2018 Repositories
Android video-player-library Libraries
Synth is CRED's inbuilt library for using Neumorphic components in your app.
Synth Synth is CRED's inbuilt library for using Neumorphic components in your app. What really is Neumorphism? It's an impressionistic style, playing
Android UI component library with stateful
Android UI component library with stateful
A Custom Video Player with Controls in Kotlin
UNT-Video-Player A Custom Video Player with Controls in Kotlin Hello folks, Here is the custom video player built in Kotlin; with SeekBar, fast forwar
A snapping fling behavior for Jetpack Compose
Snapper is a library which brings snapping to the Compose scrolling layouts (currently only LazyColumn and LazyRow). Check out the website for more in
A fast, lightweight, entity component system library written in Kotlin.
Fleks A fast, lightweight, entity component system library written in Kotlin. Motivation When developing my hobby games using LibGDX, I always used As
Jetpack Compose Text composable to show html text from resources
HtmlText Current Compose Version: 1.0.3 Compose HtmlText Text composable to show html text from resources Add to your project Add actual HtmlText libr
A lightweight, good expandability Android library used for displaying different pages like loading, error, empty, timeout or even your custom page when you load a page
中文 | English LoadSir 👉 👈 LoadSir是一个高效易用,低碳环保,扩展性良好的加载反馈页管理框架,在加载网络或其他数据时候,根据需求切换状态页面, 可添加自定义状态页面,如加载中,加载失败,无数据,网络超时,如占位图,登录失效等常用页面。可配合网络加载框架,结合返回 状态
PermissionX is an extension Android library that makes Android runtime permission request extremely easy
PermissionX is an extension Android library that makes Android runtime permission request extremely easy. You can use it for basic pe
Non-official Library Genesis (Libgen) Android mobile client.
Aurora If my noble work has helped you, consider becoming a . This is a non-official Library Genesis mobile client. The project is completely independ
Warscape core library. Includes common models for sharing between platforms.
warscope-core This repository uses for sharing common models between backend and frontend sides. Implementation $version available at top of README.md
Wallum is a superfast ⚡ lightweight wallpaper app, built using Kotlin, Retrofit, MVVM, Paging 3, Hilt, and Navigation Components
Show some ❤️ and star the repo to show support for the project Wallum Android App Wallum is a super-fast 🚀 , lightweight wallpaper app built purely w
A lightweight library to help you navigate in compose with well typed functions.
TypedNavigation A lightweight library to help you navigate in compose with well typed functions. Installation: You can add this library to your projec
A Kotlin library to use Jetpack Compose in Android and iOS. Allow to write UI for both in Kotin. Still experimental as many compose features are not yet available.
Multiplatform Compose A Kotlin library to use Jetpack Compose in Android and iOS. Allow to write UI for both in Kotin. Still experimental as many comp
Swiss army knife for identifying and fingerprinting Android devices.
fingerprint android Lightweight library for device identification and fingerprinting. Fully written in Kotlin. 100% Crash-free. Creates a device ident
Material Motion for Jetpack Compose
Material Motion for Jetpack Compose Jetpack Compose library for implementing motion system in Material Components for Android. 🌈 Core A library which
Gradle plugin that generates a Swift Package Manager manifest and an XCFramework to distribute a Kotlin Multiplatform library for Apple platforms.
Multiplatform Swift Package This is a Gradle plugin for Kotlin Multiplatform projects that generates an XCFramework for your native Apple targets and
Android library for generating ramdom IDs
Android library for generating ramdom IDs
Android library for the adapter view (RecyclerView, ViewPager, ViewPager2)
Antonio Android library for the adapter view (RecyclerView, ViewPager, ViewPager2) Free from implementation of the adapter's boilerplate code ! Reuse
RoundedStarShape and Polygon Shape for Jetpack compose
Rounded star shape and polygon shape for Jetpack Compose How to install copy compose-polygonshape directory to your project directory. Add entry compo
S2 geometry library in Kotlin
S2 is a library for spherical geometry that aims to have the same robustness, flexibility, and performance as the best planar geometry libraries.
StepperPercent is an Android library, which has a bubble view, icon stepper when seeking
StepperPercent StepperPercent is an Android library, which has a bubble view, icon stepper when seeking Screenshot Download The lastest version: dep
Kotlin Gradle plugins for conveniently setting up Kotlin projects (JVM/MPP), publishing, Dokka, etc
Arrow Gradle config Add basic config to a Kotlin Multiplatform project In an Arrow KMP project, just add to the plugin block: plugins { kotlin("mu
A kotlin based server for the milky store mobile application
Milky Store backend server A kotlin 💜 💜 based backend server to power up the milky store android application FEATURES : Secure serialisation 🤯 lead
Jetpack Compose BottomDrawerScaffold (Material Bottom Drawer)
BottomDrawerScaffold Current Compose Version: 1.0.2 Compose BottomDrawerScaffold which implements the Material Bottom Drawer https://material.io/compo
A lightweight particle system for Jetpack Compose - Quarks
compose-particle-system Quarks is a lightweight particle system for Jetpack Compose. There are endless possibilities for creating generative art with
An android library through which users can add a customized loading dialog box with Lottie Animations.
CustomLottieDialogBox About CustomLottieDialogBox is an android library which facilitate developers to add customized loading Dialog-Boxes to their an
A simple library for hide and show text with animation.
ViewMore TextView ViewMore TextView allows you to use a TextView by hiding the content of the text by a number of established lines and to display all
🪁 Android Resources Wrapper Library
Kite Android Resource Wrapper Library. TLDR Fed up with typing ContextCompat, resources and context all over your apps to access your resources? Say n
Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java
Most popular mocking framework for Java Current version is 3.x Still on Mockito 1.x? See what's new in Mockito 2! Mockito 3 does not introduce any bre
Odyssey it's a declarative multiplatform navigation library for Multiplatform Compose
Odyssey Odyssey it's a declarative multiplatform navigation library for Multiplatform Compose 🚧 WARNING! It's an early preview, so you use it with yo
🔥The Android Startup library provides a straightforward, performant way to initialize components at the application startup. Both library developers and app developers can use Android Startup to streamline startup sequences and explicitly set the order of initialization.
🔥The Android Startup library provides a straightforward, performant way to initialize components at the application startup. Both library developers and app developers can use Android Startup to streamline startup sequences and explicitly set the order of initialization.
Linenoise as an Android library
linenoise-android Linenoise built with Android NDK, packaged as an Android library with Java binding. This is not an officially supported Google produ
A simple navigation library for Android 🗺️
Enro 🗺️ A simple navigation library for Android "The novices’ eyes followed the wriggling path up from the well as it swept a great meandering arc ar
Add screenshots to your Android tests
Testify — Android Screenshot Testing Add screenshots to your Android tests Expand your test coverage by including the View-layer. Testify allows you t
A Simple Android library to get the number of words and give you the time it will take you to finish an article/story.
MinRead A Simple Android library to get the number of words and give you the time it will take you to finish an article/story. Prerequisite Androidx K
MovieTray - An application built to play around JetPack components.
Its a playground application focusing on Paging3, MVVM architecture, Kotlin Extension functions, Retrofit, DSL, Navigation component, MotionLayout, SharedElementTransition, Single Activity Architecture, DataStore etc.
DependencyProperty is a dependency resolution library by Delegated Property.
DependencyProperty is a dependency resolution library by Delegated Property. Overview DependencyProperty is simple in defining and
See a pretty error screen when your Android app crashes
WhatTheStack WhatTheStack is a library to make your debugging experience on Android better. It shows you a pretty error screen when your Android App c
A Kotlin Android library for heuristics evasion that prevents your code from being tested.
EvadeMe An Android library for heuristics evasion that prevents your code from being tested. User Instructions Add the maven repository to your projec
A multi back stack android navigation
Labyrinth A multi back stack android navigation MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020 Abanoub Milad Nassief Hanna abanoubcs@gmail.com @Linkedin @Github Scr
Android library for checking the internet connectivity of a device.
ConnectionChecker Android library for checking the internet connectivity of a device. Used in https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.muddas
ExpandableTextView - Read More TextView for Android
ExpandableTextView Read More TextView for Android Usage Gradle dependencies { implementation 'com.wayne.expandabletextview:expandable-textview:1.1
java.io.File compatible SAF library
DocumentFileX java.io.File compatible SAF implementation Tired of SAF bullshits? Implement SAF with ease! This library is in alpha stage. Most feature
A cup of library to Parse RSS for android. Also available as a ConverterFactory for Retrofit & Fuel
ParseRSS RSS Parser for android Simple, concise, and extensible RSS Parser in the entire coffee shop. It can capture these information from the RSS ar
Sentinel is a simple one screen UI which provides a standardised entry point for tools used in development and QA alongside device, application and permissions data.
Sentinel Sentinel is a simple one screen UI that provides standardised entry point for tools used in development and QA alongside device, application
Server Sent Events (SSE) client multiplatform library made with Kotlin and backed by coroutines
OkSSE OkSSE is an client for Server Sent events protocol written in Kotlin Multiplatform. The implementation is written according to W3C Recommendatio
AlertDialog for Android, a beautiful and material alert dialog to use in your android app.
AlertDialog for Android, a beautiful and material alert dialog to use in your android app. Older verion of this library has been removed
A library that enables reuse of Material themes defined in XML for theming in Jetpack Compose.
MDC-Android Compose Theme Adapter A library that enables reuse of Material Components for Android XML themes for theming in Jetpack Compose. The basis
GmailCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android.
GmailCompose GmailCompose Demo GmailCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android. About
🧚♀️ Java library to interact with YouTrack's REST API.
YouTrack Kotlin API 🧚 Kotlin JVM library to interact with YouTrack's REST API. Usage fun main(args: ArrayString) { val youtrack = YouTrack {
⭐ Offers a range of beautiful sheets (dialogs & bottom sheets) for quick use in your project. Includes many ways to customize sheets.
Sheets Sleek dialogs and bottom-sheets for quick use in your app. Choose one of the available sheets or build custom sheets on top of the existing fun
RecyclerView With No Adapter | Available For Jetpack Compose
About This Project Available on Google Dev Library Click Here RecyclerView No Adapter (Adapter Has Been Handled) RecyclerView No Adapter Using ViewBin
📲Android library to parse open graph tags (ogTags) from given URL.
ogTagParser Android library to parse open graph tags (ogTags) from given URL. Getting Started Step 1. Add the dependency Root Level Build.gradle file
Robust error-handling for Kotlin and Android
Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, on error-handling techniques: Consumer applications tend to favor robustness to correctn
Flower - Super cool Android library to manage networking and database caching with ease
Flower Super cool Android library to manage networking and database caching with ease. It allows developers to use remote resources on-the-fly OR Comb
A LaTeX rendering library for Android
Library for displaying LaTeX formulas on Android. It use cLaTeXMath to parse and render LaTeX code. The picture below demonstrate the demo application
👋 A common toolkit (utils) ⚒️ built to help you further reduce Kotlin boilerplate code and improve development efficiency. Do you think 'kotlin-stdlib' or 'android-ktx' is not sweet enough? You need this! 🍭
Toolkit [ 🚧 Work in progress ⛏ 👷 🔧️ 🚧 ] Snapshot version: repositories { maven("https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots") }
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Coil, Glide, Picasso, and Fresco.
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Coil, Glide, Picasso, and Fresco.
An Anime Watching App With Better player And Faster Servers
Kayuri An Android app to watch anime on your phone without ads.With GoogleServers and Manual Settings Toogles. This is a Fork Of Anime X Stream which
An Android library for picking location in Bangladesh
BDLocationChooser An Android library for picking location in Bangladesh Example Screenshot : Implement Library The library is available on JitPack, fo
Small code generating library for safe Jetpack Compose navigation with no boilerplate.
Compose Destinations A KSP library to use alongside compose navigation. It reduces boilerplate code and is less error-prone since passing arguments be
Easiest routing for compose-jb
Easiest routing for compose-jb Supported targets: Jvm Js Installation repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { implementation("io.githu
EasyVersion is a Gradle plugin that manage your app or library version.
EasyVersion EasyVersion is a Gradle plugin that manage your app or library version. Before Downloading Create easy_version.json in your root project d
Library provides an easy way to a add shimmer effect in Android Compose project.
Add a shimmer effect to the layout in Android Compose
A library to help implement barcode scanning
A library to help implement barcode scanning
An implementation of the Bloc pattern for Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
Kotlin Bloc An implementation of the Bloc pattern for Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. Documentation Documentation is available here: https://ptrbrynt.gith
An Android app built with Kotlin, consuming StarWars API to display characters of the popular StarWars Movie. It is built with the MVVM pattern and the latest Jetpack components.
StarWars An Android app built with Kotlin, consuming StarWars API to display characters of the popular StarWars Movie. It is built with the MVVM patte
An image loading library for android.
Bilder Download Add following to your project's build.gradle allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } }
KtRssReader is a Kotlin library for parsing RSS feed.
KtRssReader is a Kotlin library for parsing RSS feed.
Android network client based on Cronet. This library let you easily use QUIC protocol in your Android projects
Android network client based on Cronet. This library let you easily use QUIC protocol in your Android projects
Tutorial For openJDK 11 and AGP 7.0.0+ | Tutorial Multi Library Android in 1 Project | Groovy
jitpack-library-guide For openJDK 11 and AGP 7.0.0 + Please read every single note for detail Tutorial Click Here Kotlin DSL Click Here Repository for
Compose easy forms validation library
Compose EasyForms Focus on building your form UI while the library do the heavy work for you. Features Built in support for most of the Form widgets i
Field state manager and basic set of validation, fields
Compose Forms Field state manager and basic set of validation, fields
Simple event library to communicate between Activity/Fragment and ViewModel
Setup dependencies { implementation "com.github.skgmn:viewmodelevent:1.1.0" } If you don't know how to access to GitHub Packges, please refer to
Explode compose elements on click! Just add explodeOnClick() modifier!
compose-explode Explode compose elements on click! Just add explodeOnClick() modifier! Inspired from ExplosionField Getting started Go to library/expl
An android compose library with different Graphs and Charts
plot An android compose library with different Graphs and Charts (currently supports only Line graph, more types will be added soon) Download reposito
🍂 Jetpack Compose image loading library which can fetch and display network images using Glide, Coil, and Fresco.
🍂 Jetpack Compose image loading library which can fetch and display network images using Glide, Coil, and Fresco.
Elegant design and convenient to use RecyclerView adapter library based on Kotlin DSL.
xAdapter: Kotlin DSL 风格的 Adapter 封装 1、简介 该项目是 KotlinDSL 风格的 Adapter 框架封装,用来简化 Adapter 调用,思想是采用工厂和构建者方式获取 Adapter 避免代码中定义大量的 Adapter 类。该项目在 BRVAH 的 Ada
Android 11 Jetpack Masterclass Udemy Course by Denis Panjuta 🧑🏻💻
🍔 Jetpack Masterclass 🍟 Android 11 Jetpack Masterclass Udemy Course by Denis Panjuta 🧑🏻💻 🥇 MAD Score 📚 Tech stack & Open-Source Libraries Glid
StudyLive是anyRTC开发的示例项目,演示了如何通过anyRTC云服务,配合anyRTC RTC SDK、anyRTC RTM SDK、anyRTC播放插件,实现在线自习室的场景。
StudyLive 项目概述 StudyLive是anyRTC开发的示例项目,演示了如何通过anyRTC云服务,配合anyRTC RTC SDK、anyRTC RTM SDK,实现在线自习室的场景。 平台兼容 iOS 9 及以上。 Android 4.4 及以上 效果展示 上麦用户调用图 主持人的使
🐅 Experimental Kotlin library for Revolt (API subject is to change)
Kairi 🐅 Experimental Kotlin library for Revolt
This library is a set of simple wrapper classes that are aimed to help you easily access android device information.
SysInfo Simple, single class wrapper to get device information from an android device. This library provides an easy way to access all the device info
Dependency Injection library for Compose Multiplatform, Koin wrapper.
🥥 Cokoin Injection library for Compose (Multiplatform and Jetpack), Koin wrapper. It uses @Composable functions to configure KoinContext and Scopes.
A small API to add Quran with Tajweed Color in Android App
QuranApi A simple Api to implement Quran in Android. Add To Project Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gr
An in-display logging library for Android 📲
Vlog provides an easy and convenient way to access logs right on your phone.
A lightweight circular indicator view library for Android
A lightweight circular indicator view library for Android
🔓 Kotlin version of the popular google/easypermissions wrapper library to simplify basic system permissions logic on Android M or higher.
🔓 Kotlin version of the popular google/easypermissions wrapper library to simplify basic system permissions logic on Android M or higher.
To play video on layout background (textureview videoview for layout designs)
The normal videoview on Android is very costly in terms of performance. Also, due to the video resolution ratio and apk size, most developers don't want to include videos in the project. With this library, developers will have a performance-friendly video background with a few lines of code.
A lightweight task progress calendar view library for Android
A lightweight task progress calendar view library for Android
Google's ML-Kit-Vision demo (android) for pre encoded video.
Google's ML-Kit-Vision demo (android) for pre encoded video. Demos for camera preview and still image are also included. This project is actually extension of Google's own sample.
java.time Kotlin extension functions library.
Java Time Kotlin extension functions. Background Java Time became integrated to the JDK as of Java 8. It was a huge improvement over its Date predeces
An Android Jetpack Compose library for displaying on-screen messages
InfoBar Compose An Android Jetpack Compose library for displaying on-screen messages. Unlike the built-in Snackbar from the Compose Material library,
An implementation of a gif decoder written 100% in Kotlin, plus an associated Drawable for Android
An implementation of a gif decoder written 100% in Kotlin, plus an associated Drawable for Android
Xtra is a Twitch player and browser for Android.
Xtra for Twitch Xtra is a Twitch player and browser for Android. Download APK You can find released APKs here. Project status The app was removed from
A kotlin library of extension functions that add smalltalk style methods to objects.
KtTalk A kotlin library of extension functions that add smalltalk style methods to objects. Motivation Smalltalk is a pure OO language in which everyt