5488 Repositories
Android android-resources Libraries
Cross-platform framework for building truly native mobile apps with Java or Kotlin. Write Once Run Anywhere support for iOS, Android, Desktop & Web.
Codename One - Cross Platform Native Apps with Java or Kotlin Codename One is a mobile first cross platform environment for Java and Kotlin developers
The most complete and powerful data-binding library and persistence infra for Kotlin 1.3, Android & Splitties Views DSL, JavaFX & TornadoFX, JSON, JDBC & SQLite, SharedPreferences.
Lychee (ex. reactive-properties) Lychee is a library to rule all the data. ToC Approach to declaring data Properties Other data-binding libraries Prop
Crossword library for Android
Ararat Ararat is a crossword library for Android, written for and used by alphacross. It includes: Parsers for various formats CrosswordRenderer, whic
VideoView that plays video only when :eyes: are open and :boy: is detected with various other features
LookAtMe VideoView that plays video only when 👀 are open and 👦 is detected with various other features GIF AndroidPub (Medium) Post You can read the
Android Video Crop
🔺 Before using this library, read information below 🔺 This library is not more supported. If you want to add new feature or fix a bug, grab source
Android Texture VideoView having a variety of scale types like the scale types of ImageView such as fitCenter, centerCrop, centerTopCrop and more
Android-ScalableVideoView Looking for the extra scale types of ImageView? Check out ScalableImageView. Android Texture VideoView having a variety of s
A better Android VideoView with more Media Controller customization. 一个更好用的Android VideoView
Android UniversalVideoView 中文版说明请点击这里 UniversalVideoView is a Android widget helps playing video easier, which is similar with the Android system nati
A simple library for parsing and playing links from YouTube, YouTube Music, Vimeo and Rutube is WebView without the need to connect api data services. Request caching is available now
Android Oembed Video A simple library for parsing and playing links from YouTube, YouTube Music, Vimeo and Rutube and others in the WebView without th
Free p2p cdn android github sdk to reduce video streaming costs of live and on demand video using webrtc by upto 90% and improve scalability by 6x - 🚀 Vadootv 🚀
Android p2p cdn sdk to distribute load and reduce costs(https://peervadoo.com) Vadootv is a p2p sdk integration to reduce your video streaming costs b
On device extracting images from videos - creating video from images.
AndroidVideoTranscoder Surprisingly fast on device video transcoding. Features extracting images from video either ffmpeg or mediacodec creating video
Trail is a simple logging system for Java and Android. Create logs using the same API and the library will detect automatically in which platform the code is running.
Trail Trail is a simple logging system for Java and Android. Create logs using the same API and the library will detect automatically in which platfor
A DSL to handle soft keyboard visibility change event written in Kotlin.
About A DSL to handle soft keyboard visibility change event written in Kotlin. How to use? Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repo
A helper library to ease the most repetitive codes with simple reusable attributes.
ak-universal-android-helper A helper library to ease the most repetitive codes with simple reusable attributes. AKUAH can help you with many repetitiv
Reactor is key value database and is a great alternative to Shared Preferences.
Reactor Reactor is a fast and secure key-value library for Android, and has an embedded database based on the JSON structure and is a great alternativ
Android library which makes it easy to handle the different obstacles while calling an API (Web Service) in Android App.
API Calling Flow API Calling Flow is a Android library which can help you to simplify handling different conditions while calling an API (Web Service)
A simple and easy to use stopwatch and timer library for android
TimeIt Now with Timer support! A simple and easy to use stopwatch and timer library for android Introduction A stopwatch can be a very important widge
Android gallery & photo/video functionality simplified with RxJava2
RxGallery Android gallery & photo/video functionality simplified with RxJava2 Setup To use this library your minSdkVersion must be = 9. Add it in you
Slinger - deep linking library for Android
Slinger - deep linking library for Android Slinger is a small Android library for handling custom Uri which uses regular expression to catch and route
learn RxJava in new way!
RxLab amazing tool to learn ReactiveX Programming with animation, schedulers and time project on GitHub. this is an open source Android application wr
It's finally easy to take photos/videos via camera or get photos/videos from gallery on Android.
Shutter-Android It's finally easy to take photos/videos via camera or get photos/videos from gallery on Android. What is Shutter? Shutter is an Androi
Ask Permission - Simple RunTime permission manager
Ask Permission https://kishanjvaghela.github.io/Ask-Permission/ Simple RunTime permission manager How to use Add url to your gradle file compile 'com.
Secure Preference Manager for android. It uses various Encryption to protect your application's Shared Preferences.
Secure-Pref-Manager ##Secure Preference Manager is a simple Library to help you protect your Shared Preferences. Secure Preference Manager for android
Simplifying Android Permissions
Gota Libary With Android 6.0 Marshmallow, Google introduced a new permission model that allows users to better understand why an application may be re
Android Secure SharedPreferences Using Facebook Conceal Encryption
SharedChamber Android Project : SharedChamber on top of SharedPreferences using Facebook Conceal Description Conceal provides a set of Java APIs to pe
Android library that regroup bunch of dateTime utilities
DateTimeUtils This library is a package of functions that let you manipulate objects and or java date string. it combine the most common functions use
A tool to validate text inside TextInputLayout
Download dependencies { implementation 'com.github.anderscheow:validator:2.2.1' } Usage Available rules LengthRule MaxRule MinRule NotEmptyRule NotN
Various useful utilities for Android apps development
Android Commons Various useful utilities for Android apps development. API documentation provided as Javadoc. Usage Add dependency to your build.gradl
A simple Android utils library to write any type of data into cache files and read them later.
CacheUtilsLibrary This is a simple Android utils library to write any type of data into cache files and then read them later, using Gson to serialize
Easy SharedPreference Engine foR ANDROid
esperandro Easy SharedPreference Engine foR ANDROid What? esperandro makes it simple to use SharedPreferences in a nicer and less error-prone way. Wit
Utility for detecting and notifying when your Android app goes background / becomes foreground
Foredroid Utility for detecting and notifying when your Android app goes background / becomes foreground. API-level 14+. Usage: Initialise Foreground
Preference wrappers for primitive types for Android
Typed Preferences This library for Android provides classes which allow to store and retrieve settings from the preferences. There is an individual cl
Small Android library to help you incorporate MVP, Passive View and Presentation Model patterns in your app
DroidMVP About DroidMVP is a small Android library to help you incorporate the MVP pattern along with Passive View and Presentation Model (yes, those
Error handling library for Android and Java
ErrorHandler Error handling library for Android and Java Encapsulate error handling logic into objects that adhere to configurable defaults. Then pass
Convert OkHttp requests into curl logs.
Ok2Curl Convert OkHttp requests into curl logs. Usage Add library to project dependencies. Library is hosted on jcenter. repositories { jcenter()
A set of helper classes for using dagger 1 with Android components such as Applications, Activities, Fragments, BroadcastReceivers, and Services.
##fb-android-dagger A set of helper classes for using dagger with Android components such as Applications, Activities, Fragments, BroadcastReceivers,
Access and process various types of personal data in Android with a set of easy, uniform, and privacy-friendly APIs.
PrivacyStreams PrivacyStreams is an Android library for easy and privacy-friendly personal data access and processing. It offers a functional programm
[Deprecated] Sexy way to execute async/background tasks on Android
Groundy library for Android @Deprecated Unfortunatenly this library is no longer maintained, we encourage you to use other widely supported solutions
Caldav synch adapter for Android
AndroidCaldavSyncAdapater CalDAV Sync Adapter for Android See wiki for more information and server compatibility list (https://github.com/gggard/Andro
A small library which will save you from writing the same intent creation code again and again for the most simple tasks
Android Intents A small library which will save you from writing the same intent creation code again and again for the most simple tasks. I found myse
Android app that displays the logcat buffer in a system overlay window
Ghost Log Ghost Log is an Android application that displays the device logcat buffer in a system overlay window. NOTE: Device root (superuser) access
Access to 1000+ colors on android!
Colorize Android quick access to 1000+ pre-loaded @colors! Install Add the dependency to your build.gradle dependencies { compile 'com.cesarferrei
A small utility to record Android device screen to a GIF
RoboGif A small utility to record Android device screen to an optimized GIF so you can paste it to GitHub or a similar service. Requirements Python 2.
Create a simple and more understandable Android logs.
DebugLog Create a simple and more understandable Android logs. #Why? android.util.Log is the most usable library of the Android. But, when the app rel
A log collector for Android
Puree Description Puree is a log collector which provides the following features: Filtering: Enable to interrupt process before sending log. You can a
Very easy to use wrapper library for Android SharePreferences
Treasure English document Treasure是一个Android平台上基于SharePreferences的偏好存储库,只需要定义接口,无需编写实现,默认支持Serializable和Parcelable。运行时0反射,不仅使用方便而且性能和原生写法几乎无差别。 使用方法 1
Routable, an in-app native URL router, for Android
Routable Routable is an in-app native URL router, for Android. Also available for iOS. Usage Set up your app's router and URLs: import com.usepropelle
Utilities I wish Android had but doesn't
wishlist Library of helpers and utilities that I wish were included in the Android SDK but aren't. If you think something in this library is already h
Speed up your Android development
Caffeine Speed up your Android development! A collection of utility classes that help make Android development faster (and safer!) Examples No more un
Android bitmap Face Cropper
AndroidFaceCropper Android bitmap Face Cropper Link to sample apk and jar ##Usage To crop faces automatically, you have to instantiate an object of Fa
[] Define and render UI specs on top of your Android UI
dspec A simple way to define and render UI specs on top of your Android UI. Usage Enclose the target UI with a DesignSpecFrameLayout, usually the root
Thrift for Android that saves you methods
Thrifty Thrifty is an implementation of the Apache Thrift software stack for Android, which uses 1/4 of the method count taken by the Apache Thrift co
A simple library for validating user input in forms using annotations.
ValidationKomensky for Android A simple library for validating user input in forms using annotations. Features: Validate all views at once and show fe
Form Validator Library for Android
Android-Validator Form Validator Library for Android [](https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=throrin19&url=https://github.com/throrin19/Android-Vali
APK parser for Android
APK Parser Features Retrieve basic apk metas, such as title, icon, package name, version, etc. Parse and convert binary xml file to text Classes from
Android library to easily serialize and cache your objects to disk using key/value pairs.
Deprecated This project is no longer maintained. No new issues or pull requests will be accepted. You can still use the source or fork the project to
A beautiful set of predefined colors and a set of color methods to make your Android development life easier.
Colours is a port of the Colours Library for iOS made by my good friend Ben Gordon. You can find that project here. Installation Maven Central Colours
Wrapper around the android Camera class that simplifies its usage
EasyCamera Wrapper around the android Camera class that simplifies its usage (read more about the process) Usage: // the surface where the preview wil
An Android library allowing images to exhibit a parallax effect that reacts to the device's tilt
Motion An Android library allowing images to exhibit a parallax effect. By replacing static pictures and backgrounds with a fluid images that reacts t
Android Market In-app Billing Library
Update In-app Billing v2 API is deprecated and will be shut down in January 2015. This library was developed for v2 a long time ago. If your app is st
Android library for viewing, editing and sharing in app databases.
DbInspector DbInspector provides a simple way to view the contents of the in-app database for debugging purposes. There is no need to pull the databas
Scalable vector graphics for Android
Sharp Sharp is a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) implementation for Android. It facilitates loading vector graphics as SharpDrawables, and can effectiv
iTunes 11-style color matching code for Android
##About ColorArt is a library that uses an image to create a themed image/text display. It's a port of the idea found on the Panic Blog to work on And
[] Easy async loading for Android's ListView/GridView
NOTE: Smoothie's API is not final yet. Although the library is fairly funcional, this is still beta-quality code. Do not rely on it for production cod
Android device shake detection.
Seismic Android device shake detection. Download Download the latest .jar or depend via Maven: dependency groupIdcom.squareup/groupId artif
A Virtual Machine For Assessing Android applications, Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis
Androl4b AndroL4b is an android security virtual machine based on ubuntu-mate includes the collection of latest framework, tutorials and labs from dif
General purpose utilities and hash functions for Android and Java (aka java-common)
Essentials Essentials are a collection of general-purpose classes we found useful in many occasions. Beats standard Java API performance, e.g. LongHas
Android Shared preference wrapper than encrypts the values of Shared Preferences. It's not bullet proof security but rather a quick win for incrementally making your android app more secure.
Secure-preferences - Deprecated Please use EncryptedSharedPreferences from androidx.security in preferenced to secure-preference. (There are no active
Collection of source codes, utilities, templates and snippets for Android development.
Android Templates and Utilities [DEPRECATED] Android Templates and Utilities are deprecated. I started with this project in 2012. Android ecosystem ha
:iphone: [Android Library] Get device information in a super easy way.
EasyDeviceInfo Android library to get device information in a super easy way. The library is built for simplicity and approachability. It not only eli
WebSocket & WAMP in Java for Android and Java 8
Autobahn|Java Client library providing WAMP on Java 8 (Netty) and Android, plus (secure) WebSocket for Android. Autobahn|Java is a subproject of the A
AndroidProcesses A small Android library to get the current running processes PLEASE NOTE, THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED Google has signi
UPnP/DLNA library for Java and Android
Cling EOL: This project is no longer actively maintained, code may be outdated. If you are interested in maintaining and developing this project, comm
OpenKeychain is an OpenPGP implementation for Android.
OpenKeychain (for Android) OpenKeychain is an OpenPGP implementation for Android. For a more detailed description and installation instructions go to
a SharedPreferences replacement for Android with multiprocess support
DEPRECATED - no longer actively maintained Tray - a SharedPreferences replacement for Android If you have read the documentation of the SharedPreferen
Joda-Time library with Android specialization
joda-time-android This library is a version of Joda-Time built with Android in mind. Why Joda-Time? Android has built-in date and time handling - why
A lightning fast, transactional, file-based FIFO for Android and Java.
Tape by Square, Inc. Tape is a collection of queue-related classes for Android and Java. QueueFile is a lightning-fast, transactional, file-based FIFO
A robust native library loader for Android.
ReLinker A robust native library loader for Android. More information can be found in our blog post Min SDK: 9 JavaDoc Overview The Android PackageMan
✔️ Secure, simple key-value storage for Android
Hawk 2.0 Secure, simple key-value storage for android Important Note This version has no backward compatibility with Hawk 1+ versions. If you still wa
gRPC and protocol buffers for Android, Kotlin, and Java.
Wire “A man got to have a code!” - Omar Little See the project website for documentation and APIs. As our teams and programs grow, the variety and vol
a simple cache for android and java
ASimpleCache ASimpleCache 是一个为android制定的 轻量级的 开源缓存框架。轻量到只有一个java文件(由十几个类精简而来)。 1、它可以缓存什么东西? 普通的字符串、JsonObject、JsonArray、Bitmap、Drawable、序列化的java对象,和 b
Java implementation of a Disk-based LRU cache which specifically targets Android compatibility.
Disk LRU Cache A cache that uses a bounded amount of space on a filesystem. Each cache entry has a string key and a fixed number of values. Each key m
A logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class.
This is a logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class. I copy this class into all the little apps
A util for setting status bar style on Android App.
StatusBarUtil A util for setting status bar style on Android App. It can work above API 19(KitKat 4.4). 中文版点我 Sample Download StatusBarUtil-Demo Chang
Customizable Item Setting View Android
ItemSettingView Simple ItemSettingView and Custom Installation Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: allprojects { reposito
Step indicator with titles/labels and tons of customizations.
PageStepIndicator was built from existing StepIndicator library developed by Layerlre . I needed a page indicator that can display title and at the sa
ChatBar for Android A sweet message box designed for Android developers. Getting Started Installing You can use it step by step Sample use chatBarView
Modern About Box for an Android App
About Box A modern About Box for an Android App built on the daniel-stoneuk/material-about-library. Easily display the common items of an About Box in
Android SegmentedControl + multi row support
Android SegmentedControl + multi row support + multi selection minSdk API 14+ Demo App, Play store link Or try demo App online ! Segmented control for
The CustomCalendarView provides an easy and customizable calendar to create a Calendar. It dispaly the days of a month in a grid layout and allows to navigate between months
Custom-Calendar-View To use the CustomCalendarView in your application, you first need to add the library to your application. You can do this by eith
A library that provides an implementation of the banner widget from the Material design.
MaterialBanner A banner displays a prominent message and related optional actions. MaterialBanner is a library that provides an implementation of the
A swipe button for Android with a circular progress bar for async operations
ProSwipeButton A swipe button for Android with a circular progress bar for async operations Gradle dependencies { ... compile 'in.shadowfax:pr
Make your native android Dialog Fancy. A library that takes the standard Android Dialog to the next level with a variety of styling options. Style your dialog from code.
FancyAlertDialog-Android Prerequisites Add this in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file): allprojects { repositories { ..
A drawing view for your android application.
Android Draw A drawing view for your android application Download For information : checkout Sample App Code in repository. Dependency Step 1. Add the
Android library for fluid tablayout animation as seen on Snapchat.
SnapTabLayout Show some ❤️ and star the repo to support the project This library is the implementation of TabLayout as seen on popular messaging app S
Code Guide: How to create Snapchat-like image stickers and text stickers.
MotionViews-Android Code Guide : How to create Snapchat-like image stickers and text stickers After spending 2000+ hours and releasing 4+ successful a
Parallax everywhere is a library with alternative android widgets with parallax effects.
Parallax Everywhere# Parallax everywhere (PEW) is a library with alternative android views using parallax effects. Demo You can try the demo app on go
SmileyRating is a simple rating bar for android. It displays animated smileys as rating icon.
Smiley Rating SmileyRating is a simple rating bar for android. It displays animated smileys as rating icon. Drawn completely using android canvas Insp
Make your native android Toasts Fancy. A library that takes the standard Android toast to the next level with a variety of styling options. Style your toast from code.
FancyToast-Android Prerequisites Add this in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file): allprojects { repositories { ... ma
Android FlatUI Kit
Android FlatUI FlatUI is a library that lets you use native android widgets with a better and customized look. You can define the widgets in XML or cr
Android UI library.
Deprecated This library is deprecated and no further development is taking place. android-ui Android library for UI components. Gradle integration: re