54 Repositories
Android tnoodle-lib Libraries
Add Ios Swipe Search TextField Component in Android Jetpack Compose.
IosSwipeSearchCompose Add Ios Swipe Search TextField Component in Android Jetpack Compose. How it looks Usage val text = remember { mutableStateOf("")
Add Expandable Horizontal Pager in Android Jetpack Compose.
ExpandableHorizontalPagerCompose Add Expandable Horizontal Pager in Android Jetpack Compose. How it looks Usage BoxWithConstraints( modifier = Mod
Add Animatable Material Components in Android Jetpack Compose. Create jetpack compose animations painless.
AnimatableCompose Add Animatable Material Components in Android Jetpack Compose. Create jetpack compose animation painless. What you can create from M
Custom partitioner for Spring Batch
Custom partitioner for Spring Batch Who is it for? For cases in which you have multiple files to process as part of the batch, Spring Batch offers the
Add Wheel Date - Time Picker in Android Jetpack Compose.
WheelPickerCompose Add Wheel Date - Time Picker in Android Jetpack Compose. Usage Picker Usage WheelDateTimePicker { snappedDateTime - } WheelDatePic
This lib is the framework for dependency tasks, specially for the asynchronous tasks.
DependencyTask This lib is the framework for dependency tasks, specially for the asynchronous tasks. Backgroud Image that there is a progress with som
An android lib that provides most commonly used utility function
Awesome-Utility An android lib that provides most commonly used utility function. It can help Android developers with supporting common utility functi
A light lib that helps and centralize logs in your application.
BadgeLog (Kotlin version) For the iOS swift version, see this page BadgeLog is an Android Kotlin library that helps you manage logs within your applic
SmartClient is a library that contains the default implementations to idenify a client.
SmartClient is a library that contains the default implementations to idenify a client.
CombatGUI-lib - A playground to try to work out how to make in-combat GUIs work
Starsector Mod Template using Gradle and IntelliJ v1.2.0 Description This is a t
Another-read-more-lib - Another read more library for android
another-read-more-lib 📖 Another read more library. Add it in your root build.gr
Pluck - Pluck, a library helps you to pick image via Galley/Camera built using Compose
Pluck - The image-picker library for Compose This is an image-picker for your je
🔥Replace typical onLongClickListener with this library!
FillingButton Replace typical onLongClickListener with that library! It's the new way to handle onLongClickListener on buttons. Sample Added new type
An offline geocode library for android, powered by SQLite, using osm data.
An offline geocode library for android, powered by SQLite, using osm data. 离线地理编码Android库,基于SQLite,使用开放街道地图数据。
SASlider is lightweight cool looking custom slider control which enables the user to input integer or decimal values with high customizeability
SASlider is lightweight cool looking custom slider control which enables the user to input integer or decimal values with high customizeability. User can select values by inputting in text field above slider, slide the control or tap anywhere on the slider to move it.
ImageList-Lib - Android library for showing images side by side.
ImageList-Lib Android library for showing images side by side. This is based on CircleImageView from hdodenhof . Used Glide for image. Gradle allproje
Android bindings for SoundTouch lib, focused on size optimization and real-time processing.
Android binding library for SoundTouch This library allows to use SoundTouch in real-time processing mode. It has also few Android-specific changes fo
Account-lib - A suite of libraries to facilitate the usage of account-sdk
Usage Clone this repository (skip this step if the repo is on your local machine). The default branch is fine. git clone https://github.com/AFBlockcha
scrambling code portion of TNoodle
TNoodle-LIB TNoodle is a software suite that contains the official WCA scramble program. It consists of the core scrambling code (primarily written in
This is LIB - BACKBLELogger
This is LIB - BACKBLELogger Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://ji
Small lib for recovering stack trace in exceptions thrown in Kotlin coroutines
Stacktrace-decoroutinator Library for recovering stack trace in exceptions thrown in Kotlin coroutines. Supports JVM(not Android) versions 1.8 or high
simple implementation KTLint with lib JLLeitschuh/ktlint-gradle
Simple DETEKT implementation others KTLint KTLint-gradle DeteKT Spotless gradle-code-quality-tools-plugin Tutorials medium Config detekt config.yml Gr
BuildConfiguration information for use in multi-module, or Kotlin Multiplatform common code
component-build-configuration A small library supporting Kotlin Multiplatform for utilizing BuildConfiguration details from common code and across mod
Simple lib to create a endless recycler view scroll
Endless RecyclerView A simple lib to create an infinite list in a RecyclerView. When you reach the end of the list, a callback is triggered, where you
Firebase Compoe friendly lib
Firebase Compose A set of Compose components to make it easier to use firebase in the composable world Firebase Compose Auth A jetpack compose module
MVVM Redux is a lightweight lib to help you apply the redux concepts in your project based in MVVM.
MVVM Redux is a lightweight lib to help you apply the redux concepts in your project based in MVVM.
A highlight lib and also it can be a simple popup window lib for android
HighlightPro 中文 HighlightPro is a highlight library for android and also it can be a simple popup window library for android. Features: One or more hi
Fuzzy string matching for Kotlin (JVM, native, JS, Web Assembly) - port of Fuzzy Wuzzy Python lib
FuzzyWuzzy-Kotlin Fuzzy string matching for Kotlin (JVM, iOS) - fork of the Java fork of of Fuzzy Wuzzy Python lib. For use in on JVM, Android, or Kot
writing into android application lib.so with offset & hex bytes
KMrite writing into android application lib.so with offset & hex bytes support root and non root devices Changelogs 3.1 : fix hex input only number up
IOSProgressBar is a progress-bar lib for android. And the progress-bar looks like iOS system style
IOSProgressBar is a progress-bar lib for android. And the progress-bar looks like iOS system style
A simple Android Tag EditText
TagEditText A simple Android Tag EditText. Setup The easiest way to add the TagEditText library to your project is by adding it as a dependency to you
Android common lib demo, include ImageCache, HttpCache, DropDownListView, DownloadManager, install apk silent and so on, you can find description
android-demo 关于我,欢迎关注 微博:Trinea 主页:trinea.cn 邮箱:trinea.cn#gmail.com 微信:codek2 依赖:trinea-android-common android-auto-scroll-view-pager viewpager-indica
An Android TabLayout Lib
FlycoTabLayout 中文版 An Android TabLayout Lib has 3 kinds of TabLayout at present. SlidingTabLayout: deeply modified from PagerSlidingTabStrip. new adde
An Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments
FragNav Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments (e.g., Bottom Navigation , Navigation Drawer). This library does NOT include the UI
This is a UI lib for Android. Effects like shining.
ShineButton This is a UI lib for Android. Effects like shining. Usage shineButton = (ShineButton) findViewById(R.id.shine_button); shineButton.init(
This lib implements the most common CoroutineScopes used in Android apps.
AndroidCoroutineScopes Starting from 0.26.0 release we should define a scope for new coroutines (docs). To avoid this boilerplate code I've created th
A Page Indicator Lib is realized in a different way.
#FlycoPageIndicator A Page Indicator Lib is realized in a different way. Support for Android 2.2 and up. ##Demo ####Here is a DemoApk download ##Gradl
Make your native android Dialog Fancy. A library that takes the standard Android Dialog to the next level with a variety of styling options. Style your dialog from code.
FancyAlertDialog-Android Prerequisites Add this in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file): allprojects { repositories { ..
Make your native android Toasts Fancy. A library that takes the standard Android toast to the next level with a variety of styling options. Style your toast from code.
FancyToast-Android Prerequisites Add this in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file): allprojects { repositories { ... ma
Tiny tracking lib for Google Analytics.
BloodHoud Tiny library for tracking screens and events with google analytics and / or firebase analytics. How to install repositories { maven {
It is a project that contains lessons and examples about Kotlin programming language. 🇰
Kotlin Tutorials What is Kotlin? I added the platforms it supports and great resources. You can access the article from the link below: https://medium
Tiny tracking lib for Google Analytics.
BloodHoud Tiny library for tracking screens and events with google analytics and / or firebase analytics. How to install repositories { maven {
Android Weather Library: android weather lib to develop weather based app fast and easily
WeatherLib Android weather lib is an android weather aggregator. The lib helps you getting weather data from the most importat weather provider. It su
A simple lib to create a ring-like progress view with corner edges
ProgressRingView Installation Gradle: dependencies { compile 'com.github.flepsik:progress-ring-view:1.2.1' } Maven: dependency groupIdcom.g
This lib can be used for viewpager infinite loop with indicator easily.
InfiniteIndicator This project is inspired by the android-auto-scroll-view-pager of Trinea. Use the salvage lib implement view recycle adapter.It cont
An Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments
FragNav Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments (e.g., Bottom Navigation , Navigation Drawer). This library does NOT include the UI
It is a project that contains lessons and examples about Kotlin programming language. 🇰
Kotlin Tutorials What is Kotlin? I added the platforms it supports and great resources. You can access the article from the link below: https://medium
Android library (AAR). Highly configurable, easily extendable deep zoom view for displaying huge images without loss of detail. Perfect for photo galleries, maps, building plans etc.
Subsampling Scale Image View A custom image view for Android, designed for photo galleries and displaying huge images (e.g. maps and building plans) w
Android common lib, include ImageCache, HttpCache, DropDownListView, DownloadManager, Utils and so on
android-common-lib 关于我,欢迎关注 微博:Trinea 主页:trinea.cn 邮箱:trinea.cn#gmail.com 微信:codek2 主要包括:缓存(图片缓存、预取缓存、网络缓存)、公共View(下拉及底部加载更多ListView、底部加载更多ScrollView、
Make your native android Dialog Fancy and Gify. A library that takes the standard Android Dialog to the next level with a variety of styling options and Gif's. Style your dialog from code.
FancyGifDialog-Android Prerequisites Add this in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file): allprojects { repositories { ...
Android common lib demo, include ImageCache, HttpCache, DropDownListView, DownloadManager, install apk silent and so on, you can find description
android-demo 关于我,欢迎关注 微博:Trinea 主页:trinea.cn 邮箱:trinea.cn#gmail.com 微信:codek2 依赖:trinea-android-common android-auto-scroll-view-pager viewpager-indica
The lib can make the ActivityOptions animations use in Android api3.1+
ActivityOptionsICS 本项目停止维护 =========== f you are thinking on customizing the animation of Activity transition then probably you would look for Activit
Library containing over 2000 material vector icons that can be easily used as Drawable or as a standalone View.
Material Icon Library A library containing over 2000 material vector icons that can be easily used as Drawable, a standalone View or inside menu resou
An Android Dialog Lib simplify customization.
FlycoDialog-Master 中文版 An Android Dialog Lib simplify customization. Supprot 2.2+. Features [Built-in Dialog, convenient to use](#Built-in Dialog) [Ab