751 Repositories
Android mvvm-sample Libraries
Communicating between Wear OS and Android device using the OpWear module and a sample of displaying real-time camera on the watch and sending commands to the mobile by Wear OS.
OpWear-Cam Communicating between Wear OS and Android device using the OpWear module and a sample of displaying real-time camera on the watch and sendi
🪐 Modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, JetPack(ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.
Ceres 🪐 Modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, JetPack(ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture. Download Gradle Add the dependency bel
Food Recipes - Android application built with Jetpack compose, MVVM and clean architecture approach.
Food Recipes Android application that consuming (https://spoonacular.com/food-api) "Recipes api". It has been built with clean architecture principles
My own approach to what I think an Android MVVM project with Clean Architecture should look like with Dagger-Hilt as Dependency Injector engine
MVVM Project Hilt Introducción Este proyecto es mi visión particular, ni mejor ni peor (sólo una más) que cualquier otra aproximación a lo que yo enti
Bego Chat is chat application in Kotlin and Firebase with the following features: last seen , user status like typing ,online and last seen with MVVM pattern and clean architecture
Compose ChatApp(Bego Chat) Bego Chat is Compose chat application in Kotlin and Firebase with the following features: sending all file types and abilit
This repo provides a sample application that demonstrates how you can speed up the authentication experience for frontline workers on shared devices using QR codes.
Project This repo has been populated by an initial template to help get you started. Please make sure to update the content to build a great experienc
A single repository to learn the basics of Android in Kotlin without all the fluff.
Android-Concepts-Reference-Kotlin A single repository to learn the basics of Android in Kotlin without all the fluff. How to use this repository Each
This repo contains sample mobile apps that implement contributor design pattern
This repo contains sample mobile apps that implement contributor design pattern. This design pattern was evolved to establish clean contracts for the developers and partners in Teams Mobile code base
Boilerplate code for implementing MVVM in Android using Jetpack libraries, coroutines, dependency injection and local persistance
MVVM Foundation This projects aims to speed up development of Android apps by providing a solid base to extend Libraries Jetpack Fragment Material3 :
Lightweight android app for searching and downloading gifs.
Gif's Store Lightweight android application for searching and downloading gifs. Project status: started developing. Inspiration todo What's done Proje
Little WeatherApp for android with Kotlin, Jetpack Compose and MVVM
This project is about building an MVP weather app. Using the open API (e.g. https://openweathermap.org/api) Functionality: 1. Screen: Weather today
🍔 Meals is a small demo app based on modern Android technologies and MVVM architecture
Meals 🍔 Meals is a small demo app based on modern Android technologies and MVVM architecture. built-in Kotlin, Coroutine, Flow, Retrofit, and Jetpack
Android Kotlin+ MVVM + Retrofit2 + Room +Dagger2 + Coroutines + Junit4 + Espresso + Mockito + MockWebServer
Movies-TMDB Android Kotlin+ MVVM + Retrofit2 + Room +Dagger2 + Coroutines + Junit4 + + Espresso + Mockito + MockWebServer Movies-TMDB Android Movies-T
Це новий додаток для перегляду мап всіх метро України.
Метро України Це новий додаток для перегляду мап всіх метро України. ⬇️ ️ Заватнажити додаток 💾 Колишні версії Мотивація Цей додаток спочатку був ств
[Android-Kotlin] MVVM, ViewModel, LiveData, Observer, DataBinding, Repository, Retrofit, Dagger example
SimpleMvvmDaggerKotlin [Android-Kotlin] MVVM, ViewModel, LiveData, Observer, DataBinding, Repository, Retrofit, Dagger example [Image1 : User informat
This is a Interview application which made by me in interview task what it do? that will give you the result from Api and also save data in the cache using RoomDb so that we can access it offline.
Clean-MVVM-App An Android application built using Clean + MVVM architecture. Components used in the app. Kotlin - As a programming language. Material
[ApiLibrary] Duckie Architecture Sample Project: 무료 API 모음
[ApiLibrary] Duckie Architecture Sample Project 이 프로젝트는 public-api 로 부터 무료 API 들을 조회해서 보여주는 간단한 앱 입니다. 총 1천개가 넘는 무료 API 들을 보여줍니다. 덕키 아키텍처 샘플 용도로 제작됐습니
A News Application Shows Breaking News of the Country with a feature to save News for future Use.
A News Application Shows Breaking News of the Country with a feature to save News for future Use.You can search news on any topic.Used all latest stuffs in android like Navigation Component, MVVM Architecture, Retrofit, Room DataBase, Kotlin Corutines etc
Sample project displaying process of OTP validation using firebase
OTP-Validation-using-firebase Sample project displaying process of OTP validation using firebase Screenshots Concepts used Integrated Firebase sdk for
Simple app to consumer api movies with retrofit and save result in database with room using android jetpack
MoviesCompose Simple app to consumer api movies with retrofit and save result in database with room using android jetpack Instruccions Log Up in https
National Keyboard National Keyboard is a small keyboard for Caucasian languages based on modern Android tech-stacks especially focus on Jetpack Compos
a Facebook Messenger clone using Stream SDK & Jetpack Compose
Messenger Clone Built for Android using Stream SDK & Jetpack Compose This project is developed by MathRoda for more projects GitHub . Showcase Video w
Math Your Brain is a math game built using Jetpack Compose and Modern MVVM Architecture
Math Your Brain is a math game built using Jetpack Compose and Modern MVVM Architecture. I built this so that programmers learning Jetpack Compose Can use this repository as a learning material for Jetpack Compose.
简明易用框架,解决 MVI 实战痛点
🌏 English README 研发故事:《解决 MVI 架构实战痛点》 上期《Jetpack 架构组件设计拆解及改善建议》侧重拆解 “领域层” 设计误区,并给出改善建议 —— 通过 MVI-Dispatcher 承担 Event-Handler, 然有小伙伴表示,不仅要 MVI-Dispatc
This app features - Modern Design, MVVM, Hilt, Room, StateFlow, Jetpack Compose
MyMusic is a beautiful app showing how to build modern looking interfaces using Jetpack Compose, recommended libraries, best practices and architectur
E-Commerce application with MVVM & Clean Arch - Hilt - Coroutines - Retrofit - Firebase - Room DB.
E-Commerce-App E-Commerce application with MVVM & Clean Arch - Hilt - Coroutines - Retrofit - Firebase - Room DB. API Link Project Features MVVM with
🍭 GithubSearchKMM - Github Repos Search - Android - iOS - Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile using Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, FlowRedux, Coroutines Flow, Dagger Hilt, Koin Dependency Injection, shared KMP ViewModel, Clean Architecture
GithubSearchKMM Github Repos Search - Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile using Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, FlowRedux, Coroutines Flow, Dagger Hilt, Koin Depend
This is a food donation android application designed to reduce food wastage by donating excess food to poor or needy people. Based on Kotlin and currently under development
FOODONOR This is a food donation android application designed to reduce food wastage by donating excess food to poor or needy people. Based on Kotlin
Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Jetpack Compose, Coroutine, MutableState, Retrofit2, Glide
MVVM-RecipeApp Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Jetpack Compose, Coroutine, MutableState, Retrofit2, Glide Main Features Kotlin MVVM Jetpack
Android sample app for mobile-sdk integration
Dyte Android Sample App An example app in kotlin using the Dyte Mobile Core SDK Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of C
This Project for how to use MVVM , state flow, Retrofit, dagger hit, coroutine , use cases with Clean architecture.
Clean-architecture This Project for how to use MVVM , state flow, Retrofit, dagger hit, coroutine , use cases with Clean architecture. Why i should us
A movie & TV show exploration app that implements MVVM design pattern by following the clean architecture principles, using TMDB API.
🎬 Movie App 📺 A movie & TV show exploration app that implements MVVM design pattern by following the clean architecture principles, using TMDB API.
🚀 Stock Market App / See listed companies and details with Jetpack Compose.
🚀 Stock Market App 🚀 Preview 👀 ✨ See listed companies and details with Jetpack Compose ✨ 📚 Libraries Retrofit2 Open CSV Compose Destinations Dagge
IMovie IMovie is a is a sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development. The goal of the project is to combine popul
sample codebase for E2E testing with Jest, Appium and WebDriverIO for Android and iOS
E2E testing for React Native with Jest, Appium and WebDriverIO (iOS and Android) In this repo you will find a sample project to showcase how to do E2E
Kotlin multi platform project template and sample app with everything shared except the UI. Built with clean architecture + MVI
KMMNewsAPP There are two branches Main News App Main The main branch is a complete template that you can clone and use to build the awesome app that y
push note is a free Android app that you can keep your notes in the notification bar in seconds.
push note - notification notes push note is a free Android app that you can keep your notes in the notification bar in seconds. Features 🌟 Super quic
Generate MVVM-UseCase-Api-DI feature packages with 1 click
Android MVVM Generator Pre-requisites Project assumes that you use Hilt, Retrofit, Kotlin, Flows, Jetpack ViewModel and MVVM with UseCase layer. Impor
Code samples for the second edition of "Kotlin in Action".
Code samples for Kotlin in Action, Second Edition This project contains the code samples from book "Kotlin in Action, Second Edition" by Roman Elizaro
🚀 Sample Android HB Case
HB Case Android and Compose Version Android Clean Architecture in HB Case Sample is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android applica
Sample repo that demonstrates various options for testing Jetpack Compose applications.
Composing With Confidence This is the sample repository for the Composing With Confidence presentation from Droidcon NYC in 2022. If you run the sampl
An Android application consuming the GitHub API to search for users on Github, display their followers, following and repositories. The project is built with Compose, MVVM pattern as well as other architectural components and libraries.
Git App An Android application consuming the GitHub API to search for users on Github, display their followers, following and repositories. The projec
An Android base project building on MVVM Architecture Pattern. This can help you build new apps faster
MVVM Explanation If you can't imagine what is MVVM, please read my medium article here first. It can fully explain the revolution of Software architec
MVVM ,Hilt DI ,LiveData ,Flow ,SharedFlow ,Room ,Retrofit ,Coroutine , Navigation Component ,DataStore ,DataBinding , ViewBinding, Coil
RickMorty This is a simple app which has been implemented using Clean Architecture alongside MVVM design to run (online/offline) using : [ MVVM ,Hilt
EduApp is a mini e-learning platform based on udemy's public api. It has 4 main navigation destinations (Home, Search, Wishlist, Cart). Users can search courses from different categories and get real-time results from the api using Chips for a smooth filtering experience. It has different theme for dark mode.
EduApp EduApp is a mini e-learning platform based on udemy's public api. It has 4 main navigation destinations (Home, Search, Wishlist, Cart). Users c
Movies App represent a list of movies, list of categories, search about movie and Save movie in Room Database
What is this project? Movies App represent a list of movies, list of categories, search about movie and Save movie in Room Database Main Features Kotl
This is a sample app to use [Molecule library] and solve some scoping problems in Android development.
Android sample app Problem It's started when P.Y. in Twitter shared this tweet and his post, which is a correct complain about introducing a new set o
Pour apprendre en Kotlin, voici une proposition de corrigé pour le Projet 5 "Todoc" du Parcours OC Android
Démo Sujets abordés / démontrés Kotlin Architecture MVVM (Model View ViewModel) LiveData (en particulier le 'pont' liveData {} vers les coroutines) Co
Sample Project with Clean Architecture for demonstrating using Kotlin Flows for fetching User Location and networking.
Nearby-Places-Foursquare-Android Getting Nearby Places using Foursquare API API's Used from FourSquare Get Key from Foursquare site. NearBy places Her
🃏 Multimodular Android MVVM Template I use whenever I start a new Android Project.
Android architecture starter template This template is compatible with the latest stable version of Android Studio. Features Room Database Hilt ViewMo
Discover the most popular and top rated movies playing. Movies data fetched using tomdbapi.com API.
Movie-App A simple news app build using MVVM architecture. Discover the most popular and top rated movies playing. Movies data fetched using tomdbapi.
Unsplash Gallery for a coding challange.
Important note: Secret key of Unsplash is not present in the public github repository, Utils Constants.SERVER_SECRET. Replace it with your key. Unsp
To Do List App is built in Kotlin using Material 3, Data Binding, Navigation Component Graphs, Room persistence library, Kotlin coroutines, LiveData, Dagger Hilt, and Notifications following MVVM Architecture.
ToDoListApp ToDoList App demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, LiveData, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Material 3 Design bas
Android MVVM Architecture using Kotlin, RxJava, Koin.
Android-MVVM-RxJava-Digikala_kotlin Digikala sample app developed MVVM architecture design pattern that follow the best practices of Object Oriented D
Android app using Kotlin to manage to-do notes with firebase as backend service
TO-DO Manager TO-DO Manager is a simple note management app. Unlike other apps, TO-DO Manager is free and open source. You can access your nots from a
An Android app where you can view and examine the details of fast food divided into categories.
🍔 FastFood An Android application where you can view and examine the details of fast food divided into categories. 🛠 Tech Stack & Open-Source Librar
RX-based async paradigm, Room, DI (Hilt), Retrofit, MVVM, Jetpack, Lottie, Transitions
CatBreedsApp RxJava, Room, DI (Hilt), Jetpack, Shared element transition. clean MVVM architecture, Retrofit Cats need your help, we want to build an a
A sample to demonstrate how to use Compose with Ktor Websockets
This is a sample to demonstrate how to use Compose with Ktor Websockets
Movo (Movie Information) is an android application to find out all the Movie Information and Details.
Movo About The Project Screen.Recording.2022-08-12.at.08.53.46_1.mp4 Movo (Movie Information) is an android application to find out all the Movie Info
Followed best practices, MVVM, clean architecture and coroutines.
GitHub Profiles Video Walktrough Using Github public API allows users to search Github profiles through the username. It shows the necessary informati
Asteroid radar app -Second Project from Udacity Advanced Android Development Kotlin Nanodegree
Asteroid radar app Using open-source Nasa Api Asteroid Radar is an app to view the asteroids detected by NASA that pass near Earth, you can view all t
A Clean Architecture App that uses clean Architecture (app, presentation, domain, data) packages to use coffee items API using MVVM Architecture, Coroutines, Retrofit2, Pagination, Live Data, Data Binding, Hilt , SOLID Principles , Navigation Component , RoomDb.
E-CommerceApp A Clean Architecture App that uses clean Architecture (app, presentation, domain, data) packages to use coffee items API using MVVM Arch
An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration.
Overview An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration. The purpose of this app is to get an experience from creatinig architectu
Demo app demonstrating how to create and manage notifications locally using a combination of Jetpacks Worker Manager and Broadcast Receiver.
Worker Notification Demo app demonstrating how to create and manage notifications locally using a combination of Jetpacks Worker Manager and Broadcast
MVVM ,Hilt DI ,LiveData ,Flow ,Room ,Retrofit ,Coroutine , Navigation Component ,DataStore ,DataBinding , ViewBinding, Coil
MVVM ,Hilt DI ,LiveData ,Flow ,Room ,Retrofit ,Coroutine , Navigation Component ,DataStore ,DataBinding , ViewBinding, Coil
An e-commerce dummy project built with compose
An e-commerce dummy project built with compose. Consuming a fake store API to show different functionalities of such a platform
A cryptocurrency application with clean architecture (MVVM, Jetpack Compose, Flow, Dagger Hilt)
Amirypto A cryptocurrency application built with Clean architecture and Jetpack component (MVVM, Jetpack Compose, Flow, Hilt, Retrofit). It was made t
A simple NewsApp built using Jetpack Compose, MVVM Architecture, Dagger Hilt and Kotlin Flow
NewsApp is simple App which uses NewsAPI to get top headlines for country you live in or you can search for a specific news. Focus of this app is to d
A fake shopping app built using the MVVM archirecture consuming FAKE STORE API
FakeStore A fake shopping app built using the MVVM archirecture consuming FAKE STORE API N/B This API does not provide an endpoint for registering use
Astronomy Picture of the Day Nasa(APOD) media listing and show picture details.
Astronomy Picture of the Day Nasa(APOD) media listing and show picture details. Built to learn and use of Latest Android development libs using Coroutines, Flow, Dagger-Hilt, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Material Guideline)
Application that allows to search some products and display them in a list, also allows to add some product to the shopping cart and remove it
Application that allows to search some products and display them in a list, also allows to add some product to the shopping cart and remove it
A powerful Gradle Plugin to help you demonstrate your android app
English | 简体中文 sample-gradle-plugin 🚀 A powerful Gradle Plugin to help you demonstrate your android app. We often write demo applications that contai
MVVM Movie App with Jetpack Compose (MovplayV2)
Movplay V2 This is the version 2 of An Android app built with Jetpack Compose consuming TMDB API to help users to have current information of the tren
Koguma a third-party tool for Tachiyomi
Koguma Koguma a tool that helps you create metadata for Tachiyomi's Local Source entries. The application uses AniList for getting metadata from onlin
DocuBox is a cloud based file storing app where you can securely store and access your documents from anywhere around the world
DocuBox is an android app 📱in which you can securely upload your files on the cloud– from family pictures and audio recordings to spreadsheets, presentations and other confidential documents.
Educational App made with Retrofit, Coroutines, Navigation Component, Room, Dagger Hilt, Flow & Material Motion Animations.
TechHub TechHub is a sample educational app that provides courses for people who want to learn new skills in mostly tech-related areas. The goal of th
Firebase with MVVM is a series of videos in which you will learn how to implement firebase with MVVM along with UI designs, GitHub branches, merging, and resolving conflicts.
In this project we will learn about Firebase Implementation with MVVM Architecture. It is a basic level Course and will go with project based approach so can understand better that how the things are working.
Movie App with MVVM + Clean Architecture (TMDB Api)
MovieApp Movie App is an application where you can follow movie trends, search for the movie you like and add the ones you like to your favorites. API
Order Food Application Build With Kotlin MVVM (Model - View - ViewModel)
Kotlin Order Food Application Build With Kotlin MVVM (Model - View - ViewModel) Clean Architecture, MSSQL API, Beautiful Design UI, Smooth Animations Using Tools And Components Supported By Google And By Most Of The Android Development Community
A ToDo application that I used Firebase Authentication and Firestore.
ToDoApp With the To-Do Application, you can create notes to your list, update them or delete them. You can change its colors as you like and mark it e
A complete Kotlin application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation using multi-module architecture developed using SOLID principles
This repository serves as template and demo for building android applications for scale. It is suited for large teams where individuals can work independently on feature wise and layer wise reducing the dependency on each other.
Sample project to demonstrate how to have clear and better interactions between composables and viewmodels.
Form Validation Sample project to demonstrate how to have clear and better interactions between composables and viewmodels. Concepts used uiState conc
Healtify is a native android app which allows the user to track the amout of Calories they are consuming
Healtify is a native android app which allows the user to track the amout of Calories they are consuming. It not only tracks the calories but also shows how much of fat, protein and carbs they have consumed and how much they should be doing.
CryptoMovies is a small app that show modern Android developement: with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack and Material Design 3
CryptoMovies is a small app that show modern Android developement: with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack and Material Design 3.
RoomJetpackCompose is an app written in Kotlin and shows a simple solution to perform CRUD operations in the Room database using Kotlin Flow in clean architecture.
RoomJetpackCompose is an app written in Kotlin and shows a simple solution to perform CRUD operations in the Room database using Kotlin Flow in clean architecture.
An Android App that fetches live and upcoming matches from the ElenaSport API
This is a football⚽️ livescore app made with Jetpack Compose App that consumes the data from ElenaSport API. Watch tutorial down below 👇
This project is for training purposes in Android with Kotlin Course.
fullAndroidCourseClassC This project is for training purposes in Android with Kotlin Course. `//Dependencies dependencies { //Kotlin implementation "o
This application is purpose to help user to get hotel recommendations.
This repository is the Capstone Project in Bangkit Academy 2022. This application is purpose to help user to get hotel recommendations.
An amazing expense tracker app, with great features and beautiful UI. Check it out!
My Expense Tracker Expense tracker app to keep your finances in order. Built entirely in Kotlin using modern architecture components. Build 🏗️ My Exp
🛒 Mercado Libre App Clone using modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Jetpack Compose based on MVVM architecture.
Meli Clone 🛒 Mercado Libre App Clone using modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Jetpack Compose based on
ToDo App is a kind of app that generally used to maintain our day-to-day tasks or list everything that we have to do
ToDo App is a kind of app that generally used to maintain our day-to-day tasks or list everything that we have to do, with the most important tasks at the top of the list, and the least important tasks at the bottom. It is helpful in planning our daily schedules.
UpSchool Capstone Project - Course selling application with MVVM, LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component, Adapter, Firebase Auth, Picasso, Lottie
UpSchool Capstone Project - Course selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel), LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav), Adapter, Firebase Auth, Picasso, Lottie
Task Manager feat. real-time competitive system and user engagement
Dira Что из себя представляет Dira? Android-приложение Directa (сокр. Dira) - это планер, который способен улучшить жизнь пользователей. Он позволяет
Project about changing Themes in Android app. 💡🔦🗽 ( Dark & Light) Mode. 💫
Dark 😴 Mode 👀 App 📱 You will be able to change the theme within the application. You can customize your phone by choosing the Light ☀️ or Dark 🌙 t
🍿 A TV Showcase App using Jetpack libs and MVVM arch. Data provided by TV Maze API
TV Showcase A TV Showcase 🍿 Android App using Jetpack libraries and MVVM architecture. Data provided by TVMaze API. Release 🚀 Download here See how
Simple Notes app, MVVM with Google Architectural components Room database, LiveData and ViewModel. Written in Kotlin using androidx libraries
Simple Notes app, MVVM with Google Architectural components Room database, LiveData and ViewModel. Written in Kotlin using androidx libraries. Implemented Firebase Auth and Database, and used Room database
Learning Project (Story App) For Applying Android Architecture Components And Clean Architecture Using MVVM With Kotlin
Learning Project (Story App) For Applying Android Architecture Components And Clean Architecture Using MVVM With Kotlin. Implemented by Clean Architecture, Hilt, MVVM, LiveData, Coroutines, Retrofit2, Glide
An android application that displays public apis' for developers to use
An android application that displays public apis' for developers to use. This application implements adaptive layout by use of a sliding pane layout
Modular android app for searching Movies on Filmnet.ir and show the details of each Move based on MVVM.
Movie_Search Modular android app for searching Movies on Filmnet.ir and show the details of each Move based on MVVM. Android MVVM Architecture Table o
NuntiumNews MVVM+Dagger+Paging Download Apk Version Technologies used Architecture: MVVM Technologies: Dagger2, Coroutines, Paging 3, Retrofit 2, Room