774 Repositories
Android pass-object-using-intent Libraries
📭 Extension to Ktor’s routing system to add object oriented routing and much more. 💜
📭 Ktor Routing Extensions Extension to Ktor’s routing system to add object-oriented routing and much more. 💜 Why? This extension library was created
An experimental UI toolkit for generating PowerPoint presentation files using Compose
ComposePPT An experimental UI toolkit for generating PowerPoint presentation files(.pptx) using Compose. Inspired by Glance and Mosaic. Why? This proj
A Kotlin Native program to show the time since a date, using Kotlin LibUI
TimeSince A Kotlin Native program to show the time since a date, using Kotlin LibUI Report Bug . Request Feature About The Project TimeSince is a Kotl
Sample app for tutorial: Pagination in Android Room Database using the Paging 3 Library
Demo Implementation of Paging 3 with Room DB Read the article. Demo implementation of Pagination in an Android Room Database using the Paging 3 Librar
A movies application built Using clean architecture and MVVM (Model-view-viewModel).
Movies-App This is a movies application which fecthes upcoming and popular movies from the movie Database(TMBD). It is built Using clean architecture
An android application that provides simple communication between bluetooth enabled devices using LoRa for intermidiate data transfer
LoRa and bluetooth communication An android application that provides simple communication between bluetooth enabled devices using LoRa for intermidia
Gallery application using Unsplash API, coding by Android Kotlin
Gallery App GalleryApp is application show image from Unsplash API, based on MVVM architecture. Download Go to the Releases to download the latest APK
Space x app fetching data from api using apollographql, databinding, navigation components and hilt for DI.
Space-X Space-X is an android application that displays the list of launches from the Space-X API using ApolloGraphql inclusive of their launch site a
Market Watch is Android app using Alpha Vantage API. Live stock and market data.
Donate If you like this app please donate Bitcoin: bc1qwqqpuy54qfja7h5dzpd9swgrnkql02t8cacn62 About this app Market Watch allows to watch and track s
PassCode is the Android app made by using Jetpack Compose. Created for the test task submission.
PassCode PassCode is the Android app made by using the Jetpack Compose. Created for the test task submission. Showcase Dark Theme Light Theme ACs The
Mock up social media android application created to interact with a backend Java server using GraphQL.
The Community Board Project Authorship: author: dnglokpor date: may 2022 Project Summary: The Community Board Project consists of a Java Spring Boot b
MVVM Todo App for Android using Kotlin.
MVVM To-Do List App with Flow and Architecture Components Watch the course here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrnPJCHvNZuCfAe7QK2BoMPkv2TGM_
FirebaseSignInWithGoogle app it's written in Kotlin and shows a simple solution for implementing Firebase Authentication with Google, using Jetpack Compose on Android.
FirebaseSignInWithGoogle It's an app built with Kotlin that shows how to authenticate users with Firebase using Android Architecture Components and th
To learn how to build an e-commerce app for Android using the Firestore database from Google Firebase Technology
It is an adjustable e-commerce application that you can use to create your own online store or use it as a template to create an e-commerce app for your client. In this app we are covering such topics as Firebase basics how to upload and download data to and from an online database Displaying Images from the Cloud Creating User Profiles Uploading and displaying Products Building a Cart System Selecting images from your phone
A LibrePhotos android client written using Jetpack Compose and all the latest Android technologies
UhuruPhotos. A LibrePhotos client UhuruPhotos is an Android client for LibrePhotos written using the latest Android technologies, like Jetpack Compose
Kotlin library for creating long running connections using MQTT protocol
About Courier Courier is a kotlin library for creating long running connections using MQTT protocol. Long running connection is a persistent connectio
Example of using coroutines with Spring MVC
This is an example of using coroutines with Spring MVC (not webflux!) DemoController uses https://github.com/joost-de-vries/spring-coroutine, but sinc
A feature flag framework for Android using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
Feature Flags are essential for software development and release management
Example Multi module architecture Android project using MVVM, Dynamic Features, Dagger-Hilt, Coroutines and Navigation Components
ModularDynamicFeatureHilt An Android template project following a multi module approach with clean architecture. It has been built following Clean Arc
Multi module architecture Android template project using MVVM, Dagger-Hilt, and Navigation Components
ModularAppTemplate An Android template project following a multi module approach with clean architecture. It has been built following Clean Architectu
A sample application showcasing authenticators using OIE android SDK
Embedded Auth with Okta OIE Android SDK - Kotlin Sample Application ❕ The sample uses an SDK that requires usage of the Okta Identity Engine. This fun
Demonstration of Object Pool Design Pattern using Kotlin language and Coroutine
Object Pool Design Pattern with Kotlin Demonstration of Thread Safe Object Pool Design Pattern using Kotlin language and Coroutine. Abstract The objec
Pdf Extractor - Covert array list of object to pdf table
Pdf Extractor - Covert array list of object to pdf table
Android Clean Architecture in Rorty is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android application development using Kotlin and latest tech-stack.
Android Clean Architecture in Rorty is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android application development using Kotlin and latest tech-stack.
🎮 A Minesweeper like puzzle game, built using Jetpack Compose, for Android.
Minesweeper w/ Jetpack Compose This is a Minesweeper-like puzzle game, built using Jetpack Compose, for Android. The objective of this game is to clea
Backups on Android easy and fast using Restic
restic-android (Unofficial) This project aims to make Backups on Android easy and fast using Restic. It also makes use of termux/proot to run the Rest
Kotlin Multiplatform Coffee Machine
Expressus KMM sample project acting as a playground to illustrate what's discussed in these articles: Details Shared Model-View-Intent architecture Fi
Ktorfit - a HTTP client/Kotlin Symbol Processor for Kotlin Multiplatform (Js, Jvm, Android, iOS, Linux) using KSP and Ktor clients inspired by Retrofit
Ktorfit is a HTTP client/Kotlin Symbol Processor for Kotlin Multiplatform (Js, Jvm, Android, iOS, Linux) using KSP and Ktor clients inspired by Retrofit
App built using Kotlin, Dagger Hilt, Room Database, Coroutines, Flow, AndroidX Glance, WorkManager, Coil etc.
An article sharing platform where you can personalize, subscribe to your favorite topics, get daily-read reminders, etc. App built using Kotlin, Dagger Hilt, Room Database, Coroutines, Flow, AndroidX Glance, WorkManager, Coil etc.
Asteroid Radar is an app that allow you to view the asteroids detected by NASA that pass near Earth
Asteroid-radar Asteroid Radar is an app that allow you to view the asteroids detected by NASA that pass near Earth. you can view all the detected aste
Post It is the android App for uploading posts and liking them using Firebase and FireStore.
Post-it Post It is the android App for uploading posts and liking them using Firebase and FireStore. This app also uses DAO, RecycleView, Coroutines a
A complete app that demonstrate how to build an Android application using the Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture approach
📷 Blog taking application utilizing Ktor REST-API and following modern practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, Flows, Channels, Room, Work Manager, Navigation Component, MVI, Clean Architecture, Modularization, Dagger Hilt, Tests...
An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase.
E-Commerce An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase. Login for : nisa@gmail.com 123456 Screenshots of the app : L
A chat app for Android written in Kotlin using MVVM.
Chat App Android About A chat app for Android written in Kotlin using MVVM. Features Authentication: Email and password Google Auth Reset Password Sen
OTH themes for JetBrains. Dark and light themes using Open Template Hub's color palette.
Open Template Hub - IntelliJ Theme Plugin v1 OTH themes for JetBrains. Dark and light themes using Open Template Hub's color palette. After installing
Chat App is built to demonstrate a simple end-to-end chat encryption using RSA and AES algorithms
End-to-End Encrypted Chat 🔒 Chat App is built to demonstrate a simple end-to-end chat encryption using RSA and AES algorithms Built With ⚒️ Jetpack C
MMKV for Kotlin Multiplatform is a wrapper for MMKV using Kotlin API
MMKV for Kotlin Multiplatform is a wrapper for MMKV using Kotlin API
Project to implement the Apple Card App UI and Animations using Jetpack Compose
Project to implement the Apple Card App UI and Animations using Jetpack Compose
Android native news App using API from thenewsapi.com and Retrofit Library
FlashBytes-Android-News-App Android Material Design News App using API from https://www.thenewsapi.com/ and Retrofit Library Screen Splash, Onboard Sc
Sample Android Clean Architecture on App focused on written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack with Compose.
Rick And Morty Jetpack Compose Sample App Table of Contents About the Project Architecture Features Environment Setup Contact About The Project This S
🚀 Sample Android Clean Architecture on JetRorty App focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack with Compose.
Android Clean Architecture in Rorty is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android application development using Kotlin and latest tech-stack.
OTH themes for JetBrains. Dark and light themes using Open Template Hub's color palette.
Open Template Hub - IntelliJ Platform Theme v1 OTH themes for JetBrains. Dark and light themes using Open Template Hub's color palette. After installi
Sample application to show state management & unidirectional data flow using Jetpack compose.
Jetpack Compose State Management A sample project to demonstrate State Management in Jetpack compose by following This CodeLab. Through the project yo
Advanced Android Weather App using MVVM Architecture Sample (ViewModel + LiveData + Kotlin + volley) = Weather App
Advanced Android Weather App using MVVM Architecture Sample (ViewModel + LiveData + Kotlin + volley) = Weather App Video Weather.-.HD.720p.mov Introdu
A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, Flow, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Github API.
A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Github API.
Free plugins for kraken using the community api.
Community Plugins Free plugins for kraken using the community api. Wiki Make sure you read the Wiki for guides and information on how to use the commu
RecyclerView Application example using kotlin and viewbinding.
SimpleRecyclerViewApp Shows how to display some items in a simple list using the RecyclerView and RecycleView.Adapter. The RecycleView is the entity t
👨💻 A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Open Sky API. ✈️ 🌍
A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Open Sky API.
A Simple Blog App using Jetpack Compose, Flow, Navigation Compose, Room and Firebase
BlogCompose A Simple Blog App using Jetpack Compose, Flow, Navigation Compose, Room and Firebase Instructions Download your Firebase configuration fil
Demo Android application using Gradle. Project is written entirely in Kotlin with MVVM architecture
Demo Android application using Gradle. Project is written entirely in Kotlin with MVVM architecture, Dagger / Hilt Dependency Injection, Room Database and Retrofit API Calls
📞 Remote call sample android app using RemoteMonster
📞 Remote call sample android app using RemoteMonster
A program written entirely in Kotlin using the principles of Clean Architecture according to the MVVM pattern
A program written entirely in Kotlin using the principles of Clean Architecture according to the MVVM pattern. An application that shows a list of ani
Simple Login using firebase and compose views
SimpleLogin Project name: SimpleLogin Android Develop in android over MVVM, Kotlin, Compose. Package Structure com.anelcc.SimpleLogin # Root Pack
Android Combined Application for chat, audio/video calls, and broadcast to millions of web and app users using VdoTok SDK.
Android Combined Application for chat, audio/video calls, and broadcast to millions of web and app users using VdoTok SDK.
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile application built using that consumes WakaTime API
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile application built using that consumes WakaTime API ⏱️ to display user's coding stats such as day's or day's of weeks coding time, coding time for various programming languages or worked on projects etc. on various platforms.
Screencast using Minecraft blocks using Minestom
BlockScreen 🖥️ Usage Note: This can only be used locally, servers generally don't have capturable screens First, download the latest jar, then to sta
Kotlin extension function provides a facility to "add" methods to class without inheriting a class or using any type of design pattern
What is Kotlin Extension Function ? Kotlin extension function provides a facility to "add" methods to class without inheriting a class or using any ty
Based on Android + NodeMCU platform to achieve object detection and tracking, AI capabilities come from Google MLKit.
Based on Android + NodeMCU platform to achieve object detection and tracking, AI capabilities come from Google MLKit.
Generate Qr Code using ZXING with a logo if needed
QrGeneratorWithLogo Generate Qr Code using ZXING with a logo if needed Download the Helper file and use it 1- add zxing lib into your project implem
A spring-boot project that demonstrates data caching using Redis
A spring-boot project that demonstrates data caching using Redis
A simple list-detail application using the Github API
GitHub Users Search Android application to search users via GitHub API Project demonstrates how to use Kotlin, Android Architecture Components, Dagger
Retrieve Data from an API using MVVM Clean Architecture and Jetpack Compose
MVVM Clean Architecture Demo Retrieve Data from an API using MVVM Clean Architecture and Jetpack Compose. It simply shows a list of movies fetched fro
A modern front-end for YouTube built using Kotlin compose
A modern front-end for YouTube built using Kotlin compose, with Material You theming and many more features.
Note taking app using MVVM architecture with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack
Note taking app using MVVM architecture with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel,Paging3).
Kotlin Example of how to organize your code using MVC and some patterns seen in class
Kotlin Example of how to organize your code using MVC and some patterns seen in class
A sample project of implementing Liveness Detection and Identity OCR on Android app using Kredibel Vision SDK
Vision Sample (Android) A sample project of implementing Liveness Detection and Identity OCR on Android app using Kredibel Vision SDK. You can checkou
A server code template using Kotlin, Gradle, and Ktor
This project is a server code template using Kotlin, Gradle, and Ktor. It aims to help you build a service by providing reusable code examples that is likely essential for a server.
GitHub application fetches events, repositories and profile using GitHub APIs
GitHub application using GitHub REST API Dagger MVVM architecture Mockk Jetpack Compose Kotlin Coroutines Application pages Attention If you want to u
A simple real-time chatting application using android
In this project we have created a simple real-time chatting application using android. In this project we can chat with a registered user in the app. We can also set profile photo, about, name. After chatting with registered user we can also logout from the app and we can login, whenever we want .
❤️ A heart-shaped toggle switch component built using Jetpack Compose
heart-switch A heart-shaped toggle switch component built using Jetpack Compose. Inspired by Tore Bernhoft's I heart toggle Dribbble shot and Anatoliy
♣️ A flexible and powerful command framework with default Guilded API implementations using deck
A simple and versatile command framework made with the primary objective of making Guilded command experience a little more elegant.
This todolist android app is for task management and it is made using kotlin
This new android application named 'TODO-LIST APP' is created by Biswarup Bhattacharjee, student of BTECH, in University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata.
Taxi - an example of how to create an introductory screen using Jetpack Compose
Taxi - an example of how to create an introductory screen using Jetpack Compose
A GitHub user Android apps using Dagger 2, MVVM, Modularization, Clean Architecture, and Airbnb Epoxy
A GitHub user Android apps using Dagger 2, MVVM, Modularization, Clean Architecture, and Airbnb Epoxy.
App made using Kotlin to retrieve data from an API and show in a recyclerview with Login and SignUp features
App made using Kotlin to retrieve data from an API and show in a recyclerview with Login and SignUp features.
Responsive Layout Gird Configuration using Compose. An adaptive layout
ResponsiveGrid Responsive Grid is most followed layout system by the designer as it adapts to screen size and orientation, ensuring consistency across
Material You using Jetpack Compose
Material You using Jetpack Compose. How to keep M2 alongside with M3 in a project. Repo to play with Material Themes and MDC
Android App Face recognition using MobiFacenet + text to speech
Face_Recognition real time #Android App Face recognition using MobileFacenet.
Collection of JVM library logic that the Sirloin software development team is currently using
Collection of JVM library logic that the Sirloin software development team is currently using
An open-source Android app for locating your group's people privately using Facebook Login, Google Maps API and Firebase
An open-source Android app for locating your group's people privately using Facebook Login, Google Maps API and Firebase
A product registration service using the Kotlin language and the Micronaut and Grpc framework
A product registration service using the Kotlin language and the Micronaut and Grpc framework
Simple Todo list API using Spring-Boot, Webflux, Kotlin, Coroutines, & PostgreSQL
Simple Todo list API using Spring-Boot, Webflux, Kotlin, Coroutines, & PostgreSQL
A simple Android library to protect part of text using Span
Text Protector A simple Android library to "protect" part of text using Span What is this? This is a small library for replacing part of a text in a T
λRPC allows using code with high-order functions as a service
λRPC Simple native RPC with high order functions support. Inspired by @altavir and Communicator. λRPC allows using code with high-order functions as a
Android AR Application using AR-Core
It all started with Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which showed us that lengths of space and durations of time vary depending on who is looking A new perspective on the fabric of reality. ARCore SDK Implementation, Android Bouncing ball App
LearnCompose - A simple UI built using Jetpack Compose
Compose course UI A simple UI built using Jetpack Compose. Consists of a list sc
Snake-compose-for-desktop - Snake Game - implemented using Compose for Desktop
A Snake game, built with Compose for Desktop snake-compose-for-desktop is my imp
To-Do-List - Create a To Do List-style App from scratch and drive the entire development process using Kotlin
To-Do-List! Crie um App no estilo "To Do List" do zero e conduza todo o processo
MyTraining - Application project for Android system using Kotlin
MyTraining Projeto de aplicação para sistema Android utilizando linguagem Kotlin
Android Kotlin Fundamentals: 02.3 ConstraintLayout using the Layout Editor
ColorMyViews Android Kotlin Bootcamp from Google Developer website Android Kotli
DEMOMovieDB - Client App using movieDB with Kotlin
DEMOMovieDB DEMOMovieDB is a gorgeous client application for TMDb on Android, bu
Demonstrates using Compose with pre-releases of KotlinCompiler and ComposeCompiler
Using Compose Compiler to support different versions of Kotlin For the purposes of testing, development, or just living on the edge... some people wan
UserLoc - A API call using Retrofit to obtain list of users details and show on UI in recycler view and google map
UserLoc This uses a API call using Retrofit to obtain list of users details and
WeatherInfo - A simple weather forecast app Using OpenWeatherMap API to fetch current weather and next 38 hour forecast weather data
WeatherInfo WeatherInfo is a simple weather forecast app Using OpenWeatherMap AP
FDPClient-EDITED - A free mixin-based injection hacked-client for Minecraft using Minecraft Forge based on LiquidBounce
FDPClient A free mixin-based injection hacked-client for Minecraft using Minecra
Drawing App: A simple drawing application that allows the user to draw using a pencil or using shapes
Drawing-App Drawing app is a simple drawing application that allows the user to
Backarrow-animation-example - Animate back arrow to close button in Compose using animated drawables
Animate Back Arrow to Close Icon in Compose This is a simple demo for animated v
Flowbius provides interoperability extensions for using Kotlin Flows with Mobius
Flowbius Flowbius provides interoperability extensions for using Kotlin Flows with Mobius. They allow conversion from Flows to Mobius types and vice v
Instagram clone App in android using Kotlin, LiveData, MVVM, Dagger, RxJava and Retrofit.
Instagram-Project-in-android-with-MVVM-architecture Project from MindOrks Professional Bootcamp with self practice work and added some additional feat
WeatherAndroidApplication - An Android Application, it will check the weather in the USA using Zip Code
WeatherAndroidApplication This is an Android Application, It will check the weat