1073 Repositories
Android game-2048-compose Libraries
Colorpicker Compose
🎨 Jetpack Compose color picker library that allows you to get colors from any images like gallery pictures by tapping on the desired color. Also, it supports brightness and alpha slider, which can adjust your ARGB factors.
Jetpack Compose animations including Loading/progress, Looping, On-off, Enter, Exit, Fade, Spin and Background animation
Compose Animation Examples. Useful Jetpack Compose animations including Loading/progress, Looping, On-off, Enter, Exit, Fade, Spin and Background animations that you can take inspiration from.
A simple Twitter Spaces clone app with Jetpack Compose and 100ms SDK
A simple Twitter Spaces clone app with Jetpack Compose and 100ms SDK to demonstrate the use of 100ms SDK in creating an Audio call feature in your apps.
GitHub application fetches events, repositories and profile using GitHub APIs
GitHub application using GitHub REST API Dagger MVVM architecture Mockk Jetpack Compose Kotlin Coroutines Application pages Attention If you want to u
A Clean Architecture Cryptocurrency App (MVVM, Use Cases, Compose)
A Clean Architecture Cryptocurrency App (MVVM, Use Cases, Compose)
Shotify aims to improve a largely forgotten about feature of the game: screenshots
A highly advanced screenshot mod. Modrinth • Curseforge Shotify aims to improve a largely forgotten about feature of the game: screenshots. Taking a s
An app showing all details for various Lenovo Thinkpad models. Made to try out Jepack Compose for Android.
An app showing all details for various Lenovo Thinkpad models. Made to try out Jepack Compose for Android. This repo is a Mutliplatform version of the initial Thinkrchive which was Android-centric
DailyTags - a flexible markdown library that supports custom tags and markups
The library parses a given markup into rich text for Jetpack Compose. DailyTags comes with Markdown and HTML support by default (please, see the supported features) and is very easy to extend to support custom markups.
🎨 Jetpack Compose canvas library that helps you draw paths, images on canvas with color pickers and palettes
🎨 Jetpack Compose canvas library that helps you draw paths and images on canvas with color pickers and palettes. Sketchbook also provides useful components and functions that can easily interact with canvas.
❤️ A heart-shaped toggle switch component built using Jetpack Compose
heart-switch A heart-shaped toggle switch component built using Jetpack Compose. Inspired by Tore Bernhoft's I heart toggle Dribbble shot and Anatoliy
Drawing app written with Jetpack Compose Canvas
✏️🚀 Drawing app written with Jetpack Compose Canvas. Draw using touch down, move and up events.Using array of paths to have erase, undo, or redo actions and set properties for path that will be drawn next separately.
A specific release of the Jacoco library provide coverage support for Jetpack Compose
This project depends on a specific release of the Jacoco library, which has been updated to provide coverage support for Jetpack Compose. This release is available on GitHub, and requires the use of the GitHub Apache Maven Package Repository
Taxi - an example of how to create an introductory screen using Jetpack Compose
Taxi - an example of how to create an introductory screen using Jetpack Compose
A template for your new Jetpack Compose app
A template for your new Jetpack Compose app
Personal notes and reminders app
Notes App App de anotações e lembretes pessoais, onde é possível adicionar um título com texto de componente, mudar a cor do lembrete, editar ou delet
Responsive Layout Gird Configuration using Compose. An adaptive layout
ResponsiveGrid Responsive Grid is most followed layout system by the designer as it adapts to screen size and orientation, ensuring consistency across
Material You using Jetpack Compose
Material You using Jetpack Compose. How to keep M2 alongside with M3 in a project. Repo to play with Material Themes and MDC
Component Box - a multiplatform server-driven UI framework
Component Box · Component Box is a multiplatform server-driven UI framework. Learn how to use Component Box in your project. Installation implementati
🏛 ThinkRchive Light Dark An app showing all details for various Lenovo Thinkpad models.
🏛 ThinkRchive Light Dark An app showing all details for various Lenovo Thinkpad models. Made to try out Jepack Compose for Android. This repo is a Mu
GoogleCalendar Android Clone with Compose
GoogleCalendar Android Clone with Compose Status: WIP This is a jetpack compose sample app written in Kotlin following clean architecture principles.
Schedule sample to play with Jetpack Compose Desktop
Schedule sample to play with Jetpack Compose Desktop
Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cached data by Room
Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cached data by Room
Ko Ja Match Up - a realtime massive multiplayer match up game
🎮 Ko Ja Match Up ℹ Ko Ja Match Up is a realtime massive multiplayer match up game. Two teams try to beat each other in a concentration game. 💡 The s
Tic Tac Toe is a two-player game in which the objective is to take turns and mark the correct spaces in a 3x3 (or larger) grid
Tic Tac Toe is a two-player game in which the objective is to take turns and mark the correct spaces in a 3x3 (or larger) grid.
Flippable - A Jetpack Compose utility library to create flipping Composable views with 2 sides
💳 Flippable A Jetpack Compose utility library to create flipping Composable views with 2 sides. Built with ❤︎ by Wajahat Karim and contributors Demo
A Multiplatform Compose Theme for your Compose app
A Multiplatform Compose Theme for your Compose app
🔥 Yet another Tinder like swipeable cards, built for Jetpack Compose
twyper Yet another Tinder like swipeable card library, built for Jetpack Compose ✨ Demo Screen.Recording.2022-02-20.at.10.46.59.PM.mov ⌨️ Usage 1. Add
Pokemon Library with Jetpack Compose
Pokemon Library with Jetpack Compose This repository contains a Pokemon Library application that is implemented MVI architecture using Koin, Jetpack C
Extensive game framework written in Kotlin
CGS is a minigame framework I wrote in December of 2021. This project was closed-source, but unfortunately, a series of events led me to decide to open-source it.
A minimalistic Android application Built with Clean architecture and Jetpack component
MovieMania A minimalistic Android application Built with Clean architecture and Jetpack component (Jetpack Compose, MVVM , Paging 3.0, HILT, ROOM DB,
Examples of the use of animations in jetpack compose and view, as well as measurements of perfomance
AndroidAnimationWorld Примеры использования анимаций в jetpack compose и view, а также замеры perfomance для
A sample demo app which has Clean Architecture with MVVM , UI built with Jetpack Compose
A sample demo app (two screen todo list app) which has Clean Architecture with MVVM , UI built with Jetpack Compose and includes Modern Android Development Best Practices with components
Transforms a Vector Drawable or a SVG path to a Compose ImageVector
Svg2Compose Transforms a Vector Drawable or a SVG path to a Compose ImageVector. Download Download the latest version (Windows) here: Releases. How to
EnglishWhiz - Dictionary App with Compose
Yet Another English Dictionary App. EnglishWhiz is an offline dictionary app that features fast word look-up. It features modern Android technologies including Jetpack compose.
Stop Watch App With Compose Desktop
StopWatchComposeDesktop If You Want StopWatchComposeMobileApp - https://github.
LearnCompose - A simple UI built using Jetpack Compose
Compose course UI A simple UI built using Jetpack Compose. Consists of a list sc
Svg-to-compose-intellij - A simple Android Studio plugin to generate Jetpack Compose ImageVector icons
svg-to-compose-intellij A simple Android Studio plugin to generate Jetpack Compo
GameDetailScreenCompose - Game Detail Screen Compose With Kotlin
GameDetailScreenCompose Домашнее задание от Podlodka Crew. "Нужно сверстать экра
Icontent - Jetpack Compose component to show all random content sended by Inmersoft guide backend
icontent IContent is a library that allows loading audio visual content generica
JCSectionedProgressIndicator - A Sectioned Progress Indicator built in Jetpack Compose. Easily specify number of sections with corresponding section colors
JCSectionedProgressIndicator A Sectioned Progress Indicator built in Jetpack Com
Snake-compose-for-desktop - Snake Game - implemented using Compose for Desktop
A Snake game, built with Compose for Desktop snake-compose-for-desktop is my imp
Navigation-Compose - A sample to showcase Kotlin, MVVM, Hilt, Coroutines, StateFlow, Jetpack compose
Navigation-Compose A sample to showcase Kotlin, MVVM, Hilt, Coroutines, StateFlo
Paper-ui - A Multiplatform Compose Theme for your Compose app
paper-ui (WIP) Screen.Recording.2022-02-13.at.8.14.45.PM.mov A Multiplatform Com
Searchbook - SearchBooks is an app built with Jetpack Compose and architecture of MVVM + MVI
SearchBooks SearchBooks is an app built with Jetpack Compose and architecture of
This Android app shows bus connections from Koleje Strahov station to Dejvická station and the other way in the city of Prague
This Android app shows bus connections from Koleje Strahov station to Dejvická station and the other way in the city of Prague. These are important for many students from the Czech Technical University in Prague.
The Android Trivia application is an application that asks the user trivia questions about Android development
The Android Trivia application is an application that asks the user trivia questions about Android development. It makes use of the Navigation component within Jetpack to move the user between different screens. Each screen is implemented as a Fragment. The app navigates using buttons, the Action Bar, and the Navigation Drawer.
Jetpack Compose Timeline View
Simple Timeline View, wrote via Kotlin Jetpack Compose.
Demonstrates using Compose with pre-releases of KotlinCompiler and ComposeCompiler
Using Compose Compiler to support different versions of Kotlin For the purposes of testing, development, or just living on the edge... some people wan
iOS(iPhone & iPad) and Android Radio/Podcast Streaming Apps built in Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) with SwiftUI & Jetpack Compose
iOS(iPhone & iPad) and Android Radio/Podcast Streaming Apps built in Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) with SwiftUI & Jetpack Compose
Just few experiments with Jetpack Compose
Jetpack_Compose_Demo Just few fun experiments with Jetpack Compose. Note : This is not a serious app. 🙂 Tutorial (By Philipp Lackner ) : https://yout
ToDo list is a sample project for save task and complete they. developed with Kotlin , Coroutins and Dagger-Hilt Dependency injection.
ToDo list is a sample project for save task and complete they. developed with Kotlin , Coroutins and Dagger-Hilt Dependency injection.
Todo - Android Architecture Sample
Android Architecture Sample Android Studio Bumblebee | 2021.1.1 Patch 1 compose
Accounting-App - An Android app built with Kotlin, Material, Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Room, Coroutines, Data-Store, MVVM-Clean Architecture and JUnit tests
Accounting App An Android app built with Kotlin, Material, Jetpack Compose, Hilt
ComposeAnimations - Collection of nice animations created with Jetpack Compose
CertificateStack.kt CardStackDemo.mp4 SwipeButton.kt SwipeButton.mp4
Youtube-dl UI - Youtube-dl ui built with kotlin and jetpack compose
youtube-dl_UI youtube-dl ui built with kotlin and jetpack compose.
Romeo-and-juliet - A fun quote randomizer game for Romeo and Juliet
romeo-and-juliet A quote randomizer game for my English class. Input mappings fo
Calendar - A component for compose desktop
日历 一个用于compose-desktop的日历组件。 截图 feature DayPicker的动画 月份选择器错误提示 点击非本月的时间会跳到上个月 to
JCompose-weatherapp - A Weather app built with Jetpack Compose
Weather App Weather App UI designer = https://dribbble.com/shots/14328625-Weathe
Test-compose-for-desktop - Hello World in Compose for Desktop
Testing Run from command line: ./gradlew run Regular build: ./gradlew packageUb
Backarrow-animation-example - Animate back arrow to close button in Compose using animated drawables
Animate Back Arrow to Close Icon in Compose This is a simple demo for animated v
Andromeda is a open-source design language system implemented in Jetpack Compose.
Andromeda Andromeda is a open-source design language system implemented in Jetpack Compose. Catalog app Table of Contents About the Project Getting St
The Destiny lore word game, that's definitely not just a worse version of Wordle!
Wormdle The Destiny lore word game, that's definitely not just a worse version of Wordle! Why not use an existing clone? Ever wanted to play Wordle, b
A Jetpack Compose library for handling calendar component rendering.
Compose Calendar Compose Calendar is a composable handling all complexity of rendering calendar component and date selection. Due to flexibility provi
TimeTrackerWearOs - Compose for Wear OS Starter Sample
Compose for Wear OS Starter Sample Demonstrates a simple "Hello, World" starter
RemsEngine - OpenSource Kotlin/OpenGL/ECS based game engine
Game Engine: Rem's Engine Parallel to this video editor, I am developing my own
Compose-html - An Android library which provides HTML support for Jetpack Compose texts
HtmlCompose An Android library which provides HTML support for Jetpack Compose t
ComposeTestApplication - Simple android application by Jetpack Compose
Compose Test Application TL;DR A simple Android application by Jetpack Compose.
Tictactoe-android-app - Simple TicTacToe Android app written in Kotlin
TicTacToe Android App This is a simple example of TicTacToe game as Android app
Onboarding - Jetpack Compose Onboarding Library
Jetpack Compose Onboarding Library SVID_20220205_221448_1.mp4 Implementation Add
Jetpack-compose-uis - A collection of some UIs using Jetpack Compose. built using Katalog
Jetpack Compose UIs This is a collection of some UIs using Jetpack Compose. It i
A small and simple, yet fully fledged and customizable navigation library for Jetpack Compose
A small and simple, yet fully fledged and customizable navigation library for Jetpack Compose
Implement Text Recognition using MLKit in Jetpack Compose using Kotlin
Implement Text Recognition using MLKit in Jetpack Compose using Kotlin. The application is built using Kotlin Programming Language with Jetpack Compose Navigation.
Jetlime - A simple library for TimeLine view in Android
JetLime ⏱️ A simple yet highly customizable library for showing a TimeLine view
Funstuff - Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Compose for Wear OS, Compose for Desktop
PeopleInSpace Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose
MemoryGame - An Android memory game with customizable options
MemoryGame An Android memory game with customizable options Open source librarie
Compose-video-player - Video player for Android Compose powered by ExoPlayer
Compose Video Player Video player for Android Compose powered by ExoPlayer. Addi
An android library to highlight different features of the app built using Jetpack Compose.
An android library to highlight different features of the app built using Jetpack Compose.
Compose-navigation - Set of utils to help with integrating Jetpack Compose and Jetpack's Navigation
Jetpack Compose Navigation Set of utils to help with integrating Jetpack Compose
WordleSolver - Proposes a word from a dictionary that matches the knowns in a popular worlde game
wordleSolver Proposes a word from a dictionary that matches the knowns in a popu
Cdalf - Compose Desktop Android-like Framework
Compose Desktop Android-like Framework Simple framework/library designed to make
Mpesa-UI-clone-JetpackCompose - A Mpesa Ui Clone using Jetpack Compose
Mpesa-UI-clone-JetpackCompose Let's Challenge ourselves and build this Mpesa App
Picker-kt - Media picker library powered by Jetpack Compose
ANDROID LIBRARY PickerKT A media picker library for Android apps powered by Jetp
Color-Book - A simple color book made with compose
Color-Book A simple color book made with compose
Pluck - Pluck, a library helps you to pick image via Galley/Camera built using Compose
Pluck - The image-picker library for Compose This is an image-picker for your je
Koin-compose - A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin developers
What is KOIN? - https://insert-koin.io A pragmatic lightweight dependency inject
Animal-Kingdom - CLEAN Architecture with MVVM and Jetpack-Compose
CLEAN Architecture with MVVM and Jetpack-Compose. About the app I have created t
TipperCompose - A simple & clean tip calculator using Jetpack Compose
TipperCompose - A simple & clean tip calculator using Jetpack Compose
IMCL is a Minecraft launcher which supports Mod managment, game customizing and so on.
IDEA Minecraft Launcher A simple Minecraft launcher 简体中文 日本語 Esperanto Introduction IMCL is a Minecraft launcher which supports Mod managment, game cu
TwitchControlsMinecraft - A mod that lets your twitch chat let things happen in your game on a specific event
Twitch Controls Minecraft A mod that lets your Twitch chat lets your twitch chat
WordleSolver - A small attempt to solve the Wordle game (in Spanish) without thinking too much
Wordle solver A small attempt to solve the Wordle game (in Spanish) without thin
Android.compose.squircle - Android LightWeight Squircle Library for JetPack Compose
Android LightWeight Squircle Library for JetPack Compose Usage Based on Compose
Compose Curved-Scroll is an Android Jetpack Compose library made with ❤️
Compose-Curved-Scroll-library Compose Curved-Scroll is an Android Jetpack Compos
Lemuroid is an open-source emulation project for Android based on Libretro
Lemuroid Description Lemuroid is an open-source emulation project for Android based on Libretro. Its main goal is ease of use, good Android integratio
The Privacy Friendly 2048 app is an addictive puzzle game
Privacy Friendly 2048 The Privacy Friendly 2048 app is an addictive puzzle game. The game is considered to be won if you reach the number 2048 by push
An open-source, mod-friendly Android+Desktop remake of Civ V, made with LibGDX
Unciv - FOSS Civ V for Android+Desktop What is this? An open-source, mod-friendly Android+Desktop remake of Civ V, made with LibGDX Is this any good?
Bike-share - Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI based Kotlin Multiplatform sample project
BikeShare Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI based Kotlin Multiplatform sample project
Compose-Ratingbar-library - A simple implementation for rating bar in Jetpack Compose
Compose-Ratingbar-library - A simple implementation for rating bar in Jetpack Compose
WordleSolver - Wordle solving application made with Compose
WordleSolver Wordle solving application made with Compose for Desktop. Screensho
JetCountrypicker - Country code bottomsheet picker in Jetpack Compose
JetCountryPicker Country code bottomsheet picker in Jetpack Compose How to add i