter a code usually used in authentication. Different types of OTPViews. Easy to use and configure your own view and character of OTP using all the attributes.
A fork of audio-analyzer-for-android in Google code, with a lot of enhancement.
Audio Spectrum Analyzer for Android A fork of Audio spectrum Analyzer for Android (See README.old for its original readme) This software shows the fre
DocuBox is a cloud based file storing app where you can securely store and access your documents from anywhere around the world
DocuBox is an android app 📱in which you can securely upload your files on the cloud– from family pictures and audio recordings to spreadsheets, presentations and other confidential documents.
A simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android.
Convalida Convalida - (Italian for "validation") Convalida is a simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android. Documentation G
Learning Project (Story App) For Applying Android Architecture Components And Clean Architecture Using MVVM With Kotlin
Learning Project (Story App) For Applying Android Architecture Components And Clean Architecture Using MVVM With Kotlin. Implemented by Clean Architecture, Hilt, MVVM, LiveData, Coroutines, Retrofit2, Glide
Example code from coroutines testing talk.
Coroutines Testing This repo contains example code used to build my (Bill Phillips) talk on coroutines testing. Use it however you please, but note so
A webserver interface to the same methods and code that Cordova plugins install.
cordova-plugin-webserver Cordova plugin for localhost web server written in Kotlin and Ktor Install plugin cordova plugin add https://github.com/Qbix/
Kotlin compiler plugin generates support synthetic methods for use SaveStateHandle without constants and string variables.
SavedState Compiler Plugin Kotlin compiler plugin generates support methods for use SaveStateHandle without constants and string variables. Example If
A code base to retrieve flight schedules and demonstrate heavy modularisation.
FS2020 Flight Scheduler This will eventually produce an application that allows us to convert real life traffic from any source into traccic that can
👨💻 Squircle IDE is a fast and free multi-language code editor for Android
Squircle IDE is a fast and free multi-language code editor for Android. Table of Contents EditorKit Gradle Dependency The Basics More Opt
UML model and code examples of design patterns for Kotlin/Native. The model is created with Astah.
Design Pattern Examples in Kotlin/Native Model and code examples of GoF Design Patterns for Kotlin/Native. This project is available for the following
Event Sourcing with Kotlin
This is a sample app to demonstrate the power of using EventSourced models and the ease with which these can be modelled using Kotlin.
Sample Android Clean MVVM architecture
Sample Android Clean MVVM architecture ( Retrofit + Okhttp + Moshi + Coil + Room + Navigation Component + Coroutines + Flow + DataStore + ViewModel + Hilt + Compose )
A collection of tests and easy to reuse pieces of code for bdk-jvm and bdk-android
Readme This repo is a collection of tests and easy to reuse pieces of code for bdk-jvm and bdk-android. Note that they don't aim to provide a full cov
An android application meant for providing source code for medium blog.
ShoppingList-Widget In this tutorial-guide we will be exploring the use of Android-App Widgets and how can we parallelly use them with databases like
Starter code for the fourth independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin
Amphibians - Starter Code Starter code for the fourth independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin. This project pairs with Unit 4 of Android Basi
Ratio + don't care, in your kotlin code
Ratio + don't care, in your kotlin code
Android library for creating QR-codes with logo, custom pixel/eyes shapes, background image. Powered by ZXing.
custom-qr-generator Android library for creating QR-codes with logo, custom pixel/eyes shapes, background image. Powerd by ZXing. Installation To get
UTBotJava generates test cases by code, trying to cover maximum statements and execution paths.
UTBotJava generates test cases by code, trying to cover maximum statements and execution paths. We treat source code as source of truth assuming that behavior is correct and corresponds to initial user demand. Generated tests are placed in so-called regression suite
The KPy gradle plugin allows you to write Kotlin/Native code and use it from python.
The KPy gradle plugin allows you to write Kotlin/Native code and use it from python.
Catch `dd`, `ddd`, `dump`, `sleep` and `ray` functions in your code
catch-debug-code Template ToDo list Create a new IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template project. Get familiar with the template documentation. Verify the p
Automatically generates UI demos which allow users to call any function with any parameters
Automatically generates UI demos which allow users to call any function (including composable ones) with any parameters. Useful for building demo screens in playground apps of various design systems.
A Lightweight Framework for Code Generating
Codegen A lightweight framework for code generating. Why Codegen? In Java/Kotlin world, engineers usually use JavaPoet or KotlinPoet for code generati
Juara Android - Repository Google Code Lab, JuaraAndroid Event
Juara Android - Repository Google Code Lab, JuaraAndroid Event
Francis minecraft & discord bot source code
francis My minecraft bot (accompanied by a live chat feed on discord) made for simpvp.net It is (as of writing) composed of three microservices that c
ArchGuard is a architecture governance tool which can analysis architecture in container, component, code level, create architecure fitness functions, and anaysis system dependencies..
ArchGuard backend ArchGuard is a architecture governance tool which can analysis architecture in container, component, code level, database, create ar
ArchGuard Scanner for scan Git change history, scan source code by Chapi for Java, TypeScript, Kotlin, Go..、Java bytecode use for JVM languages, scan Jacoco test coverage.
Arch Scanner Requirements: JDK 12 Scanner: scan_git - Git commit history scan scan_jacoco - Jacoco scan scan_bytecode - for JVM languages known issues
A Gradle plugin providing various utility methods and common code required to set up multi-version Minecraft mods.
Essential Gradle Toolkit A Gradle plugin providing various utility methods and common code required to set up multi-version Minecraft mods via archite
Template for MVVM Architecture Clean Code.
Template for MVVM Architecture. This is basic template for android app follwing MVVM architecture and latest tech stack. You don't need to create and add basic code and depency for start project using MVVM architecture. Just use this template and boost your productivity.
Template for MVVM Architecture Clean Code.
MVVM Template Kotlin Template for MVVM Architecture. This is basic template for android app follwing MVVM architecture and latest tech stack. You don'
Handle various HTTP status code by safe api call with Result sealed class
retrofit2-safe-api-call Handle various HTTP status code by safe api call with Result sealed class Library Retrofit2 OkHttp3 Gson Coroutine DI : Koin V
Generate Qr Code using ZXING with a logo if needed
QrGeneratorWithLogo Generate Qr Code using ZXING with a logo if needed Download the Helper file and use it 1- add zxing lib into your project implem
QRAlarm - an Android alarm clock application lets the user turn off alarms by scanning the QR Code.
QRAlarm is an Android alarm clock application that does not only wake You up, but also makes You get up to disable the alarm by scanning the QR Code.
Dokka plugin to render Mermaid graphics, from your code comments to your Dokka documentation.
Dokka plugin to render Mermaid graphics, from your code comments to your Dokka documentation.
Kotlin Example of how to organize your code using MVC and some patterns seen in class
Kotlin Example of how to organize your code using MVC and some patterns seen in class
Converts SVG and Android Vector Drawable in Jetpack Compose code
SVG to Compose [Experimental] Converts SVG or Android Vector Drawable to Compose code. Android Studio/IntelliJ plugin by overpass Why this project On
A server code template using Kotlin, Gradle, and Ktor
This project is a server code template using Kotlin, Gradle, and Ktor. It aims to help you build a service by providing reusable code examples that is likely essential for a server.
Ktorm KSP extension to help generate boilerplate code.
Ktorm KSP extension to help generate boilerplate code. It can automatically generate Table objects through entity classes, while making entities defined by data classes easier to use, and supports custom extension code generation logic.
Taken from a PeopleCode app package to be used as a refactoring exercise
The code below was taken from a PeopleCode app package to be used as a refactoring exercise. Packages original: contains the code below translated int
A demo project showcasing different exercises + details with prepopulated data from room. Includes tests
README Pre-requisites I used Android Studio Bumblebee (2021.1.1). In case of any issues, do let me know because I understand that issues might vary fo
Kotlin code generation for commercetools platform type-safe product-types, reference expansion and custom fields
Kotlin code generation for commercetools platform type-safe product-types, reference expansion and custom fields
λRPC allows using code with high-order functions as a service
λRPC Simple native RPC with high order functions support. Inspired by @altavir and Communicator. λRPC allows using code with high-order functions as a
Provides custom lint rules developed by Bottle Rocket Studios to help keep our code cleaner
Provides custom lint rules developed by Bottle Rocket Studios to help keep our code cleaner, detect and mitigate possible security issues, and allow us to write rules around best practices and usage as necessary in the future
Social share - Social Sharing Plugin For Private Use only (Code without error checking)
Flutter Social Share plugin for sharing file to media with multiple (More option
Ownership-gradle-plugin - Gradle code ownership verification plugin
Gradle code ownership verification plugin A gradle plugin that will verify owner
WeatherAndroidApplication - An Android Application, it will check the weather in the USA using Zip Code
WeatherAndroidApplication This is an Android Application, It will check the weat
Android-easy-permissions-kt - EasyPermissionsKt - A lightweight Android library that abstracts all runtime permission boilerplate code to simplify the system permissions managemen
Easy Permissions Kt EasyPermissionsKt is a lightweight Android library that abst
Multidex - The goal with Multidex is to create a Kotlin multiplatform project that shares code across Android, iOS, Desktop, Web, and JVM
Multidex The goal with Multidex is to create a Kotlin multiplatform project that
Akka-in-action-kotlin - Accompanying source code for Akka in Action by Kotlin
Akka実践バイブル Kotlin版サンプルコード ( Accompanying source code for Akka in Action by Kotli
MyQRScanner - Simple app for reading QR Code
My QRCode Scanner Simple app for reading QR Code Technologies Jetpack Compose Ca
Wordlesolver - Wordle (Gurgle) solver with code from Wordle-Solver
WordleSolver Wordle (Gurgle) solver with code from https://github.com/PoorLazyCo
JetCountrypicker - Country code bottomsheet picker in Jetpack Compose
JetCountryPicker Country code bottomsheet picker in Jetpack Compose How to add i
Android + Kotlin Project for the 2022 edition of the Open Source Contribution competition, JGEC Winter of Code aka JWoC.
QuotesApp-JWoC Android + Kotlin Project for the 2022 edition of the Open Source Contribution competition, JGEC Winter of Code aka JWoC. 🎯 Project Obj
Owasp-top-five - An intro into writing code for greater Android Security
Don’t get stung by OWASP An intro into writing code for greater Android Security
This repository is part of the source code of Wire for Android
Wire™ This repository is part of the source code of Wire. You can find more information at wire.com or by contacting opensource@wire.com. You can find
A somewhat copy past of Jetbrain's code from the kotlin plugin repo to make it humanly possible to test Intellij IDEA kotlin plugins that work on kotlin
A somewhat copy past of Jetbrain's code from the kotlin plugin repo to make it humanly possible to test Intellij IDEA kotlin plugins that work on kotlin
Discode - Discord-like app that executes code in messages
Like Discord, but you can paste and run code in the chat About This is a Discord
The code base of supertuxkart
SuperTuxKart SuperTuxKart is a free kart racing game. It focuses on fun and not on realistic kart physics. Instructions can be found on the in-game he
Note-app - A sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development
Note-app - A sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development
Solution code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 8.1 Getting data from the internet
MarsRealEstateNetwork - Solution Code Solution code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 8.1 Getting data from the internet Introduction MarsRealEs
ZATAC Scanner is Android Kotlin-based QR code scanner and parser which de-crypt TLV qr codes and parse them into their values.
ZATAC Scanner is Android Kotlin-based QR code scanner and parser which de-crypt TLV qr codes and parse them into their values.
Plugin which generates Android Parcelable boilerplate code for kotlin's class.
Android Parcelable boilerplate code generation Inspired by android-parcelable-intellij-plugin Installation Plugin is uploaded to plugin repository. If
A plugin for android developer, with the plugin you can generate "findViewById" code quickly.
FindViewByMe A plugin for android developer, with the plugin you can generate "findViewById" code quickly. Download JetBrains Plugin Repository :: Fin
An Intellij/Android Studio plugin to help visualise side effects in your code.
Deprecated This project is no longer maintained. No new issues or pull requests will be accepted. You can still use the source or fork the project to