131 Repositories
Android developer-tools Libraries
📊 A web tool to visualise and compare your android benchmark results
benchart A web tool to visualise and compare your android benchmark result ✨ Demo Screen.Recording.2022-11-26.at.2.36.55.PM.mov ✍️ Author 👤 theapache
This is an IDEA plugin that allows you to connect Android devices via WiFi for debugging your codes.
AdbWifiUtils Github | Issues | README | 中文文档 ● [Description]: This is an IDEA plugin that allows you to connect Android devices via WiFi for debugging
Tools for Kotlin/Kscript to easy write shell command line in kotlin code
Kscript Tools Easy way to run shell command line in kotlin and other tools Usage Used in kscript: @file:DependsOn("com.sealwu:kscript-tools:1.0.2") Us
This project created just for help developer who want to and ability of read VISA, UNION PAY, HUMO, ATTO and some other cards data read.
If you enjoy my content, please consider supporting what I do. Thank you. By me a Coffee To get a Git project into your build: Step 1. Add the JitPack
Statistics View IntelliJ Plugin
StatisticsView IntelliJ plugin enables logging IDE code browsing activities and shows aggregated statistical information (e.g. accumulated file opened times) in the IDE Project view.
Easy setup of static analysis tools for Android and Java projects.
[DEPRECATED] Gradle static analysis plugin ⚠️ A fork of this project is maintained at https://github.com/GradleUp/static-analysis-plugin/ Please migra
StaCoAn is a crossplatform tool which aids developers, bugbounty hunters and ethical hackers performing static code analysis on mobile applications.
StaCoAn Not maintained anymore! Will be archived soon. StaCoAn is a crossplatform tool which aids developers, bugbounty hunters and ethical hackers pe
Shot is an Android project you can use to write screenshot for your apps in a simple and friendly way
Shot is an Android project you can use to write screenshot for your apps in a simple and friendly way. What is this? Shot is a Gradle plugin and
📱 Andriller - is software utility with a collection of forensic tools for smartphones
Andriller - is software utility with a collection of forensic tools for smartphones. It performs read-only, forensically sound, non-destructive acquisition from Android devices. It has features, such as powerful Lockscreen cracking for Pattern, PIN code, or Password; custom decoders for Apps data from Android (some Apple iOS & Windows) databases for decoding communications. Extraction and decoders produce reports in HTML and Excel formats.
Tools & tips to learn about recomposition in Jetpack Compose
⚡ Recomposition in Jetpack Compose List of practical tips and code snippets to avoid unnecessary recomposition in Jetpack Compose. This is an active r
Glance Experimental Tools aims to supplement Jetpack Glance with features that are commonly required by developers but not yet available.
Glance Experimental Tools 🚧 Work in-progress: artifacts not available yet This project aims to supplement Jetpack Glance with features that are commo
A complete Kotlin application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation using multi-module architecture developed using SOLID principles
This repository serves as template and demo for building android applications for scale. It is suited for large teams where individuals can work independently on feature wise and layer wise reducing the dependency on each other.
A starter project to build command-line tools in Kotlin Multiplatform
A starter project to build command-line tools in Kotlin Multiplatform Contains a re-implementation of a real world CLI tool: git-standup Installation
Jetpack Compose Theming Codelab This folder contains the source code for the Jetpack Compose Theming codelab. In this codelab you will learn how to us
XDROID is android all in one hack tools
XDROID XDroid Android HackingTools Legal Disclamer: The author does not hold any responsibility for the bad use of this tool, remember this is only fo
Added more features to app's crash dialog, fixed custom rom deleted dialog, the best experience to Android developer.
AppErrorsTracking 应用异常跟踪 Added more features to app's crash dialog, fixed custom rom deleted dialog, the best experience to Android developer. 为原生 FC
Google Developer Student Clubs 2022 Solution Challenge - Team East River's Android Application
Solution-Challenge-2022-VEGATHER Google Developer Student Clubs 2022 Solution Challenge - Team East River's Android Application VEGATHER is an app ser
Android QA/Debug tools to speed up and streamline the development progress.
Android Dev Tools is a library that contains various QA/Debug tools to speed up and streamline the development progress.
Sample projects for Android 13 (Developer Preview 1)
android-13-samples Sample projects for Android 13 (Developer Preview 1). Table of Content Themed App Icon (Github) (Tutorial) Quick Settings Placement
Web Container: A simple web container library for Android to help fellow developer to open WebView easily
WebContainer Description Web Container is a simple web container library for And
Filmesflix - Project made during the NTT DATA Android Developer bootcamp. Developing knowledge in MVVM and Clear Architecture
FilmesFlix Projeto criado para o módulo de MVVM e Clean Architecture no Bootcamp
Kotlin-phoenix - A set of tools aimed to bridge Phoenix with the Kotlin Multiplatform world
Kotlin Phoenix This project is aimed to allow developers to work with Phoenix Ch
A simple Android project using modern Android development tools and libraries.
A simple Android project using modern Android development tools and libraries.
Toster - Small test dsl based on adb commands that allows you to test the mobile application close to user actions
toster Small test dsl based on adb commands that allows you to test the mobile a
A plugin for android developer, with the plugin you can generate "findViewById" code quickly.
FindViewByMe A plugin for android developer, with the plugin you can generate "findViewById" code quickly. Download JetBrains Plugin Repository :: Fin
The complete Android Kotlin Developer course
The complete Android Kotlin Developer course In this course you will learn how to make 17 online games, and apps for Android, using Kotlin. check the
A curated list of standards, tests and benchmarks that can be used for testing and evaluating dev-tools
A curated list of standards, tests and benchmarks that can be used for testing and evaluating dev tools Contribution Add the description of the benchm
An IntelliJ IDEA plugin is used to inspire you to write code.
InspireWritingPlugin An IntelliJ IDEA plugin is used to inspire you to write code. Whenever you write code that exceeds the specified character, the p
Jugando con un Parking realizado como prueba de examen en JetBrains Academy, curso Kotlin Developer
Kotlin Parking Lot Proyecto de evaluación para el título de Kotlin Developer en Jetbrains Academy. Consiste en realizar un parking con las especificac
YourStore app made in Kotlin for Local e-commerce. made during ASJ, Developer Students Club, BIT Mesra
Android-Study-Jams YourStore , Vocal for Local Problem Statement: Over past two years, local businesses have faced lot of troubles due to Covid-19 and
Attendance Management app made in Kotlin for students. Made during ASJ, Google Developer Students Club, AITR Indore
Android-Study-Jams Attendance Management Problem Statement: Based on the observation, there is no available student attendance system in many educatio
Android News App built in kotlin with implementation of MVVM architecture, android navigation components and retrofit. Displays news to users allowing them to share and save news.
News-App Android news app built in kotlin that fetches news data from news api with Retrofit and displays news to users. This App follow MVVM architec
Stops app usage after a period of time has passed starting from app build date.
TimeBomb Introduction Blocks the user from keep using the App after a period of time based on build time. Mainly to have control preview versions hand
Kindling - A standalone collection of utilities to help Ignition users. Features various tools to help work with Ignition's custom data export formats
Kindling A standalone collection of utilities to help Ignition users. Features v
ANP Audio Recorder is a library that helps a developer to provide a easy way to to user record an audio and play it to get a feedback about the record.
ANP Audio Recorder Introduction ANP Audio Recorder is a library that helps a developer to provide a easy way to to user record an audio and play it to
AndroidMiniDebugger - A small tool to log your application inside your application with a floating UI component
AndroidMiniDebugger A small tool to log your application inside your application with a floating UI component Preview Usage: Step 1 Add it in your roo
Compile WebAssembly to JVM and other WASM tools
Asmble Asmble is a compiler that compiles WebAssembly code to JVM bytecode. It also contains an interpreter and utilities for working with WASM code f
Generate realistically looking fake data such as names, addresses, banking details, and many more, that can be used for testing and data anonymization purposes.
Generate realistically looking fake data such as names, addresses, banking details, and many more, that can be used for testing and data anonymization purposes.
Native Device security checks, Rooted/Jailbroken, Not real device, Developer mode is on, On external drive.
palestine_trusted_device Native Device security checks, Rooted/Jailbroken, Not real device, Developer mode is on, On external drive. Part of Palestine
Mobile App that shows Random Products in a Nested Recyclerview for Android [Kotlin] Developer Role at Edvora
EdvoraAndroidTest An simple Android App for Edvora Android Assessment. It consum
Testing tools for kotlinc and kapt
kompile-testing A library for testing kotlinc compilation with kotlin annotation processors(kapt) which is strongly inspired by google/compile-testing
Notzz App is a simple note-taking 📝 Android application built to describe the use of Modern Android development tools.
Notzz App Notzz App is a simple note-taking 📝 Android application built to describe the use of Modern Android development tools. Made with love ❤️ by
Sample app for Jetpack Compose Developer Preview 2
Materials Shop Sample app for Jetpack Compose (1.0.0-alpha03). This repository contains the source code of the demo application shown in the following
Mobile app to show images from Pixabay. Interview solution for Adanian Labs android developer role.
PixaBay An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Pixabay API to display images.It has been built following Clean Architecture Principle, Reposi
Android developer tool to draw overlay layout for GUI debug
LayoutOverlay Overview Make a overlay window to show transparent shape to compare size with view, margin. Features Overlay window Drag Drag and drop t
Search image app [Adanian Labs Interview], Android developer role
Pixar This is App shows you Images from the Pixabay API Table of Contents Functionalities Approach Screenshots How To Setup Libraries Used Author Info
A nice little Android app that helps developers to discover and query content providers.
Content Provider Helper ... is a frontend to discover/view/query data of android content providers. Original repository : Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Jens
Android app which displays design image with grid lines to facilitate the tedious design implementation process
DesignOverlay - for developers and designers DesignOverlay is an android app which displays a design image with grid lines to facilitate the tedious l
On-device low-memory testing for Android
Android Developer Toolbelt On-device low-memory testing for Android. Fill your phone's RAM and see how your application performs. Download the app, ta
Keep track of your CPU and Sensors alongwith useful features like Color Picker,Compass and device information
S Tools+ Keep track of your CPU and Sensors alongwith useful features like Color Picker,Compass and device information. S Tools+ includes 6 different
Developer ToolBox IntelliJ Plugin
developer-toolbox Template ToDo list Create a new IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template project. Get familiar with the template documentation. Verify the
Custom Toast Library by Google Developer Student Club University of Brawijaya
GDSCToast Custom Toast Library by Google Developer Student Club University of Brawijaya Prerequisites For old version of gradle (before arctic fox upd
projeto replicado do pathways do Developer.android com estudo de Jetpack-Compose
ListConversationCompose Projeto replicado do pathways do Developer.android com estudo de Jetpack-Compose Tutorial do Jetpack Compose O Jetpack Compose
An tool to help developer to use Retrofit elegantly while using kotlinx.coroutines.
one An tool to help developer to use Retrofit elegantly while using kotlinx.coroutines. Feature Transform different data structs to one. {errorCode, d
🗺 Android Developer Roadmap 2022 suggests learning paths to understanding Android development.
🗺 Android Developer Roadmap 2022 suggests learning paths to understanding Android development.
🗺 Android Developer Roadmap 2022 suggests learning paths to understanding Android development.
Android Developer Roadmap 2022 English | 한국어 Android Developer Roadmap 2022 suggests learning paths to understanding Android development. You can read
Android app for testing out various networking capabilities
Networking Tools Collection of handy networking tools for everyday development. Port Scanning Subnet Device Finder (discovers devices on local network
This assignment has been given to me for Android developer position at SonyLiv.
asssignmentSonyLiv This assignment has been given to me for Android developer position at SonyLiv. This codeis not full functional but can give a cont
Projeto baseado nos desafios propostos pelo Bootcamping Inter Android Developer
Desafio Bootcamping Inter Android Developer Projeto baseado nos desafios propostos pelo Bootcamping Inter Android Developer Desafio Tema do Desafio Ní
Mobile Application Developer Technical Test
kotlin_incident_app Mobile Application Developer Technical Test Screenshots Notes You may have to wait a little bit when you click on a button as they
Android Jetpack is a set of components, tools and guidance to make great Android apps.
Android Jetpack is a set of components, tools and guidance to make great Android apps. They bring together the existing Support Library and Architecture Components and arrange them into four categories.
2017 Android Associate Developer Exam
Bug-Master-Android-Application This was the application I built to pass the Google Android Associate Exam in 2017. The app involved syncing with an in
Kstr is a set of helpful methods library for Kotlin intended for make the developer life easier.
Kstr is a set of helpful methods library for Kotlin intended for make the developer life easier. Kstr uses the powerful feature of extension func
This project was created as a demo project for implementing latest frameworks, Android APIs, tools, and techniques.
IWeather Android Application This project was created as a demo project for implementing latest frameworks, Android APIs, tools, and techniques. It fo
Source++ is an open-source live coding platform. Add breakpoints, logs, metrics, and tracing to live production applications
Source++ is an open-source live coding platform. Add breakpoints, logs, metrics, and distributed tracing to live production software in real-time on-d
Analytics Tools for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile iOS and android
Index Features Example Introduce Architecture Installation Configure Using Screen Mapper Initialization Implementation Delegate Parameters ATEventPara
The application is developed using Modern tools/libraries with UI implementations with Navigation architecture
This is mobile application which actual users will interact with. The application is developed using Modern tools/libraries with UI implementations with Navigation architecture. It connects with the Dog API to retrieve data. more detail of api can be found here - https://dog.ceo/dog-api/documentation/random This project a basic example of Retrofit and mvvm
An awesome list that curates the best KMM libraries, tools and more.
Awesome KMM Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) is an SDK designed to simplify creating cross-platform mobile applications. With the help of KMM, you ca
An RPC library for Kotlin services that strives to balance developer productivity and performance.
IndieRpc An RPC library for Kotlin services that strives to balance developer productivity and performance. IndieRpc is inspired by Golang's net/rpc p
Inspection tools for native android apps
InspectElement This project was just an exercise based on Android Developer Assistant, I have used AccessibilityService for inspecting, You can change
Android app and Python library for turning mobile phone into a WebSocket-based, remotely controllable Barcode/QR code reader
Remote Barcode Reader suite Android app and Python library for turning mobile phone into a remotely controllable Barcode/QR code reader. It exposes a
Helper functions for making Approvals-Java more Kotlin friendly
Approvals-Kt Helper functions for making Approvals-Java more Kotlin-friendly Usage Verify using Approvals-Kt import com.github.greghynds.approvals.Kot
Zendesk-Messaging for Flutter developer
Zendesk Messaging Messaging is a "user-based" chat Live Chat is a "session-based" chat Better UI (Native) Chat history Answer Bot Setup 1. Enable agen
Collection of Kotlin APIs/tools to make using Realm Mobile database easier
Compass Kotlin API and tools to make working with Realm easier Components Compass is designed to make working with Realm easier through collection of
A multi-modular Gradle project that encapsulates various modules to learn Kotlin language, tools and frameworks.
KotlinLearn This is a gradle project for the sole basis of exploring and learning Kotlin language, tools and frameworks. The root project wil encapsul
android-trinity is tiny proactive framework with much of the scaffolding code required to start a new Android Application.
android-trinity This is tiny framework with much of the scaffolding code (with some nice utilities and prepared source code) required to start a new A
Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java
Most popular mocking framework for Java Current version is 3.x Still on Mockito 1.x? See what's new in Mockito 2! Mockito 3 does not introduce any bre
Sentinel is a simple one screen UI which provides a standardised entry point for tools used in development and QA alongside device, application and permissions data.
Sentinel Sentinel is a simple one screen UI that provides standardised entry point for tools used in development and QA alongside device, application
Projeto baseado nos desafios propostos pelo Bootcamping Carrefour Android Developer
Desafio Carrefour Android Developer Projeto baseado nos desafios propostos pelo Bootcamping Carrefour Android Developer Desafio Tema do Desafio Nível
Fixtures for Kotlin providing generated values for unit testing
A tool to generate well-defined, but essentially random, input following the idea of constrained non-determinism.
A Simple and Minimal Quotes Android Application to demonstrate the Modern Android Development tools
Quotee Android 📑 A Simple and Minimal Quotes Android Application to demonstrate the Modern Android Development tools. Developed with ❤️ by Aminullah
app conversor de moedas/cambio com Kotlin, no Bootcamp Carrefour Android Developer na plataforma da Digital Innovation One
Status do Projeto: ✔️ concluído a proposta de criação um app conversor de moedas/cambio com Kotlin, no Bootcamp Carrefour Android Developer na plataforma da Digital Innovation One
Inter Android Developer na Digital Innovation one
Desafios do Bootcamp Inter Android Developer Desafios Matemáticos em Kotlin Desafio Desafio Solução 1 Análise de Números Código 2 Consumo Médio do Aut
Alkaa is a to-do application project to study the latest components, architecture and tools for Android development
Alkaa (begin, start in Finnish) is a to-do application project to study the latest components, architecture and tools for Android development. The project evolved a lot since the beginning is available on Google Play! ❤️
Personal Android enhancement app. For personal use.
dtinth’s Tools A personal Android enhancement app that I use on my device. Morse code notifier vibrates my phone when I receive a notification. Notifi
Gradle Plugin for Continuous Integration of AppSweep App Testing.
This Gradle plugin can be used to continuously integrate app scanning using AppSweep into your Android app build process
mirai-console 插件开发计划
Debug Helper 基于 Mirai Console 的RSS订阅插件 机器人会在触发上线事件后向群聊发送上线卡片消息 有好友申请和加群申请时,会记录事件信息,并联系机器人所有者 指令 注意: 使用前请确保可以 在聊天环境执行指令 ...中的是指令名,由空格隔开表示或,选择其中任一名称都可
KaMP Kit by Touchlab is a collection of code and tools designed to get your mobile team started quickly with Kotlin Multiplatform.
KaMP Kit Welcome to the KaMP Kit! About Goal The goal of the KaMP Kit is to facilitate your evaluation of Kotlin Multiplatform (aka KMP). It is a coll
Extendable MVI framework for Kotlin Multiplatform with powerful debugging tools (logging and time travel), inspired by Badoo MVICore library
Should you have any questions or ideas please welcome to the Slack channel: #mvikotlin Inspiration This project is inspired by Badoo MVICore library.
Powerful, elegant and flexible test framework for Kotlin with additional assertions, property testing and data driven testing
Kotest is a flexible and comprehensive testing tool for Kotlin with multiplatform support. To learn more about Kotest, visit kotest.io or see our quic
QuatroGrade is a beautiful multi color (4 corners) gradient.
| | Setup Guide | Report new issue QuatroGrade QuatroGrade is a beautiful multi color gradient. Basically, it is a 4 vertex gradient. Features: Multi
Quick route to developer options page easily
QuickRoute Using Quick Settings Tile to navigate to Developer options page without click a lot of buttons. Preview Install Can install from Google Pla
Nice and simple DSL for Espresso in Kotlin
Kakao Nice and simple DSL for Espresso in Kotlin Introduction At Agoda, we have more than 1000 automated tests to ensure our application's quality and
A Gradle plugin that improves the experience when developing Android apps, especially system tools, that use hidden APIs.
A Gradle plugin that improves the experience when developing Android apps, especially system tools, that use hidden APIs.
Tsunami - An open-source SMS & Call flooding Android application with unlimited OTP bombing capability
An open-source OTP & Call flooding android application with unlimited sending capability
A tool to install components of the Android SDK into a Maven repository or repository manager to use with the Android Maven Plugin, Gradle and other tools.
Maven Android SDK Deployer Original author including numerous fixes and changes: Manfred Moser manfred@simpligility.com at simpligility technologies i
Android view that allows the user to create drawings. Customize settings like color, width or tools. Undo or redo actions. Zoom into DrawView and add a background.
DrawView Android view that allows the user to create drawings. Draw anything you like in your Android device from simple view. Customize draw settings
Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by millions of developers all over the world.
cocos2d-x Win32 Others cocos2d-x is a multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. It is