394 Repositories
Android m-plus-plugin Libraries
Flutter plugin that leverages Storage Access Framework (SAF) API to get access and perform the operations on files and folders
Flutter plugin that leverages Storage Access Framework (SAF) API to get access and perform the operations on files and folders.
Gradle plugin for adds support for integrating Carthage dependencies into a KMM project
Gradle plugin for adds support for integrating Carthage dependencies into a KMM project
Gradle plugin which analyzes the size of your Android apps
Scope is a Gradle plugin which helps you analyze the size of your Android apps. Motivation App size is an important metric which directly correlates w
Mars is an all-in-one plugin for PGM servers
Mars Mars is an all-in-one plugin for PGM servers. Using Mars Contributing to Mars Why? Mars was built to handle everything that PGM isn't supposed to
BlackBox - a virtual engine, it can clone and run virtual application on Android
BlackBox is a virtual engine, it can clone and run virtual application on Android, users don't have to install APK file to run the application on devices. BlackBox control all virtual applications, so you can do anything you want by using BlackBox.
Svg-to-compose-intellij - A simple Android Studio plugin to generate Jetpack Compose ImageVector icons
svg-to-compose-intellij A simple Android Studio plugin to generate Jetpack Compo
Kauth - Open-source powerful minecraft authorization plugin
KAuth KAuth is a minecraft plugin for offline-mode authorization on your server.
FMenu: A simple plugin that permits to open a menu by swapping the item to the secondary hand
FutureTeam - FMenu FMenu is a simple plugin that permits to open a menu by swapp
Loco-strings-sync - A custom Gradle Plugin useful to sync loco string resources to local projects
loco-strings-sync A custom Gradle Plugin useful to sync loco string resources to
Unity-Android-SDK-Plugins - Android SDK/Library/Plugins (aar) for Unity Developers
Unity Android SDK Plugins Unity Android SDK Plugins is an Open Source project th
Social share - Social Sharing Plugin For Private Use only (Code without error checking)
Flutter Social Share plugin for sharing file to media with multiple (More option
McMotd - Mirai Plugin for fetching motd from minecraft servers
Mirai-wiki 基于mirai的Minecraft服务器信息查询插件 关于Linux运行环境 如果你正在使用Linux而不是Windows来运行Mirai
Plugin-shared-preferences - Pluto plugin to manage your Shared Preferences
Pluto Shared Preferences Plugin Pluto Shared Preferences is a Pluto plugin to in
Ownership-gradle-plugin - Gradle code ownership verification plugin
Gradle code ownership verification plugin A gradle plugin that will verify owner
Pluto Logger is a Pluto plugin to manage and share your Debug logs
Pluto Logger Plugin Pluto Logger is a Pluto plugin to manage and share your Debug logs. It also comes with Timber support. 🖇 Integrate plugin in your
kinstall is an easy way to install gradle-based command-line kotlin projects that use the application plugin.
kinstall kinstall is an easy way to install gradle-based command-line kotlin projects that use the application plugin. use First, install kinstall its
A Gradle plugin that helps you speed up builds by excluding unnecessary modules.
🧘 Focus A Gradle plugin that generates module-specific settings.gradle files, allowing you to focus on a specific feature or module without needing t
LanServers - A small plugin written in Kotlin that runs on all major Minecraft Servers
LanServers This is a small plugin written in Kotlin that runs on all major Minec
Kotlin-client-dsl - A kotlin-based dsl project for a (Client) - (Plugin) styled program
kotlin-client-dsl a kotlin-based dsl project for a (Client) - (Plugin) styled p
K6-intellij-plugin - IntelliJ-based Plugin to run k6 tests locally or in the k6 Cloud from your IntelliJ IDE
IntelliJ-based Plugin to run k6 tests locally or in the k6 Cloud from your Intel
HH Synthetic -- plugin for automated migration from Kotlin synthetics to View Binding.
HH Synthetic -- plugin for automated migration from Kotlin synthetics to View Binding.
A Gradle plugin for generating multi-version packet wrappers for Minecraft: JE
tinyprotocol A Gradle plugin for generating multi-version packet class wrappers for Minecraft: Java Edition. Usage plugins { id("me.kcra.tinyproto
AliuPlugins - Aliucord Plugin Repo Template
Aliucord Plugin Repo Template Template for an Aliucord plugin repo Getting start
Open as default - A flutter plugin that allows setting up your flutter app to open files as default
open_as_default A flutter plugin that allows setting up your flutter app to open
Money Manager Ex is a free, open-source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance software
Money Manager Ex is a free, open-source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance software. It primarily helps organize one's finances and keeps track of where, when and how the money goes.
Idea-plpgdebugger - A plugin to debug PostgreSQL in Intellij
Intellij PL/pg SQL debugger Debug PL/pg SQL in Intellij with Datbase Tool to spe
Remove Unused Resources Gradle Plugin for Android
Remove Unused Resources Plugin for Android A gradle plugin to remove unused android resources by Android Lint results xml file. This is useful for CI
Unit Test Architect Gradle plugin
UnitTestArchitect This is a gradle plugin that helps you to generate boilerplate code for writing jUnit + Mockito Test Cases. To us this plugin, add i
Esp touch flutter plugin - Client-side (mobile) Android Flutter implementation for ESP-Touch protocol
esp_touch_flutter_plugin Client-side (mobile) Android Flutter implementation for
A somewhat copy past of Jetbrain's code from the kotlin plugin repo to make it humanly possible to test Intellij IDEA kotlin plugins that work on kotlin
A somewhat copy past of Jetbrain's code from the kotlin plugin repo to make it humanly possible to test Intellij IDEA kotlin plugins that work on kotlin
Minetest is an open source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation
Minetest Minetest is a free open-source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation. Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Perttu Ahola celeron55@gmail.co
MineJS is a scripting plugin for the Bukkit!
Mine.js(W-I-P) Minecraft Bukkit Scripting with JS by Netherald How to apply? Download Paper or Bungee Version. and put it to plugins folder. Script fo
Flutter Plugin for IntelliJ
Flutter Plugin for IntelliJ An IntelliJ plugin for Flutter development. Flutter is a multi-platform app SDK to help developers and designers build mod
Plugin which generates Android Parcelable boilerplate code for kotlin's class.
Android Parcelable boilerplate code generation Inspired by android-parcelable-intellij-plugin Installation Plugin is uploaded to plugin repository. If
A plugin for AndroidStudio/Intellij that creates Data Transfer Objects(DTO) from the given feed
DTOnator ####Download the plugin at https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7834?pr=idea Introducing the most powerful json editor in a plugin! Format, v
An Android Studio plugin to help remove use of ButterKnife
RemoveButterKnife What's the plugin An Android Studio plugin to help remove use of ButterKnife Why i do this ButterKnife is a wellknow open source too
A plugin for android developer, with the plugin you can generate "findViewById" code quickly.
FindViewByMe A plugin for android developer, with the plugin you can generate "findViewById" code quickly. Download JetBrains Plugin Repository :: Fin
.ignore support plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
.ignore 4.2.0 Introduction .ignore is a plugin for: .bzrignore (Bazaar) .chefignore (Chef) .cfignore (CloudFoundry) .cvsignore (Cvs) .boringignore (Da
An Intellij/Android Studio plugin to help visualise side effects in your code.
Deprecated This project is no longer maintained. No new issues or pull requests will be accepted. You can still use the source or fork the project to
Intelij IDEA plugin for displaying a code mini-map similar to the one found in Sublime
CodeGlance Plugin Repository: http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7275 Latest build: https://github.com/Vektah/CodeGlance/releases InteliJ plugin that
IDE plugin to converting SVG to VectorDrawable
SVG2VectorDrawable README: 中文 | English DEPRECATED Please using the Asset Studio instead. 简介 Intellij Platform插件,通过其可以完成从svg文件到Android VectorDrawable的
Adds an option to IntelliJ to import drawables in different resolutions from AndroidIcons, own "drawable repos" and scale a certain image down/up to the defined resolutions.
Android Drawable Importer Plugin This plugin consists of three main features. You can access them by right-clicking anywhere, but not on a file, insid
Android Resource Usage Count Plugin
IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, AndroidStudio, Goland, Rider, & WebStorm plugin for quantifying your coding.
jetbrains-wakatime WakaTime is an open source Jetbrains plugin for metrics, insights, and time tracking automatically generated from your programming
IntelliJ/AndroidStudio plugin which provides a button to connect your Android device over WiFi to install, run and debug your applications without a USB connected.
Android WiFi ADB - IntelliJ/Android Studio Plugin IntelliJ and Android Studio plugin created to quickly connect your Android device over WiFi to insta
Android File Grouping Plugin
Android File Grouping Plugin v1.1 Description This plugin is very helpful in Android Development. It can display your files as a group of different fo
Android Plugin for Gradle cookbook
Android Plugin for Gradle cookbook This repository contains ready-to-use recipes for common build customizations that showcase the Android Gradle plug
IntelliJ plugin for supporting PermissionsDispatcher
PermissionsDispatcher plugin IntelliJ plugin for supporting PermissionsDispatcher. PermissionsDispatcher is wonderful library for Runtime Permissions.
ADB WIFI Android Studio plugin for debug android app over Wi-Fi.
ADB WIFI ADB WIFI Android Studio plugin for debug android app over Wi-Fi. How to install in Android Studio: go to Preferences
Manage pull requests and conduct code reviews in your IDE with full source-tree context.
String Manipulation IntelliJ plugin - https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/2162 Sponsored by Manage pull requests and conduct code reviews in your IDE
🌏 Android/IDEA localization plugin. supports multiple languages and multiple translators.
English | 简体中文 AndroidLocalizePlugin 🌏 Android/IDEA localization plugin. supports multiple languages and multiple translators. Features Multiple tran
An IntelliJ IDEA plugin is used to inspire you to write code.
InspireWritingPlugin An IntelliJ IDEA plugin is used to inspire you to write code. Whenever you write code that exceeds the specified character, the p
Git Flow Integration plugin for IntelliJ
Git Flow Integration for Intellij An intelliJ plugin providing a UI layer for git-flow, which in itself is a collection of Git extensions to provide h
📦 Easily create github release
_ _ _ _ _ _ | | | (_) | | | | | __ _ _ __ __ _ __| | | ___ _____
Labyrinth clone for android available free on google play
#Zabyrinth Zabyrinth is a simple physics game like the Labyrinth board game. Use your devices accelerometer to move a ball and try to avoid obsticles
StringFuck - Yet Another String Obfuscator for Android
StringFuck Yet Another String Obfuscator for Android 一个字符串混淆器,旨在防止被jadx、MT等工具一键解
Real time gps location based alarming system tracking the road accident and providing medical assitance plus concern from near by police station.
Real time gps location based alarming system tracking the road accident and providing medical assitance plus concern from near by police station.
Life is too short to google for dependencies and versions
What is refreshVersions? jmfayard.github.io/refreshVersions refreshVersions helps Gradle users with the tedious manual work usually involved in adding
💫 A Gradle Plugin to generate your networking code from Swagger
Swagger Gradle Codegen A Gradle plugin to generate networking code from a Swagger spec file. This plugin wraps swagger-codegen, and exposes a configur
ForceField - A Plugin that lets all Players in a specific radius fly away from you
ForceField A Plugin to not get annoyed of other Players Commands /forcefield [Pl
A Gradle plugin enforcing pre-commit and commit-msg Git hooks configuration
A Gradle plugin enforcing pre-commit and commit-msg Git hooks configuration. Conventional-commits-ready.
AR Core Flutter - An arcore flutter plugin on which i add some contribution based on my personal requirements and updated the code
arcore_flutter_plugin Thanks to Oleksandr Leuschenko for inspiration and his pre
Flutter NFC Project - A new flutter plugin to help developers looking to use internal hardware inside iOS or Android devices for reading and writing NFC tags
Flutter NFC Reader & Writer A new flutter plugin to help developers looking to u
An android open-source quick search/diff/download plugin.
Android Reference Intellij Plugin This library based on AndroidSourceViewer It's built with the Gradle and rewritten by kotlin, that's why it's a new
Cordova plugin for Android Serial USB communication (easily connect an Arduino board to an Android device).
PR-DC cordova-plugin-serialusb Cordova plugin for Android Serial USB communication. This plugin makes a connection to the external board trivial, for
Intellij-angular-split-buttons - IntelliJ Plugin for adding hovering buttons to Angular component files to quickly open the code
Angular Split View Buttons IntelliJ Plugin for adding hovering buttons to Angula
LiveView plugin to send rapid messages to last missed calls
LiveView Answer-it Plugin This is a plugin for the LiveView device (a "smartwatch" for Android). Sometimes you need to reject a call or you didn't kno
OkHttpProfiler Android Studio Plugin
OkHttpProfiler Android Studio Plugin Created by LocaleBro.com - Android Localization Platform The OkHttp Profiler plugin can show requests from the Ok
LiveView-Funny-Plugin - Android LiveView Plugin
Android LiveView Funny Sounds Plugin This is a plugin for the LiveView device (a "smartwatch" for Android). Developed using Eclipse and Android Plugin
BuildPlots-Plugin - PaperMC-Plugin for build contests written in Kotlin.
BuildPlotsPlugin PaperMC-Plugin for build contests. This is my first time using Kotlin and the first plugin I've written after a long time. It is stil
Bootstrap-hover-dropdown - An unofficial Bootstrap plugin to enable Bootstrap dropdowns to activate on hover and provide a nice user experience.
Bootstrap Hover Dropdown Plugin Version 2.0.2 Name Change Twitter Bootstrap is now just Bootstrap, and I've renamed this repo, renamed the files and c
BungeePluginManagerPlus - Dynamically manage your BungeeCord plugins
BungeePluginManagerPlus A plugin for BungeeCord / Waterfall that allows you to m
Intellij-platform-plugin-template - IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template
IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template TL;DR: Click the Use this template button and
Detekt - Static code analysis for Kotlin
detekt Meet detekt, a static code analysis tool for the Kotlin programming language. It operates on the abstract syntax tree provided by the Kotlin co
Libraries for running GraphQL in Kotlin
GraphQL Kotlin GraphQL Kotlin is a collection of libraries, built on top of graphql-java, that simplify running GraphQL clients and servers in Kotlin.
Kotlin Serverless Framework
Kotless Kotless stands for Kotlin serverless framework. Its focus lies in reducing the routine of serverless deployment creation by generating it stra
Kotlin plugin for Vim. Featuring: syntax highlighting, basic indentation, Syntastic support
kotlin-vim Installation If you use Vim 8 or later, the recommended way is using Vim's built-in package manager: git clone https://github.com/udalov/ko
gRPC Kotlin Coroutines, Protobuf DSL, Scripting for Protoc
gRPC Kotlin Coroutines, Protobuf DSL, Scripting for Protoc Community Contributions are Welcomed ℹ️ | Docs are being expanded and moved to Readme.io Qu
A tool to convert unit tests from one standard to another
unit-test-exchange-maven-plugin This plugin works as a tool to convert unit test
Functional companion to Kotlin's Compiler
Λrrow Meta Functional companion to Kotlin's Compiler Getting started Λrrow Meta is a meta-programming library that cooperates with the Kotlin compiler
Kotlin Native/JS/JVM Annotation Processor library for Kotlin compiler plugins
MpApt - Kotlin (Native/JS/JVM) Annotation Processor library Introduction 🙋♂️ 🙋 I wrote an annotation processing libary that can detect annotations
A Kotlin compiler plugin that removes the `copy` method of data classes.
NoCopy Compiler Plugin A Kotlin compiler plugin that removes the `copy` method from data classes and enables using them as value-based classes. Usage
Kotlin compiler plugin to hide secret data
Sekret Kotlin compiler plugin that hides data class properties in generated toString() method Motivation In 2019 Facebook and Google admitted a leakin
A Gradle plugin to apply ktfmt to your builds, and reformat you Kotlin source code like a glimpse 🧹🐘
ktfmt-gradle 🧹 🐘 A wrapper to apply ktfmt to your Gradle builds, and reformat you Kotlin source code like a glimpse. How to use 👣 ktfmt-gradle is d
Detection of design principle violations in Kotlin as a plugin to detekt.
detekt-hint (Attention: Looking for developers) Detection of design principle violations in Kotlin added as comments on pull requests. Getting started
A full fledge radio player plugin for android and ios
Flutter radio plugin handles a single streaming media preciously. This plugin wa
Gradle plugin which allows to use typed DSL for generating kubernetes/openshift YAML files
gr8s Gradle plugin which allows using typed DSL for generating kubernetes/openshift YAML files. Based on kuberig Usage import io.github.guai.gr8s.Gene
JVM OpenVR Wrapper
JVM OpenVR Wrapper (synchronized with 1.2.10) OpenVR SDK This is a kotlin wrapper of OpenVR, which is an API and runtime that allows access to VR hard
A Unified, Modern and Efficient Bukkit plugin framework
LSPlugin ! WARNING ! This project is still under development DO NOT PUT INTO PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT 一个专门为了 .DP7 群服务器 Charmless 的定制插件框架。未来Charmless的一切开
Wiroforce godot plugin for kotlin
Wiroforce Godot Plugin The purpose of this project is the creation of a plugin f
A IntelliJ plugin to provide check on 'value type' which is limited to numerical constant values
ValueDef A IntelliJ plugin to provide check on 'value type' which is limited to
Intellij Idea Plugin that can convert HTML to Compose for Web code.
HtmlToComposeWebConverter Intellij Idea Plugin that can convert HTML to Compose for Web code. Turn this: Into this: Show some ❤️ and star the repo to
GraphQL toolkit for Kotlin.
GraphQL Kotlin Toolkit A toolkit for GraphQL, specifically for Kotlin. This toolkit provides some useful tools that are compatible with graphql-java.
A solution to fix obfuscated Java services after ProGuard has run
ProGuard Service Mapper This is a service mapper for the ProGuard Java bytecode
A set of highly-opinionated, batteries-included gradle plugins to get you started building delicious multi-module Kotlin projects
Sourdough Gradle What is Sourdough Gradle? Sourdough is a set of highly opinionated gradle plugins that aim to act as the starter for your Kotlin proj
IntelliJ IDEA plugin for JBang
jbang-intellij-plugin JBang plugin is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA to integrate JB
Godot Android Text to Speech plugin for Godot Engine 3.4 or higher
Godot Android Text to Speech This is a Android plugin for Godot Engine 3.4 or higher. This plugin supports: Text to speech in different locale Setup C
A Intellij platform plugin to view truetype font file(.ttf) that includes icon glyphs usually
Icon Font Viewer 一个用于查看.ttf字体文件的Intellij平台(支持IDEA/Android Studio等)的插件,通常用于展示icon
A IntelliJ plugin to provide check on 'value type' which is limited to numerical constant values
ValueType A IntelliJ plugin to provide check on 'value type' which is limited to