388 Repositories
Android navigation-bar Libraries
Android loading animations
Android-SpinKit Android loading animations(I wrote a android edition according SpinKit) Demo Apk Preview Gradle Dependency dependencies { implement
Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance
MaterialProgressBar Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance on Android 4.0+. Why MaterialProgressBar? Consistent appearance on Android
a circle progress bar with effect
RingProgress a circle progress bar with effect #Preview ##Usage xml com.ldoublem.ringPregressLibrary.RingProgress android:id="@+id/ring_prog
Material Design RatingBar with better appearance
MaterialRatingBar Material Design RatingBar with better appearance, compatible with Android 3.0+. Why MaterialRatingBar? Consistent appearance on Andr
Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance
MaterialProgressBar Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance on Android 4.0+. Why MaterialProgressBar? Consistent appearance on Android
Android图表库(XCL-Charts is a free charting library for Android platform.),基于Android Canvas来绘制各种图表,使用简便,定制灵活。目前支持3D/非3D/背向式/横向/竖向柱形图(Bar Chart)、3D/非3D饼图(Pie Chart)、堆叠图(Stacked Bar Chart)、面积图(Area Chart)、 折线图(Line Chart)、曲线图(Spline Chart)、环形图(Dount Chart)、南丁格尔玫瑰图(Rose Chart)、仪表盘(Dial Chart)、刻度盘(Gauge Chart)、雷达图(Radar Chart)、漏斗图(Funnel Chart)、圆形图(Circle Chart)、弧线比较图、散点图(Scatter Chart)、气泡图(Bubble Chart)、范围条形图(RangeBar Chart)等图表。其它特性还包括支持图表缩放、手势移动、点击响应、动画效果、多轴显示、图表参考线、混合图表及同数据源不同图表类型切换等。
XCL-Charts XCL-Charts V2.4 Android开源图表库(XCL-Charts is a free charting library for Android platform.) XCL-Charts基于Android原生Canvas来绘制各种图表,使用简便,定制灵活。 目前支
Android Graph Library for creating zoomable and scrollable line and bar graphs.
Chart and Graph Library for Android Project maintainer wanted! For time reasons I can not continue to maintain GraphView. Contact me if you are intere
:speedboat: Floating navigation view for displaying a list of items dynamically on Android.
Submarine Fully customizable floating navigation view for listing items dynamically on Android. Including in your project Gradle Add below codes to yo
🍞 The ultimate breadcrumbs view for Android!
KrumbsView The ultimate breadcrumbs view for Android! Inspired by JotterPad's breadcrumbs. Features: Custom typeface (from /assets and /res/font folde
A util for setting status bar style on Android App.
StatusBarUtil A util for setting status bar style on Android App. It can work above API 19(KitKat 4.4). 中文版点我 Sample Download StatusBarUtil-Demo Chang
A swipe button for Android with a circular progress bar for async operations
ProSwipeButton A swipe button for Android with a circular progress bar for async operations Gradle dependencies { ... compile 'in.shadowfax:pr
SmileyRating is a simple rating bar for android. It displays animated smileys as rating icon.
Smiley Rating SmileyRating is a simple rating bar for android. It displays animated smileys as rating icon. Drawn completely using android canvas Insp
📒 NotyKT is a complete 💎Kotlin-stack (Backend + Android) 📱 application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation🦸.
NotyKT 🖊️ NotyKT is the complete Kotlin-stack note taking 🖊️ application 📱 built to demonstrate a use of Kotlin programming language in server-side
A circular seek bar for Android
CircularSeekBar A circular seek bar for Android. Modification 1. Modified setProgress(int progress) method. 2. Added hideSeekBar() To hide seekbar. 3.
[] Easily create a simple, attractive and seamless custom action bar style for your Android application
Android Action Bar Style Generator ####DEPRECATED: Consider using Toolbar or its support library equivalent.#### The Android Action Bar Style Generato
A smart seek bar with multiple junction points at random seek position.
TerminalSeekBar A smart seek bar for android with multiple junction points at random seek position. Installation and Usage To use TerminalSeekBar in y
Progress Bar in the shape of regular polygon.
N-SidedProgressBar Progress Bar in the shape of regular polygon. Download The library is available on jcenter. Just add the dependency to your build.g
MusicBar 2.1 0.0 Java view visualize progress bar for sound file like sound cloud
MusicBar Setup dependencies { implementation 'com.oze.music:MusicBar:1.0.5' } Usage Function Description setAnimationChangeListener(OnMusicBarAn
Arc pointer - simple customized progress bar in the form of an arch
ArcPointer Simple customized progress bar in the form of an arch Demo Quick start Step 1 Gradle: compile 'io.github.dvegasa:arcpointer:1.0.2' Maven:
:barber: [Android Library] Stacked dual progress indicator progress-bar
StackedHorizontalProgressBar Specs Featured in Show some ❤️ Android library with ability to show two progress indicators in one horizontal progress ba
ProgressDialog that waits a minimum time to be dismissed before showing. Once visible, the ProgressDialog will be visible for a minimum amount of time to avoid "flashes" in the UI.
DelayedProgress ProgressBar and ProgressDialog that waits a minimum time to be dismissed before showing. Once visible, the they will be visible for a
Open source android library for different progress bar designs
MultiProgressBar A progress bar library for Android that provides customized progress bars. Built with ❤︎ by Aseem Khare 💻 Installation Add this in y
Create & Show progress, data or error views, the easy way!
State Views for Android (BETA version) Create & Show progress, data or error views, the easy way! StateViews is based on ViewSwitcher mechanism and al
A customizable indeterminate progress bar
DilatingDotsProgressBar Installation compile 'com.github.justzak:dilatingdotsprogressbar:1.0.1' Usage com.zl.reik.dilatingdotsprogressbar.DilatingDo
Android - An action bar item which acts both as a refresh button and as a progress indicator
RefreshActionItem An action bar item that implements this common pattern: Initially it shows a refresh button. If the button is clicked, a background
DownloadProgressBar is an android library that delivers awesome custom progress bar. You can manipulate it's state in every way.
Download Progress Bar Android progress bar with cool animation, inspired by : https://dribbble.com/shots/2012292-Download-Animation ###Attributes Attr
A wave view of android,can be used as progress bar.
WaveView  A wave view of android,can be used as progress bar. Screenshot APK demo.apk What can be use
[Android] Round Corner Progress Bar Library for Android
RoundCornerProgressBar Round corner is cool. Let's make your progress bar to round corner Colorful progress bar with round corner on progress which yo
A progress wheel for android, intended for use instead of the standard progress bar.
Deprecation warning This project is no-longer maintained, and has not been maintained for a few years now. If you're looking for an alternative librar
Android widget for selecting a range of values.
RangeBar The RangeBar is similar to an enhanced SeekBar widget, though it doesn't make use of the SeekBar. It provides for the selection of a range of
(Deprecated) A custom view component that mimics the new Material Design Bottom Navigation pattern.
BottomBar (Deprecated) I don't have time to maintain this anymore. I basically wrote the whole library in a rush, without tests, while being a serious
An instance-state saving fragment switcher, intended for use with navigation drawers or tabs.
FragmentSwitcher FragmentSwitcher is an adapter-based, state-saving fragment container similar to a ViewPager. It was designed with the NavigationDraw
A sleek, out of the box, easy to understand and use, swipe gesture based Navigational Library for android.
Facilis Swipe gesture based navigational library for Android. Watch Demo Video: Getting Started To get this project into your build: Gradle Add it in
This library will help to show the polyline in dual color similar as Uber.
Dual-color-Polyline-Animation This library will help to show the polyline in dual color similar as Uber with animation in the demo. Demo Steps: Pass t
Okuki is a simple, hierarchical navigation bus and back stack for Android, with optional Rx bindings, and Toothpick DI integration.
Okuki A simple, hierarchical navigation bus and back stack for Android, with optional Rx bindings, and Toothpick integration for automatic dependency-
BubbleTabBar is bottom navigation bar with customizable bubble like tabs
BubbleTabBar BubbleTabBar is bottom navigation bar with customizable bubble like tabs Usage com.fxn.BubbleTabBar android:id="@+id/
Alligator is a modern Android navigation library that will help to organize your navigation code in clean and testable way.
Alligator Alligator is a modern Android navigation library that will help to organize your navigation code in clean and testable way. Features Any app
An android navigation bar widget
Chip Navigation Bar A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation mixed with Chips component. Usage !-- bottom_menu.xml -- menu xmln
A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
AnimatedBottomBar A customizable and easy to use bottom bar view with sleek animations. Examples Playground app Download the playground app from Googl
A flexible, easy to use, unique drawer library for your Android project.
Duo Navigation Drawer This Android library provides an easy way to create an alternative navigation drawer for android. Instead of a drawer that slide
🎉 [Android Library] A light-weight library to easily make beautiful Navigation Bar with ton of 🎨 customization option.
Bubble Navigation 🎉 A light-weight library to easily make beautiful Navigation Bars with a ton of 🎨 customization options. Demos FloatingTopBarActiv
An Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments
FragNav Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments (e.g., Bottom Navigation , Navigation Drawer). This library does NOT include the UI
Simple library which enable you to add a drawer(slide-out) navigation to your android application
SimpleSideDrawer is an android library to add a drawer navigation into your android application. This library has high affinity with other libraries l
Android - Blur Navigation Drawer like Etsy app.
Blur Navigation Drawer Library[DEPRECATED] Blur Navigation Drawer like Etsy app. Demo You can download a demo here. Updates Version 1.1 Add support fo
Implementation of "Side Navigation" or "Fly-in app menu" pattern for Android (based on Google+ app)
Android SideNavigation Library Implementation of "Side Navigation" or "Fly-in app menu" pattern for Android (based on Google+ app). Description The Go
ActionsContentView is an standalone library implements actions/content swiping view (AKA Side Navigation UI Pattern, AKA Facebook side menu). The library doesn't use any specific code introduced in new Android SDK versions. This allows develop an application with an action/content swiping view for every version of Android from 2.2 and up.
ActionsContentView ActionsContentView is an standalone library implements actions/content swiping view. The library doesn't use any specific code intr
Navigation menu for Android (based off Google+ app)
RibbonMenu Navigation menu for Android (based on Google+ app). Usage Menus are created in xml as normal, adding text and an icon. In the layout you wa
Tap Bar Menu
TapBar Menu Simple library that helps creating a "Tap Bar" menu layout. Demo 1: https://youtu.be/DjY0cTWWtao Demo 2: https://youtu.be/dWuPMN6WTOY Inst
Bottom Navigation widget component inspired by the Google Material Design Guidelines at https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/bottom-navigation.html
Material Bottom Navigation Library Lightweight Bottom Navigation library component inspired by the Google Material Design Guidelines at https://www.go
Material style circular progress bar for Android
Material CircularProgressView Indeterminate Determinate Description This CircularProgressView is a (surprisingly) circular progress bar Android View t
Android widget for selecting a range of values.
MaterialRangeBar MaterialRangeBar is a fork from https://github.com/edmodo/range-bar that adds some basic material styling, as well as start and end v
Navigation Drawer Activity with material design style and simplified methods
MaterialNavigationDrawer Navigation Drawer Activity with material design style and simplified methods It requires 10+ API and android support v7
Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance
MaterialProgressBar Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance on Android 4.0+. Why MaterialProgressBar? Consistent appearance on Android
The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. Now brand new with material 2 design.
MaterialDrawer ... the flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. What's included 🚀 • Setup 🛠️ • Migration Guide 🧬
📒 NotyKT is a complete 💎Kotlin-stack (Backend + Android) 📱 application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation🦸.
NotyKT 🖊️ NotyKT is the complete Kotlin-stack note taking 🖊️ application 📱 built to demonstrate a use of Kotlin programming language in server-side
A Kotlin DSL wrapper around the mikepenz/MaterialDrawer library.
MaterialDrawerKt Create navigation drawers in your Activities and Fragments without having to write any XML, in pure Kotlin code, with access to all t
📒 NotyKT is a complete 💎Kotlin-stack (Backend + Android) 📱 application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation🦸.
NotyKT 🖊️ NotyKT is the complete Kotlin-stack note taking 🖊️ application 📱 built to demonstrate a use of Kotlin programming language in server-side
:octocat: Navigation toolbar is a slide-modeled UI navigation controller made by @Ramotion
NAVIGATION TOOLBAR Navigation toolbar is a Kotlin slide-modeled UI navigation controller. We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI for M
Create curve bottom navigation using this library
Curve Bottom Bar Download Add it to your build.gradle with: allprojects { repositories { maven { url "https://jitpack.io" } } } and: d
A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View
Floating Navigation View A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View and was inspired by Menu Material Fixed created by Tom
Navigation pattern like in Google News Stand app with transitions
Google-NewsStand-Animation-Android Navigation pattern like in Google News Stand app with transitions Getting Started In your build.gradle dependencies
Tabbar Component For React-Native
React Native Tabbar Interaction Beautiful Tabbar Interaction with Sliding Inset FABs, made with React Native. Check it out on Béhance (https://www.beh
An example of how to extend the ActionBar under the status bar from the theme
Extended ActionBar The problem: Android 4.4 Kitkat introduced a wonderful new opportunity: translucent bars. It's as simple as adding the following to
[] Action bar implementation which uses the native action bar on Android 4.0+ and a custom implementation on pre-4.0 through a single API and theme.
DEPRECATED ActionBarSherlock is deprecated. No more development will be taking place. For an up-to-date action bar backport use AppCompat. Thanks for
📱 Android Library to implement Rich, Beautiful, Stylish 😍 Material Navigation View for your project with Material Design Guidelines. Easy to use.
Material NavigationView for Android 📱 📱 Android Library to implement Rich, Beautiful Material Navigation View for your project with Material Design
A lightweight Android browser with modern navigation
Lightning Browser Speed, Simplicity, Security Download Master Branch Dev Branch Features Bookmarks History Multiple search engines (Google, Bing, Yaho
Tidy up your Android status bar before taking screenshots for the Play Store
DEPRECATED This project no longer works on recent versions of Android. Use Android's build-in Demo mode instead. For the curious, more information abo
FoldingNavigationDrawer-Android This is a sample project present how to use Folding-Android to add Folding Efect to Navigation Drawer.
FoldingNavigationDrawer-Android Sample (Play Store Demo) This is a sample project present how to use Folding-Android to add Folding Efect to Navigatio
A skeleton of google's appcompat android navigation drawer with material design.
Lollipop AppCompat Skeleton A skeleton of google's appcompat android navigation drawer with material design. Compatible to work on 4.0+ Based on Googl
A util for setting status bar style on Android App.
StatusBarUtil A util for setting status bar style on Android App. It can work above API 19(KitKat 4.4). 中文版点我 Sample Download StatusBarUtil-Demo Chang
Android Graph Library for creating zoomable and scrollable line and bar graphs.
Chart and Graph Library for Android Project maintainer wanted! For time reasons I can not continue to maintain GraphView. Contact me if you are intere
Android - a library that adds a glass-like effect to the action bar.
GlassActionBar GlassActionBar is an Android library which implements a glass-like effect for the action bar. The three most commonly used action bar i
Android library implementing a fading effect for the action bar, similar to the one found in the Play Music app
FadingActionBar FadingActionBar is a library which implements the cool fading action bar effect that can be seen in the new Play Music app. This libra
A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
AnimatedBottomBar A customizable and easy to use bottom bar view with sleek animations. Examples Playground app Download the playground app from Googl
A new way to implement navigation in your app 🏎
ExpandableBottomBar A new way to improve navigation in your app Its really easy integrate to your project take it, faster, faster Important: library w
A customizable, animated progress bar that features rounded corners. This Android library is designed to look great and be simple to use 🎉
RoundedProgressBar Easy, Beautiful, Customizeable The RoundedProgressBar library gives you a wide range of customizable options for making progress ba
This is beautiful color arc progress bar.
ColorArcProgressBar 中文版 This is a customizable circular progressbar.It can achieve the effect of the QQ health's arc progress with XML. What's more, w
[Android] Round Corner Progress Bar Library for Android
RoundCornerProgressBar Round corner is cool. Let's make your progress bar to round corner Colorful progress bar with round corner on progress which yo
Android widget for selecting a range of values.
MaterialRangeBar MaterialRangeBar is a fork from https://github.com/edmodo/range-bar that adds some basic material styling, as well as start and end v
Navigation tab bar with colorful interactions.
NavigationTabBar Navigation tab bar with colorful interactions. You can check the sample app here. Warn This library is not more supported. If you wa
Navigation tab strip with smooth interaction.
NavigationTabStrip Navigation tab strip with smooth interaction. You can check the sample app here. Warn This library is not more supported. If you w
Navigation Drawer Activity with material design style and simplified methods
MaterialNavigationDrawer Navigation Drawer Activity with material design style and simplified methods It requires 10+ API and android support v7
A wave view of android,can be used as progress bar.
WaveView  A wave view of android,can be used as progress bar. Screenshot APK demo.apk What can be use
Scale bar for Android Maps (Google Maps, OSM, MapBox, Yandex)
Map Scale View Scale view for any Android Maps SDK (not only Google Maps) Contributing I encourage you to participate in this project. Feel free to op
Material Design Search Bar for Android
Material SearchBar Android Material Design Search Bar for Android This beautiful and easy to use library will help to add Lollipop Material Design Sea
A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View
Floating Navigation View A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View and was inspired by Menu Material Fixed created by Tom
The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. Now brand new with material 2 design.
MaterialDrawer ... the flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. What's included 🚀 • Setup 🛠️ • Migration Guide 🧬
A powerful 🚀 Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, panning and animations.
⚡ A powerful & easy to use chart library for Android ⚡ Charts is the iOS version of this library Table of Contents Quick Start Gradle Maven Documentat