1857 Repositories
Android filepicker-library Libraries
Android jetpack compose swipe library
Swiper for Android Jetpack Compose Android Jetpack Compose swipe library. Downlo
WalletConnect Kit is the Swiss Army toolkit for WalletConnect!
WalletConnectKit WalletConnectKit is the Swiss Army toolkit for WalletConnect! It will allow you to connect your DApp with an Ethereum Wallet in a few
🎥 Android App using Kotlin, MVVM, ViewModel and LiveData, RxJava, Retrofit, REST API, OkHttp, Gson, Glide, Paging library and Material Design. In the app you can see a list of popular movies and additional info about every movie.
Movies 🎥 Android App using Kotlin, MVVM, ViewModel and LiveData, RxJava, Retrofit, REST API (https://www.themoviedb.org), OkHttp, Gson, Glide, Paging
Maintenance mode library for spring boot web and security projects.
spring-boot-starter-maintenance spring-boot-starter-maintenance is a maintenance mode library for spring boot web and security projects. Download Grad
Image Picker with Customizable UI for Android, Pick an image from Gallery
Image Picker A Image Picker Library for Android (Supports Android 12) with fully
Be notified of new AndroidX (Jetpack) library versions and their changelog by GitHub notifications
Image credits: Android Developers This repository publishes release notes of And
An easy-to-use text field validator for Kotlin & Jetpack compose.
validable Validating text fields when using jetpack compose can sometimes be challenging and verbose. Validable is an extensible library that allows y
Easy to use abstraction over Android packages install and uninstall functionality leveraging Kotlin coroutines (API 16+)
SimpleInstaller Overview SimpleInstaller is an Android library which provides easy to use abstraction over Android packages install and uninstall func
UIPresenter library for android view-based UI presentation
UIPresenter This android library is like a tour guide for your app's Views. It h
To build it, it is needed to clone the Tint Browser Addon Framework Library project.
Tint Browser This project is licensed under the GPL v3 license. To build it, it is needed to clone the Tint Browser Addon Framework Library project. W
Notzz App is a simple note-taking 📝 Android application built to describe the use of Modern Android development tools.
Notzz App Notzz App is a simple note-taking 📝 Android application built to describe the use of Modern Android development tools. Made with love ❤️ by
Brazilian Holidays: a Kotlin/Java library that provides resources to consult Brazilian holidays and business days
Leia esta documentação em Português. Brazilian Holidays Brazilian Holidays is a
Simple custom view that draws an n-point star for Android
StarView 🌟 Simple custom view that draws an n-point star for Android. Features
Minimal Wallpapers for Android using Kotlin+Compose+MVVM+Hilt+Coroutines+Jetpack(Room, Paging, Navigation)
WallPortal Minimal Wallpapers for Android Download from Play Store Native Android wallpaper application written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose Tech-s
A reddit client built for android
Development To build this app you need to have a Reddit account. Once you have that, head over to this page to get a client id for the app. Make a new
GitReposCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android. This demo app uses Github public API for fetching public repositories.
GitReposCompose Demo GitReposCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android. This demo app
A library for Android provides blurred drop shadows to ImageView similar to iOS image backdrop shadows
A library for Android provides blurred drop shadows to ImageView similar to iOS image backdrop shadows.Provides fast canvas draw as no renderscript needed .The similar shadow blurred effects can also be seen in iOS Music App.
Android Country Picker is a Kotlin-first, flexible and powerful Android library that allows to integrate Country Picker with just a few lines.
1. Add dependency dependencies { implementation 'com.hbb20:android-country-picker:X.Y.Z' } For latest version, 2. Decide your use-case
Simple to use swipe gestures for an Android RecyclerView
Android-RecyclerView-Swipe-Gestures Contribution Contributions / PRs are welcome. 1. Introduction An easy to use and highly customizable implementatio
Organize your images in beautiful collage with this library!
CollageImageView This app is an example. how to create collages with RecyclerView. See an example, how it's working: device-2021-04-24-015545.mp4 Inst
[Android] In-app language changing library
Localization Library Android library for in-app language changes support in your application Feature In-app language changing Default language when fi
Mobile app to show images from Pixabay. Interview solution for Adanian Labs android developer role.
PixaBay An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Pixabay API to display images.It has been built following Clean Architecture Principle, Reposi
TwitterCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android.
TwitterCompose Demo TwitterCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android. About . This is
Kotlin Library for Async Data Loading and Caching
Store 4 Store is a Kotlin library for loading data from remote and local sources. The Problems: Modern software needs data representations to be fluid
Library support for Kotlin coroutines
kotlinx.coroutines Library support for Kotlin coroutines with multiplatform support. This is a companion version for the Kotlin 1.6.0 release. suspend
A library support circular imageview with rotation animation
Circular Imageview with Rotate Animation This is a fast and efficient open source custom imageview for Android that allow to easy implement disc anima
An android library for quick setup of RecyclerView
SmartRecyclerView for Android An android library to quickly setup RecyclerView(List) with SwipeRefreshLayout Support, written entirely in Kotlin. Supp
Utility functions to perform dynamic operations on Android.
Dynamic Utils A collection of static methods and packages to perform dynamic operations on Android 2.3 (API 9) and above. Since v0.4.0, it uses 26.x.x
Android & Pure Java library for sound manipulation
soundtransform Android & Pure Java library to shape a voice with an instrument. Table of Contents How to use the library FluentClient FluentClient sam
Android library for drawing Pie charts and Donut charts with the ability to customize almost anything in it.
A Pie/Donut*/Ring chart for Android, customizable to the most extent possible. For tutorial and examples refer to the website. build.gradle[.kts] impl
Customizable toast message library for Android
Android Custom Toast Message (SnToast) Customizable Toast Message Library For Android Add this in your root build.gradle file allprojects { reposito
Utility library dedicated for functional & non-functional codebases to simplify modelling of success and failure responses for the JVM languages 🔀
Expressible Utility library, part of the panda-lang SDK, dedicated for functional codebases that require enhanced response handling. Express yourself
A lightweight, simple, smart and powerful Android routing library.
RxRouter Read this in other languages: 中文, English A lightweight, simple, smart and powerful Android routing library. Getting started Setting up the d
Android MVVM Base Architecture for Enterprise Mobile Application using Architectural Components
Android MVVM Base Architecture for Enterprise Mobile Application using Architectural Components Highlights MVVM Architectural pattern Offline Support
An android library for easy implementation of Toasts in Android with easy customisation.
ToastTypeDecore ©️ A library for easy implementation of Toasts in Android with easy customisation. Latest Version : v2.1 Screenshots Success Toast1 Su
Android MVVM experiment project using the official Data Binding library
MVVM using Data Binding I wanted to experiment creating an MVVM structured project using the official Data Binding library, so I stripped back an old
A simple and stright-forward library for displaying mathematical equations or formulas in your android application
MathRenderer Simple and easy library written in kotlin language for displaying mathematical equations or formulas using MathJax. MathRenderView is bac
Android app with minimal UI to run snowflake pluggable transports proxy, based on library IPtProxy
Simple Kotlin app for testing IPtProxy's snowflake proxy on Android Essentially a button for starting and stopping a Snowflake Proxy with the default
A general purpose kotlin library that use kotlin coroutines, flows and channels to provide timer features with the most easy and efficient way
Timer Timer is a general purpose kotlin library that use kotlin coroutines, flows and channels to provide timer features with the most easy and effici
Implementation of useful hooks inspired by React for Compose
useCompose React inspired hooks for Compose Installation Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the
A Garbage Bank Application Built With Kotlin
Bank-Sampah Membuat Aplikasi Bank Sampah Tutorial Build with Android Studio https://youtu.be/3ogycbzUy8Y Tutorial Build with Step by Step https://riva
An exploratory playground library to figure out how to Draw and animate using Jetpack Compose
Jetpack Compose Chart Library This is an exploratory playground library to figure out how to Draw and animate using Android Jetpack Compose library. C
A library provides some useful kotlin extension functions
ktext 🔥 A library provides some useful kotlin extension functions. Including in your project Gradle Add below codes to your root build.gradle file (n
Native-Blur: a C++/Kotlin library for blur bitmaps and activity, mobile-ready, android compatible
Native-Blur The Native-Blur is a C++/Kotlin libraray for blur bitmaps and activity, mobile-ready, android compatible, powered by Java Native Interface
A library to include 'EarthView with Google' into your application with ease.
EarthView Android Library A simple and easy to use API to integrate EarthView with Google into your android application. Showcase Advanced Demo Applic
An Android architecture blueprint demonstrating reactive clean-architecture with simple Location Tracker application.
Tracker A simple location tracker application to track user movements in background and updates the UI(map, lists) in reactive way. Screenshots Depend
The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
Fuel The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android. You are looking at the documentation for 2.x.y.. If you are looking for the documentation
Zoomy is an easy to use pinch-to-zoom Android library
Zoomy Zoomy is an easy to use pinch-to-zoom Android library Installation implementation 'io.github.imablanco:zoomy:{latest version}' Usage To start us
A library for running JavaScript in Android apps.
JsEvaluator library for running JavaScript in Android apps JsEvaluator may help you run JavaScript in an Android app and get the results. This is an a
A lightweight tool that simplifies testing of the process death scenario.
Venom Venom is a lightweight tool that simplifies testing of the process death scenario for your android application. Why Venom? The Android Run Time
A flow layout for Android with auto-spacing.
FlowLayout A FlowLayout for Android, which allows child views flow to next row when there is no enough space. The spacing between child views can be c
Android library that simplifies the process of requesting permissions at runtime.
Dexter This project is no longer under active development. If you are looking for an Android library to be able to request Android permissions in runt
Android markdown library (no WebView)
Markwon Markwon is a markdown library for Android. It parses markdown following commonmark-spec with the help of amazing commonmark-java library and r
Library for easy handling of android run-time permissions.
Android Runtime Permission Library Easily handle runtime permissions in android. Very short code. Handle "don't ask again" condition. Can request from
Markdown for Android, supports TextView && EditText (Live Preview), supports code high light.
RxMarkdown RxMarkdown is an Android library that helps to display simple markdown text in android.widget.EditText or android.widget.TextView, at same
Android library to handle jobs in the background.
DEPRECATED This library is not maintained anymore and there will be no further releases except for very critical bug fixes. Use WorkManager instead of
This little project provides Kotlin bindings for the popular tree-sitter library
kotlintree This little project provides Kotlin bindings for the popular tree-sitter library. Currently it only supports the Kotlin JVM target, but Kot
Custom Toast Library by Google Developer Student Club University of Brawijaya
GDSCToast Custom Toast Library by Google Developer Student Club University of Brawijaya Prerequisites For old version of gradle (before arctic fox upd
A Shopping List application developed in Kotlin
SparMePlease Wanna buy stuff from Spar? Well, make a list ... Overview This is a pretty little android application written in Kotlin which will help y
An Android library that allows blocking of colloquial words from text
AndroidProfanityFilter Add to project Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: Groovy allprojects { repositories {
Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) library for reading resources in tests
kotlinx-resources Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) plugin and library that add support for reading resources in tests. The plugin and a library work in tand
A customizable and easy-to-use Timeline View library for Android
TimelineView A customizable and easy-to-use Timeline View library for Android Can be used as a standalone view or as a RecyclerView decorator Setup 1.
Clean MVVM with eliminating the usage of context from view models by introducing hilt for DI and sealed classes for displaying Errors in views using shared flows (one time event), and Stateflow for data
Clean ViewModel with Sealed Classes Following are the purposes of this repo Showing how you can remove the need of context in ViewModels. I. By using
Handy library to integrate pagination, which allow no data layout, refresh layout, recycler view in one view and easy way to bind pagination in app.
Pagination View Handy library to integrate pagination, which allow no data layout, refresh layout, recycler view in one view and easy way to bind pagi
Elixir is a library designed to make minecraft login easier.
Elixir Elixir is a library designed to make minecraft login easier. Usage We have a maven repo for this project. repositories { maven { url = "htt
Repository contains structures and methods to execute linear algebra operations (matrix multiplication etc)
LinearAlgebra Repository contains structures and methods to execute linear algebra operations (matrix multiplication etc) Matrix class Matrix implemen
Easy to use Overflow Menu for Jetpack Compose
Overflow Menu Android library for Jetpack Compose providing an Overflow Menu via fast and easy to use DSL. How to add to project Step 1. Add the JitPa
Clean MVVM with eliminating the usage of context from view models by introducing hilt for DI and sealed classes for displaying Errors in views using shared flows (one time event), and Stateflow for data
Clean ViewModel with Sealed Classes Following are the purposes of this repo Showing how you can remove the need of context in ViewModels. I. By using
A lightweight library for requesting and consuming Activity Results using coroutines.
SuspendActivityResult A lightweight library for requesting and consuming Activity Results using coroutines, it's usage is as simple as: val uri = Acti
A library that you can use in 4 different types toast written with Jetpack Compose
Composable Sweet Toast A library that you can use in 4 different types(Success, Error, Warning, Info) written with Jetpack Compose. You can use this t
Kotlin multiplatform library template
template-kmp-library Kotlin multiplatform library template. Has a baseline setup for a multiplatform library supporting all kotlin targets except depr
Sample Code for fake Kotlin library written in Java
Jatlin このリポジトリは ブログ記事 のためのサンプルコードです。詳細は記事をご覧ください。 プロジェクト構成 :java-lib にKotlinに偽装したJavaファイルが含まれます。 :kotlin-lib は :java-lib をビルドしたJARファイルをKotlinから読み込んで実行
A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
Practice Project with Clean architecture(offline +online)
Dictionary-App Basically this project will save what you search once in dictionary and then if you will search the same word again in search when ther
Tooltip Bubble is an information bubble creator tool.
TooltipBubble It's a simple Tooltip. Installing Add the code block to your project allprojects { repositories { jcenter()
Compose desktop navigation library
Navipose Compose desktop navigation library Features Now navipose supports basic screen navigation between few screens Examples At first you should cr
KTweet is a Kotlin Library that allows you to consume the Twitter API v2.
KTweet - A Kotlin Twitter Library KTweet is a library that allows you to use the Twitter API v2. Interested in Kotlin or KTweet? Join the Discord Setu
ToDo App based on Modern Android Application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture.
ToDo App Task Management App based on Modern Android Application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture. Techs Used 💻 Kotlin - First class and official pr
Custom MediaPicker for Android. support targetSdk 30 & scoped storage. And use registerForActivityResult rather than onActivityResult.
MoongchiPicker What is MoongchiPicker? MoongchiPicker is custom media gallery base on Google's Material Design Bottom Sheets. You can fetch image or v
Android Library for cropping an image at ease.
Cropper - Android Image Cropper Android Image Cropper Powerful (Zoom, Rotation, Multi-Source); Customizable (Shape, Limits, Style); Optimized (Async,
An image manipulation library for Kotlin
Sketch An image manipulation library for Kotlin. Sketch doesn't require any external installation like OpenCV or OCR and can be used right away. It's
A TOML 1.0 parser library for Kotlin
4koma A small, stand-alone, easy to use TOML parser library for Kotlin. 4koma supports an array of convenient features, such as full TOML 1.0 complian
A generic library for quick development in Spring Boot using Java Generics.
slinky Now in Kotlin! A generic library for quick development in Spring Boot using Java Generics. Why "slinky"? A slinky is a precompressed helical sp
Java library for RSS and Atom feeds
Rome Rome is a Java framework for RSS and Atom feeds. The framework consist of several modules: ⚠️ Maintenance and development of the project is curre
Android library that captures global crashes, so that your application never really crashes
📵 NoKILL 🔪 Android library that captures global crashes 🦀 , so that your application never really crashes GIF Add to your project 📇 Add it in your
Kotlin Symbol Processor library to create Mutable and Immutable variants of objects.
implier Kotlin Symbol Processor plugin to create Mutable and Immutable variants of objects. Examples @ImmutableImpl @MutableImpl public interface Samp
A small library that provides helper functions to work with Mockito in Kotlin.
Mockito-Kotlin A small library that provides helper functions to work with Mockito in Kotlin. Install Mockito-Kotlin is available on Maven Central. Fo
Android library listening network connection state and Internet connectivity with RxJava Observables
ReactiveNetwork view website with documentation: RxJava1.x, RxJava2.x ReactiveNetwork is an Android library listening network connection state and Int
A Kotlin/Java library to connect directly to an Android device without an adb binary or an ADB server
dadb Blog Post: Our First Open-Source Project A Kotlin/Java library to connect directly to an Android device without an adb binary or an ADB server de
Android Contacts API Library written in Kotlin with Java interoperability.
Android Contacts API Library written in Kotlin with Java interoperability. No more ContentProviders and cursors. Say goodbye to ContactsContract. Build your own contacts app!
Kotlin Android app for cataloging books off home/office library.
MyLibrary App Kotlin Android app for cataloging books off home/office library. Features: Searching COBISS, Google Books and OpenLibrary by scanning IS
Small library that allows the application to display a small troubleshooting guide in case of repeated app startup crashes.
AppSalvager What is it? AppSalvager allows you to combat the issue of repeating crashes on app startup. Failed data migration, SDKs not handling their
This is a repository for implementing Brontodroid and test it easily before we finalize things into a library/module to be consumed separately.
Bronto Playground This is a repository for implementing Brontodroid and test it easily before we finalize things into a library/module to be consumed
An awesome collaborative collection of Kotlin Multiplatform libraries
Awesome Kotlin Multiplatform Awesome Projects Updated 33 November 21, 2021 Contents Guides Dependency Injection Database NoSQL SQL Extension Reactive
🌨️ Simple, intuitive, and opinionated command handling library for Kord
🌨️ Snow Simple, intuitive, and opinionated command handling library for Kord Why? Since I maintain two Discord bots, both in Kotlin, Nino and Noel (p
A sample photo browsing app in Kotlin, Android using Picsum image API.
Picsum Photo App Functionality The app's functionality includes: Fetch a list of images from picsum photos api (https://picsum.photos/) and show them
A "fluent" OkHTTP library for Kotlin based on string extensions.
okfluent A "fluent" OkHTTP library for Kotlin based on string extensions. Do not take this project seriously, I just wanted to show that this kind of
intera.kt is a Kotlin library for interacting with the Discord Interactions API through a gateway service or a REST API.
🗿 Overview ⚠️ WARNING: intera.kt is a work in progress. It is not yet ready for use. You may encounter bugs and other issues, but please report if yo
intera.kt is a Kotlin library for interacting with the Discord Interactions API through a gateway service or a REST API.
🗿 Overview ⚠️ WARNING: intera.kt is a work in progress. It is not yet ready for use. You may encounter bugs and other issues, but please report if yo
🔨 Template for easy hosting of your Java/Kotlin libraries on GitHub
🔨 kotlin-jvm-library-template Another template for easy hosting your Java/Kotlin libraries on GitHub. Features boilerplate for Kotlin/Java projects w