5691 Repositories
Android android-clean-architecture-sample Libraries
Aegis Authenticator is a free, secure and open source 2FA app for Android
Aegis Authenticator Aegis Authenticator is a free, secure and open source 2FA app for Android. It aims to provide a secure authenticator for your onli
andOTP - Android OTP Authenticator
andOTP - Android OTP Authenticator andOTP is a two-factor authentication App for Android 5.1+. It implements Time-based One-time Passwords (TOTP) and
Authenticator Pro is a free open-source two factor authentication app for Android
Authenticator Pro Authenticator Pro is a free open-source two factor authentication app for Android. It features encrypted backups, icons, categories
Bike-share - Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI based Kotlin Multiplatform sample project
BikeShare Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI based Kotlin Multiplatform sample project
Scp-wallet-android - Lightweight ScPrime wallet for Android
SCP Wallet Android SCP Wallet is lightweight ScPrime wallet for Android. Get sta
NoteApp - Simple Note app using Room database and MVVM design pattern
General Used Room Database and Followed MVVM Architecture Pattern to build the a
Wireguard-android - Android GUI for WireGuard
Android GUI for WireGuard Download from the Play Store This is an Android GUI fo
Conversor-de-moeda - A Simple android app with database
conversor-de-moeda App simples com banco de dados. Conclusão do BootCamp Carrefo
This document will walk you through the steps for creating your Android app that runs a deep learning image classification model trained in Pocket AutoML and exported in TensorFlow Lite format
Pocket AutoML: Tutorial for Creating an Android App for Image Classification with Deep Learning Translations English (this document) Русский Overview
Free and Open Source Launcher.
Omega Launcher Free and Open Source Launcher Installation & Download Our builds are available on: Github: Releases or Actions (usually). F-Droid: Eith
This is an open source launcher project for Android devices that has been built completely from scratch
Description This is an open source launcher project for Android devices that has been built completely from scratch. The main goal of this launcher is
Taskbar puts a start menu and recent apps tray on top of your screen that's accessible at any time
Taskbar puts a start menu and recent apps tray on top of your screen that's accessible at any time, increasing your productivity and turning your Andr
Copylefted libre software (GPLv3+) card management app
Catima Copylefted libre software (GPLv3+) card management app. Logo by Rose (TangentFoxy) Stores your store loyalty and membership cards on your devic
Fokus - To Do app tailored specifically for students
Fokus - To Do app tailored specifically for students Fokus is an open source application that combines a todo list and a calendar that can help you ma
A markdown-based note-taking app for Android
Noteless A markdown-based note-taking app for Android Compatible with notes saved in Notable Features Markdown-optimized editor with syntax highlighti
A beautiful notes app
Background Although there are many notes apps out there, they're all hideous, glitchy, low quality or all 3 at the same time. Maybe the developer view
ProtonVPN for Android
ProtonVPN for Android Copyright (c) 2019 Proton Technologies AG Build instructions Install sdk, ndk, cmake, swig Clone this repository ./gradlew assem
Photuris III is an unofficial Android client for Firefly III, written in Kotlin
Photuris III Photuris III is an unofficial Android client for Firefly III, written in Kotlin. "Firefly III" is a (self-hosted) manager for your person
An open source GitHub Android client app, faster and concise.
An open-source GitHub Android client app, faster and concise.
Detailed listing of multimedia codecs on your Android device - with no ads!
Codec Info Detailed listing of multimedia codecs on your Android device - with no ads! Codec Info is a simple tool that provides detailed listing of m
CPU Info provides information about Android device hardware and software
CPU Info provides information about Android device hardware and software. Most of the code is written in Kotlin but some old widgets are still in Java.
Termux - an Android terminal application and Linux environment
Termux application Termux is an Android terminal application and Linux environment. Note that this repository is for the app itself (the user interfac
This service provides first-class custom ROM integration for my Repainter app, which offers customizable dynamic theming for Android 12.
Repainter ROM integration This service provides first-class custom ROM integration for my Repainter app, which offers customizable dynamic theming for
Carrot-style with android
carrot-android 🥕 Carrot-style with android. Download Google Playstore Dev Skill Jetpack Compose Material You (Migrated to Material 2 because there ar
Android + Kotlin Project for the 2022 edition of the Open Source Contribution competition, JGEC Winter of Code aka JWoC.
QuotesApp-JWoC Android + Kotlin Project for the 2022 edition of the Open Source Contribution competition, JGEC Winter of Code aka JWoC. 🎯 Project Obj
RTL marquee text view android right to left moving text - persian - farsi - arabic - urdo
RTL marquee text view android right to left moving text - persian - farsi - arabic - urdo
DrawingApp - A simple drawing app for Android, built using Kotlin
DrawingApp This is a simple drawing app for Android, built using Kotlin. How It'
QCalc - A lightweight semi-scientific calculator for Android
QCalc A lightweight semi-scientific calculator for Android. Written from scratch
FinnAds - A sample project to fetch advertisements from a mock api
FinnAds 📱 FinnAds is a sample project to fetch advertisements from a mock api.
OpenWeatherMap-API-Demo - Demo Android Application for OpenWeatherMap API
WeatherForecast Demo Android Application for OpenWeatherMap API Table of Content
Droidup - Simple, flexible app self-updater for Android
Droidup - Simple, flexible app self-updater for Android
Espresso - Use Espresso to write concise, beautiful, and reliable Android UI tests
Espresso Use Espresso to write concise, beautiful, and reliable Android UI tests
1aingenieriaygas native base android - Project base for the migration of the Flutter App of 1A Ingenieria y Gas
1A Ingenieria y Gas App Versión Wordpress Backend Este proyecto se encuentra sol
SlackAndroidClone - Slack android clone with Jetpack Compose
SlackAndroidClone - Slack android clone with Jetpack Compose
Lock Screen-Compose - Lock Screen with Jetpack Compose
Lock_Screen-Compose 此專案為Jetpack Compose練習題.
Owasp-top-five - An intro into writing code for greater Android Security
Don’t get stung by OWASP An intro into writing code for greater Android Security
Xctvplayer - xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google TV
XCTV Player An awesome Microsoft xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google
RedditVanced - Reddit Android app mod inspired by Aliucord
RedditVanced A rootless a Reddit android app mod ⚠️ NOTE ⚠️ This project is curr
Readow - Readow RSS Reader application. It’s fast and clean, giving you the freedom to enjoy your favorite news
Readow Readow RSS Reader application. It’s fast and clean, giving you the freedo
The Unit Converter app: easy, immediate and multi-platform
Converter NOW Why Converter NOW Converter NOW is an effective unit and currency converter 🚀 It is made to be easy, fast and immediately useable: just
Download Navi is a free and Open Source download manager for Android
Download Navi Download Navi is a free and Open Source download manager for Android 4.4+. 📋 Features Free and Open Source software (FOSS) Material Des
An open source Material Design file manager, for Android
Material Files 本文中文版 An open source Material Design file manager, for Android 5.0+. Get it on Coolapk Get the APK Help translation on Transifex Previe
Another unofficial Android MAL client
MoeList Another unofficial Android MAL client Follow the development on the official Discord server: You can help translate the app! Screenshots Featu
Yalp Store lets you download apps from Google Play Store as apk files
Yalp Store What does it do? Yalp Store lets you download apps from Google Play Store as apk files. It can search for updates of installed apps and let
Signal is a messaging app for simple private communication with friends
Signal Android Signal is a messaging app for simple private communication with friends. Signal uses your phone's data connection (WiFi/3G/4G) to commu
Silence (formerly SMSSecure) is an SMS/MMS application that allows you to protect your privacy while communicating with friends
Silence Silence (formerly SMSSecure) is an SMS/MMS application that allows you to protect your privacy while communicating with friends. Using Silence
QKSMS is an open source replacement to the stock messaging app on Android
QKSMS QKSMS is an open source replacement to the stock messaging app on Android. It is currently available on the Google Play Store and on F-Droid Rep
K-9 Mail is an open-source email client for Android
K-9 Mail K-9 Mail is an open-source email client for Android. Download K-9 Mail can be downloaded from a couple of sources: Google Play F-Droid Github
A glossy Matrix collaboration client for Android
Riot-Android Riot is an Android Matrix client. It is now deprecated and has been replaced by Element Android Important announcement The core team is n
Quasselclient for Android
QuasselDroid Legacy This is the repository for the legacy version of Quasseldroid. This version is not maintained anymore. Please open all new issues
This repository is part of the source code of Wire for Android
Wire™ This repository is part of the source code of Wire. You can find more information at wire.com or by contacting opensource@wire.com. You can find
Tox Reference Implementation for Android [TRIfA]
Tox Reference Implementation for Android [TRIfA] This is not a Reference Client, it's c-toxcore for Android. This is now also a Tox Client for Android
Android client for Project Tox - Secure Peer to Peer Messaging
Jenkins: CircleCI: Antox is an Android 4+ client for Tox created by Mark Winter. It aims to bring the full multimedia support Tox offers to your devic
Kore - Kodi/XBMC remote for Android
Travis CI status Codacy analysis Doxygen documentation Kore - Kodi/XBMC remote for Android GitHub repository for the Kore Android app. Kore is the off
Linux CLI Launcher for Android
T-UI Linux CLI Launcher Useful links @tui_launcher -- Twitter.com Official community -- Reddit Official Group -- Telegram Wiki -- GitHub.com FAQ -
MusicX is a music player app made using Jetpack Compose and follows Material 3 guidelines
MusicX MusicX is a music player app made using Jetpack Compose and follows Material 3 guidelines. Application Install You can Install and test latest
Android Widget for Ford Mustang Mach-E
Mustang Mach-E Widget for Android Intro This app/widget is based on the work of Anthony (tonesto7), which is in turn based on the earlier work of Davi
Remove Unused Resources Gradle Plugin for Android
Remove Unused Resources Plugin for Android A gradle plugin to remove unused android resources by Android Lint results xml file. This is useful for CI
SkyLine: KakaoTalk Chat Bot for Android
SkyLine Unofficial KakaoTalk ChatBot for Android JavaScript Engine graaljs rhino Why GraalJS? The Rhino engine also supports ES2015 poorly, while the
Test Case Implementation From Nutrition-Framework
About This Project (release-and-work-in-progress 👷 🔧️ 👷♀️ ⛏ ) Test Case Implementation Dari Nutrition Framework Version Release This Is Latest Rel
ChartPOC - Chart POC-Android
ChartPOC Chart POC-Android Time Frame Bar Chart Component To use the component j
Basic-MVVM-Example - Basic Android Application MVVM
Android's MVVM Architecture in Kotlin Why a simple app ? Because it's easier to
How-Many-People-Are-In-Space - Do you wonder how many people are in space? Now you can check instantly with this app
How Many People Are In Space? Do you wonder how many people are in space right n
An application which emulates the android chain reaction game on PC.
chain_reaction_desktop An application which emulates the android chain reaction game on PC. Built using JAVA, GUI built with SWING. Download the CHAIN
Butterfly - Butterfly helps to build adaptive and responsive UIs for Android with Jetpack WindowManager
🦋 Butterfly helps to build adaptive and responsive UIs for Android with Jetpack
Portfolio-kobweb - A sample project for portfolio built using Kobweb project bootstrapped with the site template
This is a sample project for portfolio built using Kobweb project bootstrapped w
Android-Boilerplate - Base project for android development with new technology
Android-Boilerplate Base project for android development with new technology, in
Webclient-kotlin-sample - An example of using the http web client to promote synchronous and asynchronous https calls
Web Client Consumer Kotlin Sample The project is an example of using the http we
Ticker - A custom time picker library
Ticker A simple spinner time picker library Adding dependencies: if your gradle
Steeldarts - An Android app that displays news of a darts club
Steeldarts News Android feed reader (Atom/RSS) for a darts club. It is free/open
Eurosport - Clean architecture MVVM (Modern way)
eurosport Copyright 2022 by Youssef Mourchid clean architecture MVVM (Modern way
SkillHub - A location based native android app built for the University of Nigeria
SkillHub SkillHub is a location based native android app built for the Universit
Flixbus-task - Android Coding Task from FlixBus
FlixBus Coding Task Features Fetch timetables from FlixBus service Show fetched
Rick-and-morty-app - Android mobile application development with clean architecture
Android - Rick And Morty App MVVM architecture Dependency Injection (Dagger) Ret
BabyBook - Android Mobile application about keeping a baby book
BabyBook Android Mobile application about keeping a baby book Used Tech Language
TipTime - An App for Android that Calculates Tip
Project: Tip Time Introduction A Tip Calculator For Android That Will Help You F
ComposeCreditCardView - Jetpack Compose Credit Card View Library
ComposeCreditCardView Jetpack Compose Credit Card View Library Screenshots 📷
SyncPlay - The unofficial Syncplay client for Android. Works with the Desktop version of Syncplay
About SyncPlay BETA: The unofficial Syncplay client for Android. Works with the
Wiped is a wiping app that helps you to delete a file permanently from your device
Wiped Wiped is a wiping app that helps you to delete a file permanently from your device. How Is It Done? Did you know that when you delete a file in
Todo List Application is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding new items, editing and deleting an existing item
Todo List Application is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding new items, editing and deleting an existing item
Software blur implementation for Blur, blur, and one more time blur article
Software Blur Software blur implementation for Blur, blur, and one more time blu
TicTacToe Game App For Android
TicTacToe App Android Tic-tac-toe, noughts and crosses, or Xs and Os is a paper-
RickAndMortyApp - Rick and morty, app about characters information
Rick And Morty App 🇧🇷 Aplicativo com tema do Rick and Morty, interatividade co
Basic-Android-Project - A Basic Android Project with proper structure and all necessary dependencies
Basic-Android-Project A Basic Android Project with proper structure and all nece
Viper - Sample Viper (MVVMR) architecture pattern
Viper V I P E R = View + Interactor + Presenter + Entity + Router My versions Wi
ExposedDropdownMenu - Android Exposed Dropdown Menus
Exposed Dropdown Menu Exposed dropdown menus display the currently selected menu
Esp touch flutter plugin - Client-side (mobile) Android Flutter implementation for ESP-Touch protocol
esp_touch_flutter_plugin Client-side (mobile) Android Flutter implementation for
Xposed OneLineClock - Always use one line clock on Android 12 lock screen
Xposed OneLineClock - Always use one line clock on Android 12 lock screen
Candash - A simple Android app that turns your phone into an instrument cluster for your Tesla Model 3 and Y
What is CANdash? CANdash is an Android app that turns your Android device into a
Matches-simulator-app - App Android Nativo de Simulação de Partidas de Futebol
Matches Simulator App App Android Nativo de Simulação de Partidas de Futebol - E
Toster - Small test dsl based on adb commands that allows you to test the mobile application close to user actions
toster Small test dsl based on adb commands that allows you to test the mobile a
EteSync - Secure, end-to-end encrypted, and privacy respecting sync for your contacts, calendars and tasks.
EteSync - Secure Data Sync Secure, end-to-end encrypted, and privacy respecting sync for your contacts, calendars and tasks (Android client). Overview
Backup manager for android
oandbackup a backup program for android. requires root and allows you to backup individual apps and their data. both backup and restore of individual
Wrapper of syncthing for Android.
syncthing-android A wrapper of Syncthing for Android. Translations The project is translated on Transifex. Dev Language mappings are defined in .tx/co
FTP server app for android
Primitive FTPd FTP server app for android. Some features: Can optionally be started on system boot Shows statusbar notification when server is running
Bitcoin Wallet app for your Android device. Standalone Bitcoin node, no centralized backend required.
BITCOIN WALLET Welcome to Bitcoin Wallet, a standalone Bitcoin payment app for your Android device! This project contains several sub-projects: wallet
My Expenses is an Android app designed to keep track of your expenses and income
MyExpenses GPL licenced Android Expense Tracking App. My Expenses is an Android app designed to keep track of your expenses and incomes, and to export
An android library that brings the floating action button expandable
Floating Action Button Expandable An android library that brings the float action button expandable. You can include optional contents and use everywh
📸Image Picker for Android, Pick an image from Gallery or Capture a new image with Camera
📸 Image Picker Library for Android Built with ❤︎ by Dhaval Patel and contributors Easy to use and configurable library to Pick an image from the Gall
SpotifyCompose - Spotify UI written on Jetpack Compose
SpotifyCompose - Spotify UI written on Jetpack Compose