845 Repositories
Android reminder-application Libraries
Open-sourced voice labeling application
vLabeler vLabeler is an open-sourced voice labeling application, aiming: Modern and fluent UI/UX Customizable labeling/import/export, to be used by di
Showify is a my first simple ✅ Android application 📱 using DI, where I learn how to use dagger-hilt, retrofit2, mvvm, livedata, Requestly Interceptor
Showify is a my first simple ✅ Android application 📱 using DI, where I learn how to use dagger-hilt, retrofit2, mvvm, livedata, Requestly Interceptor and so much more...
A simple authentication application using Jetpack compose to illustrate signin and sign up using Mvvm, Kotlin and jetpack compose
Authentication A simple authentication application using Jetpack compose to illustrate signin and sign up using Mvvm, Kotlin and jetpack compose Scree
Sample of usage VisualFSM for Android application - Kotlin Coroutines, Jetpack Compose
Sample of usage VisualFSM for Android application - Kotlin Coroutines, Jetpack Compose ENG | RUS VisualFSM is a Kotlin library that implements an MVI
An android application meant for providing source code for medium blog.
ShoppingList-Widget In this tutorial-guide we will be exploring the use of Android-App Widgets and how can we parallelly use them with databases like
Noted is a Clean Architectured android application for taking personal notes
Noted is an android application for taking notes. The user can create, edit, review, and delete notes. They also can specify a category for each note.
🚀 React Native Segmented Control, Pure Javascript for iOS and Android
Installation Add the dependency: npm i react-native-segmented-control-2 Peer Dependencies Zero Dependency 🥳 Usage Import import SegmentedControl from
Android Application that plays music through a Spotify API based on a user's current location found through Google Maps API and also checking Google Weather API.
GeoStereo Android Application that plays music through a Spotify API based on a user's current location found through Google Maps API and also checkin
Taskify is a mobile application used to create and schedule tasks in your TODO list
Taskify is a mobile application used to create and schedule tasks in your TODO list. It is built upon the new Maaterial 3 UI components with the MVVM pattern and the latest Jetpack components.
Examples for using Kotlin at a basic level for Android application development.
Kotlin Android Jetpack Basics Ejemplos para usar Kotlin a nivel básico para el desarrollo de aplicaciones Android. Kotlin Android Jetpack Basics Acerc
AppUI Sample Application - display how you can create your own custom AppUI application within a few minutes
AppUI Sample Application This is an open-source project to display how you can create your own custom AppUI application within a few minutes. I have a
Android Application for a user’s favorite Movies, TV shows and Anime while keeping up to date with the latest releases.
Android Application for a user’s favorite Movies, TV shows and Anime while keeping up to date with the latest releases.
This application is used to adjust the scaling of kubernetes deployments depending on the message-count of given RabbitMQ queues.
PodAutoScaler This application is used to adjust the scaling of kubernetes deployments depending on the message-count of given RabbitMQ queues. It use
Simple application with some famous graph algorithm implemented by Jetpack Compose framework
GraphAlgorithm This Application was implemented by Jetpack Compose framework. The dagger-hilt library was used for dependency injection and Room libra
Real life Kotlin Multiplatform project with an iOS application developed in Swift with SwiftUI, an Android application developed in Kotlin with Jetpack Compose and a backed in Kotlin hosted on AppEngine.
Conferences4Hall Real life Kotlin Multiplatform project with an iOS application developed in Swift with SwiftUI, an Android application developed in K
A chat app for Android written in Kotlin using MVVM.
Chat App Android About A chat app for Android written in Kotlin using MVVM. Features Authentication: Email and password Google Auth Reset Password Sen
A liteweight Android application to access your hanger!
星河避难所 这是一个星际公民 Android 客户端,可以简化部分官网操作以及信息查询。 A Star Citizen Android Application. 实现功能 官网登录相关 免代理登录/注册 多账号一键切换 光谱账号一键切换 官网信息相关 玩家个人信息显示 官网玩家查询 舰船信息查询 玩
Third application for Big Brain Kotlin book, will be pokemon collection app
Big Brain Kotlin : Application #3 - PokemonHurddle Third application for Big Brain Kotlin book, will be pokemon collecting app 11285 Pokemon and becom
A movies application built Using clean architecture and MVVM (Model-view-viewModel).
Movies-App This is a movies application which fecthes upcoming and popular movies from the movie Database(TMBD). It is built Using clean architecture
An android application that provides simple communication between bluetooth enabled devices using LoRa for intermidiate data transfer
LoRa and bluetooth communication An android application that provides simple communication between bluetooth enabled devices using LoRa for intermidia
Gallery application using Unsplash API, coding by Android Kotlin
Gallery App GalleryApp is application show image from Unsplash API, based on MVVM architecture. Download Go to the Releases to download the latest APK
Gameforma is a simple game list application where user could explore more than 350.000 games
Gameforma is a simple game list application where user could explore more than 350.000 games data provided from RAWG Video Games Database API. Built with MVVM repositoy pattern, clean architecture in order to finish Dicoding Menjadi Android Developer Expert's (MADE) class submission.
An application to create custom QR codes to specify waste types and waste disposal procedures for products.
wasteqr An application to create custom QR codes to specify waste types and waste disposal procedures for products. What is WasteQR? WasteQR is an app
MQTTandroidApp is android application that monitoring users state and other ambient condition, the acquire data is send at central broker (RaspberryPI3) of the MQTT architecture and then recieved back again an anothers android devices that chose to subscribe at topic.
My bachelor's thesis of Electronic Engineering at University of Bologna MQTTandroidApp MQTTandroidApp is android application that monitoring users sta
Mock up social media android application created to interact with a backend Java server using GraphQL.
The Community Board Project Authorship: author: dnglokpor date: may 2022 Project Summary: The Community Board Project consists of a Java Spring Boot b
Pling is a mobile project management application
Pling is a mobile project management application. This application was developed as part of the “Embedded Interface Programming” course. Pling should include all the necessary and minimal features for planning a project, such as creating a project, adding tasks and monitoring progress.
MiStoryView is a simple configurable library to integrate stories features into your social media android application.
MiStoryView MiStoryView is a simple configurable library to integrate stories features into your social media android application. Preview Key feature
Bring together all of the remarkable Computer Graphics Algorithms in one place 🚀
Compose Computer Graphics Playground 🚀 "There was an idea to bring together all of the remarkable Computer Graphics Algorithms in one place. And keep
A sample application showcasing authenticators using OIE android SDK
Embedded Auth with Okta OIE Android SDK - Kotlin Sample Application ❕ The sample uses an SDK that requires usage of the Okta Identity Engine. This fun
Meal recipes application for Android devices
RecipeApp Bu projemde TheMealDB API servisini kullanarak bir yemek tarifleri uygulaması geliştirdim. Bu uygulama ile yemek tariflerini; katagorize edi
Google Developer Student Clubs 2022 Solution Challenge - Team East River's Android Application
Solution-Challenge-2022-VEGATHER Google Developer Student Clubs 2022 Solution Challenge - Team East River's Android Application VEGATHER is an app ser
Android application for GitHub user search and view user details
GitHubApp Android application for GitHub user search and view user details Architecture UI observing the live data for the main list as received from
An Android-based Cellebrite UFED self-defense application
A proof-of-concept Android application to detect and defeat some of the Cellebrite UFED forensic toolkit extraction techniques.
Idaesbasic - An all in one project manager that stores everything in files directly into your project! 🤯
Idaesbasic - Project-Managment redefined Idaesbasic Everything is a file 💾 With this project managment tool, everything is a file. Your todolists are
Android Clean Architecture in Rorty is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android application development using Kotlin and latest tech-stack.
Android Clean Architecture in Rorty is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android application development using Kotlin and latest tech-stack.
A capable — pixel art editor for Android.
A capable — pixel art editor for Android.
AudioNotes 📙 An open source simple audio note taking app built to demonstrate android development best practices.
AudioNotes 📙 A simple open source audio note-taking 📝 Android application built to describe the use of Modern Android development tools. 🏗 . Made w
Book selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel)
Book selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel), LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav), ViewPager2 in TabLayout, SearchView, Vertical Adapter(BestSellers) and Horizontal Adapter(All Books) with ConcatAdapter for Main Screen, Firebase Auth, SearchView in Adapter, Picasso, Lottie, Animated Svg for Splash
Explain - An application does not have a dialog box to confirm an event
Explain An application does not have a dialog box to confirm an event. This library is designed in a way that makes it easy for the developer to use a
A complete app that demonstrate how to build an Android application using the Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture approach
📷 Blog taking application utilizing Ktor REST-API and following modern practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, Flows, Channels, Room, Work Manager, Navigation Component, MVI, Clean Architecture, Modularization, Dagger Hilt, Tests...
An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase.
E-Commerce An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase. Login for : nisa@gmail.com 123456 Screenshots of the app : L
A chat app for Android written in Kotlin using MVVM.
Chat App Android About A chat app for Android written in Kotlin using MVVM. Features Authentication: Email and password Google Auth Reset Password Sen
An android application developed in Kotlin that provides lists and tables of soccer leagues through api consumption
An android application developed in Kotlin that provides lists and tables of soccer leagues through api consumption
Application to facilitate the allocation of over quotas of the subjects of a career in a practical
Application to facilitate the allocation of over quotas of the subjects of a career in a practical, intuitive and equitable way among students who were left without a quota at the time of enrollment.
This application uses Google Play Services Vision library to scan barcodes. It uses Google's on device ML kit to scan for barcodes.
Barcode-Scanner This application showcases use of Google Play Services Vision library It uses Google's on device machine learning kit to scan for barc
Beetlebug is an open source insecure Android application with CTF challenges built for Android Penetration Testers and Bug Bounty hunters.
Beetlebug Beetlebug is a beginner-friendly Capture the Flag Android application that aims to inspire interest in Mobile Application Security. It is ge
LNSocial is a social media app dedicated to short-form videos created for and consumed by users.
LNSocial is a social media app dedicated to short-form videos created for and consumed by users. The length of videos is between 15-30 second
Mojito is a cocktail manual, which contains recipes, images, and so on.
Mojito Mojito* is a cocktail manual, which contains recipes, images, and so on. *Mojito: an alcoholic drink made with rum, lime juice, sugar, and mint
Belajar Android Jetpack Pro Dicoding - with Hilt, LiveData, Online-Offline Caching, etc
movie-catalogue-jetpack-pro-dicoding Ini adalah final submission pada kelas Belajar Android Jetpack Pro di dicoding (get 5 star) Pada project ini terd
A secure, opensource android app to store your bank accounts, cards, and credentials. Locally and securely.
Digital Tijori 🔒 Digital Tijori app lets you store your bank accounts, cards and credentials. You can link cards and credentials to a particular bank
Sample application to show state management & unidirectional data flow using Jetpack compose.
Jetpack Compose State Management A sample project to demonstrate State Management in Jetpack compose by following This CodeLab. Through the project yo
This is a basic demo application for exoplayer library.
ExoPlayer Demo Application This is a basic demo application for exoplayer library. It can stream these types of file: MP3 MP4 DASH HLS You can minimiz
Mankgram is an Android application for sharing stories especially for developers.
Mankgram is an Android application for sharing stories especially for developers. Mankgrams are created using the Kotlin programming language and built in Android Studio.
A simple login and logout Android application written in Kotlin
A simple login and logout Android application written in Kotlin. It authorizes user using an api and shows profile screen.
Storedei is an Store-like application for Juara Android submission.
Storedei Storedei is an Store-like application for Juara Android submission. User can view products, view their cart, add product to cart, remove prod
A mobile application that contains up-to-date information about the latest earthquakes in Turkey, scientific explanations about earthquakes, and Turkey's earthquake map.
Recent-Earthquakes A mobile application that contains up-to-date information about the latest earthquakes in Turkey, scientific explanations about ear
A mobile application that allows you to get random information every time you enter the application.
Knowledge Repository A mobile application that allows you to get random information every time you enter the application. Google Play Store : Screensh
Application: SLA report This application calculates, based on an input, the average duration per service of Axon.
Application: SLA report This application calculates, based on an input, the average duration per service of Axon.
RecyclerView Application example using kotlin and viewbinding.
SimpleRecyclerViewApp Shows how to display some items in a simple list using the RecyclerView and RecycleView.Adapter. The RecycleView is the entity t
GithubUserApps is an application that can Search and Displaying the details of a User github
GithubUserApps is an application that can Search and Displaying the details of a User github. this apps is written in Kotlin with MVVM Architecture, RXJava3, Kotlin Coroutines, ROOM Database, Retrofit, and Data Store Preferences to saving the Dark/Light Theme Key-Value.
PolitcalPreparedness is an example application built to demonstrate core Android Development skills recommended by Google.
PolitcalPreparedness is an example application built to demonstrate core Android Development skills recommended by Google.
Demo Android application using Gradle. Project is written entirely in Kotlin with MVVM architecture
Demo Android application using Gradle. Project is written entirely in Kotlin with MVVM architecture, Dagger / Hilt Dependency Injection, Room Database and Retrofit API Calls
Android Combined Application for chat, audio/video calls, and broadcast to millions of web and app users using VdoTok SDK.
Android Combined Application for chat, audio/video calls, and broadcast to millions of web and app users using VdoTok SDK.
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile application built using that consumes WakaTime API
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile application built using that consumes WakaTime API ⏱️ to display user's coding stats such as day's or day's of weeks coding time, coding time for various programming languages or worked on projects etc. on various platforms.
AndroidFilePicker - android library which will help you to pick any type of media file in your application
AndroidFilePicker is android library which will help you to pick any type of media file in your application. No need to manage any kind of extra permission or result method override. Just create library class instance and use it or also modify ui as your requirement.
NavigationAndFragments - A use case for fragments and navigation
NavigationAndFragments A use case for fragments and navigation. To implement this use case, follow these steps : Create a new fragment navigation xml
A basic application to show list of recently posted questions on stackoverflow
android-stackexchange-api-demo A basic application to show list of recently posted questions on stackoverflow Main screen This is the main screen whic
An android application that allows its users to download and set different images as their wallpapers either on the home screen, lock screen or both.
UHD Wallpapers This an android application show cases different sets of images from unsplash and allows its users to download and set them as wallpape
Professional Crypto Application Developed With Kotlin
ExTracker a professional application for tracking cryptoCurrencies developed with kotlin About This Project ExTracker is a cryptocurrency Application.
Professional Weather Application Developed With Kotlin
ExWeather professional android application for checking weather status, developed with kotlin. About This Project This application helps users to trac
A mobile application where pet owners meet with pet sitters
Watch-My-Pet It is a mobile application where pet owners meet with pet sitters. Watch my pet is an application that allows you to list the sitters ava
The application shows the profile of a random user
The application shows the profile of a random user
QRAlarm - an Android alarm clock application lets the user turn off alarms by scanning the QR Code.
QRAlarm is an Android alarm clock application that does not only wake You up, but also makes You get up to disable the alarm by scanning the QR Code.
A simple list-detail application using the Github API
GitHub Users Search Android application to search users via GitHub API Project demonstrates how to use Kotlin, Android Architecture Components, Dagger
A tic-tac-toe application for foss-weekend.
TIC - TAC - TOE How to Setup? Fork the repository to your GitHub account. Clone the forked repository to your local machine. Add upstream to the clone
A simple and minimal app to track how long you've been sober from anything you want.
Sobriety A simple and minimal app to track how long you've been sober from anything you want. I mostly designed this out of spite for "I Am Sober", wh
OpenGLES - an embedded version of the OpenGL cross-platform API which is used to render 2D/3D texture
OpenGLES is an embedded version of the OpenGL cross-platform API which is used to render 2D/3D texture. This sample code contains the implementation of shape rendering using OpenGLES.
Share Layout Android Library
Share any layout screenshot including any string of any Android App to any app via Intent .
📦 RoomAccounting app - a simple invoice accouting application 📦
RoomAccounting RoomAccounting app is a simple invoice accouting application. Based on local database with the CRUD operation. Architecture 📐 Project
This application was created internally for Aseman Company to evaluate the performance of its employee
AsemanTile-HRM This application was created internally for Aseman Company to evaluate the performance of its employees Uses Each of the managers of th
A simple video calling application uses Firebase database and WebRTC API that enables you Peer-to-Peer Full-HD video and audio connection.
A simple video calling application uses Firebase database and WebRTC API that enables you Peer-to-Peer Full-HD video and audio connection.
☁️🌤🌧☀ Weather Android application that gives you the weather information of your saved location or any region you are looking for☁️🌤🌧☀
☁️🌤🌧☀ Weather Android application that gives you the weather information of your saved location or any region you are looking for☁️🌤🌧☀
🌼APM, (Application Performance Management) tool for kotlin/java application.
🌼APM, (Application Performance Management) tool for kotlin/java application.
GitHub application fetches events, repositories and profile using GitHub APIs
GitHub application using GitHub REST API Dagger MVVM architecture Mockk Jetpack Compose Kotlin Coroutines Application pages Attention If you want to u
A simple real-time chatting application using android
In this project we have created a simple real-time chatting application using android. In this project we can chat with a registered user in the app. We can also set profile photo, about, name. After chatting with registered user we can also logout from the app and we can login, whenever we want .
Solves the audit needs for any JVM based application
Auditor-v1 Solves the audit needs for any JVM based application.
A Chat-Bot Android Application
Sekobanashi_App A Chat-Bot Android Application. Features Sekobanashi is a chat-bot/assistant android application where the user can chat with one of t
Simple Paint Android Apps with Kotlin
Simple paint consists of five actions, such as pencil, drawing a line, rectangle, ellipse, and color pallet with five colors, which is inspired with google color.
ExoPlayer - an application level media player for Android
ExoPlayer is an application level media player for Android. It provides an alternative to Android’s MediaPlayer API for playing audio and video both locally and over the Internet. ExoPlayer supports features not currently supported by Android’s MediaPlayer API, including DASH and SmoothStreaming adaptive playbacks.
A birthday wish app built in Kotlin lang and Java
WisherBirthdayWishApp A birthday wish app built in Kotlin lang and Java Project utilizes: Hilt MVVM Architectural pattern Architecture Components 📸 S
Mobile Application Development
Mobile Application Development Exercise 4 Create a List of 20 User objects in the ListActivity. Randomize the name, descriptions and value of Followed
An android app which allows users to display the data of any excel sheet in rows and columns
ExcelReader App description An android app which allows users to display the data of any excel sheet in rows and columns. Features Display data of an
A minimalistic Android application Built with MVVM
A minimalistic Android application Built with MVVM (Retrofit , DataBinding , Coroutine , Mockwebserver , Truth and many more ...)
Pokemon Library with Jetpack Compose
Pokemon Library with Jetpack Compose This repository contains a Pokemon Library application that is implemented MVI architecture using Koin, Jetpack C
A minimalistic Android application Built with Clean architecture and Jetpack component
MovieMania A minimalistic Android application Built with Clean architecture and Jetpack component (Jetpack Compose, MVVM , Paging 3.0, HILT, ROOM DB,
BlackBox - a virtual engine, it can clone and run virtual application on Android
BlackBox is a virtual engine, it can clone and run virtual application on Android, users don't have to install APK file to run the application on devices. BlackBox control all virtual applications, so you can do anything you want by using BlackBox.
Android AR Application using AR-Core
It all started with Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which showed us that lengths of space and durations of time vary depending on who is looking A new perspective on the fabric of reality. ARCore SDK Implementation, Android Bouncing ball App
InstaKiller - InstaKiller is a CLI client for Instagram
InstaKiller InstaKiller is a CLI wrapper around instagram4j library. Icon Item ?
TetaNews - Application to browse news of Ukraine
Teta News Application to browse news of Ukraine Overview App show the scrollable
Com.hhvvg.anytext - An application provides features to modify any TextView in any other applications
AnyText What's this This application provides features to modify any TextView in