5532 Repositories
Android android-linear-layout-manager Libraries
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile App Template
KMMT : Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Template Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Development Simplified KMMT is a KMM based project template designed to simpli
Gradle plugin for simplify Kotlin Multiplatform mobile configurations
Mobile Multiplatform gradle plugin This is a Gradle plugin for simple setup of Kotlin Multiplatform mobile Gradle modules. Setup buildSrc/build.gradle
Redux implementation for Kotlin (supports multiplatform JVM, native, JS, WASM)
Redux-Kotlin ![badge][badge-ios] A redux standard for Kotlin that supports multiplatform projects. Full documentation at http://reduxkotlin.org. Misso
Extendable MVI framework for Kotlin Multiplatform with powerful debugging tools (logging and time travel), inspired by Badoo MVICore library
Should you have any questions or ideas please welcome to the Slack channel: #mvikotlin Inspiration This project is inspired by Badoo MVICore library.
Model-View-ViewModel architecture components for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
Mobile Kotlin Model-View-ViewModel architecture components This is a Kotlin Multiplatform library that provides architecture components of Model-View-
Kotlin Multiplatform Router for Android and iOS
A powerful Kotlin Multiplatform Router for Android and iOS Support I am happy to help you with any problem on gitter Feel free to open any new issue!
Multiplatform UI DSL with screen management in common code for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
Mobile Kotlin widgets This is a Kotlin MultiPlatform library that provides declarative UI and application screens management in common code. You can i
A Bluetooth kotlin multiplatform "Cross-Platform" library for iOS and Android
Blue-Falcon A Bluetooth "Cross Platform" Kotlin Multiplatform library for iOS, Android, MacOS, Raspberry Pi and Javascript. Bluetooth in general has t
DI can be simple. Forget about modules and components. Just use it!
PopKorn - Kotlin Multiplatform DI PopKorn is a simple, powerful and lightweight Kotlin Multiplatform Dependency Injector. It doesn't need any modules
Koin - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin
What is KOIN? - https://insert-koin.io A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin developers. Koin is a DSL, a light container
Painless Kotlin Dependency Injection
KOtlin DEpendency INjection Kodein-DI is a very simple and yet very useful dependency retrieval container. it is very easy to use and configure. Kodei
Kotlin Multi Platform Logger, for android an ios : Logcat & print
Multiplatform Preferences Use a single object : Logger in your kotlin shared projects to display logs Note you can also use it in your real code on An
Recos - experimental ts/jsx to Android Compose/SwiftUI compiler
Recos - experimental ts/jsx to Android Compose/SwiftUI compiler This repository contains an early prototype of Recos, an experimental compiler, which
A feed for GitHub, written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose.
Gimmick A while back, I noticed that the official GitHub app doesn't have a feed similar to the one can find on the GitHub homepage. Naturally I had t
Alkatraz is an app that helps you to Reach your goals by managing your Habits .
Alkatraz - Build healthy habits for healthy life Alkatraz is an app that helps you to Reach your goals by managing your Habits . It's makes your life
SegmentedController is an Android UI library for using customizable RadioGroup with RadioButtons.
SegmentedController is an Android UI library for using customizable RadioGroup with RadioButtons.
Android application allowing to sniff and inject Zigbee, Mosart and Enhanced ShockBurst packets on a Samsung Galaxy S20
This Android application allows to sniff and inject Zigbee, Mosart and Enhanced ShockBurst packets from a Samsung Galaxy S20 smartphone. It interacts with a set of patches installed on the phone Bluetooth controller, allowing to add new capabilities to communicate using the previously mentioned protocols.
Purpose for this base architectural project is to load it with all latest components and libraries So it become reference for all kind of Android projects
The purpose of this base architectural project is to load it with all the latest components and libraries, So it becomes a reference for all kinds of Android projects
An android app that show us nike products and user can buy them or add to shopping cart.
Nike Store-Android-App An android app that show us nike products and user can buy them or add to shopping cart. Screenshots Libraries included Materia
Circular motion is a ViewPager library that can be used to make Awesome Onboarding designs.
CircularMotion Android Circular Motion Onboarding library Circular motion is a ViewPager library that can be used to make Awesome Onboarding designs.
This repo contains examples of all the functionalities of sceneform, Face filter , Object Placement etc
ARCore-Projects This repo uses sceneform 1.17.1 to demonstrate the usage of different features of arcore such as, Augmented Faces Augmented images AR
To help to promote your android app by prompting users to rate your app in a bottom Sheet.
RateBottomSheet This an Android library to help to promote your Android App by prompting users to rate your app in the Google Play Store with a materi
A small Crypto app with neat UI.
CryptoAppUI A small Crypto app with neat UI. Note: To login in or sign up just enter any dummy values. Perform crypto transaction though this app usin
This is an Augmented Reality Android app that is made by using ARcore and Sceneform SDK. 📸 🎉
ARCore Furniture Sample Furniture Sample with Scenform SDK This is a Augmented Reality Android app which is made by using ARcore and Sceneform SDK. Au
LiquidSwipe is a ViewPager library that can be used to make Awesome Onboarding designs.
LiquidSwipe LiquidSwipe is a ViewPager library that can be used to make Awesome Onboarding designs. Usage Set up the dependency Add the mavenCentral()
Book Parking is a demo application based on MVVM architecture. The app allows users to booking parking slots, the app uses firebase for the backend.
Book Parking is a demo application based on MVVM architecture. The app allows users to booking parking slots, the app uses firebase for the backend.
Green Pass: PDF Reader (unofficial) Android App
Green Pass: PDF Reader (unofficial) Android App Offers a convenient access to a single one-sided PDF document and its QR code (if present in the docum
Fire TV Sample App Android - Touch and D-Pad
Fire TV Sample App Android - Touch and D-Pad This sample Android project demonstrates how to build the main UI of a Fire TV application in order to su
🚙 Cha로와 안드Ro이드만 있으면 어디든 갈 수 있어🚙
ChaRo ChaRo-Android Developer 한진희 곽호택 한승현 Github: HJinhee Github: ho-taek Github: hansh0101 Task 진희 호택 승현 Role Git Convention Android Naming Conventio
Pixel perfect for design layout android
Pixelperfect Pixel perfect helps you design layouts according to the resolution of your users' device Follow the steps below to implement : dependen
This is a library for make auto slide image in android
Auto Image Slider Screenshot Image Slider Default Image Slider With Custom Adapter Usage Add ImageSlider to your layout
Pacman Created in JetpackCompose
Pacman Compose This Pacman style game is entirely created using Jetpack Compose, still currently a work-in progress. Demo Technology used All UI creat
This app using Mlkit along with the TensorFlow Lite model for object detection,
I built this app using Mlkit along with the TensorFlow Lite model for object detection, Arcore is used to place anchors to the detected objects. It's a good blend of Machine learning and Augmented reality to visualise ML information in a much better way than regular bounding boxes
iOS style scroll wheel (style similar to UIPickerView)
WheelPicker iOS-style scroll wheel picker Read this in other languages: Feature Day / Night Mode Support Customizable style Support circular scro
Refresh token Android Retrofit
Refresh Token Sample When multiple requests hit 404 (HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED), only single Refresh token request will be executed. After successful refresh,
An Android project containing image recognition and object detection models.
An Android project containing image recognition and object detection models. Users can input images into the deep learning model by taking photos, opening photo albums, and real-time previews on the Android side. After the calculation on the Android side is completed, the model will output the prediction result and show it to the user.
An MVI project setup using Jetpack compose. This would be a good place to start learning Model View Intent (MVI) architecture for Android.
Compose-MVI An MVI project setup using Jetpack compose. This would be a good place to start learning Model View Intent (MVI) architecture for Android.
an easy to use android library to let devs know how much internet-data their app is consuming
EasyAnalytics! an easy to use android library to let developers know how much internet-data their app is consuming. We can identify this as we want ba
SelectFrameView 模仿手淘自动识别 UI 选择控件
SelectFrameView 模仿手淘自动识别 UI 选择控件 Name Display SelectSimpleDraweeView 用法
An easy to use Instagram Video Downloader library for android apps.
Instagram-Video-Downloader-Library An easy to use library for directly download videos from ig reels, igtv. Implementation Step 1. Add the JitPack rep
a bitcoin key collision game for android
BitteryApp BitteryApp is an opensource bitcoin key collision game for Android. How to Build BitteryApp source code build in chromium building environm
Space recommendation system and augmenting informations with ARCore SDK
Space recommendation system and augmenting informations with ARCore SDK
Android Application to track Covid19.
Covid-19 Tracker A Java based app to track Covid-19. This app is made with the main motive of spreading awareness and providing statistical data relat
Image Cropping Library for Android, optimised for Camera / Gallery.
Image Cropping Library for Android, optimised for Camera / Gallery.
Qart is Android App that's based on CuteR project. App generate QR code that merge a picture. So the QR code looks more beautiful.
Qart is Android App that's based on CuteR project. App generate QR code that merge a picture. So the QR code looks more beautiful.
Yet another barcode scanner for Android
Binary Eye Yet another barcode scanner for Android. As if there weren't enough. This one is free, without any ads and open source. Works in portrait a
A beautiful Undo Redo animation built with Jetpack Compose
A beautiful Undo Redo animation built with Jetpack Compose
Spotify like android material bottom navigation bar library.
SuperBottomBar About Spotify like android material bottom navigation bar library. GIF Design Credits All design and inspiration credits belongs to Spo
Image Picker library for Android
Ronnie-Image-Picker Asks for Camera and storage permission and return uri of the images taken or picked from the gallery. Min Api Level: 16 Build Syst
QuatroGrade is a beautiful multi color (4 corners) gradient.
| | Setup Guide | Report new issue QuatroGrade QuatroGrade is a beautiful multi color gradient. Basically, it is a 4 vertex gradient. Features: Multi
Android sample app following best practices: Kotlin, Compose, Coroutines and Flow, Hilt, JetPack Navigation, ViewModel, MVVM and MVI, Retrofit, Coil
Foodies - Modern Android Architecture Foodies is a sample project that presents a modern 2021 approach to Android app development. The project tries t
🌹 쟈니할 땐 냉동실 앞에서 작업해요 .. 내 심장 녹아내리니까,....🌹
🌹 쉿 나의 아기고앵이로이드 🌹 박주예 김기현 신승민 Login Signup Journey Main Journey PushAlarm Journey Community Journey Challenge Journey Course Journey Diary 📕 Coding
Android library for finding connected devices on same WiFi network. It can provide IP Address, device name, MAC Address and vendor names.
Android WiFi Tools Android library for finding connected devices on the same WiFi network. It can provide IP Addresses, device names, MAC Address and
A simple android app that parses its own signature and displays it
SigDisplayer Usage Download the release APK or clone the repository and compile yourself. Sign the APK with your preferred keystore. Install and open
This repository demonstrates handling unauthorized tokens.
Android - sample handling unauthorized tokens This repository demonstrates handling unauthorized tokens. Refresh the access token using the refresh to
🚀 Android project template with Compose, MVVM, Hilt and Navigation
compose-android-template An Android project template with MVVM, Hilt, Navigation and Compose ✍️ Author 👤 theapache64 Twitter: @theapache64 Email: the
This is an example of a simple application with layered software base on clean-architecture as application architecture and mvvm as presentation architecture
This is an example of a simple application with layered software base on clean-architecture as application architecture and mvvm as presentation archi
Quick Text is about send the message on WhatsApp without saving number. You can see the status of other and share and download those status also.
Quick Text is about send the message on WhatsApp without saving number. You can see the status of other and share and download those status also.
Custom & highly configurable seek slider with sliding intervals, disabled state and every possible setting to tackle!
LabeledSeekSlider Custom & highly configurable seek slider with sliding intervals, disabled state and every possible setting to tackle! Minimum target
Compose RevealSwipe
RevealSwipe Current Compose Version: 1.0.0-beta09 Compose RevealSwipe Swipable in both directions Add to your project Add actual RevealSwipe library:
This assignment gives you basically a post list and its detail with comments.🚀
Android Assignment 📜 Description This assignment gives you basically a post list and its detail with comments. 📱 Features Users can see random post
Forget about bunch of XML files for maintaining UIs. Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI. Here is a small example to get started.
Jetpack Compose Sample Description This repository is to get started with new Jetpack Compose Toolkit for Android. By using Jetpack Compose you no nee
An extension to the built in Android Battery Saver
Buoy An extension to the built in Android Battery Saver Description The built-in Android battery saver mode is actually quite powerful. The only disap
DD_Monitor-android-kotlin 版本特性 支持Android7.0以上。 支持直播间id添加UP主。 支持拖拽UP主卡片添加到直播窗口,支持窗口拖拽交换。 支持横屏锁定。 支持定时睡眠。 支持16+3种布局方式。 使用须知 使用时请注意宽带网速、流量消耗、电池电量、机身发热、系统
Color Picker — beautiful library for Android
Color Picker — beautiful library for Android Features Simple dialog builder ARGB, RGB & HSV color models Dark theme support Sliders with gradient back
This Kotlin Multiplatform library is for accessing the TMDB API to get movie and TV show content. Using for Android, iOS, and JS projects.
Website | Forum | Documentation | TMDb 3 API Get movie and TV show content from TMDb in a fast and simple way. TMDb API This library gives access to T
Bundel is a digital wellbeing Android app, helping you to focus by grouping up notifications and only releasing them in batches
Bundel is a digital wellbeing Android app, helping you to focus by grouping up notifications and only releasing them in batches, at set times. This minimises context switching and improves productivity, while decreasing the impulse to continuously check your phone.
Shows how to build a VPN app for Android using leaf: https://github.com/eycorsican/leaf .
aleaf Shows how to build a VPN app for Android using leaf. Dependencies Rust GCC/clang Make SDK NDK LLVM (Windows host only, see below) Building Linux
Android playground project with modularization by feature (android libraries), unit tests, MVVM & MVI.
Movies Movies is a simple project to study and play with some android components, architecture and tools for Android development. Tech Stack This proj
A transaction management android app which allows you to verify records from both parties before addition.
Transact - Transaction Management Application Description Whenever we lend money to some people, friends, colleagues, we need to keep track of it to r
Taskify - An app to manage your daily tasks and boost your productivity. Taskify is built using kotlin and follows all modern android Development practices and hence is a good learning resource for beginners
Taskify Taskify is an app to manage your daily tasks and boost your productivity Video Introduction 📹 This is a small introduction video about Taskif
App-level wallpaper color palette generation for Android 5.0+
MonetCompat is an app-level implementation of kdrag0n's custom Monet implementation, based on his android12-extensions module. With MonetCompat you can generate color palettes from a user's wallpaper and use them anywhere in your app. It supports Android 5.0 and above (in Palette compatibility mode) and Android 8.1 and above in normal mode.
OpenNoteScanner - Android application for scanning and manipulating handwritten notes and documents.
OpenNoteScanner This little application provides a way on scanning handwritten notes and printed documents. It automatically detect the edge of the pa
An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices
KOReader is a document viewer primarily aimed at e-ink readers. Download • Wiki • Developer docs Main features portable: runs on embedded devices (Cer
Librera Reader is an e-book reader for Android devices;
Librera Reader is an e-book reader for Android devices; it supports the following formats: PDF, EPUB, EPUB3, MOBI, DjVu, FB2, TXT, RTF, AZW, AZW3, HTML, CBZ, CBR, DOC, DOCX, and OPDS Catalogs
A simple Pdf document viewer 💼
Pdf Viewer Plus Screenshots Main Page Main Page Cyanea Permissions and privacy This app does not collect any data. The following permissions are requi
Document Viewer is a highly customizable document viewer for Android.
Document Viewer Document Viewer is a highly customizable document viewer for Android. Supports the following formats: PDF DjVu EPUB XPS (OpenXPS) CBZ
Productivity Note App utilizing Jetpack Compose
DailyDoc Productivity Note App utilizing Jetpack Compose Currently working on improving UI features and will be applying these directly to the main br
Easy Response Mocking for Retrofit using annotations
Response Mocking for Retrofit using annotations. Assume Provides safe and easy way to mock API responses for retrofit-okhttp3.
An android app built using Kotlin following Multi-Module Clean Architecture MVVM
Notflix 🛠️ Work In Progress 🛠 An android app built using Kotlin that consumes TMDB API to display current trending, upcoming and popular movies 🍿 a
Android Kotlin: Matching Kitties: A Game Inspired by Cats
Android Kotlin: Matching Kitties: A Game Inspired by Cats A kotlin based Android memory game Screenshots | | | | | | | | | Viewing the App You can clo
The Rick And Morty - MVVM with a clean architecture approach using some of the best practices in Android Development.
Rick-and-Morty The Rick And Morty - App consuming a Rick and Morty API to display Characters it has been built with clean architecture principles, Rep
Android app for downloading novels
QuickNovel Adfree FOSS Android app for downloading novels. Discord: https://discord.gg/5Hus6fM Download: https://github.com/LagradOst/QuickNovel/relea
Opinionated Redux-like implementation backed by Kotlin Coroutines and Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
CoRed CoRed is Redux-like implementation that maintains the benefits of Redux's core idea without the boilerplate. No more action types, action creato
NestedScrollView for Jetpack Compose
NestedScrollView Let you have NestedScrollView in Jetpack Compose Usage Add Jitpack maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } Add the dependency implementat
Loading layout is a container view that manages easy switching between loading, completed and other states of your screen with a single line.
Loading layout is a container view that manages easy switching between loading, completed and other states of your screen with a single line.
ArcProgressbar project let create Arc progressbar in android in simplest way.
Arc Progressbar In Android ArcProgressbar project let create Arc progressbar in android in simplest way. USAGE To make a Arc Progressbar add ArcProgre
Adblocker for the Twitter Android app.
Twitter Ad Eater Twitter Ad Eater is a module for the Xposed/EdXPosed/LSPosed framework that attempts to remove ads from the Twitter Android applicati
A simple Notes Android app
Taskie - A Note Taking MVVM Application! Designed a simple Notes Android app following features A simple Notes Android app following features Single a
Collection of UIs and Animations built with Jetpack Compose for Android
Jet Composer is a sample app built with Jetpack Compose for Android, which demonstrates the various UIs and animations that can be built with it.
Grazel is a Gradle plugin to automate generation of valid Bazel files for a given Android/Kotlin/Java project.
Grazel Grazel stands for Gradle to Bazel. It is a Gradle plugin that enables you to migrate Android projects to Bazel build system in an incremental a
A simple app showing how to make a YouTube Shorts/TikTok style video pager
It's pretty straightforward to get started using ExoPlayer by following the library's Hello world! documentation. Once you throw Android's lifecycles
Here you can try out Kotlin Multiplatform and Jetpack Compose with some other cutting-edge technologies.
wire The Wire is a Kotlin Multiplatform sample project, currently supporting Android and Windows. Tools And Technolagies Architecture: MVVM MultiThrea
Auxio - A simple, rational music player for android.
Auxio is a local music player with a fast, reliable UI/UX without the many useless features present in other music players. Built off of Exoplayer, Auxio has a much better listening experience compared to other apps that use the native MediaPlayer API. In short, It plays music.
Odeon Music Player is a lightweight music player for Android.
Odeon 🎵 Odeon Music Player is a lightweight music player for Android. Get it on Google Play. We value your privacy, your battery life and your device
Transistor - Simple Radio App for Android
Transistor is an app with a minimalistic approach for listening to radio programs over the internet, which may not be to everyone's liking
Music Player: From UI Proposal to Code
Some developers have difficult to code when the UI proposal is a bit “sophisticated” or “complex”. Many of them strip a lot of significant portion of the UI or even the Motion when they are coding, and the result ends up quite different of the original proposal.
A clean music player with a customizable widget, stylish interface and no ads.
Simple Music Player A clean music player with a customizable widget. A music player easily controllable from the status bar, home screen widget or by
Signal is a messaging app for simple private communication with friends.
Signal Android Signal is a messaging app for simple private communication with friends. Signal uses your phone's data connection (WiFi/3G/4G) to commu
Official Android client for the Kontalk messaging system
This is the official Android client for the Kontalk messaging system. It always implements the latest protocol.