123 Repositories
Android bar-chart Libraries
An example of how to extend the ActionBar under the status bar from the theme
Extended ActionBar The problem: Android 4.4 Kitkat introduced a wonderful new opportunity: translucent bars. It's as simple as adding the following to
[] Action bar implementation which uses the native action bar on Android 4.0+ and a custom implementation on pre-4.0 through a single API and theme.
DEPRECATED ActionBarSherlock is deprecated. No more development will be taking place. For an up-to-date action bar backport use AppCompat. Thanks for
Tidy up your Android status bar before taking screenshots for the Play Store
DEPRECATED This project no longer works on recent versions of Android. Use Android's build-in Demo mode instead. For the curious, more information abo
A util for setting status bar style on Android App.
StatusBarUtil A util for setting status bar style on Android App. It can work above API 19(KitKat 4.4). δΈζηηΉζ Sample Download StatusBarUtil-Demo Chang
Snake View is a simple and animated linear chart for Android.
Snake View Snake library is a simple and animation line chart for Android. Latest Version How to use Configuring your project dependencies Add the lib
Android Graph Library for creating zoomable and scrollable line and bar graphs.
Chart and Graph Library for Android Project maintainer wanted! For time reasons I can not continue to maintain GraphView. Contact me if you are intere
Simple star rating system bars, a view similar to the ones seen on Google Playstore. βπβ¨
RatingReviews RatingReviews (Rating and Reviews) is a widget and layout that adds a "Rating & Reviews" bar to your app, similar to the ones seen on Go
Android - a library that adds a glass-like effect to the action bar.
GlassActionBar GlassActionBar is an Android library which implements a glass-like effect for the action bar. The three most commonly used action bar i
Android library implementing a fading effect for the action bar, similar to the one found in the Play Music app
FadingActionBar FadingActionBar is a library which implements the cool fading action bar effect that can be seen in the new Play Music app. This libra
A customizable, animated progress bar that features rounded corners. This Android library is designed to look great and be simple to use π
RoundedProgressBar Easy, Beautiful, Customizeable The RoundedProgressBar library gives you a wide range of customizable options for making progress ba
This is beautiful color arc progress bar.
ColorArcProgressBar δΈζη This is a customizable circular progressbar.It can achieve the effect of the QQ health's arc progress with XML. What's more, w
[Android] Round Corner Progress Bar Library for Android
RoundCornerProgressBar Round corner is cool. Let's make your progress bar to round corner Colorful progress bar with round corner on progress which yo
Android widget for selecting a range of values.
MaterialRangeBar MaterialRangeBar is a fork from https://github.com/edmodo/range-bar that adds some basic material styling, as well as start and end v
Navigation tab bar with colorful interactions.
NavigationTabBar Navigation tab bar with colorful interactions. You can check the sample app here. Warn This library is not more supported. If you wa
Navigation tab strip with smooth interaction.
NavigationTabStrip Navigation tab strip with smooth interaction. You can check the sample app here. Warn This library is not more supported. If you w
A wave view of android,can be used as progress bar.
WaveView  A wave view of android,can be used as progress bar. Screenshot APK demo.apk What can be use
Scale bar for Android Maps (Google Maps, OSM, MapBox, Yandex)
Map Scale View Scale view for any Android Maps SDK (not only Google Maps) Contributing I encourage you to participate in this project. Feel free to op
Material Design Search Bar for Android
Material SearchBar Android Material Design Search Bar for Android This beautiful and easy to use library will help to add Lollipop Material Design Sea
AnyChart Android Chart is an amazing data visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps. It runs on API 19+ (Android 4.4) and features dozens of built-in chart types.
AnyChart for Android AnyChart Android Charts is an amazing data visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps. It runs
Arc Chart View (Draw Creative Statistic Arc Charts)
ArcChartViewDemo You can use this library to draw Arc charts and show your statistics or anything you want or maybe get some ratings from user. you ca
A powerful π Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, panning and animations.
β‘ A powerful & easy to use chart library for Android β‘ Charts is the iOS version of this library Table of Contents Quick Start Gradle Maven Documentat
Charts/graphs library for Android compatible with API 8+, several chart types with support for scaling, scrolling and animations
HelloCharts for Android Charting library for Android compatible with API 8+(Android 2.2). Works best when hardware acceleration is available, so API 1
An Android chart and graph library
EazeGraph EazeGraph is an Android library for creating beautiful and fancy charts. Its main goal was to create a lighweight library which is easy to u