3350 Repositories
Android code-challenge-server-kotlin Libraries
An experimental library for dealing with legacy code
All Super experimental! no guarantees to the public API surface. At the moment, this project is the outcome of the limitations of my search skills. Bu
Dice 🎲 is a simple, intuitive, minimalistic and ad-free dice-roll application
Dice 🎲 Dice 🎲 is a simple, intuitive, minimalistic and ad-free dice-roll application 📱 with which you can play your favourite board games, built to
🏞 Wallpaper app made with Jetpack Compose
WallUp ⛰ Wallpaper finder and downloader app Demonstrate the Jetpack Compose UI using Unsplash API Made with ❤️ by Enes UI Design 🎨 Thanks to Rian Ha
eduJam is an university app, which will help you with all of your university work*
eduJam - Your one-stop to any university work eduJam is an university app, which will help you with all of your university work. It has features which
☀️ Wheater is a small demo application based on modern Android tech-stacks and MVVM architecture. ⛅
Wheater is a small demo application based on modern Android tech-stacks and MVVM architecture. Tech stack & Open-source libraries Minimum SDK level 19
A search tool for GFE names in Kotlin
GFE Search Generator There are currently tens of thousands of known variants of the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) genes, the genes most responsible fo
A simple game that was developed using Kotlin
TruthOrDare About the App: A simple Android game that reminds you of your childhood . How to use? 1 - Clone or download the Project to your machine. 2
Common Android/Kotlin extensions
Common Android/Kotlin extensions Gradle implementation "com.github.javokhirsavriev:common-extensions:1.0.1" License Copyright 2022 Javokhir Savriev L
Pick any of your favorite github repository and create a mini android app showing its details on an android app.
Github Browser Pick any of your favorite github repository and create a mini android app showing its details on an android app. Screens navigation gra
Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 6.1 Room
TrackMySleepQuality - Starter Code Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 6.1 Room Introduction TrackMySleepQuality is an app for record
PokeDexApi is a simple version of PokeApi with search functionality.
PokeDex Api PokeDexApi is a simple version of PokeApi with search functionality based on KTOR. Documentation Base Url https://poki-dex.herokuapp.com E
Pokemon App is a sample Pokemon application based on MVVM architecture.
Pokemon App Pokemon App is an Application based on Modern Android tech-stacks and MVVM Architecture. Techs Used 💻 100% Kotlin based Coroutines + Flow
GitHub Actions Kotlin DSL
GitHub Actions Kotlin DSL Work in progress! The goal is to be able to describe GH Actions in Kotlin with all its perks, like: workflow( name = "Te
SSJetpackComposeSwipeableView is a small library which provides support for the swipeable views
SSJetpackComposeSwipeableView is a small library which provides support for the swipeable views. You can use this in your lazyColumns or can add a simple view which contains swipe to edit/delete functionality.
A curated list of standards, tests and benchmarks that can be used for testing and evaluating dev-tools
A curated list of standards, tests and benchmarks that can be used for testing and evaluating dev tools Contribution Add the description of the benchm
🚧 A fully open-source project for creating and maintaining a Kotlin-based Minecraft: Java Edition server.
Hexalite: Java Edition ⚠️ WARNING: The Hexalite Network is a work in progress. It is not yet ready for production. You may encounter bugs and other is
Remindi is a simple lecture reminder app made for GDSC ASJ'21
Remindi - Lecture Reminder App Images Problem Statement Being in college one thing we all can agree on is that we miss our lectures. The idea is to cr
Kotlin multi-platform application navigation library.
navigation Kotlin multi-platform application navigation library. Supports Jetpack Compose. val navigator = rememberNavigatorByKey("Greeting") { key -
Write a Ghidra Extension without using Java or Eclipse!
Ghidra Extension in Kotlin using IntelliJ IDEA Write a Ghidra Extension without using Java or Eclipse! Setup Hit Use this template at the top of the r
An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Pixabay API to display images and their details.
AdanianAndroidTest An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Pixabay API to display images and their details. It has been built following Clean
Kendo is like a long night, and learning is similar
Sword Come 🌈 For English vocabulary analysis and sentence analysis in natural language, model training, intelligent response and emotion analysis rea
Autodownload MP3 API With Kotlin
Autodownload MP3 API Overview This project leverages Spring Boot, Google's YouTube API, and youtube-dl to provide an API to download videos and conver
🚀 Sample Android Clean Architecture on Rorty App focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
Android Clean Architecture Android Clean Architecture in Rorty is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android application development u
PraxisKmm - A Kotlin multiplatform base project
PraxisKMM Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Co
Katbox - Kotlin wrapper for catbox.moe and litterbox.catbox.moe
katbox katbox is a Kotlin multiplatform wrapper written with ktor and coroutines
Object-streams - An experimental library for dealing with legacy code
Object Streams Super experimental! no guarantees to the public API surface. At t
Kotlin + Tornadofx + Gradle 7.1
Sudoku Kotlin + Tornadofx + Gradle 7.1 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Hồ Sỹ Thế (@the.hosy) script async src="//www.instagram.com/embed
MiHawk 🦅👁️ is simple and secure 🔒 Android Library to store and retrieve pair of key-value data with encryption , internally it use jetpack DataStore Preferences 💽 to store data.
MiHawk MiHawk 🦅 👁️ is simple and secure 🔒 Android Library to store and retrieve pair of key-value data with encryption , internally it use jetpack
A notes taking app.
NoteDroid A simple android app written in Kotlin to take notes and be productive. This app was built under Android Study Jams 2021 for students to lea
Manage pull requests and conduct code reviews in your IDE with full source-tree context.
String Manipulation IntelliJ plugin - https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/2162 Sponsored by Manage pull requests and conduct code reviews in your IDE
An IntelliJ IDEA plugin is used to inspire you to write code.
InspireWritingPlugin An IntelliJ IDEA plugin is used to inspire you to write code. Whenever you write code that exceeds the specified character, the p
Full Management is an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries, and MVVM design pattern.
Full Management is an application that helps you manage your tasks effectively. built with the latest tachs like Compose UI, Jetpack libraries, and MVVM design pattern.
Provenance-eventstream-legacy-kotlin - A legacy Kotlin library for reading from the Provenance event stream
provenance-eventstream-legacy-kotlin A legacy Kotlin library for reading from th
CountryExplorer - Country Explorer Built With Kotlin
CountryExplorer Wanna be an explorer then buckle up and get ready and install th
Quote-App-Kotlin - Quote App Based on MVVM clean architecture getting quote from json file stored in assets
Quotify - Simple Quotes App This app shows the use of ViewModel and ViewModelFac
LittleKt - An OpenGL game framework written in Kotlin
LittleKt - A 2D game framework written in Kotlin Currently in development. Littl
An Android client for the LibreNews server
LibreNews This project is archived. While LibreNews web will still be maintained, the Android app is no longer required to receive notifications. Plea
Multiple accounts client for multiple Social networks. For Android
AndStatus AndStatus is an Open Source multiple accounts client for multiple Social networks, including Mastodon, Twitter, ActivityPub (Client to Serve
An Android client for the microblogging server Mastodon
Tusky Tusky is a beautiful Android client for Mastodon. Mastodon is an ActivityPub federated social network. That means no single entity controls the
Test Case Implementation From Nutrition-Framework
About This Project (work-in-progress 👷 🔧️ 👷♀️ ⛏ ) Test Case Implementation Dari Nutrition Framework Version Release This Is Latest Release ~ Beta
Premo helps to implement the presentation layer and share it on Android, iOS, Desktop and Web.
Premo Premo is a Kotlin Multiplatform library that helps you implement the Presentation Layer and share it on Android, iOS, Desktop and Web. Focus on
Antimine is an open source minesweeper-like puzzle game.
Antimine is a minesweeper-like puzzle game. The objective is to flag the spaces with mines to make the field a safer place without exploding any of them.
A LibGDX and Kotlin Mobile Game Example
Splinter Sweets - A LibGDX and Kotlin Mobile Game Example This is an example of building a mobile game app using the libGDX game development framework
A modularized audio ad blocker for Android
ad-free ad-free is a research project attempting to show flaws in the way how audio advertisement is shown on Android. It is a proof-of-concept of a m
KoltinPulsar - A collection of experiments using Kotlin with Apache Pulsar
Some Experiments of using Kotlin and Apache Pulsar This is a collection of exper
AccountMe - An app for college student to manage transcations
AccountMe The app “AccountMe” which we have made was made by keeping in mind the
CMPLR-Native - A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Take some advantage of Jetpack , View & Data Binding
A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Tak
Theia - A Kotlin program used to analyze and discover backdoors in Minecraft Java 1.12.2 forge mods
Theia A Kotlin program used to analyse and discover backdoors in Minecraft Java
FirebaseAuthentication - Login/Register Android Application using Firebase Authentication
FireBaseAuthentication This is a Firebase Authentication Application which will
Accrescent - A novel Android app repository with a focus on security, privacy, and usability
Accrescent A novel Android app repository with a focus on security, privacy and
Kotlin-koans - Kotlin Koans are a series of exercises to get you familiar with the Kotlin Syntax
kotlin-koans-edu Kotlin Koans are a series of exercises to get you familiar with
PopularMovieApp - A simple project to Chiper challenge taken data from The Movie DB based on Kotlin MVVM clean architecture
A simple project to Chiper challenge taken data from The Movie DB based on Kotli
Android Client for Jellyfin
Jellyfin Android Part of the Jellyfin Project Download archive Jellyfin Mobile is an Android app that connects to Jellyfin instances and integrates wi
Track your favorite TV shows and movies on Android devices.
SeriesGuide Show Manager Android app to help you keep track of your favorite TV shows and movies. Download at seriesgui.de. Contributing See CONTRIBUT
An open source project to provide push notification support for Android -- a xmpp based notification server and a client tool kit.
ANDROIDPN-SERVER README ======================= http://androidpn.sourceforge.net/ Push Notification Service for Android This is an open source proj
UW Homework: Complex Kotlin
UW Homework: Complex Kotlin This homework is designed to force you to exercise y
Special-waddle - MiniGDX Game Template With Kotlin
MiniGDX Game Template Create your first game using miniGDX by clicking the "Use
UP42 backend coding challenge
UP42 backend coding challenge by Paweł Radecki Build and deploy locally ./gradle
LogisticApi - Goods Delivery API With Kotlin
logisticAPI API de entrega de mercadorias.
This application was built as a part of the Android 📱 Study Jam 2021
This application is build by Prince And Team as a part of Andriod Study Jams Facilitator : princekhg@gmail.com Problem Statement: As there’s a rise in
This is a Bluetooth operational Chat-App developed using Kotlin which shows the list of available devices nearby and paired devices, upon clicking you can start chat
This is a Bluetooth operational Chat-App developed using Kotlin which shows the list of available devices nearby and paired devices, upon clicking you can start chat ... VOILA 🥳🥳 It is still in its early stages of development and currently let user to one-time chat at a time. It is under heavy development 😅
A simple android app written in Kotlin to get defination of word entered from Free Dictionary API.
FlashCard A simple android app written in Kotlin to get defination of word entered from Free Dictionary API. Problem Statement Many of students don't
A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Take some advantage of Jetpack , View & Data Binding It's a mimic for Tumblr application , But a little prettier than him 😉
A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Take some advantage of Jetpack , View & Data Binding It's a mimic for Tum
Test Case Implementation From Nutrition-Framework
Android Architecture Blueprints v2 Android Architecture Blueprints is a project to showcase different architectural approaches to developing Android a
Semantic Versioning library for Kotlin Multiplatform.
kotlin-semver Semantic Versioning library for Kotlin Multiplatform. It implements the full semantic version 2.0.0 specification and provides ability t
Jugando con un Parking realizado como prueba de examen en JetBrains Academy, curso Kotlin Developer
Kotlin Parking Lot Proyecto de evaluación para el título de Kotlin Developer en Jetbrains Academy. Consiste en realizar un parking con las especificac
YourStore app made in Kotlin for Local e-commerce. made during ASJ, Developer Students Club, BIT Mesra
Android-Study-Jams YourStore , Vocal for Local Problem Statement: Over past two years, local businesses have faced lot of troubles due to Covid-19 and
Mis experimentos con Kotlin para JetBrains Academy, certificación de Kotlin donde voy resolviendo proyectos de evaluación y haciendo actividades de cada tema.
Kotlin Academy Mis experimentos con Kotlin para JetBrains donde voy resolviendo proyectos de evaluación y haciendo actividades de cada tema. Acerca de
The App Store for the BlazeOS operating system project.
By: Seanpm2001, Et; Al. Top README.md Read this article in a different language Sorted by: A-Z Sorting options unavailable ( af Afrikaans Afrikaans |
ExpandableRecyclerView - Expandable RecyclerView For Kotlin
Expandable RecyclerView ExpandableItemView in ScrollView: ExpandableRecyclerView
Note taking app made in Kotlin
Android Study Jams Notezz ⭐ Problem Statement: Note-taking is one of the most ov
Lambda-snake.kt - Snake Game Implementation for Web using Kotlin programming language compiled for Javascript
Projeto da disciplina de Linguagem de Programação Funcional 2021.1 (jan/2022) 📄
Olx-workshop-gdsc - Build Classified Ads Application With Kotlin
Build Classified Ads Application Architecture Database : [Firebase Realtime Data
KotlinRoom - What is Android Room? (Use in Kotlin) is a sample project I created for my article
KotlinRoom Android Room Nedir? (Kotlin'de kullanımı) adlı yazım için oluşturduğu
Inventory-App - Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin
Inventory - Starter Code Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction
Meme-Sharing-App - Meme Sharing App Built With Kotlin
'Meme Share' is an android application by virtue of which the user can view and
GBooks - A simple android app written in Kotlin to read books from the Google Book Api
G-Books A simple android app written in Kotlin to read books from the Google Boo
Life is too short to google for dependencies and versions
What is refreshVersions? jmfayard.github.io/refreshVersions refreshVersions helps Gradle users with the tedious manual work usually involved in adding
Android library for phone number verification feature in your app. Automatically copies verification code from SMS right into the app. Made by Stfalcon
SmsVerifyCatcher A library for implementing interception of SMS with a verification code using a few lines of code. Who we are Need iOS and Android ap
Code scanner library for Android, based on ZXing
Code scanner library for Android, based on ZXing Features Auto focus and flash light control Portrait and landscape screen orientations Back and front
CodeView helps to show code content with syntax highlighting in native way.
CodeView (Android) CodeView helps to show code content with syntax highlighting in native way. Description CodeView contains 3 core parts to implement
Kotlin Multiplatform + Pizza = 3
KMPizza This repository accompanies a series of blog posts on the process of building an app with Kotlin Multiplatform. What is Kotlin Multiplatform?
GitFlame is the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
GitFlame Yet another open-source GitHub client app built from scratch using latest and best Android practices. Tech stack & Open-source libraries Mini
A pair of applications provide a direct means of integrating with one another via application programming interfaces (APIs)
What is a native integration? It's when a pair of applications provide a direct means of integrating with one another via application programming interfaces (APIs). Once integrated, data can flow between the apps and become more readily available to your employees.
Wordle game clone written in Kotlin & using Compose UI Toolkit.
Wordle Compose Wordle game clone written in Kotlin & using Compose UI Toolkit. Screenshots Compose for Desktop Main screens Playing Victory End of gam
Android-kotlin-lifecycles-management - LifeCycles Management Techniques
Activity Lifecycle - DessertPusher This is the toy app for lesson 4 of the Andro
UW Homework: Basic Kotlin
UW Homework: Basic Kotlin This homework is designed to force you to exercise you
WordMasterKMP - WIP Kotlin Multiplatform sample inspired by Wordle and also Word Master web sample
WordMasterKMP WIP Kotlin Multiplatform sample inspired by Wordle and also Word M
Covidapp - The COVID-19 crisis and social distancing had a significant impact on our lives
Covid App The COVID-19 crisis and social distancing had a significant impact on
🎲 A powerful and simple-to-use guilded wrapper made in Kotlin.
🎲 deck [WIP] Deck is a powerful yet simple-to-use guilded wrapper made entirely in Kotlin with support to multiplatform. Implementating In case you'r
android 端编译加速插件🚀
RocketXPlugin 本插件自动识别未改动 module 并在编译流程中替换为 aar ,只编译改动模块,加速 Android 项目的编译速度。让你体验到所有模块都是 aar 的速度,又能保留所有的 module 便于修改,完美! English Document 编译速度对比 AGP 版本兼
This is a sample app(For beginners - App #2) built using Jetpack Compose. It demonstrates the concept of State Hoisting in Jetpack Compose.
JetBMICalculator This is a sample app(For beginners - App #2) built using Jetpack Compose. It demonstrates the concept of State Hoisting in Jetpack Co
A stable and very powerful Kotlin bot.
Nabi 나비 Yeah idk what to put here anymore stfu azoo bloo Also chat commands are not being considered so no I don't recommend that you build the entire
Attendance Management app made in Kotlin for students. Made during ASJ, Google Developer Students Club, AITR Indore
Android-Study-Jams Attendance Management Problem Statement: Based on the observation, there is no available student attendance system in many educatio
Android Game App made with kotlin. Allows to play online on the same network!
Reversi - Kotlin/Android Project made for Arquiteturas Móveis at ISEC 2021/2022 Notes Build gradle to run app or install the 'reversi.apk' directly on
Lightweight audiowave progressbar for Android
Audiogram Super lightweight audiowave progressbar written in Kotlin Getting started Add to your root build.gradle: allprojects { repositories {
💫 A Gradle Plugin to generate your networking code from Swagger
Swagger Gradle Codegen A Gradle plugin to generate networking code from a Swagger spec file. This plugin wraps swagger-codegen, and exposes a configur
A Viewholderless Adapter for RecyclerView, who supports builtin diffing, states (paging, empty...), events (clicking, swiping...), and more.
OneAdapter OneAdapter is made to simplify and enhance the use of the RecyclerView's Adapter while preventing common mistakes. With multiple modules an
Easy-to-use animated clock icon for Android
Timecon Easy-to-use animated clock icon written in Kotlin Including in your project Add to your root build.gradle: allprojects { repositories {
Library that allows you to easily and quickly create forms in Android with little code
NexusDialog Simple Form Generator for Android NexusDialog is a library that allows you to dynamically generate forms in Android with little code. It's