129 Repositories
Android multi-modules Libraries
A CLI tool to convert multi-module Jetpack Compose compiler metrics into beautiful HTML reports
A CLI tool to convert multi-module Jetpack Compose compiler metrics into beautiful HTML reports 1. What are Jetpack Compose compiler metrics? The Comp
You can learn how to create multi module Android project with this repository.
MultiModuleProjectSample You can learn how to create multi module Android project with this repository. You can read this article in Turkish. Go to th
A movie and TV Show streaming mobile app built with Jetpack Compose.
PhotoPlay A movie and TV Show streaming mobile app in Android built using Jetpack compose. This project is developed by Javokhir Savriev for more proj
Calorie tracking app using multi-module CLEAN architecture
CalorieTrack Calorie tracking app using multi-module CLEAN architecture Tech used Multi-module Application (Improve build time & componentization) Kot
Kotlin multi platform project template and sample app with everything shared except the UI. Built with clean architecture + MVI
KMMNewsAPP There are two branches Main News App Main The main branch is a complete template that you can clone and use to build the awesome app that y
Minecraft 1.18.2 Backport of Petal, a performance-oriented fork of Purpur intended to increase performance for entity-heavy servers by implementing multi-threaded and asynchronous improvements.
Sakura Performance Minecraft JAR Sakura is a performance-oriented fork of Purpur intended to increase performance for entity-heavy servers by implemen
Repository of a multi-platform application running the same Compose source code on all platforms
Compose multiplatform demo demo.mov Using the same compose user interface (UI) from android on all principal platforms 🎊 🎉 App Features This is a si
➕ An efficient and beaufitul Multi Float action button library based on Twitter implemented in Jetpack Compose 🚀
Multi Float Action Button ➕ An efficient and beaufitul Multi Float action button library based on Twitter implemented in Jetpack Compose 🚀 Including
Cinemax is a Movies & TV Shows application for Android.
Cinemax Cinemax is a Movies & TV Shows application for Android. Build Generate an API key from The Movie Database. Put the key in the local.properties
An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration.
Overview An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration. The purpose of this app is to get an experience from creatinig architectu
Gradle Plugin that determines if modules are Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) ready.
Gradle Plugin that determines if modules are Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) ready. KMP Ready means that the code is Kotlin Multiplatform compatible.
Clean Android multi-module offline-first scalable app in 2022. Including Jetpack Compose, MVI, Kotlin coroutines/Flow, Kotlin serialization, Hilt and Room.
Android Kotlin starter project - 2022 edition Android starter project, described precisely in this article. Purpose To show good practices using Kotli
A performance-oriented fork of Purpur intended to increase performance for entity-heavy servers by implementing multi-threaded and asynchronous improvements.
Petal is a performance-oriented fork of Purpur intended to increase performance for entity-heavy servers by implementing multi-threaded and asynchronous improvements.
A complete Kotlin application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation using multi-module architecture developed using SOLID principles
This repository serves as template and demo for building android applications for scale. It is suited for large teams where individuals can work independently on feature wise and layer wise reducing the dependency on each other.
An annotation processor library that automatically creates Hilt's `@Binds` functions and modules.
HiltBinder An annotation processor library that automatically creates Hilt's @Binds functions and modules. If you think this library is useful, please
EightyTwenty is life planner application with beautiful user interface.
EightyTwenty EightyTwenty is life planner application with beautiful user interface. Version 0.0.1 Add notes Add categories Add notes with image Move
Reia is the Redis Pubsub client that Manase uses to communicate with other modules or nodes.
from Mana Reia is a simple wrapper around Lettuce to enable easy usage of its Redis Pubsub client. This library is only intended to be used for sendin
👨💻 Squircle IDE is a fast and free multi-language code editor for Android
Squircle IDE is a fast and free multi-language code editor for Android. Table of Contents EditorKit Gradle Dependency The Basics More Opt
Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cached data by Room
Mobile Banking Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cach
How to structure a growing Gradle project with smart dependency management?
How to set up a larger Gradle project This repo shows one possibility to structure a Gradle project when you want: Centralized and maintainable build
KT Search - a kotlin multi-platform library that provides client functionality for Elasticsearch and Opensearch
KT Search Client KT Search is a kotlin multi-platform library that provides client functionality for Elasticsearch and Opensearch. It builds on other
Example Multi module architecture Android project using MVVM, Dynamic Features, Dagger-Hilt, Coroutines and Navigation Components
ModularDynamicFeatureHilt An Android template project following a multi module approach with clean architecture. It has been built following Clean Arc
Multi module architecture Android template project using MVVM, Dagger-Hilt, and Navigation Components
ModularAppTemplate An Android template project following a multi module approach with clean architecture. It has been built following Clean Architectu
Multi Roots TreeView implementation for Android Platform with a lot of options and customization
TreeView Multi Roots TreeView implementation for Android Platform with a lot of options and customization Demo Features: - No Custom Views. - Easy use
A multi-platform Collins Dictionary client, supports for Desktop(Windows/Linux/MacOS) and Android.
Collins Dictionary This is a multi-platform Collins Dictionary client, supports for Desktop(Windows/Linux/MacOS) and Android. For Linux and MacOS, ple
Multi Roots TreeView implementation for Android Platform with a lot of options and customization
Multi roots TreeView :palm_tree: implementation for Android Platform with a lot of options and customization
Simple Compose Charts for multi-platform. Including Android, Web, Desktop.
compose-charts-desktop Simple Compose Charts for multi-platform. Including Android, Web, Desktop. Compose multiplatform for Android: compose-charts. G
A Gradle plugin providing various utility methods and common code required to set up multi-version Minecraft mods.
Essential Gradle Toolkit A Gradle plugin providing various utility methods and common code required to set up multi-version Minecraft mods via archite
Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cached data by Room
Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cached data by Room
Kotlin multi-platform simple File I/O library
KmpIO This is a Kotlin multiplatform (KMP) library for basic Text file, Binary file, and zip/archive file IO. It was initially implemented with the an
A library for building Java only Zygisk/Riru modules.
A library for building Java only Zygisk/Riru modules.
A Gradle plugin that helps you speed up builds by excluding unnecessary modules.
🧘 Focus A Gradle plugin that generates module-specific settings.gradle files, allowing you to focus on a specific feature or module without needing t
An Android project to showcase a multi-brand design system.
Table of contents Introduction Structure Architecture Implementation Testing Roadmap Introduction This is an Android showcase project based on Pokémon
A Gradle plugin for generating multi-version packet wrappers for Minecraft: JE
tinyprotocol A Gradle plugin for generating multi-version packet class wrappers for Minecraft: Java Edition. Usage plugins { id("me.kcra.tinyproto
The Unit Converter app: easy, immediate and multi-platform
Converter NOW Why Converter NOW Converter NOW is an effective unit and currency converter 🚀 It is made to be easy, fast and immediately useable: just
Microservice-grpc-multi-language-example - gRPC communication on multiple language demonstration (spring kotlin, go, .NET core 6)
What is this Microservice gRPC demonstration w/incrementing state in multiple la
Multi Lingual Chat app - A modern chat application that allows users to translate text messages into their preferred language
Multi Lingual Chat app - A modern chat application that allows users to translate text messages into their preferred language
Kotlin multi-platform application navigation library.
navigation Kotlin multi-platform application navigation library. Supports Jetpack Compose. val navigator = rememberNavigatorByKey("Greeting") { key -
Firebase Android client of the a multi device game
Warning: This project is unmaintained and uses a deprecated SDK. You should use the new Firebase Android SDK for your project. Cloud Cup Android clien
A LibGDX and Kotlin Mobile Game Example
Splinter Sweets - A LibGDX and Kotlin Mobile Game Example This is an example of building a mobile game app using the libGDX game development framework
A multi-purpose library containing view injection and threading for Android using annotations
SwissKnife A multi-purpose Groovy library containing view injection and threading for Android using annotations. It's based on both ButterKnife and An
LiveStream is a simple class which makes communication easy among different modules of your application.
LiveStream-Kt (Android) 📱 LiveStream is a data holder class which can observe change of data in real-time and emit values too. Unlike other observabl
Multi Image Picker and Multi Image Capture Library
Multimager Multi Image Picker and Multi Image Capture Demo app This is a sample demonstration for multiple images capture as well as multiple image pi
Sample application to demonstrate Multi-module Clean MVVM Architecture and usage of Android Hilt, Kotlin Flow, Navigation Graph, Unit tests etc.
MoneyHeist-Chars Sample application to demonstrate Multi-module Clean MVVM Architecture and usage of Android Hilt, Kotlin Flow, Navigation Graph, Room
Multi Line Radio Group is a Radio Group layout to show radio buttons in more than one line.
MultiLineRadioGroup Multi Line Radio Group is a Radio Group layout to show radio buttons in more than one line. Setup In your project's build.gradle f
Shuttle provides a modern, guarded way to pass large Serializable objects with Intents or saving them in Bundle objects to avoid app crashes from TransactionTooLargeExceptions.
Shuttle Shuttle provides a modern, guarded way to pass large Serializable objects with Intent objects or saving them in Bundle objects to avoid app cr
DrawBox: a multi-purpose tool to draw anything on canvas, written completely on jetpack compose
DrawBox DrawBox is a multi-purpose tool to draw anything on canvas, written comp
Exktor - Extension modules for Ktor
Extension modules for Ktor ExKtor - it's set of extension libraries for Ktor tha
Android-Multi-Module-Coverage - Demo project to showcase how to get a single test coverage report in a multi-module Android project
Android Multi-Module Coverage This is a demo project to showcase how to create a
Kotlinx.serialization - Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format reflectionless serialization
Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format reflectionless serialization Kotlin serialization consists of a compiler plugin, that generates visitor code for s
Course_modularizing_android_apps - Multi-module demo app that gets data from a Dota2 api
Work in progress Multi-module demo app that gets data from a Dota2 api. Module n
Workout Journal is a mobile app based on Multi-Module and Clean Architecture for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period.
Workout-Journal Workout Journal is a mobile app for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period. The app allows you to
🚧 General-Purpose Module System for Kotlin.
🚧 Modules: General-Purpose Module System A module system & loader for Kotlin. Made for me to use. Architecture Module is a building block for this sy
🧩 Shape-Safe Symbolic Differentiation with Algebraic Data Types
Kotlin∇: Type-safe Symbolic Differentiation for the JVM Kotlin∇ is a type-safe automatic differentiation framework written in Kotlin. It allows users
An application used to view StackOverflow questions
Questionnaire Play Store Link Download APK Questionnaire is an Android applicati
This project shows trending github repositories using MVI (Model View Intent) using kotlin flows and multi module clean architecture
GithubTrendingMVIFlow Build Architecture: This project shows trending github repositories using MVI (Model View Intent) using kotlin flows and multi m
A set of highly-opinionated, batteries-included gradle plugins to get you started building delicious multi-module Kotlin projects
Sourdough Gradle What is Sourdough Gradle? Sourdough is a set of highly opinionated gradle plugins that aim to act as the starter for your Kotlin proj
CoCoin, Multi-view Accounting Application
#CoCoin CoCoin, Multi-view Accounting Application #中文文档 README-ZH.md #Download APK from Github QR code: #Note There are some old gifs in the GIF direc
A Clean Architecture App to show use of multi module architecture in a Jetpack Compose
Nextflix-Composable A Clean Architecture App to show use of multi-module-archite
A deep learning based mobile application for the multi-class classification of pneumonia into three categories via Chest X-rays
PneumoniaClassifier A deep learning based mobile application for the multi-class classification of pneumonia into three categories via Chest X-rays. W
Annotation processor that provides better navigation on android multi-modules projects 🛳.
FlowNav FlowNav is a mobile library for Android that helps and provider a better way to make multi-modules navigation. The main purpose of this librar
For Kotlin with SpringBoot project that have multi-module-structure template
Goals kotlin + spring-boot + gradle + multi-module building Module-Structure ---root |--- src.main.kotlin.KotlinSpringbootMultiModuleTemplateAppl
An android app built using Kotlin following Multi-Module Clean Architecture MVVM
RickyandMorty An android app built using Kotlin that consumes RickyadMorty API to display characters.It has been built following Clean Architecture Pr
Kotlin multi-platform logging library with structured logging and coroutines support
Klogging Klogging is a pure-Kotlin logging library that aims to be flexible and easy to use. It uses Kotlin idioms for creating loggers and sending lo
Sample project that shows an approach for designing a multi-module architecture for Jetpack Compose Android applications.
Compose Multi-Module Architecture Sample Sample project that shows an approach for designing a multi-module architecture for Jetpack Compose Android a
Easy Note: Building a Notes app using MVVM, JetPack Compose with a clean multi-module architecture approach.
Easy Note Easy Note: Notes app using JetPack Compose and MVVM with a clean architecture approach. This app shows the usage of the new Navigation Archi
A simple Kotlin multi-platform abstraction around the javax.inject annotations.
Inject A simple Kotlin multi-platform abstraction around the javax.inject annotations. This allows using the annotations in Kotlin common code so that
Android library providing an implementation of the Material Design Floating Action Button Speed Dial.
Android library providing an implementation of the Material Design Floating Action Button Speed Dial.
A multi module app, for improve knowledges
MultiModuleApp App multimódulos para estudos Aqui existem vários apps simples (1 em cada módulo) e está sendo construído por: App multi módulos Consum
BuildConfiguration information for use in multi-module, or Kotlin Multiplatform common code
component-build-configuration A small library supporting Kotlin Multiplatform for utilizing BuildConfiguration details from common code and across mod
Fontize is an Android library that enables multi-font selection functionality to diversify your app.
Fontize Android Library Built with ❤︎ by Gourav Khunger Fontize is an Android library, written in kotlin, that enables your android app have multiple
Multi-thread ZX0 data compressor in Kotlin
ZX0-Kotlin ZX0-Kotlin is a multi-thread implementation of the ZX0 data compressor in Kotlin. Requirements To run this compressor, you must have instal
This repository contains RabbitMQ Protobuf starters with its usage samples for spring-rabbit and spring-cloud-starter-stream-rabbit modules
This repository contains RabbitMQ Protobuf starters with its usage samples for spring-rabbit and spring-cloud-starter-stream-rabbit modules
Kotlin Multi Platform SDK
Xeon SDK (work-in-progress 👷 🔧️ 👷♀️ ⛏ ) Development Version Release This Is Latest Release ~ In Development $version_release = ~ What's New?? * I
Kotlin Multi Platform UI
Xeon UI (work-in-progress 👷 🔧️ 👷♀️ ⛏ ) Development Version Release This Is Latest Release ~ In Development $version_release = ~ What's New?? * In
Simple Jetpack Compose Charts for multi-platform. Including Android, Web, Desktop.
compose-charts Simple Jetpack Compose Charts for multi-platform. Including Android, Web, Desktop. Graph Effects How to use? 1, show Pie Chart in Jetpa
android multi-fab that made with jetpack-compose
ComposeMultiFab android multi-fab that made with jetpack-compose Download implementation "io.github.jisungbin:multifab:${version}" Usage @Composable f
A multi-modular Gradle project that encapsulates various modules to learn Kotlin language, tools and frameworks.
KotlinLearn This is a gradle project for the sole basis of exploring and learning Kotlin language, tools and frameworks. The root project wil encapsul
🔥The Android Startup library provides a straightforward, performant way to initialize components at the application startup. Both library developers and app developers can use Android Startup to streamline startup sequences and explicitly set the order of initialization.
🔥The Android Startup library provides a straightforward, performant way to initialize components at the application startup. Both library developers and app developers can use Android Startup to streamline startup sequences and explicitly set the order of initialization.
A Gradle plugin to help analyse the dependency between modules and run tasks only on modules impacted by specific set of changes.
Change Tracker Plugin A Gradle plugin to help analyse the dependency between modules and run tasks only on modules impacted by specific set of changes
A multi back stack android navigation
Labyrinth A multi back stack android navigation MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020 Abanoub Milad Nassief Hanna abanoubcs@gmail.com @Linkedin @Github Scr
RecyclerView With No Adapter | Available For Jetpack Compose
About This Project Available on Google Dev Library Click Here RecyclerView No Adapter (Adapter Has Been Handled) RecyclerView No Adapter Using ViewBin
FunFacts is an example of Modular architecture
FunFacts FunFacts is an example of Modular architecture This Project is built using Kotlin,we will use in this App : Modular architecture Dependency I
Tutorial For openJDK 11 and AGP 7.0.0+ | Tutorial Multi Library Android in 1 Project | Groovy
jitpack-library-guide For openJDK 11 and AGP 7.0.0 + Please read every single note for detail Tutorial Click Here Kotlin DSL Click Here Repository for
A Gradle Plugin to determine which modules were affected by a set of files in a commit.
A Gradle Plugin to determine which modules were affected by a set of files in a commit. One use case for this plugin is for developers who would like to only run tests in modules which have changed in a given commit.
Elegant design and convenient to use RecyclerView adapter library based on Kotlin DSL.
xAdapter: Kotlin DSL 风格的 Adapter 封装 1、简介 该项目是 KotlinDSL 风格的 Adapter 框架封装,用来简化 Adapter 调用,思想是采用工厂和构建者方式获取 Adapter 避免代码中定义大量的 Adapter 类。该项目在 BRVAH 的 Ada
Graphfity is a Gradle Plugin which creates a dependency node diagram graph about your internal modules dependencies, specially useful if you are developing a multi-module application
Graphfity creates a dependency nodes diagram graph about your internal modules dependencies, specially useful if you are developing a multi-module app
A FDPClient fork , It aims to add more modules.
LightClient A FDPClient fork , It aims to add more modules. You can download development version at Github-Actions , Release at Release Only running o
Discovery 通过KSP/APT及AGP实现的在Android工程多模块之间获取接口的实例对象的辅助工具。 通过在接口上添加@Discoverable注解后,在工程中的任意模块中通过Discoveries类获取该接口的实例,辅助开发者在模块之间访问数据。 原理 Discovery由3个功能模块
🌄 Photo editor using native modules for iOS and Android. Inherit from 2 available libraries, Brightroom (iOS) and PhotoEditor (Android)
React Native Photo Editor (RNPE) 🌄 Image editor using native modules for iOS and Android. Inherit from 2 available libraries, Brightroom (iOS) and Ph
Android Multi Theme Switch Library ,use kotlin language ,coroutine ,and so on ...
Magic Mistletoe Android多主题(换肤)切换框架 背景 时隔四年,在网易换肤之前的思路下,做了几点改进,现在完全通过反射创建View,并且在SkinLoadManager中提供一个configCustomAttrs以支持自定义View的属性插队替换 摈弃了之前的AsyncTask
A news app with amazing features.
Newdo-News In this app I'll show you how to fetch current news from a public API. The aim of this project is to show you how use best practices in And
Multi-module, Kotlin, MVI, Compose, Hilt, Navigation Component, Use-cases, Room, Retrofit
Work in progress Multi-module demo app that gets data from dota2 api. API https://docs.opendota.com/ Players by rank (GET) https://api.opendota.com/ap
Kotlin Multiplatform Router for Android and iOS
A powerful Kotlin Multiplatform Router for Android and iOS Support I am happy to help you with any problem on gitter Feel free to open any new issue!
DI can be simple. Forget about modules and components. Just use it!
PopKorn - Kotlin Multiplatform DI PopKorn is a simple, powerful and lightweight Kotlin Multiplatform Dependency Injector. It doesn't need any modules
Kotlin Multi Platform Logger, for android an ios : Logcat & print
Multiplatform Preferences Use a single object : Logger in your kotlin shared projects to display logs Note you can also use it in your real code on An
QuatroGrade is a beautiful multi color (4 corners) gradient.
| | Setup Guide | Report new issue QuatroGrade QuatroGrade is a beautiful multi color gradient. Basically, it is a 4 vertex gradient. Features: Multi
HackerNews with Kotlin Multi-platform mobile technology
KNews The goal of this project is to build mobile apps that consumes HackerNews API with Kotlin Multi-Platform technology. About My idea is to build 2
An android app built using Kotlin following Multi-Module Clean Architecture MVVM
Notflix 🛠️ Work In Progress 🛠 An android app built using Kotlin that consumes TMDB API to display current trending, upcoming and popular movies 🍿 a
An Android app with many challenge modules and SOLID at all
android-super-app An Android app with many challenge modules and SOLID at all. Features Kotlin Coroutines with Flow (State Flow) Kotlin Serialization