402 Repositories
Android web-client Libraries
A glossy Matrix collaboration client for Android
Riot-Android Riot is an Android Matrix client. It is now deprecated and has been replaced by Element Android Important announcement The core team is n
Tox Reference Implementation for Android [TRIfA]
Tox Reference Implementation for Android [TRIfA] This is not a Reference Client, it's c-toxcore for Android. This is now also a Tox Client for Android
Android client for Project Tox - Secure Peer to Peer Messaging
Jenkins: CircleCI: Antox is an Android 4+ client for Tox created by Mark Winter. It aims to bring the full multimedia support Tox offers to your devic
Webclient-kotlin-sample - An example of using the http web client to promote synchronous and asynchronous https calls
Web Client Consumer Kotlin Sample The project is an example of using the http we
OO Boot Camp reference implementation for Jordanian client in Kotlin in January 2022
oo_boot_camp_2022-01-24_kotlin Copyright (c) 2022 by Fred George May be used fre
SyncPlay - The unofficial Syncplay client for Android. Works with the Desktop version of Syncplay
About SyncPlay BETA: The unofficial Syncplay client for Android. Works with the
Kotlin-REST-Retrofit - Simple client to consume a REST API with Retrofit using Kotlin
Kotlin REST Retrofit Sencillo cliente para consumir una API REST con Retrofit us
Esp touch flutter plugin - Client-side (mobile) Android Flutter implementation for ESP-Touch protocol
esp_touch_flutter_plugin Client-side (mobile) Android Flutter implementation for
Link-converter - A web service that converts links between web url and deeplink for mobile and web applications
Deep Link Converter Linkleri, mobil ve web uygulamaları için web url ile deeplin
Discode - Discord-like app that executes code in messages
Like Discord, but you can paste and run code in the chat About This is a Discord
Web blog application written on Kotlin with Ktor framework
polytech-blog Web blog application written on Kotlin with Ktor framework Docker was used to create docker image Docker Compose was used to create cont
Blog implemented via the Storyblok Kotlin Multiplatform SDK (Android, JVM)
storyblok-mp-SDK-blog ... a showcase of using the Storyblok Kotlin Multiplatform Client to build a blog application (Android, JVM) What's included 🚀
A Certificate Authority with RESTful interface and WEB UI
minica A Certificate Authority with RESTful interface and WEB UI Home page View CA detail View Cert Detail With RESTful interface, you can manage cert
Official Tehro client for Android.
Tehro Tehro is a public transport guide Android application powered by Kotlin & Jetpack Compose. Database The database used in the app is stored at te
An Android client for the LibreNews server
LibreNews This project is archived. While LibreNews web will still be maintained, the Android app is no longer required to receive notifications. Plea
Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS
Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS
✎ Android client for Nextcloud Notes app.
Nextcloud Notes for Android An android client for Nextcloud Notes App. ▶️ Access 👀 Screenshots _ _ _ 🚀 Features Multiple accounts List, create, edit
Multiple accounts client for multiple Social networks. For Android
AndStatus AndStatus is an Open Source multiple accounts client for multiple Social networks, including Mastodon, Twitter, ActivityPub (Client to Serve
a diaspora* client for Android
dandelion* This is an unofficial webview based client for the community-run, distributed social network diaspora*. Description This is an unofficial w
An Android client for the microblogging server Mastodon
Tusky Tusky is a beautiful Android client for Mastodon. Mastodon is an ActivityPub federated social network. That means no single entity controls the
Web App for Facebook. Lightweight, ad-free, chat support and modern look.
Face Slim Releases | [pl] wydania: https://github.com/indywidualny/FaceSlim/releases Face Slim is an unofficial Facebook application for Android devic
Libre fork of FastHub, the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
FastHub-Libre This is a foss-friendly fork of FastHub Changes Cleaned from blobs Notifications work using native JobScheduler without any push messagi
Premo helps to implement the presentation layer and share it on Android, iOS, Desktop and Web.
Premo Premo is a Kotlin Multiplatform library that helps you implement the Presentation Layer and share it on Android, iOS, Desktop and Web. Focus on
Firebase Android client of the a multi device game
Warning: This project is unmaintained and uses a deprecated SDK. You should use the new Firebase Android SDK for your project. Cloud Cup Android clien
Android Client for Jellyfin
Jellyfin Android Part of the Jellyfin Project Download archive Jellyfin Mobile is an Android app that connects to Jellyfin instances and integrates wi
A modern MPD Client for Android.
MPDroid MPDroid is a MPD client for Android. It is a fork of PMix. You can browse your library, control the current song and playlist, manage your out
An open source project to provide push notification support for Android -- a xmpp based notification server and a client tool kit.
ANDROIDPN-SERVER README ======================= http://androidpn.sourceforge.net/ Push Notification Service for Android This is an open source proj
Lambda-snake.kt - Snake Game Implementation for Web using Kotlin programming language compiled for Javascript
Projeto da disciplina de Linguagem de Programação Funcional 2021.1 (jan/2022) 📄
yaxim - a lean XMPP/Jabber client for Android
yaxim (Yet Another XMPP Instant Messenger) yaxim is a lean Jabber/XMPP client for Android. It aims at usability, low overhead and security, and works
GitFlame is the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
GitFlame Yet another open-source GitHub client app built from scratch using latest and best Android practices. Tech stack & Open-source libraries Mini
WordMasterKMP - WIP Kotlin Multiplatform sample inspired by Wordle and also Word Master web sample
WordMasterKMP WIP Kotlin Multiplatform sample inspired by Wordle and also Word M
A simple MQTT Service that will keep running for the duration of your Android application using the Paho Java MQTT Client.
DEPRECATED I would strongly recommend using the official Paho Android client. Setup Make sure to add the service to your AndroidManifest.xml Edit the
FastHub the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
FastHub is currently under a huge refactoring, please make sure to submit an issue only if necessary. You could follow the development on V5 in this P
wall:splash is a free open source android client for the awesome unsplash.com service (Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos)
Wallsplash for Android Wallsplash is the cutting edge wallpaper app for your device! Wallsplash uses Unsplash and other platforms as image source, whi
Redditek - A reddit client for Android developped in Kotlin
Redditech The Redditech project is a reddit client created using Kotlin and Redd
Kotlin-echo-client - Echo client using Kotlin with Ktor networking library
Overview This repository contains an echo server implemented with Kotlin and kto
APIServiceLibrary - Minimized API library which is used call the server request in andorid.
Minimized API Service Library This is a optimized custom library for server communication. References taken from VOLLEY library. We can reduce the cod
KTor-Client---Android - The essence of KTor Client for network calls
KTor Client - Android This project encompasses the essence of KTor Client for ne
HowsTheWeather - 🌄 Your typical weather app, made really simple.
How's The Weather This is a simple Android app made with the purpose of learning how to access external APIs. It displays the data fetched from this A
Javalin - A simple web framework for Java and Kotlin
Javalin - A simple web framework for Java and Kotlin Javalin is a very lightweight web framework for Kotlin and Java which supports WebSockets, HTTP2
Apollo Kotlin - a GraphQL client that generates Kotlin and Java models from GraphQL queries.
Apollo Kotlin Apollo Kotlin (formerly known as Apollo Android) is a GraphQL client that generates Kotlin and Java models from GraphQL queries. Apollo
FXGL - JavaFX Game Development Framework
About JavaFX Game Development Framework Why FXGL? No installation or setup required "Out of the box": Java 8-17, Win/Mac/Linux/Android 8+/iOS 11.0+/We
POC Simulate Backend Biometric Authentication with AIDL (client app/server app)
poc-simulate-bio-auth-aidl POC Simulate Backend Biometric Authentication with AIDL (client app/server app) #How to use Install server app and run Inst
The Functional toolkit for Kotlin HTTP applications. http4k provides a simple and uniform way to serve, consume, and test HTTP services.
http4k is a lightweight but fully-featured HTTP toolkit written in pure Kotlin that enables the serving and consuming of HTTP services in a functional
The modular web framework for Java and Kotlin
∞ do more, more easily Jooby is a modern, performant and easy to use web framework for Java and Kotlin built on top of your favorite web server. Java:
Libraries for running GraphQL in Kotlin
GraphQL Kotlin GraphQL Kotlin is a collection of libraries, built on top of graphql-java, that simplify running GraphQL clients and servers in Kotlin.
Kotlin Serverless Framework
Kotless Kotless stands for Kotlin serverless framework. Its focus lies in reducing the routine of serverless deployment creation by generating it stra
A lightweight Kotlin web framework for backend developers 🦆
Kweb 🦆 Quick Start Read Getting Started from the User Manual. Overview Kweb is a new way to create beautiful, efficient, and scalable websites in Kot
Kotlin Web Framework for the JVM
Kara Web Framework Kara is a web framework for the JVM written in Kotlin. It enables developers to build succinct, type-safe HTML and CSS all in one l
Firefly is an asynchronous web framework for rapid development of high-performance web application.
What is Firefly? Firefly framework is an asynchronous Java web framework. It helps you create a web application Easy and Quickly. It provides asynchro
Hexagon is a microservices toolkit written in Kotlin. Its purpose is to ease the building of services (Web applications, APIs or queue consumers) that run inside a cloud platform.
Hexagon The atoms of your platform Home Site | Quick Start | Developer Guide What is Hexagon Hexagon is a microservices' toolkit (not a framework) wri
😳 This app shows a recyclerView grid list with images from Picsum Photos API 🖥️
GalleryImagesWithRecyclerView 😳 This app shows a recyclerView grid list with images from Picsum Photos API 🖥️ 📐 ✏️ Architeture Components MVVM View
Easily build reactive web-apps in Kotlin based on flows and coroutines.
fritz2 is an extremely lightweight, well-performing, independent library to build reactive web apps in Kotlin heavily depending on coroutines and flow
Korio: Kotlin cORoutines I/O : Virtual File System + Async/Sync Streams + Async TCP Client/Server + WebSockets for Multiplatform Kotlin 1.3
Korio Kotlin I/O : Streams + TCP Client/Server + VFS for Multiplatform Kotlin Full Documentation: https://korlibs.soywiz.com/korio/ Use with gradle: r
A minimalist web framework for building REST APIs in Kotlin/Java.
Kanary A minimalist Kotlin web framework for building expressive REST APIs fun main(args: ArrayString) { val app = KanaryApp() val server =
A simple and modern Java and Kotlin vert.x web framework
Cloudopt Next is a very lightweight and modern, JVM-based, full stack kotlin framework designed for building modular, easily testable JVM applications
A pure Kotlin UI framework for the Web.
A pure Kotlin, UI framework Single Language Doodle is written entirely in Kotlin and so are its apps. Doodle Web Applications do not use HTML, CSS sty
🚀 The Rapid and Delightful Kotlin Web Framework. Easy, elegant, and productive!
Alpas - The Rapid and Delightful Kotlin Web Framework. Easy, elegant, and productive! 🚀 Alpas is a Kotlin-based web framework that gets you creating
The invisible REST and web framework
Kovert The invisible REST (and WEB) framework. It is "invisible" since it does not invade your code, and only uses annotations for exception cases (or
Writing full-stack statically-typed web apps on JVM at its simplest
Welcome to Vaadin-On-Kotlin Vaadin-on-Kotlin is a web-application framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications
Spotify Web API wrapper for Kotlin, Java, JS, and Native
Spotify Web API wrapper for Kotlin, Java, JS, and Native - Targets JVM, Android, JS (browser), Native (Desktop), and Apple tvOS/iOS. Includes a Spotify Web Playback SDK wrapper for Kotlin/JS, and a spotify-auth wrapper for Kotlin/Android.
A web crawling framework written in Kotlin
About Krawler is a web crawling framework written in Kotlin. It is heavily inspired by crawler4j by Yasser Ganjisaffar. The project is still very new,
A Kotlin framework for building web applications in Javascript.
Yested Yested is a Kotlin framework for building single-page web applications in Javascript. Important This project is no longer maintained. Please ch
Headless Chrome DevTools Protocol Client (RxJava3 + Kotlin)
chrome-reactive-kotlin v0.7.1 chrome-reactive-kotlin is a low level Chrome DevTools Protocol client written in Kotlin and leveraging RxJava3 for easy
Web-based media manager with duplication detection, tagging, and more
reelchest 📦 🎞️ 📽️ A basic web-based media manager. Download or upload clips,
🌶 A simple Kotlin web framework inspired by Clojure's Ring.
kog A simple, experimental Kotlin web framework inspired by Clojure's Ring. A kog application is a function that takes a Request and returns a Respons
The implementation of SpleefX's web backend, used for statistics, debug reports, and wiki
SpleefX Backend The implementation of SpleefX's web backend, used for statistics, debug reports, and wiki Building The project uses Gradle's build sys
A framework designed around Kotlin providing Restful HTTP Client, JDBC DSL, Loading Cache, Configurations, Validations, and more
tekniq A framework designed around Kotlin. Modules include tekniq-core (click for more info) A suite of tools that have no dependencies on other libra
Intellij Idea Plugin that can convert HTML to Compose for Web code.
HtmlToComposeWebConverter Intellij Idea Plugin that can convert HTML to Compose for Web code. Turn this: Into this: Show some ❤️ and star the repo to
Asynchronous web framework for Kotlin. Create REST APIs in Kotlin easily with automatic Swagger/OpenAPI doc generation
Zeko Rest API Framework Zeko Rest API Framework is an asynchronous web framework written for Kotlin language. Create restful APIs in Kotlin easily wit
RxJava2 wrapper for aerospike-client-java
#RxAerospike RxAerospike is a wrapper for aerospike-client-java which re-implements the database operations using RxJava2 and Kotlin. This wrapper als
LevelDB client for Kotlin and/or Java 8+
levelkt LevelDB client for Kotlin and/or Java 8+. Initially project aimed to provide an alternative API for fusesource/leveldbjni's JNI layer fixing s
Multiplatform Kotlin library to interact with the pastebin.com API.
KPastebin Multiplatform Kotlin library to interact with the pastebin.com API. Setup Add the lib to your project's dependencies: Groovy (replace $kpast
Open-source XMPP client for Android
Xabber - XMPP client for Android Open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support, clean and simple interface. Being both free (as in freed
A modular and portable open source XMPP client library written in Java for Android and Java (SE) VMs
Smack About Smack is an open-source, highly modular, easy to use, XMPP client library written in Java for Java SE compatible JVMs and Android. Being a
A modular and portable open source XMPP client library written in Java for Android and Java (SE) VMs
Smack About Smack is an open-source, highly modular, easy to use, XMPP client library written in Java for Java SE compatible JVMs and Android. Being a
A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Ionic Ionic is an open source app development toolkit for building modern, fast, top-quality cross-platform native and Progressive Web Apps from a sin
Visualizing some advent of code puzzles using Jetpack compose for web
AdventOfCodeComposeWeb Visualizing some advent of code puzzles using Jetpack com
Maintenance mode library for spring boot web and security projects.
spring-boot-starter-maintenance spring-boot-starter-maintenance is a maintenance mode library for spring boot web and security projects. Download Grad
The client app for Android
handl-service-provider-application “Service Booking Platform ” is an advanced pl
Zoomable and Draggable Graphs based-on Jetpack Compose. Supports Android & iOS, Web and Desktop.
compose-graphs Zoomable and Draggable Graphs based-on Jetpack Compose. Supports Android & iOS, Web and Desktop. Features Full customization of the var
Twire is an alternative and open source Twitch client for Android
Twire This is a fork of the Pocket Plays for Twitch Android application. More information in this issue. Twire is an open source, ad-free Twitch brows
An unofficial Ximalaya FM client for Android entirely written using Kotlin language.
An unofficial Ximalaya FM client for Android entirely written using Kotlin language.
Server/Client Chatting application that allows to choose to chat in a group chat or privately to a specific connected user
ktor_chatting_application Server/Client Chatting application that uses Ktor webs
Odoo Mobile Messaging Client
Odoo Mobile Messaging Client v2.0 Odoo Mobile Client is Enterprise Social Client based on Android, enables you to access your Odoo Wall Messages from
Surespot official android client
android surespot surespot is a mobile messaging application that secures all messages using end-to-end encryption. Contribute surespot is free to down
Yaaic (Yet Another Android IRC Client) is as the name already says an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for Android devices.
Yaaic - Yet Another Android IRC Client Yaaic is as the full name already says an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for Android devices. This is the sou
An unofficial Gives Me Hope Android client for educational purposes.
GivesMeHopeAndroidClient (Version 2.0.+) (Deprecated) An unofficial Gives Me Hope Android client for educational purposes. This Android application al
SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, and Compose for Desktop based Kotlin Multiplatform project
BikeShare Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI based Kotlin Multiplatform sample project (based on CityBikes API). Running on iOS (SwiftUI) macOS (SwiftUI) And
Progressive Web App that allows you to create workout tables
WORKOUT Progressive Web App that allows you to create workout tables. ...work in
Open source Android, iOS and Web app for learning about and managing digital and physical security.
Open source Android, iOS and Web app for learning about and managing digital and physical security. From how to send a secure message to dealing with a kidnap. Umbrella has best practice guides in over 40 topics in multiple languages. Used daily by people working in high risk countries - journalists, activists, diplomats, business travelers etc.
A reddit client built for android
Development To build this app you need to have a Reddit account. Once you have that, head over to this page to get a client id for the app. Make a new
Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Wear Compose, Compose for Desktop, Compose for Web and Kotlin/JS + React clients along with Ktor backend.
PeopleInSpace Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Compose for Wear OS, Compose for Desktop, Compose for Web, and Kotli
Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
Ktor is an asynchronous framework for creating microservices, web applications and more. Written in Kotlin from the ground up. import io.ktor.server.n
Hacker News client with a focus on reliability and usability.
HN (Android) This is the official repo for HN, an unofficial Hacker News client for Android, built for reliability and usability. Download the app her
A cool, modern client app for the anime tracking website Hummingbird.me
###STATUS: PROJECT STALLED #Hummingbird for Android A cool, modern client app for the anime tracking website hummingbird.me. ##Preview In case you'd l
Unofficial client for Product Hunt with material design.
I have stoppped working on Jager in June 2015. If you would like to add/change a feature, submit a pull request. Jager An unofficial Android client fo
An Android Startup News Client!
Startup News Android App 本地下载 支持系统 Android 4.0+ 反馈 邮箱:ghanguo@gmail.com 欢迎直接在issues提bug; 作者 HalZhang 感谢 @Fenng 创建了Startup News. Changelog changelog Li
Yet Another Hacker News Android Client
Description Yet Another Hacker News Android Client You can use this app to keep up to date with the latest news from Hacker News: Top Stories New Stor
The is a Zhihu Daily App client, implemented using React Native.
ZhiHuDaily-React-Native The is a Zhihu Daily App client, implemented using React Native. This project can run on both Android and iOS, with more than