866 Repositories
Android OTP-Validation-using-firebase Libraries
CMPLR-Native - A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Take some advantage of Jetpack , View & Data Binding
A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Tak
FirebaseAuthentication - Login/Register Android Application using Firebase Authentication
FireBaseAuthentication This is a Firebase Authentication Application which will
A camera app using the new camera2 API in Android Lollipop
L Camera L Camera is an open-source experimental camera app for Android L devices using the new android.hardware.camera2 API. Currently, the only supp
Wallpaper4kapp - Wallpaper app get photo using Api From pexels
wallpaper4kapp this is wallpaper app , get photo using Api From https://api.pexe
This is a Bluetooth operational Chat-App developed using Kotlin which shows the list of available devices nearby and paired devices, upon clicking you can start chat
This is a Bluetooth operational Chat-App developed using Kotlin which shows the list of available devices nearby and paired devices, upon clicking you can start chat ... VOILA 🥳🥳 It is still in its early stages of development and currently let user to one-time chat at a time. It is under heavy development 😅
Movies App by MVVM, Coroutines, Retrofit,, Navigation Component, ExoPlayer, Coil and Firebase
Show-Time Movies App by MVVM, Coroutines, Retrofit, Navigation Component, ExoPlayer, Coil and Firebase Screens Home Movies Details Movies List Person
A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Take some advantage of Jetpack , View & Data Binding It's a mimic for Tumblr application , But a little prettier than him 😉
A blogging mobile application built with Kotlin using MVC design pattern and Take some advantage of Jetpack , View & Data Binding It's a mimic for Tum
AirQualityVisualizer is a demo application which is used to display demo for websocket continuous connection andhelps the user to visualize air quality according to city in a graphical format with charts, it is developed using Android Jetpack libraries and MVVM.
AirQualityVisualizer AirQualityVisualizer is a small demo application to view Live incoming data from a websocket and visualizing it using a chart in
YourStore app made in Kotlin for Local e-commerce. made during ASJ, Developer Students Club, BIT Mesra
Android-Study-Jams YourStore , Vocal for Local Problem Statement: Over past two years, local businesses have faced lot of troubles due to Covid-19 and
Lambda-snake.kt - Snake Game Implementation for Web using Kotlin programming language compiled for Javascript
Projeto da disciplina de Linguagem de Programação Funcional 2021.1 (jan/2022) 📄
Project-applocker - A concept app that uses Jetpack Security to encrypt user data such as text files or images using Encrypted Shared Preferences
SecureBox A concept app that uses Jetpack Security to encrypt user data such as
Github-Api-Pagination-Example - Pagination 3 Example using Github Api
Github-Api-Pagination Pagination 3 Example using Github Api Tech Stack 100% Kotl
ViewModel LiveData Sample - Sample of using ViewModel, LiveData and Data Binding
ViewModel_LiveData_Sample Sample Code for Lesson 8 using ViewModel, LiveData and
Takt is Android library for measuring the FPS using Choreographer.
Takt is Android library for measuring the FPS using Choreographer. Screenshot How do I use it? Setup Dependencies repositories { mavenCentral() } d
Wordle game clone written in Kotlin & using Compose UI Toolkit.
Wordle Compose Wordle game clone written in Kotlin & using Compose UI Toolkit. Screenshots Compose for Desktop Main screens Playing Victory End of gam
This is a sample app(For beginners - App #2) built using Jetpack Compose. It demonstrates the concept of State Hoisting in Jetpack Compose.
JetBMICalculator This is a sample app(For beginners - App #2) built using Jetpack Compose. It demonstrates the concept of State Hoisting in Jetpack Co
Read QR codes using google's mobile vision api, but without the hassle
Read QR codes using google's mobile vision api, but without the hassle
A simple MQTT Service that will keep running for the duration of your Android application using the Paho Java MQTT Client.
DEPRECATED I would strongly recommend using the official Paho Android client. Setup Make sure to add the service to your AndroidManifest.xml Edit the
A P2P library for Android for discovery on local networks using UDP and transfer in general using TCP sockets
Near Near is a P2P library which allows Discovery like Android NSD, though with greater reliability and easier-to-use NearDiscovery API Transfers amon
A multi-purpose library containing view injection and threading for Android using annotations
SwissKnife A multi-purpose Groovy library containing view injection and threading for Android using annotations. It's based on both ButterKnife and An
[Deprecated] Create iOS-like tables (UITableView) for Android, using UIKit object model.
THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED Please refer to Android docs to customize lists depending on your needs. ATableView Summary ATableView intends to
Android layout decorators : Injecting custom attributes in layout files, Using decorators to get rid of unnecessary class explosion with custom views
Decor Decor is a library that applies decorators to Android layout with additional attributes without the need to extend and create a custom View for
A simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android.
Convalida Convalida - (Italian for "validation") Convalida is a simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android. Documentation G
a zigzag view for using for ticket or invoice
ZigzagView a zigzag view for using for ticket or invoice Setup Step #1. Add the JitPack repository to root build.gradle file: allprojects { reposi
Microservice-arch - Basic micro service architecture using spring boot
Readme 4 applications are created: discovery-service: every application register
Integral-Calculator-App - Android app developed for Hackerschool's recruitment to evaluate simple definite Integrals using Simpson's Rule
Integral-Calculator-App Android app developed for Hackerschool's recruitment to
Notes-App-Kotlin - Notes App Built Using Kotlin
Notes-App-Kotlin Splash Screen Home Page Adding New Notes Filter Feature Search
Newyork-book-listings - New york book listings using API from nytimes
New York Book Listings Project This is a project developed in Android Studio whi
MVIExample - A sample app showing how to build an app using the MVI architecture pattern
MVIExample A sample app showing how to build an app using the MVI architecture p
Toedoe - A To-do app that made using Kotlin
Toedoe Android Study Jam It is a To-do app that I made using Kotlin in this app
This is a sample app that is part of a series of blog posts I have written about how to architect an android application using Uncle Bob's clean architecture approach.
Android-CleanArchitecture New version available written in Kotlin: Architecting Android… Reloaded Introduction This is a sample app that is part of a
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture using Dagger2, GreenDao, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView
Android MVP Architecture: Sample App This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture using Dagger2, GreenDao, RxJava,
This app includes Implementation of Huawei and Google Kits in a single codebase using Build Variants. 🗺 📩
Build Variant App 🗾 📦 📱 Build variant is a feature of Android Studio to create a project which can be build in different versions. By using Build V
This is a sample app(For beginners - App #1) built using Jetpack Compose
This is a sample app(For beginners - App #1) built using Jetpack Compose. It is a simple - single screen app to demonstrate use of basic Jetpack Compose UI elements like Text, Image and Button & LazyColumn (Vertical Recyclerview). It also demonstrates how compose manages state with a Boolean State.
Fifteen is a puzzle game created using Jetpack Compose for Android.
Fifteen / Jetpack Compose Fifteen is a puzzle game created using Jetpack Compose for Android. The goal of the game is to arrange the knuckles in ascen
Easy Photo Map is a photomap application that displays the location of the photo on the map using the location information included in the photo.
Easy Photo Map Easy Photo Map is a photomap application that displays the location of the photo on the map using the location information included in
Rick-and-morty - Rick and Morty app using Jetpack Compose
Rick and Morty Rick and Morty app using rickandmortyapi.com Current Screens: Cha
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) Wrapper for Android
Pushmanager Pushmanager is a small wrapper for FCM (Firebase Cloud Messageing) and your app needs just a few methods to interact with it. Installation
A simple custom view class to enter otp
otpview A custom view class to enter a four digit code which is used often these days for authentication. How to integrate the library in your app? Gr
An offline geocode library for android, powered by SQLite, using osm data.
An offline geocode library for android, powered by SQLite, using osm data. 离线地理编码Android库,基于SQLite,使用开放街道地图数据。
LifecycleEvents library is an event bus implementation, using lifecycle from android architecture components and kotlin language features
MinSDK 14+ LifecycleEvents LifecycleEvents library is an event bus implementation, using lifecycle from android architecture components and kotlin lan
Aplikasi Android "CafeApp With SQLite" untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat Ujian Akhir Semester mata kuliah Praktikum Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
CafeApp With SQLite Muhamad Taopik (1197050081) Untuk memenuhi syarat salah satu tugas ujian akhir semester mata kuliah Praktikum Pengembangan Aplikas
Wallpaper is a Wallpaper and ringtone Application which allows user to set and download Wallpaper or ringtone.
Wallpaper Wallpaper is a Wallpaper and ringtone Application which allows user to set and download Wallpaper or ringtone. Account Activity Home Fragmen
An advanced Kotlin (Android Native) application that uses SOLID architectural principles, consumes a RESTFUL Service, downloads & images using best practices
Dog-Playground Kotlin An advanced Kotlin (Android Native) application that uses SOLID architectural principles, consumes a RESTFUL Service, downloads
🌱 A test implementation of a Minecraft server using RESTful API taking advantage of the interoperability between Kotlin and Java.
🌱 Norin A test implementation of a Minecraft server using RESTful API taking advantage of the interoperability between Kotlin and Java. This project
MapSample - Just Sample App using Naver Map API
Sample Project: NaverMap 맛보기 Gradle Dependency // App 단위 Gradle dependencyResolu
AppGooglebooks - This app searches for books using the google books api
AppGooglebooks Aplicativo para exibir informações de livros da API Google Books.
Kotlin-echo-client - Echo client using Kotlin with Ktor networking library
Overview This repository contains an echo server implemented with Kotlin and kto
Send push notification from server to mobile application.
Firebase Push Notification Tutorial How Firebase Push Notification works? Firebase serves as a module between your server and the devices that will be
Yeomen Generator for Barebones Android Project with Android Architecture Component in MVVM pattern using Data binding support
Android Starterkit for Architecture Components in MVVM Bootstrap your next Android Project with Android Architecture component in MVVM in seconds ! Sh
SQLBrite helper class to manage database creation and version management using an application's raw asset files.
sqlbrite-migrations SQLBrite helper class to manage database creation and version management using an application's raw asset files. Note!: Current al
A Simple horizontal date selector build using android Paging 3 and RecycleView.
Horizontal Calendar Paging A Simple horizontal date selector build using android Paging 3 and RecycleView. No need to add any other 3rd party librarie
Baysafe - Baysafe App Built Using Kotlin
Baysafe Features Detects unsafe locations in the user's route either via Push No
WatchFaceAlphaKotlin - Demonstrates watch faces using the new androidX alpha libraries (Kotlin)
Alpha WatchFace Sample (Kotlin) Demonstrates watch faces using the new androidX
NukeJangala - Starsector Mod Template using Gradle and IntelliJ
Starsector Mod Template using Gradle and IntelliJ v1.2.0 Description This is a t
Face Detector Using Firebase ML Kit
Face Detector (Using Firebase ML Kit) Detects Facial Expression ------ Overlays
Android-livedata-validation - DataBinding ViewModel form validation library for Android ♻
Support/Features Supports TextView, EditText, AppCompatEditText, TextInputEditText, TextInputLayout and CheckBox Combine different types of error mess
CoroutinesPermission - Android Library for easy permission management using Coroutines
CoroutinesPermission Android library Android Library for easy permission management Install Gradle Add the JitPack repository to your project level bu
This will provide food data in JSON form and display it using RecyclerView and CardView.
retrofit-with-food2fork.com This will provide food data in JSON form and display it using RecyclerView and CardView. NOTE:Please register at foot2fork
PortalController - A rudimentary TeamViewer-like remote control app for Android, using ws.
PortalController A TeamViewer-like app for Android-to-Android remote control, using node.js and websockets (ws). Some insight The reason I call it rud
HostelMate - A Need For Hosteler (An Android App that helps students to find the best resource like hostels and tiffin centers etc.)
Android-Study-Jams-Hostel-Mate HostelMate - A Need For Hosteler (An Android App that helps students to find the best resource like hostels and tiffin
PhoneAuthentication - Firebase Phone Authentication For Android
PhoneAuthentication Firebase Phone Authentication. Android Clean Architecture us
Simple-todo-app - Simple Memo App using SQLite
Judul Aplikasi Aplikasi Memo Sederhana menggunakan SQLite. Fitur Aplikasi Memo y
BooksApp - Show the books list from an API with using retrofit2, picasso and JSON libraries
BooksApp Books App Show the books list from an API with using retrofit2, picasso
About-icons - Android library to easily give credit if using icons which require attribution
Android About Icons Library About this project Features How to use Planned improvements Screenshots Contribute Apps using this library License About t
Note taking application using Kotlin and Firebase Realtime Database.
Notes-Firebase-Kotlin Note taking application using Kotlin and Firebase Realtime Database. Features:- 1.Signup With Google 2.Create Note 3.Update Note
CatatanKu-SimpleNoteApp - CatatanKu helps to create your notes. You can edit and delete notes too. All Changes in database is pushed to Firebase Realtime Database
🗒 CatatanKu CatatanKu helps to create your notes. You can edit and delete notes
KotlinDSL - Gradle dependency management using buildSrc and Kotlin DSL
Gerenciamento de dependências Gradle usando buildSrc e Kotlin DSL João Santos Qu
Kotlinx-murmurhash - Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) library for hashing using MurmurHash
kotlinx-murmurhash Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) library for MurmurHash, a non-cryp
TikTok-RecyclerView - This is a demo app built using 'Koin' a new dependency injection framework for Android along with RecyclerView and ExoPlayer2.
TikTok-RecyclerView Demo About This is a demo app built using 'Koin' a new dependency injection framework for Android along with RecyclerView and ExoP
Application to allow user to search his favourite repositories from Github.
Github Search Repositories App details: The application contain one screen with a search field and list of repositories. After the user inputs, the se
Animated-splash-screen - Animate your Splash Screen using Lottie files.
Animated Splash Screen This small project shows how you can add animation into your android projects or create beautiful looking Splash Screen or Laun
Android-Edit-Textview-Library - A Library to manage properties of Edittext and Textview
EditTextviewLibrary This Library can be used to create Textview and Edittext efficiently , this library provides you 16 type of font styles, different
AnimatedViewsForm - Android librarie that allows you to easily find and animate child views from one or multiple ViewGroups using their tag, type, visibility and much more.
ViewsFrom is an android librarie that allows you to easily find and animate child views from one or multiple ViewGroups using their tag, type, visibil
A Glitch in the Data - a no-nonsense android library for form validation/validate and string matching
A Glitch in the Data A no-nonsense Android Library for Form Validation and String Matching - - 📺 Preview 📱 Compatibility 💻 Usage 📩 Download 📋 Fea
VIF - Validation Input Filter (VIF) for Android Edittext
VIF (Validation Input Filter) This library allows you to add various validations for the Edittext Input you use in your application. Features Email Na
ForkTest - A Paper fork, using paperweight
ForkTest - A Paper fork, using paperweight This is an example project, showcasin
Crunch-Mobile - A Food Delivery Mobile App which uses Modern App Architecture Pattern, Firebase And a Simple Restful Api
Crunch-Mobile This is a Food Delivery Mobile App which uses Modern App Architect
PlaceAutoComplete - Practice Repository for placesearch using google places Api
PlaceAutoComplete Practice Repository for placesearch using google places Api Ap
AppConversorMoedas - The currency conversion using an API to bring the data up to date
LAB - Criando um app de conversor moedas/cambio com Kotlin. O curso pode ser ace
TouchNotes - a note application using Kotlin
Touch Notes Touch Notes is a note application using androidx libraries, MVVM wit
TMDbHub - Listing movies using the TMDb API. You can filter results, view details, and save them to a collection
TMDb Hub Listing movies using the TMDb API. You can filter results, view details
This is a Kotlin multiplatform template project used to generate and deploy a natively compiled AWS lambda function using the custom runtime.
Overview This is a Kotlin multiplatform template project used to generate and deploy a natively compiled AWS Lambda function using a custom runtime. U
Plannr is an organizational platform developed using Java, in the form of an Android app, that helps university students coordinate their everyday routine.
Plannr Plannr is an organizational platform developed using Java, in the form of an Android app, that helps university students coordinate their every
Using Mockito with Kotlin
Mockito-Kotlin A small library that provides helper functions to work with Mockito in Kotlin. Install Mockito-Kotlin is available on Maven Central. Fo
Kotlin code completion, linting and more for any editor/IDE using the Language Server Protocol
Kotlin Language Server A language server that provides smart code completion, diagnostics, hover, document symbols, definition lookup, method signatur
Library App - Using Android studio / Final project
Library-App Library App - Using Android studio / Final project Screens SplashScreen: it’s launcher activity will be moved to MainActivity auto after 2
An implementation of Weighted Randoms using Kotlin
WeightedRandoms-Kotlin An implementation of Weighted Randoms using Kotlin Descri
DBMS Project Using Firebase
Booklets-DBMS-Android-Project User view A one-in-all tool that finds you what you're looking for. The app features a home screen that displays books o
🚀 Sample Android Clean Architecture on Rorty App focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
Android Clean Architecture Android Clean Architecture in Rorty is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android application development u
Simple access to Firebase Realtime Database.
FbRemoteDb Simple access to Firebase Realtime Database. Everything is inside a Bucket, there you can store your items. This is for simplifying the acc
A Tetris game written in Kotlin using JOGL.
A Fast Tetris Game Written in Kotlin Using JOGL. Note: This game is unfinished. Controls Arrow Key Left / Right - Move the tetromino along the x-axis
To-Do App using Modern Declarative UI Toolkit called Jetpack Compose
Daedalus-Scheduler To-Do App using Modern Declarative UI Toolkit called Jetpack Compose The Brief App that searches recipes from the api spoonacular A
Note taking app using SOLID principles and CLEAN architecture patterns. Uses Room database, MVVM, Use cases
ShoppingNotes Note taking app using SOLID principles and CLEAN architecture patt
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVVM architecture using Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and Compose
Saber News App sample project to explain how to build solid, clean architected App using MVVM and repository architecture Techniques Kotlin Clean arch
An android app using Mongodb for logistics tracking system.
DeliveryGo An android application for logistics tracking. Used technology Kotlin: In this project kotlin is used to code the full application on Andro
Spring Boot built using Kotlin, H2, Postgres, Hibernate and JPA
Spring-Boot-Kotlin-Sample Spring Boot built using Kotlin, H2, Postgres, Hibernate and JPA Getting Started Reference Documentation For further referenc
Android App using Kotlin, MVVM, ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutines, Room and DataBinding
Words Android App using Kotlin, MVVM, ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutines, Room and
Gymber: a searcher app for sports clubs using Jetpack compose way
GymberCompose GymberCompose is a searcher app for sports clubs using Jetpack com
Slack app example for Heroku deployment, written in Kotlin, using Bolt framework.
slack-kotlin-heroku-example Slack app example for Heroku deployment, written in Kotlin, using Bolt framework. You need to configure your Slack app to