1912 Repositories
Android note-taking-app Libraries
This App lists Maverl comics and its detail
DisneyCodeChallenge This App lists Maverl comics and its detail. Development Environment The app is written entirely in Kotlin and uses the Gradle bui
TzRecipes App With Retrofit,Coroutines,Flow
TzRecipesApp Main Stack : Retrofit,Coroutines,Flow,LiveData,Mvvm SOLID,OOP,ClenArchitecture Разбиение приложения на data, domain, presentation слои Ма
The simple app is to demonstrate how the modern Enterprise Android App Architecture should be
Weather Forecast App The simple app is to demonstrate how the modern Enterprise Android App Architecture should be. Clean Architecture (Mr Uncle Bob)
Android currency conversion app
Specie Android currency conversion. The app is available on F-Droid and here. This app is called Specie because I already have an app called Currency.
Simple app to locally track your public transport trips.
ÖffiTracker Simple app to locally track your public transport trips. License Copyright 2021 Patrick Löwenstein Licensed under the Apache License, Ver
This is a sample Android Studio project that shows the necessary code to create a note list widget, And it's an implementation of a lesson on the Pluralsight platform, but with some code improvements
NoteKeeper-Custom-Widgets This is a sample Android Studio project that shows the necessary code to create a note list widget, And it's an implementati
TunePlayer is a basic music player app aimed at showing how MusicServiceCompat and MusicBrowerCompat can be used to build a music playback service
TunePlayer TunePlayer is a basic music player app aimed at showing how MusicServiceCompat and MusicBrowerCompat can be used to build a music playback
A non-trivial Bluetooth LE app using Kable and app architecture best practices
kable_mvvm_demo The intention of this project is to demonstrate a non-trivial Bluetooth LE app using Kable and app architecture best practices. ⚠️ The
Finder Job simple app using (Retrofit , Dagger hilt , coroutines , navigation components)
Job Finder I'm finished building a simple project Job Finder App technology used [dagger hilt, coroutines, navigation components, LiveData, Skelton pa
Criando um App de Lembretes e Tarefas com Kotlin
LAB - Criando um app de lembretes e tarefas com Kotlin. O curso pode ser acessado na plataforma da Digital Innovation One. Sobre o Autor Sou um desenv
Text to Speech Project for Spring Boot and Kotlin, Auth Server, Python with Fast API (gTTS)
TTS-App Text to Speech Project for Spring Boot and Kotlin, Auth Server, Python with Fast API (gTTS) Python의 gTTS lib를 활용하여 텍스트를 음성으로 변환하는 서비스를 구현해봅니다.
This prototype app provides a list of events to be held under an organization (school, college, club, etc.) and the users can manually set event reminders at their scheduled time so that they do not miss an event.
E-CELL NITS Sample App This prototype app provides a list of events to be held under E-Cell NIT Silchar (for example, Srijan 2.0) and the users can ma
Basic app to use different type of observables StateFlow, Flow, SharedFlow, LiveData, State, Channel...
stateflow-flow-sharedflow-livedata Basic app to use different type of observables StateFlow, Flow, SharedFlow, LiveData, State, Channel... StateFlow,
An example that demonstrates how to integrate a learning app with the EIDU platform
EIDU Sample Learning App This app is an example of how to create a learning app that integrates with the EIDU platform. Please consult dev.eidu.com fo
This folder contains the source code for the Words app codelab.
Words App This folder contains the source code for the Words app codelab. Introduction Words app allows you to select a letter and use Intents to navi
Weather Forecast App with Jetpack Compose
Weather Forecast App Features: GetCurrentLocation for weather forecast 16 days of forecast any city you can search current weather details of any city
Spring Boot Webflux RDBMS Sample App
R2DBC Spring Boot Webflux Sample Project generate schema (DDL script) h2-console (Web based database management console) WebFlux and r2dbc is not supp
The BirthYaay app provides an organized way of documenting birthdays of friends, colleagues, family members and so on. The app provides a beauty UI with suggestions of birthday gifts and messages crafted based on celebrant interests.
BirthYaay The BirthYaay app helps to provide an organized way of documenting birthdays of friends, colleagues, family members and so on. The app provi
Aplicativo Android do Gerenciador de processos e registros pessoais do Departamento de Fiscalização de Produtos Controlados.
CRManager App Aplicativo Android do Gerenciador de processos e registros pessoais do Departamento de Fiscalização de Produtos Controlados. Descrição E
A flutter plugin to add Mapbox Navigation into flutter app
mapbox A new Flutter project. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package, a specialized package that includes plat
An android mobile app for connecting volunteers with people in need.
NeighborGood An android mobile app for connecting volunteers with people in need. Using a single app create profiles for both "helpers" and "helpees"
An Android App example of how to create a custom EditText using DoubleLinkedList Data Structure
DoubleLinkedListEditText Library This is a library to create an EditText based on the Doubly Linked List data structure so that the user can enter cod
Android-Java-App - Notepad app with user and password. SQL Lite
DVNote2 App Android-Java-App Notepad app with user and password Application made in Android Studio with Java language and SQLite database. How does it
Application includes Admob SDK, In-App Messaging, Crashlytics, Lottie, Flurry
AdvertisementApplication This application includes Admob SDK, In-App Messaging, Crashlytics, Lottie, Flurry. * Admob: AdMob helps you monetize your mo
Jetpack Compose android app that you can send push notification among devices using KTOR and One Signal
Jetpack Compose android app that you can send push notification among devices using KTOR and One Signal, Clean Architecture, Dependency Injection...
Practice on connecting to internet and getting data from internet app. This gets Mars photos
MarsPhotos - Starter Code Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction Using this stater code you will create MarsPhotos is a demo app that
Learning app for Dagger-Hilt in android
Using Hilt in your Android app This folder contains the code which i learned by following this you YouTube Tutorial Introduction Dependency injection
Introduction App Project For Android .
Installation Open Aide : Please at the first open AIDE app on your mobile . Download Libraries : At first turn on your filterBreaker and then download
FirestoreCleanArchitectureApp is an app built with Kotlin and Firestore that displays data in real-time using the MVVM Architecture Pattern. For the UI it uses Jetpack Compose, Android's modern toolkit for building native UI.
FirestoreCleanArchitectureApp FirestoreCleanArchitectureApp is an app built with Kotlin and Cloud Firestore that displays data in real-time using Andr
MarsRealEstate is a simple demo app using ViewModel & LiveData with Retrofit, Glide and Moshi in Kotlin.
Android-NASA-Real-Estate-Mars Is Android app that uses Kotlin and MVVM architecture is a simple app that uses Coroutines, LiveData with Retrofit, Glid
A simple app that shows the origin of the word we search
DictionaryApp A simple app that shows the origin of an english word Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature About The Project A si
Jetpack Compose app gets data from REST API using KTOR Client. Clean Architecture, Dependency Injection...
posts-ktor-client Jetpack Compose app gets data from REST API using KTOR Client. Clean Architecture, Dependency Injection... Posts KTOR Client Demo ap
App uses the TMDB in order to provide a list of movies, artists and TV shows
MoviesAppTMDB This app uses the TMDB in order to provide a list of movies, artists and TV shows. The purpose of this app is to demonstrate the use of
ComicsShow app: Display comics and search for any favourites one
ComicsShow app: Display comics and search for any favourites one. Technologies used: Koin: For injecting class and providing modules on runtime :). Vi
This repository contains the source code for the PokeApi Android app.
PokeApi App This repository contains the source code for the PokeApi Android app.
An android app that lists all planets in our solar system and brings some information about them.
SolarSystem This application was developed in Android Studio and uses Kotlin as programming language. In short, it is an app that lists all the planet
Application to solve a personal problem, which was the wish to have a simple app that handles a market list with prices, quantity and total price
Market List Application that handles a market list offline in device's storage system. The list can be just pasted in a big edit text field and the ap
Simple ws subscription Android App.
UDWebSocketExample This is a simple web socket (ws) app which logs a local rest subscription to ISY and Polisy Installation Go to https://github.com/U
The News App has been carried out within the framework of the MVVM architecture, information about news is obtained by consulting an API, it is built usisng Jetpack Copose, Coroutines, Dependency Injection with Hilt and Retrofit
Journalist The News App consists of an application that displays the latest news from EEUU from an API that provides official and updated information.
Liten android-app for å se bysykkel-stasjoner i Oslo
bysykkel-kodeoppgave Liten android-app for å se bysykkel-stasjoner i Oslo Bruk av appen Applikasjonen består av én skjerm med: en liste over bysykkel-
A Simple App to implement Navigation Architecture Component.
Android Navigation codelab Content: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/android-navigation/ License Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source
Aplicativo Studio Ghibli apresenta uma filmes do studio de animação japonesa Ghibli.
App-Studio-Ghibli Aplicativo Studio Ghibli para Android, apresenta os filmes e personagens do studio de animação japonesa Ghibli. Recursos Base de dad
Marvel API Demo App
Marvel API Demo app How to set up the API Keys OPEN FILE: gradle.properties ADD (using valid public/private keys): MARVEL_PUBLIC_KEY = "" MARVEL_PRIV
Jetpack Compose android app that gets random footballer data from REST API. Retrofit, Dependency Injection...
random-footballer Jetpack Compose android app that gets random footballer data from REST API. Retrofit, Dependency Injection... Random Footballer Demo
Vbmeta Patcher is an Android app that toggles the disable flags of the vbmeta partitions.
Vbmeta Patcher Vbmeta Patcher is an Android app that toggles the disable flags of the vbmeta partitions. Usage If either vbmeta_a or vbmeta_b are unpa
App de recetario para Android
Recetario-Kotln App de recetario para Android Capturas de pantalla Menú principal de la aplicación Lista de Recetas que se muestra al seleccionar cual
Bitcoin Market app shows you the current Bitcoin market price and price chart of different time intervals 💰
Bitcoin Market 💰 Bitcoin Market app shows you the current Bitcoin market price and price chart of different time intervals Tech stack and whys 🏗 Kot
An example of a test task for creating a simple currency converter application for the Android platform. The app is developed using Kotlin, MVI, Dagger Hilt, Retrofit, Jetpack Compose.
Simple Currency Converter Simple Currency Converter Android App by Isaev Semyon An example of a test task for creating a simple currency converter app
Ivy Wallet is an Open Source money manager app for android that you can either build or download from Google Play.
Ivy Wallet is an Open Source money manager app for android that you can either build or download from Google Play.
Android app simulates an emergency alerting mechanism, for falls, earthquakes and fires.
smart_alert This Android application simulates an emergency alerting mechanism, for falls, earthquakes and fires. Users can abort an emergency alert c
Detect-My-Mask: An android app which runs along with a TensorLite ML Model which detect whether a person is wearing mask or not.
Detect-My-Mask About : Detect My Mask is an Android Application which is powered by a TensorLite ML Model which is programmed and trained to detect wh
Neat little beginner android app for calculating restaurant tip.
TipCalAndroidApp Check it out on the playstore https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.confuseddevs.tipcal This is the first app I published
Criando um App para Apresentar seu Portfólio do GitHub
LAB - Criando um App para Apresentar seu Portfólio do GitHub O curso pode ser acessado na plataforma da Digital Innovation One. Sobre o Autor Sou um d
App Android News API With Kotlin
App-Android-News-API Wireframe page principale (Tout les articles): Wireframe page d'un article: Tecnologigie choisie - Android Studio avec Kotlin -R
Jetchat is a sample chat app built with Jetpack Compose.
Jetchat sample Jetchat is a sample chat app built with Jetpack Compose. To try out this sample app, you need to use Android Studio Arctic Fox You can
A desktop code editor app using Jetpack Compose for Desktop and IntelliJ Platform
Compose Code Editor A desktop code editor app using Jetpack Compose for Desktop and IntelliJ Platform. Project Structure The code is contained in the
A reliable android app that shows upcoming fixtures, updated league tables, and top goal scorers in a Premier League and French Ligue 1
RapidScore Screenshots Table of Contents Description Dependencies API Reference Lessons Learnt Contributing Roadmap Google Playstore License Author In
Playground UI Compose in Desktop Apps
caravan-kotlin-desktop-compose Project Learning Jetpack Compose on Desktop Aplication Request Data Retrofit Version Release This Is Latest Release $ve
Building a Simple Photo App with Jetpack Compose, CameraX, and Kotlin coroutines
Building a Simple Photo App with Jetpack Compose, CameraX, and Kotlin coroutines This repository holds code created as part of the aforementioned tuto
WatchStore Ecommerce app using MVVM, Kotlin, Firebase Firestore, Coroutines, Dagger Hilt
WatchStore Sanple App Like Ecommerce App Developed using Kotlin. Features used: Firebase Firestore Navigation Component. MVVM Architecture RecyclerVie
An android app built using Kotlin that consumes TMDB API to display current trending, upcoming and popular movies 🍿 .
Flick An android app built using Kotlin that consumes TMDB API to display current trending, upcoming and popular movies 🍿 .It has been built followin
The only wallpaper app you need. No ads, Completely free ! I promise
WallUp An awesome app to download wallpapers for your phone. No ads ! I promise. Explore the docs » Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents Abo
Brief description of the app architecture
Readme App Brief description of the app architecture The application has a simple MVVM architecture based on a single Activity coupled with his own Vi
REST countries sample app that loads information from REST countries API V3 to show an approach to using some of the best practices in Android Development.
MAJORITY assignment solution in Kotlin via MVVM Repository Pattern. REST countries sample app that loads information from REST countries API V3 to sho
Introduction App Project For Android .
Installation Open Aide : Please at the first open AIDE app on your mobile . Download Libraries : At first turn on your filterBreaker and then download
A multi module app, for improve knowledges
MultiModuleApp App multimódulos para estudos Aqui existem vários apps simples (1 em cada módulo) e está sendo construído por: App multi módulos Consum
My Maps displays a list of maps, each of which show user-defined markers with a title, description, and location. The user can also create a new map. The user can save maps and load them in from previous usages of the app.
My Maps Bryant Jimenez My Maps displays a list of maps, each of which show user-defined markers with a title, description, and location. The user can
Android app that show the palette of material theme based on your wallpaper
Material-You-Palette Android app that show the palette of material theme based on your wallpaper Show color blocks and names in on color Few Samples W
Weather App Built With Kotlin
WeatherApp In this project, I showed the user the nearby locations with the data I got from the GPS, and I made the details of the weather events of t
A simple Cat Search app, performed the search by cat breed name, using MVVM clean Architecture.
CatSearchApp A simple Cat Search app, performed the search by cat breed name, using MVVM clean Architecture. The App is using the The Cat Api for sear
Kalam is an app that gives people a chance to write their stories on the app.
Kalam is an app that gives people a chance to write their stories on the app. This app gives a good story for the story readers and gives good story writers a chance to write their own story
Keep My Notes App Android MVVM architecture
Keep My Notes My Notes. lien PlayStore Screenshots Architecture This app implements the MVVM architectural . Built with ViewModel - A class designed t
Room - SleepQualityTracker app
Room - SleepQualityTracker app This is the toy app for Lesson 6 of the Android App Development in Kotlin course on Udacity. SleepQualityTracker The Sl
A simple party manager app
Party App 🥳 Android native app using Kotlin to manage parties 🟡 Status: Under development 😍 How to use The backend of this project can be founded h
Android app for Ribbit, Broker API Reference App
Ribbit Reference Implementation (Android) The reference implementation for designing the Android user interface of a broker-dealer trading application
Clean Architecture Crypto App
Hi, this is the first project I did with CleanArchitectureMvvm and it is basic and not too complicated. I hope it will be useful for other friends as well.
An Android Library for in-app switching between environment variables
android-env-picker An Android Library for in-app switching between environment variables. Central use case is picking a desired endpoint for backend c
Meu primeiro aplicativo Android desenvolvido com Kotlin e Android Studio.
Cálculos 3 em 1 Este é um aplicativo Android que oferece três tipos de cálculos: calcular o IMC, calcular o valor do IPVA e converter medidas. Esse ap
Body Scan App in Jetpack Compose 🚀
Body Scan 📜 Description Demonstrating a effect that I can't name 😜 , maybe you can Just look at the video and code 💡 Motivation and Context Having
Android game to beat a Halloween Monster named Marnus! :)
RandomNumberGame I am developing a simple game to fight against the Halloween Monster Marnus for Halloween Pumpkins .Let's see who wins more Pumpkins
A news app made using android studio in Java with features like favourite news, Location detector for local news, and especially made with HUAWEI APIs
HuaweiGlobalNewsApp A news app made using android studio in Java with features like favourite news, Location detector for local news, and especially m
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile demo for Android and iOS - app for viewing Cat pictures
CatViewerDemo Android demo iOS demo Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile demo for Android and iOS. App for viewing Cat pictures from Cats API. This sample show
An interesting workout app, that can track your progress (unfinished)
7MinuteWorkout An interesting workout app, that can track your progress (unfinished) U planu mi je da odradim bolji dizajn za ovu aplikaciju. Za sada
A News App Built With Kotlin
NewsApp Retrofit Coroutines ViewModel Live Data Jetpack Navigation Room Database View Binding Data Binding Recycler View Splash Screen Pagination Onbo
App de test para ingreso a Mercado Libre
Proyecto Mercado Libre Proyecto de prueba para ingreso en Mercado Libre Tabla de contenidos Acerca del projecto Construido con Primeros pasos Pre-requ
App to simulate making lemonada juice in form of attractive application
Project: Lemonade App - Starter Code Starter code for the first independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin Introduction This is the starter code
Aplicativo que carrega os dados da News-Api usando o Hilt-Dagger para a injeção de dependência
News Api. Aplicativo Android cuja proposta que consulta a api rest da News API e retornar noticías da categoria de tecnologia. A consulta é feita usan
Fontize is an Android library that enables multi-font selection functionality to diversify your app.
Fontize Android Library Built with ❤︎ by Gourav Khunger Fontize is an Android library, written in kotlin, that enables your android app have multiple
Interview App for buuPass
BuuPass Interview App for buuPass Data Source Reqres Api tools retrofit kotlin License and Copyright LICENSE MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Felix M
A Mobile application (Android), which facilitates the search for a medication, a pharmacy using geolocation.
#Pharmacom Pharmacom, est une application mobile natif - compatible avec mobile et tablette. Cette application a comme but principale de servir les ci
An app for random Reddit memes with the option to share it as well!
Meme Share App What - An app for random Reddit memes with the option to share it as well! Why - Wanted to learn about integrating APIs with Android ap
an Android App using Jetpack Compose (a university project)
SmlPathFinder an Android App (a university project) Technologies : Jetpack Compose, Kotin, Kotlin Coroutine, Kotlinx Serialization, Ktor, Open Route S
FFmpeg compiled for Android. Execute FFmpeg commands with ease in your Android app.
FFMPEG video operations FFmpeg compiled for Android. Execute FFmpeg commands with ease in your Android app. Getting Started This project is provide in
Ride hailing app that helps users find drivers and take them from point A to point B.
Ride-hailing_rider_app Ride hailing app that helps users find drivers and take them from point A to point B. What I Used ? Clean Architecture : Basica
Android app for ntfy.sh
ntfy Android App This is the Android app for ntfy (ntfy.sh). It is very much work in progress. Also: I'm new to Android development, so I'm still lear
Catalog Movie App
Catalog Movie Catalog Movie App Getting Started Application Prerequisites Tools Sofware Android Studio at least version 4.1. Android Studio JRE (Java
Android App development internship project to create woman home screen for clothing company The Swastika.
Android App development internship project to create woman home screen for clothing company The Swastika.
A Weather Mobile or Android Native App, in Kotlin built to see the current weather of suggested countries of Europe and in my current position. In this case, Maputo/Mozambique #WitChallenge #Asked #Option1
Witweather_android This is a challenge assigned by Wit, which aimed to build an Android App to visualize the temperature in my current location, in th
Stockly is an Android app, which allows user to manage their portfolio in ease.
Stockly - Android App Stockly is an portfolio management app, which allows users to view historical data on price of stocks and their descriptions. Us