769 Repositories
Android google-location-api Libraries
Tv-Movie - Android application Tv&Movie that uses TMDB API
Tv&Movie This is an android application that shows lists of popular movies, popu
WeatherInfo - A simple weather forecast app Using OpenWeatherMap API to fetch current weather and next 38 hour forecast weather data
WeatherInfo WeatherInfo is a simple weather forecast app Using OpenWeatherMap AP
Foldable-chat-android - Foldable chat Android demonstrates adaptive and responsive UIs with Jetpack WindowManager API
Foldable Chat Android A foldable chat Android demonstrates adaptive and responsi
An app for developers which contains more than 2.4k+ resources , with 1.2k+ free public API documentation
ResourceUp We often spend a lot of time finding good resources to get started with our project right? ResourceUp aims to provide all useful resources
An easy-to-use CSML API Client for Android.
CSML Android SDK An easy-to-use CSML API Client for Android. Overview CSML (Conversational Standard Meta Language) is an Open-Source, Domain-Specific
WeatherAndroidApplication - An Android Application, it will check the weather in the USA using Zip Code
WeatherAndroidApplication This is an Android Application, It will check the weat
Weather-app - Making Weather application using retrofit from api
weather-app Motivasyon Hava Durumu uygulamasını api'den retrofit kullanarak yapm
API-Annotate - Single annotation to mark API elements
API-Annotate A single annotation for annotating externally-consumed elements in
Login-and-Signup - Simple Login-and-Signup with authentication using Firebase API
Simple Login-and-Signup with authentication using Firebase API. Log in Sign Up
Joker-App - List application tha make requests to a Chuck Norris Api
Joker App About • Technologies • Features • Author • License 📚 About the Projec
Tmdb - An Android app which displays data from The Movie Database API
TMDB - The Movie Database This is my first android app! This project is an Andro
CoroutinesFlow and ViewModel Retrofit API - Practice with CoroutinesFlow, ViewModel and Retrofit API
Practice with Coroutines Flow, ViewModel and get data with Retrofit from two API
All-money-converter-app - A currency converter App built a free Currency API Dependency injection
This a currency converter App built a free Currency API Dependency injection . T
Extracts thousands of chess games
Chess Games Extractor Extracts chess games to a file. The main goal is presentin
LirandAPI - Advanced Kotlin API for Spigot
Lirand API Lirand API allows you to develop Spigot plugins faster, easier and mo
Location-reminders - A Todo list app with location reminders that remind the user to do something when he reaches a specific location
Location Reminder A Todo list app with location reminders that remind the user t
Location-permission-handler - Location Permission Handler For Android
Location Permission Handler Easy way to check location permissions for Android 9
Aurora Store: A Google Playstore Client
Aurora Store: A Google Playstore Client Aurora Store is an unofficial, FOSS clie
Kotlin Ktor REST Service
Servicio web para crear una API REST usando Kotlin y Kator así como otras tecnologías propuestas por JetBrains.
Spring MSA api gateway & service discovery with consul & Jaeger & Cassandra
Spring MSA api gateway & service discovery with consul & Jaeger & Cassandra
Postman-API-Fest-22 - Project for Postman API Fest 22
Project for Postman API Fest 22 Team Moon With only two members on the board, we
YukiHookAPI - An efficient Kotlin version of the Xposed Hook API
Yuki Hook API 🔥 An efficient Kotlin version of the Xposed Hook API. Introduce 这
RTranslator is the world's first open source real-time translation app
RTranslator is the world's first open source real-time translation app. Connect to someone who has the app, connect Bluetooth headphones, put the phon
Quiz-Application - A quiz application which uses opentdb api to get quiz of different levels like Easy Hard and Medium
Quiz-Application A quiz application which uses opentdb api to get quiz of differ
SimpleYelp - A basic clone of the restaurant review app, Yelp. This app has just one screen, but the data is fetched from the Yelp API
Simple Yelp This project is a basic clone of the restaurant review app, Yelp. Th
FinnAds - A sample project to fetch advertisements from a mock api
FinnAds 📱 FinnAds is a sample project to fetch advertisements from a mock api.
OpenWeatherMap-API-Demo - Demo Android Application for OpenWeatherMap API
WeatherForecast Demo Android Application for OpenWeatherMap API Table of Content
Cargo service: REST API, Spring Boot, Kotlin, JDBC, PostgreSQL
cargo-jdbc Cargo service, training project with Spring Boot, JDBC and Kotlin. To
WeatherProject - Weather Project using GPS data and the weather from the API based on the search
WeatherProject In this project, I showed the weather at the current location usi
NearByRestaurantsExplorer - An app to explore near by restaurants using foursquare API. Navigation is also implemented with animation
NearByRestaurantsExplorer An app to explore near by restaurants using foursquare
Xctvplayer - xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google TV
XCTV Player An awesome Microsoft xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google
Kotlin-GraphQL-Apollo - Sencillo cliente para consumir una API GraphQL con Apollo usando Kotlin
Kotlin GraphQL Apollo Sencillo cliente para consumir una API GraphQL con Apollo
Yalp Store lets you download apps from Google Play Store as apk files
Yalp Store What does it do? Yalp Store lets you download apps from Google Play Store as apk files. It can search for updates of installed apps and let
SkillHub - A location based native android app built for the University of Nigeria
SkillHub SkillHub is a location based native android app built for the Universit
Rick-and-morty-app - Android mobile application development with clean architecture
Android - Rick And Morty App MVVM architecture Dependency Injection (Dagger) Ret
Reflex - Reflection API for Kotlin
Reflex repositories { maven { url = uri("https://repo.tabooproject.org/repos
Pemesanan-Tiket - Membuat Aplikasi Pemesanan Tiket
Pemesanan-Tiket Membuat Aplikasi Pemesanan Tiket Tutorial Build with Android Stu
RickAndMortyApp - Application developed consuming a rick and morty API
Rick and Morty App (Android App) Project description (First version) Application
Kotlin-REST-Retrofit - Simple client to consume a REST API with Retrofit using Kotlin
Kotlin REST Retrofit Sencillo cliente para consumir una API REST con Retrofit us
Modifold - Kotlin CLI tool for moving curseforge mods to modrinth
Modifold Modifold is a Kotlin CLI utility that allows you to transfer mods from
MovieLibrary -An android application which uses tmdb API to fetch the data for various movies and TV Shows
MovieLibrary -An android application which uses tmdb API to fetch the data for various movies and TV Shows
A Reboot of DroidSeries Offline TV Shows Tracker
DroidShows DroidShows: A Reboot of DroidSeries Offline TV Shows Tracker This fork adds quite a bunch of features, among which an improved interface, a
Show worldwide headline. API/Glide library/recycler view/volley library/kotlin/xml/ chrome custom tabs
Show worldwide headline. API/Glide library/recycler view/volley library/kotlin/xml/ chrome custom tabs. - you can click on headline and it will open an article of that news in the app(no need to go to chrome or any browser)
A podcast proxy that sits between itunes search api and android apps allowing normalization of rss feeds to standard Json format that can be consumed by apps.
Podcasts Rss Feeds Search Proxy A podcast proxy written using kotlin dsl that sits between itunes search api, podcasts rss feeds and android apps allo
AddressToGPS is a open source tool to search for an address, location
AddressToGPS AddressToGPS is a open source tool to search for an address, location, or area using the Google Maps javascript API. Once you have select
PokeDexApi is a simple version of PokeApi with search functionality.
PokeDex Api PokeDexApi is a simple version of PokeApi with search functionality based on KTOR. Documentation Base Url https://poki-dex.herokuapp.com E
Pokemon App is a sample Pokemon application based on MVVM architecture.
Pokemon App Pokemon App is an Application based on Modern Android tech-stacks and MVVM Architecture. Techs Used 💻 100% Kotlin based Coroutines + Flow
A tool to convert & query Apache Calcite data sources as GraphQL API's
Apache Calcite - Distributed, Federated GraphQL API Apache Calcite - Distributed, Federated GraphQL API Goals Roadmap and Current Progress The Roa
An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Pixabay API to display images and their details.
AdanianAndroidTest An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Pixabay API to display images and their details. It has been built following Clean
Autodownload MP3 API With Kotlin
Autodownload MP3 API Overview This project leverages Spring Boot, Google's YouTube API, and youtube-dl to provide an API to download videos and conver
QuizApp - App for using (opentdb.com) API for making quizzes with customizable options
Quiz-App App for using (opentdb.com) API for making quizzes with customizable op
Open source note-taking application for Android
Omni-Notes Note taking open-source application aimed to have both a simple interface but keeping smart behavior. The project was inspired by the absen
A simple xposed module that helps you fully control your location.
FuckLocation An simple xposed module that helps you fully control your location. 一个可以帮助你完全控制位置授权的模块 Currently, you may return custom location to speci
Party icebreaker game based on the Google Nearby API
Friend Spell Party icebreaker game based on the Google Nearby API https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sqisland.friendspell Credentials A
Google Santa Tracker for Android 🎅 🤶
Google Santa Tracker for Android 🎅 🤶 About Google Santa Tracker app for Android is an educational and entertaining tradition that brings joy to mill
Labyrinth clone for android available free on google play
#Zabyrinth Zabyrinth is a simple physics game like the Labyrinth board game. Use your devices accelerometer to move a ball and try to avoid obsticles
CloudStorageUtil - An Android library to make sync on Google Cloud Storage easier
gCloud Storage Utils An Android library to make sync on Google Cloud Storage eas
MyTaxi - App consuming myTaxi api to show taxi vehicles or otherwise on a map
MyTaxi App App consuming myTaxi api to show taxi vehicles list on google maps. T
A camera app using the new camera2 API in Android Lollipop
L Camera L Camera is an open-source experimental camera app for Android L devices using the new android.hardware.camera2 API. Currently, the only supp
LocationPhoneMode - The app will ask the user to allow it to track the user location
LocationPhoneMode The app will ask the user to allow it to track the user locati
Wallpaper4kapp - Wallpaper app get photo using Api From pexels
wallpaper4kapp this is wallpaper app , get photo using Api From https://api.pexe
LogisticApi - Goods Delivery API With Kotlin
logisticAPI API de entrega de mercadorias.
A simple android app written in Kotlin to get defination of word entered from Free Dictionary API.
FlashCard A simple android app written in Kotlin to get defination of word entered from Free Dictionary API. Problem Statement Many of students don't
Real time gps location based alarming system tracking the road accident and providing medical assitance plus concern from near by police station.
Real time gps location based alarming system tracking the road accident and providing medical assitance plus concern from near by police station.
Github-Api-Pagination-Example - Pagination 3 Example using Github Api
Github-Api-Pagination Pagination 3 Example using Github Api Tech Stack 100% Kotl
BetterNBT - A Gson-like API for intuitively working with Minecraft NBTs
BetterNBT A lightweight (under 250 lines of code) Kotlin library for Fabric 1.18
GBooks - A simple android app written in Kotlin to read books from the Google Book Api
G-Books A simple android app written in Kotlin to read books from the Google Boo
Life is too short to google for dependencies and versions
What is refreshVersions? jmfayard.github.io/refreshVersions refreshVersions helps Gradle users with the tedious manual work usually involved in adding
An implementation of Android's Undo Bar as seen in Google's Gmail app.
Android-UndoBar is deprecated. No more development will be taking place. Use Google's Snackbar instead. Android - UndoBar As seen in Google
Attendance Management app made in Kotlin for students. Made during ASJ, Google Developer Students Club, AITR Indore
Android-Study-Jams Attendance Management Problem Statement: Based on the observation, there is no available student attendance system in many educatio
Read QR codes using google's mobile vision api, but without the hassle
Read QR codes using google's mobile vision api, but without the hassle
💫 A Gradle Plugin to generate your networking code from Swagger
Swagger Gradle Codegen A Gradle plugin to generate networking code from a Swagger spec file. This plugin wraps swagger-codegen, and exposes a configur
Android Library for a DrawerLayout similar to the one in Google Apps
GoogleNavigationDrawerMenu This project aims to let you use a ListView menu similar to the one in the new Google Apps (Keep, Play Music...) without ha
🔓 Kotlin version of the popular google/easypermissions wrapper library to simplify basic system permissions logic on Android M or higher.
EasyPermissions-ktx Kotlin version of the popular googlesample/easypermissions wrapper library to simplify basic system permissions logic on Android M
Create an header for com.google.android.material.navigation.NavigationView
Header View This is a view for NavigationView in android.support.design library Import At the moment the library is in my personal maven repo reposito
Newyork-book-listings - New york book listings using API from nytimes
New York Book Listings Project This is a project developed in Android Studio whi
This app includes Implementation of Huawei and Google Kits in a single codebase using Build Variants. 🗺 📩
Build Variant App 🗾 📦 📱 Build variant is a feature of Android Studio to create a project which can be build in different versions. By using Build V
Android News App built in kotlin with implementation of MVVM architecture, android navigation components and retrofit. Displays news to users allowing them to share and save news.
News-App Android news app built in kotlin that fetches news data from news api with Retrofit and displays news to users. This App follow MVVM architec
Easy Photo Map is a photomap application that displays the location of the photo on the map using the location information included in the photo.
Easy Photo Map Easy Photo Map is a photomap application that displays the location of the photo on the map using the location information included in
Library for GIF results, preview, play, share everything at one place!
Giphy Image Results Preview Library for GIF results, preview, play, share everything at one place! Download Demo APK from HERE Kindly use the followin
An open source camera for google glass
CuXtomCam Up for Adoption: kindly email me on sherazkhilji@gmail.com if you want to mantain it An open source camera for google glass. This is a an al
Send fans folio Android app download link as Free Text SMS to anyone around the world
Send fans folio Android app download link as Free Text SMS to anyone around the world! fans folio is a free app to maintain folio for your idols(film stars, cricket stars etc..,). It's the easiest way to connect and talk about your idol. You can share anything about your idol and make him/her famous around the world.
Wallpaper is a Wallpaper and ringtone Application which allows user to set and download Wallpaper or ringtone.
Wallpaper Wallpaper is a Wallpaper and ringtone Application which allows user to set and download Wallpaper or ringtone. Account Activity Home Fragmen
🌱 A test implementation of a Minecraft server using RESTful API taking advantage of the interoperability between Kotlin and Java.
🌱 Norin A test implementation of a Minecraft server using RESTful API taking advantage of the interoperability between Kotlin and Java. This project
MapSample - Just Sample App using Naver Map API
Sample Project: NaverMap 맛보기 Gradle Dependency // App 단위 Gradle dependencyResolu
AppGooglebooks - This app searches for books using the google books api
AppGooglebooks Aplicativo para exibir informações de livros da API Google Books.
An Android library that allows to show floating contextual menu like Google
Screenshots Sample Sample source can be found here Description floating-contextual-menu is an Android library for creating floating contextual menus U
Easily fetch locations
EasyLocationFetch Setup Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https:
Send push notification from server to mobile application.
Firebase Push Notification Tutorial How Firebase Push Notification works? Firebase serves as a module between your server and the devices that will be
Kotlin library which shortens url.
UrlShortener Introduction Shortens url using google shortener service. How to use Update Google Api Key in your string.xml string name="google_api_ke
Android contact extractor library is entitled to provide, simple contacts extraction API's to fetch contact from 'Contact' application
Android-Contact-Extractor-Library Extract all the contacts from android 'Contacts' application by using simple easy-to-use apis. It helps to remove th
A Todo list app with location reminders that remind the user to do something when he reaches a specific location.
A Todo list app with location reminders that remind the user to do something when he reaches a specific location.
APIServiceLibrary - Minimized API library which is used call the server request in andorid.
Minimized API Service Library This is a optimized custom library for server communication. References taken from VOLLEY library. We can reduce the cod
Google one tap sign in - Flutter Google One Tap Sign In (Android)
Google One Tap Sign In Google One Tap Sign In (Android) A Flutter Plugin for Google One Tap Sign In Getting Started To access Google Sign-In, you'll n
ImagesApp Aplicación que consume la API de Unsplash con Retrofit y muestra una lista de imágenes
ImagesApp Aplicación que consume la API de Unsplash con Retrofit y muestra una lista de imágenes. Esta aplicación fue desarrollada usando la arquitect
AndroidArchitecture - An Implementation of Google Recommended New Android Architecture with Kotlin
Android Architecture An Implementation of Google Recommended New Android Archite
BooksApp - Show the books list from an API with using retrofit2, picasso and JSON libraries
BooksApp Books App Show the books list from an API with using retrofit2, picasso
New-SplashScreen-API - SplashScreen API Implementation Sample
SplashScreen API Implementation Sample Installation - Usage style name="Theme.A
Yaspeller-kt - Asynchronous Yandex.Speller API wrapper for Kotlin/JVM.
yaspeller-kt Asynchronous Yandex.Speller API wrapper for Kotlin/JVM. Installation repositories { maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Ehya-android - This application displays the deserted Sunan for us to revive them.
Ehya | إحياء Available on Google Play Libraries Jetpack Compose for the UI. Compose Navigation. Compose Animation. Room for the data persistence. Work