457 Repositories
Android databinding-coroutines Libraries
Book selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel)
Book selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel), LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav), ViewPager2 in TabLayout, SearchView, Vertical Adapter(BestSellers) and Horizontal Adapter(All Books) with ConcatAdapter for Main Screen, Firebase Auth, SearchView in Adapter, Picasso, Lottie, Animated Svg for Splash
App built using Kotlin, Dagger Hilt, Room Database, Coroutines, Flow, AndroidX Glance, WorkManager, Coil etc.
An article sharing platform where you can personalize, subscribe to your favorite topics, get daily-read reminders, etc. App built using Kotlin, Dagger Hilt, Room Database, Coroutines, Flow, AndroidX Glance, WorkManager, Coil etc.
A complete app that demonstrate how to build an Android application using the Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture approach
📷 Blog taking application utilizing Ktor REST-API and following modern practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, Flows, Channels, Room, Work Manager, Navigation Component, MVI, Clean Architecture, Modularization, Dagger Hilt, Tests...
In this project, I tried to understand and implement the architecture suggested by Android.
Shopping App Bu projede, Android'in önerdiği modern mimariyi anlamaya ve uygulamaya çalıştım. Projede kullandığım teknolojiler, Room Retrofit Coroutin
Project to implement the Apple Card App UI and Animations using Jetpack Compose
Project to implement the Apple Card App UI and Animations using Jetpack Compose
KVMapper: A Key-Value Mapper app for MacOS, created with Kotlin and Compose Desktop
KVMapper is an application to convert key-value pairs from one format to another. About This app was purely written in Kotlin and compiled fo
Simple Notes app demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.
Simple Notes app demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.
Quizzify - Play unlimited quizzes with your friends for free🔥.
Quizzify - Play unlimited quizzes with your friends for free🔥. Quizzify is built using Kotlin and follows all modern android Development practices and hence is a good learning resource for beginners
A secure, opensource android app to store your bank accounts, cards, and credentials. Locally and securely.
Digital Tijori 🔒 Digital Tijori app lets you store your bank accounts, cards and credentials. You can link cards and credentials to a particular bank
Partial port of https://github.com/davemorrissey/subsampling-scale-image-view library to Jetpack Compose.
ComposeSubsamplingScaleImage Early preview (expect bugs) dependencies { implementation 'com.github.K1rakishou:ComposeSubsamplingScaleImage:fab4ae38c
A library for auto removing background from your photos.
This is an android library for removing background from the image. You have to give the bitmap of the image to this library and the library will retur
Android view data binding made simple!
DataBinding Android view data binding made simple! A more user friendly docu is coming! This library doesn't use any external library, so it's light w
GithubUserApps is an application that can Search and Displaying the details of a User github
GithubUserApps is an application that can Search and Displaying the details of a User github. this apps is written in Kotlin with MVVM Architecture, RXJava3, Kotlin Coroutines, ROOM Database, Retrofit, and Data Store Preferences to saving the Dark/Light Theme Key-Value.
PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack
PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack. Repository also has loca
FlowExt is a Kotlin Multiplatform library, that provides many operators and extensions to Kotlin Coroutines Flow
FlowExt | Kotlinx Coroutines Flow Extensions | Kotlinx Coroutines Flow Extensions. Extensions to the Kotlin Flow library | kotlin-flow-extensions | Coroutines Flow Extensions | Kotlin Flow extensions | kotlin flow extensions | Flow extensions
Simple Login using firebase and compose views
SimpleLogin Project name: SimpleLogin Android Develop in android over MVVM, Kotlin, Compose. Package Structure com.anelcc.SimpleLogin # Root Pack
Handle various HTTP status code by safe api call with Result sealed class
retrofit2-safe-api-call Handle various HTTP status code by safe api call with Result sealed class Library Retrofit2 OkHttp3 Gson Coroutine DI : Koin V
A simple, classic Kotlin MVI implementation based on coroutines with Android support, clean DSL and easy to understand logic
A simple, classic Kotlin MVI implementation based on coroutines with Android support, clean DSL and easy to understand logic
📦 RoomAccounting app - a simple invoice accouting application 📦
RoomAccounting RoomAccounting app is a simple invoice accouting application. Based on local database with the CRUD operation. Architecture 📐 Project
🛥 Stream Draw - a real-time multiplayer drawing & chat game app built entirely with Jetpack Compose
🛥 Stream Draw is a real-time multiplayer drawing & chat game app built entirely with Jetpack Compose. Draw and guess words with your friends! This pr
☀️ 🌤 Sample weather app with Retrofit, Hilt and Coroutines ☀️ 🌤
WeatherAppsX app is a sample networking app showing weather forecast of the current day and the average forecast for the next four days.
Note taking app using MVVM architecture with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack
Note taking app using MVVM architecture with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel,Paging3).
GitHub application fetches events, repositories and profile using GitHub APIs
GitHub application using GitHub REST API Dagger MVVM architecture Mockk Jetpack Compose Kotlin Coroutines Application pages Attention If you want to u
📱 Android client app for the AryKey 🔑
Android application that prepares an hardware device via USB serial port with a specific password generated deterministically based on three (3) inputs: the App we want to Unlock, the User ID used for login (typically an email address) and the PIN (6 numeric digits) we want to associate with previous inputs.
An app showing all details for various Lenovo Thinkpad models. Made to try out Jepack Compose for Android.
An app showing all details for various Lenovo Thinkpad models. Made to try out Jepack Compose for Android. This repo is a Mutliplatform version of the initial Thinkrchive which was Android-centric
Movie Android App written in Kotlin, MVVM, Clean Architechture, Modularized, Coroutines, Android Architecture Components and Hilt
Movie Android App written in Kotlin, MVVM, Clean Architechture, Modularized, Coroutines, Android Architecture Components and Hilt.
A small backend for the Thinkrchive app written in Kotlin with Ktor
A small backend for the Thinkrchive app written in Kotlin with Ktor. It uses Postgresql with a few requests and JWT authentication for admins.
Android app inspired by NASA APOD Api
MVVM - Clean Architecture - Kotlin - Retrofit - Room - Dagger Hilt - Coroutines - Flow - Coil - Navigation Component
Android MVVM with Single Activity sample app that uses kotlin coroutines flow
Android MVVM with Single Activity sample app that uses kotlin coroutines flow. This is a sample app that uses kotlin coroutines flow , stateflow. This
🏛 ThinkRchive Light Dark An app showing all details for various Lenovo Thinkpad models.
🏛 ThinkRchive Light Dark An app showing all details for various Lenovo Thinkpad models. Made to try out Jepack Compose for Android. This repo is a Mu
Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cached data by Room
Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cached data by Room
A minimalistic Android application Built with MVVM
A minimalistic Android application Built with MVVM (Retrofit , DataBinding , Coroutine , Mockwebserver , Truth and many more ...)
Github Repo Search Android App
Github Repo Search Android App Modular android app for searching trending Github repositories and the details of each repository.
It is far easier to design a class to be thread-safe than to retrofit it for thread safety later
"It is far easier to design a class to be thread-safe than to retrofit it for thread safety later." (Brian Goetz - Java concurrency: Publisher: Addiso
Flippable - A Jetpack Compose utility library to create flipping Composable views with 2 sides
💳 Flippable A Jetpack Compose utility library to create flipping Composable views with 2 sides. Built with ❤︎ by Wajahat Karim and contributors Demo
A demo project showcasing different exercises + details with prepopulated data from room. Includes tests
README Pre-requisites I used Android Studio Bumblebee (2021.1.1). In case of any issues, do let me know because I understand that issues might vary fo
A sample demo app which has Clean Architecture with MVVM , UI built with Jetpack Compose
A sample demo app (two screen todo list app) which has Clean Architecture with MVVM , UI built with Jetpack Compose and includes Modern Android Development Best Practices with components
Simple Todo list API using Spring-Boot, Webflux, Kotlin, Coroutines, & PostgreSQL
Simple Todo list API using Spring-Boot, Webflux, Kotlin, Coroutines, & PostgreSQL
API-Request - Android app that makes API Request
API-Request Android project using Retrofit and Ktor for Http Requests, built wit
Navigation-Compose - A sample to showcase Kotlin, MVVM, Hilt, Coroutines, StateFlow, Jetpack compose
Navigation-Compose A sample to showcase Kotlin, MVVM, Hilt, Coroutines, StateFlo
TimeTrackerApp Android - Time Tracker App developed in kotlin
Time Tracker App (Android) It is a simple android app developed in kotlin progra
Accounting-App - An Android app built with Kotlin, Material, Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Room, Coroutines, Data-Store, MVVM-Clean Architecture and JUnit tests
Accounting App An Android app built with Kotlin, Material, Jetpack Compose, Hilt
Kotlin-phoenix - A set of tools aimed to bridge Phoenix with the Kotlin Multiplatform world
Kotlin Phoenix This project is aimed to allow developers to work with Phoenix Ch
UserLoc - A API call using Retrofit to obtain list of users details and show on UI in recycler view and google map
UserLoc This uses a API call using Retrofit to obtain list of users details and
SpyApp - The application launches dex files downloaded from the server
SpyApp The application downloads a dex file, which is then dynamically launched,
WallPaperApplication - An android wallpaper app which displays images
WallPaperApp App description An android wallpaper App which displayes free image
Flowbius provides interoperability extensions for using Kotlin Flows with Mobius
Flowbius Flowbius provides interoperability extensions for using Kotlin Flows with Mobius. They allow conversion from Flows to Mobius types and vice v
Recycler-coroutines - RecyclerView Auto Add Data Using Coroutines
Sample RecyclerView Auto Add With Coroutine Colaborator Very open to anyone, I'l
Viewmodel-lifecycle - ViewModel Lifecycle allows you to track and observe Jetpack ViewModel's lifecycle changes
ViewModel Lifecycle 🌳 ViewModel Lifecycle allows you to track and observe Jetpa
ViewModel-Lifecycle - ViewModel Lifecycle allows you to track and observe Jetpack ViewModel's lifecycle changes
ViewModel Lifecycle 🌳 ViewModel Lifecycle allows you to track and observe Jetpa
Notemarks-app - An application that functions to take notes, there is a priority label to categorize which priority is more important
Notemarks-app Notemarks is an application that functions to take notes, there is
NY Times - New app built using MVVM and Hilt
NYTimes A simple app to hit the NY Times Most Popular Articles API and show a li
Pokedex - Pokedex demo application developed using Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack Compose, View Model, Coil, Accompanist, Material Design based on MVVM atchitecture
Pokedex Pokedex demo application developed using Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack Compo
MusicX is a music player app made using Jetpack Compose and follows Material 3 guidelines
MusicX MusicX is a music player app made using Jetpack Compose and follows Material 3 guidelines. Application Install You can Install and test latest
Basic-MVVM-Example - Basic Android Application MVVM
Android's MVVM Architecture in Kotlin Why a simple app ? Because it's easier to
Rick-and-morty-app - Android mobile application development with clean architecture
Android - Rick And Morty App MVVM architecture Dependency Injection (Dagger) Ret
RickAndMortyApp - Rick and morty, app about characters information
Rick And Morty App 🇧🇷 Aplicativo com tema do Rick and Morty, interatividade co
📝 A demo todo/notes app which demonstrates the use of MVVM architecture, Navigation Component Library, Room Database, LiveData, Coroutines
📝 MyNotes A demo notes/todo app which demonstrates the use of MVVM architecture, Navigation Component Library, Room Database, LiveData, Coroutines et
Note-app - A sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development
Note-app - A sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development
Android Sample Kotlin+ MVI + Jetpack compose + Coroutines + Retrofit + Hilt + Room + Navigation component
MVIComposeSample Android Sample app to show user latest movies implementing MVI + Clean Architecture using kotlin & Jetpack compose following solid an
A simple ToDo Task Manager App made in Kotlin using Room DataBase.
ToDo List App 🌟 About A simple To-Do List Management App that helps you get things done. Built with Kotlin, it helps the user to add their task. User
Dice 🎲 is a simple, intuitive, minimalistic and ad-free dice-roll application
Dice 🎲 Dice 🎲 is a simple, intuitive, minimalistic and ad-free dice-roll application 📱 with which you can play your favourite board games, built to
Pick any of your favorite github repository and create a mini android app showing its details on an android app.
Github Browser Pick any of your favorite github repository and create a mini android app showing its details on an android app. Screens navigation gra
Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 6.1 Room
TrackMySleepQuality - Starter Code Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 6.1 Room Introduction TrackMySleepQuality is an app for record
An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Pixabay API to display images and their details.
AdanianAndroidTest An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Pixabay API to display images and their details. It has been built following Clean
🚀 Sample Android Clean Architecture on Rorty App focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
Android Clean Architecture Android Clean Architecture in Rorty is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android application development u
EplFootball - Android application displaying EPL teams and their players using MVVM, Coroutines, Flow, Live Data, Retrofit, View Binding, Data Binding, Hilt e.t.c
This application shows every EPL team and their players. Built using modern andr
Katbox - Kotlin wrapper for catbox.moe and litterbox.catbox.moe
katbox katbox is a Kotlin multiplatform wrapper written with ktor and coroutines
MiHawk 🦅👁️ is simple and secure 🔒 Android Library to store and retrieve pair of key-value data with encryption , internally it use jetpack DataStore Preferences 💽 to store data.
MiHawk MiHawk 🦅 👁️ is simple and secure 🔒 Android Library to store and retrieve pair of key-value data with encryption , internally it use jetpack
Full Management is an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries, and MVVM design pattern.
Full Management is an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries, and MVVM design pattern.
Movies App by MVVM, Coroutines, Retrofit,, Navigation Component, ExoPlayer, Coil and Firebase
Show-Time Movies App by MVVM, Coroutines, Retrofit, Navigation Component, ExoPlayer, Coil and Firebase Screens Home Movies Details Movies List Person
KirinApp - Schedule, Picture Sharing App
Kirin App 일정 및 사진 공유 앱 Android Room Android DB API. 공식가이드 참고 Navigation Componen
A simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android.
Convalida Convalida - (Italian for "validation") Convalida is a simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android. Documentation G
LiveStream is a simple class which makes communication easy among different modules of your application.
LiveStream-Kt (Android) 📱 LiveStream is a data holder class which can observe change of data in real-time and emit values too. Unlike other observabl
Sample application to demonstrate Multi-module Clean MVVM Architecture and usage of Android Hilt, Kotlin Flow, Navigation Graph, Unit tests etc.
MoneyHeist-Chars Sample application to demonstrate Multi-module Clean MVVM Architecture and usage of Android Hilt, Kotlin Flow, Navigation Graph, Room
Android News App built in kotlin with implementation of MVVM architecture, android navigation components and retrofit. Displays news to users allowing them to share and save news.
News-App Android news app built in kotlin that fetches news data from news api with Retrofit and displays news to users. This App follow MVVM architec
Wallpaper is a Wallpaper and ringtone Application which allows user to set and download Wallpaper or ringtone.
Wallpaper Wallpaper is a Wallpaper and ringtone Application which allows user to set and download Wallpaper or ringtone. Account Activity Home Fragmen
An android application for creating a journal for subjects you studied and also you can set timer for break.
Study Journal An android application for creating a journal for subjects you studied and also you can set timer for break between two consecutive subj
👓 A continuously updated list of learning Jetpack Compose for Android apps.
Awesome Jetpack Compose Learning Resources 👓 A continuously updated list of learning Jetpack Compose for Android apps. Awesome Jetpack Compose Learni
👓 A curated list of awesome android learning resources for android app developers.
Awesome Android Learning Resources 👓 A curated list of awesome android learning resources for android app developers. Awesome Android Learning Resour
Shuttle provides a modern, guarded way to pass large Serializable objects with Intents or saving them in Bundle objects to avoid app crashes from TransactionTooLargeExceptions.
Shuttle Shuttle provides a modern, guarded way to pass large Serializable objects with Intent objects or saving them in Bundle objects to avoid app cr
Sample of Data Binding with MVVM + Clean Architecture.
Data Binding in Android Databinding is a support library provided by android to bind your UI components directly to the data source like ViewModel. In
Android-livedata-validation - DataBinding ViewModel form validation library for Android ♻
Support/Features Supports TextView, EditText, AppCompatEditText, TextInputEditText, TextInputLayout and CheckBox Combine different types of error mess
Kuantify - Mirror of Gitlab Repository
Kuantify Kuantify is usable in its current state but it's in a very early pre-alpha stage of development. Some things will not work and you should exp
CoroutinesPermission - Android Library for easy permission management using Coroutines
CoroutinesPermission Android library Android Library for easy permission management Install Gradle Add the JitPack repository to your project level bu
Compose-actors - Android app built with jetpack compose follows new revamped guide to app architecture
Compose Actors 💃 Inspired from JetCaster JetNews JetSnack More compose content
AndroidArchitecture - An Implementation of Google Recommended New Android Architecture with Kotlin
Android Architecture An Implementation of Google Recommended New Android Archite
EkarAssignment - Ekar Assignment for Mobile Engineers
EkarAssignment Ekar Assignment for Mobile Engineers UI App consist of 3 differen
FullMangement - an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries, and MVVM design pattern.
Full Management is an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries and MVVM design pattern.
Application to allow user to search his favourite repositories from Github.
Github Search Repositories App details: The application contain one screen with a search field and list of repositories. After the user inputs, the se
Λrrow is a library for Typed Functional Programming in Kotlin.
Λrrow is a library for Typed Functional Programming in Kotlin. Arrow aims to provide a lingua franca of interfaces and abstractions across Kotlin libr
PubSub - 使用 Kotlin Coroutines 实现的 Local Pub/Sub、Event Bus、Message Bus
PubSub 使用 Kotlin Coroutines 实现的 Local Pub/Sub、Event Bus、Message Bus 下载 将它添加到项目的
Android App Module - Activity Result Contracts
Activity Result Contract with async & await (Asynchronous) - Android App Module App Features Activity Result Contract : ActivityResultContracts Permis
Kotlin extensions for the libGDX game framework
Kotlin extensions for libGDX. Introduction KTX is a Kotlin game framework built on libGDX. It aims to make libGDX as Kotlin-friendly as possible witho
KorGE Game Engine. Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine
KorGE Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine Support korge If you like korge, or want your company logo here, please consider becoming a patreon sponsor ★,
gRPC Kotlin Coroutines, Protobuf DSL, Scripting for Protoc
gRPC Kotlin Coroutines, Protobuf DSL, Scripting for Protoc Community Contributions are Welcomed ℹ️ | Docs are being expanded and moved to Readme.io Qu
Workout Journal is a mobile app based on Multi-Module and Clean Architecture for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period.
Workout-Journal Workout Journal is a mobile app for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period. The app allows you to
Easily build reactive web-apps in Kotlin based on flows and coroutines.
fritz2 is an extremely lightweight, well-performing, independent library to build reactive web apps in Kotlin heavily depending on coroutines and flow
Vert.x for Kotlin
Vert.x for Kotlin This is the repository for Kotlin language support for Vert.x 3. The following modules are available in this project: vertx-lang-kot
Korio: Kotlin cORoutines I/O : Virtual File System + Async/Sync Streams + Async TCP Client/Server + WebSockets for Multiplatform Kotlin 1.3
Korio Kotlin I/O : Streams + TCP Client/Server + VFS for Multiplatform Kotlin Full Documentation: https://korlibs.soywiz.com/korio/ Use with gradle: r