89 Repositories
Android password-store Libraries
Candroid does things different. The Candroid app store is a library of APK client wrappers (F-Droid, APKPure, etc.) For the main Candroid app store, try visiting the Candroid Market.
Candroid App Store Candroid does things different. The Candroid app store is a library of APK client wrappers (F-Droid, APKPure, etc.) For the main Ca
Waple helps you share your Wi-Fi password quickly.💭🧇
waple Waple helps you share your Wi-Fi password quickly. 💭 🧇 Production intention 📚 Wi-Fi passwords are usually complicated for security purposes.
Nike Store like App Ui, built on Jetcpack compose
Nike-Store, Design Credits: M Sajib A beautiful NIKE Store like Android App UI built on Jetpack Compose found on uplabs Here License Copyright 2021 Th
A beautiful Fashion Store like Android App Mock built on Jetpack Compose with compose navigation, hilt, dark theme support and google's app architecture found on uplabs Here
A beautiful Fashion Store like Android App Mock built on Jetpack Compose with compose navigation, hilt, dark theme support and google's app architecture found on uplabs Here
An android app written in Kotlin Programming language which a user can use to store his/her monthly expenditure.
#Expenditure-Tracker An android app that allows the user to input , edit , view his/her expenditures for each month. Languages Used - Kotlin UI develo
A fake shopping app built using the MVVM archirecture consuming FAKE STORE API
FakeStore A fake shopping app built using the MVVM archirecture consuming FAKE STORE API N/B This API does not provide an endpoint for registering use
DocuBox is a cloud based file storing app where you can securely store and access your documents from anywhere around the world
DocuBox is an android app 📱in which you can securely upload your files on the cloud– from family pictures and audio recordings to spreadsheets, presentations and other confidential documents.
Ecormmerce app built using Android latest UI framework - Compose UI and data coming from Fake Store API
BuyCart 🛒 Android shopping app built with Jetpack Compose consuming FAKE STORE API I am trying to learn and follow some standard Android architecture
A Secure Password Generator designed with security precautions for the user's data
GenPass GenPass is a secure password generating application designed with a high level of security. It uses Java Security library to generate strong p
Native Kotlin library for time-based TOTP and HMAC-based HOTP one-time passwords
A kotlin implementation of HOTP (RFC-4226) and TOTP (RFC-6238). Supports validation and generation of 2-factor authentication codes, recovery codes and randomly secure secrets.
An App based on MVVM architecture to track & store a user's runs using Google Maps, with options to view & sort the runs as per the user's choice along the with option to run the app in background.
An App based on MVVM architecture to track & store a user's runs using Google Maps, with options to view & sort the runs as per the user's choice along the with option to run the app in background.
An Android app that gives you a password generated by a given phrase with a custom algorithm, it also has password and biometric security.
An Android app that gives you a password generated by a given phrase with a custom algorithm, it also has password and biometric security.
To learn how to build an e-commerce app for Android using the Firestore database from Google Firebase Technology
It is an adjustable e-commerce application that you can use to create your own online store or use it as a template to create an e-commerce app for your client. In this app we are covering such topics as Firebase basics how to upload and download data to and from an online database Displaying Images from the Cloud Creating User Profiles Uploading and displaying Products Building a Cart System Selecting images from your phone
A password list optimized for use on Android devices.
AndroidPWList A small (1GB) password list optimized for use against Android device passwords. I do not condone, encourage, or support those who would
Duress password trigger.
Duress Duress password trigger. Tiny app to listen for a duress password on the lockscreen. When found, it will send a broadcast message to the select
A secure, opensource android app to store your bank accounts, cards, and credentials. Locally and securely.
Digital Tijori 🔒 Digital Tijori app lets you store your bank accounts, cards and credentials. You can link cards and credentials to a particular bank
Storedei is an Store-like application for Juara Android submission.
Storedei Storedei is an Store-like application for Juara Android submission. User can view products, view their cart, add product to cart, remove prod
Groceries Store is a project to help people order grocery online
🚀 Groceries Store Download on Google Play Store About Groceries Store is a project to help people order grocery online. The main purpose of this proj
Monitor products on the Ubiquiti Store and receive notifications when their availability changes.
UI Spy Monitor products on the Ubiquiti Store and receive notifications when their availability changes. Available as a binary and Docker container. U
This sample Kotlin app shows a list of custom shoes added by the users
Shoe-store This sample Kotlin app shows a list of custom shoes added by the users. The app displays the content with RecyclerView and uses a tradition
Accounting-App - An Android app built with Kotlin, Material, Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Room, Coroutines, Data-Store, MVVM-Clean Architecture and JUnit tests
Accounting App An Android app built with Kotlin, Material, Jetpack Compose, Hilt
LoginValidation - A simple login app with password validation
LoginValidation A simple login app with password validation License Copyright 20
Strong-bax - An open source password manager project
What is strong-bax? Strong-bax is an open source password manager project. Stron
Graphql-sml - This repository is to store and share some sample implementations of the GraphQL technology in differents environments
GraphQL - [S]imple [M]ultilanguage [S]amples In this repo I'd like to store and
Aurora Store: A Google Playstore Client
Aurora Store: A Google Playstore Client Aurora Store is an unofficial, FOSS clie
NikeStore - Nike Store Online shop App With Kotlin
Nike Store - Online shop November 2021 Online store to buy Nike shoes ● - Develo
Keepass2Android is a password manager app.
Keepass2Android What is Keepass2Android? Keepass2Android is a password manager app. It allows to store and retrieve passwords and other sensitive info
Poc-sealed-secrets - An alternative to store sensitive data in the template Secrets Kubernetes an encrypted way
POC Sealed Secrets Overview Proof of concept with the objective of showing an al
Yalp Store lets you download apps from Google Play Store as apk files
Yalp Store What does it do? Yalp Store lets you download apps from Google Play Store as apk files. It can search for updates of installed apps and let
Bookstore - online store with books, audiobooks and ebooks
Bookstore - online store with books, audiobooks and ebooks How to run After clon
Stores your barcode-based store/loyalty cards on your phone
Loyalty Card Keychain Stores all of your store loyalty cards on your phone, removing the need to carry them around. Currently the following barcode ty
An interactive command line interface to a transactional key value store
Transactional Key-Value Store An interactive command line interface to a transactional key value store. Commands: SET key value // store the value
MiHawk 🦅👁️ is simple and secure 🔒 Android Library to store and retrieve pair of key-value data with encryption , internally it use jetpack DataStore Preferences 💽 to store data.
MiHawk MiHawk 🦅 👁️ is simple and secure 🔒 Android Library to store and retrieve pair of key-value data with encryption , internally it use jetpack
Open source note-taking application for Android
Omni-Notes Note taking open-source application aimed to have both a simple interface but keeping smart behavior. The project was inspired by the absen
Android application compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application
Password Store Download Documentation We're in the process of rewriting our documentation from scratch, and the work-in-progress state can be seen her
FreeOTP is a two-factor authentication application for systems utilizing one-time password protocols
FreeOTP is a two-factor authentication application for systems utilizing one-time password protocols. Tokens can be added easily by scanning a QR code.
The App Store for the BlazeOS operating system project.
By: Seanpm2001, Et; Al. Top README.md Read this article in a different language Sorted by: A-Z Sorting options unavailable ( af Afrikaans Afrikaans |
It is an Android app that uses an SQLite database to store an inventory of products
A project completed for a Udacity course. It is an Android app that uses an SQLite database to store an inventory of products. Each product’s name, price, quantity available, supplier, and picture are tracked. The main screen lists all products in a list and provides a button to add a new product. Clicking on a product shows a detailed view for that product. Options to modify or delete the product are available in this detailed view.
A classic password visualization concept, ported to Android
A classic password visualization concept, ported to Android Chroma-Hash is a concept for visualizing secure text input using ambient color bar
Easy Password is password management application
Easy Password Easy Password is password management application. This application uses pattern locks to manage information that requires security. Prec
A simple e-market application that allows users to view the store details and products, add products to the basket, and place an order.
E-Market Application Features : Store details & products screen Fetch the store detail from an endpoint and display this upper part of the screen. Fet
Android App Auth Template(Login, Signup and Forgot Password) UI
auth-ui Android App Auth(Login, Signup and Forgot Password) UI You can find Kotlin Version for this library here What's in the box The login, signup a
Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel
Unscramble App Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a Vie
You can store all your password, bank details, card details in one place and remember only one master PIN. The application works totally offline.
Keep Password An application where you can store all your password, bank details, card details in one place and remember only one master PIN. The appl
Jenesis Data Store: a dynamic, cross platform, high performance, ORM data-mapper. Designed to assist in rapid development and data mining
Jenesis Data Store Jenesis Data Store (JDS) was created to help developers persist data to a strongly-typed portable JSON format. JDS has four goals:
An Android Application written using latest Android Jetpack components and best practices
An Android Application written using latest Android Jetpack components and best practices, which displays trending movies/TV shows and cast, user can search movies and TV shows and also add them to watchlist.
Kotlin Library for Async Data Loading and Caching
Store 4 Store is a Kotlin library for loading data from remote and local sources. The Problems: Modern software needs data representations to be fluid
A simple text encryption/decryption password based GUI+CLI tool
ZeText: Zero disk exposition texts This is a simple text encryption/decryption password based GUI+CLI tool, allowing to enter, edit and decrypt files
Install Referrer is an Open Source application that allows you to test the referrer attribute on the Google Play Store
⚠ Deprecated: Still Using InstallBroadcast? Switch to the Play Referrer API by March 1, 2020 Install Referrer is an Open Source application that allow
Share Wi-Fi passwords with QR codes or NFC tags
WiFiKeyShare WiFiKeyShare lets you easily share your Wi-Fi password by generating a QR code or by writing it to an NFC tag. The format of the string e
Delish, a Food Recipes App in Jetpack Compose and Hilt based on modern Android tech-stacks and MVVM clean architecture.
Delish Screens Tech stack & Open-source libraries 100% Kotlin based + Coroutines + Flow for asynchronous. Dagger Hilt 2.37 Accompanist JetPack Jetpack
Shoe Store project first Attempt
Shoe Store project first Attempt User Info: email: mostafa.n3ma@gmail.com password:12345 I had problem to select the home Screen for the navigation gr
A simple Android application to store daily notes in the internal database of the application
Simple Note App Note App is a simple Android application to store daily notes in the internal database of the application and can store an image or a
Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel
Unscramble App =================================== Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel Unscramble is a single pla
The Shoe Store consist of five screens
The Shoe Store This project will consist of five screens. You don't have to create a shoe store, you can use any other item as long as you create the
Android UI component to validate passwords.
PasswordValidationView Android UI component that validates passwords. All design credits goes to Piotr Sliwa And inspired by this design Demo Setup Ad
Android-Java-App - Notepad app with user and password. SQL Lite
DVNote2 App Android-Java-App Notepad app with user and password Application made in Android Studio with Java language and SQLite database. How does it
Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel
Unscramble App Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel Unscramble is a single player game app that displays scrambled
Application that shows a store's phone inventory
PhoneInventory Application that shows a store's phone inventory The Basics A basic inventory application that shows a store's inventory. Tech Kotlin 1
COVID-19 Check-in solution for store using a safe number based on MVVM model.
wave-in-listener English version : README_EN.md wave-in-listener 는 매장에 방문한 고객의 개인안심번호를 음파통신을 이용해 수신할 수 있는 앱입니다. 이 앱은 wave-in-speaker 앱과 함께 사용됩니다. wave
This application features - Modern Minimalistic Design, MVVM, Pagination, Hilt, Retrofit, Room, Data Store, Flow, Live Data, Navigation Component (Clean Architecture)
NewsFly NewsFly is a modern news android application which features virtually ALL recent and recommended android development tech stack and tools used
A kotlin based server for the milky store mobile application
Milky Store backend server A kotlin 💜 💜 based backend server to power up the milky store android application FEATURES : Secure serialisation 🤯 lead
AptiBit is an android application that uses Firebase firestore to store the questions and categorize different types of aptitude questions into their categories
AptiBit is an android application that uses Firebase firestore to store the questions and categorize different types of aptitude questions into their categories. It also uses firebase authentication service that allows you to sign in to the app using your custom credentials.
Preferences data store example
DataStore Example this example shows how you can use data store to store data in key value pairs and get rid of shared preferences Medium Article: htt
PasswordStrengthView - an android library to represent password strength.
PasswordStrengthView - an android library to represent password strength.
A sample Grocery Store app built using the Room, MVVM, Live Data, Rx Java, Dependency Injection (Kotlin Injection) and support Dark Mode
Apps Intro A sample Grocery Store app built using the Room, MVVM, Live Data, Rx Java, Dependency Injection (Kotlin Injection) and support Dark Mode In
when you use restful api and network get disconnect you have to store your data local for make your app faster and work on ofline mode
AppArchitectureOflineMode when you use restful api and network get disconnect you have to store your data local for make your app faster and work on o
An android app to browse KDE Store and other Linux Desktop Environment stores of Pling
A free and open source android application for browsing KDE Store and other Linux Desktop Environment's Stores in Pling. Couldn't check it in different devices so there could be some bugs. Bug Report and Feedbacks are highly appreciated.
A simple store project that includes a list of products, search on products, details of the product, and review submission.
AdidasTest A simple store project that includes a list of products, search on products, details of the product, and review submission. Summary Technol
Donations library for Android. Supports Google Play Store, Flattr, PayPal, and Bitcoin
Android Donations Lib Android Donations Lib supports donations by Google Play Store, Flattr, PayPal, and Bitcoin. It is used in projects, such as Open
:blowfish: An Android & JVM key-value storage powered by Protobuf and Coroutines
PufferDB PufferDB is a ⚡ key-value storage powered by Protocol Buffers (aka Protobuf) and Coroutines. The purpose of this library is to provide an eff
✔️ Secure, simple key-value storage for Android
Hawk 2.0 Secure, simple key-value storage for android Important Note This version has no backward compatibility with Hawk 1+ versions. If you still wa
Android application compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application
Password Store Download Documentation We're in the process of rewriting our documentation from scratch, and the work-in-progress state can be seen her
A custom EditText with a switchable icon which shows or hides the password
Deprecated This library is deprecated now as there is an official way to use the password toggle with the TextInputLayout (inside the support library
A Material Android password view that toggles password visibility via an eye icon.
8/17/2016: As of about an hour ago, this library is deprecated! Support for password visibility is now included in the Design Support Library in TextI
Donations library for Android. Supports Google Play Store, Flattr, PayPal, and Bitcoin
Android Donations Lib Android Donations Lib supports donations by Google Play Store, Flattr, PayPal, and Bitcoin. It is used in projects, such as Open
GPP is Android's unofficial release automation Gradle Plugin. It can do anything from building, uploading, and then promoting your App Bundle or APK to publishing app listings and other metadata.
Gradle Play Publisher Gradle Play Publisher is Android's unofficial release automation Gradle Plugin. It can do anything from building, uploading, and
provide a animation when finished the password
PasswordLoadingView Provide an animation when finished the password Looks like Usage Jcenter gradle compile 'com.roger.psdloadingview.library:Library:
Android application compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application
Password Store Download Documentation We're in the process of rewriting our documentation from scratch, and the work-in-progress state can be seen her
Java embedded nosql document store
Nitrite Database NOsql Object (NO2 a.k.a Nitrite) database is an open source nosql embedded document store written in Java. It has MongoDB like API. I
Android has a built in microphone through which you can capture audio and store it , or play it in your phone. There are many ways to do that but with this dialog you can do all thats with only one dialog.
# Media Recorder Dialog    database is an open source nosql embedded document store written in Java. It has MongoDB like API. I
🔑A customizable EditText for Android with a switchable eye which shows or hides the password
Sweet Password A customizable password component for Android Setup Gradle repositories { jCenter() } dependencies { compile 'mx.jesusmartinoz