200 Repositories
Android annotation-tool Libraries
🔪 AOP development framework implemented through *Annotation + ASM + Gradle Transform API* for Android🤖
🔪 AOP development framework implemented through *Annotation + ASM + Gradle Transform API* for Android🤖
An auto IBCS API response status checking tool which test tax, address and account module
IB IBCS API Test Tool An auto IBCS API response status checking tool which test tax, address and account module. Getting Started Cd to the cloned dire
Utility tool to make you a computer ninja.
Cmd Window Never spend 6 minutes doing something by hand when you can spend 6 hours failing to automate it - Zhuowej Zhang What is this about? This to
A visualization tool for various pathfinding algorithms.
Pathfinding Visualizer Welcome to Pathfinding Visualizer! I built this application because I was fascinated by pathfinding algorithms, and I wanted to
A small tool to help you generate android projects that have a base code.
Volt Project A small tool to help you generate android projects that have a base code. Usage Change project in base directory. python volt-gen.py pac
Tool to assist in tuning simos ECUs.
Simos Logger Will use the BLE ISOTP bridge by bri3d to log Simo ECUs https://github.com/Switchleg1/esp32-isotp-ble-bridge/tree/BridgeLEG Currently can
Generate inspections from output of executables
tool-to-inspection Template ToDo list Create a new IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template project. Get known with the template documentation. Verify the pl
Android Merge Tool
AMT The Android Merge Tool (AMT) does what the name suggests: it merges arbitrary Android apps into a single merged app. As input it takes a number of
A Real-time Fps Tool for Android
fpsviewer A Real-time Fps Tool for Android, 一个能实时显示fps,一段时间的平均帧率,以及帧率范围占比,并能获取卡顿堆栈的可视化工具。侵入性低,通过在异步线程采样获取堆栈,无代码侵入,性能消耗可忽略,对性能监控项的异常数据进行采集和分析,整理输出展示相应的
A tool translate a apk file to stantard android project include so hook api and il2cpp c++ scaffolding when apk is a unity il2cpp game. Write code on a apk file elegantly.
FakerAndroid (FakerAndroid.jar or FakerAndroid-AS) A tool translate a apk file to stantard android project include so hook api and il2cpp c++ scaffold
A Frida based tool that traces usage of the JNI API in Android apps.
jnitrace A Frida based tool to trace use of the JNI API in Android apps. Native libraries contained within Android Apps often make use of the JNI API
An intelligent diff tool for the output of Gradle's dependencies task
Dependency Tree Diff An intelligent diff tool for the output of Gradle's dependencies task which always shows the path to the root dependency. +--- c
A powerful tool (iOS & Android) that focuses on mobile operation behavior!
DiDiPrism,中文名:小桔棱镜,是一款专注于移动端操作行为的工具,涵盖APP操作回放、操作检测、以及数据可视化能力。我们在整个方案的实现过程中沉淀出了一套技术框架,希望可以逐步开源出来帮助更多人,同时也希望棱镜在大家的合力下能够更快的成长。 它有哪些亮点? 零入侵 业务代码无需任何适配。 高可
A program analysis tool to find cryptographic misuse in Java and Android.
A program analysis tool to find cryptographic misuse in Java and Android.
A simple tool to display a text tree with Jetpack Compose🌲
A simple tool to display a text tree with Jetpack Compose🌲
An annotation and Kotlin compiler plugin for enforcing a when statement is exhaustive
An annotation and Kotlin compiler plugin for enforcing a when statement is exhaustive
Easy android exception tracer and handler.
Introduction Lup is a small android library that can help you to tracking bug that causes application stopped working (force close). Whiting this libr
recompose is a tool for converting Android layouts in XML to Kotlin code using Jetpack Compose.
recompose is a tool for converting Android layouts in XML to Kotlin code using Jetpack Compose.
Android 注解自动生成与 Flutter 通信的代码
Android-Flutter-Annotation 用于 Android 端项目,通过使用注解自动生成与 Flutter 通信的代码。 可生成的三种通信渠道有: MethodChannel EventChannel BasicMessageChannel 集成 在项目的 build.gradle
An experimental tool for building console UI in Kotlin using the Jetpack Compose compiler/runtime
An experimental tool for building console UI in Kotlin using the Jetpack Compose compiler/runtime
⌨️ A tool that gives you a massive head start when building Compose based apps. It saves you from time-consuming setup and configuration
⌨️ A tool that gives you a massive head start when building Compose based apps. It saves you from time-consuming setup and configuration
Template for building CLI tool in Kotlin and producing native binary
Kotlin command-line native tool template This template allows you to quickly build command-line tool using Kotlin , Clikt and build a native binary fo
Custom content tool for The Ponies.
PoneCrafter A sneak preview of the custom content tool for The Ponies. The Ponies is a work in progress life simulator game. The game itself has not b
🔦 Showkase is an annotation-processor based Android library that helps you organize, discover, search and visualize Jetpack Compose UI elements
Showkase is an annotation-processor based Android library that helps you organize, discover, search and visualize Jetpack Compose UI elements. With minimal configuration it generates a UI browser that helps you easily find your components, colors & typography. It also renders your components in common situations like dark mode, right-to-left layouts, and scaled fonts which help in finding issues early.
IntelliJ plugin that provides a modern and powerful byte code analyzer tool window.
IntelliJ Byte Code Analyzer Plugin This IntelliJ plugin provides a modern and powerful byte code analyzer tool window. Its supports Java, Kotlin, Groo
android webview loader using ksp
KSPWebViewLoader 🚧 @WebViewBuilder Annotation can be automating your webview settings. (WIP) How to use @WebViewBuilder( url = "https://www.googl
The BitbucketWatcher is a helpful tool to keep up to date with updates on your repo.
The BitbucketWatcher is a helpful tool to keep up to date with updates on your repo. The Watcher tracks new PullRequests, status changes on code reviews, merged branches and forgotten branches.
An easy-to-use, cross-platform measurement tool that pulls data out of CD pipelines and analysis the four key metrics for you.
Maintained by SEA team, ThoughtWorks Inc. Read this in other languages: English, 简体中文 Table of Contents About the Project Usage How to Compute Contrib
This is an Kotlin Library that enables Annotation-triggered method call logging for Kotlin Multiplatform.
This is an Kotlin Library that enables Annotation-triggered method call logging for Kotlin Multiplatform.
Easy Response Mocking for Retrofit using annotations
Response Mocking for Retrofit using annotations. Assume Provides safe and easy way to mock API responses for retrofit-okhttp3.
Annotation processor that generates a kotlin wrapper class for a java file, enabling named parameters for kotlin callers.
Annotation processor that generates a kotlin wrapper class for a java file, enabling named parameters for kotlin callers.
⌨️ A tool that gives you a massive head start when building Compose Desktop apps. It saves you from time-consuming setup and configuration
💻 create-compose-app A tool that gives you a massive head start when building Compose based apps. It saves you from time-consuming setup and configur
MangaDex V5 migration tool for Tachiyomi
Tachi Dex Migrator MangaDex V5 migration tool for Tachiyomi Download Make a backup of your backup! You have been warned… Get the app on the latest rel
Arkhota is a web (HTTP/S) brute forcer for Android.
Arkhota is a web (HTTP/S) brute forcer for Android.
⌨️ A tool that gives you a massive head start when building Compose Desktop apps. It saves you from time-consuming setup and configuration
💻 create-compose-app A tool that gives you a massive head start when building Compose based apps. It saves you from time-consuming setup and configur
😇Translation tool based on Jetpack Compose
📸 Screenshots License Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not u
An unofficial migration requirements checking tool for University of Tsukuba - School of Comprehension Studies faculty.
scs-migration-checker (English) An unofficial migration requirements checking tool for University of Tsukuba - School of Comprehension Studies faculty
An elegant and beautiful Android app manager
An elegant and beautiful Android app manager
BlackDex is an Android unpack tool, it supports Android 5.0~12 and need not rely to any environment. BlackDex can run on any Android mobile phones or emulators, you can unpack APK File in several seconds.
BlackDex is an Android unpack tool, it supports Android 5.0~12 and need not rely to any environment. BlackDex can run on any Android mobile phones or emulators, you can unpack APK File in several seconds.
Android Material Design Theme UI and Tool Library. Support: 4.0.3~O
GitHub OSChina 中文 English Genius-Android Genius-Android: by Material Design style and some commonly used packages. Starting in 2015, The divided into
GPS tracking tool for OpenStreetMap
OSMTracker for Android™ official source code repository is https://github.com/labexp/osmtracker-android. For more information about the project, docum
A tool to install components of the Android SDK into a Maven repository or repository manager to use with the Android Maven Plugin, Gradle and other tools.
Maven Android SDK Deployer Original author including numerous fixes and changes: Manfred Moser manfred@simpligility.com at simpligility technologies i
A tool that enables advanced features through adb installing and uninstalling apps like wildcards and multi device support. Useful if you want to clean your test device from all company apks or install a lot of apks in one go. Written in Java so it should run on your platform.
Uber Adb Tools for Android A simple tool that makes it more convenient to install, uninstall and creating bug reports and more for multiple apps on mu
This library provides advance views for lists and stacks. Some of the views are build on top of RecyclerView and others are written in their own. Annotations are compiled by annotation processor to generate bind classes. DOCS --
PlaceHolderView An advance view for lists and stacks Some Implementations Documentation You can find the PlaceHolderView documentation here which has
Android Resource Manager application to manage and analysis your app resources with many features like image resize, Color, Dimens and code Analysis
Android Resource Manager application to manage and analysis your app resources with many features like image resize, Color, Dimens and code Analysis
Auto-generate the fastest possible Parcelable implementations for Java and Kotlin
This project is deprecated It will still be maintained, but no new features will be added. Please use Parcelize, as it is the official way of generati
Nice and simple DSL for Espresso in Kotlin
Kakao Nice and simple DSL for Espresso in Kotlin Introduction At Agoda, we have more than 1000 automated tests to ensure our application's quality and
A tool to validate text inside TextInputLayout
Download dependencies { implementation 'com.github.anderscheow:validator:2.2.1' } Usage Available rules LengthRule MaxRule MinRule NotEmptyRule NotN
Android Phishing Application.This Project is for Educational purposes only.The Developer of this application is not responsible of any bad usage
Android Phishing Application.This Project is for Educational purposes only.The Developer of this application is not responsible of any bad usage
A tool that enables advanced features through adb installing and uninstalling apps like wildcards and multi device support. Useful if you want to clean your test device from all company apks or install a lot of apks in one go. Written in Java so it should run on your platform.
Uber Adb Tools for Android A simple tool that makes it more convenient to install, uninstall and creating bug reports and more for multiple apps on mu
A multi platform image density converting tool converting single or batches of images to Android, iOS, Windows or CSS specific formats and density versions given the source scale factor or width/height in dp. It has a graphical and command line interface and supports many image types (svg, psd, 9-patch, etc.) aswell as some lossless compressors like pngcrush.
Density Image Converter Tool for Android, iOS, Windows and CSS This is a powerful little tool that helps converting single or batches of images to And
Annotation based simple API flavored with AOP to handle new Android runtime permission model
Let Annotation based simple API flavoured with AOP to handle new Android runtime permission model. If you check Google's Samples about the new permiss
Android Library Finder
alfi Android Library Finder Search through thousands of android libraries that can help you scale your projects elegantly Usage Search for something a
A cli tool that helps signing and zip aligning single or multiple Android application packages (APKs) with either debug or provided release certificates. It supports v1, v2 and v3 Android signing scheme has an embedded debug keystore and auto verifies after signing.
Uber Apk Signer A tool that helps signing, zip aligning and verifying multiple Android application packages (APKs) with either debug or provided relea
GPS tracking tool for OpenStreetMap
OSMTracker for Android™ official source code repository is https://github.com/labexp/osmtracker-android. For more information about the project, docum
A simple utility to remove unused resources in your Android app to lower the size of the APK. It's based on the Android lint tool output.
android-resource-remover android-resource-remover is utility that removes unused resources reported by Android Lint from your project. The goal is to
A tool to install components of the Android SDK into a Maven repository or repository manager to use with the Android Maven Plugin, Gradle and other tools.
Maven Android SDK Deployer Original author including numerous fixes and changes: Manfred Moser manfred@simpligility.com at simpligility technologies i
Tool for create complex morphing animations using VectorDrawables (allows morphing between any pair of SVG images)
VectAlign VectAlign (a.k.a. VectorDrawableAlign) is a developer's tool which automagically aligns two VectorDrawable "pathData" strings (or SVG images
A surgical debugging tool to uncover the layers under your app.
Scalpel DEPRECATED! Android Studio 4.0's layout inspector now includes a live-updating 3D view. Use it! A surgical debugging tool to uncover the layer
Command-line tool to count per-package methods in Android .dex files
dex-method-counts Simple tool to output per-package method counts in an Android DEX executable grouped by package, to aid in getting under the 65,536
A super fast build tool for Android, an alternative to Instant Run
Freeline Freeline is a super fast build tool for Android and an alternative to Instant Run. Caching reusable class files and resource indices, it enab
A tool that facilitates working with Spans on TextViews or any extension of them (EditTexts, Buttons...).
AwesomeText Working with Spans is ugly and difficult to manage, it's like working with a goblin of Moria. Don't understand the Spans? With AwesomeText
CLI tool for decompiling Android apps to Java. It does resources! It does Java! Its real easy!
Easy-as-pie Android Decompiler Why One stop shop I got pretty tired of decompiling Android apps with a bunch of steps that I had to remember all the t
enjarify 8.6 0.0 L5 Python Enjarify is a tool for translating Dalvik bytecode to equivalent Java bytecode. This allows Java analysis tools to analyze Android applications.
Note: This repository may be out of date. Future development will occur at https://github.com/Storyyeller/enjarify. Introduction Enjarify is a tool fo
APK Explorer & Editor, an open-source tool to explore the contents of an installed APK
APK Explorer & Editor, an open-source tool to explore the contents of an installed APK, is strictly made with an aim to inspect an installed APK file.
An app performance monitor(APM) , like "Android Studio profiler", you can easily monitor the performance of your app real time in browser
AndroidGodEye English README.md 中文 README_zh.md Android developer lack of monitoring of performance data,especially in production environment. so we n
transai is a localization tool on Android and iOS.
transai transai is a command line tool to help you do Android and iOS translation management. You can extract string files to csv format, or generate
andle is an Android tool help you sync dependencies, sdk or build tool version.
andle andle is an Android tool to help you sync dependencies, SDK or build tool version. Installation Simple install by pip: $ sudo pip install andle
Tool for Android app development
RateMeMaybe Asks the user if (s)he wants to open the Play Store to rate your application when certain requirements are met (see below). This can and s
AndroidQuery is an Android ORM for SQLite and ContentProvider which focuses on easy of use and performances thanks to annotation processing and code generation
WARNING: now that Room is out, I no longer maintain that library. If you need a library to easy access to default android ContentProvider, I would may
Compile time processed, annotation driven, no reflection SQLite database layer for Android
SqliteMagic Simple yet powerful SQLite database layer for Android that makes database handling feel like magic. Overview: Simple, intuitive & typesafe
A Java/Kotlin library for Android platform, to manage bean's persistence in SQLite, SharedPreferences, JSON, XML, Properties, Yaml, CBOR.
Thanks to JetBrains for support Kripton Persistence Library project! Kripton Persistence Library Kripton is a java library, for Android platform, that
Annotation based Android lint check generation
Intervention Annotation based Android lint check generation Generate custom Android lint checks and have lint warn you about code you may be dealing w
Download tool based on kotlin and coroutine.
DownloadX A multi-threaded download tool written with Coroutine and Kotlin Read this in other languages: 中文, English, Changelog Prepare Add jitpack re
Lightweight data loading and caching library for android
ColdStorage A lightweight data loading and caching library for android Quicklinks Feature requests: Got a new requirement? Request it here and it will
Android library that creates app shortcuts from annotations
Shortbread Android library that generates app shortcuts for activities and methods annotated with @Shortcut. No need to touch the manifest, create XML
:syringe: Transfuse - A Dependency Injection and Integration framework for Google Android
Transfuse Transfuse is a Java Dependency Injection (DI) and integration library geared specifically for the Google Android API. There are several key
traffic debugging library for android
TrafficMonitor About Display traffic per Activity.Observing traffic is used by TrafficStats API. OkHttp Interceptor observer is implementing. Demo Bai
A Read-Eval-Print-Loop server for Android and SQLite
Android DebugPort Android DebugPort is a drop-in utility which allows you to write and execute code within your app's context, at runtime, and from th
Android library to record the network calls through the interceptor mechanism of the http clients.
Android Snooper Introduction Android Snooper is a library which helps in debugging issues while running the applications on android devices. One of th
Easier RxJava2 debugging with better stacktraces
Traceur Traceur enables easier debugging of RxJava2 exceptions, by appending the source of any asynchronous calls to the original exception. An exampl
an android library for debugging what we care about directly in app.
EN | 中文 Pandora is a tool box that allows you to inspect and modify what includes networks, databases, UIs, etc. directly in your application. It is s
Sherlock reports any crash that occurs in your application
Sherlock Sherlock reports any crash that occurres in your application as a notification. You just need to initialize Sherlock at the start of your app
In-app feedback and bug reporting tool for apps.
Instabug Android SDK Instabug is an in-app feedback and bug reporting tool for mobile apps. With just a simple shake, your users or beta testers can r
Bugsnag crash monitoring and reporting tool for Android apps
Bugsnag error monitoring & exception reporter for Android Get comprehensive Android crash reports to quickly debug errors. Bugsnag's Android crash rep
Annotation Processing Library. Generates proxy class on top of interface/abstract class, that allows to intercept calls. Also known as a design pattern: proxy, delegate, interceptor.
1. AutoProxy Annotation Processing Library. Generates proxy class on top of interface/abstract class, that allows to intercept calls. Also known as a
Codegeneration tool for isomorphic server and mobile Go apps with gRPC & Protobuf. Share code between your backend, Android & iOS app! :sun_with_face:
Anakin Codegeneration tool for isomorphic server and mobile Go apps with gRPC & Protobuf. Share code between your backend, Android & iOS app! Descript
Annotation Processor for generating Parcelable code
ParcelablePlease An AnnotationProcessor for generating Android Parcelable boilerplate code. See this blog entry for comparison with other parcel libra
Pure Java code generation tool for generating a fully functional ContentProvider for Android.
RoboCoP RoboCoP is a Java library that can generate a fully-functional ContentProvider from a simple JSON schema file. Get the latest version from our
A Java Code Generator for Pojo Builders
PojoBuilder - A Code Generator for Pojo Builders Author: Michael Karneim Project Homepage: http://github.com/mkarneim/pojobuilder About The PojoBuilde
A tool to generate Android ContentProviders.
Android ContentProvider Generator (acpg) A tool to generate Android ContentProviders. It takes a set of entity (a.k.a "table") definitions as the inpu
:package: Android Parcelables made easy through code generation.
Parceler Have a question? Ask it on StackOverflow. Found an issue? Please report it. In Android, Parcelables are a great way to serialize Java Objects
Simple tool which help you to implement activity and fragment transition for pre-Lollipop devices.
PreLollipopTransition Simple tool which help you to implement activity and fragment transition for pre-Lollipop devices. Download In your app build.gr
MaterialDesignColorPalette 4.2 0.0 L3 Java This is a dev tool to visualize the colours of Material design defined on
MaterialDesignColorPalette This is a dev tool to visualize the colours of Material design defined on http://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.htm
A surgical debugging tool to uncover the layers under your app.
Scalpel DEPRECATED! Android Studio 4.0's layout inspector now includes a live-updating 3D view. Use it! A surgical debugging tool to uncover the layer
Easy, asynchronous, annotation-based SOAP for Android
IceSoap IceSoap provides quick, easy, asynchronous access to SOAP web services from Android devices. It allows for SOAP responses to be bound to Java
Annotation-triggered method call logging for your debug builds.
Hugo Annotation-triggered method call logging for your debug builds. As a programmer, you often add log statements to print method calls, their argume
Powerful event-bus optimized for high throughput in multi-threaded applications. Features: Sync and Async event publication, weak/strong references, event filtering, annotation driven
MBassador MBassador is a light-weight, high-performance event bus implementing the publish subscribe pattern. It is designed for ease of use and aims
Fast Android Development. Easy maintainance.
Fast Android Development. Easy maintenance. AndroidAnnotations is an Open Source framework that speeds up Android development. It takes care of the pl
Fast Android Development. Easy maintainance.
Fast Android Development. Easy maintenance. AndroidAnnotations is an Open Source framework that speeds up Android development. It takes care of the pl