87 Repositories
Android parallax-effect Libraries
ShimmerTextView is a simple library to integrate shimmer effect in your TextView.
ShimmerTextView ShimmerTextView is a simple library to integrate shimmer effect in your TextView. Key features Set a base color in ShimmerTextView. Se
Xposed module which will set location where you want without effect mock location.
GPS Setter Support/Discussion: XDA thread As most of GPS spoof app not working anymore coz some are old and some are not proper implement with current
Order Food Application Build With Kotlin MVVM (Model - View - ViewModel)
Kotlin Order Food Application Build With Kotlin MVVM (Model - View - ViewModel) Clean Architecture, MSSQL API, Beautiful Design UI, Smooth Animations Using Tools And Components Supported By Google And By Most Of The Android Development Community
Examples of ParallaxView and ParallaxScrollEfect are in the repo. You can find the necessary titles and outputs in the continuation of the Readme file. 🪞
Parallax Examples : Examples of ParallaxView and ParallaxScrollEfect are in the repo. You can find the necessary titles and outputs in the continuatio
Simple parallax effect for your image. Only usable with Jetpack Compose.
Parallax Effect in Compose Image Example usage // In an activity or fragment... private lateinit var gravitySensorDefaulted: GravitySensorDefaulted o
A convenient library to show a shimmer effect while loading data
A convenient library to show a shimmer effect while loading data. Easily convert your current view with a slick skeleton loading animation just by wrapping your view.
JetCompose - Blur Effect in Android 12 with motion layout carousel
JetCompose Blur Effect in Android 12 with motion layout carousel
"Gooey-Effect" for android-compose
Gooey effect for android-compose "Gooey" is a library made to use "gooey-effect" that exists as a CSS trick in android-compose. Download repositories
Example from effect Rain Matrix with Jetpack Compose
MatrixRainCompose Example from effect Rain Matrix with JetpackCompose For more i
Squishy button effect with kotlin
Squishy Usage Add squishy() modifier on your composable element. Text( text = "Squishhhhyyyyy", modifier = Modifier .size(200.dp, 100.dp
🔥Application created with MVVM, Retrofit, Coroutines, SWAPI and shimmer effect.
🔥 Application created with MVVM, Retrofit, Coroutines, SWAPI and shimmer effect. gif.mp4 📚 knowledges and technologies ViewBinding Retrofit Coroutin
Make your IDE play Wilhelm Scream effect when you are using unsafe !! operator in Kotlin
Make your IDE play Wilhelm Scream effect when you are using unsafe !! operator in Kotlin
Scratch Card Effect in Jetpack Compose 🚀
Scratch Card Effect 📜 Description Demonstrating scratching gift/cashback coupon like effect in Jetpack Compose 💡 Motivation and Context Having Fun i
NTabLayout is a simple tab bar custom view under android which has click-sliding and scaling up animation effect.
NTabLayout Brief NTabLayout is a simple tab bar custom view under android which has click-sliding and scaling up animation effect. This tab bar's effe
Library provides an easy way to a add shimmer effect in Android Compose project.
Add a shimmer effect to the layout in Android Compose
Amazing Material Login effect
MaterialLogin The Animation effect: You can download the source code. Problems can give me a message, thank you! License Copyright 2016 fanrunqi Licen
Make mosaic effect on android
ProMosaic Make mosaic for image on android. Features Select Mode Follow finger Select rectangle Effect Mode Grid color based on original image Blur Im
Amazing Material Login effect
MaterialLogin The Animation effect: You can download the source code. Problems can give me a message, thank you! License Copyright 2016 fanrunqi Licen
Simple and fantastic wheel view in realistic effect for android.
Overview  Contact Preview Demo WheelPicke.APK Include Compile compile 'cn.aigestudio.wheelp
This is a picker view for android , support linkage effect, timepicker and optionspicker.(时间选择器、省市区三级联动)
Android-PickerView English Document 注意事项、详请使用方式、更新日志等,请查看 Wiki文档 Wiki文档,Wiki文档,Wiki文档 !~ 重要的事情说三遍 对于使用上有任何疑问或优化建议等,欢迎加入QQ群讨论交流技术问题。 交流群1: 387051294(推荐
This is a android custom view , like a scratch card effect!
ScratchView This is a android custom view , like a scratch card effect! Last Update 采纳DearZack童鞋的优化思路,把计算擦除面积比例的操作放在手指离开屏幕时,以降低对CPU的占用。 Articles Scrat
An Index Side Bar With Wave Effect
WaveSideBar You can use WaveSideBar in the contacts page of your application. Refer to AlexLiuSheng/AnimSideBar. Screenshot Include the WaveSideBar to
Pop animation with circular dust effect for any view updation
Popview-Android Pop animation with circular dust effect for any view updation Getting Started In your build.gradle dependencies { compile 'rb.popv
A TagView library for Android. Customize your own & Drag effect.
AndroidTagView An Android TagView library. You can customize awesome TagView by using this library. Screenshots Usage Step 1 Add below dependency in y
Effect of particle Boom
ParticleDismissLayout #粒子碎裂效果 Effect of particle Boom. 视图碎裂效果。 #Preview #Usage #java final ParticleView particleAnimator = new ParticleView(MainActiv
iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect.
RESideMenu iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect inspired by Dribbble shots (first and second). Since version 4.0 you can add menu view control
Android Parallax-ViewPager
ParallaxViewPager Demo Usage com.github.ybq.parallaxviewpager.ParallaxViewPager android:id="@+id/viewpager" android:layout_width="ma
Beautify your RecyclerViews with a great parallax effect !
BeautifulParallax Beautify your RecyclerViews with a great parallax effect ! Without Carpaccio public class YOURAdapter extends RecyclerView.AdapterY
a circle progress bar with effect
RingProgress a circle progress bar with effect #Preview ##Usage xml com.ldoublem.ringPregressLibrary.RingProgress android:id="@+id/ring_prog
() An Android TextView with a shimmering effect
Shimmer for Android This library is DEPRECATED, as I don't have time to mainatin it anymore. But feel free to go through the code and copy that into y
:performing_arts: An easy, flexible way to implement veil skeletons and shimmering effect for Android.
AndroidVeil An easy, flexible way to implement veil skeletons and shimmering effect for Android. Download Gradle Add below codes to your root build.gr
[Development stopped in 2014. Unfinished and not stable - not recommended to use.] An easy-to-use ViewPager subclass with parallax background effect for Android apps.
Development stopped in 2014 Not developed since 2014. Unfinished and not stable - not recommended to use. ParallaxViewPager An easy-to-use ViewPager s
An Android library allowing images to exhibit a parallax effect that reacts to the device's tilt
Motion An Android library allowing images to exhibit a parallax effect. By replacing static pictures and backgrounds with a fluid images that reacts t
Parallax everywhere is a library with alternative android widgets with parallax effects.
Parallax Everywhere# Parallax everywhere (PEW) is a library with alternative android views using parallax effects. Demo You can try the demo app on go
Make mosaic effect on android
ProMosaic Make mosaic for image on android. Features Select Mode Follow finger Select rectangle Effect Mode Grid color based on original image Blur Im
Path effect for text.
Screenshot Please waiting for loading the gif... ![] (/path4.gif) How to use Step 1: add denpendence compile('com.dk.view.patheffect:Library:0.1.1@aar
Provides a set of views which allows to adjust the spacing between the characters of that view, AKA, Kerning effect.
KerningViews KerningViews provides a set of views (currently only TextView and Button) which lets you adjust the spacing between the characters in the
A TextView that simulates the effect from the app Secret where the characters fade in/out at different speeds.
SecretTextView A TextView that simulates the effect from the app Secret where the characters fade in/out at different speeds. How To Use Use it just l
A TagView library for Android. Customize your own & Drag effect.
AndroidTagView An Android TagView library. You can customize awesome TagView by using this library. Screenshots Usage Step 1 Add below dependency in y
Glass-break effect for views
BrokenView Glass-break effect for views. Demo Download APK Usage Android Studio dependencies { compile 'com.zys:brokenview:1.0.3' } Eclipse Just pu
View that imitates Ripple Effect on click which was introduced in Android L (for Android 2.3+)
RippleView View that imitates Ripple Effect on click which was introduced in Android L. Usage For a working implementation, Have a look at the Sample
Android ImageViews animated by Ken Burns Effect
KenBurnsView Android library that provides an extension to ImageView that creates an immersive experience by animating its drawable using the Ken Burn
Android StackBlur is a library that can perform a blurry effect on a Bitmap based on a gradient or radius, and return the result. The library is based on the code of Mario Klingemann.
Android StackBlur Android StackBlur is a library that can perform a blurry effect on a Bitmap based on a gradient or radius, and return the result. Th
A menu consisting of icons (ImageViews) and metaball bouncing selection to give a blob effect. Inspired by Material design
Metaball-Menu A menu consisting of icons (ImageViews) and metaball bouncing selection to give a blob effect. Inspired by Material design ScreenShot Us
Ripple effect for Android 14+
RippleDrawable Port of Android ripple effect for pre lollipop devices with android 14 + (ICS+) (well, since NineOldAndroids is deprecated, this libr
Android L Ripple effect wrapper for Views
Material Ripple Layout Ripple effect wrapper for Android Views Including in your project compile 'com.balysv:material-ripple:1.0.2' Check for latest v
Implementation of Ripple effect from Material Design for Android API 9+
RippleEffect ExpandableLayout provides an easy way to create a view called header with an expandable view. Both view are external layout to allow a ma
A Material Design ViewPager easy to use library
MaterialViewPager Material Design ViewPager easy to use library Sample And have a look on a sample Youtube Video : Youtube Link Download In your modul
Parallax ScrollView and ListView for Android
Parallax Scrolls Parallax ListView and ScrollView for Android This project includes ScrollView with one or more parallaxed views ListView with paralla
Android library to achieve in an easy way, the behaviour of the home page in the Expedia app, with a pair of auto-scroll circular parallax ListViews.
ListBuddies This library is not maintained anymore and there will be no further releases Android library of a pair of auto-scroll circular parallax Li
Parallax scrolling either by offset or automatically.
ParallaxScrollingView Parallax Scrolling View. automatic scrolling with different speeds minimal integration gpu accelerated supports vector drawables
Android library written in kotlin that add a noise effect to image.
NoiseView With NoiseView you can easily add a noise effect to your image. See demo on YouTube Setup The library is pushed to jCenter() as an AAR, so y
Create parallax and any other transformation effects on scrolling android ImageView
Android Parallax Image View Creates effect such as vertical parallax, horizontal parallax etc. on android ImageView when it's being vertically or hori
An Android library for displaying a dialog where it presents new features in the app.
WhatIsNewDialog What is new dialog for Android is used for presenting new features in the the app. It can be used in the activity starts, from menu or
Library project to display DialogFragment with a blur effect.
BlurDialogFragment This project allows to display DialogFragment with a burring effect behind. The blurring part is achieved through FastBlur algorith
👏 The Medium's Clapping Effect developed in Android
👏 MediumClap-Android Built with ❤︎ by Wajahat Karim and contributors A Custom Floating Action Button (FAB) library like clapping effect on Medium 📄
Wave effect of activity animation
WaveCompat Wave effect of activity animation How to use 1. Bind wave touch helper to a view which will start an activity when it clicked: WaveTouchHel
A pager for Android with parallax effect
ParallaxPagerTransformer A pager transformer for Android with parallax effect Installation in your build.gradle file dependencies { // ... com
Memory efficient shimmering effect for Android applications by Supercharge.
DEPRECATED - ShimmerLayout Attention: This tool is now deprecated. Please switch to Shimmer for Android or any other shimmer effect solution. ShimmerL
An easy, flexible way to add a shimmering effect to any view in an Android app.
Shimmer for Android Shimmer is an Android library that provides an easy way to add a shimmer effect to any view in your Android app. It is useful as a
A Tinder-like Android library to create the swipe cards effect. You can swipe left or right to like or dislike the content.
Swipecards Travis master: A Tinder-like cards effect as of August 2014. You can swipe left or right to like or dislike the content. The library create
:sparkles: An easy way to implement an elastic touch effect for Android.
ElasticViews ✨ An easy way to implement an elastic touch effect for Android. Including in your project Gradle Add below codes to your root build.gradl
Glass-break effect for views
BrokenView Glass-break effect for views. Demo Download APK Usage Android Studio dependencies { compile 'com.zys:brokenview:1.0.3' } Eclipse Just pu
explosive dust effect for views
ExplosionField explosive dust effect for views Getting started In your build.gradle: dependencies { compile 'tyrantgit:explosionfield:1.0.1' } Ex
Android StackBlur is a library that can perform a blurry effect on a Bitmap based on a gradient or radius, and return the result. The library is based on the code of Mario Klingemann.
Android StackBlur Android StackBlur is a library that can perform a blurry effect on a Bitmap based on a gradient or radius, and return the result. Th
[] Easily have blurred and transparent background effect on your Android views.
##[DEPRECATED] BlurBehind Easily have blurred and transparent background effect on your Android views. Before API level 14 there was a Window flag cal
Library project to display DialogFragment with a blur effect.
BlurDialogFragment This project allows to display DialogFragment with a burring effect behind. The blurring part is achieved through FastBlur algorith
EtsyBlur is an Android library that allows developers to easily add a glass-like blur effect implemented in the Etsy app.
EtsyBlur EtsyBlur is an Android library that allows developers to easily add a glass-like blur effect implemented in the past Etsy app. Try out the sa
Implementation of Ripple effect from Material Design for Android API 9+
RippleEffect ExpandableLayout provides an easy way to create a view called header with an expandable view. Both view are external layout to allow a ma
Android L Ripple effect wrapper for Views
Material Ripple Layout Ripple effect wrapper for Android Views Including in your project compile 'com.balysv:material-ripple:1.0.2' Check for latest v
ViewAnimator view with a lollipop style reveal effect
ViewRevealAnimator Widget ViewAnimator view with a lollipop style reveal effect. Regular animation can be set (just like the default ViewAnimator) for
Android ImageViews animated by Ken Burns Effect
KenBurnsView Android library that provides an extension to ImageView that creates an immersive experience by animating its drawable using the Ken Burn
A component for flip animation on Android, which is similar to the effect in Flipboard iPhone/Android
android-flip Aphid FlipView is a UI component to accomplish the flipping animation like Flipboard does. A pre-built demo APK file for Android OS 2.2+
Android - a library that adds a glass-like effect to the action bar.
GlassActionBar GlassActionBar is an Android library which implements a glass-like effect for the action bar. The three most commonly used action bar i
Android library implementing a fading effect for the action bar, similar to the one found in the Play Music app
FadingActionBar FadingActionBar is a library which implements the cool fading action bar effect that can be seen in the new Play Music app. This libra
The idea of ResideMenu is from Dribbble 1 and 2. It has come true and run in iOS devices. iOS ResideMenu This project is the RefsideMenu Android version. The visual effect is partly referred to iOS version of ResideMenu. And thanks to the authors for the above idea and contribution.
#AndroidResideMenu 中文说明请点击 这里 The idea of ResideMenu is from Dribble 1 and 2. It has come true and run in iOS devices. iOS ResideMenu This project is
An Android library providing to realize wave loading effect.
WaveLoadingView WaveLoadingView - An Android library that provides a realistic wave-loading effect. Sample Usage For a working implementation of this
Customizable bouncing dots for smooth loading effect. Mostly used in chat bubbles to indicate the other person is typing.
LoadingDots for Android Customizable bouncing dots view for smooth loading effect. Mostly used in chat bubbles to indicate the other person is typing.
An Android view for displaying repeated continuous side scrolling images. This can be used to create a parallax animation effect.
Scrolling Image View An Android view for displaying repeated continuous side scrolling images. This can be used to create a parallax animation effect.
A TextView that simulates the effect from the app Secret where the characters fade in/out at different speeds.
SecretTextView A TextView that simulates the effect from the app Secret where the characters fade in/out at different speeds. How To Use Use it just l
An easy, flexible way to add a shimmering effect to any view in an Android app.
Shimmer for Android Shimmer is an Android library that provides an easy way to add a shimmer effect to any view in your Android app. It is useful as a
() An Android TextView with a shimmering effect
Shimmer for Android This library is DEPRECATED, as I don't have time to mainatin it anymore. But feel free to go through the code and copy that into y
A Material Design ViewPager easy to use library
MaterialViewPager Material Design ViewPager easy to use library Sample And have a look on a sample Youtube Video : Youtube Link Download In your modul
A pager for Android with parallax effect
ParallaxPagerTransformer A pager transformer for Android with parallax effect Installation in your build.gradle file dependencies { // ... com
ListView with blur/parallax/sticky capabilities
BlurStickyHeaderListView What is BlurStickyHeaderListView? It is a custom ListView with a header that displays pictures from an URL. It then adds a ni
An adapter which could be used to achieve a parallax effect on RecyclerView.
android-parallax-recycleview Integration Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file repositories { maven { url "https://jitpack
Android library to achieve in an easy way, the behaviour of the home page in the Expedia app, with a pair of auto-scroll circular parallax ListViews.
ListBuddies This library is not maintained anymore and there will be no further releases Android library of a pair of auto-scroll circular parallax Li