5479 Repositories
Android android-botnet Libraries
[Deprecated] Little bites of Material Design
Working with shared elements Commit - 8872619 Working with shared elements, explode transition, and animations Commit - 901d62c Playing with the new m
Proguard configurations for common Android libraries
android-proguard-snippets Example Proguard configurations for common Android libraries. This project assumes that your ProGuard configuration is based
A sample Android app which showcases advanced usage of Dagger among other open source libraries.
U+2020 A sample Android app which showcases advanced usage of Dagger among other open source libraries. Watch the corresponding talk or view the slide
Learning RxJava for Android by example
Learning RxJava for Android by example This is a repository with real-world useful examples of using RxJava with Android. It usually will be in a cons
Do's and Don'ts for Android development, by Futurice developers
Best practices in Android development Avoid reinventing the wheel by following these guidelines. Lessons learned from Android developers in Futurice.
traffic debugging library for android
TrafficMonitor About Display traffic per Activity.Observing traffic is used by TrafficStats API. OkHttp Interceptor observer is implementing. Demo Bai
A Read-Eval-Print-Loop server for Android and SQLite
Android DebugPort Android DebugPort is a drop-in utility which allows you to write and execute code within your app's context, at runtime, and from th
Android library to record the network calls through the interceptor mechanism of the http clients.
Android Snooper Introduction Android Snooper is a library which helps in debugging issues while running the applications on android devices. One of th
Under the Hood is a flexible and powerful Android debug view library. It uses a modular template system that can be easily extended to your needs, although coming with many useful elements built-in.
Under the Hood - Android App Debug View Library Under the Hood is a flexible and powerful Android debug view library. It uses a modular template syste
Easier RxJava2 debugging with better stacktraces
Traceur Traceur enables easier debugging of RxJava2 exceptions, by appending the source of any asynchronous calls to the original exception. An exampl
This app will show grid overlay over whole system which helps you to verify your excellent app design.
GridWichterle for Android This app will show grid overlay over whole system which helps you to verify your excellent app design. Download: What is the
android library dialog month picker
RackMonthPicker android library dialog month picker Download Download via Maven: Add the JitPack repository to your build file repositories rep
🕘 Android滚动选择器(省市区联动选择、日期选择、时间选择)
PickerView Android滚动选择器 使用方法 1. 添加依赖 注:${latestVersion}请替换为当前最新版本号,见releases。 gradle: implementation 'com.github.duanhong169:picker-view:${latestVersi
CustomizableCalendar is a library that allows you to create your calendar, customizing UI and behaviour
CustomizableCalendar This library allows you to create a completely customizable calendar. You can use CustomizableCalendar to create your calendar, c
A quick and easy database manager plugin library for your DBFlow databases.
DBFlowManager A quick and easy database manager and viewer plugin library for your DBFlow databases to view, insert, delete, update the tables directl
Core Data for Android
NexusData Core Data for Android NexusData is an object graph and persistence framework for Android. It allows for organizing and managing relational d
Android Database Performance Benchmarks
ℹ Check out our new performance test app that includes ObjectBox. Android Database Performance Benchmark This project evaluates Android databases and
A library for reading Shared Preferences and Database values within the application.
AppDataReader A library for reading and writing Shared Preferences and Database values of the application within the device. Advantages of using this
A helper library to help using Room with existing pre-populated database [].
Room now supports using a pre-packaged database out of the box, since version 2.2.0 https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/room#2.2.0
Java embedded nosql document store
Nitrite Database NOsql Object (NO2 a.k.a Nitrite) database is an open source nosql embedded document store written in Java. It has MongoDB like API. I
an android library for debugging what we care about directly in app.
EN | 中文 Pandora is a tool box that allows you to inspect and modify what includes networks, databases, UIs, etc. directly in your application. It is s
Insanely easy way to work with Android Database.
Sugar ORM Insanely easy way to work with Android databases. Official documentation can be found here - Check some examples below. The example applicat
ObjectBox is a superfast lightweight database for objects
ObjectBox Java (Kotlin, Android) ObjectBox is a superfast object-oriented database with strong relation support. ObjectBox is embedded into your Andro
CrashBottomSheet shows a beautiful BottomSheetDialog when app crashes instead of displaying ugly app stopped working dialog.
CrashBottomSheet Library for Android This library allows android applications to launch a nice beautiful BottomSheetDialog when app crashes instead of
Sherlock reports any crash that occurs in your application
Sherlock Sherlock reports any crash that occurres in your application as a notification. You just need to initialize Sherlock at the start of your app
In-app feedback and bug reporting tool for apps.
Instabug Android SDK Instabug is an in-app feedback and bug reporting tool for mobile apps. With just a simple shake, your users or beta testers can r
HockeyApp was retired and the SDKs are deprecated. Please use App Center instead.
Version 5.2.0 HockeySDK-Android implements support for using HockeyApp in your Android applications. The following features are currently supported: C
Bugsnag crash monitoring and reporting tool for Android apps
Bugsnag error monitoring & exception reporter for Android Get comprehensive Android crash reports to quickly debug errors. Bugsnag's Android crash rep
A list of most useful resources for designing android apps such as all material colors and dimens, 180 Gradient background + html, social, flat, fluent, metro colors.
Timer UI Login UI Fitness UI Material-Resources-Library A list of most useful resources for designing android apps such as all material colors and dim
Beautiful color picker dialog for Android 9+
Color-O-Matic Beautiful Color Picker dialog for Android 9+ based on VintageChroma by Pavel Sikun. Screenshots at the end of the file. Repository Add t
For color lovers! A simple but powerful Android color picker
#DEPRECATED Credits for the logo goes to Hafiz Ahmmed (https://github.com/hafizahmmed) ColorBox library Features Dynamic color preview; Change the col
Color picker library for Android
andColorPicker — Color Picker library for Android 🥑 Handy, 🐍 flexible, and ⚡ lightning-fast Android color picker views and utilities. 💊 Features Cl
Android Material Design Colors
Android-Material-Design-Colors Android-Material-Design-Colors provides color definitions of the Material Design. Demo Usage R.color.md_color_value or
🎨 A color picker for Android. Pick a color using color wheel and slider (HSV & alpha).
ColorPicker English | 中文 A ColorPicker for Android. Pick a color using color wheel and slider (HSV & alpha). Gradle dependencies { implementation
Annotation Processing Library. Generates proxy class on top of interface/abstract class, that allows to intercept calls. Also known as a design pattern: proxy, delegate, interceptor.
1. AutoProxy Annotation Processing Library. Generates proxy class on top of interface/abstract class, that allows to intercept calls. Also known as a
Codegeneration tool for isomorphic server and mobile Go apps with gRPC & Protobuf. Share code between your backend, Android & iOS app! :sun_with_face:
Anakin Codegeneration tool for isomorphic server and mobile Go apps with gRPC & Protobuf. Share code between your backend, Android & iOS app! Descript
Pure Java code generation tool for generating a fully functional ContentProvider for Android.
RoboCoP RoboCoP is a Java library that can generate a fully-functional ContentProvider from a simple JSON schema file. Get the latest version from our
A code generator to create Android ContentProvider
DatabaseCodeGenerator This project is a code generator written in Java used to generate Android code. Given a database schema JSON definition file, it
A easy way to use android sharepreference
Favor A easy way of using Android SharedPreferences. How to use this library Using Gradle compile 'com.cocosw:favor:0.2.0@aar' Using Maven depend
A custom view styling library for Android that generates the obtainStyledAttributes() and TypedArray boilerplate code for you.
DEPRECATED This project is no longer maintained. Consider using https://github.com/airbnb/paris Barber Barber is your personal custom view stylist. Si
A tool to generate Android ContentProviders.
Android ContentProvider Generator (acpg) A tool to generate Android ContentProviders. It takes a set of entity (a.k.a "table") definitions as the inpu
Android Parcelable models made easy
AutoParcel AutoParcel is an AutoValue extension that enables Parcelable values generation. Just add implements Parcelable to your @AutoValue annotated
:package: Android Parcelables made easy through code generation.
Parceler Have a question? Ask it on StackOverflow. Found an issue? Please report it. In Android, Parcelables are a great way to serialize Java Objects
Android has a built in microphone through which you can capture audio and store it , or play it in your phone. There are many ways to do that but with this dialog you can do all thats with only one dialog.
# Media Recorder Dialog   Date & Time Picker
Hijri Date Picker (UmAlQuraCalendar) This library offers a hijri (Islamic Calendar) Date Picker designed on Google's Material Design Principals For Pi
Base on android-process-button this is the advanced version of the android-process-button.
Rock Button release log Base on android-process-button this is the advanced version of the android-process-button ##Main Features ActionProcessButton
[] An Android library for an expandable button menu
ExpandableButtonMenu ExpandableButtonMenu is an Android library which implements an expandable button that can be used as a substitute of a fixed size
👏 The Medium's Clapping Effect developed in Android
👏 MediumClap-Android Built with ❤︎ by Wajahat Karim and contributors A Custom Floating Action Button (FAB) library like clapping effect on Medium 📄
Button which is visible while user holds it. Main use case is controlling audio recording state (like in Telegram, Viber, VK).
HoldingButton Button which is visible while user holds it. Main use case is controlling audio recording state (like in Telegram, Viber, VK). Getting s
⭐️ beautiful switch widget with sticky animation ⭐️
StickySwitch StickySwitch library for android this library is beautiful switch widget with sticky animation Requirements Android SDK 15+ Usage Add it
A FloatingActionButton subclass that shows a counter badge on right top corner
CounterFab A FloatingActionButton subclass that shows a counter badge on right top corner It's also used by Louvre library. Installation Include the l
Android Floating ActionButton with a progress indicator ring
FabProgress Android Circular floating action button with intergrated progress indicator ring As per material design docs Demo: Demo apk HOW TO ADD TO
A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View
Floating Navigation View A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View and was inspired by Menu Material Fixed created by Tom
Icons, Borders, Radius ... for Android buttons
⚠️ This library was made years ago when it wasn't that easy to customize Android buttons like today. I highly recommend you to use Material Design but
ToggleButton Widget For Android Dev
ToggleButton ToggleButton Widget For Android Developers @Deprecated !!!项目已经停止维护,新项目移至https://github.com/zcweng/SwitchButton !!! How To Use xml
A cute widget of Switch Button for you to create beautiful and friendly UI.
SwitchButton To get a quick preview, you can get Demo apk in Google Play or Directly download. This project provides you a convenient way to use and c
Bootstrap style widgets for Android, with Glyph Icons
Android-Bootstrap Android Bootstrap is an Android library which provides custom views styled according to the Twitter Bootstrap Specification. This al
Android Bluetooth Helper Library, Bluetooth Device Finder
Bluetooth Helper Allows you to access the Bluetooth of your mobile device, manage turn-on - turn off, and discover bluetooth devices around you. Getti
A simple, lightweight library intended to take away some of the cruft and tediousness of using the Android BLE.
Blueteeth What Is Blueteeth? Blueteeth is a simple, lightweight library intended to take away some of the cruft and tediousness of using the Android B
A reactive, interface-driven central role Bluetooth LE library for Android
RxCentralBle RxCentralBle provides a simple reactive paradigm for connecting to and communicating with Bluetooth LE peripherals from the central role.
Smooth communication via bluetooth with other android devices or microcontrollers such as Arduino.
Android Smooth Bluetooth Smooth communication via bluetooth with other android devices or microcontrollers such as Arduino. Getting Started Add Gradle
This library allows for easy access to a Bluetooth LE device's AdRecord and RSSI value. It offers additional functionality for iBeacons.
Bluetooth LE Library for Android This library allows for easy access to a Bluetooth LE device's Advertisement Records. It also offers: A simple runnin
[UNMAINTAINED][Android] Bluetooth Serial Port Profile which comfortable to developer application to communication with microcontroller via bluetooth
⚠ WARNING: This project is no longer being maintained Android-BluetoothSPPLibrary Bluetooth Serial Port Profile which comfortable to developer applica
Allows Android apps to interact with BLE beacons
Android Beacon Library An Android library providing APIs to interact with beacons. Please visit the project website for how to use this library. IMPOR
Bringing the best of the web to Android!
Android Geocities Theme Bringing the best of the web to native! Features 🚧 Cool "under construction" views 👍 ImageViews have their images replaced w
Android Library To Create Button With Multi Reactions like Facebook or Linkedin
ReactButton Android Library written in Java to Create ReactButton with Multi Reactions like Facebook or Linkedin 😎 Default Reactions 😄 Custom Reacti
An Android library to build form and form validations easily.
FormBuilder An Android library to build form and form validations easily. Example COMING SOON Requirements Android 4.3+ Installation Add edit your bui
A customised EditText view serving the purpose of taking numeric One Time Password from a user. With stunning animation, and high customizability.
PassCodeText A customised EditText view serving the purpose of taking numeric One Time Password from a user. With stunning animation, and high customi
KdGaugeView is a simple and customizable Gauge / Speedometer control for Android.
KdGaugeView KDGaugeView is a simple and customizable gauge control for Android inspired by LMGaugeView Motivation I need some clean Guage view for my
Animated Loader or Animated Progress Dialog android code.
AnimatedLoadingIndicator LoadingIndicator This is a simple but effective animated Loading Indicator which can easily ready to use integrated few lines
Location tracking & geofencing the easy way. Supports background, killed app, rebooted device different update intervals.
Geofencer Convience library to receive user location updates and geofence events with minimal effort. Features: supports Android-Q receive updates on
Smoothen rx value streams for e.g. sensor data using kalman filter.
KalmanRx Introduction Removes the noise from float streams using Kalman Filter. Useful to smoothen sensory data e.g.: gps location, or Accelerometer.
Continuous speech recognition library for Android with options to use GoogleVoiceIme dialog and offline mode.
Android Speech Recognition This library lets you perform continuous voice recognition in your android app with options to either use Google Voice Ime
Android - Annotate methods to use as listeners for a sensor.
SensorAnnotations Annotate methods to use as listeners for sensor events. public class MyActivity extends Activity { /** * Perform actions as
How to improve the user experience using animated icons with vector drawables on Android
Android Animated Icons How to improve the user experience using animated icons with vector drawables on Android English version https://medium.com/@an
Navigation pattern like in Google News Stand app with transitions
Google-NewsStand-Animation-Android Navigation pattern like in Google News Stand app with transitions Getting Started In your build.gradle dependencies
PaintableVectorView enables to change color of paths/groups in Vector Drawable (SVG)
PaintableVectorView PaintableVectorView enables to change color of paths/groups in Vector Drawable (SVG) Demo Car icon made by Prosymbols from www.fla
Android library to make notes drop animation for music players
VusikView Min SDK 11 Screnshots How to use If you want use this library, you can download project and import it into your workspace and add the projec
Deprecated in favour of https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/view/animation/PathInterpolatorCompat.html
Deprecated: use https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/view/animation/PathInterpolatorCompat.html instead. android-cubic-bezier-in
Customizable bounce animation for any view like in Clash Royale app
Bounceview-Android Customizable bounce animation for any view updation Getting Started In your build.gradle dependencies { implementation 'hari.bo
Lightweight Android library for cool activity transition animations
Bungee min SDK 16 (Android Jellybean 4.1) written in Java A lightweight, easy-to-use Android library that provides awesome activity transition animati
Android library to showcase/highlight the multiple views on same overlay
MultiLamp MultiLamp is simple and easy to use Android library to showcase/highlight the multiple views on the same overlay with some message. Gradle S
How to apply meaningful and delightful motion in a sample Android app
Applying meaningful motion on Android How to apply meaningful and delightful motion in a sample Android app Read the complete post at https://medium.c
Circle based animations for Android (min. API 11)
CircularTools Circle based animations for Android (min. API 11) Currently implemented: Circular reveal Circular transform Radial reaction Reveal:YouTu
WindView is an Android Library to show Weather's Wind & pressure Status
WindView WindView is an Android Library to show Weather's Wind & pressure Status Screenshot Demo demo.apk Setup Step 1: Add it as a Dependency in Your
App Shortcuts for Android on Pre Nougat 7.1!
Shortcuts for Android on Pre Nougat 7.1! WHAT IS ANDROID SHORTCUTS? The Android App Shortcuts Library have features of Android 7.1 Nougat, you can imp
Wrapper of the ObjectAnimator that can be used similarly to ViewPropertyAnimator
ViewPropertyObjectAnimator Wrapper of the ObjectAnimator that can be used similarly to ViewPropertyAnimator. ViewPropertyObjectAnimator is as easy to
Animations driven by finger movement
OffsetAnimator OffsetAnimator lets animate objects basing on touchevents, so users can be engaged in an animation process. Usage Add the library to yo
Simple android library to present an animated ferris wheel
Ferris Wheel View Overview An Android Library used to implement an animated Ferris Wheel in android. API SDK 15+ Written in Kotlin Supports landscape
Fast marker clustering library for Google Maps Android API.
Google Maps Clustering for Android A fast marker clustering library for Google Maps Android API. Motivation Why not use Google Maps Android API Utilit
An android project presenting some transitions you can use between activities
ActivityTransition An android project presenting some transitions you can use between activities #Integration Add the anim folder to your Android proj
Automatically manipulates the duration of animations dependent on view count. Quicksand .. the more you struggle.
QuickSand When showing a really enchanting explanatory animation to your users, but you know that after a while it'll get tedious and would stop users
Android library to create complex multi-state animations.
MultiStateAnimation Android library to create complex multi-state animations. Overview A class that allows for complex multi-state animations using An
Android library to display a few images in one ImageView like avatar of group chat. Made by Stfalcon
MultiImageView Library for display a few images in one MultiImageView like avatar of group chat Who we are Need iOS and Android apps, MVP development
FilePicker is a small and fast file selector library that is constantly evolving with the goal of rapid integration, high customization, and configurability~
Android File Picker 🛩️ 中文简体 Well, it doesn't have a name like Rocky, Cosmos or Fish. Android File Picker, like its name, is a local file selector fra
:octocat: ≡ DirectSelect is a selection widget with an ethereal, full-screen modal popup displaying the available choices when the widget is interact with.
DIRECT SELECT [JAVA] Selection widget with an ethereal, full-screen modal popup displaying the available choices We specialize in the designing and co
🎢 Zoom Recycler Layout Manager For Android Kotlin
Zoom Recyler Layout An beautiful Zoom Animation Library for RecyclerView Items in Android using Kotlin. Preview 1. Horizontal Scroll 2. Vertical Scrol
Page Curl for Android
Page Curl for Android Overview The android-page-curl is a 2D View which simulates a page curl effect. Without OpenGL, only the android canvas has been
A backport of the new Transitions API for Android
TransitionsBackport Android library for using the Transitions API released with Android KitKat on older versions of Android. At the moment, it is comp