713 Repositories
Android sixpack-java Libraries
A minimalist web framework for building REST APIs in Kotlin/Java.
Kanary A minimalist Kotlin web framework for building expressive REST APIs fun main(args: ArrayString) { val app = KanaryApp() val server =
Komputation is a neural network framework for the Java Virtual Machine written in Kotlin and CUDA C.
Komputation Komputation is a neural network framework for the Java Virtual Machine written in Kotlin and CUDA C. Maven Komputation is available throug
A simple and modern Java and Kotlin vert.x web framework
Cloudopt Next is a very lightweight and modern, JVM-based, full stack kotlin framework designed for building modular, easily testable JVM applications
A type-safe cascading configuration library for Kotlin/Java/Android, supporting most configuration formats
Konf A type-safe cascading configuration library for Kotlin/Java/Android, supporting most configuration formats. Features Type-safe. Get/set value in
Kotlin extensions for Java 8 java.time API
kxdate This library contains various Kotlin extensions for the Java 8 java.time API. Rails Style Date Constants kxdate supports the Rails-style syntax
Generate realistically looking fake data such as names, addresses, banking details, and many more, that can be used for testing and data anonymization purposes.
Generate realistically looking fake data such as names, addresses, banking details, and many more, that can be used for testing and data anonymization purposes.
🚀 The Rapid and Delightful Kotlin Web Framework. Easy, elegant, and productive!
Alpas - The Rapid and Delightful Kotlin Web Framework. Easy, elegant, and productive! 🚀 Alpas is a Kotlin-based web framework that gets you creating
Three.js port for the JVM (desktop)
three.kt (Work in progress) Kotlin/JVM port of the popular three.js 3D library (r106). Be warned, while the basics works, such as: Primitives, Points
Examples ported in JOGL from "Learning Modern 3D Graphic Programming" by J.L.McKesson
modern-jogl-examples This porting is free but needs your support to sustain its development. There are lots of desirable new features and maintenance
Unofficial Actions on Google SDK for Kotlin and Java
Actions On Google Client Library This is a port of the official Node.js SDK to Kotlin. This can also be used from Java and any JVM language. Quick Fac
JVM Open Asset Import Library (Assimp)
assimp JVM porting of Assimp This port is being written trying to stick as much as possible close to the C version in order to: minimize maintenance t
Animated dark mode toggle button with Android & Pure Java. ☕
Dark-Toggle-Button Animated dark mode toggle button for Android Java. ☕ converted from kotlin to Java 201 lines: DarkToggleButton.java Android Demo In
Spotify Web API wrapper for Kotlin, Java, JS, and Native
Spotify Web API wrapper for Kotlin, Java, JS, and Native - Targets JVM, Android, JS (browser), Native (Desktop), and Apple tvOS/iOS. Includes a Spotify Web Playback SDK wrapper for Kotlin/JS, and a spotify-auth wrapper for Kotlin/Android.
Kotlin port of OpenGL Mathematics (GLM), a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specifications.
This is the Kotlin port of OpenGL Mathematics (GLM), written by g-truc (repository), a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based
Joda Time and Java 8 Time Extensions for Kotlin
koda-time Joda Time Extensions in Kotlin supply arithmetic operation (+,-,*,/) for joda-time DateTime in Kotlin language Usage val now = DateTime.
unsigned support for Kotlin via boxed types and unsigned operators
kotlin-unsigned Unsigned operators and boxed types (Ubyte, Uint, Ulong and Ushort) for unsigned support. To have a quick idea what this library offers
Simple TlsLibrary written in Kotlin - Provides DSL for creating TLS connections
SeKurity - Kotlin powered TLS library This library provides an API for creating basic SSL/TLS connections with standard Java Secure Socket Extension,
A utility to make Kotlin/Java tests random yet reproducible
Elmyr Elmyr is a Kotlin library providing tools to generate “random” values, specifically useful for tests Being an adept of testing code, I write a l
Greatly simplifies the complexities of Kotlin's reflection of Java
CatReflect 这是一个可以极大简化 Java 反射的复杂操作的工具,适用于 Kotlin & Java This is a tool that grea
PrimeCalendar provides all the java.util.Calendar functionalities for Persian, Hijri, and Japanese dates
PrimeCalendar ⚡ PrimeCalendar provides all the java.util.Calendar functionalities for Persian, Hijri, and Japanese dates. PrimeCalendar can be used in
KickAss Configuration. An annotation-based configuration system for Java and Kotlin
KAConf 2016-2020 Mario Macías KickAss Configuration v0.9.0 is an Annotation-based configuration system inspired in the wonderful Spring Boot. Its stro
Aspen is a simple test runner for Kotlin that allows you to write tests using your own DSL.
Aspen is a JUnit runner for Kotlin. It's inspired by Ruby's RSpec syntax, the default DSL has a lot more restrictions, but you can create your own DSL
A JVM implementation of the Pair Adjacent Violators algorithm for isotonic regression
Pair Adjacent Violators Overview An implementation of the Pair Adjacent Violators algorithm for isotonic regression. Written in Kotlin but usable from
This is the Kotlin port of the original OpenGL Image (GLI), written by g-truc (repository)
This is the Kotlin port of the original OpenGL Image (GLI), written by g-truc (repository), a header only C++ image library for graphics software. GLI
A framework designed around Kotlin providing Restful HTTP Client, JDBC DSL, Loading Cache, Configurations, Validations, and more
tekniq A framework designed around Kotlin. Modules include tekniq-core (click for more info) A suite of tools that have no dependencies on other libra
JVM OpenVR Wrapper
JVM OpenVR Wrapper (synchronized with 1.2.10) OpenVR SDK This is a kotlin wrapper of OpenVR, which is an API and runtime that allows access to VR hard
Zero-overhead 2D rendering library for JOGL using Kotlin
JOGL2D Zero-overhead 2D rendering library for JOGL This library is licensed under Apache License 2.0. JOGL2D is an open source Kotlin library that pro
LinearLayout & FrameLayout for Java Swing
Swan Layout Bringing LinearLayout and FrameLayout from Android to Java Swing Ins
Kotlin coroutine support for MongoDB built on top of the official Reactive Streams Java Driver
fluid-mongo Kotlin coroutine support for MongoDB built on top of the official MongoDB Reactive Streams Java Driver. Installation build.gradle.kts: dep
Jenesis Data Store: a dynamic, cross platform, high performance, ORM data-mapper. Designed to assist in rapid development and data mining
Jenesis Data Store Jenesis Data Store (JDS) was created to help developers persist data to a strongly-typed portable JSON format. JDS has four goals:
Simple Kotlin and Java configuration library with recursive placeholders resolution and zero magic!
Properlty - Simple configuration library with placeholders resolution and no magic! Properlty provides a simple way to configure an application from m
RxJava2 wrapper for aerospike-client-java
#RxAerospike RxAerospike is a wrapper for aerospike-client-java which re-implements the database operations using RxJava2 and Kotlin. This wrapper als
LevelDB client for Kotlin and/or Java 8+
levelkt LevelDB client for Kotlin and/or Java 8+. Initially project aimed to provide an alternative API for fusesource/leveldbjni's JNI layer fixing s
Kotlin extension library wrapping java.time API
KxjTime KxjTime is a micro library that provides a convenient way to create java.time API objects. Usage Simplify creation of various objects from jav
A sample project to debunk common misbeliefs regarding the impact the Log4j vulnerabilities on Java Applications
Introduction This project intends to debunk two common misbeliefs regarding the
A solution to fix obfuscated Java services after ProGuard has run
ProGuard Service Mapper This is a service mapper for the ProGuard Java bytecode
On-device wake word detection powered by deep learning.
Porcupine Made in Vancouver, Canada by Picovoice Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. It enables building always-listening
Open-source XMPP client for Android
Xabber - XMPP client for Android Open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support, clean and simple interface. Being both free (as in freed
A modular and portable open source XMPP client library written in Java for Android and Java (SE) VMs
Smack About Smack is an open-source, highly modular, easy to use, XMPP client library written in Java for Java SE compatible JVMs and Android. Being a
A modular and portable open source XMPP client library written in Java for Android and Java (SE) VMs
Smack About Smack is an open-source, highly modular, easy to use, XMPP client library written in Java for Java SE compatible JVMs and Android. Being a
Android Library to rapidly develop attractive and insightful charts in android applications.
williamchart Williamchart is an Android Library to rapidly implement attractive and insightful charts in android applications. Note: WilliamChart v3 h
Apache Cordova Android
Cordova Android Cordova Android is an Android application library that allows for Cordova-based projects to be built for the Android Platform. Cordova
This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework
api Project This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework.
This is the official Repository for Android Application for Hillffair, NIT Hamirpur
Hillffair This is the official Android Application of the Cultural Fest of NIT Hamirpur Hillffair made by YOU 😄 . Screencast link: https://youtu.be/J
Android Application for Taking Open Courses on the Stepik Platform
Stepik for Android Build Status: Code Coverage: Mobile application of Stepik. Store New version of Stepic App is now available on Google Play. Screens
Brazilian Holidays: a Kotlin/Java library that provides resources to consult Brazilian holidays and business days
Leia esta documentação em Português. Brazilian Holidays Brazilian Holidays is a
Gnucash for Android mobile companion application.
Introduction GnuCash Android is a companion expense-tracker application for GnuCash (desktop) designed for Android. It allows you to record transactio
Android version of Money Manager Ex
MoneyManagerEx for Android See our homepage at android.moneymanagerex.org for more user-oriented information. Dev Stable Basic information Money Manag
Easy to use, lightweight custom image view with rounded corners.
RoundedImageView Easy to use, lightweight custom image view with rounded corners. Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature About Th
A library for Android provides blurred drop shadows to ImageView similar to iOS image backdrop shadows
A library for Android provides blurred drop shadows to ImageView similar to iOS image backdrop shadows.Provides fast canvas draw as no renderscript needed .The similar shadow blurred effects can also be seen in iOS Music App.
Simple to use swipe gestures for an Android RecyclerView
Android-RecyclerView-Swipe-Gestures Contribution Contributions / PRs are welcome. 1. Introduction An easy to use and highly customizable implementatio
[Android] In-app language changing library
Localization Library Android library for in-app language changes support in your application Feature In-app language changing Default language when fi
Black Obfuscator is an obfuscator for Android APK DexFile
Black Obfuscator is an obfuscator for Android APK DexFile, it can help developer to protect source code by control flow flattening, and make it difficult to analyze the actual program control flow.
This project is an Android Studio plugin version of BlackObfuscator
This project is an Android Studio plugin version of BlackObfuscator, it supports obfuscating code automatically. More information about this project are in BlackObfuscator.
TwitterCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android.
TwitterCompose Demo TwitterCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android. About . This is
Android heart rate monitor
android-heart-rate-monitor Android heart rate monitor Introduction Android based heart rate monitor which uses the camera and its flash to determine t
Images grid JSON | Сетка изображений JSON
Images grid JSON | Сетка изображений JSON Задача Разработать приложение: Приложение должно получать JSON-список ссылок на изображения с сервера по адр
Manager of progress using Lottie JSON, compatible for Java and Kotlin.
Progress Lottie IGB Manager of progress using Lottie JSON, compatible for Java and Kotlin. Int Top In Bottom Important Info: To create a raw folder: R
Android & Pure Java library for sound manipulation
soundtransform Android & Pure Java library to shape a voice with an instrument. Table of Contents How to use the library FluentClient FluentClient sam
Kotlin SDK for Jellyfin supporting Android and the JVM.
Jellyfin Kotlin SDK Part of the Jellyfin Project The Jellyfin Kotlin SDK is a library implementing the Jellyfin API to easily access servers. It is cu
Customizable toast message library for Android
Android Custom Toast Message (SnToast) Customizable Toast Message Library For Android Add this in your root build.gradle file allprojects { reposito
Utility library dedicated for functional & non-functional codebases to simplify modelling of success and failure responses for the JVM languages 🔀
Expressible Utility library, part of the panda-lang SDK, dedicated for functional codebases that require enhanced response handling. Express yourself
Java bindings for Skia
Skija: Java bindings for Skia Skia is an open source 2D graphics library which provides common APIs that work across a variety of hardware and softwar
Unofficial client for Product Hunt with material design.
I have stoppped working on Jager in June 2015. If you would like to add/change a feature, submit a pull request. Jager An unofficial Android client fo
A material-design Hacker News Android reader
Materialistic for Hacker News Material design Hacker News client for Android, uses official HackerNews/API, Dagger for dependency injection and Robole
Udacity android nanodegree p7
Predator for ProductHunt Predator is a minimalistic client for ProductHunt. It shows latest products and collections fetched via ProductHunt api. It a
ConnectBot is the first SSH client for Android.
ConnectBot ConnectBot is a Secure Shell client for Android that lets you connect to remote servers over a cryptographically secure link. Google Play C
Android app which displays design image with grid lines to facilitate the tedious design implementation process
DesignOverlay - for developers and designers DesignOverlay is an android app which displays a design image with grid lines to facilitate the tedious l
Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text
Hash Checker About application Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text. Supporting algorithms N
Fast and simple application for generating and comparing hashes from files or text.
The app is in the Archive. You can still download it from sources below. You also can download Original Hash Checker (it is not in the Archive and sti
🚧 A fully open-source project for creating and maintaining a Kotlin-based Minecraft: Java Edition server.
Hexalite: Java Edition ⚠️ WARNING: The Hexalite Network is a work in progress. It is not yet ready for production. You may encounter bugs and other is
The Holo version of my popular Android Talon for Twitter app, 100% open-source
Notice This was the old version of Talon for Twitter. I have since open-sourced the Material Design version of the app. All future contributions will
10-bit Clock Widget uses 10 binary dots and their color to represent current time in 12-hour format.
10-bitClockWidget Me: 10-bit Clock Widget uses 10 binary dots and their color to represent current time in 12-hour format. Inner me: Shouldn't it be 1
Android app to share business cards with people nearby
Card Case Exchange your business card with people nearby (Website) Leave your paper business cards at home. With Card Case you can create your digital
Native Android app for Habitica
Habitica for Android Habitica is an open source habit building program which treats your life like a Role Playing Game. Level up as you succeed, lose
Material To-Do App
Minimal A fully Material ToDo app with minimal features, just enough to be useful. Screenshots: Download App Icon Designed by Christopher Gundersen Tr
Minitask is a mini, lightweight (5MB), and simple app for reminders/ todo list/ task management
Notice: This app is no longer maintained here. Please visit https://github.com/redlor/Minitask for further development. Minitask About Minitask is a m
Simple and powerful File Editor for Android. All is licensed under the GPLv3 license.
Turbo Editor Simple, powerful and Open Source text editor for Android licensed under the GPLv3 license. Download Contribute You can contribute to this
Google Play demo app for the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android
Mapbox Android Demo app This is a public demo of the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android. The demo app is available now in the Google Play Store and it shows
Realtime transit tracker of Pittsburgh's Port Authority buses using the realtime PAT API using Google Maps to Display the Maps
Realtime-Port-Authority The purpose of this was to create a real-time tracking of port authority of Pittsburgh, PA, using the realtime API given by Po
Adds loveable red pandas into Minecraft! Who doesn't love a Red Panda in their world?
🧧 Akali Adds loveable red pandas into Minecraft! Who doesn't love a Red Panda in their world? :3 This is a Forge and Fabric mod under their respected
Modern XML Parser for Android
Work in Progress Please note that this is still work in progress!, although quite stable and used in production. TikXML A fast xml parser for android
A Retrofit inspired WebSocket client for Kotlin, Java, and Android
Scarlet A Retrofit inspired WebSocket client for Kotlin, Java, and Android. Update We are working on a new version of Scarlet that supports other pers
Social Style Date and Time Formatting for Java
prettytime Social Style Date and Time Formatting for Java Learn more at https://www.ocpsoft.org/prettytime/ Java =1.8 (Support JDK DateTime API) Pret
Sample Code for fake Kotlin library written in Java
Jatlin このリポジトリは ブログ記事 のためのサンプルコードです。詳細は記事をご覧ください。 プロジェクト構成 :java-lib にKotlinに偽装したJavaファイルが含まれます。 :kotlin-lib は :java-lib をビルドしたJARファイルをKotlinから読み込んで実行
A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
Kotlin and Java API for generating .swift source files.
SwiftPoet SwiftPoet is a Kotlin and Java API for generating .swift source files. Source file generation can be useful when doing things such as annota
Conversations is an open source XMPP/Jabber client for Android
Conversations Conversations: the very last word in instant messaging Design principles Be as beautiful and easy to use as possible without sacrificing
An image manipulation library for Kotlin
Sketch An image manipulation library for Kotlin. Sketch doesn't require any external installation like OpenCV or OCR and can be used right away. It's
A generic library for quick development in Spring Boot using Java Generics.
slinky Now in Kotlin! A generic library for quick development in Spring Boot using Java Generics. Why "slinky"? A slinky is a precompressed helical sp
Implementation of MVVM , Live Data and Room DAO for a robust materialistic design
Someday App to manage Weekly tasks Because who needs to remind you every week to do Samething Preview Main Layout Light Dark Main Layout (Expanded) Li
Bible Study App, by And Bible Open Source Project
Bible Study App by And Bible Open Source Project Powerful offline Bible Study tool for Android Promovideo See promovideo in Youtube Users Please see t
Java library for RSS and Atom feeds
Rome Rome is a Java framework for RSS and Atom feeds. The framework consist of several modules: ⚠️ Maintenance and development of the project is curre
Hexagonal Architecture Java Example
Hexagonal Architecture Dev.to Hexagonal Architecture Article I have been working on many projects that claim to be using the Hexagonal Architecture St
Keep your code spotless
Spotless: Keep your code spotless Spotless can format antlr | c | c# | c++ | css | flow | graphql | groovy | html | java | javascript | json | jsx |
Free (libre) native Android Ethereum wallet
WallΞTH Native Android Ethereum wallet. Features Hardware Wallet Support TREZOR Support via USB-OTG - model 1 and model T are supported KeyCard KeepKe
Mobile translation application built using android studio and java.
Translate I'm here when you need translation 👀 🔨 Libraries used in the project : implementation 'com.google.mlkit:translate:16.1.2' implementation '
A Kotlin/Java library to connect directly to an Android device without an adb binary or an ADB server
dadb Blog Post: Our First Open-Source Project A Kotlin/Java library to connect directly to an Android device without an adb binary or an ADB server de
Android Contacts API Library written in Kotlin with Java interoperability.
Android Contacts API Library written in Kotlin with Java interoperability. No more ContentProviders and cursors. Say goodbye to ContactsContract. Build your own contacts app!
Akshaya Patra Donation App using Razorpay android integration
Akshaya Patra Donation App (razorpay-android-integration) Akshaya Patra Donation App using razorpay integration Dependency used : Razorpay : com.razor