1934 Repositories
Android candroid-app-store Libraries
Room : Sleep Quality Tracker app
Room - SleepQualityTracker app This is the toy app for Lesson 6 of the Android App Development in Kotlin course on Udacity. SleepQualityTracker The Sl
Movie List App Built With Kotlin
MovieList App Demo app that uses TheMovideDB V3 API to fetch some lists describing the upcoming, popular and top rated movies in their database. The u
It is a fun project(android app), that contains everything about hip-hop.
Hip Hop School This is a fun project (android app). This app contains information about Hip Hop, like its history, beefs, etc. App Architecture An att
Handy library to integrate pagination, which allow no data layout, refresh layout, recycler view in one view and easy way to bind pagination in app.
Pagination View Handy library to integrate pagination, which allow no data layout, refresh layout, recycler view in one view and easy way to bind pagi
A simple App which fetches data from NewYork times api and show news to the user
Stay-TheNewsApp This is a simple java app, which fetches data from NewYork times api and show news to the user, News can be seen from various categori
An unofficial Mangadex app using KMM
Mochi An unofficial Mangadex app using KMM. The app uses Mangadex new Public API, which may change at any time. ☢️ !!!Currently in Production. Not int
Small app to create icon sets for Linux, Windows, OSX, Android and IOS from a single PNG image
FXIconcreator Small app to create icon sets (multi resolution) for Linux, Windows, OSX from a single PNG image Reason for creating such an app was tha
Here OneSignal push and in-app-message have been implemented
OneSIgnal demo project Here we have implemented OneSignal inAppMessage and Push Notification ANDROID SDK SETUP WITH ONESIGNAL: https://documentation.o
Registration validation testing, Room database testing using JUnit4
Notes app Registration details validation testing, Room database testing using JUnit4 ✨ Screenshots Authors Tridev Deka - LinkedIn - Tridev Deka MIT L
Astrobin Browser App With Kotlin
Astrobin Browser App This app is a read-only app for browsing Astrobin. This app is being developed as part of a hackathon project, and may never reac
This app contains feature barcode and QR scanner, and video recording in-app.
BarcodeQRScannerAndVideoRecord This app contains feature barcode and QR scanner, and video recording in-app. Scanner using ML Kit and CameraX. Video R
The Shoe Stone Inventory App
The Shoe Store This project will consist of five screens. You don't have to create a shoe store, you can use any other item as long as you create the
🎄 Simple Jokes App using Jetpack Compose powered by sv443.net API
Jokepack This App list jokes from sv443.net API Note: I'm using this project just to learn Jetpack Compose Still in development, but the App is availa
Jet-CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture.
Jet-CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture. The project is quite simple which shows the list of crypto currencies and their general info details gets from API.
Sample app to demonstrate the integration code and working of Dyte SDK for android, using Kotlin.
Dyte Kotlin Sample App An example app in kotlin using the Dyte Mobile SDK Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Content
ToDo App based on Modern Android Application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture.
ToDo App Task Management App based on Modern Android Application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture. Techs Used 💻 Kotlin - First class and official pr
Coin Stalker App is an android application that displays current crypto currency rates.
Coin-Stalker Coin Stalker App is an android application that displays current crypto currency rates based on modern Android application tech-stacks an
A very simple way to implement In App Purchases on Android.
The Google-developed Android In App Purchases library can seem quite confusing and too much code to do something as simple as making in-app purchases
German public broadcasting live streams as an Android app
Über FAQ Changelog Bibliotheken Über Zapp ist Teil von MediathekView und gibt dir einen schnellen Zugang zu vielen deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fe
Movie listing app using Jetpack Compose and Tmdb api
Jetflix A Movie listing app using TheMovieDb api and Jetpack Compose. Based on MVVM architecture with Dagger Hilt. Screenshots Download Go to Releases
Android app for Taiga agile system
TaigaMobile This is unofficial android app for taiga.io (agile project management system) built with Jetpack Compose (brand new UI toolkit from Google
Bu repositorie Google'ın tamamıyla ücretsiz olarak sunduğu Android Kotlin Fundamentals içeriğindeki projelerin tamamıdır.
Bu repositorie Google'ın tamamıyla ücretsiz olarak sunduğu Android Kotlin Fundamentals içeriğindeki projelerin tamamıdır. Kotlin ile Android geliştiriciliğine başlayacaklara önerilir.
A TODO list app with location reminders that remind the user to do something when the user is at a specific location
Project Title Location Reminder Getting Started A TODO list app with location reminders that remind the user to do something when the user is at a spe
Simple Workout App which contains list of workouts.
MAD Assignment-2 Title : Simple-Workout-App Description : Simple Android App contains list workouts and keep track of progress based on workout Build
This is a Movie API app in which data is fetched online from the TMDB site using API authentication.
Movie-API This is a Movie API app in which data is fetched online from the TMDB site using API authentication. MVVM model is used for Database Managme
Android Library for cropping an image at ease.
Cropper - Android Image Cropper Android Image Cropper Powerful (Zoom, Rotation, Multi-Source); Customizable (Shape, Limits, Style); Optimized (Async,
A Tip Calculator app written in Kotlin that takes Total cost as an input and calculate tip according to the feedbacks.
Create a Tip Calculator App Code for the Android Basics in Kotlin: Create a Tip Calculator app codelab. In this codelab, you will be writing code for
Simple ToDo app for CodePath
Project 1 - Simple ToDo Simple ToDo is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding
Live currency app in Uzbek sum
currencyApp Pro currency rate App Currency Converter providing real time exchange rates for over 180+ currencies and countries. You can setup persona
LBRY app for Android TV
I started this project to develop a LBRY video browser for Android TV, it is still in developing, what I have done is loading trending videos, suggest
A call blocker.
KBlock 📞 🚫 Introduction KBlock - A call blocking android app (currently works for API 28+) About It imports all the user contacts from the Contacts
ICSx⁵ is an Android app to subscribe to remote or local iCalendar files (like time tables of your school/university or event files of your sports team).
ICSx⁵ ICSx⁵ is an Android app to subscribe to remote Webcal feeds / iCalendar files (like time tables of your school/university or event files of your
A material tea-timer for android
What is this This project emerged as a tea-timer is something I nearly use every day and the app I was using so far was not ideal to me. I used the on
Delish, a Food Recipes App in Jetpack Compose and Hilt based on modern Android tech-stacks and MVVM clean architecture.
Delish Screens Tech stack & Open-source libraries 100% Kotlin based + Coroutines + Flow for asynchronous. Dagger Hilt 2.37 Accompanist JetPack Jetpack
SplitMATE Android App
Costs are not the only variable when it comes to organizing events. Split whatever you want with SplitMATE, create voting polls, check items & tasks,
Android app with a simple NFC payment system to manage visitor consumption at short-duration events and festivals. (Research project)
Clevent Também disponível em Português Clevent is an Android application developed for a Undergraduate Research that uses NFC technology to create a p
Bible Study App, by And Bible Open Source Project
Bible Study App by And Bible Open Source Project Powerful offline Bible Study tool for Android Promovideo See promovideo in Youtube Users Please see t
A pet adoption app UI built with super powerful Jetpack Compose for #AndroidDevChallenge
PetyKT 🐶 Awesome pet adoption app built to demonstrate the use of super powerful and modern UI development toolkit i.e. Jetpack Compose UI for #Andro
A digital wellbeing Android app that helps minimise distractions when you don't want them
Bundel is a digital wellbeing Android app, helping you to focus by grouping up notifications and only releasing them in batches, at set times. This minimises context switching and improves productivity, while decreasing the impulse to continuously check your phone.
Weather app : Jetpack Compose Clean Architecture Example
Weather app - Jetpack Compose Clean Architecture Example Weather app is an example for show current weather from World Cities, built with Jetpack Comp
A calculator app based on Material You
Kotlin Calculator 🧮 A calculator app based on Material You. 🧮 This is a basic calculator app made from Kotlin, which uses Monet Engine on Android 12
An app to view libraries used in apps in your device.
An app to view libraries used in apps in your device.
A Movie listing app with unit tests and a couple of UI tests
MovieListings App This app is a Movie listing app with unit tests and a couple of UI tests. The app gets a list of movies from a public API, and the d
App kotlin with flow, paging 3, MVVM, Room, Dagger hilt
TMDBTest App kotlin with flow, paging 3, MVVM, Room, Dagger hilt Para compilar la app se tiene que descargar el proyecto. Luego poner la APIKEY de TMD
App uses NewsAPI to get news for kotlin
News App Tech Stack 🛠️ Kotlin MVVM & Repository pattern LiveData Navigation Coroutines Retrofit Room Glide About App 💡 This app uses NewsAPI to get
A sample audio app for Android
Universal Android Music Player Sample The goal of this sample is to show how to implement an audio media app that works across multiple form factors a
Campfire is a companion app for musicians and people who like to sing
Campfire (backend) Explore a handpicked library of high quality song lyrics and chords. Campfire is a companion app for musicians and people who like
FireNote is an easy-to-use Android App for creating Notes and Checklists.
FireNote FireNote is an easy-to-use Android App for creating Notes and Checklists. Everything is stored in the cloud and is synced to all your devices
An app for catching up on things.
CatchUp An app for catching up on things. https://www.zacsweers.dev/catching-up-on-catchup-introduction/ Motivations There's a lot of services I like
Source extensions for the Tachiyomi app.
Build Support Server Tachiyomi Extensions Tachiyomi is a free and open source manga reader for Android 6.0 and above. This repository contains the ava
Shopping is an app an e-commerce application under creating
Shopping Shopping is an app an e-commerce application under creating This repository was made under a non-profit initiative with the aim of developing
Plannr is an organizational platform, in the form of an Android app, that helps university students coordinate their everyday routine, from schoolwork and expenses to their personal life.
Plannr Plannr is an organizational platform, in the form of an Android app, that helps university students coordinate their everyday routine, from sch
A little app that was built with Jetpack Compose
RateIt Compose 📜 Description A little app that was built with Jetpack Compose. It contains only one screen with custom animated content. The goal of
Android App of Pager
Pager Pager allows you to communicate with people without any infrastructure based services like cellular network or Wifi. We make this possible by tr
Android Contacts API Library written in Kotlin with Java interoperability.
Android Contacts API Library written in Kotlin with Java interoperability. No more ContentProviders and cursors. Say goodbye to ContactsContract. Build your own contacts app!
New style for app design simple bottom navigation with side navigation drawer UI made in Jetpack Compose.😉😎
BottomNavWithSideDrawer New style for app design simple bottom navigtaion with side navigation drawer UI made in Jetpack Compose. 😉 😎 (Navigation Co
simple android grocery app using kotlin and android studio
Project Idea The idea of this project is to make a grocery android app that users can use to order the groceries they want. It doesn't contain any bac
The app i wrote in DEVFEST Çanakkale 2021 - Bugdroid Academy while teaching about kotlin and android.
DiceRollerApp An app that rolls dice when the button is clicked. Made this app in DEVFEST Çanakkale 2021 Bugdroid Academy while teaching about kotlin
Sample shoe inventory app with navigation.
README Template Below is a template provided for use when building your README file for students. Project Title Project description goes here. Getting
Kotlin Android app for cataloging books off home/office library.
MyLibrary App Kotlin Android app for cataloging books off home/office library. Features: Searching COBISS, Google Books and OpenLibrary by scanning IS
Small library that allows the application to display a small troubleshooting guide in case of repeated app startup crashes.
AppSalvager What is it? AppSalvager allows you to combat the issue of repeating crashes on app startup. Failed data migration, SDKs not handling their
For mobile app program project
For mobile app program project
Console Weather App With Kotlin
ConsoleWeatherApp Описание Данный сервис позволяет получить текущее состояние погоды в выбранном городе. Использование Сервис может быть запущен со сл
MVI Architecture Android Beginners: Sample App
MVI Architecture Android Beginners: Sample App This repository contains a sample app that implements MVI architecture using Kotlin, ViewModel, LiveDat
A Simple Portfolio App With Kotlin
Portofolio APP SKL ke-3 IDN Minggu ke-1 2021 saya telah belajar: Saya telah belajar Android Studio Activity Main. Saya telah belajar Menambahkan Fragm
An educational android app that provides services like notes, online videos and visualization calculator to learn and understand deep concepts of DSA.
Aldo ALDO is a free education app for the young programmers who are desiring to master the concepts of Data Structure and Algorithms. ALDO offers prac
Simple, lightweight, modular components to help conjure your app architecture
Magic Simple, lightweight, modular components and utilities to help conjure your app architecture. Built with Kotlin coroutines to provide flexible as
Note App With ApiKtor
NoteAppWithApiKtor Note App used to save your notes as text , images and urls by beautifil desgin by using ktor framework backend by server ngrok Scre
Location Reminder App build as part of the udacity nanodegree program
Location Reminder a Location Reminder App with notifications that remind the user to do something when the user is at a specific location. built as pa
Kotlin Spring Boot on GCP App Engine Standard
Kotlin Spring Boot on GCP App Engine Standard Deploy locally git clone https://github.com/mvladoi/sinch-task.git cd springboot mvn spring-boot:run 7
A sample photo browsing app in Kotlin, Android using Picsum image API.
Picsum Photo App Functionality The app's functionality includes: Fetch a list of images from picsum photos api (https://picsum.photos/) and show them
Android Bitcoin market app base on Jetpack Compose and MVI. The app displays current bitcoin market price and history price k-line charts.
compose-bitcoin Android Bitcoin market app base on Jetpack Compose and MVVM & MVI. Features Current bitcoin market price. K-line charts of history pri
Akshaya Patra Donation App using Razorpay android integration
Akshaya Patra Donation App (razorpay-android-integration) Akshaya Patra Donation App using razorpay integration Dependency used : Razorpay : com.razor
Removes account requirements and telemetry from Oculus Quest devices
Removes account requirements and telemetry from Oculus Quest devices
ProtonMail Android app
ProtonMail Android app
This is a app that fetches a marvel comic from the marvel api
MarvelApp This is a app that fetches a marvel comic from the marvel api Build Instructions In order for this app to work, both a private and public ma
Name of your app is an android app that allows building a todo list
Project 1 - SimpleToDo Name of your app is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including add
Shoe Store project first Attempt
Shoe Store project first Attempt User Info: email: mostafa.n3ma@gmail.com password:12345 I had problem to select the home Screen for the navigation gr
News Demo app using Jetpack compose
News Demo News App built with JetPack Compose(v1.0.0-alpha02) The app contains following libraries Jetpack Compose (UI) Dagger-Hilt (Dependency Inject
This folder contains the source code for the Words app codelab.
Words App This folder contains the source code for the Words app codelab. Introduction Words app allows you to select a letter and use Intents to navi
A simple karaoke app. My first Android project.
Chorus This is my first Android project ever. I'm very happy that I managed to start it. Thanks a lot to the devs, who made all of the software I'm us
Hacker News Android App - Made with Kotlin
HackerNewsApp Hacker News Android App - Made with Kotlin Simple app that request, the latests HackerNews posts and allows to delete items from the cli
Movie Android App written in Kotlin, MVVM, RxJava, Coroutine (Upcoming), Android Architecture Components and Jetpack Compose (Upcoming).
MovieHunt MovieHunt is a sample Android project using The Movie DB API based on MVVM architecture. It showcases the latest Android tech stacks with we
Foodies App Built With Kotlin
Foodies-App WhatsApp.Video.2021-11-26.at.2.17.56.AM.mp4 Foodies is an app for people who are binge eaters who can't control their hunger, but who are
App Conversor
Facil-Combustivel Aplicativo de conversão e cálculo de combustível. Esse projeto foi pensado para dar uma maior clareza em relação ao uso de álcool e
Android app for testing out various networking capabilities
Networking Tools Collection of handy networking tools for everyday development. Port Scanning Subnet Device Finder (discovers devices on local network
A travel planning app.
Torguide Project Overview This repository is for the Android client of my app Torguide. Torguide is a travel planning app that will allow you to plan
Server & Web App of Tolgee localization toolkit
Server & Web App of Tolgee localization toolkit
A JavaFX app to visualize RNA alignments from Rfam database.
Kaknas Kaknas is a JavaFX graphical tool to visualize and manipulate RNA alignments from the Rfam database. It is powered with RNArtistCore. For a giv
Criação de um App de Dicionário dividido em duas etapas utilizando Activities, Intents, Fragments e o componente de navegação
Words App This folder contains the source code for the Words app codelab. Introduction Words app allows you to select a letter and use Intents to navi
This repository contains event driven redis app uses redis streams
Spring Boot Redis Streams This repository contains event driven redis app uses redis streams Run redis in docker docker run --rm --name redis -itp6379
AmiboBox Android Tablet App
AmiboBox Android Tablet App Licensed with MIT Public Licence. Developed by OSSI Austria as a prototyp for the Netidee-funded project AMIGO. Thanks and
Kotlin dropwizard app running on Java 11. With Guice injection loaded.
hello world How to start the hello world application Run mvn clean install to build your application Start application with java -jar target/dropwizar
Simple lemonade game app for "gabut" people (maybe)
Project: Lemonade App - Starter Code Starter code for the first independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin Introduction This is the starter code
EYLock App Built With Kotlin
EYLock Video Link : https://youtu.be/JfsFKS6zRmo Installation After clone the repo to your local or download it as a zip, you can open the project by
A springboot secure web app with jsp support.
kotlin-web-maven-spring-jsp-register-rsa-encrypt-argon2-encoded Description A springboot secure web app with jsp support. Three roles are defined; USE
Navigation Component: THE BEST WAY to create navigation flows for your app
LIVE #017 - Navigation Component: A MELHOR FORMA de criar fluxos de navegação para o seu app! Código fonte do projeto criado na live #017, ensinando c
A springboot secure web app with thymeleaf support.
kotlin-web-maven-spring-thyme-challenge-question-aes-encoded-scrypt-encode Description A springboot secure web app with thymeleaf support. Three roles
Single player game app that displays scrambled words
Unscramble App Single player game app that displays scrambled words. To play the game, player has to make a word using all the letters in the displaye
Choose Your Movies App For Android
Choose Your Movie The Movie Database sitesinden çekilen güncel filmlerin listelendiği ve filmlerin detaylarına erişildiği mobil uygulamadır. Kullanıla