133 Repositories
Android state-persistence Libraries
akka-samples-peristence-java by Lightbend, but using Kotlin.
This example illustrates event sourcing with Akka Persistence. it is based (okay, stolen from) the generated sample project akka-samples-peristence-ja
Android Kotlin+ MVVM + Retrofit2 + Room +Dagger2 + Coroutines + Junit4 + Espresso + Mockito + MockWebServer
Movies-TMDB Android Kotlin+ MVVM + Retrofit2 + Room +Dagger2 + Coroutines + Junit4 + + Espresso + Mockito + MockWebServer Movies-TMDB Android Movies-T
Add status to beans in Compose, Fields in beans can be directly used as the MutableStateT
Buff Add status to beans in Jetpack(jb) Compose, Fields in beans can be directly used as the MutableStateT β οΈ Non mainstream warning:This item viola
Resultat is kotlin.Result with a loading state
What is RΓ©sultat? RΓ©sultat is a fork of Kotlin Result with a loading state. Why? Because sometimes you start a project based on Kotlin Result and you
This Project for how to use MVVM , state flow, Retrofit, dagger hit, coroutine , use cases with Clean architecture.
Clean-architecture This Project for how to use MVVM , state flow, Retrofit, dagger hit, coroutine , use cases with Clean architecture. Why i should us
ππ§¨π Series of Tutorials to learn about Jetpack Compose with subjects Material Widgets, Layout, SubcomposeLayout, custom layouts, State, custom rememberable, recomposition, LaunchedEffect, side-effects, Gesture, Animation, Navigation, Canvas, UIs like whatsapp and others.
Jetpack Compose Tutorials and Playground π€ Overview Series of Tutorials to learn about Jetpack Compose, Material Widgets, State, Animation, and Navig
Undo snapshot state changes in Compose.
compose-undo Track changes to any snapshot state object and restore state from any point in the past. Usage implementation 'com.zachklipp.compose-undo
This is an android app using which users can chat to people nearby them with help of Bluetooth.
This is an android app using which users can chat to people nearby them with help of Bluetooth. This app is developed in Kotlin programming language. It is still in its early stages of development and currently let user to one-person-one-time chat at a time. It is under heavy development π π
To Do List App is built in Kotlin using Material 3, Data Binding, Navigation Component Graphs, Room persistence library, Kotlin coroutines, LiveData, Dagger Hilt, and Notifications following MVVM Architecture.
ToDoListApp ToDoList App demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, LiveData, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Material 3 Design bas
Is a new version of code for my (Social media app) with Clean Architecture
Is a new version of code for my Social media app with Clean Architecture. I used most of Clean code tips with android, SOLID principles and design-patterns..
Simplify mutating "immutable" state models
Mutekt (Pronunciation: /mjuΛΛteΙͺt/, 'k' is silent) "Simplify mutating "immutable" state models" Generates mutable models from immutable model definiti
AGStateMachineBuilder - a library for easy creation of state machines using advanced concepts of kotlin
This is a library for easy creation of state machines using advanced concepts of kotlin. As of 2/15/2022, this library only works in kotlin, but will be expanded to work in Java later (whenever I get bored enough to rewrite an entire code structure in java :/ )
Handy states for dynamically obtained data.
Resource Handy states for dynamically obtained data. Table of contents Problem to solve Reasons to use Artifacts resource-plain resource-context Insta
Taskify is a mobile application used to create and schedule tasks in your TODO list
Taskify is a mobile application used to create and schedule tasks in your TODO list. It is built upon the new Maaterial 3 UI components with the MVVM pattern and the latest Jetpack components.
A small navigation library for Jetpack Compose with state saving, backstack and animations support.
A small navigation library for Jetpack Compose with state saving, backstack and animations support.
ViewStateLayout - Easy way to manage common state templates like loading, empty, error etc.!
ViewStateLayout Easy way to manage common state templates like loading, empty, error etc.! How to Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build fil
This repository contains the article describing my attempt to implement a simple state reducer based on Kotlin Flow and an example app that uses it.
This repository contains the article describing my attempt to implement a simple state reducer based on Kotlin Flow and an example app that uses it.
Advanced State in Jetpack Compose Codelab
Advanced State in Jetpack Compose Codelab This folder contains the source code for the Advanced State in Jetpack Compose Codelab codelab. The project
MQTTandroidApp is android application that monitoring users state and other ambient condition, the acquire data is send at central broker (RaspberryPI3) of the MQTT architecture and then recieved back again an anothers android devices that chose to subscribe at topic.
My bachelor's thesis of Electronic Engineering at University of Bologna MQTTandroidApp MQTTandroidApp is android application that monitoring users sta
AudioNotes π An open source simple audio note taking app built to demonstrate android development best practices.
AudioNotes π A simple open source audio note-taking π Android application built to describe the use of Modern Android development tools. π . Made w
Kotlin Multiplatform Coffee Machine
Expressus KMM sample project acting as a playground to illustrate what's discussed in these articles: Details Shared Model-View-Intent architecture Fi
Utility library that utilizes KSP to generate Room type converter classes.
Roomie Roomie is an annotation processing library that utilizes KSP to geaRoomie is an annotation processing library that utilizes KSP to generate TypeConverter classes for Room. TypeConverter classes most often involve same boiler-plate code and Roomie makes it really easy to quickly create them with a single annotation.nerate TypeConverter classes for Room. TypeConverter classes most often invol
A secure, opensource android app to store your bank accounts, cards, and credentials. Locally and securely.
Digital Tijori π Digital Tijori app lets you store your bank accounts, cards and credentials. You can link cards and credentials to a particular bank
Sample application to show state management & unidirectional data flow using Jetpack compose.
Jetpack Compose State Management A sample project to demonstrate State Management in Jetpack compose by following This CodeLab. Through the project yo
Tiny app to change Wi-Fi state via broadcast
WyFy Wi-Fi change state adapter. Tiny app to change Wi-Fi state via broadcast. Useful to bypass Google limitation on apps targeting API 29 and higher.
EnglishWhiz - Dictionary App with Compose
Yet Another English Dictionary App. EnglishWhiz is an offline dictionary app that features fast word look-up. It features modern Android technologies including Jetpack compose.
A lightweight Kotlin library for a form state management and field validation.
Chassis A lightweight Kotlin library for a form state management and field validation. Setup Library and it's snapshots are available on Maven Central
Pemesanan-Tiket - Membuat Aplikasi Pemesanan Tiket
Pemesanan-Tiket Membuat Aplikasi Pemesanan Tiket Tutorial Build with Android Stu
ShopKeeper - A simple android app for sellers. The seller can add, edit and delete products that are bought by customers
ShopKeeper - A simple android app for sellers. The seller can add, edit and delete products that are bought by customers
π A demo todo/notes app which demonstrates the use of MVVM architecture, Navigation Component Library, Room Database, LiveData, Coroutines
π MyNotes A demo notes/todo app which demonstrates the use of MVVM architecture, Navigation Component Library, Room Database, LiveData, Coroutines et
Simple Caching application from @CodinginFlow
SimpleCaching Simple app that fetches data from a REST API using Retrofit, and caches this data for offline use in an SQLite database using the Room p
An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Pixabay API to display images and their details.
AdanianAndroidTest An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Pixabay API to display images and their details. It has been built following Clean
A notes taking app.
NoteDroid A simple android app written in Kotlin to take notes and be productive. This app was built under Android Study Jams 2021 for students to lea
This is a Bluetooth operational Chat-App developed using Kotlin which shows the list of available devices nearby and paired devices, upon clicking you can start chat
This is a Bluetooth operational Chat-App developed using Kotlin which shows the list of available devices nearby and paired devices, upon clicking you can start chat ... VOILA π₯³π₯³ It is still in its early stages of development and currently let user to one-time chat at a time. It is under heavy development π
Project-applocker - A concept app that uses Jetpack Security to encrypt user data such as text files or images using Encrypted Shared Preferences
SecureBox A concept app that uses Jetpack Security to encrypt user data such as
This is a sample app(For beginners - App #2) built using Jetpack Compose. It demonstrates the concept of State Hoisting in Jetpack Compose.
JetBMICalculator This is a sample app(For beginners - App #2) built using Jetpack Compose. It demonstrates the concept of State Hoisting in Jetpack Co
TextLengthBar is an android library to manage EditText input count state.
TextLengthBar is an android library to manage EditText input count state. Features Set TextLengthBar attributes on xml Set TextLengthBar
The app demonstrates principles of usecases with RxJava2 , Dagger2 , Room , MVP , Mockito and Clean Architecture in Android. π
Mediateka About The app demonstrates principles of Clean Architecture in Android. Based on data from https://www.themoviedb.org/ Screenshots Simple il
State-machine - State machine implementation
State Machine DSL Kotlin State Machine DSL implementation heavily inspired by Tinder StateMachine Sample usage First, we define states, events, side e
Compose-actors - Android app built with jetpack compose follows new revamped guide to app architecture
Compose Actors π Inspired from JetCaster JetNews JetSnack More compose content
ScopedState - Android Scoped State With Kotlin
Android Scoped State There is no need for complicated code - just define scopes
Compose-buttons - A set of Loading animations used in Buttons to convey a "loading" state after the button is clicked.
Loading Buttons A set of Loading animations used in Buttons to convey a "loading" state after the button is clicked. A simple demo application that sh
Myapp - An app that simulates persistence of a student's list at runtime
Student List Uma aplicação android que implementa uma lista de estudantes, ou pe
Skeleton-dagger-app - Skeleton app made with Dagger, Retrofit and Room. Fork it, play with it and create your own project with the base setup already :)
skeleton-dagger-app Pre Requisite : Must be familier with Dagger architecture. You can have a look at this writeup https://medium.com/@nsaveek/create-
ConstraintSetChangesTest - Simple project showing Changes of ConstraintSet value as part of mutable state in JetpackCompose.
ConstraintSetChangesTest Simple project showing Changes of ConstraintSet value as part of mutable state in JetpackCompose. Version: implementation
Stresscraft - State-of-art Minecraft stressing software written in Kotlin
StressCraft (W.I.P) State-of-art Minecraft stressing software written in Kotlin.
Workout Journal is a mobile app based on Multi-Module and Clean Architecture for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period.
Workout-Journal Workout Journal is a mobile app for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period. The app allows you to
A state container for Java & Kotlin, inspired by Redux & Elm
Bansa This is my take on Redux, the state container for JavaScript apps. It's oriented toward developers who like building React-style apps and Kotlin
Predictable state container for Kotlin apps
Redux Kotlin Redux Kotlin is a predictable state container for Kotlin apps. It is a direct port of the original Redux library for JavaScript, which ha
Idiomatic persistence layer for Kotlin
Krush Krush is a lightweight persistence layer for Kotlin based on Exposed SQL DSL. Itβs similar to Requery and Micronaut-data jdbc, but designed to w
DaggerHilt Dagger-Hilt in this Repo i have demonstrated the use of the following in android Kotlin Dagger2 Room Persistence Retrofit2 MVI / MVVM Archi
State Machine Construction Kit for Kotlin
Stateful for Kotlin State Machine Construction Kit for Kotlin This is Stateful ported to JVM. I could have re-implemented this in Java but there would
Notzz App is a simple note-taking π Android application built to describe the use of Modern Android development tools.
Notzz App Notzz App is a simple note-taking π Android application built to describe the use of Modern Android development tools. Made with love β€οΈ by
Minimal Wallpapers for Android using Kotlin+Compose+MVVM+Hilt+Coroutines+Jetpack(Room, Paging, Navigation)
WallPortal Minimal Wallpapers for Android Download from Play Store Native Android wallpaper application written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose Tech-s
A reddit client built for android
Development To build this app you need to have a Reddit account. Once you have that, head over to this page to get a client id for the app. Make a new
Mobile app to show images from Pixabay. Interview solution for Adanian Labs android developer role.
PixaBay An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Pixabay API to display images.It has been built following Clean Architecture Principle, Reposi
Android MVVM Base Architecture for Enterprise Mobile Application using Architectural Components
Android MVVM Base Architecture for Enterprise Mobile Application using Architectural Components Highlights MVVM Architectural pattern Offline Support
A Garbage Bank Application Built With Kotlin
Bank-Sampah Membuat Aplikasi Bank Sampah Tutorial Build with Android Studio https://youtu.be/3ogycbzUy8Y Tutorial Build with Step by Step https://riva
An Android architecture blueprint demonstrating reactive clean-architecture with simple Location Tracker application.
Tracker A simple location tracker application to track user movements in background and updates the UI(map, lists) in reactive way. Screenshots Depend
A Shopping List application developed in Kotlin
SparMePlease Wanna buy stuff from Spar? Well, make a list ... Overview This is a pretty little android application written in Kotlin which will help y
Practice Project with Clean architecture(offline +online)
Dictionary-App Basically this project will save what you search once in dictionary and then if you will search the same word again in search when ther
ToDo App based on Modern Android Application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture.
ToDo App Task Management App based on Modern Android Application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture. Techs Used π» Kotlin - First class and official pr
Jetpack Compose, Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Retrofit2
Jetpack-Compose-Blueprint Jetpack Compose, Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Retrofit2 Apps Packages data : It contains all the data accessing
Android Clean Architecture That Screams (MVVM + JetPack Compose UI + Flow + State)
Android Clean Architecture That Screams (MVVM + JetPack Compose UI + Flow + State)
Android library listening network connection state and Internet connectivity with RxJava Observables
ReactiveNetwork view website with documentation: RxJava1.x, RxJava2.x ReactiveNetwork is an Android library listening network connection state and Int
Event State Processor Generator plugin is compatible with IntelliJ and Android Studio.
Event State Processor Generator plugin is compatible with IntelliJ and Android Studio. It provides source code generation for the EventStateProcessor Library to increase code productivity in Flutter apps development.
Learn to work with databases on Android using the Room persistence library.
Bus Scheduler App This folder contains the source code for the Bus Scheduler app codelab. Introduction The Bus Scheduler app displays a list of bus st
Using State in Jetpack Compose Codelab
Using State in Jetpack Compose Codelab This folder contains the source code for the Using State in Jetpack Compose codelab. In this codelab, you will
This repository stores the code for the open-sourced donation app that we built for the @AndronixApp
This repository stores the code for the open-sourced donation app that we built for the [Andronix App](https://andronix.app). What Tech has been used?
π A Minimal Expense Tracker App built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component with MVVM Architecture
Expenso π A Simple Expense Tracker App π± built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component with MVVM Architecture π . Made with
π‘οΈ Android security (camera/microphone dots indicators) app using Hilt, Animations, Coroutines, Material, StateFlow, Jetpack based on MVVM architecture.
π‘οΈ Android security app using Hilt, Animations, Coroutines, Material, StateFlow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, Paging, Security, Biometrics, Start-up) based on MVVM architecture.
Basic app to use different type of observables StateFlow, Flow, SharedFlow, LiveData, State, Channel...
stateflow-flow-sharedflow-livedata Basic app to use different type of observables StateFlow, Flow, SharedFlow, LiveData, State, Channel... StateFlow,
Membuat Aplikasi Pendaftaran Vaksin dengan Android Studio
Pendaftaran-Vaksin Membuat Aplikasi Pendaftaran Vaksin dengan Android Studio Tutorial Build with Android Studio https://youtu.be/O0_3KCrCS8M Tutorial
Udacity Free course: Developing Android Apps with Kotlin
Room - SleepQualityTracker app This is the toy app for Lesson 6 of the Android App Development in Kotlin course on Udacity. SleepQualityTracker The Sl
[ACTIVE] Simple Stack, a backstack library / navigation framework for simpler navigation and state management (for fragments, views, or whatevers).
Simple Stack Why do I want this? To make navigation to another screen as simple as backstack.goTo(SomeScreen()), and going back as simple as backstack
A customize multiple state layout for Android.
MultiStateLayout π A customize multiple state layout for Android. (δΈζζζ‘£) Preview Download the sample apk to see more: Sample APK. Setup Add the multi
Android Application sample in Compose demostrating the power of Paging
UserList Android Application sample in Compose demostrating the power of Paging Screenshots License Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, cl
A lightweight state management library for Compose Multiplatform.
Staccato A lightweight state management library for Compose Multiplatform. The term staccato (pronounced "stuh-caw-toe") means detached, or separated,
Display's information about SpaceX crew members and ships by consuming a rest api and storing the data to display when the user is offline.
Space-X App Display's information about SpaceX crew members(look for βCrewβ section in rest api docs) and ships (look for βShipsβ section in rest api
π― Einsen is a prioritization app that uses Eisenhower matrix technique as workflow to prioritize a list of tasks & built to Demonstrate use of Jetpack Compose with Modern Android Architecture Components & MVVM Architecture.
π― Einsen Einsen is a prioritization app that uses Eisenhower matrix technique as workflow to prioritize a list of tasks & built to Demonstrate use of
The Android application is a list of the most popular TV series written in Java using the mvvm pattern.
Tv show application The Android application is a list of the most popular TV series written in Java using the mvvm pattern. This project was written f
MVVM News Application with clean code architecture & android jetpack components.
Android - Clean Architecture - Kotlin The purpose of this repo is to follow up Clean Architecture principles by bringing them to Android. The repo con
Kotlin coroutine capable Finite-State Machine (multiplatform)
Comachine Features Kotlin corutines. Event handlers can launch coroutines for collecting external events of performing side effects. Structured concur
π« Small microservice to handle state changes of Kubernetes pods and post them to Instatus or Statuspages
π« Kanata Small microservice to handle state changes of Kubernetes pods and post them to Instatus or Statuspages π€ Why? I don't really want to implem
Simple State Machines in Kotlin (KSSM)
Simple State Machines in Kotlin (KSSM) What is this? KSSM (reordered: Kotlin - Simple State Machines) provides an easy and simple DSL (Domain Specific
Performance comparison of Android ORM Frameworks
Performance comparison of Android ORM Frameworks At the moment there are a lot of ORM-libraries for the Android OS. We reviewed the most popular ones
MovieTray - An application built to play around JetPack components.
Its a playground application focusing on Paging3, MVVM architecture, Kotlin Extension functions, Retrofit, DSL, Navigation component, MotionLayout, SharedElementTransition, Single Activity Architecture, DataStore etc.
π₯ A Simple and Minimal Movies Android Application to demonstrate the Modern Android Development and Jetpack Compose.
ComposeMovie Android π₯ A Simple and Minimal Movies Android Application to demonstrate the Modern Android Development and Jetpack Compose. Built with
Compose easy forms validation library
Compose EasyForms Focus on building your form UI while the library do the heavy work for you. Features Built in support for most of the Form widgets i
Field state manager and basic set of validation, fields
Compose Forms Field state manager and basic set of validation, fields
Sync DND state between Android phone and watch
DNDSync This App was developed to enable Do Not Disturb (DND) synchronization between my Pixel phone and the Galaxy Watch 4 since this option was only
Kotlin coroutine capable Finite-State Machine (multiplatform)
Comachine Features Kotlin corutines. Event handlers can launch coroutines for collecting external events of performing side effects. Structured concur
MVVM Redux is a lightweight lib to help you apply the redux concepts in your project based in MVVM.
MVVM Redux is a lightweight lib to help you apply the redux concepts in your project based in MVVM.
A small navigation library for Android to ease the use of fragment transactions & handling backstack (also available for Jetpack Compose).
A small navigation library for Android to ease the use of fragment transactions & handling backstack (also available for Jetpack Compose).
Newesy is news app which uses NewsAPI to fetch news.
Newesy is news app which uses NewsAPI to fetch news.The main aim of this app was to learn Modern Android Architecture (MVVM).It uses MVVM,Kotlin-coroutines,Room,ViewModal,Retrofit,GSON and Navigation graph
Custom & highly configurable seek slider with sliding intervals, disabled state and every possible setting to tackle!
LabeledSeekSlider Custom & highly configurable seek slider with sliding intervals, disabled state and every possible setting to tackle! Minimum target
Taskify - An app to manage your daily tasks and boost your productivity. Taskify is built using kotlin and follows all modern android Development practices and hence is a good learning resource for beginners
Taskify Taskify is an app to manage your daily tasks and boost your productivity Video Introduction πΉ This is a small introduction video about Taskif
Progress Button is a android library for hanling different types state like active, finished, enabled, disabled and reset with a single line of code.
Progress Button is a android library for hanling different types state like active, finished, enabled, disabled and reset with a single line of code.
A sample Grocery Store app built using the Room, MVVM, Live Data, Rx Java, Dependency Injection (Kotlin Injection) and support Dark Mode
Apps Intro A sample Grocery Store app built using the Room, MVVM, Live Data, Rx Java, Dependency Injection (Kotlin Injection) and support Dark Mode In
Android app to search for covid vaccine slots, turn on background search & get notifications when slots are available
CowinNotifier Android app to search for covid vaccine slots, turn on background search & get notifications when slots are available Glipmse of the App