2873 Repositories
Android Program-source-code-and-data Libraries
Patter Lock using Hilt, Coroutines, Flow and Custom View Components based on MVVM architecture.
Pattern Lock App Sample project for created Pattern Lock View using custom view. Preview Usage Step 1 Add the PatterLockView in your XML layout file.
Amazing and easy to use Accordion Library for Android built with kotlin
AccoLib An easy-to-use, amazing Accordion Library for Android built with kotlin. It reduces the amount of code needed to make Accordions in android, w
Built with Jetpack compose, multi modules MVVM clean architecture, coroutines + flow, dependency injection, jetpack navigation and other jetpack components
RickAndMortyCompose - Work in progress A simple app using Jetpack compose, clean architecture, multi modules, coroutines + flows, dependency injection
The app has got fullscreen Turkey map via Huawei Map. App selects random province and shows it borders on the map than user will try to guess the provinces name.
Il Bil App Introduction I will introduce you to how to implement Account Kit, Map Kit, Game Service. About the game: The app has got fullscreen Turkey
Clean Code and Reactive Programming PlayGround for Bangkit 2021
Clean Code and Reactive Programming PlayGround for Bangkit 2021 Hello! This repo contains the IntelliJ project that I use to present my talk, "Clean A
A elegant and light weight music player for android
A elegant and light weight music player for android
Secret Codes is an Open Source application that allows you to browse through hidden codes of your Android phone.
####Secret Codes is an Open Source application that allows you to browse through hidden codes of your Android phone. This application will scan throug
How to apply meaningful and delightful motion in a sample Android app
Applying meaningful motion on Android How to apply meaningful and delightful motion in a sample Android app Read the complete post at https://medium.c
A demo of the power menu with Reveal and other animations
MaterialPowerMenu A demo of the power menu with Reveal and other animations Some days ago, I saw a gif on Google+ demonstating a concept of Android Po
A simple chat demo for socket.io and Android
socket.io-android-chat This is a simple chat demo for socket.io and Android. You can connect to https://socket-io-chat.now.sh using this app. Installa
Do's and Don'ts for Android development, by Futurice developers
Best practices in Android development Avoid reinventing the wheel by following these guidelines. Lessons learned from Android developers in Futurice.
A simple app to showcase Androids Material Design and some of the cool new cool stuff in Android Lollipop. RecyclerView, CardView, ActionBarDrawerToggle, DrawerLayout, Animations, Android Compat Design, Toolbar
#Android-LollipopShowcase This is a simple showcase to show off Android's all new Material Design and some other cool new stuff which is (new) in Andr
This repo contains example code for O'Reilly's "Programming Android" by Zigured Mednieks, Laird Dornin, Blake Meike and Masumi Nakamura
This repo contains working code for the example in O'Reilly's _Programming Android, 2nd Edition_; Mednieks, Dornin, Meike, Nakamura (http://shop.orei
This repo contains example code for O'Reilly's "Programming Android" by Zigured Mednieks, Laird Dornin, Blake Meike and Masumi Nakamura
This repo contains working code for the example in O'Reilly's _Programming Android, 2nd Edition_; Mednieks, Dornin, Meike, Nakamura (http://shop.orei
Sample application demonstrating Android design and animation
android-movies-demo This is a sample application showing off some interesting design/development interactions for a talk given at Droidcon 2013. As it
Android common lib demo, include ImageCache, HttpCache, DropDownListView, DownloadManager, install apk silent and so on, you can find description
android-demo 关于我,欢迎关注 微博:Trinea 主页:trinea.cn 邮箱:trinea.cn#gmail.com 微信:codek2 依赖:trinea-android-common android-auto-scroll-view-pager viewpager-indica
A sample Android app which showcases advanced usage of Dagger among other open source libraries.
U+2020 A sample Android app which showcases advanced usage of Dagger among other open source libraries. Watch the corresponding talk or view the slide
Examples of Android applications
Android Demos This is a collection of basic android examples created by Novoda. CarouselFragment CompassExample ContactSelector CustomActivityTransiti
Basic example of using ItemTouchHelper to add drag & drop and swipe-to-dismiss to RecyclerView.
Another drag and swipe library? This project is an example of basic drag & drop and swipe-to-dismiss with RecyclerView using ItemTouchHelper. It corre
Movie discovery app showcasing MVP, RxJava, Dagger 2 and Clean Architecture
MovieGuide 🚧 Refactoring in progress 👷♀️ ⛏ 👷 🔧️ 👷 🔧 🚧 Comments and new issues are welcome. 👍 Currently not accepting external PRs that touch
A tool that enables advanced features through adb installing and uninstalling apps like wildcards and multi device support. Useful if you want to clean your test device from all company apks or install a lot of apks in one go. Written in Java so it should run on your platform.
Uber Adb Tools for Android A simple tool that makes it more convenient to install, uninstall and creating bug reports and more for multiple apps on mu
PowerMock is a Java framework that allows you to unit test code normally regarded as untestable.
Writing unit tests can be hard and sometimes good design has to be sacrificed for the sole purpose of testability. Often testability corresponds to go
Qiscus provide everything you need to power up your app with chats. And it's now made simple.
Introduction Qiscus Chat SDK (Software Development Kit) is a product provided by Qiscus that enables you to embed an in-app chat/chat feature in your
Powerful custom Android Camera with granular control over the video quality and filesize, restricting recordings to landscape only.
LandscapeVideoCamera Highly flexible Android Camera which offers granular control over the video quality and filesize, while restricting recordings to
Donations library for Android. Supports Google Play Store, Flattr, PayPal, and Bitcoin
Android Donations Lib Android Donations Lib supports donations by Google Play Store, Flattr, PayPal, and Bitcoin. It is used in projects, such as Open
Convert audio files inside your Android app easily. Supported formats: AAC, MP3, M4A, WMA, WAV and FLAC.
AndroidAudioConverter Convert audio files inside your Android app easily. This is a wrapper of FFmpeg-Android-Java lib. Supported formats: AAC MP3 M4A
Dali is an image blur library for Android. It contains several modules for static blurring, live blurring and animations.
Dali Dali is an image blur library for Android. It is easy to use, fast and extensible. Dali contains several modules for either static blurring, live
A View on which you can freely draw, customizing paint width, alpha and color, and take a screenshot of the content. Useful for note apps, signatures or free hand writing.
FreeDrawView A View that let you draw freely on it. You can customize paint width, alpha and color. Can be useful for notes app, signatures or hands-f
Implement a simple and funny Android animation —— the emoji rain in WeChat app.
中文版文档 Emoji Rain Hey, it's raining emoji! This is a really simple and funny animation for Android. You could find similar animations when sending "Hap
a custom view that provides dragged and scaled
DragScaleCircleView A custom imageview that provides the circle window can be dragged and scaled, crop image. How does it look? Why? Sometimes need to
Simple and fantastic wheel view in realistic effect for android.
Overview  Contact Preview Demo WheelPicke.APK Include Compile compile 'cn.aigestudio.wheelp
Android view that allows the user to create drawings. Customize settings like color, width or tools. Undo or redo actions. Zoom into DrawView and add a background.
DrawView Android view that allows the user to create drawings. Draw anything you like in your Android device from simple view. Customize draw settings
Simple and powerful library to emulate iOS's "3D Touch" preview functionality on Android.
Android 3D Touch - PeekView iOS uses 3D Touch as a way to "peek" into full content, such as emails, pictures, web searches, etc. While they have dedic
This is a picker view for android , support linkage effect, timepicker and optionspicker.(时间选择器、省市区三级联动)
Android-PickerView English Document 注意事项、详请使用方式、更新日志等,请查看 Wiki文档 Wiki文档,Wiki文档,Wiki文档 !~ 重要的事情说三遍 对于使用上有任何疑问或优化建议等,欢迎加入QQ群讨论交流技术问题。 交流群1: 387051294(推荐
This library provides advance views for lists and stacks. Some of the views are build on top of RecyclerView and others are written in their own. Annotations are compiled by annotation processor to generate bind classes. DOCS --
PlaceHolderView An advance view for lists and stacks Some Implementations Documentation You can find the PlaceHolderView documentation here which has
A simple and Elegant Showcase view for Android
Tuto Showcase A simple and Elegant Showcase view for Android TutoShowcase.from(this) .setContentView(R.layout.tuto_sample) .on(R.id.about) //
Display code with syntax highlighting :sparkles: in native way.
CodeView (Android) CodeView helps to show code content with syntax highlighting in native way. Description CodeView contains 3 core parts to implement
FogView is a android library that can show fog on any layout and the fog removes when user rubs it.
Fog View Android Library Min SDK 8 (Android 2.2–2.2.3 Froyo) Screnshots How to use If you want use this library, you can download project and import i
Dynamic Speedometer and Gauge for Android. amazing, powerful, and multi shape :zap:
SpeedView Dynamic Speedometer, Gauge for Android. amazing, powerful, and multi shape ⚡ , you can change (colors, bar width, shape, text, font ...every
Custom UI control for android which is showing data as a segments and a value inside them.
Segmented Bar View for Android Custom UI control for android which is showing data as a segments and a value inside them. Screenshots Install From rep
Draggable views with rotation and skew/scale effects
DraggableView Draggable views with rotation and skew/scale effects. Usage Implement DragController.IDragViewGroup Create instance of DragController Ov
A color picker and a color preference for use in Android applications.
HSV-Alpha Color Picker for Android This library implements a color picker and a color preference for use in Android applications. Features I couldn't
Android View for displaying and selecting values in a circle-shaped View, with animations and touch gestures.
CircleDisplay Android View for displaying and selecting (by touch) values / percentages in a circle-shaped View, with animations. Features Core featur
A convinience library for working with all versions of the Android Preference package from API v4 and up
UnifiedPreference UnifiedPreference is a library for working with all versions of the Android Preference package from API v4 and up. Features Easy to
A simple and customizable two or three states Switch View
RMSwitch A simple View that works like a switch, but with more customizations. With the option to choose between two or three states. (from v1.1.0) **
💳 A quick and easy flip view through which you can create views with two sides like credit cards, poker cards etc.
The article on how this library was created is now published. You can read it on this link here. →. 💳 EasyFlipView Built with ❤︎ by Wajahat Karim and
An Android TagView Widget. You can edit the tag's style, and set listener of selecting or deleting tag.
Android-Cloud-TagView-Plus ###Introduction An Android Cloud Tag Widget. You can edit the tag's style, and set listener of selecting or deleting tag. U
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android powered by vector tiles and OpenGL.
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android powered by vector tiles and OpenGL.
🧬 Android DataBinding kit for notifying data changes from Model layers to UI layers on MVVM architecture.
🧬 Android DataBinding kit for notifying data changes from Model layers to UI layers on MVVM architecture.
An Awesome Kotlin Location library to retrieve location merely in 3 lines of code
An Awesome Kotlin Location library to retrieve location merely in 3 lines of code
Easy to use and configurable library to Pick an image from the Gallery or Capture image using Camera.
Easy to use and configurable library to Pick an image from the Gallery or Capture image using Camera.
Android Resource Manager application to manage and analysis your app resources with many features like image resize, Color, Dimens and code Analysis
Android Resource Manager application to manage and analysis your app resources with many features like image resize, Color, Dimens and code Analysis
FixedHeaderTableLayout is a powerful Android library for displaying complex data structures and rendering tabular data composed of rows, columns and cells with scrolling and zooming features. FixedHeaderTableLayout is similar in construction and use as to Android's TableLayout
FixedHeaderTableLayout is a powerful Android library for displaying complex data structures and rendering tabular data composed of rows, columns and cells with scrolling and zooming features. FixedHeaderTableLayout is similar in construction and use as to Android's TableLayout
A set of lint rules to check for common mistakes when styling and theming on Android
A set of lint rules to check for common mistakes when styling and theming on Android
RxDisposableWatcher — find leaked subscriptions in RxJava code 🐞
Monitoring leaked Disposable subscriptions in RxJava code 🐞
:cyclone: A Pokedex app using ViewModel, LiveData, Room and Navigation
Pokedex app built with Kotlin Download Go to the releases page to download the latest available apk. Screenshots Development Roadmap Kotlin LiveData N
Algorithms and data structures in Kotlin.
Here you can find the most common algorithms and data structures written in Kotlin. The goal of this project is to create the most eloquent implementa
Kotlin snippets that you can understand quickly, using only stdlib functionality.
Support this and other projects from Ivan Mwiruki here. 30 seconds of Kotlin Curated collection of useful Kotlin 1.3 snippets that you can understand
Kotlin Unit Testing Examples
Kotlin Unit Testing Examples Table of Contents Application Gradle, Kotlin & Groovy Junit4 Junit5 KotlinTest Spek Mockito Mockito-Kotlin Mockk Strikt T
Integration Testing Kotlin Multiplatform Kata for Kotlin Developers. The main goal is to practice integration testing using Ktor and Ktor Client Mock
This kata is a Kotlin multiplatform version of the kata KataTODOApiClientKotlin of Karumi. We are here to practice integration testing using HTTP stub
Repository with source code from http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Kotlin
Rosetta Code Kotlin This is a repository with the Kotlin source code from RosettaCode wiki. The main motivation for extracting all the code into a rep
🎬 A demo project for The Movie DB based on Kotlin MVVM architecture and material design & animations.
TheMovies A simple project for The Movie DB based on Kotlin MVVM clean architecture and material design & animations. How to build on your environment
:octocat: A demo project based on MVVM architecture and material design & animations.
GithubFollows A simple demo project based on MVVM clean architecture and material design & animations. Architecture Specs & Open-source libraries Mini
Open source Crypto Currency Tracker Android App made fully in Kotlin
CoinBit CoinBit is a beautiful CryptoCurrency app, completely open sourced and 100% in kotlin. It supports following features Track prices of over 300
Android News Reader app. Kotlin Coroutines, Retrofit and Realm
News Reader Android News Reader app Code that follows Packt Publishing Kotlin in Practice Video Course Example of Kotlin Coroutine usage, with Realm a
AXrLottie (Android) Renders animations and vectors exported in the bodymovin JSON format. (Using rLottie)
AXrLottie (Android) Renders animations and vectors exported in the bodymovin JSON format. (Using rLottie)
You don’t want your apps look and feel boring, do you? Add some bubbles!
#BubbleAnimationLayout Say hello to Bubble Animation Layout for Android by Cleveroad You don’t want your apps look and feel boring, do you? Add some b
A layout that hide the header when the body is scrolled down and reveal it when the header is scrolled up
AndroidAutoHideHeader A layout that hide the header when the body is scrolled down and reveal it when the header is scrolled up Demo Import it ! In yo
This is a specified proportion to the size of the Layout or View support library, with which you can easily set a fixed ratio of the size of the Layout or View, internal adaptive size calculation, completely abandon the code to calculate the size! If you have any questions in the course or suggestions, please send an e-mail to the following e-mail, thank you!
Android-RatioLayout This is a specified proportion to the size of the Layout or View support library, with which you can easily set a fixed ratio of t
A layout engine for Android that decouples layouts from the View containers that manage scrolling and view recycling. FreeFlow makes it really easy to create custom layouts and beautiful transition animations as data and layouts change
FreeFlow is no longer under development We are no longer working on FreeFlow and have moved to RecyclerViews for similar functionality. Thanks for all
Android LinearLayout with drag and drop to reorder.
DragLinearLayout An Android LinearLayout that supports draggable and swappable child Views. Why? Why bother doing drag & swap in a LinearLayout when t
Easy, flexible and powerful Swipe Layout for Android
SwipeRevealLayout A layout that you can swipe/slide to show another layout. Demo Overview Drag mode Drag mode normal: Drag mode same_level: Features F
A beautiful leanback port for Smartphones and Tablets
MaterialLeanBack A beautiful leanback port for Smartphones and Tablets Sample Usage In your layout com.github.florent37.materialleanback.MaterialLean
A pull to refresh layout for android, the RecyclerRefreshLayout is based on the SwipeRefreshLayout. support all the views, highly customizable, code simplicity, etc. really a practical RefreshLayout!
RecyclerRefreshLayout English | 中文版 RecyclerRefreshLayout based on the {@link android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout} The RecyclerRefreshLayout
Amazing Dynamic Time UI :clock1030: :hourglass: and More
FlatTimeCollection Amazing Dynamic Time UI 🕥 ⌛ for Android To help you design your Layout. it is Not just a UI, But it contains a CountDownTimer with
an android open source timer
TimerView ENGLISH README 重要的事情 由于使用了MaskFilter,辉光效果必须[关闭硬件加速](http://blog.chenming.info/blog/2012/09/18/android-hardware-accel/)!! 由于使用了MakskFilter,辉光
Put some bubble in your tabs and give your apps a supa fresh style !
BubbleTab Put some bubble in your tabs and give your apps a supa fresh style ! Usage Add a BubbleTab with your icons on the layout.xml Customisable pa
Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock.
Android ViewPagerIndicator Paging indicator widgets that are compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library to improve discoverability
Android Library to provide swipe, click and other functionality to RecyclerView
RecyclerViewEnhanced Android Library to provide swipe, click and other functionality to RecyclerView Usage Add this to your build.gradle file dependen
A very easy-to-use and non-intrusive implement of Swipe to dismiss for RecyclerView.
RecyclerViewSwipeDismiss A very easy-to-use and non-intrusive implement of Swipe to dismiss for RecyclerView. Preview How to use Add these lines to yo
A RecyclerView that implements pullrefresh and loadingmore featrues.you can use it like a standard RecyclerView
XRecyclerView a RecyclerView that implements pullrefresh , loadingmore and header featrues.you can use it like a standard RecyclerView. you don't need
A layout manager for the RecyclerView with interchangeable linear, grid, and staggered displays of views, all with configurable section headers including the sticky variety as specified in the material design docs.
SuperSLiM This is the version 5 development branch. Project Plan Support me on Patreon Blog What is Version 5 Version 5 is the current development bra
General purpose utilities and hash functions for Android and Java (aka java-common)
Essentials Essentials are a collection of general-purpose classes we found useful in many occasions. Beats standard Java API performance, e.g. LongHas
WebSocket & WAMP in Java for Android and Java 8
Autobahn|Java Client library providing WAMP on Java 8 (Netty) and Android, plus (secure) WebSocket for Android. Autobahn|Java is a subproject of the A
Android library to realize the various states and transitions in a ProgressBar.
StateProgressBar StateProgressBar is an Android library to realize the various states and transitions in a ProgressBar. Quick Start Get a feel of how
Present your progress bars in arc mode with information and total control.
ArcProgressStackView Present your progress bars in arc mode with information and total control. You can check the sample app here. Warn This library i
A photoView to scale image and finish activity,高仿微信可拖拽返回PhotoView
DragPhotoView(English) 高仿微信可拖拽返回PhotoView 基于 PhotoView ##下载APK体验 特性 拖拽缩放图片,并且结束Activity 其他PhotoView所有特性如下: Out of the box zooming, using multi-touch a
Add curve at bottom of image views and relative layouts.
Crescento Android library that adds a curve at the below of image views and relative layouts. CrescentoImageView and CrescentoContainer are the image
Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso. Even with gif and webp support! 🍻
BigImageViewer Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling
Crop and Rounded Corners added to an ImageView.
SuperImageView Extra features for your ImageView provided in a modularized way Documentation for v2 coming this week. CropImageView An ImageView that
Customizable Android full screen image viewer for Fresco library supporting "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures. Made by Stfalcon
This project is no longer supported. If you're able to switch from Fresco to any other library that works with the Android's ImageView, please migrate
Android Code Highlighter
CodeView Android Code Highlighter Install Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: allprojects { repositories { ...
An Adapter that allows a RecyclerView to be split into Sections with headers and/or footers. Each Section can have its state controlled individually.
⚠️ Archived: this repository is no longer going to be maintained. SectionedRecyclerViewAdapter An Adapter that allows a RecyclerView to be split into
A TextView that automatically fit its font and line count based on its available size and content
AutoFitTextView A TextView that automatically fit its font and line count based on its available size and content This code is heavily based on this S
Default colors and dimens per Material Design guidelines and Android Design guidelines inside one library.
Material Design Dimens Default colors and dimens per Material Design guidelines and Android Design guidelines inside one library. Dimens Pattern: R.di
Open-source native Android graph/chart framework includes line chart,stick chart,candlestick chart,pie chart,spider-web chart etc.
Welcome to Android-Charts Welcome to Android-Charts project page on github.com. We just moved from Google Code. Android-Charts is an open-source andro
Android Graph Library for creating zoomable and scrollable line and bar graphs.
Chart and Graph Library for Android Project maintainer wanted! For time reasons I can not continue to maintain GraphView. Contact me if you are intere
Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by millions of developers all over the world.
cocos2d-x Win32 Others cocos2d-x is a multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. It is
Mock your datas for Okhttp and Retrofit in json format in just a few moves
okhttp-json-mock This simple library helps you mock your data for using with okhttp+retrofit in json format in just a few moves. it forwards the reque