1073 Repositories
Android compose-game Libraries
ComposeChips - A gmail like chip edit text for compose ui
ComposeChips A gmail like chip edit text for compose ui Installation implementat
Pokedex - Pokedex demo application developed using Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack Compose, View Model, Coil, Accompanist, Material Design based on MVVM atchitecture
Pokedex Pokedex demo application developed using Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack Compo
SlackAndroidClone - Slack android clone with Jetpack Compose
SlackAndroidClone - Slack android clone with Jetpack Compose
Lock Screen-Compose - Lock Screen with Jetpack Compose
Lock_Screen-Compose 此專案為Jetpack Compose練習題.
ComposeLoginScreen - A sleek design of a simple login screen using Jetpack Compose
ComposeLoginScreen A sleek design of a simple login screen using Jetpack Compose
Xctvplayer - xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google TV
XCTV Player An awesome Microsoft xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google
Jetpack-compose-animations-examples - Cool animations implemented with Jetpack compose
Jetpack-compose-animations-examples This repository consists of 4 animations: St
MusicX is a music player app made using Jetpack Compose and follows Material 3 guidelines
MusicX MusicX is a music player app made using Jetpack Compose and follows Material 3 guidelines. Application Install You can Install and test latest
A simple note-taking compose desktop project with MVVM, Dagger, Decompose and more
Eton A simple note-taking compose desktop project with MVVM, Dagger, Decompose and more ✨ Demo eton-desktop.mp4 What's included? Architecture (MVVM) w
An application which emulates the android chain reaction game on PC.
chain_reaction_desktop An application which emulates the android chain reaction game on PC. Built using JAVA, GUI built with SWING. Download the CHAIN
Butterfly - Butterfly helps to build adaptive and responsive UIs for Android with Jetpack WindowManager
🦋 Butterfly helps to build adaptive and responsive UIs for Android with Jetpack
Faradle - Wordle made in Jetpack Compose
Faradle The famous Wordle game created with Jetpack Compose The logic is fully u
List-programminglanguage-compose - Simple implementation of a list of programming languages using LazyColumn and Coil in Jetpack Compose
Lista - Lenguajes de programación - Jetpack Compose Screenshots 📱 Referencias ?
ComposeCreditCardView - Jetpack Compose Credit Card View Library
ComposeCreditCardView Jetpack Compose Credit Card View Library Screenshots 📷
Kotlin port of my Unity TileRPG game
TileRPG Kotlin port of my Unity TileRPG game A libGDX project generated with gdx-liftoff. This project was generated with a Kotlin project template th
TicTacToe Game App For Android
TicTacToe App Android Tic-tac-toe, noughts and crosses, or Xs and Os is a paper-
Kalendar - A calendar to integrate Calendar with Custom design in your jetpack compose project
Kalendar - An Elementary Compose Calendar. This is a calendar to integrate Calen
Wordle-solver - This application supports in finding the correct answer to the daily word puzzle game Wordle
Wordle-solver - This application supports in finding the correct answer to the daily word puzzle game Wordle
SpotifyCompose - Spotify UI written on Jetpack Compose
SpotifyCompose - Spotify UI written on Jetpack Compose
Tapping-Game - Following the random instruction one has to tap the correct ball or balloon with correct text on it
Tapping-Game A simple game where a player has to follow the random instruction a
Compose-Instagram-Profile-UI - Instagram profile screen UI using android jetpack compose
Compose-Intsgram-Profile-UI Instagram profile screen UI using android jetpack co
Minetest is an open source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation
Minetest Minetest is a free open-source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation. Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Perttu Ahola celeron55@gmail.co
[Android] Simple Solitaire game collection
Contact address: tobias.bielefeld [at] gmail.com Help translating here: Now contains 17 different Solitaire games! AcesUp, Calculation, Canfield, Fort
Note-app - A sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development
Note-app - A sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development
GlassmorphismOnCompose - An attempt on Glassmorphism using Jetpack Compose
GlassmorphismOnCompose An attempt on Glassmorphism using Jetpack Compose.
ToDo-Task-App - An Android App built to demonstrate the use of Jetpack Compose, Material You, Room Database, and MVVM
ToDo Task App ToDo Task App is a sample Android app built with Jetpack Compose.
Android Sample Kotlin+ MVI + Jetpack compose + Coroutines + Retrofit + Hilt + Room + Navigation component
MVIComposeSample Android Sample app to show user latest movies implementing MVI + Clean Architecture using kotlin & Jetpack compose following solid an
Split Food Bill is an android application where user can split the expenses based on the number of people joined the trip. This application is developed using Android's Jetpack Compose
SplitFoodBill-Compose Split Food Bill is an android application where user can split the expenses based on the number of people joined the trip. This
WordGuess - A portuguese game inspired in the world fever wordle game
WordGuess WordGuess is a portuguese game inspired in the world fever wordle game
Fake Toss Design System with Jetpack Compose
FTDS Fake Toss Design System Let's clone TDS with Jetpack Compose! TDS의 모든 면을 따라
A small game using Fleks Entity Component System.
Dinoleon TBD Credits Arks: Dino Sprites Szadi art: Platformer Fantasy Free Package craftpix.net: Jungle Cartoon GUI Soup of Justice Font cooltext.com
🏞 Wallpaper app made with Jetpack Compose
WallUp ⛰ Wallpaper finder and downloader app Demonstrate the Jetpack Compose UI using Unsplash API Made with ❤️ by Enes UI Design 🎨 Thanks to Rian Ha
A simple game that was developed using Kotlin
TruthOrDare About the App: A simple Android game that reminds you of your childhood . How to use? 1 - Clone or download the Project to your machine. 2
Pokemon App is a sample Pokemon application based on MVVM architecture.
Pokemon App Pokemon App is an Application based on Modern Android tech-stacks and MVVM Architecture. Techs Used 💻 100% Kotlin based Coroutines + Flow
A form validation library for android jetpack compose
A form validation library for android jetpack compose
SSJetpackComposeSwipeableView is a small library which provides support for the swipeable views
SSJetpackComposeSwipeableView is a small library which provides support for the swipeable views. You can use this in your lazyColumns or can add a simple view which contains swipe to edit/delete functionality.
Flexible Chat Row and Resizable SubcomposeLayout
Flexible chat row written with Jetpack Compose that positions message and message status based on number of message lines, message width and parent width. And resizeble Sucomposelayout that remasures sibling composables to match their widths' to longest composable. This is for matching quote and message width to each other.
"Gooey-Effect" for android-compose
Gooey effect for android-compose "Gooey" is a library made to use "gooey-effect" that exists as a CSS trick in android-compose. Download repositories
Kotlin multi-platform application navigation library.
navigation Kotlin multi-platform application navigation library. Supports Jetpack Compose. val navigator = rememberNavigatorByKey("Greeting") { key -
Beautiful progress bar with segments. Highly customizable. Fully written with Jetpack Compose
🚥 SegmentedProgressBar 🚥 Beautiful progress bar split into several segments. Highly customizable. Fully written with Jetpack Compose. Why this libra
Composeyurdu, Jetpack Compose ile yazılmış Kitapyurdu klonudur.
Composeyurdu Composeyurdu is a clone of the Kitapyurdu application written in Jetpack Compose. Tech stack Jetpack Compose MVVM Navigation DI Retrofit
Wordle is an interesting game. Let's solve it!
wordle Wordle is an interesting game. Let's solve it! Algorithm The algorithm is simple: On the first attempt, guess the highest ranked word in the di
Simple Note App Created with Jetpack Compose for Android
JetNote An app created to learn how to use Jetpack compose. This app uses the MVVM pattern. JetNote allows the user to create new notes and remove the
Compose-Thoughts - Application For Poet Writers and Authors
Compose-Thoughts Get it on playstore A Jetpack Compose Poem writing application
Jetpack-linear-chart - A simple way to draw linear chart using Jetpack Compose
jetpack-linear-chart A simple way to draw linear chart using Jetpack Compose We
JetCalendarView - A calendar library for Jetpack Compose
JetCalendar WIP 2022 Hit Refresh! Calendar view ❤️ Jetpack Compose License Copyr
Full Management is an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries, and MVVM design pattern.
Full Management is an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries, and MVVM design pattern.
ComposeTextBug - Issue with MotionLayout+Compose in Text functionality
ComposeTextBug Issue with MotionLayout+Compose in Text functionality Demo: devic
Bottom-App-Bar-with-Bottom-Navigation-in-Jetpack-compose-Android - Bottom App Bar with Bottom Navigation in Jetpack compose
Bottom-App-Bar-with-Bottom-Navigation-in-Jetpack-compose-Android This is simple
LittleKt - An OpenGL game framework written in Kotlin
LittleKt - A 2D game framework written in Kotlin Currently in development. Littl
Premo helps to implement the presentation layer and share it on Android, iOS, Desktop and Web.
Premo Premo is a Kotlin Multiplatform library that helps you implement the Presentation Layer and share it on Android, iOS, Desktop and Web. Focus on
Antimine is an open source minesweeper-like puzzle game.
Antimine is a minesweeper-like puzzle game. The objective is to flag the spaces with mines to make the field a safer place without exploding any of them.
A simple adversarial game
cantstoptherock A casual game collection / engine. Drop balloons onto the play field, usually. Try and stop the rock from rolling on through your ball
Online Multiplayer Android Board Game
ClonesOnline ClonesOnline is an online multiplayer Android board game. It was developed oryginally as an university project, but eventually after many
Firebase Android client of the a multi device game
Warning: This project is unmaintained and uses a deprecated SDK. You should use the new Firebase Android SDK for your project. Cloud Cup Android clien
Multiplayer party game where you can throw pies at your friends.
Pie Noon {#pie_noon_readme} Pie Noon Version 1.2.0 Pie Noon is a simple multiplayer party game where you can throw pies at your friends. Motivation Pi
Provably fair dice game running on the Ethereum blockchain
EtherollApp Provably fair dice game running on the Ethereum blockchain. Built with Python, Kivy and love. Closed down The upstream project/smart-contr
Party icebreaker game based on the Google Nearby API
Friend Spell Party icebreaker game based on the Google Nearby API https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sqisland.friendspell Credentials A
Old-school 3D shooter for android. Wolf-like engine, but *not* raycasting.
Gloomy Dungeons 2 is also opensourced! Check it out - https://github.com/restorer/gloomy-dungeons-2 What is it? It is old-school 3d shooter, indie gam
Gloomy Dungeons II - a continuation of old-school 3d-shooter.
Gloomy Dungeons II Gloomy Dungeons II is a continuation of old–school 3d–shooter (Gloomy Dungeons 3D) in the style of Doom and Wolfenstein. Second par
A Material Design styled Game of Life for Android
Material Life Conway's Game of Life meets Material design in an Android exclusive experience Building is easy, just do ./gradlew clean life and it wil
Simple and beautiful memory game for kids
Memory Game We just wanted a simple memory game for kids 4+ age. No ads, no complicated screens, but a straightforward nice looking, working and open
The automation tower defense game
A sandbox tower defense game written in Java. Trello Board Wiki Javadoc Contributing See CONTRIBUTING. Building Bleeding-edge builds are generated aut
A simple plane game in android.
Android PlaneGame This is a demo of plane game. Demo 豌豆荚下载:http://www.wandoujia.com/apps/edu.njupt.zhb.planegame Demo Pic Usage Step 0 Eclipse + ADT g
Flood fill puzzle game for Android
Open Flood A flood fill puzzle game for Android. Gameplay You start in the upper left hand corner of the board. Tap the colored buttons along the bott
Traditional roguelike game with pixel-art graphics and simple interface
Pixel Dungeon Traditional roguelike game with pixel-art graphics and simple interface. Pixel Dungeon on GooglePlay: https://play.google.com/store/apps
SOPA is an android puzzle game.
Sopa Download in play store. Overview Gamemodes Development License Overview SOPA is an android puzzle game. The game consists of an field which has 1
A LibGDX and Kotlin Mobile Game Example
Splinter Sweets - A LibGDX and Kotlin Mobile Game Example This is an example of building a mobile game app using the libGDX game development framework
Jetpack-Compose-Demo - Instagram Profile UI using Jetpack Compose
Jetpack-Compose-Demo Instagram Profile UI using Jetpack Compose
JetCam - Add camera capability to app built with Jetpack Compose
JetCam Add camera capability to your app with just a single method - JetCam To g
Special-waddle - MiniGDX Game Template With Kotlin
MiniGDX Game Template Create your first game using miniGDX by clicking the "Use
ComposeSwipeToReveal - A compose solution for adding swipe to reveal to a list
ComposeSwipeToReveal A compose solution for adding swipe to reveal to a list. A
Lambda-snake.kt - Snake Game Implementation for Web using Kotlin programming language compiled for Javascript
Projeto da disciplina de Linguagem de Programação Funcional 2021.1 (jan/2022) 📄
Project-applocker - A concept app that uses Jetpack Security to encrypt user data such as text files or images using Encrypted Shared Preferences
SecureBox A concept app that uses Jetpack Security to encrypt user data such as
Wordle game clone written in Kotlin & using Compose UI Toolkit.
Wordle Compose Wordle game clone written in Kotlin & using Compose UI Toolkit. Screenshots Compose for Desktop Main screens Playing Victory End of gam
This is a sample app(For beginners - App #2) built using Jetpack Compose. It demonstrates the concept of State Hoisting in Jetpack Compose.
JetBMICalculator This is a sample app(For beginners - App #2) built using Jetpack Compose. It demonstrates the concept of State Hoisting in Jetpack Co
Android Game App made with kotlin. Allows to play online on the same network!
Reversi - Kotlin/Android Project made for Arquiteturas Móveis at ISEC 2021/2022 Notes Build gradle to run app or install the 'reversi.apk' directly on
Android app that allows you to draw anything and turn it into a jigsaw puzzle.
Android-Jigsaw-Puzzle Like to draw? Like to solve jigsaw puzzles? Try JigDraw! This is an Android app where a user draws something and use it to gener
Clouddy - Weather App Built with Jetpack Compose
Clouddy - Weather App Daily Weather Forecast App built with Jetpack Compose View
Simple 2D platform game.
FloreProject Simple 2D platform game. Supported platforms OS Support Android ❌ Not playable Windows ✅ Full support Linux ✅ Full support MacOS ✅ Full s
This is a sample app(For beginners - App #1) built using Jetpack Compose
This is a sample app(For beginners - App #1) built using Jetpack Compose. It is a simple - single screen app to demonstrate use of basic Jetpack Compose UI elements like Text, Image and Button & LazyColumn (Vertical Recyclerview). It also demonstrates how compose manages state with a Boolean State.
Fifteen is a puzzle game created using Jetpack Compose for Android.
Fifteen / Jetpack Compose Fifteen is a puzzle game created using Jetpack Compose for Android. The goal of the game is to arrange the knuckles in ascen
JetStrap - Ready-Made Jetpack Compose Components
JetStrap Ready-Made Jetpack Compose Components Installation implementation "com.
SMBClone - SMD clone custom game engine. (Desktop + Android)
SMBClone Simple crossplatform game engine for like SMB game! Supported platforms
Rick-and-morty - Rick and Morty app using Jetpack Compose
Rick and Morty Rick and Morty app using rickandmortyapi.com Current Screens: Cha
Android -MVVM-Jetpack Compose-Kotlin Flows-Dagger Hilt-Retrofilt2-Coil
android-mvvm-jetpack-compose-kotlin-flows Android -MVVM-Jetpack Compose-Kotlin Flows-Dagger Hilt-Retrofilt2-Coil A sample project that presents a mode
A group of exercise projects implementing different areas of native Android development with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose.
A group of exercise projects implementing different areas of native Android development with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. Can help anyone who is just starting to learn Android development with Kotlin.
SSJetPackComposeProgressButton is an elegant button with a different loading animations. 🚀
SSJetPackComposeProgressButton SSJetPackComposeProgressButton is an elegant button with a different loading animations which makes your app attractive
A collaborative list of awesome jetpack compose resources.
Awesome Jetpack compose A collaborative list of awesome jetpack compose resources. Featured in Content Official Documentation Conference talks Article
Community-driven collection of Jetpack Compose example code and tutorials
Jetpack Compose Playground Introduction 🙋♂️ This is an Jetpack Compose example project. I'm collecting a bunch of sample codes for Jetpack Compose.
Playground project for the Jetpack Compose APIs
Compose Academy Playground is a free resource that provides snippets and practical samples on how to use Jetpack Compose for the Android platform. The
🚀 This project contains various examples that show how you would do things the "Jetpack Compose" way
Learn Jetpack Compose By Example Over the course of the last few years Android development has gone through significant changes in how we structure ou
👓 A continuously updated list of learning Jetpack Compose for Android apps.
Awesome Jetpack Compose Learning Resources 👓 A continuously updated list of learning Jetpack Compose for Android apps. Awesome Jetpack Compose Learni
👓 A curated list of awesome android learning resources for android app developers.
Awesome Android Learning Resources 👓 A curated list of awesome android learning resources for android app developers. Awesome Android Learning Resour
KMonitor - Compose Multiplatform application to fetch data provided by MSI Afterburner and broadcast them to your local network
kMonitor: Your pc stats over the network What is this? A small desktop companion
Kapture - A small library for Jetpack Compose to capture Composable content to Android Bitmap
kapture A small utility library for Jetpack Compose to capture Composable conten
Me as a Kotlin Multiplatform composition
Me Please note, this is not an official Google repository. It is a Kotlin multip