225 Repositories
Android image-analysis Libraries
ComposeImageBlurhash is a Jetpack Compose component with the necessary implementation to display a blurred image while the real image is loaded from the internet. Use blurhash and coil to ensure good performance.
compose-image-blurhash ComposeImageBlurhash is a Jetpack Compose component with the necessary implementation to display a blurred image while the real
ComposeImageBlurhash is a Jetpack Compose component with the necessary implementation to display a blurred image
compose-image-blurhash ComposeImageBlurhash is a Jetpack Compose component with the necessary implementation to display a blurred image while the real
🎨 Modern image loading library for Android. Simple by design, powerful under the hood.
Simple Image Loader Modern image loading library for Android. Simple by design, powerful under the hood. Kotlin: Simple Image Loader is Kotlin-native
Weather App With Jetpack Compose
Weather-App-With-Compose In this repository i made weather app with using Jetpack Compose. Datas is coming from internet. You can look in here. Librar
Sample app that displays a birthday card with text and an image
Birthday Card App Sample app that displays a birthday card with text and an image. Used in the Android Basics with Kotlin course. Pre-requisites Andro
ZoomableComposeImage - A zoomable image for jetpack compose
ZoomableComposeImage - A zoomable image for jetpack compose
android project themplate including network(retrofit), utils(image, permission, etc), etc
Template-Android When starting a new Android project, it is boring to write some codes such as permission verification, network interface creation, wh
Library that makes debugging, log collection, filtering and analysis easier.
AndroidLogger Android Library that makes debugging, log collection, filtering and analysis easier. Contains 2 modules: Logger: 'com.github.ShiftHackZ.
Library for Instagram Image/Video Downloader for Android
Insta Downloader Simple Instagram Image Video Downloader Library for Android Implementation Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add
FFmpeg compiled for Android. Execute FFmpeg commands with ease in your Android app.
FFMPEG video operations FFmpeg compiled for Android. Execute FFmpeg commands with ease in your Android app. Getting Started This project is provide in
A collection of custom Android/Kotlin lint checks we use in our Android and Kotlin code bases at Slack.
slack-lints This repository contains a collection of custom Android/Kotlin lint checks we use in our Android and Kotlin code bases at Slack. This repo
Simple Application that helps individuals prioritize by directly comparing items in a list and ranking their importance to the individual
Analysis.Paralysis Simple Application that helps individuals prioritize by directly comparing items in a list and ranking their importance to them. Cu
Examples of custom recycler view items. Automatically detecting a dominant color of an image using Picasso and Palette libraries
custom-image-list-item Examples of custom RecyclerView items using Data Binding Features: Loading images urls with the help of a Picasso library Autom
Android application to preview, record (MediaRecorder), and fetch each image from both front and rear cameras simultaneously
DuoCamera 🚀 Overview Android application to preview, record (MediaRecorder) and fetch each image from both front and rear cameras simultaneously. The
Image classifier app build in Android Studio.
Android Image Classifier App Strongly based on https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime-inference-examples/tree/main/mobile/examples/image_classificat
An simple image gallery app utilizing Unsplash API to showcase modern Android development architecture (MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + Kotlin Flow + mockK + Espresso + Junit)
Imagine App An simple image gallery app utilizing Unsplash API. Built with ❤︎ by Wajahat Karim and contributors Features Popular photos with paginatio
An image board client based on Gelbooru for android, made from Jetpack Compose 🚀 .
Mejiboard An image board client based on Gelbooru for android, made from Jetpack Compose 🚀 . Features Material Design UI Easy one-handed operation Li
Android Gradle Plugin -- Auto Check big image and compress image in building.
McImage I will continue to update, please rest assured to use 中文文档 Android优雅的打包时自动化获取全部res资源 McImage is a Non-invasive plugin for compress all res in
A program analysis tool to find cryptographic misuse in Java and Android.
A program analysis tool to find cryptographic misuse in Java and Android.
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Coil, Glide, Picasso, and Fresco.
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Coil, Glide, Picasso, and Fresco.
An image loading library for android.
Bilder Download Add following to your project's build.gradle allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } }
Animate a strike over any image to indicate on/off states. As seen in the Material Guidelines.
StrikedImageView Animate a strike over any image to indicate on/off states. As seen in the Material Guidelines. Gradle allprojects { repositories
🍂 Jetpack Compose image loading library which can fetch and display network images using Glide, Coil, and Fresco.
🍂 Jetpack Compose image loading library which can fetch and display network images using Glide, Coil, and Fresco.
Recipes app with using Jetpack Compose.
RecipesComposeApp In this repository i made recipes app with using Jetpack Compose. Datas is coming from my other json repository. You can look in her
A webapp which generates a simple Discord profile banner image in real-time which shows user's status and activity.
DiscordProfileBanner This tool generates a Discord profile banner image in realtime. I wrote it for use in my AniList profile. An example in action: H
SquircleView is a library which provides you with Squircle views to use for buttons, views, etc.
SquircleView is a library which provides you with Squircle views to use for buttons, views, etc.
An easy-to-use, cross-platform measurement tool that pulls data out of CD pipelines and analysis the four key metrics for you.
Maintained by SEA team, ThoughtWorks Inc. Read this in other languages: English, 简体中文 Table of Contents About the Project Usage How to Compute Contrib
This is a library for make auto slide image in android
Auto Image Slider Screenshot Image Slider Default Image Slider With Custom Adapter Usage Add ImageSlider to your layout
An Android project containing image recognition and object detection models.
An Android project containing image recognition and object detection models. Users can input images into the deep learning model by taking photos, opening photo albums, and real-time previews on the Android side. After the calculation on the Android side is completed, the model will output the prediction result and show it to the user.
Image Cropping Library for Android, optimised for Camera / Gallery.
Image Cropping Library for Android, optimised for Camera / Gallery.
Image Picker library for Android
Ronnie-Image-Picker Asks for Camera and storage permission and return uri of the images taken or picked from the gallery. Min Api Level: 16 Build Syst
Bundel is a digital wellbeing Android app, helping you to focus by grouping up notifications and only releasing them in batches
Bundel is a digital wellbeing Android app, helping you to focus by grouping up notifications and only releasing them in batches, at set times. This minimises context switching and improves productivity, while decreasing the impulse to continuously check your phone.
sharex image uploader using ktor
ktor-sharex-uploader uploader zdjec napisany w kotlinie przy uzyciu ktor pobierak gotowa jarka jest do pobrania tutaj config apki konfiguracje apki ma
A RatingBar library for android, you can customize size, spacing, color and image easily, and support right to left.
A RatingBar library for android, you can customize size, spacing, color and image easily, and support right to left.
Encrypted Photo Safe for Android
Encrypt your photos on your device and keep them safe from others. About Photok is a free Photo-Safe. It stores your photos encrypted on your device a
Phimp.me Android Phimp.me is an Android image editor app
Phimp.me Android Phimp.me is an Android image editor app that aims to replace proprietary photographing and image apps on smart phones. It offers feat
SquircleView is a library which provides you with Squircle views to use for buttons, views, etc.
SquircleView SquircleView is a library which provides you with Squircle views to use for buttons, views, etc. Screenshots Different kinds of buttons,
Dali is an image blur library for Android. It contains several modules for static blurring, live blurring and animations.
Dali Dali is an image blur library for Android. It is easy to use, fast and extensible. Dali contains several modules for either static blurring, live
a custom view that provides dragged and scaled
DragScaleCircleView A custom imageview that provides the circle window can be dragged and scaled, crop image. How does it look? Why? Sometimes need to
A library for image manipulation with power of renderScript which is faster than other ordinary solutions.
Pixl is a library for image manipulation with power of renderScript which is faster than other ordinary solutions, currently it includes three basic scripts, brightness, contrast, saturation.
Easy to use and configurable library to Pick an image from the Gallery or Capture image using Camera.
Easy to use and configurable library to Pick an image from the Gallery or Capture image using Camera.
Android Resource Manager application to manage and analysis your app resources with many features like image resize, Color, Dimens and code Analysis
Android Resource Manager application to manage and analysis your app resources with many features like image resize, Color, Dimens and code Analysis
Android - A layout that arranges its children in relation to a background image
ImageLayout A layout that arranges its children in relation to a background image. The layout of each child is specified in image coordinates (pixels)
A photoView to scale image and finish activity,高仿微信可拖拽返回PhotoView
DragPhotoView(English) 高仿微信可拖拽返回PhotoView 基于 PhotoView ##下载APK体验 特性 拖拽缩放图片,并且结束Activity 其他PhotoView所有特性如下: Out of the box zooming, using multi-touch a
Custom ImageView to generate captcha image.
CaptchaImageView Custom ImageView to generate captcha image. Add CaptchaImageView to your layout test.jinesh.captchaimageviewlib.CaptchaImageView
Add curve at bottom of image views and relative layouts.
Crescento Android library that adds a curve at the below of image views and relative layouts. CrescentoImageView and CrescentoContainer are the image
Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso. Even with gif and webp support! 🍻
BigImageViewer Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling
Customizable Android full screen image viewer for Fresco library supporting "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures. Made by Stfalcon
This project is no longer supported. If you're able to switch from Fresco to any other library that works with the Android's ImageView, please migrate
Material image loading implementation
MaterialImageLoading Material image loading implementation Sample And have a look on a sample Youtube Video : Youtube Link [] (https://www.youtube.com
Luban(鲁班)—Image compression with efficiency very close to WeChat Moments/可能是最接近微信朋友圈的图片压缩算法
Luban 📖 English Documentation Luban(鲁班) —— Android图片压缩工具,仿微信朋友圈压缩策略。 Luban-turbo —— 鲁班项目的turbo版本,查看trubo分支。 写在前面 家境贫寒,工作繁忙。只能不定期更新,还望网友们见谅! 项目描述 目前做A
Image loading for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
An image loading library for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines. Coil is: Fast: Coil performs a number of optimizations including memory and disk cac
Clay is an Android library project that provides image trimming which is originally an UI component of LINE Creators Studio
Clay Clay is an Android library project that provides image trimming. Fully written in Kotlin, Clay is originally a UI component of LINE Creators Stud
A simple way to handle remote image in Kotlin.
Parrot A kotlin extension to load easily remote images in your ImageView. Install Add to gradle in allprojects maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } the
🚀Optimizer for mobile applications
Overview | 概览 Booster is an easy-to-use, lightweight, powerful and extensible quality optimization toolkit designed specially for mobile applications.
A Virtual Machine For Assessing Android applications, Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis
Androl4b AndroL4b is an android security virtual machine based on ubuntu-mate includes the collection of latest framework, tutorials and labs from dif
Code Guide: How to create Snapchat-like image stickers and text stickers.
MotionViews-Android Code Guide : How to create Snapchat-like image stickers and text stickers After spending 2000+ hours and releasing 4+ successful a
Android Layout (Relative Layout, Linear Layout etc) to Image
Layout-to-Image Android Layout Xml File Containing any Parent Layout (Relative Layout, Linear Layout etc) to Image Screenshot of Sample Application Qu
A multi platform image density converting tool converting single or batches of images to Android, iOS, Windows or CSS specific formats and density versions given the source scale factor or width/height in dp. It has a graphical and command line interface and supports many image types (svg, psd, 9-patch, etc.) aswell as some lossless compressors like pngcrush.
Density Image Converter Tool for Android, iOS, Windows and CSS This is a powerful little tool that helps converting single or batches of images to And
A really simple library that help you to display a custom toast with many colors (for : success, warning, danger, info, dark, light, primary...etc ), or with rounded corners, or event with image.
CoolToast A really simple library that help you to display a custom toast with many colors (for : success, warning, danger, info, dark, light, primary
enjarify 8.6 0.0 L5 Python Enjarify is a tool for translating Dalvik bytecode to equivalent Java bytecode. This allows Java analysis tools to analyze Android applications.
Note: This repository may be out of date. Future development will occur at https://github.com/Storyyeller/enjarify. Introduction Enjarify is a tool fo
Android virtual machine and deobfuscator
Simplify Generic Android Deobfuscator Simplify virtually executes an app to understand its behavior and then tries to optimize the code so that it beh
Analyze any Android/Java based app or game
ClassyShark Introduction ClassyShark is a standalone binary inspection tool for Android developers. It can reliably browse any Android executable and
Android library that provides for multiple image selection.
#MultipleImageSelect An android library that allows selection of multiple images from gallery. It shows an initial album (buckets) chooser and then im
Android library project for providing multiple image selection from the device.
PolyPicker Android library project for selecting/capturing multiple images from the device. Result Caution! Eclipse library project structure has been
ColoringLoading 4.7 0.0 Java This project provide Coloring Loading View for Android. And this project is not using the image file!
ColoringLoading  This project provide Color
TileView is a subclass of android.view.ViewGroup that asynchronously displays, pans and zooms tile-based images. Plugins are available for features like markers, hotspots, and path drawing.
This project isn't maintained anymore. It is now recommended to use https://github.com/peterLaurence/MapView. MapView is maintained by Peter, one of o
An android library for displaying fps from the choreographer and percentage of time with two or more frames dropped
DEPRECATED TinyDancer is deprecated. No more development will be taking place. Check out the Google Android developer documentation for UI performance
AndroidPhotoFilters aims to provide fast, powerful and flexible image processing instrument for creating awesome effects on any image media.
PhotoFiltersSDK PhotoFiltersSDK aims to provide fast, powerful and flexible image processing instrument for creating awesome effects on any image medi
TensorFlow Lite Helper for Android to help getting started with TesnorFlow.
TensorFlow Lite Helper for Android This library helps with getting started with TensorFlow Lite on Android. Inspired by TensorFlow Lite Android image
Android library to generate image avatar from the first letter of a username. Letter avatar like Gmail Android best practice
AvatarImageGenerator Generate first letter avatar Image like gmail's contact avatar. It generates an drawable that can be be set to an ImageView. Inst
Android library written in kotlin that add a noise effect to image.
NoiseView With NoiseView you can easily add a noise effect to your image. See demo on YouTube Setup The library is pushed to jCenter() as an AAR, so y
Flickable ImageView for Android. It's like a view of twitter's detail image.
FlickableView Flickable ImageView for Android. It's like a view of twitter's detail image. It's possible that other views animate with FlickableView.
Custom ImageView for moving image around the screen (Android)
MovingImageView Create a custom ImageView for moving image around the screen. Usage To use MovingImageView, add the module into your project and start
Replacement for deprecated official Android crop image function
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2012 Jan Muller Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
Android ImageView replacement which allows image loading from URLs or contact address book, with caching
Smart Image View for Android SmartImageView is a drop-in replacement for Android’s standard ImageView which additionally allows images to be loaded fr
Android widget for cropping and rotating an image.
Cropper The Cropper is an image cropping tool. It provides a way to set an image in XML and programmatically, and displays a resizable crop window on
RoundedImageView-Library 0.9 0.0 Java To set single or multiple corners on Image Views.
RoundedImageView-Library Rounded ImageView Android Library, to set single or multiple corners on imageview. Screenshot Usage Step 1. Add the JitPack r
Image loading library for Android
Image Loader Image loader library for Android. Deprecated. See Glide. Features Image transformations Automatic memory and storage caching Ability to l
Library to save image locally and shows options to open and share !
Image Save and Share Library to save image locally and shows options to open and share ! Download Demo APK from HERE Kindly use the following links to
This is an Image slider with swipes, Here we used Volley to Image load URL's from JSON! Here we make it very easy way to load images from Internet and We customized the description font style(OpenSans).
ImageSliderWithSwipes This is an Image slider with swipes, Here we used Volley to load URL's from JSON! Here we make it very easy way to load images f
Simple android image popup Library
Android Image Popup Show image as a popup on a click event or any event. Simply set the image as drawable and thats it!!!. And also you can set width,
Auto Scrolling Image Pager with Pager Indicator and Text
AutoImageFlipper Auto Scrolling Image Pager with Pager Indicator and Text Note: It works only on Apps which are using AndroidX dependencies, if you're
✔️ Hide a secret message in an image
Image Steganography Steganography is the process of hiding a secret message within a larger one in such a way that someone cannot know the presence or
Awesome Image Picker library will pick images/gifs with beautiful interface. Supports image or gif, Single and Multiple Image selection.
Awesome Image Picker Awesome Image Picker library will pick images/gifs with beautiful interface. Supports image or gif, Single and Multiple Image sel
Photo picker library for android. Let's you pick photos directly from files, or navigate to camera or gallery.
ChiliPhotoPicker Made with ❤️ by Chili Labs. Library made without DataBinding, RxJava and image loading libraries, to give you opportunity to use it w
An image resizing library for Android
Resizer Inspired by zetbaitsu's Compressor, Resizer is a lightweight and easy-to-use Android library for image scaling. It allows you to resize an ima
A small customizable library useful to handle an gallery image pick action built-in your app. :sunrise_over_mountains::stars:
Louvre A small customizable image picker. Useful to handle an gallery image pick action built-in your app. *Images from Google Image Search Installati
Dali is an image blur library for Android. It contains several modules for static blurring, live blurring and animations.
Dali Dali is an image blur library for Android. It is easy to use, fast and extensible. Dali contains several modules for either static blurring, live
Add curve at bottom of image views and relative layouts.
Crescento Android library that adds a curve at the below of image views and relative layouts. CrescentoImageView and CrescentoContainer are the image
Customizable Android full screen image viewer for Fresco library supporting "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures. Made by Stfalcon
This project is no longer supported. If you're able to switch from Fresco to any other library that works with the Android's ImageView, please migrate
Library to handle asynchronous image loading on Android.
WebImageLoader WebImageLoader is a library designed to take to hassle out of handling images on the web. It has the following features: Images are dow
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Picasso
Picasso Transformations An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Picasso. Please feel free to use this. Are
An android image compression library.
Compressor Compressor is a lightweight and powerful android image compression library. Compressor will allow you to compress large photos into smaller
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Glide.
Glide Transformations An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Glide. Please feel free to use this. Are you
Little image processing library
Poliwhirl Description This is a small image processing library done to find good color for icon background. It uses CIEDE2000 to determine what colors
AppIntroAnimation is a set of code snippets to make cool intro screen for your app with special Image Translation and Transformation animation effects. It is very easy to use and customize without adding third party library integrations.
AppIntroAnimation AppIntroAnimation is a set of code snippets to make cool intro screen for your app with special Image Translation and Transformation
Road Runner is a library for android which allow you to make your own loading animation using a SVG image
Road Runner Road Runner is a library for android which allow you to make your own loading animation using a SVG image Sample video View in Youtube Dem