2709 Repositories
Android jetpack-compose-library Libraries
Paging 3 with Jetpack Compose - Demo App
Paging 3 with Jetpack Compose - Demo App YouTube Tutorial Series
UniversalAsyncHandler to provide http post requests efficiently...
UniversalAsyncHandler UniversalAsyncHandler to provide http post requests efficiently... This library is very efficient for users who are still using
Android-livedata-validation - DataBinding ViewModel form validation library for Android ♻
Support/Features Supports TextView, EditText, AppCompatEditText, TextInputEditText, TextInputLayout and CheckBox Combine different types of error mess
MukkiaSevaigal - Android library for commonly used functions
MukkiaSevaigal Android Utility library for commonly used functions Features: You can easily: Toast Messages Log Show SnackBar Save to Preferences Retr
MultiLevelAdapter - Android library to allow collapsing and expanding items in RecyclerView's Adapter on multiple levels
MultiLevelAdapter MultiLevelAdapter is an Android library to allow collapsing and expanding items in RecyclerView's Adapter on multiple levels (no lim
LinkedIn-SDK-Android - A lightweight android library to implement Login with LinkedIn in your Android app.
LinkedIn-SDK-Android A lightweight android library to implement Login with LinkedIn in your Android app, that supports both Activities and Fragments.
JadeSharedPreference - A light weight library which uses annotation processing to generate codes that let you read and write to SharedPreferences file
JadeSharedPreference A light weight library which uses annotation processing to generate codes that let you read and write to SharedPreferences file.
Translate (i18n) Module in Kotlin to use in Android
Translate (i18n) Module in Kotlin to use in Android Library create by Anartz Mugika (mugan86@gmail.com) Instructions to download library from Maven In
SocialLogin - Android library for easy social login integration
Social Login With this library you can easily add authorization via social network in your application Each social network and auth type provides in s
CoroutinesPermission - Android Library for easy permission management using Coroutines
CoroutinesPermission Android library Android Library for easy permission management Install Gradle Add the JitPack repository to your project level bu
Suggestive - An Android UI library that allows easy implementation of (text) input suggestion popup windows.
Suggestive 🍌 An Android UI library that allows easy implementation of (text) input suggestion popup windows. Implement filtering using the onQuery ca
DynamicTree - Android view library that represents tree structure data.
Android view library that represents tree structure data. Sample Install Gradle Add the JitPack repository to your project level build.gradle file all
ImageList-Lib - Android library for showing images side by side.
ImageList-Lib Android library for showing images side by side. This is based on CircleImageView from hdodenhof . Used Glide for image. Gradle allproje
Android-ConfigIO - A small and encapsulation library for creating, accessing, and modifying Key-Value configuration file in XML / JSON format
Android-ConfigIO A small and encapsulation library for creating, accessing, and modifying configuration file with Xml and Json format Features Read/Wr
VsBottomNavigationView - A library for building any BottomNavigationView you want without creating your custom implementation.
VsBottomNavigationView A library for building any BottomNavigationView you want without creating your custom implementation. Gradle androidExtensions
W3w-android-components - An Android library to use what3words autosuggest
w3w-android-components An Android library to use the what3words v3 API autosuggest. To obtain an API key, please visit https://what3words.com/select-p
Kotlin library built to provide an easy way of pulling actual Android string resources from Lokalise.
Kotlin library built to provide an easy way of pulling actual Android string resources from Lokalise. Add maven repository to your Gradle file: // kot
APIServiceLibrary - Minimized API library which is used call the server request in andorid.
Minimized API Service Library This is a optimized custom library for server communication. References taken from VOLLEY library. We can reduce the cod
Change-scene - Switch between different layouts for different states, easily.
change-scene helps easily switch between different layouts without writing much code of View visibility. Setup Add change-scene to your dependencies b
PinchToZoom - Pinch to zoom used within list like Instagram
Pinch To Zoom 📜 Description Pinch to Zoom with Pan Gestures like Instagram 💡 Motivation and Context Big Thanks 🙏🏻 to the guy and his amazing repo
Compose-actors - Android app built with jetpack compose follows new revamped guide to app architecture
Compose Actors 💃 Inspired from JetCaster JetNews JetSnack More compose content
PhoneAuthentication - Firebase Phone Authentication For Android
PhoneAuthentication Firebase Phone Authentication. Android Clean Architecture us
BottomSheet-Android - A simple customizable BottomSheet Library for Android Kotlin
BottomSheet-Android A simple customizable BottomSheet Library for Android Kotlin
AndroidComposeTutorial - Android Compose Tutorial With Kotlin
AndroidComposeTutorial LightMode DarkMode Click Event
EkarAssignment - Ekar Assignment for Mobile Engineers
EkarAssignment Ekar Assignment for Mobile Engineers UI App consist of 3 differen
PagedGrid - Custom android view composed by multiple page grids with custom content and layout
PagedGrid A PagedGrid is a ViewPager which pages are GridLayout with equal distributed rows and columns. This project is an Android library, written i
About-icons - Android library to easily give credit if using icons which require attribution
Android About Icons Library About this project Features How to use Planned improvements Screenshots Contribute Apps using this library License About t
Capturable - 🚀Jetpack Compose utility library for capturing Composable content and transforming it into Bitmap Image🖼️
Capturable 🚀 A Jetpack Compose utility library for converting Composable content into Bitmap image 🖼️ . Made with ❤️ for Android Developers and Comp
Compose-buttons - A set of Loading animations used in Buttons to convey a "loading" state after the button is clicked.
Loading Buttons A set of Loading animations used in Buttons to convey a "loading" state after the button is clicked. A simple demo application that sh
WPatternLock: Android jetpack compose pattern lock library
WPatternLock android jetpack compose pattern lock library easy to use customizab
WPatternLock: Android jetpack compose pattern lock library
WPatternLock android jetpack compose pattern lock library easy to use customizab
ExoPlayerComposeSample - Example for how we can use the ExoPlayer with Jetpack Compose
ExoPlayer Example with Jetpack Compose This repository demonstrates how we can u
Kotlinx-murmurhash - Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) library for hashing using MurmurHash
kotlinx-murmurhash Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) library for MurmurHash, a non-cryp
AndroidBriefActions - Android library for sending and observing non persistent actions such as showing a message; nice readable way to call navigation actions from ViewModel or Activity/Fragment.
implementation "com.vladmarkovic.briefactions:briefactions:$briefActionsVersion" Benefits Why use brief-actions library pattern: Prevent short-term ac
CutableTextView - the super lightweight library that helps to you cut long text. ✂️
An easy to use CutableTextView when you need to cut a long text. ✂️ ✂️ ✂️ Gradle dependencies { implementation 'com.github.devit951:cutabletextvie
HowsTheWeather - 🌄 Your typical weather app, made really simple.
How's The Weather This is a simple Android app made with the purpose of learning how to access external APIs. It displays the data fetched from this A
Ehya-android - This application displays the deserted Sunan for us to revive them.
Ehya | إحياء Available on Google Play Libraries Jetpack Compose for the UI. Compose Navigation. Compose Animation. Room for the data persistence. Work
FullMangement - an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries, and MVVM design pattern.
Full Management is an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries and MVVM design pattern.
Android-licenses-library - Lightweight Android library which provides most common licenses in formatted and plain text
Android Licenses Library About this project Features How to use Screenshots Contribute Thanks Apps using this library License About this project This
LoKi - 🔒 Add a passcode lock feature to your android applications hassle-free.
LoKi 🔒 Add a passcode lock feature to your android applications hassle-free. Download Go to the Releases to download the demo APK. Screenshots Includ
CustomToast - Android Library to show Custom Toast message
CustomToast Android Library to show Custom Toast message [Please don't use v1.2 or 1.2 they are deleted and not meant for production , they are actual
Pin-view - A Kotlin library that integrates a customized Pin code View to your project
PinView - Kotlin library A customizable Pin Code entry view that can be used as a user login authentication method in your project. Installation in pr
ANP Audio Recorder is a library that helps a developer to provide a easy way to to user record an audio and play it to get a feedback about the record.
ANP Audio Recorder Introduction ANP Audio Recorder is a library that helps a developer to provide a easy way to to user record an audio and play it to
Android-Edit-Textview-Library - A Library to manage properties of Edittext and Textview
EditTextviewLibrary This Library can be used to create Textview and Edittext efficiently , this library provides you 16 type of font styles, different
AnalogClockView is a custom view library for android development.
AnalogClockView is a custom view library for android development. It takes time from the device and show time by Analog clock
A Glitch in the Data - a no-nonsense android library for form validation/validate and string matching
A Glitch in the Data A no-nonsense Android Library for Form Validation and String Matching - - 📺 Preview 📱 Compatibility 💻 Usage 📩 Download 📋 Fea
Twitter-Helper - A helper library that helps making twitter integration easy
Twitter-Helper (Not Maintaining Anymore) A Twitter integration library for Android that helps making twitter integration very easy. Using Twitter Help
Android Business Hours Picker Library
Business Hours Picker A business hours picker lib for Android Want to add a business hours picker and viewer in your application? Try this library ! S
GlowShapeDrawable - Custom drawable to do outer glow effects ✨
GlowShapeDrawable 💻 Setup Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories allprojects { repositories { ... maven { u
Torch is a simple-use library for Android hepls you to have an access on the flash light.
Torch Torch is a simple-use library for Android hepls you to have an access on the flash light. Gradle Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your root
Skeleton-dagger-app - Skeleton app made with Dagger, Retrofit and Room. Fork it, play with it and create your own project with the base setup already :)
skeleton-dagger-app Pre Requisite : Must be familier with Dagger architecture. You can have a look at this writeup https://medium.com/@nsaveek/create-
Searchable paging - This library can help you to create searchable list with pagination
Searchable Paging Library Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitp
AndroidMiniDebugger - A small tool to log your application inside your application with a floating UI component
AndroidMiniDebugger A small tool to log your application inside your application with a floating UI component Preview Usage: Step 1 Add it in your roo
Vega-Scroll-Layout-Library - It is is a lightweight animation flowlayout which fade and shrink the head itemView when scrolling : http://www.tellmehow.co/vega-scroll-layout-android-slider/
Vega-Scroll-Layout-Library It is is a lightweight animation flowlayout which fade and shrink the head itemView when scrolling. See demo here Idea abou
TextPathAnimation - TextPathView is a Android library in which view with text path animation!
Text Path Animation for Android Text Path Animation is to enter text, then set some animation properties, and brush effects, and finally start on the
FeedbackerLib - feedback Library is a new way of getting user feedback!
Feedbacker Library This Library Provide you to get user device information, when they provide feedback to you. It Includes- Lite Version (No Activity
Kamper - a small KMM/KMP library that provides performance monitoring for your app.
🎯 Kamper Kamper is a KMP/KMM library that implements a unified way to track application performances. The solution is based on plugin design patterns
GraphQL Jetpack - A collection of packages for easily writing Java GraphQL server implementations
GraphQL Jetpack A collection of packages for easily writing Java GraphQL server
Bukkit library written in Kotlin to make with compatibility and ease non-playable-character (NPC)
mc-npk Easy to use, fast and efficient library to make non-playable-characters (
Λrrow is a library for Typed Functional Programming in Kotlin.
Λrrow is a library for Typed Functional Programming in Kotlin. Arrow aims to provide a lingua franca of interfaces and abstractions across Kotlin libr
Country-code-picker-compose - An android library Jetpack Compose which provides an easy way to search and select country or country phone code
CountryCodePickerJetpackCompose Country Code Picker by Jetpack Compose How to ad
Location-history-viewer - Small compose-desktop app to view data from google's location history
Google Location History Takeout Viewer This application provides a minimalistic
An android library to measure code execution time
An android library to measure code execution time. No need to remove the measurement code, automatically becomes no-op in the release variants. Does not compromise with the code readability and comes with features that enhance the developer experience.
🪄 It's a library that helps you customize your notification bar
NotificationBarCustom 🪄 It's a library that helps you customize your notification bar Demo Contrast(white) Contrast(black) Transparent Setup Add it i
A library for dynamic view-to-view transitions
Transitioner provides easy, dynamic and adjustable animations between two views with nested children. App design feature here. Usage First you need to
Lightweight logging framework for Kotlin. A convenient and performant logging library wrapping slf4j with Kotlin extensions
kotlin-logging Lightweight logging framework for Kotlin, written in . A convenient and performant logging library wrapping slf4j with Kotlin extension
Multiplatform command line interface parsing for Kotlin
Clikt (pronounced "clicked") is a multiplatform Kotlin library that makes writing command line interfaces simple and intuitive. It's the "Command Line
💧 A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected.
FLUID SLIDER [KOTLIN] A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI
Kotlin extensions for the libGDX game framework
Kotlin extensions for libGDX. Introduction KTX is a Kotlin game framework built on libGDX. It aims to make libGDX as Kotlin-friendly as possible witho
The modelling for success/failure of operations in Kotlin and KMM (Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile)
Result This is a tiny framework for modelling success/failure of operations in Kotlin. In short, it is a model in type of ResultV: Any?, E : Throwabl
Fluent Assertion-Library for Kotlin
Kluent Kluent is a "Fluent Assertions" library written specifically for Kotlin. It uses the Infix-Notations and Extension Functions of Kotlin to provi
OPENRNDR. A Kotlin/JVM library for creative coding, real-time and interactive graphics
OPENRNDR 0.4 A Kotlin/JVM and Kotlin/JS library for creative coding, real-time and interactive graphics. Can currently be used on Windows, macOS and L
Kotlin API for Lets-Plot - an open-source plotting library for statistical data.
Lets-Plot for Kotlin Latest Lets-Plot Kotlin API Version Latest Lets-Plot Version License Overview Lets-Plot in Jupyter with Kotlin Kernel Installatio
Kotlin based JHipster
About JHipster is a development platform to quickly generate, develop, and deploy modern web applications and microservice architectures. We support m
Kotlin HTTP requests library. Similar to Python requests.
khttp khttp is a simple library for HTTP requests in Kotlin. It functions similarly to Python's requests module. import khttp.get fun main(args: Arra
tinylog is a lightweight logging framework for Java, Kotlin, Scala, and Android
tinylog 2 Example import org.tinylog.Logger; public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) { Logger.info("Hello
A boilerplate-free Kotlin config library for loading configuration files as data classes
Hoplite Hoplite is a Kotlin library for loading configuration files into typesafe classes in a boilerplate-free way. Define your config using Kotlin d
Whereabouts: an android library which leverages Kotlin concurrency to streamline location fetching
Whereabouts Whereabouts is an android library which leverages Kotlin concurrency
Example from effect Rain Matrix with Jetpack Compose
MatrixRainCompose Example from effect Rain Matrix with JetpackCompose For more i
A compose desktop project template with MVVM, Dagger, Decompose and more
compose-desktop-template A compose desktop project template with MVVM, Dagger, D
A Kotlin-based testing/scraping/parsing library providing the ability to analyze and extract data from HTML
A Kotlin-based testing/scraping/parsing library providing the ability to analyze and extract data from HTML (server & client-side rendered). It places particular emphasis on ease of use and a high level of readability by providing an intuitive DSL. It aims to be a testing lib, but can also be used to scrape websites in a convenient fashion.
Notes is a simple and private notes app. Organize your thoughts, discoveries, and ideas and simplify planning important moments in your life with your digital notepad.
Notes Example Download Download the latest version of the Android app from this link. Building Using Android Studio Clone the repo, open it in Android
🪄 This is an animation library with an increasing number of TextViews
CountNumberEvent 🪄 This is an animation library with an increasing number of TextViews Demo Setup Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repo
Workout Journal is a mobile app based on Multi-Module and Clean Architecture for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period.
Workout-Journal Workout Journal is a mobile app for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period. The app allows you to
Library App - Using Android studio / Final project
Library-App Library App - Using Android studio / Final project Screens SplashScreen: it’s launcher activity will be moved to MainActivity auto after 2
Primitive OpenGL (ES) based graphics library and engine for Android development.
Parrot Primitive OpenGL (ES) based graphics library and engine for Android development. Parrot makes Android core graphics simpler, giving you the fea
👄 The most accurate natural language detection library for Java and the JVM, suitable for long and short text alike
Quick Info this library tries to solve language detection of very short words and phrases, even shorter than tweets makes use of both statistical and
Easy to use and concise yet powerful and robust command line argument parsing for Kotlin
This is a library for parsing command-line arguments. It can parse both options and positional arguments. It aims to be easy to use and concise yet po
Kotlin mathematics extensions library
KMath Could be pronounced as key-math. The Kotlin Mathematics library was initially intended as a Kotlin-based analog to Python's NumPy library. Later
An Android, JavaFx, JS multiplatform datavisualization library with comprehensive DSL
Isomorphic dataviz Data2viz is a data visualization toolbox for Kotlin Multiplatform. You can pick what you need in the different modules and use them
A nice parser combinator library for Kotlin
better-parse A nice parser combinator library for Kotlin JVM, JS, and Multiplatform projects val booleanGrammar = object : GrammarBooleanExpression(
A simple and modern Java and Kotlin vert.x web framework
Cloudopt Next is a very lightweight and modern, JVM-based, full stack kotlin framework designed for building modular, easily testable JVM applications
A scientific computing library for Kotlin
Koma Koma is a scientific computing environment for Kotlin. Project goals: Create a scientific programming environment that is similar in style to Num
A type-safe cascading configuration library for Kotlin/Java/Android, supporting most configuration formats
Konf A type-safe cascading configuration library for Kotlin/Java/Android, supporting most configuration formats. Features Type-safe. Get/set value in
NoSQL database query and access library for Kotlin
Kotlin NoSQL Kotlin NoSQL is a reactive and type-safe DSL for working with NoSQL databases. Status Under development (POC). The following NoSQL databa
Open Source Library for Holdable ViewHolder in RecyclerView
HoldableSwipeHandler Open Source Library for Holdable ViewHolder in RecyclerView
An easy to use action/overflow menu for Jetpack Compose.
Compose Action Menu This library provides an easy-to-use action menu for Compose, since Compose doesn't offer this by default. Features Icons (optiona
To illustrate the clean architecture and modularisation with other components.
CleanNews A news app that provides data from mediastack API using clean architecture, kotlin coroutines, architectural pattern (MVI) with Mavericks. .
🚀 Sample Android Clean Architecture on Rorty App focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
Android Clean Architecture Android Clean Architecture in Rorty is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android application development u