74 Repositories
Android realtime-messaging Libraries
Shit Chat is a realtime chat application made with Kotlin.
Shit Chat Shit Chat is a realtime chat application made with Kotlin. Screeshots : Login UI Sign Up UI User List UI Chat UI Features Store Chat on Fire
A messaging social platform based on Discord for Desktop and Android.
AP-FinalProject A secure messaging social platform based on Discord for Desktop and Android. This is my final project for Advanced-Programming (AP) in
A simple, secure and instant messaging app. It's cloudbased and free.
Hasten A simple, secure and instant messaging application. It's cloudbased and free. Notice I'm probably at school right now and can't do much 😔 . I'
Simple Notes app, MVVM with Google Architectural components Room database, LiveData and ViewModel. Written in Kotlin using androidx libraries
Simple Notes app, MVVM with Google Architectural components Room database, LiveData and ViewModel. Written in Kotlin using androidx libraries. Implemented Firebase Auth and Database, and used Room database
PPNS(public-push-notification-service) for android SDK
Public Push Notification Service - PPNS What is PPNS? It's a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably send messages for free. Inspired
FaceTimeClone app that implements Coroutines , mvvm architecture , clean architecture , navigation component , hilt , etc.... using kotlin language
This repository contains a FaceTimeClone app that implements Coroutines , mvvm architecture , clean architecture , navigation component , hilt , etc.... using kotlin language
An instant messaging and audio-video calling app
Babble Babble is a chatting and calling application for anyone with an Android phone and an Internet connection. Just sign up using your phone number
Push Notifications Android
Push Notifications Android This repository shows how to use Huawei or Google services for Push-notification in different flavors. Preparations You nee
Firebase Authentication and realtime database implementation in Android Kotlin
Androidfirebaseauthentication Firebase is Google’s mobile platform that helps you develop high-quality apps and provides hosted backend services such
An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase.
E-Commerce An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase. Login for : nisa@gmail.com 123456 Screenshots of the app : L
Chat App is built to demonstrate a simple end-to-end chat encryption using RSA and AES algorithms
End-to-End Encrypted Chat 🔒 Chat App is built to demonstrate a simple end-to-end chat encryption using RSA and AES algorithms Built With ⚒️ Jetpack C
A simple real-time chatting application using android
In this project we have created a simple real-time chatting application using android. In this project we can chat with a registered user in the app. We can also set profile photo, about, name. After chatting with registered user we can also logout from the app and we can login, whenever we want .
Ko Ja Match Up - a realtime massive multiplayer match up game
🎮 Ko Ja Match Up ℹ Ko Ja Match Up is a realtime massive multiplayer match up game. Two teams try to beat each other in a concentration game. 💡 The s
Messaging API: Connect to PostgreSQL and Kafka to obtain and manage cars inventory
Messaging-API In this simple API, we connect to PostgreSQL and Kafka to obtain a
HairBook - App for booking hair appointments for hair salons with a booking view for the customer and appointments view for the hairdresser
HairBook App for booking hair appointments for hair salons with a booking view f
Briar-desktop - A desktop program for Briar, bringing secure messaging to your desktop and mobile devices
Briar Desktop A desktop program for Briar, bringing secure messaging to your des
Android Data Managment System Android UI - Kotlin- Firebase
DataManagmentSystem Data Managment System Android UI - Kotlin- Firebase Android Data Managment System App Design And Kotlin with Firebase The project
RTranslator is the world's first open source real-time translation app
RTranslator is the world's first open source real-time translation app. Connect to someone who has the app, connect Bluetooth headphones, put the phon
Signal is a messaging app for simple private communication with friends
Signal Android Signal is a messaging app for simple private communication with friends. Signal uses your phone's data connection (WiFi/3G/4G) to commu
QKSMS is an open source replacement to the stock messaging app on Android
QKSMS QKSMS is an open source replacement to the stock messaging app on Android. It is currently available on the Google Play Store and on F-Droid Rep
Tox Reference Implementation for Android [TRIfA]
Tox Reference Implementation for Android [TRIfA] This is not a Reference Client, it's c-toxcore for Android. This is now also a Tox Client for Android
Android client for Project Tox - Secure Peer to Peer Messaging
Jenkins: CircleCI: Antox is an Android 4+ client for Tox created by Mark Winter. It aims to bring the full multimedia support Tox offers to your devic
The application uses Firebase Authentication and Realtime Database services
This is a Chik-Chika. Chick-Chicka is android app, which is based on popular social network - Twitter. The application uses Firebase Authentication and Realtime Database services.
Data Sync & Messaging Library for Android Wear
Teleport - Data Sync & Messaging Library for Android Wear Teleport is a library to easily setup and manage Data Syncronization and Messaging on Androi
This app includes Implementation of Huawei and Google Kits in a single codebase using Build Variants. 🗺 📩
Build Variant App 🗾 📦 📱 Build variant is a feature of Android Studio to create a project which can be build in different versions. By using Build V
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) Wrapper for Android
Pushmanager Pushmanager is a small wrapper for FCM (Firebase Cloud Messageing) and your app needs just a few methods to interact with it. Installation
Send push notification from server to mobile application.
Firebase Push Notification Tutorial How Firebase Push Notification works? Firebase serves as a module between your server and the devices that will be
Note taking application using Kotlin and Firebase Realtime Database.
Notes-Firebase-Kotlin Note taking application using Kotlin and Firebase Realtime Database. Features:- 1.Signup With Google 2.Create Note 3.Update Note
CatatanKu-SimpleNoteApp - CatatanKu helps to create your notes. You can edit and delete notes too. All Changes in database is pushed to Firebase Realtime Database
🗒 CatatanKu CatatanKu helps to create your notes. You can edit and delete notes
Proof-of-Concept messaging and "voice over IP" server that uses microservices
bullets THIS IS A WIP PROJECT. Proof-of-Concept messaging and "voice over IP" server that uses microservices. The project uses many technologies. Such
Simple access to Firebase Realtime Database.
FbRemoteDb Simple access to Firebase Realtime Database. Everything is inside a Bucket, there you can store your items. This is for simplifying the acc
SayHi! is an instant messaging app that allows users to send text messages to other people using the app
SayHi SayHi! is an instant messaging app that allows users to send text messages to other people using the app 📷 Screen Shots 🔥 Features OTP Verific
Google map location tracker uploading current to realtime database and displaying location information from firebase realtime.
WEEK-8-SQ009-ANDROID LOCATION - GROUP WORK (2) Problem Description Track your partner(s). Implementation 1: You are to build a map application to show
Odoo Mobile Messaging Client
Odoo Mobile Messaging Client v2.0 Odoo Mobile Client is Enterprise Social Client based on Android, enables you to access your Odoo Wall Messages from
신경 - Cloud-native messaging/pubsub with powerful routing
신경 신경 /ɕʰinɡjʌ̹ŋ/ • sin-gyeong (try it with IPA Reader) nerve Nerve /nərv/ • noun (in the body) a whitish fiber or bundle of fibers that transmits imp
Realtime transit tracker of Pittsburgh's Port Authority buses using the realtime PAT API using Google Maps to Display the Maps
Realtime-Port-Authority The purpose of this was to create a real-time tracking of port authority of Pittsburgh, PA, using the realtime API given by Po
TICE is a secure app for meeting up, sharing locations and locating friends and family in real-time.
TICE is a secure app for meeting up, sharing locations and locating friends and family in real-time. TICE allows live location sharing on iOS, Android and the Web. Privacy by Design and modern end-to-end-encryption protect the sensitive location data from others.
Conversations is an open source XMPP/Jabber client for Android
Conversations Conversations: the very last word in instant messaging Design principles Be as beautiful and easy to use as possible without sacrificing
Group Messaging Chat (Discord Clone :eyes:) App Using Firebase Cloud-Firestore following MVVM Architecture
Nit Talk Nit Talk is a Group Chat Messaging (Discord Clone) App based on Modern Android Application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture. Techs Used 💻 K
Application includes Admob SDK, In-App Messaging, Crashlytics, Lottie, Flurry
AdvertisementApplication This application includes Admob SDK, In-App Messaging, Crashlytics, Lottie, Flurry. * Admob: AdMob helps you monetize your mo
Ride hailing app that helps users find drivers and take them from point A to point B.
Ride-hailing_rider_app Ride hailing app that helps users find drivers and take them from point A to point B. What I Used ? Clean Architecture : Basica
This app to track realtime location
✨ hacktoberfest2021 💫 🌱 Contributing to hacktoberfest 2021 Welcome to hacktoberfest 2021 Public Repository. 👨🏻💻 A month-long celebration from Oc
Talkufy brings you everything you need. From chatting, video calling (Beta), translating messages, group chats and lots more.
Talkufy A highly advanced and encrypted open source featured chat/video calling app for android using Firebase Firestore and Jitsi Meet. With this app
Realtime, Accurate Background Changer, Portrait Segmentation, Portrait Matting, Background Removal for Android
Realtime Background Changer on Camera Stream Realtime, Accurate Background Changer, Portrait Segmentation, Portrait Matting, Background Removal SDK fo
Zendesk-Messaging for Flutter developer
Zendesk Messaging Messaging is a "user-based" chat Live Chat is a "session-based" chat Better UI (Native) Chat history Answer Bot Setup 1. Enable agen
Android with Real-time Database
Android with Real-time Database It was too much effort to build my own real-time database, but the result really satisfying, so it was worth it. Note
Realtime SOS Android Application. Location (GPS + Cellular Network) tracing application by alerting guardians of the User.
WomenSaftey Women Safety Android Application: Realtime SOS Android Application. Designed a Location (GPS + Cellular Network) tracing application by al
커밋할수록 자라나는 귀여운 병아리들과 꾸준한 개발습관 들이기 어플 PeepPeep
PeepPeep 커밋할수록 자라나는 귀여운 병아리들과 꾸준한 개발습관 들이기 어플 hummingbird 팀의 개발 문화와 가치가 모여있습니다. 공식 노션 바로가기 » 프로토타입 바로가기 Table of Contents About The Project Built With
This was developed with Android studio and firebase Realtime database
This was developed with Android studio and firebase Realtime database. In this application users are able to see their old result list semester wise. Also they able to pass get analyze about all subject in university. User can predict the GPA value by adding future semester subjects and expected results. Java was used for backend development and XML used for frontend development.
Open Source Messenger App For Android - Real-time Messaging, Voice and Video Calls
Open Source Messenger App For Android - Real-time Messaging, Voice and Video Calls
Signal is a messaging app for simple private communication with friends.
Signal Android Signal is a messaging app for simple private communication with friends. Signal uses your phone's data connection (WiFi/3G/4G) to commu
Official Android client for the Kontalk messaging system
This is the official Android client for the Kontalk messaging system. It always implements the latest protocol.
The most beautiful SMS messenger for Android
QKSMS QKSMS is an open source replacement to the stock messaging app on Android. It is currently available on the Google Play Store and on F-Droid Rep
Email-based instant messaging for Android.
Delta Chat Android Client This is the Android client for Delta Chat. It is available on F-Droid and the Google Play Store. The APK can also be downloa
Conversations is an open source XMPP/Jabber client for Android
Conversations Conversations: the very last word in instant messaging Design principles Be as beautiful and easy to use as possible without sacrificing
Open-source telematics app for Android. The application is suitable for UBI (Usage-based insurance), shared mobility, transportation, safe driving, tracking, family trackers, drive-coach, and other driving mobile applications
TelematicsApp-Android with Firebase© integration Description This Telematics App is created by DATA MOTION PTE. LTD. and is distributed free of charge
Retracer is a high performance, and near realtime REST API which used for Java/Android stack trace retracing by R8
Retracer is a high performance, and near realtime REST API which used for Java/Android stack trace retracing by R8 Getting Started docker
Qiscus provide everything you need to power up your app with chats. And it's now made simple.
Introduction Qiscus Chat SDK (Software Development Kit) is a product provided by Qiscus that enables you to embed an in-app chat/chat feature in your
Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Log-In, Social Interaction, Payment, Email, SMS, POIs, Video & Messaging. Included services are Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Box, Egnyte, PayPal, Stripe, Google Places, Foursquare, Yelp, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Line, Viber, Facebook, GitHub, Google+, LinkedIn, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo, Mailjet, Sendgrid, Twilio, Nexmo, Twizo.
Project Discontinued We decided to discontinue this product as of February 2019. CloudRail now entirely focuses on connecting industrial sensors to AW
A realtime blurring overlay for Android (like iOS UIVisualEffectView)
RealtimeBlurView It's just a realtime blurring overlay like iOS UIVisualEffectView. Just put the view in the layout xml, no Java code is required. //
Easy to use cryptographic framework for data protection: secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage. Has unified APIs across 14 platforms.
Themis provides strong, usable cryptography for busy people General purpose cryptographic library for storage and messaging for iOS (Swift, Obj-C), An
Countly Product Analytics Android SDK
Countly Android SDK We're hiring: Countly is looking for Android SDK developers, full stack devs, devops and growth hackers (remote work). Click this
Countly Product Analytics Android SDK
Countly Android SDK We're hiring: Countly is looking for Android SDK developers, full stack devs, devops and growth hackers (remote work). Click this
Android Chat SDK built on Firebase
Chat21 is the core of the open source live chat platform Tiledesk.com. Chat21 SDK Documentation Features With Chat21 Android SDK you can: Send a direc
Android Real Time Chat & Messaging SDK
Android Chat SDK Overview Applozic brings real-time engagement with chat, video, and voice to your web, mobile, and conversational apps. We power emer
Countly Product Analytics Android SDK
Countly Android SDK We're hiring: Countly is looking for Android SDK developers, full stack devs, devops and growth hackers (remote work). Click this
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & ORMs
Realm is a mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables. This repository holds the source code for the Java version of Realm
FCM : FirePush is a lightweight Kotlin/Android library to send FCM push notifications to Android, iOS & Web like a pro.
FirePush - A Lightweight Kotlin Library for sending FCM push notification Hi, I made this Library for a Chat based project I was working on. So I deci
Android library. Flexible components for chat UI implementation with flexible possibilities for styling, customizing and data management. Made by Stfalcon
ChatKit for Android ChatKit is a library designed to simplify the development of UI for such a trivial task as chat. It has flexible possibilities for
Kommunicate.io Android Chat SDK for Customer Support
Kommunicate Android Chat SDK for Customer Support An Open Source Android Live Chat SDK for Customer Support Overview Kommunicate provides open source
Qiscus provide everything you need to power up your app with chats. And it's now made simple.
Introduction Qiscus Chat SDK (Software Development Kit) is a product provided by Qiscus that enables you to embed an in-app chat/chat feature in your
Android Real Time Chat & Messaging SDK
Android Chat SDK Overview Applozic brings real-time engagement with chat, video, and voice to your web, mobile, and conversational apps. We power emer
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & ORMs
Realm is a mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables. This repository holds the source code for the Java version of Realm
Easy to use cryptographic framework for data protection: secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage. Has unified APIs across 14 platforms.
Themis provides strong, usable cryptography for busy people General purpose cryptographic library for storage and messaging for iOS (Swift, Obj-C), An