171 Repositories
Android loading-screen Libraries
a one-page homescreen with a feed
Cinta launcher A scrollable feed that acts as your homescreen. Feel free to fork, contribute or use parts of the code in your own projects. Contribute
Multiplatform UI DSL with screen management in common code for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
Mobile Kotlin widgets This is a Kotlin MultiPlatform library that provides declarative UI and application screens management in common code. You can i
Loading layout is a container view that manages easy switching between loading, completed and other states of your screen with a single line.
Loading layout is a container view that manages easy switching between loading, completed and other states of your screen with a single line.
Screen Capture Utils - A plugin to handle screen capture events on android and ios
Screen Capture Utils A plugin to handle screen capture events on android and ios 🚀 Initialize SDK late ScreenCaptureUtils screenCaptureUtils;
Free forever Marketing SDK with a dashboard for in-app SplashScreen banners with built-in analytics
AdaptivePlus Android SDK AdaptivePlus is the control center for marketing campaigns in mobile applications Requirements minSdkVersion 16 Examples prov
Awesome Kid's Drawing App. It has a click and draws feature.
CanvaKids Overview It's a kid's drawing app which is build for android users. It is built in Kotlin with some very good practices involved.
onboarding application intro
Apps Intro This is sample code for application introduction (Splash Screen / Onboarding / Walkthrough / Getting Started Screen) with shared preference
A dual screen capable home screen launcher for Android phones with dual displays, such as the LG V60, G8X & Velvet.
Duality-Launcher A dual screen capable home screen launcher for Android phones with dual displays, such as the LG V60, G8X & Velvet
Splash screen demo that used with ‘Splash Screen‘ API on Android 12.
Splash Screen Feature Splash screen demo that used with Splash Screen API on Android 12. 📸 Screenshot Default splash screen Splash screen with animat
An elegant context-care loading placeholder for Android
FiftyShadesOf An elegant context-care loading placeholder for Android Usage FiftyShadesOf.with(context) .on(view1, view2, view3)
Android library for creating an expandable to full screen view inside a viewgroup composition.
Expandable Panel Android Library Check ExpandablePanel Demo application on GooglePlay: Details This Android library implements the expand by sliding l
Preference via delegates (Flow, Coroutines) + JetPack DataStore Storage + DSL for RecyclerView based preference screens
Preference via delegates (Flow, Coroutines) + JetPack DataStore Storage + DSL for RecyclerView based preference screens
Android loading animation with images changing
Android loading animation with images changing
A layout that creates a loading-like progress around it's child ( circle ) on touch, inspired from Destiny's ( PS4 ) accept mechanism
HoldToLoadLayout HoldToLoadLayout is a view group that can contain a single child. It draws your child to middle of layout, and performs loading wheel
A custom recycler view with shimmer views to indicate that views are loading.
ShimmerRecyclerView Intro A custom recycler view with shimmer views to indicate that views are loading. The recycler view has a built-in adapter to co
Android loading animations
Android-SpinKit Android loading animations(I wrote a android edition according SpinKit) Demo Apk Preview Gradle Dependency dependencies { implement
:seedling: A custom loading view for android, just like alipay.
#SmileyLoadingView A custom loading view, just like alipay. Usage Edit your layout XML: cn.refactor.smileyloadingview.lib.SmileyLoadingView
BounceLoadingView 模仿饿了么加载效果 #System Requirement Android API 11+, Because of the use of ValueAnimation, if you want use it on API 8, please use Nineold
Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso. Even with gif and webp support! 🍻
BigImageViewer Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling
Customizable Android full screen image viewer for Fresco library supporting "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures. Made by Stfalcon
This project is no longer supported. If you're able to switch from Fresco to any other library that works with the Android's ImageView, please migrate
Material image loading implementation
MaterialImageLoading Material image loading implementation Sample And have a look on a sample Youtube Video : Youtube Link [] (https://www.youtube.com
Image loading for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
An image loading library for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines. Coil is: Fast: Coil performs a number of optimizations including memory and disk cac
Screen orientation detector for android
Bubble is an Android library for obtaining screen orientation. By default, Android supports screen orientation changes by providing a callback. Unfort
A small utility to record Android device screen to a GIF
RoboGif A small utility to record Android device screen to an optimized GIF so you can paste it to GitHub or a similar service. Requirements Python 2.
[] Easy async loading for Android's ListView/GridView
NOTE: Smoothie's API is not final yet. Although the library is fairly funcional, this is still beta-quality code. Do not rely on it for production cod
This Android app adds splash screen slides to make a great intro for an app.
IntroApp This Android app adds splash screen slides to make a great intro for an app. Short description Adding Welcome / Intro screens in your app is
Make Android screenshots of scrollable screen content
scrollscreenshot Make Android screenshots of scrollable screen content - brought to you by PGS Software SA This tool makes a number of screenshots, sc
An calender widget for your Android home screen.
Todo Agenda - Calendar and Task widgets for Android Todo Agenda is home screen widgets for your Android device. Each widget has its own settings and d
A RecyclerView(advanced and flexible version of ListView in Android) with refreshing,loading more,animation and many other features.
UltimateRecyclerView Master branch: Dev branch: Project website:https://github.com/cymcsg/UltimateRecyclerView Description UltimateRecyclerView is a R
animated blinking loader
BlinkingLoader animated blinking loader Usage :- app.m4ntis.blinkingloader.BlinkingLoader android:id="@+id/dotLoading1" android:layout_wi
Android loading or progress dialog widget library, provide efficient way to implement iOS like loading dialog and progress wheel
ACProgressLite English Version / 中文版本 An Android loading widget library. Lite and easy to use, strong customizability. Can be used to implement 'iOS'
Create & Show progress, data or error views, the easy way!
State Views for Android (BETA version) Create & Show progress, data or error views, the easy way! StateViews is based on ViewSwitcher mechanism and al
ColoringLoading 4.7 0.0 Java This project provide Coloring Loading View for Android. And this project is not using the image file!
ColoringLoading  This project provide Color
Cool bezier loading view
What's BezierLoadingView ? A cool loading view with Bezier and a smooth circular motion, Demo Features Bezier Circular motion ##Attributes name format
A highly configurable library to do loading progress with animated balls
Loading Balls A highly configurable library to do loading progress with animated balls for Android How to use Custom attributes lib:path="triangle" Th
MaterialLoadingProgressBar provide a styled ProgressBar which looks like SwipeRefreshLayout's loading indicator(support-v4 v21+)
MaterialLoadingProgressBar MaterialLoadingProgressBar provide a styled ProgressBar which looks like SwipeRefreshLayout's loading indicator(support-v4
Some loading GIF .
Android GifLoadingView This project idea is from Link . Thanks for the idea. I like all the animation in that webpage , but it's so hard to develop al
Some beautiful android loading drawable, can be combined with any view as the LoadingView or the ProgressBar. Besides, some Drawable can customize the loading progress too.
LoadingDrawable: Android cool animation collection 前言 CircleRotate源码解析 Fish源码解析 LoadingDrawable is some android animations implement of drawable: a li
MarkdownView is an Android webview with the capablity of loading Markdown text or file and display it as HTML, it uses MarkdownJ and extends Android webview.
About MarkdownView (Markdown For Android) is an Android library that helps you display Markdown text or files (local/remote) as formatted HTML, and st
A customized video view that will automatically pause video is user is not looking at device screen!!!!!
UserAwareVideoView Featured in: Medium What is this library for? UserAwareVideoView is a customizable VideoView that smartly play and pause the video
One way to present a set of actions to a user is with bottom sheets, a sheet of paper that slides up from the bottom edge of the screen. Bottom sheets offer flexibility in the display of clear and simple actions that do not need explanation.
BottomSheet Google introduced official bottomsheets implementation in Support library 23.2.0,thus this library is no longer activly being developed. I
Lightweight data loading and caching library for android
ColdStorage A lightweight data loading and caching library for android Quicklinks Feature requests: Got a new requirement? Request it here and it will
Custom ImageView for moving image around the screen (Android)
MovingImageView Create a custom ImageView for moving image around the screen. Usage To use MovingImageView, add the module into your project and start
Android ImageView replacement which allows image loading from URLs or contact address book, with caching
Smart Image View for Android SmartImageView is a drop-in replacement for Android’s standard ImageView which additionally allows images to be loaded fr
Image loading library for Android
Image Loader Image loader library for Android. Deprecated. See Glide. Features Image transformations Automatic memory and storage caching Ability to l
Customizable Android full screen image viewer for Fresco library supporting "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures. Made by Stfalcon
This project is no longer supported. If you're able to switch from Fresco to any other library that works with the Android's ImageView, please migrate
Library to handle asynchronous image loading on Android.
WebImageLoader WebImageLoader is a library designed to take to hassle out of handling images on the web. It has the following features: Images are dow
This is a Material Design loading button
This is a library project with a custom view that implements concept of Send Comment (https://dribbble.com/shots/1986254-Send-Comment-Shoppr) made by
Animated Loader or Animated Progress Dialog android code.
AnimatedLoadingIndicator LoadingIndicator This is a simple but effective animated Loading Indicator which can easily ready to use integrated few lines
:octocat: ≡ DirectSelect is a selection widget with an ethereal, full-screen modal popup displaying the available choices when the widget is interact with.
DIRECT SELECT [JAVA] Selection widget with an ethereal, full-screen modal popup displaying the available choices We specialize in the designing and co
AppIntroAnimation is a set of code snippets to make cool intro screen for your app with special Image Translation and Transformation animation effects. It is very easy to use and customize without adding third party library integrations.
AppIntroAnimation AppIntroAnimation is a set of code snippets to make cool intro screen for your app with special Image Translation and Transformation
Road Runner is a library for android which allow you to make your own loading animation using a SVG image
Road Runner Road Runner is a library for android which allow you to make your own loading animation using a SVG image Sample video View in Youtube Dem
Beautiful and smooth custom loading views
mkloader Beautiful and smooth custom loading views Usage com.tuyenmonkey.mkloader.MKLoader android:layout_width="wrap_content" an
A simple and customizable Android full-screen image viewer with shared image transition support, "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures
Stfalcon ImageViewer A simple and customizable full-screen image viewer with shared image transition support, "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" g
Android Swipeable button like in iOS unlock screen. Made by Stfalcon
swipeable-button Who we are Need iOS and Android apps, MVP development or prototyping? Contact us via info@stfalcon.com. We develop software since 200
You can easily access the top of the screen in Android. Like a iPhone 6 & 6 Plus.
Reachability on Android Easy access on top. Like a iPhone 6 & 6 Plus. demo apk Usage Add dependencies compile 'com.github.sakebook:Reachability:0.2.0@
A loading animation based on Floating Action Button
FAB-Loading A loading animation based on Floating Action Button. Usage Include the LoadingView widget in your view: io.saeid.fabloading.LoadingView
A wave-like loading drawable
#WaveLoading This library provides a wave loading animation as a Drawable. How to use Add dependency: compile 'com.race604.waveloading:library:1.1.1'
An Android library providing to realize wave loading effect.
WaveLoadingView WaveLoadingView - An Android library that provides a realistic wave-loading effect. Sample Usage For a working implementation of this
Customizable bouncing dots for smooth loading effect. Mostly used in chat bubbles to indicate the other person is typing.
LoadingDots for Android Customizable bouncing dots view for smooth loading effect. Mostly used in chat bubbles to indicate the other person is typing.
PLEASE NOTE, THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED AVLoadingIndicatorView Now AVLoadingIndicatorView was updated version to 2.X , If you have any
An animated circle loading view
Animated Circle Loading View A determiante/indetermiante loading view animation. Based on android-watch-loading-animation by Nils Banner. How it looks
Android loading view
Loading Loading is a poject with kinds of Android loading view. Yan can see the wiki for more detail. RotateLoading BookLoading NewtonCradleLoading Us
Android component which presents a dismissible view from the bottom of the screen
BottomSheet BottomSheet is an Android component which presents a dismissible view from the bottom of the screen. BottomSheet can be a useful replaceme
🍂 Jetpack Compose image loading library which can fetch and display network images using Glide, Coil, and Fresco.
Landscapist 🍂 Jetpack Compose image loading library which can fetch and display network images using Glide, Coil, Fresco Usecase You can see the use
Image loading for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
An image loading library for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines. Coil is: Fast: Coil performs a number of optimizations including memory and disk cac
Grab’n Run, a simple and effective Java Library for Android projects to secure dynamic code loading.
Grab’n Run, a simple and effective Java Library for Android projects to secure dynamic code loading.
Powerful and flexible library for loading, caching and displaying images on Android.
Universal Image Loader The great ancestor of modern image-loading libraries :) UIL aims to provide a powerful, flexible and highly customizable instru
Android Asynchronous Networking and Image Loading
Android Asynchronous Networking and Image Loading Download Maven Git Features Kotlin coroutine/suspend support Asynchronously download: Images into Im
An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
Glide | View Glide's documentation | 简体中文文档 | Report an issue with Glide Glide is a fast and efficient open source media management and image loading
Android Asynchronous Networking and Image Loading
Android Asynchronous Networking and Image Loading Download Maven Git Features Kotlin coroutine/suspend support Asynchronously download: Images into Im