845 Repositories
Android reminder-application Libraries
Android application compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application
Password Store Download Documentation We're in the process of rewriting our documentation from scratch, and the work-in-progress state can be seen her
FreeOTP is a two-factor authentication application for systems utilizing one-time password protocols
FreeOTP is a two-factor authentication application for systems utilizing one-time password protocols. Tokens can be added easily by scanning a QR code.
Multiple accounts client for multiple Social networks. For Android
AndStatus AndStatus is an Open Source multiple accounts client for multiple Social networks, including Mastodon, Twitter, ActivityPub (Client to Serve
An application that lets you turn-off TVs with the IR-blaster of your Android device. Inspired by the TV-B-Gone remote.
TV KILL - Universal IR-Remote TV KILL is a mobile application for Android that enables you to turn off TVs, using your device's built-in IR-blaster. T
Android application to analyze WiFi signals.
WiFi Analyzer This is the official repository of WiFi Analyzer. Table of Contents Features Usage Tips How-to FAQ Feedback License WiFi Analyzer Build
A small android webview application to show weather informations from wetterdienst.de and the dwd.
FOSS Weather FOSS Weather shows you weather information from wetterdienst.de and the German Weather Service (DWD). Features all features of the mobile
Android application that allows remote control and management of Networked Media Tank media streamers
Android application that allows remote control and management of Networked Media Tank media streamers. Designed for Popcorn Hour A100, A110, A200, A210, A300, A400, B110, C200, C300, PopBox 3D, PopBox V8, eGreat, Digitek HDX, Kaiboer and others based in NMT system
Marvel - A simple application to display information about the characters of the Marvel universe
Marvel Characters 'Marvel characters' is a simple application to display informa
AccountMe - An app for college student to manage transcations
AccountMe The app “AccountMe” which we have made was made by keeping in mind the
CMPLR-Native - A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Take some advantage of Jetpack , View & Data Binding
A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Tak
FirebaseAuthentication - Login/Register Android Application using Firebase Authentication
FireBaseAuthentication This is a Firebase Authentication Application which will
This is an Android application with camera,picture cropping,collage sticking and tagging
This is an Android application with camera,picture cropping,collage sticking and tagging
Arrow-Maven-Template - A template project for Arrow with Maven. It defines an application and a couple small examples
Arrow-Maven-Template A template project for Arrow on Maven. See the official doc
StoreForAndroid - Online shop application for Android
StoreForAndroid Online shop application for Android. Implemented feachures such
Android-Study-Jams - Timely is basically an application which displays Live Time-Table for different semesters in Bhilai Institute Of Technology
Android-Study-Jams ⏳ Timely Android Application ⏰ ( University/College Applicati
This application was built as a part of the Android 📱 Study Jam 2021
This application is build by Prince And Team as a part of Andriod Study Jams Facilitator : princekhg@gmail.com Problem Statement: As there’s a rise in
This is a Bluetooth operational Chat-App developed using Kotlin which shows the list of available devices nearby and paired devices, upon clicking you can start chat
This is a Bluetooth operational Chat-App developed using Kotlin which shows the list of available devices nearby and paired devices, upon clicking you can start chat ... VOILA 🥳🥳 It is still in its early stages of development and currently let user to one-time chat at a time. It is under heavy development 😅
A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Take some advantage of Jetpack , View & Data Binding It's a mimic for Tumblr application , But a little prettier than him 😉
A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Take some advantage of Jetpack , View & Data Binding It's a mimic for Tum
AirQualityVisualizer is a demo application which is used to display demo for websocket continuous connection andhelps the user to visualize air quality according to city in a graphical format with charts, it is developed using Android Jetpack libraries and MVVM.
AirQualityVisualizer AirQualityVisualizer is a small demo application to view Live incoming data from a websocket and visualizing it using a chart in
An android application which uses NewsAPI for listing news.
NewsApp An android application which uses NewsAPI for listing news. Prerequisites 1. Check the App If the app cannot list news, check the API key on b
Connect is an Android Application to connect people for a project and can then work on the application to efficiently complete the project
Connect is an Android Application to connect people for a project and can then work on the application to efficiently complete the project
Olx-workshop-gdsc - Build Classified Ads Application With Kotlin
Build Classified Ads Application Architecture Database : [Firebase Realtime Data
Note-Taking-App - Android application which can be used to take notes
Android application which can be used to take notes.The application uses Recycle
GitFlame is the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
GitFlame Yet another open-source GitHub client app built from scratch using latest and best Android practices. Tech stack & Open-source libraries Mini
A pair of applications provide a direct means of integrating with one another via application programming interfaces (APIs)
What is a native integration? It's when a pair of applications provide a direct means of integrating with one another via application programming interfaces (APIs). Once integrated, data can flow between the apps and become more readily available to your employees.
A simple MQTT Service that will keep running for the duration of your Android application using the Paho Java MQTT Client.
DEPRECATED I would strongly recommend using the official Paho Android client. Setup Make sure to add the service to your AndroidManifest.xml Edit the
LiveStream is a simple class which makes communication easy among different modules of your application.
LiveStream-Kt (Android) 📱 LiveStream is a data holder class which can observe change of data in real-time and emit values too. Unlike other observabl
AsyncSport - AsyncSports Async sports is very simple application that shows athletes video feeds
AsyncLabs Interview Solution 👀 Writing AsyncLabs Interview Solution App using A
AndroidappTemplate - A GitHub template repository intended to kickstart development on an Android application
Android App Template This is a GitHub template repository intended to kickstart
FastHub the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
FastHub is currently under a huge refactoring, please make sure to submit an issue only if necessary. You could follow the development on V5 in this P
This is a sample app that is part of a series of blog posts I have written about how to architect an android application using Uncle Bob's clean architecture approach.
Android-CleanArchitecture New version available written in Kotlin: Architecting Android… Reloaded Introduction This is a sample app that is part of a
RxJava+RxBus+Retrofit+Glide+Material Design Weather App
就看天气 就看天气该应用就是如同它的名字一样,只做一个单纯、简单的看天气软件。这么多天气软件,你选择了我,这是我的幸运。 从15年10月上线,到目前经历两次重大改版,一次代码的重构,一次界面的大幅度改动,目的都是为了你们。 在开源的过程中,收到了很多来自有趣的你们的邮件。我也曾遇到过棘手的问题无处咨
Sample application to demonstrate Multi-module Clean MVVM Architecture and usage of Android Hilt, Kotlin Flow, Navigation Graph, Unit tests etc.
MoneyHeist-Chars Sample application to demonstrate Multi-module Clean MVVM Architecture and usage of Android Hilt, Kotlin Flow, Navigation Graph, Room
An android application for generating random quotes for learning Room, Jetpack Navigation and Lifecycles, Retrofit
Random-Quote-Generator An android application for generating random quotes for learning Room, Jetpack Navigation and Lifecycles, Retrofit MAD Score Te
A Chat-Bot Android Application
Sekobanashi_App A Chat-Bot Android Application. Features App Sekobanashi is a chat-bot/assistant android application where the user can chat with one
Android News App built in kotlin with implementation of MVVM architecture, android navigation components and retrofit. Displays news to users allowing them to share and save news.
News-App Android news app built in kotlin that fetches news data from news api with Retrofit and displays news to users. This App follow MVVM architec
Randomly select a stock from your favorite U.S index and have them saved in your history for future uses. Enjoy! For more info, check the README.MD
Simple Random Stock Randomly select a stock from your favorite U.S index and have them saved in your history for future uses. I created this applicati
Easy Password is password management application
Easy Password Easy Password is password management application. This application uses pattern locks to manage information that requires security. Prec
Easy Photo Map is a photomap application that displays the location of the photo on the map using the location information included in the photo.
Easy Photo Map Easy Photo Map is a photomap application that displays the location of the photo on the map using the location information included in
The app demonstrates principles of usecases with RxJava2 , Dagger2 , Room , MVP , Mockito and Clean Architecture in Android. 📚
Mediateka About The app demonstrates principles of Clean Architecture in Android. Based on data from https://www.themoviedb.org/ Screenshots Simple il
Sign In and Sign Up Ui Design
BlueSignIn Sign In and Sign Up Ui Design Checkout My Libraries Android-Intent-Library: A library which will save you a lot of time from writing the sa
Wallpaper is a Wallpaper and ringtone Application which allows user to set and download Wallpaper or ringtone.
Wallpaper Wallpaper is a Wallpaper and ringtone Application which allows user to set and download Wallpaper or ringtone. Account Activity Home Fragmen
A open chat application for intradepartmental communications
A open chat application for intradepartmental communications. Made with 💝, by the Google Developers Student Club, Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi, under the Android Study Jams program 2020-21
An advanced Kotlin (Android Native) application that uses SOLID architectural principles, consumes a RESTFUL Service, downloads & images using best practices
Dog-Playground Kotlin An advanced Kotlin (Android Native) application that uses SOLID architectural principles, consumes a RESTFUL Service, downloads
Astronomy Deep Sky Target Finder App for android.
Algorithums and Astronomy Calculator App This is the android app for the algorithm running at athesto.ddns.net the repository for which is at: Algorit
A simple e-market application that allows users to view the store details and products, add products to the basket, and place an order.
E-Market Application Features : Store details & products screen Fetch the store detail from an endpoint and display this upper part of the screen. Fet
An android application for creating a journal for subjects you studied and also you can set timer for break.
Study Journal An android application for creating a journal for subjects you studied and also you can set timer for break between two consecutive subj
Timely is an application for College/School/Universities
Timely Android Timely is basically an application which displays Live Time-Table for different semesters in Bhilai Institute Of Technology, Durg which
KMonitor - Compose Multiplatform application to fetch data provided by MSI Afterburner and broadcast them to your local network
kMonitor: Your pc stats over the network What is this? A small desktop companion
Send push notification from server to mobile application.
Firebase Push Notification Tutorial How Firebase Push Notification works? Firebase serves as a module between your server and the devices that will be
Developing easy to use any animation set for splash screen or any other views in your Android application
AnimateViewLibrary Developing easy to use any animation set for splash screen or any other views in your Android application. Easy to use, so you can
Android contact extractor library is entitled to provide, simple contacts extraction API's to fetch contact from 'Contact' application
Android-Contact-Extractor-Library Extract all the contacts from android 'Contacts' application by using simple easy-to-use apis. It helps to remove th
ExtraMapUtils is an android library to make working with map markers, polygon and polyline drawing on googlemaps
simple library for handle markers, polygons and polylines on google maps. ExtraMapUtils is an android library to make working with map markers, polygo
SQLBrite helper class to manage database creation and version management using an application's raw asset files.
sqlbrite-migrations SQLBrite helper class to manage database creation and version management using an application's raw asset files. Note!: Current al
An Android app that uses an accessibility service to show podcast shows ratings.
Pod Ratings An Android app that uses an accessibility service to show podcast shows ratings. Download You can download the APK file here. Demo License
Github OAuth - Easily add a GitHub's OAuth implementation flow to your Android application
Github OAuth Client Library - Android The Github_OAuth library helps to easily add a GitHub's OAuth implementation flow to your Android application.It
TVGuide - An Android app that showcases Account Manager + Sync Manager + Content Provider + Loaders + SQLite.
TV Guide Simple Android application for TV channels show programs. Application concept: Account Manager manages user credentials(in our case the fake
Compose-actors - Android app built with jetpack compose follows new revamped guide to app architecture
Compose Actors 💃 Inspired from JetCaster JetNews JetSnack More compose content
Register-Yourself - This app uses SQLite database to sign-up and register a user
Register-Yourself This Android app uses SQLite database to sign-up and register a user. Short description This is a basic application where a user sig
Android-splash-screen-demo - Sample application to demo the various features provided in android-splash-screen
Android Splash screen API demo This is a sample application used to demonstrate the various features provided in android-splash-screen. More details c
Note taking application using Kotlin and Firebase Realtime Database.
Notes-Firebase-Kotlin Note taking application using Kotlin and Firebase Realtime Database. Features:- 1.Signup With Google 2.Create Note 3.Update Note
WhatsaApp Clone - A Wallpaper and ringtone Application Built With Kotlin
Wallpaper WhatsAppCLone is a Clone of WhatsApp Messaging App.It allows users to
Calliope - Android application for daily diary with voice recording
Calliope Android application for daily diary with voice recording. Contribution
Ehya-android - This application displays the deserted Sunan for us to revive them.
Ehya | إحياء Available on Google Play Libraries Jetpack Compose for the UI. Compose Navigation. Compose Animation. Room for the data persistence. Work
Cryptac - Mobile application to track your favorite cryptos information. 🚀
What is it? 🤔 Cryptac is a mobile application that allows you to track the main important information about your favorite cryptos. It is currently av
ToDoAPP - The project is a task application that works on the basis of creating, editing, reading and deleting from the local database.
ToDoAPP - The project is a task application that works on the basis of creating, editing, reading and deleting from the local database. The project has the educational purpose of learning the latest technologies in Android, which I know so far at a basic level.
FullMangement - an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries, and MVVM design pattern.
Full Management is an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries and MVVM design pattern.
Application to allow user to search his favourite repositories from Github.
Github Search Repositories App details: The application contain one screen with a search field and list of repositories. After the user inputs, the se
NguyenThienAn06105 - This repository consist of the code to read camera data on ESP8266 and a simple Android application to visualize the …
MLX90640-HeatCamera This repository consist of the code to read camera data on ESP8266 and a simple Android application to visualize the result. There
AnalogClockView is a custom view library for android development.
AnalogClockView is a custom view library for android development. It takes time from the device and show time by Analog clock
AndroidMiniDebugger - A small tool to log your application inside your application with a floating UI component
AndroidMiniDebugger A small tool to log your application inside your application with a floating UI component Preview Usage: Step 1 Add it in your roo
Final Project Kelompok 3 Studi independen Kampus Merdeka
Final Project Kelompok 3 Studi independen Kampus Merdeka Introduction My Calculator Build variant 'debug':\app\build\outputs\apk\debug Build variant '
Android sample application based on Andorid architecture
Gitgle Gitgle(Github + Google) is simple github user search application, using G
An application to find out the weather according to the current location of the phone
Weather App An application to find out the weather according to the current loca
M-OV-ies - An Android Application that helps users find where to stream their favorite movies
Stream-ON Video Demo: Description: Final Project for CS50 - 2021: An Android App
TouchNotes - a note application using Kotlin
Touch Notes Touch Notes is a note application using androidx libraries, MVVM wit
RecordMe - Record your voice application with kotlin
RecordMe A simple voice recording app. Made Using : Kotlin, Navigation Component
NYTimes - Android application showing NY Times popular articles
NYTimesPopularArticles Android application showing NY Times popular articles Thi
MaxonBank is a Kotlin + Spring Boot + Axon Framework application that supports opening, depositing to, and withdrawing from accounts.
MaxonBank MaxonBank is a Kotlin + Spring Boot + Axon Framework application that supports opening, depositing to, and withdrawing from accounts. The ap
Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Android yang memiliki ListView yang menggunakan Custom Adapter dan Mengambil data dari Database secara CRUD.
AndroidListView Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Android yang memiliki ListView yang mengguna
Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Android yang bisa melakukan Create, Read, Update, dan Delete sederhana ke dalam Database.
AndroidCRUD Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Android yang bisa melakukan Create, Read, Update
Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Kalkulator di Android.
AndroidCalculator Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Kalkulator di Android. Repository ini memi
Firefly is an asynchronous web framework for rapid development of high-performance web application.
What is Firefly? Firefly framework is an asynchronous Java web framework. It helps you create a web application Easy and Quickly. It provides asynchro
Android application showing NY Times popular articles
NYTimesPopularArticles Android application showing NY Times popular articles Thi
Android Application with Kotlin to easily see who's present and absent
Android Application with Kotlin to easily see who's present and absent The appli
Mobile application for Decentralized ML POC: Spotify Recommendation
Mobile application for Decentralized ML POC: Spotify Recommendation This repo co
This repository contains all the development I did to the Jitsi Video calling application.
This repository contains all the development I did to the Jitsi Video calling application. The jitsi-Media-Transform-mod directory contains the develo
You can store all your password, bank details, card details in one place and remember only one master PIN. The application works totally offline.
Keep Password An application where you can store all your password, bank details, card details in one place and remember only one master PIN. The appl
Make your device sip only small amounts of battery when not in use.
trickle Make your device sip only small amounts of battery when not in use. What Automatically place your device into battery-saver mode when the scre
KMM RSS Reader: an open-source, mobile, cross-platform application built with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile.
KMM RSS Reader This is an open-source, mobile, cross-platform application built with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. It's a simple RSS reader, and you ca
Portfolio application for the purpose of listing events according to the return of an API
My Event Schedule Aplicativo portifólio com a finalidade de listar eventos de ac
Build a simple timer application with kotlin
3. Build a simple timer application which provides below features: a. A simple U
Simple android application that consumes Rick and Morty API to display characters,episodes,Location
Rick and Morty Compose An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Rick and
Solr / SolrCloud running in high performance server - tiny, fast startup, simple to configure, easy deployment without an application server.
solr-undertow Solr and SolrCloud running in high performance server - Tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment, simple to configure, and without an app
An application used to view StackOverflow questions
Questionnaire Play Store Link Download APK Questionnaire is an Android applicati
SayHi! is an instant messaging app that allows users to send text messages to other people using the app
SayHi SayHi! is an instant messaging app that allows users to send text messages to other people using the app 📷 Screen Shots 🔥 Features OTP Verific
Covid-19 Tracking application
Covid-19 Covid-19 Tracking application An open-source Android COVID-19 tracking app built using core UI components from the Robinhood stock trading ap
This is a sample Android project that presents a modern approach to Android application development.
Movies It is a sample app that shows information about movies and series. The goal is build a scalable, maintainable and testable app, implementing go
A basic list application designed using MVVM pattern with Retrofit, OkHttp, and Hilt for dependency injection
FRExercise A basic list application designed using MVVM pattern with Retrofit, O
How to build an Android application using the Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture approach
MVI-Clean-Architecture This is a sample app & basic code that demonstrate how to