396 Repositories
Android google-cloud-platform Libraries
K6-intellij-plugin - IntelliJ-based Plugin to run k6 tests locally or in the k6 Cloud from your IntelliJ IDE
IntelliJ-based Plugin to run k6 tests locally or in the k6 Cloud from your Intel
Aurora Store: A Google Playstore Client
Aurora Store: A Google Playstore Client Aurora Store is an unofficial, FOSS clie
Spring MSA api gateway & service discovery with consul & Jaeger & Cassandra
Spring MSA api gateway & service discovery with consul & Jaeger & Cassandra
Hobby-keeping - Platform to record books that you read and games you played! Made with Kotlin and Spring Framework
Hobby Keeping API to record books that you read and games you played! Made with
CoolReader 3 - cross platform open source e-book reader
CoolReader 3 - cross platform open source e-book reader (c) Vadim Lopatin, 1998-2018 Development is moved to GitHub https://github.com/buggins/coo
RTranslator is the world's first open source real-time translation app
RTranslator is the world's first open source real-time translation app. Connect to someone who has the app, connect Bluetooth headphones, put the phon
Money Manager Ex is a free, open-source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance software
Money Manager Ex is a free, open-source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance software. It primarily helps organize one's finances and keeps track of where, when and how the money goes.
Xctvplayer - xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google TV
XCTV Player An awesome Microsoft xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google
The Unit Converter app: easy, immediate and multi-platform
Converter NOW Why Converter NOW Converter NOW is an effective unit and currency converter 🚀 It is made to be easy, fast and immediately useable: just
Yalp Store lets you download apps from Google Play Store as apk files
Yalp Store What does it do? Yalp Store lets you download apps from Google Play Store as apk files. It can search for updates of installed apps and let
ChroMATERIAL is a color scheme that expresses the chromatic nature of Material Design within JetBrain IDEs and Android Studio
ChroMATERIAL is a color scheme that expresses the chromatic nature of Material Design within JetBrain IDEs and Android Studio. In particular, ChroMATERIAL focuses on syntax highlighting of code within the IDE's code editor.
Kotlin multi-platform application navigation library.
navigation Kotlin multi-platform application navigation library. Supports Jetpack Compose. val navigator = rememberNavigatorByKey("Greeting") { key -
Open source note-taking application for Android
Omni-Notes Note taking open-source application aimed to have both a simple interface but keeping smart behavior. The project was inspired by the absen
Firebase Android client of the a multi device game
Warning: This project is unmaintained and uses a deprecated SDK. You should use the new Firebase Android SDK for your project. Cloud Cup Android clien
Party icebreaker game based on the Google Nearby API
Friend Spell Party icebreaker game based on the Google Nearby API https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sqisland.friendspell Credentials A
Google Santa Tracker for Android 🎅 🤶
Google Santa Tracker for Android 🎅 🤶 About Google Santa Tracker app for Android is an educational and entertaining tradition that brings joy to mill
A LibGDX and Kotlin Mobile Game Example
Splinter Sweets - A LibGDX and Kotlin Mobile Game Example This is an example of building a mobile game app using the libGDX game development framework
Labyrinth clone for android available free on google play
#Zabyrinth Zabyrinth is a simple physics game like the Labyrinth board game. Use your devices accelerometer to move a ball and try to avoid obsticles
CloudStorageUtil - An Android library to make sync on Google Cloud Storage easier
gCloud Storage Utils An Android library to make sync on Google Cloud Storage eas
GBooks - A simple android app written in Kotlin to read books from the Google Book Api
G-Books A simple android app written in Kotlin to read books from the Google Boo
Life is too short to google for dependencies and versions
What is refreshVersions? jmfayard.github.io/refreshVersions refreshVersions helps Gradle users with the tedious manual work usually involved in adding
A powerful library for creating notifications in android platform.
Download Download the latest AAR or grab via Maven: dependency groupIdcom.github.halysongoncalves/groupId artifactIdpugnotification/artif
An implementation of Android's Undo Bar as seen in Google's Gmail app.
Android-UndoBar is deprecated. No more development will be taking place. Use Google's Snackbar instead. Android - UndoBar As seen in Google
Attendance Management app made in Kotlin for students. Made during ASJ, Google Developer Students Club, AITR Indore
Android-Study-Jams Attendance Management Problem Statement: Based on the observation, there is no available student attendance system in many educatio
Read QR codes using google's mobile vision api, but without the hassle
Read QR codes using google's mobile vision api, but without the hassle
Android Library for a DrawerLayout similar to the one in Google Apps
GoogleNavigationDrawerMenu This project aims to let you use a ListView menu similar to the one in the new Google Apps (Keep, Play Music...) without ha
🔓 Kotlin version of the popular google/easypermissions wrapper library to simplify basic system permissions logic on Android M or higher.
EasyPermissions-ktx Kotlin version of the popular googlesample/easypermissions wrapper library to simplify basic system permissions logic on Android M
Android library for getting photo or video from a device gallery, cloud or camera. Working with samsung devices. Made by Stfalcon
ContentManager Library for getting photos, videos or files of any type from a device gallery, external storage, cloud(Google Drive, Dropbox and etc) o
Create an header for com.google.android.material.navigation.NavigationView
Header View This is a view for NavigationView in android.support.design library Import At the moment the library is in my personal maven repo reposito
Simple 2D platform game.
FloreProject Simple 2D platform game. Supported platforms OS Support Android ❌ Not playable Windows ✅ Full support Linux ✅ Full support MacOS ✅ Full s
This app includes Implementation of Huawei and Google Kits in a single codebase using Build Variants. 🗺 📩
Build Variant App 🗾 📦 📱 Build variant is a feature of Android Studio to create a project which can be build in different versions. By using Build V
Android News App built in kotlin with implementation of MVVM architecture, android navigation components and retrofit. Displays news to users allowing them to share and save news.
News-App Android news app built in kotlin that fetches news data from news api with Retrofit and displays news to users. This App follow MVVM architec
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) Wrapper for Android
Pushmanager Pushmanager is a small wrapper for FCM (Firebase Cloud Messageing) and your app needs just a few methods to interact with it. Installation
An open source camera for google glass
CuXtomCam Up for Adoption: kindly email me on sherazkhilji@gmail.com if you want to mantain it An open source camera for google glass. This is a an al
AppGooglebooks - This app searches for books using the google books api
AppGooglebooks Aplicativo para exibir informações de livros da API Google Books.
An Android library that allows to show floating contextual menu like Google
Screenshots Sample Sample source can be found here Description floating-contextual-menu is an Android library for creating floating contextual menus U
Send push notification from server to mobile application.
Firebase Push Notification Tutorial How Firebase Push Notification works? Firebase serves as a module between your server and the devices that will be
Kotlin library which shortens url.
UrlShortener Introduction Shortens url using google shortener service. How to use Update Google Api Key in your string.xml string name="google_api_ke
Google one tap sign in - Flutter Google One Tap Sign In (Android)
Google One Tap Sign In Google One Tap Sign In (Android) A Flutter Plugin for Google One Tap Sign In Getting Started To access Google Sign-In, you'll n
AndroidArchitecture - An Implementation of Google Recommended New Android Architecture with Kotlin
Android Architecture An Implementation of Google Recommended New Android Archite
Utility - The cross-platform native Kotlin command line tool template
Utility The cross-platform native Kotlin command line tool template. Usage Make
Ehya-android - This application displays the deserted Sunan for us to revive them.
Ehya | إحياء Available on Google Play Libraries Jetpack Compose for the UI. Compose Navigation. Compose Animation. Room for the data persistence. Work
Forage-project - This is a project given by Google Android Developers team. It's specifically created for data persistance.
Forage - Starter Code Starter code for the fifth independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin. This project pairs with Unit 5 of Android Basics in
Intellij-platform-plugin-template - IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template
IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template TL;DR: Click the Use this template button and
PlaceAutoComplete - Practice Repository for placesearch using google places Api
PlaceAutoComplete Practice Repository for placesearch using google places Api Ap
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition These instructions will help you build IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition from source code, which is the basis for Intell
Location-history-viewer - Small compose-desktop app to view data from google's location history
Google Location History Takeout Viewer This application provides a minimalistic
Plannr is an organizational platform developed using Java, in the form of an Android app, that helps university students coordinate their everyday routine.
Plannr Plannr is an organizational platform developed using Java, in the form of an Android app, that helps university students coordinate their every
Kotlin based JHipster
About JHipster is a development platform to quickly generate, develop, and deploy modern web applications and microservice architectures. We support m
Hexagon is a microservices toolkit written in Kotlin. Its purpose is to ease the building of services (Web applications, APIs or queue consumers) that run inside a cloud platform.
Hexagon The atoms of your platform Home Site | Quick Start | Developer Guide What is Hexagon Hexagon is a microservices' toolkit (not a framework) wri
JVM game engine based on Swing/JavaFX.
FriceEngine CI status Travis CI AppVeyor CircleCI CodeShip An easy, light, native game engine running on JVM. Why easy? A flappy bird game uses just 5
Unofficial Actions on Google SDK for Kotlin and Java
Actions On Google Client Library This is a port of the official Node.js SDK to Kotlin. This can also be used from Java and any JVM language. Quick Fac
KMM RSS Reader: an open-source, mobile, cross-platform application built with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile.
KMM RSS Reader This is an open-source, mobile, cross-platform application built with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. It's a simple RSS reader, and you ca
xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google TV
XCTV Player An awesome Microsoft xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google
Spring boot cloud tool usage trail and learning project
Spring boot cloud tool usage trail and learning project Todo Maven based multi-p
SmartLens uses Google's ML Kit for Barcode scanning, Face recognition, Text recognition, and Image labeling.
SmartLens SmartLens uses Google's ML Kit for Barcode scanning, Face recognition, Text recognition, and Image labeling. 📷 Screen Shots 🔥 Features It
Thelema - 3D graphics engine, written in Kotlin. Based on sources of libGDX.
Thelema Engine Thelema is multiplatform 3d graphics engine on Kotlin. It was based on libGDX sources and completely redesigned. Download Enter your cr
Google map location tracker uploading current to realtime database and displaying location information from firebase realtime.
WEEK-8-SQ009-ANDROID LOCATION - GROUP WORK (2) Problem Description Track your partner(s). Implementation 1: You are to build a map application to show
Google CodeLab: learn how to use some Animation APIs in Jetpack Compose.
Compose Animation Codelab This folder contains the source code for the Compose Animation codelab. In this codelab, you will learn how to use some Anim
Convenience Kotlin API over the Google Guice DI Library
Kotlin Guiced A Kotlin API wrapper over the Google Guice Dependency Injection library. This library aims to encourage the use of Guice with Kotlin by
Jenesis Data Store: a dynamic, cross platform, high performance, ORM data-mapper. Designed to assist in rapid development and data mining
Jenesis Data Store Jenesis Data Store (JDS) was created to help developers persist data to a strongly-typed portable JSON format. JDS has four goals:
Easy PDF generation with HTML & CSS using Chromium or Google Chrome
fluid-pdf Easy PDF generation with HTML & CSS using Chromium or Google Chrome Installation build.gradle.kts: dependencies { implementation("io.fluids
🚀 Native iOS- and Android- Apps with JavaScript
Titanium Welcome to the Titanium open source project. Titanium provides a mature platform for developers to build completely native cross-platform mob
Apache Cordova Android
Cordova Android Cordova Android is an Android application library that allows for Cordova-based projects to be built for the Android Platform. Cordova
NativeScript empowers you to access native platform APIs from JavaScript directly. Angular, Capacitor, Ionic, React, Svelte, Vue and you name it compatible.
NativeScript empowers you to access native APIs from JavaScript directly. The framework currently provides iOS and Android runtimes for rich mobile de
A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Ionic Ionic is an open source app development toolkit for building modern, fast, top-quality cross-platform native and Progressive Web Apps from a sin
This program will read from your android application string.xml file and generate translated strings.xml files in your preferred languages using google sheet.
Localize your application content This program will read from your application string.xml file and generate translated strings.xml files in your prefe
A Intellij platform plugin to view truetype font file(.ttf) that includes icon glyphs usually
Icon Font Viewer 一个用于查看.ttf字体文件的Intellij平台(支持IDEA/Android Studio等)的插件,通常用于展示icon
The communications platform that puts data protection first.
Rocket.Chat is an open-source fully customizable communications platform developed in JavaScript for organizations with high standards of data protect
Android Application for Taking Open Courses on the Stepik Platform
Stepik for Android Build Status: Code Coverage: Mobile application of Stepik. Store New version of Stepic App is now available on Google Play. Screens
Unofficial NetEase Cloud music player
Pixel Music This is a beautiful unofficial NetEase Cloud music player for Android 🥳 ! ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ This project is not maintained. It will be replaced by
A clone of Snapp using Jetpack Compose. Showcasing various usages of Google Maps Animations etc combined with Compose
SnappCompose A clone of Snapp, A ride-handling app using Jetpack Compose, Showcasing various usages of Google Maps, Animations, etc combined with Comp
TwitterCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android.
TwitterCompose Demo TwitterCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android. About . This is
신경 - Cloud-native messaging/pubsub with powerful routing
신경 신경 /ɕʰinɡjʌ̹ŋ/ • sin-gyeong (try it with IPA Reader) nerve Nerve /nərv/ • noun (in the body) a whitish fiber or bundle of fibers that transmits imp
A JUnit5 Platform TestEngine integrated with the official FHIR Validator to run profile and Questionnaire validation as tests.
🔥 FHIR Validator JUnit Engine A JUnit5 TestEngine to integrate the FHIR Validator into the JUnit5 ecosystem. Supports writing expected validation out
Trace all binder-funcion calls on android-platform
BinderHackDemo trace all binder-funcion calls on android-platform 该demo展示了如何使用libbinderhack.so模块,trace-app自身进程binder调用情况 您可以通过该次提交,查看如何使用libbinderhack
Google Play - Android Market statistics app
Andlytics This repository contains the source code for the Andlytics Android app. Please see the issues section to report any bugs or feature requests
Install Referrer is an Open Source application that allows you to test the referrer attribute on the Google Play Store
⚠ Deprecated: Still Using InstallBroadcast? Switch to the Play Referrer API by March 1, 2020 Install Referrer is an Open Source application that allow
Firebase Cloud Firestore Android
Firebase Cloud Firestore Android 📜 Description Android app built to demonstrate on how to build RecyclerView using Cloud Firestore with Collections,
Cloud Bowl Sample - Kotlin Spring Boot
Cloud Bowl Sample - Kotlin Spring Boot To make changes, edit the src/main/kotlin/hello/KotlinApplication.kt file. Run Locally: ./mvnw spring-boot:run
The tasks provided in the perspective of Google's android training project
Dogglers - Starter Code Starter code for the second independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction This is the starter code for the Do
Android app to share business cards with people nearby
Card Case Exchange your business card with people nearby (Website) Leave your paper business cards at home. With Card Case you can create your digital
Dev Journal is a note taking app made for the 7 days of code challenge for the first phase of the ALC with Google Scholarship.
Dev Journal Dev Journal was made for the 7 days of code challenge for the first phase of the ALC with Google Scholarship. Features Sign In with E-mail
A library to include 'EarthView with Google' into your application with ease.
EarthView Android Library A simple and easy to use API to integrate EarthView with Google into your android application. Showcase Advanced Demo Applic
VertiKin is an e-commerce platform that allows the user to search through an online product inventory.
VertiKin is an e-commerce platform that allows the user to search through an online product inventory. It is also able to automatically detect what users might be interested in buying.
Google Play demo app for the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android
Mapbox Android Demo app This is a public demo of the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android. The demo app is available now in the Google Play Store and it shows
Realtime transit tracker of Pittsburgh's Port Authority buses using the realtime PAT API using Google Maps to Display the Maps
Realtime-Port-Authority The purpose of this was to create a real-time tracking of port authority of Pittsburgh, PA, using the realtime API given by Po
Android port of Google's libphonenumber
libphonenumber-android Android port of Google's libphonenumber. Why? Google's libphonenumber is a great library but it has to major flaws when used on
Pixelify Google Photos For Kotlin
Pixelify-Google-Photos LSPosed module to add Google Pixel features on Google Photos for any device. LSPosed module repo Development repo Telegram grou
Custom Toast Library by Google Developer Student Club University of Brawijaya
GDSCToast Custom Toast Library by Google Developer Student Club University of Brawijaya Prerequisites For old version of gradle (before arctic fox upd
A single screen app learn in google basic Android Development course.
Project: Lemonade App - Starter Code Starter code for the first independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin Introduction This is the starter code
Spring cloud gateway with kotlin
spring-cloud-gateway gradle 의존성 추가 // https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework.cloud/spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client
Spring cloud eureka server with kotlin
spring-cloud-eureka-server-kotlin gradle 추가 // https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework.cloud/spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-se
LSPosed module to add Google Pixel features on Google Photos for any device.
Pixelify-Google-Photos LSPosed module to add Google Pixel features on Google Photos for any device. LSPosed module repo Development repo Steps to use:
Bu repositorie Google'ın tamamıyla ücretsiz olarak sunduğu Android Kotlin Fundamentals içeriğindeki projelerin tamamıdır.
Bu repositorie Google'ın tamamıyla ücretsiz olarak sunduğu Android Kotlin Fundamentals içeriğindeki projelerin tamamıdır. Kotlin ile Android geliştiriciliğine başlayacaklara önerilir.
Plannr is an organizational platform, in the form of an Android app, that helps university students coordinate their everyday routine, from schoolwork and expenses to their personal life.
Plannr Plannr is an organizational platform, in the form of an Android app, that helps university students coordinate their everyday routine, from sch
Maps application in Android Studio using the Maps SDK for android
Google-Maps-Application Maps application in Android Studio using the Maps SDK for android. This app was initially developed in Java, but then was conv
A TimelineView that will help you create event timelines in apps just like the Google Calendar DayView
TimelineView A TimelineView that will help you create event timelines in apps just like the Google Calendar DayView A library that allows you to creat
Exercício do Codelabs do Google, onde utilizei Retrofit.
MarsPhotos - Starter Code Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction Using this stater code you will create MarsPhotos is a demo app that
Membuat Custom Tooltip Marker Google Maps
Custom-Tooltip-Marker Membuat Custom Tooltip Marker Google Maps Tutorial Build with Android Studio https://youtu.be/E8ND0YThNiU Tutorial Build with St