164 Repositories
Android retrofit2-converter Libraries
Ejemplo de App Android con Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit y consumo de la API REST de Pokémon
Pokémon Jetpack Compose Ejemplo de App Android con Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit y consumo de la API REST de Pokémon Jetpack Compose Retrofit Poké
🍔 Meals is a small demo app based on modern Android technologies and MVVM architecture
Meals 🍔 Meals is a small demo app based on modern Android technologies and MVVM architecture. built-in Kotlin, Coroutine, Flow, Retrofit, and Jetpack
Android Kotlin+ MVVM + Retrofit2 + Room +Dagger2 + Coroutines + Junit4 + Espresso + Mockito + MockWebServer
Movies-TMDB Android Kotlin+ MVVM + Retrofit2 + Room +Dagger2 + Coroutines + Junit4 + + Espresso + Mockito + MockWebServer Movies-TMDB Android Movies-T
This is a Interview application which made by me in interview task what it do? that will give you the result from Api and also save data in the cache using RoomDb so that we can access it offline.
Clean-MVVM-App An Android application built using Clean + MVVM architecture. Components used in the app. Kotlin - As a programming language. Material
E-Commerce application with MVVM & Clean Arch - Hilt - Coroutines - Retrofit - Firebase - Room DB.
E-Commerce-App E-Commerce application with MVVM & Clean Arch - Hilt - Coroutines - Retrofit - Firebase - Room DB. API Link Project Features MVVM with
Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Jetpack Compose, Coroutine, MutableState, Retrofit2, Glide
MVVM-RecipeApp Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Jetpack Compose, Coroutine, MutableState, Retrofit2, Glide Main Features Kotlin MVVM Jetpack
A movie & TV show exploration app that implements MVVM design pattern by following the clean architecture principles, using TMDB API.
🎬 Movie App 📺 A movie & TV show exploration app that implements MVVM design pattern by following the clean architecture principles, using TMDB API.
🚀 Stock Market App / See listed companies and details with Jetpack Compose.
🚀 Stock Market App 🚀 Preview 👀 ✨ See listed companies and details with Jetpack Compose ✨ 📚 Libraries Retrofit2 Open CSV Compose Destinations Dagge
IMovie IMovie is a is a sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development. The goal of the project is to combine popul
MVVM ,Hilt DI ,LiveData ,Flow ,SharedFlow ,Room ,Retrofit ,Coroutine , Navigation Component ,DataStore ,DataBinding , ViewBinding, Coil
RickMorty This is a simple app which has been implemented using Clean Architecture alongside MVVM design to run (online/offline) using : [ MVVM ,Hilt
EduApp is a mini e-learning platform based on udemy's public api. It has 4 main navigation destinations (Home, Search, Wishlist, Cart). Users can search courses from different categories and get real-time results from the api using Chips for a smooth filtering experience. It has different theme for dark mode.
EduApp EduApp is a mini e-learning platform based on udemy's public api. It has 4 main navigation destinations (Home, Search, Wishlist, Cart). Users c
Movies App represent a list of movies, list of categories, search about movie and Save movie in Room Database
What is this project? Movies App represent a list of movies, list of categories, search about movie and Save movie in Room Database Main Features Kotl
Discover the most popular and top rated movies playing. Movies data fetched using tomdbapi.com API.
Movie-App A simple news app build using MVVM architecture. Discover the most popular and top rated movies playing. Movies data fetched using tomdbapi.
Unsplash Gallery for a coding challange.
Important note: Secret key of Unsplash is not present in the public github repository, Utils Constants.SERVER_SECRET. Replace it with your key. Unsp
An Android app where you can view and examine the details of fast food divided into categories.
🍔 FastFood An Android application where you can view and examine the details of fast food divided into categories. 🛠 Tech Stack & Open-Source Librar
Build with Jetpack Compose & all modern techniques and architecture of android app development
IMDB Movie App Build with Jetpack Compose & all modern techniques and architecture of android app development ScreenShots 🛠 Built With 🛠 Kotlin - Fi
Followed best practices, MVVM, clean architecture and coroutines.
GitHub Profiles Video Walktrough Using Github public API allows users to search Github profiles through the username. It shows the necessary informati
A Clean Architecture App that uses clean Architecture (app, presentation, domain, data) packages to use coffee items API using MVVM Architecture, Coroutines, Retrofit2, Pagination, Live Data, Data Binding, Hilt , SOLID Principles , Navigation Component , RoomDb.
E-CommerceApp A Clean Architecture App that uses clean Architecture (app, presentation, domain, data) packages to use coffee items API using MVVM Arch
Astronomy Picture of the Day Nasa(APOD) media listing and show picture details.
Astronomy Picture of the Day Nasa(APOD) media listing and show picture details. Built to learn and use of Latest Android development libs using Coroutines, Flow, Dagger-Hilt, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Material Guideline)
Nepali Date Picker library in Jetpack compose for android with Date conversion from BS to AD and vice-versa
Nepali Date picker Converter - Re in Compose This is a re-work of Nepali Date Picker Converter in jetpack compose and kotlin. English Locale Nepali Lo
DocuBox is a cloud based file storing app where you can securely store and access your documents from anywhere around the world
DocuBox is an android app 📱in which you can securely upload your files on the cloud– from family pictures and audio recordings to spreadsheets, presentations and other confidential documents.
Ecormmerce app built using Android latest UI framework - Compose UI and data coming from Fake Store API
BuyCart 🛒 Android shopping app built with Jetpack Compose consuming FAKE STORE API I am trying to learn and follow some standard Android architecture
Task Manager feat. real-time competitive system and user engagement
Dira Что из себя представляет Dira? Android-приложение Directa (сокр. Dira) - это планер, который способен улучшить жизнь пользователей. Он позволяет
Learning Project (Story App) For Applying Android Architecture Components And Clean Architecture Using MVVM With Kotlin
Learning Project (Story App) For Applying Android Architecture Components And Clean Architecture Using MVVM With Kotlin. Implemented by Clean Architecture, Hilt, MVVM, LiveData, Coroutines, Retrofit2, Glide
🚀 🥳 MVVM based sample currency converter application using Room, Koin, ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutine
Currency Converter A demo currency converter app using Modern Android App Development techniques Tech stack & Open-source libraries Minimum SDK level
🚆 Retrofit adapters for modeling network responses with Kotlin Result, Jetpack Paging3, and Arrow Either.
Retrofit Adapters 🚆 Retrofit adapters for modeling network responses with Kotlin Result, Jetpack Paging3, and Arrow Either. Sandwich If you're intere
FaceTimeClone app that implements Coroutines , mvvm architecture , clean architecture , navigation component , hilt , etc.... using kotlin language
This repository contains a FaceTimeClone app that implements Coroutines , mvvm architecture , clean architecture , navigation component , hilt , etc.... using kotlin language
The app is composed of 2 screens, first is the profile screen, it has the user_name and address pinned at the top and then it lists all of this user’s albums.
The app is composed of 2 screens, first is the profile screen, it has the user_name and address pinned at the top and then it lists all of this user’s albums. When you press on any album it navigates to the second screen which is an album details screen that contains list of the images in an recyclerview grid. Also you have search bar that you can filter within the photos album by the image title.
Showify is a my first simple ✅ Android application 📱 using DI, where I learn how to use dagger-hilt, retrofit2, mvvm, livedata, Requestly Interceptor
Showify is a my first simple ✅ Android application 📱 using DI, where I learn how to use dagger-hilt, retrofit2, mvvm, livedata, Requestly Interceptor and so much more...
Sample Android Clean MVVM architecture
Sample Android Clean MVVM architecture ( Retrofit + Okhttp + Moshi + Coil + Room + Navigation Component + Coroutines + Flow + DataStore + ViewModel + Hilt + Compose )
A sample Album list app that shows how to use ViewModels and Room together with RxJava & Dagger2, in Kotlin by Clean Architecture.
Kotlin-MVVM-Hilt A sample Album list app that shows how to use ViewModels and Room together with RxJava & Dagger2, in Kotlin by Clean Architecture. Im
A movies application built Using clean architecture and MVVM (Model-view-viewModel).
Movies-App This is a movies application which fecthes upcoming and popular movies from the movie Database(TMBD). It is built Using clean architecture
Online real-time android quiz game
KQuiz Описание проекта Проект представляет собой мобильное приложение, выполнящее роль платформы для создания, поиска, организации и выполнения онлайн
Android app for watch replays at wasd.tv with autoscroll chat
WasdReplayAndroid Приложение для просмотра записей на васде с чатом на андроиде. https://github.com/Kirimatt/WasdReplayAndroid/blob/master/app/build/i
A complete app that demonstrate how to build an Android application using the Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture approach
📷 Blog taking application utilizing Ktor REST-API and following modern practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, Flows, Channels, Room, Work Manager, Navigation Component, MVI, Clean Architecture, Modularization, Dagger Hilt, Tests...
Utility library that utilizes KSP to generate Room type converter classes.
Roomie Roomie is an annotation processing library that utilizes KSP to geaRoomie is an annotation processing library that utilizes KSP to generate TypeConverter classes for Room. TypeConverter classes most often involve same boiler-plate code and Roomie makes it really easy to quickly create them with a single annotation.nerate TypeConverter classes for Room. TypeConverter classes most often invol
Quizzify - Play unlimited quizzes with your friends for free🔥.
Quizzify - Play unlimited quizzes with your friends for free🔥. Quizzify is built using Kotlin and follows all modern android Development practices and hence is a good learning resource for beginners
A mobile application that contains up-to-date information about the latest earthquakes in Turkey, scientific explanations about earthquakes, and Turkey's earthquake map.
Recent-Earthquakes A mobile application that contains up-to-date information about the latest earthquakes in Turkey, scientific explanations about ear
A mobile application that allows you to get random information every time you enter the application.
Knowledge Repository A mobile application that allows you to get random information every time you enter the application. Google Play Store : Screensh
A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, Flow, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Github API.
A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Github API.
👨💻 A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Open Sky API. ✈️ 🌍
A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Open Sky API.
PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack
PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack. Repository also has loca
Handle various HTTP status code by safe api call with Result sealed class
retrofit2-safe-api-call Handle various HTTP status code by safe api call with Result sealed class Library Retrofit2 OkHttp3 Gson Coroutine DI : Koin V
☀️ 🌤 Sample weather app with Retrofit, Hilt and Coroutines ☀️ 🌤
WeatherAppsX app is a sample networking app showing weather forecast of the current day and the average forecast for the next four days.
Futurama Quotes demonstrates modern Android development implements MVVM architecture
This application allows you to see futurama quotes. You can search quotes according to the character that said it as well. Futurama Quotes demonstrates modern Android development implements MVVM architecture.
📰👓Android App that fetches fresh news based on your language and location
News App that fetches fresh news based on your language and location. You can share and browse news in one click! How to install You can open it with
A minimalistic Android application Built with MVVM
A minimalistic Android application Built with MVVM (Retrofit , DataBinding , Coroutine , Mockwebserver , Truth and many more ...)
Student-bsu-by - Android client for BSU student's personal account
student-bsu-by Android client for BSU student's personal account. Published in G
SpyApp - The application launches dex files downloaded from the server
SpyApp The application downloads a dex file, which is then dynamically launched,
All-money-converter-app - A currency converter App built a free Currency API Dependency injection
This a currency converter App built a free Currency API Dependency injection . T
MeuRastreio - Tracking app for studies and personal use
Meu Rastreio APP para rastreio de encomendas rastreáveis pelos correios. Criado
The Unit Converter app: easy, immediate and multi-platform
Converter NOW Why Converter NOW Converter NOW is an effective unit and currency converter 🚀 It is made to be easy, fast and immediately useable: just
Basic-MVVM-Example - Basic Android Application MVVM
Android's MVVM Architecture in Kotlin Why a simple app ? Because it's easier to
Kotlin-REST-Retrofit - Simple client to consume a REST API with Retrofit using Kotlin
Kotlin REST Retrofit Sencillo cliente para consumir una API REST con Retrofit us
Link-converter - A web service that converts links between web url and deeplink for mobile and web applications
Deep Link Converter Linkleri, mobil ve web uygulamaları için web url ile deeplin
Simple Caching application from @CodinginFlow
SimpleCaching Simple app that fetches data from a REST API using Retrofit, and caches this data for offline use in an SQLite database using the Room p
An app to convert images to PDF file!
Images To PDF Badges Have JPG when you need a PDF? Convert JPG to PDF in a few seconds! 😃 Here is an easy to use Android app to convert images to PDF
GBooks - A simple android app written in Kotlin to read books from the Google Book Api
G-Books A simple android app written in Kotlin to read books from the Google Boo
💫 A Gradle Plugin to generate your networking code from Swagger
Swagger Gradle Codegen A Gradle plugin to generate networking code from a Swagger spec file. This plugin wraps swagger-codegen, and exposes a configur
RxJava+RxBus+Retrofit+Glide+Material Design Weather App
就看天气 就看天气该应用就是如同它的名字一样,只做一个单纯、简单的看天气软件。这么多天气软件,你选择了我,这是我的幸运。 从15年10月上线,到目前经历两次重大改版,一次代码的重构,一次界面的大幅度改动,目的都是为了你们。 在开源的过程中,收到了很多来自有趣的你们的邮件。我也曾遇到过棘手的问题无处咨
Android News App built in kotlin with implementation of MVVM architecture, android navigation components and retrofit. Displays news to users allowing them to share and save news.
News-App Android news app built in kotlin that fetches news data from news api with Retrofit and displays news to users. This App follow MVVM architec
TVGuide - An Android app that showcases Account Manager + Sync Manager + Content Provider + Loaders + SQLite.
TV Guide Simple Android application for TV channels show programs. Application concept: Account Manager manages user credentials(in our case the fake
AndroidArchitecture - An Implementation of Google Recommended New Android Architecture with Kotlin
Android Architecture An Implementation of Google Recommended New Android Archite
BooksApp - Show the books list from an API with using retrofit2, picasso and JSON libraries
BooksApp Books App Show the books list from an API with using retrofit2, picasso
Skeleton-dagger-app - Skeleton app made with Dagger, Retrofit and Room. Fork it, play with it and create your own project with the base setup already :)
skeleton-dagger-app Pre Requisite : Must be familier with Dagger architecture. You can have a look at this writeup https://medium.com/@nsaveek/create-
Inno Video Converter For Android
Inno Video Converter Android An simple way to manipulating your video on Android
LAB : Criando um app de conversor moedas/cambio com Kotlin
LAB - Criando um app de conversor moedas/cambio com Kotlin. Projeto da DIO. Melh
DaggerHilt Dagger-Hilt in this Repo i have demonstrated the use of the following in android Kotlin Dagger2 Room Persistence Retrofit2 MVI / MVVM Archi
An application used to view StackOverflow questions
Questionnaire Play Store Link Download APK Questionnaire is an Android applicati
Multiplatform kotlin string case conversion and detection library.
KaseFormat Multiplatform kotlin string case conversion and detection library. (Inspired by Guava's CaseFormat) Setup Declare repository Include the fo
Easy PDF generation with HTML & CSS using Chromium or Google Chrome
fluid-pdf Easy PDF generation with HTML & CSS using Chromium or Google Chrome Installation build.gradle.kts: dependencies { implementation("io.fluids
A mobile application developed with the Kotlin programming language, containing the most up-to-date newspaper news.
NewsApp Api service used in the app - https://newsapi.org/ 🔨 Libraries used in the project : implementation "androidx.room:room-runtime:2.3.0" annot
App for lesson 8 of the Android App Development in Kotlin course on Udacity
Connect to the Internet - Mars Real Estate This is the toy app for Lesson 8 of t
Android Application for Taking Open Courses on the Stepik Platform
Stepik for Android Build Status: Code Coverage: Mobile application of Stepik. Store New version of Stepic App is now available on Google Play. Screens
Simple implementation of a login made with jetpack compose and verifying its authentication through a REST API using retrofit
Simple Login/Auth + Jetpack Compose + Retrofit Demo 📱 Json Object Request 📑 Re
A minimalistic movie listing app to browse IMDB's top 250 movies, built to demonstrate MVVM with Jetpack Compose.
TopCorn 2 🍿 A minimalistic movie listing app to browse IMDB's top 250 movies, built to demonstrate MVVM with Jetpack Compose. Try latest TopCorn2 app
Connect to internet to get photos of mars
MarsPhotos - Starter Code Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introductio
🧪 ☠︎ Jetpack Compose - Breaking Bad ☢︎
Breaking Bad - Jetpack Compose Tech Stack Jetpack Compose - Define your UI programmatically with composable functions that describe its shape and data
All must have libraries in android app are available in here. you can get started with directly writing features with this.
AndroidAppTemplate All must have libraries in android app are available in here. you can get started with directly writing features with this. Include
Images grid JSON | Сетка изображений JSON
Images grid JSON | Сетка изображений JSON Задача Разработать приложение: Приложение должно получать JSON-список ссылок на изображения с сервера по адр
Android MVVM Base Architecture for Enterprise Mobile Application using Architectural Components
Android MVVM Base Architecture for Enterprise Mobile Application using Architectural Components Highlights MVVM Architectural pattern Offline Support
An tool to help developer to use Retrofit elegantly while using kotlinx.coroutines.
one An tool to help developer to use Retrofit elegantly while using kotlinx.coroutines. Feature Transform different data structs to one. {errorCode, d
An android application that made as an exercise, that does 4 different conversions.
Following android studio basic course, this is my second (and bit more complicate this time) "practice on your own" project. In few words, it is an an
Jetpack Compose, Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Retrofit2
Jetpack-Compose-Blueprint Jetpack Compose, Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Retrofit2 Apps Packages data : It contains all the data accessing
MVVM + Kotlin + Jetpack Compose +Navigation Compose + Hilt + Retrofit + Unit Testing + Compose Testing + Coroutines + Kotlin Flow + Io mockK
MvvmKotlinJetpackCompose Why do we need an architecture even when you can make an app without it? let's say you created a project without any architec
(Coroutine, Flow(+StateFlow), Hilt, JetPack, MVVM, Repository Pattern, Retrofit2 & OkHttp3, Moshi, Glide, Timber, Material-Components)
(Coroutine, Flow(+StateFlow), Hilt, JetPack, MVVM, Repository Pattern, Retrofit2 & OkHttp3, Moshi, Glide, Timber, Material-Components)
Shopping is an app an e-commerce application under creating
Shopping Shopping is an app an e-commerce application under creating This repository was made under a non-profit initiative with the aim of developing
Make E-Commerce using Kotlin MVVM
Kotlin E-Commerce MVVM Make E-Commerce using Kotlin, and for backend i use Golang, and PHP Feature MVVM Retrofit2 15+ Screen Payment Gateway (Razorpay
An android app built using Kotlin following Multi-Module Clean Architecture MVVM
RickyandMorty An android app built using Kotlin that consumes RickyadMorty API to display characters.It has been built following Clean Architecture Pr
A Simple movies app using Kotllin, MVVM, and with an offline caching capability.
IMDB-CLONE A simple imdb clone using KOTLIN,MVVM with searching and bookmarking ability with offline caching ability Libraries used:- Kotlin Coroutine
Android app that uses TMDB API to show info about movies.
Movies App: Projeto Integrador - Vitória Code 2021 🎬 Sobre o projeto Esse é um aplicativo Android feito em Kotlin que oferece aos usuários uma listag
Simple Jetpack Compose demo app which is developed with CoinGecko API and modern android technologies.
CoinBox CoinBox is a multi module small currency tracker app which is developed with Jetpack Compose. This demo app used coingecko.com API to fetch da
🐶 Simple app which shows random dog image from Dog API
🐶 Doggy App 🐶 🐾 Simple app which shows random dog image from Dog API with Retrofit2 and Glide 🐾 ❤️ Retrofit @GET Request YouTube Tutorial! (Stevdz
Beautifully designed Pokémon Database app for Android based on PokéAPI and powered by Kotlin.
PokéFacts PokéFacts is an open-source Pokémon Database app for Android based on PokéAPI and powered by Kotlin. The app allows users to view Pokémons,
Weather App With Jetpack Compose
Weather-App-With-Compose In this repository i made weather app with using Jetpack Compose. Datas is coming from internet. You can look in here. Librar
An app which displays questions from Stack Exchange from it's api. Can search questions with tags as well. Uses MVVM architecture, dependency injection, coroutines, retrofit2 for network calls
Stack Exchange app What the app does? Shows a list of trending questions from stack exchange api Can search for the desires question. Can add tags to
An application for converting between units
currency-converter This is an Android Based Application for helping users convert between currencies. The project is part of our Android Jam Series La
Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit2
What is this project? This course will replace my old java mvvm introduction: https://codingwithmitch.com/courses/rest-api-mvvm-retrofit2/. Watch the
kotlin mvvm+dataBinding+retrofit2+Arouter等BaseActivity、BaseFragment、BaseDialogFragment基类封装
kotlin-mvvm kotlin mvvm+dataBinding+retrofit2+ARouter等BaseActivity、BaseFragment、BaseDialogFragment基类封装 Android开发项目基本使用框架,封装了各类组件,在基类实现了沉浸式状态栏,可以自己更改颜色
Bitcoin Market app shows you the current Bitcoin market price and price chart of different time intervals 💰
Bitcoin Market 💰 Bitcoin Market app shows you the current Bitcoin market price and price chart of different time intervals Tech stack and whys 🏗 Kot