5485 Repositories
Android android-grid-wichterle Libraries
An Android Dialog Lib simplify customization.
FlycoDialog-Master 中文版 An Android Dialog Lib simplify customization. Supprot 2.2+. Features [Built-in Dialog, convenient to use](#Built-in Dialog) [Ab
SweetAlert for Android, a beautiful and clever alert dialog
Sweet Alert Dialog SweetAlert for Android, a beautiful and clever alert dialog 中文版 Inspired by JavaScript SweetAlert Demo Download ScreenShot Setup Th
Advanced dialog solution for android
DialogPlus Simple and advanced dialog solution. Uses normal view as dialog Provides expandable option Multiple positioning Built-in options for easy i
Android - a library that adds a glass-like effect to the action bar.
GlassActionBar GlassActionBar is an Android library which implements a glass-like effect for the action bar. The three most commonly used action bar i
Android library implementing a fading effect for the action bar, similar to the one found in the Play Music app
FadingActionBar FadingActionBar is a library which implements the cool fading action bar effect that can be seen in the new Play Music app. This libra
A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
AnimatedBottomBar A customizable and easy to use bottom bar view with sleek animations. Examples Playground app Download the playground app from Googl
:fire: The powerful and easiest way to implement modern material popup menu.
PowerMenu 🔥 The powerful and easiest way to implement modern material popup menu. PowerMenu can be fully customized and used for popup dialogs. Downl
Android library that provides the floating action button to sheet transition from Google's Material Design.
MaterialSheetFab Library that implements the floating action button to sheet transition from Google's Material Design documentation. It can be used wi
Animations for Android L drawer, back, dismiss and check icons
Material Menu Morphing Android menu, back, dismiss and check buttons Have full control of the animation: Including in your project compile 'com.balysv
A new way to implement navigation in your app 🏎
ExpandableBottomBar A new way to improve navigation in your app Its really easy integrate to your project take it, faster, faster Important: library w
A menu which can ... BOOM! - Android
BoomMenu 2.0.0 Comes Finally Approximately 8 months ago, I got an inspiration to creating something that can boom and show menu, which I named it Boom
Neat library, that provides a simple way to implement guillotine-styled animation
Guillotine animation Neat library, that provides a simple way to implement guillotine-styled animation Check this [project on Dribbble] (https://dribb
You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.
ContextMenu You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app. Check this project on dribbble Check this project on Behance Usage: For a wo
Side menu with some categories to choose.
Side Menu Side menu with some categories to choose. Check this project on dribbble. Check this project on Behance. God bless Ukraine! Sample Sample &
The idea of ResideMenu is from Dribbble 1 and 2. It has come true and run in iOS devices. iOS ResideMenu This project is the RefsideMenu Android version. The visual effect is partly referred to iOS version of ResideMenu. And thanks to the authors for the above idea and contribution.
#AndroidResideMenu 中文说明请点击 这里 The idea of ResideMenu is from Dribble 1 and 2. It has come true and run in iOS devices. iOS ResideMenu This project is
an animated circular menu for Android
CircularFloatingActionMenu An animated, customizable circular floating menu for Android, inspired by Path app. Getting Started Requirements API = 15
A customizable, animated progress bar that features rounded corners. This Android library is designed to look great and be simple to use 🎉
RoundedProgressBar Easy, Beautiful, Customizeable The RoundedProgressBar library gives you a wide range of customizable options for making progress ba
Android CatLoadingView
Android CatLoadingView This project idea is from Link. Thanks for the idea. I like the animation in this picture: ...as you see it right now, I hope y
An Android library providing to realize wave loading effect.
WaveLoadingView WaveLoadingView - An Android library that provides a realistic wave-loading effect. Sample Usage For a working implementation of this
PLEASE NOTE, THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED AVLoadingIndicatorView Now AVLoadingIndicatorView was updated version to 2.X , If you have any
Android AlertDialog with moving dots progress indicator
Spots progress dialog Android AlertDialog with moving spots progress indicator packed as android library. =========== Usage The library available in m
Android fillable progress view working with SVG paths. This is a nice option too if you want to create an interesting branding logo for your app. Based on the iOS project: https://github.com/poolqf/FillableLoaders
Android FillableLoaders Android Open Source library providing an interesting fillable progress view working with SVG paths. This is a nice option too
Android loading view
Loading Loading is a poject with kinds of Android loading view. Yan can see the wiki for more detail. RotateLoading BookLoading NewtonCradleLoading Us
[Android] Round Corner Progress Bar Library for Android
RoundCornerProgressBar Round corner is cool. Let's make your progress bar to round corner Colorful progress bar with round corner on progress which yo
Android library to display progress like google does in some of his services.
GoogleProgressBar This library is not maintained anymore and there will be no further releases Android library to display different kind of google rel
An android library to display a progressbar that goes around an image.
android-square-progressbar First things first This library is setup to work with the Android Studio and Gradle. If you're using the Eclipse environmen
A beautiful, slim Android ProgressBar.
Android NumberProgressBar The NumberProgressBar is a bar, slim and sexy (every man wants! ). I decided to do this because I was really tired of androi
Now deprecated. A small Android library allowing you to have a smooth and customizable horizontal indeterminate ProgressBar
Description Small library allowing you to make a smooth indeterminate progress bar. You can either user your progress bars and set this drawable or us
Android widget for selecting a range of values.
MaterialRangeBar MaterialRangeBar is a fork from https://github.com/edmodo/range-bar that adds some basic material styling, as well as start and end v
A beautiful and powerful SeekBar what supports single、 range、steps、vetical、custom( 一款美观强大的支持单向、双向范围选择、分步、垂直、高度自定义的SeekBar)
文档还是中文好 Demo APK download fir.im Usage Dependencies Release Version allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
A simple material-based support library to bring consistent SeekBars on Android 14 and above
SeekBarCompat A support library for the material design SeekBar in Android for API 14 and above. Screenshot On APIs 14 and above - Seekbars would look
A simple image cropping library for Android.
SimpleCropView The SimpleCropView is an image cropping library for Android. It simplifies your code for cropping image and provides an easily customiz
Android widget for cropping and rotating an image.
Cropper The Cropper is an image cropping tool. It provides a way to set an image in XML and programmatically, and displays a resizable crop window on
:ribbon: The simple way to implement a beautiful ribbon with the shimmering on Android.
AndroidRibbon 🎀 The simple way to implement a beautiful ribbon with the shimmering on Android. 中文語 Download Gradle Add below codes to your root build
Photo picker library for android. Let's you pick photos directly from files, or navigate to camera or gallery.
ChiliPhotoPicker Made with ❤️ by Chili Labs. Library made without DataBinding, RxJava and image loading libraries, to give you opportunity to use it w
a solution that can help developers display pictures in any shape.
android-anyshape With the solution, pictures can be displayed in any shape on Android platform. Effect The left is the UI using normal ImageViews, and
An Android view for displaying repeated continuous side scrolling images. This can be used to create a parallax animation effect.
Scrolling Image View An Android view for displaying repeated continuous side scrolling images. This can be used to create a parallax animation effect.
Android ImageView that supports different radii on each corner.
SelectableRoundedImageView Note that this project is no longer maintained. Android ImageView that supports different radii on each corner. It also sup
Android ImageView that handles animated GIF images
GifImageView Android ImageView that handles Animated GIF images Usage In your build.gradle file: dependencies { compile 'com.felipecsl:gifimageview:
Custom shaped android imageview components
Shape Image View Provides a set of custom shaped android imageview components, and a framework to define more shapes. Implements both shader and bitma
A circular ImageView for Android
CircleImageView A fast circular ImageView perfect for profile images. This is based on RoundedImageView from Vince Mi which itself is based on techniq
Adds touch functionality to Android ImageView.
TouchImageView for Android Capabilities TouchImageView extends ImageView and supports all of ImageView’s functionality. In addition, TouchImageView ad
Android Library to make it easy to create CodeEditor or IDE that support any languages and themes
CodeView Android Library to make it easy to create your CodeEditor or IDE for any programming language even for your programming language, just config
A different beautiful Floating Edit Text
MaterialTextField A different beautiful Floating Edit Text Usage Surround your EditText by a MaterialTextField com.github.florent37.materialtextfield
A periodic text updating library
RotatingText Rotating text is an Android library that can be used to make text switching painless and beautiful, with the use of interpolators, typefa
An AutoCompleteTextView with builtin Adapter with the emails in the device.
EmailAutoCompleteTextView An AutoCompleteTextView with builtin Adapter with the emails in the device. The library automatically adds GET_ACCOUNTS perm
A little animation framework which could help you to show message in a nice looking way
TextSurface A little animation framework which could help you to show message in a nice looking way. Usage Create TextSurface instance or add it in yo
A editable text with a constant text/placeholder for Android.
ParkedTextView A EditText with a constant text in the end. How to use com.goka.parkedtextview.ParkedTextView xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.co
This is based on an open source autosizing textview for Android.
SizeAdjustingTextView This is based on an open source autosizing textview for Android I found a few weeks ago. The initial approach didn't resize mult
Android's TextView that can expand/collapse like the Google Play's app description
ExpandableTextView ExpandableTextView is an Android library that allows developers to easily create an TextView which can expand/collapse just like th
RoundedLetterView like the one in Android 5.0 Contacts app
RoundedLetterView RoundedLetterView like the one in Android 5.0 Contacts app Attributes to choose from: rlv_titleText - The text in the first row. rlv
:page_facing_up: Android Text Full Jusiftication / Wrapping / Justify / Hyphenate - V2.0
LIBRARY IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED If you want to adopt + maintain this library, please drop me a message - [email protected] Android Full Justific
A TextView that automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds.
AutoFitTextView A TextView that automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds. Usage dependencies { compile 'me.grantland:autofitt
() Android experiment showing a sinking TextView
Titanic for Android This library is DEPRECATED, as I don't have time to mainatin it anymore. But feel free to go through the code and copy that into y
An easy, flexible way to add a shimmering effect to any view in an Android app.
Shimmer for Android Shimmer is an Android library that provides an easy way to add a shimmer effect to any view in your Android app. It is useful as a
() An Android TextView with a shimmering effect
Shimmer for Android This library is DEPRECATED, as I don't have time to mainatin it anymore. But feel free to go through the code and copy that into y
An interactive indicator to navigate between the different pages of a ViewPager
Android PagerSlidingTabStrip (default Material Design) This library is not maintained anymore and there will be no further releases. For most of the c
Android library for fluid tablayout animation as seen on Snapchat.
SnapTabLayout Show some ❤️ and star the repo to support the project This library is the implementation of TabLayout as seen on popular messaging app S
UltraViewPager is an extension for ViewPager to provide multiple features in a single ViewPager.
UltraViewPager 中文文档 ProjectUltraViewPager is a ViewPager extension that encapsulates multiple features, mainly to provide a unified solution for multi
Navigation tab bar with colorful interactions.
NavigationTabBar Navigation tab bar with colorful interactions. You can check the sample app here. Warn This library is not more supported. If you wa
Navigation tab strip with smooth interaction.
NavigationTabStrip Navigation tab strip with smooth interaction. You can check the sample app here. Warn This library is not more supported. If you w
A nicer-looking, more intuitive and highly customizable alternative for radio buttons and dropdowns for Android.
SwipeSelector Undergoing for some API changes for a 2.0 major version, see example usage in the sample module! What and why? Bored of dull looking rad
SCViewPager Jazz for android A simple ViewPager extends that provide scroll based animation like Jazz Hands for iOS. Jazz Hands library provided by IF
A Material Design ViewPager easy to use library
MaterialViewPager Material Design ViewPager easy to use library Sample And have a look on a sample Youtube Video : Youtube Link Download In your modul
This project aims to provide a working page flip implementation for usage in ListView.
Changes: Made clickable views like a button clickable inside the FlipViewPager. Use RecyclerView. Updated to API 23. Added support for close clicks on
A custom ViewPager title strip which gives continuous feedback to the user when scrolling
SmartTabLayout A custom ViewPager title strip which gives continuous feedback to the user when scrolling. This library has been added some features an
ViewPagers library for Android
freepager Ready-to-use view pagers for your project. Based on Swipes navigation demo repository Usage: Gradle: dependencies { compile 'pro.alexza
ParallaxHeaderViewPager Example HeaderView to secure the top left and right swipe at ViewPager even when a sample code for implementing HeaderView UI
Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock.
Android ViewPagerIndicator Paging indicator widgets that are compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library to improve discoverability
Library containing common animations needed for transforming ViewPager scrolling for Android v13+.
ViewPagerTransforms Library containing common animations needed for transforming ViewPager scrolling on Android v13+. This library is a rewrite of the
A pager for Android with parallax effect
ParallaxPagerTransformer A pager transformer for Android with parallax effect Installation in your build.gradle file dependencies { // ... com
Kotlin way of building RecyclerView Adapter 🧩. You do not have to write RecyclerView Adapters again and again and suffer from handling of different view types. Kiel will help you.
Kiel Kiel is a RecyclerView.Adapter with a minimalistic and convenient Kotlin DSL which provides utility on top of Android's normal RecyclerView.Adapt
[UNMAINTAINED] Sticky Headers decorator for Android's RecyclerView
This project is no longer being maintained sticky-headers-recyclerview This decorator allows you to easily create section headers for RecyclerViews us
👇 Easy Google Photos style multi-selection for RecyclerViews, powered by Kotlin and AndroidX.
Drag Select Recycler View This library allows you to implement Google Photos style multi-selection in your apps! You start by long pressing an item in
Dividers is a simple Android library to create easy separators for your RecyclerViews
Dividers Dividers is an Android library to easily create separators for your RecyclerViews. It supports a wide range of dividers from simple ones, tha
ItemDecoration for RecyclerView using LinearLayoutManager for Android
RecyclerItemDecoration RecyclerItemDecoration allows you to draw divider between items in recyclerview with multiple ViewType without considering item
RecyclerView extension library which provides advanced features. (ex. Google's Inbox app like swiping, Play Music app like drag and drop sorting)
Advanced RecyclerView This RecyclerView extension library provides Google's Inbox app like swiping, Play Music app like drag-and-drop sorting and expa
*** WARNING: This library is no longer maintained *** An easy way to add a simple 'swipe-and-do-something' behavior to your `RecyclerView` items. Just like in Gmail or Inbox apps.
SwipeToAction An easy way to add a simple 'swipe-and-do-something' behavior to your RecyclerView items. Just like in Gmail or Inbox apps. Integration
Android library defining adapter classes of RecyclerView to manage multiple view types
RecyclerView-MultipleViewTypeAdapter RecyclerView adapter classes for managing multiple view types Release Note [Release Note] (https://github.com/yqr
AndroidTreeView. TreeView implementation for android
AndroidTreeView Recent changes 2D scrolling mode added, keep in mind this comes with few limitations: you won't be able not place views on right side
Android library providing simple way to control divider items (ItemDecoration) of RecyclerView
RecyclerView-FlexibleDivider Android library providing simple way to control divider items of RecyclerView Release Note [Release Note] (https://github
An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
RecyclerView Animators RecyclerView Animators is an Android library that allows developers to easily create RecyclerView with animations. Please feel
An adapter which could be used to achieve a parallax effect on RecyclerView.
android-parallax-recycleview Integration Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file repositories { maven { url "https://jitpack
An Android staggered grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes.
AndroidStaggeredGrid ##Notice - Deprecated - 09-2015 This library has been deprecated. We will no longer be shipping any updates or approving communit
Drag and drop GridView for Android
DynamicGrid Drag and drop GridView for Android. Depricated It's much better to use solutions based on recycler view. For example https://github.com/h6
Android ListView that mimics a GridView with asymmetric items. Supports items with row span and column span
AsymmetricGridView An Android custom ListView that implements multiple columns and variable sized elements. Please note that this is currently in a pr
Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views.
Android-ObservableScrollView Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views. It's easy to interact with the Toolbar introduced in Androi
Android library to achieve in an easy way, the behaviour of the home page in the Expedia app, with a pair of auto-scroll circular parallax ListViews.
ListBuddies This library is not maintained anymore and there will be no further releases Android library of a pair of auto-scroll circular parallax Li
An android library for section headers that stick to the top
StickyListHeaders StickyListHeaders is an Android library that makes it easy to integrate section headers in your ListView. These section headers stic
An Android custom ListView and ScrollView with pull to zoom-in.
PullZoomView An Android custom ListView and ScrollView with pull to zoom-in. Features Set ZoomView enable Add HeaderView Custom ZoomView Parallax or N
. Android library that integrate sticky section headers in your RecyclerView
recyclerview-stickyheaders Recyclerview-stickyheaders is an Android library that makes it easy to integrate section headers in your RecyclerView. Thes
Android library to display a ListView whose cells are not rigid but flabby and react to ListView scroll.
FlabbyListView This library is not maintained anymore and there will be no further releases Android library to display a ListView which cells are not
Floating Action Button for Android based on Material Design specification
FloatingActionButton Yet another library for drawing Material Design promoted actions. Features Support for normal 56dp and mini 40dp buttons. Customi
[] Android floating action button
DEPRECATED Use the FloatingActionButton from the support library instead. FloatingActionButton Description Android floating action button which reacts
AwesomeSwitch is a replacement for the standard Switch(View) android offers, and it offers much more customization than the standard switch component.
AwesomeSwitch AwesomeSwitch is a replacement for the standard Switch(View) android offers, and it offers much more customization than the standard swi
Button for android with animations for transition and error states.
Transition Button Android Preview Expand animation: Shake animation: Installation Gradle dependencies { implementation 'com.royrodriguez:transitionbu
Android button which moves in eight direction.
Moving Button Android button which moves in eight direction. Preview Sample Demo You can download demo movie file here : demo.mov It's also on Youtube
FButton - a flat button library for Android
FButton FButton is a custom Button of Android with "Flat UI" concept. FButton's design get inspiration from designmono. This library is very small and
Circle button widget for Android
DEPRECATED This library is deprecated and no new development is taking place. Consider using a FAB(Floating action button) instead. E.g. the Android D
Android Buttons With Built-in Progress Meters.
Description Android Buttons With Built-in Progress Meters. Wiki Home Screenshots User Guide Integration The lib is available on Maven Central, you can